Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

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9428 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,7841. Tiddeċiedi u tiddikjara illi ż-żwieġ bejn il-partijiet tas-16 ta’Awwissu 1996 imsemmi fir-rikors huwa null u bla efettgħall-finijiet u effetti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-liġi u tilqa’ t-<strong>tal</strong>biet l-oħrafir-rikors.Bl-ispejjeż, kontra l-intimat inġunt in subizzjoni.Rikorrenti: Blokk A, Flat 1, Triq iċ-Ċicas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Intimat: Blokk K Flat 1, Ent A, Triq iċ-Ċikas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Schembri Rita vsSchembri Kevin, rikors numru 28/11 AL, jinsab differitgħas-smigħ għat 8 ta’ Novembru 2011, fid-9.00 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja) illum 27ta’ Lulju 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali1. To decide and declare that the marriage between theparties of the 16th August 1996 mentioned in the applicationis null and without effect for all intents and purposes of lawand uphold the other demands in the application.With costs, against the respondent summoned so that areference to his evidence be made.Applicant: Blokk A, Flat 1, Triq iċ-Ċicas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Respondent: Blokk Ak, Flat 1, Ent A, Triq iċ-Ċikas,Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.The Sworn Application in the names Schembri Rita vsSchembri Kevin, application number 28/11 AL, has been putoff for hearing to the 8th November 2011, at 9.00 a.m.Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section) today 27thJuly 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar Civil Courts And Tribunals1344Billi r-rikorrenti Michela Aufieri (K.I. 155871M)ippreżentat rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 230/11 AL) fejn <strong>tal</strong>betil-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATT TAT-TWELID <strong>tal</strong>-minuriBrandon bin-numru 1341/1998 fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 28 ta’ Lulju, 2011Rita MangionGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWhereas the plaintiff Michela Aufieri (I.D. 155871M)filed an application under oath (No. 230/11 AL) demandingCORRECTIONS the ACT OF BIRTH of the minor Brandonnumber 1341/1998 in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,This 28th July, 2011Rita MangionFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

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