Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta' Malta - doi photography competition

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Il-Ġimgħa, 29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Friday, 29th July, 2011Nru./No. 18,784Prezz/Price€4.32<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>The <strong>Malta</strong> Government GazettePubblikata b’AwtoritàPublished by AuthoritySOMMARJU — SUMMARYNotifikazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.............................................................................................. 9337 - 9346Government Notices......................................................................................................... 9337 - 9346Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija............................................................................................................. 9347 - 9348Police Notices................................................................................................................... 9347 - 9348Avviż lill-Baħħara............................................................................................................. 9349 - 9352Notice to Mariners............................................................................................................ 9349 - 9352Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg................................................................................................ 9352 - 9374Employment Opportunities............................................................................................... 9352 - 9374Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>............................................................................................................... 9374 - 9382Notices.............................................................................................................................. 9374 - 9382Offerti............................................................................................................................... 9382 - 9419Tenders.............................................................................................................................. 9382 - 9419Avviżi <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti................................................................................................................. 9419 - 9428Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 9419 - 9428

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9337NOTIFIKAZZJONIJIET TAL-GVERNNru. 682PUBBLIKAZZJONI TA’ ATTIFIS-SUPPLIMENTHUWA avżat għall-informazzjoni ġenerali illi l-Atti liġejjin huma ppubblikati fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma’ din il-<strong>Gazzetta</strong>:Att Nru. XIV <strong>tal</strong>-2011 imsejjaħ l-Att <strong>tal</strong>-2011 li jemendal-Kodiċi Ċivili; uAtt Nru. XV <strong>tal</strong>-2011 imsejjaħ l-Att <strong>tal</strong>-2011 li jemendal-Att dwar il-Logħob u dwar il-Lotteriji.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 683AKKWIST TA’ ARTDIN il-Proklama li ġejja, magħmula mill-President ta’<strong>Malta</strong> bis-saħħa <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 4 <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwistta’ Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hijapubblikata skont u għall-finijiet ta’ din l-Ordinanza.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011(File No. L83/2010)GOVERNMENT NOTICESNo. 682PUBLICATION OF ACTSIN SUPPLEMENTIT is notified for general information that the followingActs are published in the Supplement to this Gazette:Act No. XIV of 2011 entitled the Civil Code (Amendment)Act, 2011; andAct No. XV of 2011 entitled the Gaming and LotteriesActs (Amendment) Act, 2011.29th July, 2011No. 683ACQUISITION OF LANDTHE following Proclamation made by the Presidentof <strong>Malta</strong> under section 4 of the Land Acquisition (PublicPurposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms andfor the purposes of this Ordinance.29th July, 2011PROKLAMA TAl-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Billi bl-artikolu 4 <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88), huwa pprovdutilli l-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jista’, għal skopijiet pubbliċi,jiddikjara illi l-art hija soġġetta għall-jedd ta’ clearance jewgħall-jedd ta’ taħt wiċċ l-art.U billi hu meħtieġ illi l-proprjetà msemmija fl-iskedamdaħħla hawnhekk tiġi ddikjarata soġġetta għal dritt ta’ taħtwiċċ l-art.Issa, għalhekk, jiena, bis-saħħa <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 4 <strong>tal</strong>imsemmijaOrdinanza, b’din niddikjara illi l-proprjetàmsemmija fl-iskeda mdaħħla hawnhekk hija soġġetta għaldritt ta’ taħt wiċċ l-art.Art f’Marsaskala:–Skeda1. L-imsemmi dritt ta’ taħt wiċċ l-art jikkonsisti sabiex isirtħaffir ta’ trinka 34 metru twila, 0.6 metru wiesgħa u 0.4 metrifonda u tqegħid ta’ servizzi għal żmien indefinit, f’għalqa <strong>tal</strong>kejlta’ madwar 125 metru kwadru, liema għalqa tmiss mill-PROCLAMATION OF the President of <strong>Malta</strong>Whereas by the provisions of section 4 of the LandAcquisition (Public Purposes) Ordinance (Chapter 88), thePresident of <strong>Malta</strong> can, for public purposes, declare that theland is subject to clearance rights or subsoil rights.And whereas it is required that the property mentioned inthis schedule is declared subject to subsoil rights.Now, therefore, I, by means of the powers of section 4 ofthe mentioned Ordinance, hereby declare that the propertymentioned in this schedule is subject to subsoil rights.Land at Marsaskala:–Schedule1. The mentioned subsoil rights consisting in the diggingof a trench 34 metres long, 0.6 metres wide and 0.4 metresdeep and laying of services for an indefinite period of time,in a field of the area of about 125 square metres, which field

9338 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Majjistral ma’ triq pubblika, mit-Tramuntana u min-Nofsinharma’ proprjetà ta’ nies mhux magħrufa;2. L-imsemmi dritt ta’ taħt wiċċ l-art jikkonsisti sabiexisir tħaffir ta’ trinka 30 metru twila, 0.6 metru wiesgħa u0.4 metri fonda u tqegħid ta’ servizzi għal żmien indefinit,f’għalqa <strong>tal</strong>-kejl ta’ madwar 90 metru kwadru, liema għalqatmiss mil-Lbiċ ma’ proprjetà ta’ nies mhux magħrufa, mix-Xlokk ma’ triq pubblika u mit-Tramuntana ma’ proprjetà ta’Peter Paul Lanzon.L-art hawn fuq imsemmija hija murija fuq il-pjantammarkata P.D. 2009_796, li wieħed jista’ jara fuq <strong>tal</strong>ba fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta.It-22 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 684AKKWIST TA’ ART(Iff) George AbelaPresidentDIN id-dikjarazzjoni li ġejja, magħmula mill-President ta’<strong>Malta</strong> bis-saħħa ta l-artikolu 3 <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist<strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi (Kapitolu 88) hija ppubblikataskond u għall-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 9(1) ta’ dik l-Ordinanza.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011(File No. L50/80/22)is bounded on the North West by a public road, on the Northand on the South by property of unknown persons;2. The mentioned subsoil rights consisting in the digging ofa trench 30 metres long, 0.6 metres wide and 0.4 metres deepand laying of services for an indefinite period of time, in a fieldof the area of about 90 square metres, which field is boundedon the South West by property of unknown persons, on theSouth East by a public road and on the North by property ofPeter Paul Lanzon.The above mentioned land is shown on the plan markedP.D. 2009_796, which may be seen on demand at the LandsDepartment, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta.22nd July, 2011No. 684ACQUISITION OF LAND(Sgd) George AbelaPresidentTHE following declaration made by the President of <strong>Malta</strong>under section 3 of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)Ordinance (Chapter 88) is published in terms and for thepurposes of section 9(1) thereof.29th July, 2011Dikjarazzjoni TAl-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Billi bid-Dikjarazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> datata 14ta’ Jannar 1981 u ppubblikata fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> tat-13ta’ Marzu 1981 taħt in-Notifikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> Nru. 164,il-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> kien iddikjara illi biċċa art <strong>tal</strong>-kejlta’ madwar 3,561 metri kwadri li tinkludi kamra u bir, litmiss mill-Majjistral ma’ proprjetà ta’ Fortunata Abela uoħrajn, mill-Grigal ma’ proprjetà ta’ Joseph Mercieca u mill-Punent ma’ proprjetà <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, hija meħtieġa mill-awtoritàkompetenti għal skopijiet pubbliċi skont id-dispożizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar l-Akkwist ta’ Art għal Skopijiet Pubbliċi(Kap. 88) u billi parti minn din l-art m’għadhiex aktar hekkmeħtieġa, jien hawnhekk niddikjara għall-finijiet u effettikollha <strong>tal</strong>-liġi, illi l-art hawn taħt imsemmija m’għadhiex aktarmeħtieġa mill-awtorità kompetenti għal skop pubbliku skontid-dispożizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Ordinanza.L-art li ġejja f’Marsaskala:–Deskrizzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Art1. Biċċa art <strong>tal</strong>-kejl ta’ madwar 111 metru kwadru, li tmissmill-Majjistral ma’ proprjetà tas-Sinjura Fortunata Abela,Declaration OF the President of <strong>Malta</strong>Whereas by the Declaration of the President of <strong>Malta</strong> dated14th January, 1981 and published in the Government Gazetteof the 13th March, 1981 under Government Notice No. 164,the President of <strong>Malta</strong> had declared that a plot of land of thearea of about 3,561 square metres which includes a room anda well, bounded on the North West by property of FortunataAbela and others, on the North East by property of JosephMercieca and on the West by Government property, is requiredby the competent authority for a public purpose in accordancewith the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Public Purposes)Ordinance (Cap. 88) and whereas part of this land is no longerso required, I hereby declare for all intents and purposes oflaw, that the undermentioned land is no longer required by thecompetent authority for a public purpose in accordance withthe provisions of the aforementioned Ordinance.Description of the LandThe following land at Marsaskala:–1. A plot of land of around 111 square metres, bounded onthe North West by property of Mrs Fortunata Abela, on the

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9339mill-Grigal ma’ proprjetà tas-Sur Joseph Mercieca u mix-Xlokk ma’ proprjetà tas-Sur Vincent Saliba u oħrajn.L-art hawn fuq imsemmija tidher immarkata bil-kuluraħmar u ndikata bħala plot nru. 22E fuq pjanta P.D. 69_80_A_12, li wieħed jista’ jara fuq <strong>tal</strong>ba fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet,Auberge de Baviere, Valletta.It-22 ta’ Lulju, 2011(Iff.) George AbelaPresidentNorth East by property of Mr Joseph Mercieca and on theSouth East by property of Mr Vincent Saliba and others.The abovementioned land is shown marked with the colourred and indicated as plot no. 22E on plan P.D. 69_80_A_12,which may be seen on demand at the Land Department,Auberge de Baviere, Valletta.22nd July, 2011(Sgd) George AbelaPresidentNru. 685KUMITAT TAL-ESPLOŻIVINGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-President ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għoġbu japprova illi l-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Esplożivi, nominat skont l-Artikolu 23 (1) <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanzadwar l-Esplożivi (Kap. 33) ikun kostitwit kif ġej sal-31 ta’Diċembru 2011.ChairpersonIl-Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> jew ir-rappreżentanttiegħuMembriIl-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija jew ir-rappreżentant tiegħuId-Direttur tad-Dipartiment għall-Protezzjoni Ċivili jewir-rappreżentant tiegħuId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 685EXPLOSIVES COMMITTEEIT is notified for general information that the Presidentof <strong>Malta</strong> has been pleased to approve that the ExplosivesCommittee, appointed in terms of Article 23 (1) of theExplosives Ordinance (Cap. 33) be constituted as followstill 31st December 2011.ChairpersonThe Commander, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> or hisrepresentativeMembersThe Commissioner of Police or his representativeThe Director Civil Protection or his representative29th July, 2011Nru. 686KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-IŻVILUPP EKONOMIKUU SOĊJALINGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-Prim Ministru, bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija lilu bl-Artikolu4 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar il-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku uSoċjali (Kap. 431), approva li l-persuni msemmija hawn taħtjinħatru fuq il-Kunsill Malti għall-għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomikuu Soċjali sal-31 ta’ Diċembru 2011:Membri:Professur Josef BonniciIs-Sur Stefano MalliaMembri Sostituti:Is-Sur John HuberIs-Sur William WaitId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 686<strong>Malta</strong> Council for Economicand Social DevelopmentIT is hereby notified for general information that the PrimeMinister, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by Article 4of the <strong>Malta</strong> Council for Economic and Social Development Act(Cap. 431), has approved that the persons mentioned hereunderbe appointed on the <strong>Malta</strong> Council for Economic and SocialDevelopment up to 31st December 2011:Members:Professor Josef BonniciMr Stefano MalliaSubstitute MembersMr John HuberMr William Wait29th July, 2011

9340 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Nru. 687WARRANT MILL-MINISTRUTAL-ĠUSTIZZJA U L-INTERNNGĦARRFU illi, bis-saħħa tas-setgħat mogħtija bl-Artikolu (3) <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar il-Kummissjunarji b’Setgħali jagħtu Ġurament (Kap. 79), il-Ministru <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzja ħatarbħala Kummissjunarji bis-Setgħa li Jagħtu Ġurament, fil-qaditad-doveri tagħhom u sakemm jibqgħu fil-kariga, u jew għallperjoduindikat fl-istess ħatra, liema minnhom tiġi l-ewwel,lill-imsemmija hawn taħt:Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Affarijiet BarraninDott. Franklyn Bonello Is-Sur Kristian BonniciIs-Sur Saviour BorgIs-Sur Victor CamilleriMs Marsim CassarIs-Sur Mark CiscaldiIs-Sur Hanan El Khatib Is-Sur Gerald FarrugiaMs Ruth Mary Farrugia Is-Sur Frank GaleaIs-Sur Albert GhigoIs-Sur Albert GrechIs-Sur Bernard Charles Mifsud Dott. Joseph LicariDott. Nicole MillerDott. Mark Anthony PaceIs-Sur Christian Sgandurra Ms Christine PaceMs Annabelle Shawish Mifsud Is-Sur Kurt Vella FondèIs-Sur Karl XuerebIt-28 ta’ Lulju, 2011(MJHA/144/2003/IX)B’AwtoritàCarmelo Mifsud BonniciMinistru <strong>tal</strong>-Ġustizzjau l-InternNo. 687WARRANT BY THE MINISTER FOR JUSTICEAND HOME AFFAIRSIT is notified that, in exercise of such powers as providedby Article (3) of the Commissioners for Oaths Ordinance(Cap. 79), the Minister for Justice appointed as Commissionerfor Oaths, whilst performing such functions and as long asthey continue in that capacity, and/or for the period indicatedin the same appointment, whichever is the earlier, theundermentioned:Ministry of Foreign AffairsDr Franklyn Bonello Mr Kristian BonniciMr Saviour BorgMr Victor CamilleriMs Marsim CassarMr Mark CiscaldiMr Hanan El KhatibMr Gerald FarrugiaMs Ruth Mary Farrugia Mr Frank GaleaMr Albert GhigoMr Albert GrechDr Bernard Charles Mifsud Dr Joseph LicariDr Nicole MillerDr Mark Anthony PaceMr Christian Sgandurra Ms Christine PaceMs Annabelle Shawish Mifsud Mr Kurt Vella FondèMr Karl Xuereb28th July, 2011By AuthorityCarmelo Mifsud BonniciMinister for Justiceand Home AffairsNru. 688ĦATRA TA’ AĠENT DIRETTURĠENERALI (TEŻOR)Is-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi,l-Ekonomija u Investiment approva l-ħatra temporanja liġejja:–No. 688APPOINTMENT OF ACTING DIRECTORGENERAL (TREASURY)THE Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, theEconomy and Investment has approved the following actingappointment:–ISEM POST DIVIŻJONI DATANAME POST DIVISION DATEMr Francis Bajada Direttur Ġenerali Teżor 25 - 29.07.2011Director General TreasuryId-29 ta’ Lulju, 201129th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9341Nru. 689ĦATRA TA’ AĠENT KUMMISSARJUTAL-ARTIJIETIs-Segretarju Permanenti fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi,l-Ekonomija u Investiment approva l-ħatra temporanja liġejja:–No. 689APPOINTMENT OF ACTING COMMISSIONEROF LANDTHE Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, theEconomy and Investment has approved the following actingappointment:–ISEM POST DIPARTIMENT DATANAME POST DEPARTMENT DATEMs Margaret Falzon Aġent Kummissarju Artijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet 10–21.08.2011Acting Commissioner Landsof LandId-29 ta’ Lulju, 201129th July, 2011Nru. 690KONSLU ONORARJU TAL-BULGARIJAF’MALTANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi l-<strong>Gvern</strong>tar-Repubblika <strong>tal</strong>-Bulgarija ħatar lil Dott. Giannella CaruanaCurran, LL.D. bħala Konslu Onorarju <strong>tal</strong>-Bulgarija f’<strong>Malta</strong>.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-9, Brittania House, Level 2, Old Bakery Street,Valletta VLT 1450Numru tat-Telefon: 21255265/6Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: 21220842Indirizz elettroniku: giannella@demarcoassociates.comId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 691KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’KATANJANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sinjura Chiara Calì bħala KonsluOnorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Katanja, b’ġurisdizzjoni fuq il-provinċjita’ Katanja, Messina, Enna u Caltanisetta.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-Corso Martiri Della Libertà951311CataniaI<strong>tal</strong>iaNumru tat-Telefon: +39 095539628Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +39 095539628Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.catania@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 690HONORARY CONSUL OF BULGARIAIN MALTAIT is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of Bulgaria has appointed Dr Giannella CaruanaCurran, LL.D. as Honorary Consul for Bulgaria in <strong>Malta</strong>.The Consulate is situated at:9, Brittania House, Level 2, Old Bakery Street,Valletta VLT 1450Telephone Numbers: 21255265/6Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: 21220842E-mail address: giannella@demarcoassociates.com29th July, 2011No. 691HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN CATANIAIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Ms Chiara Calì asHonorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Catania, with jurisdiction overthe provinces of Catania, Messina, Enna and Caltanisetta.The Consulate is situated at:Corso Martiri Della Libertà951311CataniaI<strong>tal</strong>iaTelephone Number: +39 095539628Fax Number: +39 095539628Email address: maltaconsul.catania@gov.mt29th July, 2011

9342 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Nru. 692KONSLU ONORARJU TAL-MALIF’MALTANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> tar-Repubblika <strong>tal</strong>-Mali ħatar lill-Ambaxxatur IvesDe Barro bħala Konslu Onorarju <strong>tal</strong>-Mali f’<strong>Malta</strong>.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-c/o 16, Triq il-MediterranSan Ġwann SGN 1871Numru tat-Telefon: 21387010Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: 21387010Indirizz elettroniku: idb@onvol.netmali.consul.malte@gmail.comId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 692HONORARY CONSUL OF MALIIN MALTAIT is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of the Republic of Mali has appointed AmbassadorIves De Barro as Honorary Consul for Mali in <strong>Malta</strong>.The Consulate is situated at:c/o 16, Triq il-MediterranSan Ġwann SGN 1871Telephone Numbers: 21387010Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: 21387010Indirizz elettroniku: idb@onvol.netmali.consul.malte@gmail.com29th July, 2011Nru. 693KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’QUITONGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Nelson Freile Darquea bħalaKonslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Quito, b’ġurisdizzjoni fuq il-Provinċji ta’ Pichincha, Imbabura, Napo, Cotopaxi, SantoDomingo de los Tsáchilas u Manabi.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-Ave.12 de Octubre and OrellanaJerico Building, Floor 10AQuito,EcuadorNumru tat-Telefon: +593 2 252-0005Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +593 2 256-1980Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.quito@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 693HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN QUITOIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Nelson FreileDarquea, as Honorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Quito, withjurisdiction over the Provinces of Pichincha, Imabura, Napo,Cotopaxi, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas and Manabi.The Consulate is situated at:Ave.12 de Octubre and OrellanaJerico Building, Floor 10AQuito,EcuadorTelephone Number: +593 2 252-0005Fax Number: +593 2 256-1980Email Address: maltaconsul.quito@gov.mt29th July, 2011Nru. 694KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’PANAMA CITYNGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Horacio Valdes Molina bħalaKonslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Panama City, b’ġurisdizzjonifuq it-territorju tan-Panama.No. 694HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN PANAMA CITYIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Horacio ValdesMolina as Honorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Panama City, withjurisdiction over Panama.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9343L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li gej:-Salduba Building, Third Floor53rd East Street,MarbellaPanama CityRepublic of PanamaNumru tat-Telefon: +(507) 269 2641Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +(507) 269 8079Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.panamacity@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 695KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’KOLKATANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Ashok Kumar Jhunjhunwalabħala Konslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Kolkata, b’ġurisdizzjonifuq l-Istati ta’ West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa u Jharkhand.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-A.P. Fashions (P) Ltd227 A J C Bose RoadKolkata 700020,IndiaNumru tat-Telefon: +91 33 2280 7240Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +91 33 2281 8777Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.kolkata@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011The Consulate is situated at:Salduba Building, Third Floor53rd East Street,MarbellaPanama CityRepublic of PanamaTelephone Number: +(507) 269 2641Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +(507) 269 8079Email Address: maltaconsul.panamacity@gov.mt29th July, 2011No. 695HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN KOLKATAIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Ashok KumarJhunjhunwala, as Honorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Kolkata,with jurisdiction over the States of West Bengal, Bihar,Orissa u Jharkhand.The Consulate is situated at:A.P. Fashions (P) Ltd227 A J C Bose RoadKolkata 700020,IndiaTelephone Number: +91 33 2280 7240Fax Number: +91 33 2281 8777Email Address: maltaconsul.kolkata@gov.mt29th July, 2011Nru. 696KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’NAIROBINGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Kennedy Otawa Musebebħala Konslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Nairobi, b’ġurisdizzjonifuq it-territorju <strong>tal</strong>-Kenja.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-P O Box 2719-00100, Nairobi, KenyaLocation Address:Daphton Court, B4,Riverside Drive, off Chiromo Road opp. Prime BankNo. 696HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN NAIROBIIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Kennedy OtawaMusebe as Honorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Nairobi, withjurisdiction over Kenya.The Consulate is situated at:P O Box 2719-00100, Nairobi, KenyaLocation Address:Daphton Court, B4,Riverside Drive, off Chiromo Road opp. Prime Bank

9344 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Numru tat-Telefon: +(254) 20 2672822Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.nairobi@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Telephone Number: +(254) 20 2672822Email Address: maltaconsul.nairobi@gov.mt29th July, 2011Nru. 697KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’MARSILJANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħaddilli l-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Patrick Moulin bħalaKonslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Marsilja, b’ġurisdizzjoni fuqid-Dipartimenti ta’ Vaucluse, Bouches-de-Rhone, Gard uLozere.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-25, Rue Sylvabelle13006 MarseillesFranceNumru tat-Telefon: +33 442893886Indirizz elettroniku: <strong>Malta</strong>consul.marseilles@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 697HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN MARSEILLESIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Patrick Moulin asHonorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Marseilles, with jurisdictionover the Departments of Vaucluse, Bouches-de-Rhone, Gardand Lozere.The Consulate is situated at:25, Rue Sylvabelle13006 MarseillesFranceTelephone Number: +33 442893886Email Address: maltaconsul.marseilles@gov.mt29th July, 2011Nru. 698KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’MANAGUANGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur Walter Bűhler Molina bħalaKonslu Onorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Managua, b’ġurisdizzjoni fuqit-territorju tan-Nicaragua.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-Calle Los Laureles 60,Las Colinas,ManaguaNicaraguaNumru tat-Telefon: +(505) 22762389Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +(505) 22701074Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.managua@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 698HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN MANAGUAIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr Walter BűhlerMolina as Honorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Managua, withjurisdiction over Nicaragua.The Consulate is situated at:Calle Los Laureles 60,Las Colinas,ManaguaNicaraguaTelephone Number: +(505) 22762389Fax Number: +(505) 22701074Email Address: maltaconsul.managua@gov.mt29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9345Nru. 699KONSLU ONORARJU TA’ MALTAF’CHICAGONGĦARRFU b’din għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illil-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ħatar lis-Sur John J. Zei bħala KonsluOnorarju ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> f’Chicago, b’ġurisdizzjoni fuq l-istat ta’Illinois.L-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Konsolat huwa li ġej:-22 Clarington WayBarrington, Illinois 60010USANumru tat-Telefon: +1 847 713 2001Numru <strong>tal</strong>-Fax: +1 847 713 2989Indirizz elettroniku: maltaconsul.Illinois@gov.mtId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011No. 699HONORARY CONSUL FOR MALTAIN CHICAGOIt is hereby notified for general information that theGovernment of <strong>Malta</strong> has appointed Mr John J. Zei asHonorary Consul for <strong>Malta</strong> in Chicago, with jurisdictionover the state of Illinois.The Consulate is situated at:22 Clarington WayBarrington, Illinois 60010USATelephone Number: +1 847 713 2001Fax Number: +1 847 713 2989Email Address: maltaconsul.illinois@gov.mt29th July, 2011Nru. 700ATT DWAR IS-SERVIZZI VETERINARJI(KAP. 437)Il-Kunsill <strong>tal</strong>-Kirurgi VeterinarjiNGĦARRFU b’din illi b’riferenza għan-Notifikazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> Numru 86 ippubblikata fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> tat-28 ta’ Jannar 2011, is-Sur Joel Zammit inħatar Reġistratur<strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill <strong>tal</strong>-Kirurgi Veterinarji mwaqqaf għall-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 39 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar is-Servizzi Veterinarji.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 701KORPORAZZJONI TA’ XOGĦOLU TAĦRIĠĦatra ta’ Membri <strong>tal</strong>-Bord ta’Eżamijiet fis-Snajja’IL-KORPORAZZJONI ta’ Xogħol u Taħriġ b’din tgħarrafilli skont is-Sub-Artikolu (1) <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 40 <strong>tal</strong>-Att dwar is-Servizzi ta’ Impieg u Taħriġ (Kap. 343) qed taħtar lis-Sur FrankieBugeja biex ikun iċ-Chairperson u lis-Sur Charlie Borg u lis-SurNeville Grima bħala Technical Members fuq il-Bord ta’ Eżamijietfis-Snajja’ rispettivament biex jaraw il-kompetenzi li għandhomNo. 700VETERINARY SERVICES ACT(CAP. 437)Veterinary Surgeons’ CouncilIT is hereby notified that with reference to GovernmentNotice 86 published in the Government Gazette dated 28thJanuary 2011, Mr Joel Zammit has been appointed Registrarto the Veterinary Surgeons’ Council set up for the purposesof Article 39 of the Veterinary Services Act.29th July, 2011No. 701EMPLOYMENT AND TRAININGCORPORATIONAppointment of Trade TestingBoard MembersIN terms of Sub-Article (1) of Article 40 of the Employmentand Training Services Act (Cap. 343), the Employment andTraining Corporation is hereby nominating Mr Frankie Bugejaas Chairperson and Mr Charlie Borg and Mr Neville Grimaas Technical Members of the Trade Testing Board respectivelyto test the competencies relating to Plastics and Rubber

9346 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784x’jaqsmu ma’ Plastics and Rubber Technology EngineeringProcesses għal perjodu ta’ sentejn li jista’ jiġġedded.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Technology Engineering Processes for a period of two yearswhich may be renewable.29th July, 2011Nru. 702ATT DWAR IL-CONDOMINIA(Kap. 398)B’dIn qed ngħarraf li jiena rċivejt applikazzjoni għarreġistrazzjonita’ u/jew emendi tar-regolamenti li jirregolawl-imsemmija condominia:-No. 702CONDOMINIUM ACT(Cap. 398)Notice is hereby given that I have received an applicationfor the registration of and/or amendment to rules regulatingthe following condominia:-Nru. <strong>tal</strong>-Condominium Indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-Condominium Rimarki Data tar-ReġistrazzjoniCondominium Number Address of Condominium Remarks Date of Registration616 ‘Fair Oakes’ Garage Complex Reġistrazzjoni 04/07/2011Triq l-Uqija,tar-Regolamenti/Ibraġ,Registration ofSwieqiRules621 17, ‘Haven Court’, Reġistrazzjoni 26/07/2011Vjal Kottoner,tar-Regolamenti/FguraRegistration ofRulesDott. Keith Francis German, LL.D.Reġistratur <strong>tal</strong>-ArtijietDr Keith Francis German, LL.D.Land RegistrarId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Nru. 70329th July, 2011No. 703ATT DWAR IL-ĦADDIEMAD-DEHEB U L-ĦADDIEMA L-FIDDA(ARĠENTIERA)(KAP. 46)IL-KUMMISSARJU tat-Taxxi Interni jgħarraf illi fidda<strong>tal</strong>i tidher hawn taħt, il-prezz tad-deheb u l-fidda li fuquhuma bbażati l-valutazzjonijiet magħmulin mill-Konslugħall-Ħaddiema d-Deheb u l-Ħaddiema l-Fidda ġie ffissatgħall-finijiet <strong>tal</strong>-artikolu 14 <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmi Att kif ġej:–GOLDSMITHS AND SILVERSMITHSACT(CAP. 46)THE Commissioner of Inland Revenue notifies that onthe date shown hereunder, the price of gold and silver onwhich valuations made by the Consuls for Goldsmiths andSilversmiths are based has been fixed for the purposes ofarticle 14 of the said Act as follows:–Data Deheb Pur Fidda PuraGrammaGrammaDate Pure Gold Pure SilverGramsGrams29. 7. 2011 €36.392 €0.935Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 201129th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9347Avviż <strong>tal</strong>-PulizijaNru. 86Bis-saħħa <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 52 (1) <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar ir-Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-passaġġ u twaqqif ta’ vetturi huwapprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u l-ħinijietindikati.Il-GudjaNhar il-Ħamis, il-11 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-8.30 p.m.mit-toroq li ġejjin: Qasam tad-Djar, Tal-Mitħna, ta’ Xlejli,San Ċiru, Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana, il-Kbira,A. Dalli, San Mark u G. Cassar.Nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-8.30 p.m.mit-toroq li ġejjin: il-Pjazza, il-Kbira, San Mark, P. Galiardi,il-Kappillan, l-Annunzjata u R. Caruana.Nhar is-Sibt, it-13 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-8.30 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: R. Caruana, Santa Katerina, J. Pace, Vjal it-Torri, l-Annunzjata, il-Kappillan, San Ċiru, Bettina, il-Minau l-Kbira sal-Każin <strong>tal</strong>-Banda M. Assunta.Nhar il-Ħadd, l-14 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-6.30 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana, il-Kbira sal-Pjazza <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja.Nhar il-Ħadd, l-14 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-8.00 p.m. minnPalazz Bettina sal-każin <strong>tal</strong>-banda M. Assunta u minn TriqR. Caruana sal-Każin <strong>tal</strong>-Banda.Nhar it-Tnejn, il-15 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fl-10.30 a.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: Ġnien R. Caruana, W. Baker, V. Dimech, BirMiftuħ, Santa Marija, Dawret il-Gudja, R. Caruana, SantaKaterina, G. Pace, Bettina, il-Lewż, il-Mina, il-Kbira sal-Każin <strong>tal</strong>-Banda M. Assunta.Nhar it-Tnejn, il-15 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fis-6.30 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: Ħal Safi, il-Kbira, il-Pjazza, Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana sal-Pjazza.Nhar it-Tnejn, il-15 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fis-7.00 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: Pjazza <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata,R. Caruana sal-Pjazza.Nhar it-Tnejn, il-15 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fis-7.30 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: Palazz Dorell, R. Caruana sal-Pjazza.Police NoticeNo. 86In virtue of Section 52 (1) of the Traffic RegulationOrdinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police herebynotifies that the transit and stopping of vehicles throughthe streets mentioned hereunder is prohibited and will besuspended on the dates and times indicated.Il-GudjaOn Thursday, 11th August, 2011, at 8.30 p.m. throughthe following streets: Housing Estate, Tal-Mitħna, ta’ Xlejli,San Ċiru, Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana, il-Kbira,A. Dalli, San Mark and G. Cassar.On Friday, 12th August, 2011, at 8.30 p.m. through thefollowing streets: il-Pjazza, il-Kbira, San Mark, P. Galiardi,il-Kappillan, l-Annunzjata and R. Caruana.On Saturday, 13th August, 2011, at 8.30 p.m. throughthe following streets: R. Caruana, Santa Katerina, J. Pace,Vjal it-Torri, l-Annunzjata, il-Kappillan, San Ċiru, Bettina,il-Mina and il-Kbira to M Assunta Band Club.On Sunday, 14th August, 2011, at 6.30 p.m. through thefollowing streets: Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana,il-Kbira to Church Square.On Sunday, 14th August, 2011, at 8.00 p.m. from PalazzBettina to M. Assunta Band Club and from Triq R. Caruanato Band Club.On Monday, 15th August, 2011, at 10.30 a.m. through thefollowing streets: Ġnien R. Caruana, W. Baker, V. Dimech,Bir Miftuħ, Santa Marija, Dawret il-Gudja, R. Caruana, SantaKaterina, G. Pace, Bettina, il-Lewż, il-Mina, il-Kbira at MAssunta Band Club.On Monday, 15th August, 2011, at 6.30 p.m. through thefollowing streets: Ħal Safi, il-Kbira, il-Pjazza, Santa Marija,l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana to Il-Pjazza.On Monday, 15th August, 2011, at 7.00 p.m. throughthe following streets: Il-Pjazza <strong>tal</strong>-Parro, Santa Marija, l-Annunzjata, R. Caruana to Il-Pjazza.On Monday, 15th August, 2011, at 7.30 p.m. through thefollowing streets: Palazz Dorell, R. Caruana to Il-Pjazza.

9348 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Nhar it-Tnejn, il-15 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-8.30 p.m. mittoroqli ġejjin: il-Pjazza, iż-Żebbuġa, San Mark, il-Kbira,San Ċiru, Bettina, il-Lewż u R. Caruana.Vetturi li jinsabu jiksru dan l-avviż ikunu soġġett li jiġurmunkati.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011On Monday, 15th August, 2011, at 8.30 p.m. through thefollowing streets: Il-Pjazza, iż-Żebbuġa, San Mark, il-Kbira,San Ċiru, Bettina, il-Lewż and R.Caruana.Vehicles found parked in contravention to this notice areliable to be towed.29th July, 2011Avviż <strong>tal</strong>-PulizijaNru. 87Il-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija jgħarraf li skont l-AvviżLegali 101/97, it-toroq hawn taħt imsemmija se jiġuklassifikati bħala Żoni ta’ Rmonk, kif indikat.Bis-saħħa <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 52 (1) <strong>tal</strong>-Ordinanza dwar ir-Regolament tat-Traffiku (Kap. 65), il-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Pulizija jgħarraf illi l-passaġġ u twaqqif ta’ vetturi huwapprojbit fit-toroq imsemmija hawn taħt fid-dati u ħinijietindikati.PaolaNhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Awwissu, 2011 bejn it-8.00 p.m. u l-11.00 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, Cameron,Windsor, id-Dgħajjes, Pawlu Boffa, Il-Belt Valletta, il-PeritTortell, Brittania u Clearance.Nhar is-Sibt 20 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, bejn is-7.00 p.m.u nofsillejl mit-toroq li ġejjin: is-Sultana, Brittania, id-Dgħajjes, Il-Belt Valletta, il-Foss, Athlone, l-Arkata, NinuCremona, l-Ibjar, Kurvetti, Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, id-Dgħajjes,Pawlu Boffa, il-Baċir il-Ġdid u l-Perit TortellNhar il-Ħadd 21 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, bejn l-10.00 a.m. ut-3.00 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: il-Ġdida, il-Foss, Brittania,l-Arkati, Ninu Cremona, is-Sultana, Telgħet Raħal Ġdid,Inverness, Windsor u l-Perit Tortell.Nhar il-Ħadd 21 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, bejn 1.00 p.m. u11.30 p.m. mit-toroq li ġejjin: Brittania, Windsor, Cameron,Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, il-Ġdida, il-Foss, l-Arkata, NinuCremona, Il-Belt Valletta u l-Perit Tortell.Vetturi li jinstabu jiksru l-ordni ta’ dan l-Avviż ikunusoġġett li jiġu rmonkati.Is-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Police NoticeNo. 87The Commissioner of Police hereby notifies that in termsof Legal Notice 101/97, the streets listed hereunder are to beclassified as Tow Zones as indicated.In virtue of Section 52 (1) of the Traffic RegulationOrdinance (Cap. 65), the Commissioner of Police herebynotifies that the transit and stopping of vehicles through thestreets mentioned hereunder is prohibited on the dates andtimes indicated.PaolaOn Friday 19th August, 2011 between 8.00 p.m. and11.00 p.m. through the following streets: Telgħet RaħalĠdid, Cameron, Windsor, id-Dgħajjes, Pawlu Boffa, Il-BeltValletta, il-Perit Tortell, Brittania and Clearance.On Saturday 20th August, 2011, between 7.00 p.m. andmidnight through the following streets: is-Sultana, Brittania,id-Dgħajjes, Il-Belt Valletta, il-Foss, Athlone, l-Arkata, NinuCremona, l-Ibjar, Kurvetti, Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, id-Dgħajjes,Pawlu Boffa, il-Baċir il-Ġdid and il-Perit TortellOn Sunday 21st August, 2011, between 10.00 a.m. and3.00 p.m. through the following streets: il-Ġdida, il-Foss,Brittania, l-Arkati, Ninu Cremona, is-Sultana, Telgħet RaħalĠdid, Inverness, Windsor and il-Perit Tortell.On Sunday 21st August, 2011, between 1.00 p.m. and11.30 p.m. through the following streets: Brittania, Windsor,Cameron, Telgħet Raħal Ġdid, il-Ġdida, il-Foss, l-Arkata,Ninu Cremona, Il-Belt Valletta and il-Perit Tortell.Vehicles found in contravention of this notice are liableto be towed.29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9349Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 70 <strong>tal</strong>-2011Ħruq ta’ Mur<strong>tal</strong>i mill-Jews Sally Port, Il-Belt VallettaId-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,jgħarraf li se jinħarqu mur<strong>tal</strong>i fil-festa ta’ San Duminku minnJews Sally Port nhar is-Sibt 30 ta’ Lulju u l-Ħadd 31 ta’Lulju 2011.L-inħawi minn fejn se jinħarqu l-mur<strong>tal</strong>i jinsabu f’dawnil-pożizzjonijiet:Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Notice to Mariners No. 70 of 2011Fireworks Display from Jews Sally Port, Il-Belt VallettaThe Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>notifies that fireworks in connection with the feast of StDomenic, will be let off from Jews Sally Port on Saturday30th July and Sunday 31st July 2011.The fireworks area lies in the following positions:Latitude (T)Longitude (L)Latitude (N)Longitude (E)A 35° 54’.11 14° 31’.00Id-dati u l-ħinijiet li fihom se jinħarqu l-mur<strong>tal</strong>i humakif ġej:A 35° 54’.11 14° 31’.00The dates and times of the fireworks are as follows:Is-Sibt 30 ta’ Lulju 2011 fis-6.30 p.m. u mill-10.00 p.m.sal-11.30 p.m.Saturday, 30th July 201110.00 p.m. to 11.30 p.m.at 6.30 p.m. and fromIl-Ħadd 31 ta’ Lulju 2011 mis-7.10 p.m. sal-10.45 p.m.Il-baħħara għandhom iżommu <strong>tal</strong>-anqas 200 metru’l bogħod mill-post A kif muri fuq iċ-chart fil-websiteta’ Transport <strong>Malta</strong>: (http://www.transport.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pageid=499&lid=1) u għandhom jobdu l-ordnijietkollha li joħroġ il-Valletta Port Control (VTS) meta jbaħħrubejn il-Port ta’ Marsamxett u l-Port il-Kbir.Il-pożizzjonijiet jirreferu għal WGS 84 DATUM.Chart affettwata BA Chart 177Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Sunday, 31st July 2011 from 7.10 p.m. to 10.45 p.m.Mariners are to keep a safe distance of at least 200 metres fromsite A as indicated on the chart in the Transport <strong>Malta</strong> website:(http://www.transport.gov.mt/Page.aspx?pageid=499&lid=1).They are to maintain a wide berth and obey instructions issuedby Valletta Port Control (VTS) while navigating betweenMarsamxett Harbour and Grand Harbour.Positions referred to WGS 84 DATUM.Chart affected: BA Chart 17729th July, 2011Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 71 <strong>tal</strong>-2011Ħruq ta’ Mur<strong>tal</strong>i fil-Port il-KbirId-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,jgħarraf li se jinħarqu mur<strong>tal</strong>i mill-Ponta ta’ Bighi kif ukollminn fuq barkun irmiġġat bejn Sant’ Anġlu u l-Ponta ta’Bighi fid-dati u l-ħinijiet li ġejjin: -Il-Ponta ta’ Bighi:Il-Ħadd 31 ta’ Lulju 2011 bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar ubejn is-7.00 p.m. u t-8.30 p.m.It-Tnejn 8 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinharu bejn id-9.00 p.m. u l-10.00 p.m.Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Notice to Mariners No. 71 of 2011Firework Displays in Grand HarbourThe Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,notifies that firework displays will be let off from BighiPoint and also from a barge moored between St Angelo andBighi Point on the following dates and times:-Bighi Point:Sunday 31st July 2011 between 8.00 a.m. and noon andbetween 7.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m.Monday 8th August 2011 between 8.00 a.m. and noonand between 9.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m.

9350 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784It-Tlieta 9 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn id-9.00 a.m. u n-12.30p.m. u bejn 7.00 p.m. u l-11.30 p.m.L-Erbgħa 10 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn it-8.00 a.m. unofsinhar u bejn is-7.00 p.m. u l-11.00 p.m.Il-barkun li se jintuża biex minn fuqu jinħarqu l-mur<strong>tal</strong>i sejkun irmiġġat nhar it-Tnejn 8 ta’ Awwissu, 2011 bejn il-Ponta ta’Sant’ Anġlu u l-Ponta ta’ Bighi fil-pożizzjoni li ġejja:Latitude (T)Longitude (L)35°53’.645 14°31’.290Il-ħruq <strong>tal</strong>-mur<strong>tal</strong>i mill-barkun se jsir kif ġej:It-Tlieta, 9 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn il-10.00 p.m. u l-11.30p.m.L-Erbgħa, 10 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn is-7.00 p.m. u t-8.30p.m.Għandha tinżamm distanza ta’ 200 metru mill-Pontata’ Bighi u mill-pożizzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-barkun fid-dati u l-ħinijietimsemmija hawn fuq. Il-baħħara għandhom ibaħħrub’kawtela u bilmod u jobdu l-ordnijiet u d-direzzjonijietmill-Valletta Port Control.Chart affettwata: BA Chart 177.Il-pożizzjonijiet jirreferu għal WGS 84 Datum.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Tuesday 9th August 2011 between 9.00 a.m. and 12.30p.m. and between 7.00 p.m. and 11.30 p.m.Wednesday 10th August 2011 between 8.00 a.m. andnoon and between 7.00 p.m. and 11.00 p.m.The barge to be used for firework displays shall bemoored on Monday 8th August, 2011 between St AngeloPoint and Bighi Point in the following position:Latitude (N)Longitude (E)35°53’.645 14°31’.290Firework displays from the barge will be let off asfollows:Tuesday, 9th August 2011 between 10.00 p.m. and 11.30p.m.Wednesday, 10th August 2011 between 7.00 p.m. and8.30 p.m.A wide berth of 200 meters is requested from Bighi Pointand from the position of the barge on the days and timesindicated above. Mariners are to navigate with caution andslow speed. Instructions and directions given by VallettaPort Control are to be compiled with.Chart affected BA Chart 177.Positions are referred to WGS 84 Datum.29th July, 2011Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 72 <strong>tal</strong>-2011Marine Aids Ġodda għat-TbaħħirId-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,jgħarraf lill-baħħara li b’seħħ immedjat se jitqiegħdu erba’ (4)żubruni biex jimmarkaw diversi sikek.Qed issir riferenza għal BA Chart 211A, 2537 u 2538Iż-żubruni ċilindriċi għandhom dijametru ta’ 1.5 metri,għandhom torri ta’ 2m ’l fuq minn wiċċ il-baħar u għandhomdwal li jwasslu sa żewġ mili nawtiċi. Dawn se jitqiegħdu filpożizzjonijietli ġejjin:Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Notice to Mariners No. 72 of 2011New Marine Aids to NavigationThe Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,notifies mariners that with immediate effect four (4) buoyswill be placed to delineate several reefs.Reference is made to BA Chart 211A, 2537 and 2538The cylindrical buoys are 1.5 metres in diameter, havea rectangular tower 2m high above the water level and arefitted with lights with a range of 2 Nautical Miles. These willbe placed in the following positions:Bajjiet Tip Latitude (T) Longitude (L)Bays Type Latitude (N) Longitude (E)1 Marsalforn Port Hand Lateral Mark 36º 04’.49 14º 15’.662 Comino West Cardinal Mark 36º 01’.04 14º 19’.203 Qawra (Ghallis Rocks) North Cardinal Mark 35º 57’.31 14º 26’.844 Gnejna Bay North Cardinal Mark 35º 55’.47 14º 20’.09

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9351Il-baħħara għandhom jiftakru li ħadd ma jista’ jirmiġġakwalunkwe inġenji <strong>tal</strong>-baħar ma’ xi wieħed miż-żubruni <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità msemmija.Il-pożizzjonijiet kollha jirreferu għal WGS 84 DATUM.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Mariners are reminded that it is prohibited to moor anycraft with any of the above buoys or any other buoy ownedby the Authority.All positions are referred to WGS 84 DATUM.29th July, 2011Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Avviż lill-Baħħara Nru. 73 <strong>tal</strong>-2011Żubruni Speċjali li jimmarkaw Żoni ta’ 200 metruta’ Veloċità RistrettaId-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,jgħarraf li b’seħħ immedjat tqiegħdu diversi żubruni speċjalimadwar il-Gżejjer Maltin biex jimmarkaw żoni ta’ 200 metruta’ veloċità ristretta (10 Knots u 5 Knots) ’l hinn mix-xatt.It-tqegħid taż-żubruni huwa staġjonali u se jdum sa Ottubru,għalkemm jistgħu jibqgħu mwaħħlin sa wara din id-data.BA Chart 2537, 211AŻubruni speċjali ta’ 1.5 dijametru, b’dawl li jteptepdarba kull erba’ sekondi u jwassal sa żewġ mili nawtiċi, sejitqiegħdu f’dawn il-pożizzjonijiet:Transport <strong>Malta</strong>Notice to Mariners No. 73 of 2011Special Mark Buoys Delineating the 200-metre SpeedRestriction ZonesThe Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport <strong>Malta</strong>,notifies that with immediate effect several special markerbuoys will be placed around the Maltese Islands to delineatethe 200-metre speed restriction zones (10 Knots and 5 Knots) from the shore. The placement of the buoys is seasonaluntil October but may still be in place after this date.BA Chart 2537, 211ASpecial Mark Buoys 1.5 metres in diameter, fitted with alight flashing 1 every 4 seconds and 2 Nautical Miles range,shall be placed in the following positions:Bajjiet Veloċità Latitude (T) Longitude (L)Bays Speed Latitude (N) Longitude (E)A 1 Marsalforn 10 Knots 36º 04’.564 14º 15’.843A 2 Comino 10 Knots 36º 01’.303 14º 20’.379A 3 Qawra 10 Knots 35º 57’.732 14º 25’.817A 4 Dragonara Pt. 10 Knots 35º 55’.688 14º 29’.836A 5 Dragut Pt. 10 Knots 35º 54’.500 14º 31’.007BA Chart 2537, 2538, 211A, 211B, 36B’żieda ma’ dan żubruni ċilindriċi sofor b’dijametruta’ 0.9 metri, li jteptpu darba kull erba’ sekondi u li d-dawl tagħhom iwassal sa żewġ mili nawtiċi, tqiegħdu filpożizzjonijietli ġejjin:BA Chart 2537, 2538, 211A, 211B, 36Further to the above yellow cylindrical buoys whichare 0.9 metres in Diameter, flashing 1 every 4 seconds andhaving 2 Nautical Miles range, have been placed in thefollowing positions:Bajjiet Veloċità Latitude (T) Longitude (L)Bays Speed Latitude(N) Longitude (E)B 1 Ramla l-Hamra 10 Knots 36º 03’.827 14º 17’.018B 2 Mgarr ix-Xini 5knots 36º 00’.906 14º 16’.445B 3 Santa Marija 10 Knots 36º 01’.216 14º 20’.108B 4 San Niklaw 10 Knots 36º 01’.264 14º 19’.804B 5 Blue Lagoon 5knots 36º 01’.004 14º 19’.226B 6 Cirkewwa 10 Knots 35º 59’.059 14º 19’.789

9352 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784B 7 Little Armier 10 Knots 35º 59’.627 14º 21’.602B 8 Armier 10 Knots 35º 55’.965 14º 21’.460B 9 Mellieha 10 Knots 35º 59’.153 14º 22’.681B 10 Mellieha 10 Knots 35º 58’.809 14º 21’.921B 11 Mellieha 10 Knots 35º 58’.466 14º 21’.400B 12 Mellieha 5knots 35º 58’.398 14º 21’.247B 13 Mellieha 5knots 35º 58’.269 14º 21’.299B 14 Mellieha 5knots 35º 58’.133 14º 21’.480B 15 Mellieha 10 Knots 35º 58’.190 14º 21’.987B 16 Mellieha 10 Knots 35º 58’.394 14º 22’.711B 17 Il-Mixquqa 10 Knots 35º 59’.527 14º 20’.464B 18 Ghajn Tuffieha 10 Knots 35º 55’.800 14º 20’.495B 19 Il-Gnejna 10 Knots 35º 55’.473 14º 20’.354B 20 Il-Gzejjer North 10 Knots 35º 58’.076 14º 23’.974B 21 Il-Gzejjer South 10 Knots 35º 57’.942 14º 24’.601B 22 Xemxija 5 Knots 35º 57’.027 14º 23’.508B 23 Ras il-Ghallis 10 Knots 35º 57’.400 14º 25’.968B 24 San Giljan 10 Knots 35º 55’.221 14º 29’.857B 25 Marsascala 10 Knots 35º 51’.907 14º 34’.432B 26 San Tumas 10 Knots 35º 51’.320 14º 34’.331B 27 Xorb l-Ghagin 10 Knots 35º 50’.298 14º 34’.030B 28 St. Peter’s Pool 10 Knots 35º 49’.903 14º 33’.897B 29 Delimara 10 Knots 35º 49’.388 14º 33’.857Iż-żubruni se jitqiegħdu fl-Imġarr ix-Xini – Għawdex, il-Blue Lagoon – Kemmuna, fil-Mellieħa tliet żubruni ’l hinnmix-xatt, u x-Xemxija fuq ġewwa li jimmarkaw 5 Knotsbħala l-ogħla veloċità.Iż-żubruni jindikaw il-veloċità li qatt m’għandhatinqabeż u f’kull każ il-baħħara għandhom jiftakru lidejjem għandhom ibaħħru b’veloċità bla periklu u skont iċċirkustanziu l-kundizzjonijiet prevalenti.Infakkru wkoll lill-baħħara li ħadd ma jista’ jirmiġġakwalunkwe inġenji <strong>tal</strong>-baħar ma’ xi wieħed miż-żubruni jewxi żubrun ieħor <strong>tal</strong>-Awtorità.Il-pożizzjonijiet kollha jirreferu għal WGS 84 DATUMId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011The buoys placed at Mgarr ix-Xini - Gozo, Blue Lagoon– Comino, Mellieha 3 buoys off the beach, and Xemxijainner delineate a 5 Knots maximum speed limit.Buoys indicate the speed that should never be exceededand in any case mariners are reminded to proceed at a safespeed at all times subject to the prevailing circumstances andconditions.Mariners are further reminded that it is prohibited tomoor any craft with any of the above buoys or any otherbuoy owned by the Authority.All positions are referred to WGS 84 DATUM29th July, 2011DIPARTIMENT TAL-EŻAMIJIETIngaġġ ta’ Uffiċjali Kadetti fil-Forzi Armatita’ <strong>Malta</strong> (Forza Regolari)Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u l-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet PubbliċiLokali jilqgħu applikazzjonijiet għall-ingaġġ ta’:a. Erba’ (4) Uffiċjali Kadetti;b. Uffiċjal Kadett biex iservi fuq il-baħar;ċ. Żewġ (2) Uffiċjali Kadetti Pilota <strong>tal</strong>-Ajru,EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENTRecruitment of Officer Cadets in the Armed Forces of<strong>Malta</strong> (Regular Force)The Director of Examinations and the Board of LocalPublic Examinations invite applications for the enlistmentof:a. Four (4) Officer Cadets;b. One (1) Sea going Officer Cadet;c. Two (2) Air Pilot Officer Cadets,

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9353għall-ingaġġ inizjali ta’ tnax-il xahar, fil-Forza Regolari<strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.2. L-applikanti għandhom ikunu:a. ċittadini Maltin;b. medikament b’saħħithom biex jaqdu d-dmirijiet skontil-livell <strong>tal</strong>-Forza Regolari. Dan jinkludi li ma jkunx iqsarminn 1.57m. fil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 1.52m fil-każ tan-nisa u ta’piż aċċettabbli pparagunat mat-tul;ċ. Ta’ karattru morali tajjeb;d. Għalqu t-18-il sena u ma jkunux għalqu l-25 sena saddata<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet f’każ ta’ applikanti għalUffiċjali Kadetti u Ufficjal Kadett biex iservi fuq il-baħar;jewe. għalqu t-18-il sena u ma jkunux għalqu s-27 sena saddata<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet fil-każ ta’ kandidati lijkollhom Degree mill-Università, jewf. Fil-każ ta’ membri <strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, ma jkunuxgħalqu l-25 sena sad-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet.g. Għalqu t-18-il sena u ma jkunux għalqu t-30 sena saddata<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet fil-każ ta’ applikanti liqed japplikaw għall-postijiet ta’ Uffiċjali Kadetti Pilota <strong>tal</strong>-Ajru.3. L-applikanti għandhom:a. ikollhom passes f’sitt suġġetti f’Livell Ordinarjutas-SEC/General Certificate of Education jew ekwivalentirikonoxxut (l-inqas Grade 5/C jew aħjar). Dawn issittsuġġetti jridu jinkludu l-Malti, il-lingwa Ingliża, il-Matematika u wieħed mis-suġġetti tax-xjenza (Fiżika,Kimika jew Bijoloġija);b. jkollhom passes f’żewġ suġġetti f’Livell Avvanzatfil-Matrikola/General Certificate of Education (l-inqasGrad C jew aħjar); jew Grad C jew aħjar minn Universita`rikonoxxuta barranija; jew fil-kaz ta’ applikanti li japplikawgħall-post ta’ Uffiċjal Kadett sabiex iservu fuq il-baħar,ikunu temmew b’suċċess kors li jiċċertifika lill-individwubħala Uffiċjal inkarigat fin-Navigational Watch jew korsli jiċċertifika lill-individwu bħala Uffiċjal Inkarigat fl-Engineering maħruġ mill-Istitut Marittimu <strong>tal</strong>-MCAST;ċ. ikollhom ukoll Commercial Pilot License fil-każ ta’applikanti li japplikaw għall-post ta’ Uffiċjali Kadetti Pilota<strong>tal</strong>-Ajru;Applikanti li jkunu qed jistennew il-pubblikazzjoni taronan initial twelve month engagement in the RegularForce of the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.2. Applicants must be:a. citizens of <strong>Malta</strong>;b. medically fit for duty to Regular Force Standards. Thisincludes a minimum height requirement of 1.57m for malesand 1.52m for females and of acceptable body weight inproportion to height;c. Of good moral character;d. 18 years of age and not having attained the age of 25years by the closing date of call for applications in the caseof applicants applying for Officer Cadets and Sea goingOfficer Cadet; ore. 18 years of age and not having attained the age of 27years by the closing date of call for applications in the caseof candidates in possession of a University Degree, orf. In the case of serving Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> personnelnot having attained the age of 25 years by closing date of callfor applications.g. 18 years of age and not having attained the age of30 years by the closing date of call for applications in thecase of applicants applying for the posts of Air Pilot OfficerCadets.3. Applicants must:a. be in possession of passes in six subjects at OrdinaryLevel of the SEC/General Certificate of Education orrecognised equivalent (minimum Grade 5/C or better).These six subjects must include Maltese, English Language,Mathematics and one science subject (Physics, Chemistryor Biology);b. be in possession of passes in two subjects at AdvancedLevel in the Matriculation/General Certificate of Education(minimum Grade C or better) or recognised overseasuniversities Grade C or better; or in the case of applicantsapplying for the post of Sea going Officer Cadet, havesuccessfully completed the course leading to Certificationas an Officer-in-Charge of a Navigational Watch or thecourse leading to Certification as an Officer-in-Charge of anEngineering Watch at the MCAST Maritime Institute;c. be also in possession of a Commercial Pilot Licensein the case of applicants applying for the post of Air PilotOfficer Cadets;Applicants who are waiting for the publication of the

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE935510. Jiġu kkunsidrati kwalifiki addizzjonali rilevanti.It-Tielet Parti – Psychometric TestIl-kandidati li jgħaddu mit-tieni parti jkollhom joqogħdugħall-psychometric test sabiex jiġu assessjati l-kwalitajietpsikoloġiċi bħal abbiltà tar-raġuni u fatturi personali.Marka Massima 10011. L-Ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Mertu jiġi stabbilit skont it-to<strong>tal</strong> ta’ markimiksuba fl-Ewwel, it-Tieni u t-Tielet Parti.12. Kandidati li jonqsu li jattendu għal xi parti milleżamijiġu kkunsidrati li weħlu mill-eżami.13. L-eżami se jitmexxa minn panel ta’ eżaminaturitaħt id-direzzjoni tad-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u <strong>tal</strong>-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali.14. Ir-riżultat <strong>tal</strong>-eżami jibqa’ jgħodd għal tlett xhur middata<strong>tal</strong>-pubblikazzjoni uffiċjali tiegħu.15. Il-kandidati magħżula jiġu eżaminati medikamentbiex jiġi żgurat li huma b’saħħithom għall-impjieg skontir-regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Regolari. Applikanti għall-post ta’Uffiċjal Kadett Pilota jkollhom jissodisfaw ukoll il-livellimediċi rekwiżiti <strong>tal</strong>-avjazzjoni kemm nazzjonali kif ukollinternazzjonali. L-Eżami Mediku jitmexxa mill-Forzi Armatiu jkun finali u konklussiv.16. Il-kondotta ta’ kandidati magħżula tiġi mistħarrġa fiddawl<strong>tal</strong>-provvedimenti rilevanti u jinstabu fil-Kapitoli 220(L-Att dwar il-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>) u 440 (L-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Privatezza tad-Data) <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.17. Applikazzjonijiet minn persuni li għandhom rekordkriminali serju ma jiġux milqugħa. Il-FAM iżommu d-drittli jannullaw ir-riżultat ta’ xi kandidat li jkun għadda milleżami,jekk f’xi ħin jinstab li għandu rekord kriminali serju,jew inkella jkun tkeċċa mill-Forzi Armati, jew minn xi Korpiddixxiplinat ieħor.18. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jinġabru mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana jew miċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex jew mingħand ir-RecruitingOffice, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa jew direttament minn fuqil-website tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet fuq: (www.exams.gov.mt) minn nhar it-Tnejn, it-8 ta’ Awwissu 2011.19. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni (dawk biss li jintlaqgħu)għandhom jiġu ppreżentati personalment minn nhar it-Tnejn8 ta’ Awwissu 2011 sa nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Awwissu 2011fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana jew fiċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-10. Additional relevant qualifications will be givenconsideration.Part Three – Psychometric TestCandidates who pass the tests in Part II will be required tosit for a psychometric test designed to measure psychologicalqualities such as reasoning ability and personality factors.Maximum Mark 10011. The Order of Merit will be established according tothe to<strong>tal</strong> marks obtained in Parts One, Two and Three.12. Candidates who fail to attend any part of theexamination will be considered to have failed theexamination.13. The examination shall be conducted by a panel ofexaminers under the direction of the Director of Examinationsand Board of Local Public Examinations.14. The result of the examination will be valid for a periodof three months from the date of its official publication.15. Selected candidates will be medically examined toascertain that they are fit for the post according to RegularForce Standards. Applicants applying for the post of Air PilotOfficer Cadets will, in addition, be required to satisfy alsoboth national and international medical aviation standards.The Medical Examination carried out by the Armed Forceswill be final and conclusive.16.The conduct of selected candidates will be vettedin line with the provisions emanating from Chapters 220(<strong>Malta</strong> Armed Forces Act) and 440 (Data Protection Act) ofthe Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.17. Applications from persons with a serious criminalrecord will not be accepted. The AFM reserves the right toannul the result of the examination of any successful candidatewho at any time is found to have a serious criminal record orhas been dismissed from the AFM or any disciplined Force.18. Application forms may be collected from theExaminations Department Floriana or the ExaminationsCentre, Ir-Rabat, Gozo, and from the Recruiting Office,Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, or directly from the ExaminationsDepartment website on: (www.exams.gov.mt) from Monday8th August 2011.19. Application forms (only those admissible) shouldbe handed in personally from Monday, 8th August 2011 toFriday 19th August 2011 at the Department of Examinations,Floriana or at the Examinations Centre, Ir-Rabat, Gozo

9356 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex bejn it-8.00 a.m. u s-1.00p.m.20. Mal-applikazzjoni l-kandidati għandhom jippreżentaw:a. Kopja (miż-żewġ naħat) <strong>tal</strong>-Karta uffiċjali <strong>tal</strong>-Identitàtagħhom;b. Kopja taċ-ċertifikat kif speċifikati f’paragrafu 3;ċ. Dikjarazzjoni tas-Servizz (fil-każ ta’ membri lipreżentament jaħdmu fil-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> biss);d. Ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta mill-Pulizija Form“A” (maħruġ fi żmien 6 xhur qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>applikazzjoni);e. Dritt ta’ ħlas ta’ €9.30.21. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew għall-verifika mal-applikazzjoni kifukoll waqt l-intervista.22. Hija r-responsabbiltà <strong>tal</strong>-applikanti li jkollhomkwalifiki maħruġa minn Universitajiet barranin/istituzzjonijiet terzjarji, li juru dikjarazzjoni ta’rikonoxximent dwar il-komparabbiltà ta’ kwalifiki maħruġamill-<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Recognition Information Centre(MQRIC) fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>- Edukazzjoni, Xogħol u l-Familjajew l-awtorità kompetenti skont il-każ, liema dikjarazzjonigħandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bl-oriġinali tintwerawaqt l-intervista.23. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.24. Il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali għandu s-setgħali jittratta b’mod sommarju ma’ kull kandidat li, filwaqt lijkun qed isir l-eżami, jinstab ħati ta’ mġiba ħażina jew ta’xi ksur <strong>tal</strong>-istruzzjonijiet maħruġa biex jimxu fuqhom ilkandidati.25. Il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali jżomm id-drittli jħassar l-eżami jekk tinstab xi irregolarità dwar dan l-eżami. Tħassir bħal dan jista’ jkun dwar l-eżami kollu wkolljekk l-irregolarità li tinstab tkun dwar parti waħda biss jewstadju partikolari <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.26. Il-kandidati li jgħaddu jiġu ngaġġati bħala Kadettigħal perjodu inizjali ta’ taħriġ ta’ tnax-il xahar u mħallsaSalarju ta’ Skala 12 (€13,870). L-ewwel tliet xhur <strong>tal</strong>-ingaġġikunu jikkonsistu f’kors ta’ taħriġ mandatorju militari bażikuu l-kadetti jistgħu wara jkunu meħtieġ jagħmlu perjodu ta’taħriġ barra minn <strong>Malta</strong>. It-tliet xhur taħriġ mandatorju majistgħux ikunu interrotti. Kandidati li ma jilħqux il-livellneċessarju matul il-perjodu ta’ taħriġ jistgħu jitkeċċew.between 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 pm.20. With the application form candidates must produce:a. Copy (front and back) of their official Identity Card;b. Copy of certificates as specified in paragraph 3;c. A declaration of service (in the case of serving ArmedForces of <strong>Malta</strong> personnel only);d. A recent Police conduct certificate, Form “A” (issuedwithin six months prior the closing date of application);e. An examination fee of €9.30.21. Original documents, certificates and/or testimonialsare to be invariably produced for verification when submittingthe application form during the interview.22. It is the responsibility of applicants, in possessionof qualifications awarded by foreign Universities/tertiaryeducation institutions, to produce a recognition statementon comparability of qualifications issued by the <strong>Malta</strong>Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC)within the Ministry of Education, Employment and theFamily or the designated authority, as applicable, whichstatement should be attached to the application and theoriginal presented at the interview.23. Late applications will not be considered.24. The Board of Local Public Examinations shall havethe power to deal summarily with any candidate who, whilethe examination is in progress, is found guilty of misconductor of any breach of the instructions issued for the guidanceof candidates.25. The Board of Local Public Examinations reserves theright to annul the Examination if any irregularity is detected inconnection herewith. Such annulment may be in respect of thewhole examination even if the detected irregularity is in respectof only one area or a particular stage of the examination.26. Successful candidates will be enlisted as OfficerCadets for an initial twelve-month training period and bepaid Salary Scale 12 (€13,870). The first three months ofengagement will consist of a mandatory basic militarytraining course and cadets may subsequently be required toundergo a period of training abroad. The mandatory threemonthperiod cannot be interrupted for any reason. Failureto meet the required standards at any point during the trainingperiod may lead to instant dismissal.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9357Mal-ingaġġ il-kandidati jkun jeħtiġilhom jgħaddu millproċessta’ Security Clearance sabiex jiksbu National SecurityClearance Certificate fil-livell meħtieġ. Il-kandidati li majgħaddux minn dan il-proċess jiġu maħlula mis-Servizz.27. Il-Kandidati li jispiċċaw dan il-perjodu ta’ taħriġb’suċċess, fi tmiem l-ingaġġ ta’ tnax-il xahar, jingħatawkummissjoni fir-rank ta’ Second Lieutenant għal perjodu ta’tmintax-il xahar.Wara li jiskadi dan il-perjodu u soġġett għal prestazzjonisodisfaċtenti l-Uffiċjali Kummissjunati jiġu promossi għarrankta’ Logutenent. Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-kummissjoni fir-rank ta’Second Lieutenant u wara fir-rank ta’ Logutenent, tista’ tkunmarbuta mat-tkomplija b’suċċess ta’ kors twil f’istituzzjonimilitari. Għaldaqstant, f’dawn il-każijiet, l-anzjanità relattivatibqa’ dejjem tgħodd.28. Uffiċjali Kommissjonati jkunu marbuta li jservu fil-Forza Regolari għal perjodu ta’ mhux anqas minn tliet sninmid-data ta’ meta jingħataw il-kummissjoni. Wieħed għandujinnota wkoll li, skont ir-Regolamenti preżenti <strong>tal</strong>-ForziArmati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, Uffiċjali Kummissjunati li jieħdu kors ta’taħrig barra minn <strong>Malta</strong> jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa li jagħmluperjodu ta’ servizz mandatorju, soġġett għal massimu ta’ħames snin, wara li jkunu temmew it-taħriġ tagħhom.29. Uffiċjal li għal xi raġuni jonqos li jtemm xi wieħedmill-perjodi ta’ servizz mandatorju msemmija f’paragrafu26 ta’ hawn fuq, jista’ jkun imġiegħel jirrifondi lill-<strong>Gvern</strong>ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> l-ispejjeż kollha li jkun ħallas il-<strong>Gvern</strong> kemm fittaħriġbażiku fl-ewwel sena, kif ukoll għal taħriġ barra minn<strong>Malta</strong> fuq bażi pro-rata.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011On enlistment candidates will be required to undergoa Security Clearance process to obtain a National SecurityClearance Certificate at the required level. Candidates failingthis process will be dismissed from the Force.27. On successful completion of their twelve monthtraining period candidates will be commissioned in the rankof Second Lieutenant for a period of eighteen months.On the expiry of this period and subject to satisfactoryperformance, the Commissioned Officers will then bepromoted to the rank of Lieutenant. The dates of Commissionin the rank of Second Lieutenant and subsequent promotion tothe rank of Lieutenant, may be tied to successful completionof long courses at military institutions. However, in suchcases, relative seniority will be retained.28. Commissioned Officers will be bound to serve in theRegular Force for a minimum period of three years fromthe date of their commission. It should also be noted that,in terms of current Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> Regulations,Commissioned Officers who undertake overseas trainingmay be required to serve for a period of mandatory service,subject to a maximum of five years, following the completionof their training.29. An Officer who fails to complete any of the mandatoryperiods of service referred to in paragraph 26 above maybe required to refund to the Government of <strong>Malta</strong> all theexpenses incurred by the Government both on the first yearof basic training and on overseas training, on a pro ratabasis.29th July, 2011DIPARTIMENT TAL-EŻAMIJIETApplikazzjonijiet għall-Ingaġġ ta’ Suldati Atletifil-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> (Forza Regolari)Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u l-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet PubbliċiLokali javżaw illi se jsir eżami kompetittiv biex jiġu ingaġġatisuldati atleti biex iservu fil-Forza Regolari <strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Armatita’ <strong>Malta</strong>.2. L-applikanti għandhom:a. Ikunu ċittadini Maltin;b. Ikunu għalqu t-tmintax (18)-il sena iżda mhux ilħamsau għoxrin (25) sena sal-1 ta’ Jannar 2012;ċ. Ta’ karattru morali tajjeb;EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENTApplications for Enlistment of Soldier Athletesin the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> (Regular Force)The Director of Examinations and the Board of LocalPublic Examinations notify that a competitive publicexamination will be held for the enlistment of soldier athletesto serve in the Regular Force of the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.2. Applicants must:a. Be Maltese citizens;b. Be eighteen (18) years of age and not have reached theirthirtieth birthday by closing date of call for applications;c. Be of good moral character;

9358 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784d. Twal <strong>tal</strong>-anqas 1.57m fil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 1.52m fil-każtan-nisa u ta’ piż illi jaqbel mat-tul, waqt li jitqies ukoll iddixxiplinasportiva partikolari <strong>tal</strong>-individwi.e. Ma jkollhomx tattoos eċċessivi.3. Il-kandidati għandhom jgħaddu minn:a. Proċess ta’ vvettjar mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport(KMS) fejn l-istat ta’ atleta ta’ prestazzjoni għolja tagħhomtiġi riveduta u aċċettata jew le kif jista’ jkun il-każ mill-istessKMS;b. Eżami ta’ effiċjenza fiżika (l-ewwel Parti)ċ. Eżami <strong>tal</strong>-kitba (it-tieni Parti);d. Intervista (it-tielet Parti);4. L-eżami (li jinkludi Partijiet I, II u III) jibqa’ validu sasitt xhur minn meta jiġi ppubblikat ir-riżultat finali.5. L-eżami (Partijiet I, II u III) se jitmexxa mid-Direttur<strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u mill-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali.6. L-eżami jikkonsisti fi:L-Ewwel Parti - Eżami ta’ Effiċjenza Fiżika7. Primarjament jittieħed it-tul <strong>tal</strong>-kandidati biex jiġi żguratli jilħqu l-ħtiġiet stipulati f’paragrafu 2d ta’ din is-sejħa. Dawkli jikkwalifikaw ikunu meħtieġa li joqogħdu għall-eżami ta’Effiċjenza Fiżika biex jiġi żgurat li jkunu fiżikament f’saħħithomskont l-istandards <strong>tal</strong>-Forza Regolari.8. Il-livell minimu huwa kif ġej:2 Mile run - mhux aktar minn 16-il minuta u 54 sekonda filkaż<strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 19-il minuta u 54 sekonda fil-każ tan-nisa;Push-ups - f’ħin ta’ 2 minuti, mhux anqas minn 32 darbafil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 13-il darba tan-nisa;Sit-ups - f’ħin ta’ 2 minuti, mhux anqas minn 42 darbafil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 40 darba fil-każ tan-nisa.9. ll-kandidati jridu jilħqu l-istandard minimu f’kulltest fiżiku biex jitqiesu li għaddew mill-eżami ta’ effiċjenzafiżika. Il-marka massima fl-eżami ta’ effiċjenza fiżikajikkontribwixxi għal terz <strong>tal</strong>-marka globali ta’ 900.10. Kandidati li ma jgħaddux minn wieħed mit-testijiet fiżiċi,jew it-2 mile run jew il-push ups jew is-sit ups, ikunu jistgħujerġgħu joqogħdu għal re-sit ta’ dak it-test wieħed partikulari, fiżmien ġimagħtejn wara li jkun sar l-ewwel test komplut.d. Be not less than the minimum height required, i.e.1.57m for males and 1.52m for females and of acceptablebody weight in proportion to height with due considerationgiven to the applicant’s sporting discipline;e. Not sport excessive tattoos.3. Candidates will be required to undergo:a. A vetting process overseen by the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport (KMS) whereby their status as a high performanceathlete will be reviewed and accepted or declined as may bethe case by the said KMS;b. A physical efficiency test (Part I);c. Written tests (Part II);d. An interview (Part III);4. The validity of the examination (comprising Parts I,II and III) will expire after six months from publication ofthe final results.5. The examination (Parts I, II and III) shall be conductedby the Director of Examinations and the Board of LocalPublic Examinations.6. The examination shall consist of:Part I - Physical Efficiency Test7. Candidates will be primarily checked for height inorder to ensure that they meet the requirements stipulated inparagraph 2d of this call. Those who are found to meet suchrequirements will be subjected to a Physical Efficiency Testto ensure fitness to Regular Force Standards.8. The minimum standards are as follows:2 Mile run - not more than 16 minutes 54 seconds formales and 19 minutes 54 seconds for females;Push-ups - in a timed period of 2 minutes, not less than32 repetitions for males and 13 repetitions for females;Sit-ups - in a timed period of 2 minutes, not less than 42repetitions for males and 40 repetitions for females.9. Candidates must attain the minimum standard in eachphysical test to be considered as having gained a pass inthe Physical Efficiency Test. The maximum mark for thePhysical Efficiency Test will account for one third of theglobal maximum mark of 900.10. Candidates who fail in one feat only, i.e. either the2-mile run or the push-ups or the sit-ups, will be allowed tore-sit that one particular event two weeks following the firstcomplete test.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE935911. Kandidati li jgħaddu mir-re-sit, jiġu madankolluallokati l-marka minima ta’ 150.(Marki: Mass 300 Min 150)It-Tieni Parti - Eżamijiet bil-Miktub12. It-Tieni Parti hi miftuħa għal dawk il-kandidati lijkunu għaddew fl-Ewwel Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.13. L-eżamijiet bil-miktub jikkonsistu fi tliet karti: Malti,Ingliż u Matematika kif ġej:a. L-Ewwel karta: Malti (Ħin Sagħtejn)Komponiment;Comprehension;Żewġ eżerċizzi <strong>tal</strong>-grammatika/lingwa.b. It-Tieni karta: Ingliż (Ħin Sagħtejn)Komponiment;Comprehension;Żewġ eżerċizzi <strong>tal</strong>-grammatika/lingwa.ċ. It-Tielet Karta: Matematika (Ħin Sagħtejn)14. First four rules with practical application of Money,Time, Speed, Weights and Measures, Capacity, Lengthand Areas, Fractions (Vulgar and Decimal), Proportion,Averages and Percentages. Basic Geometrical facts (Anglesproperties of Basic Shapes), Bearings (use of Compass andthree figure bearing to locate a point, finding distance andbearing from a given scale drawing).15. Calculators jistgħu jintużaw waqt l-eżami.16. Il-livell meħtieġ u s-sillabu huma dawk tat-tieletklassi tas-Sekondarja.17. Kull karta <strong>tal</strong>-eżami ġġorr massimu ta’ 100 marka.Il-pass mark f’kull karta hija ta’ 40 marka u l-kandidati jridujġibu to<strong>tal</strong> globali minimu ta’ 150 marka biex jgħaddu milleżamikollu <strong>tal</strong>-kitba.18. Kopja tas-sillabu <strong>tal</strong>-eżami bil-miktub tista’ tinkisebwaqt ir-reġistrazzjoni.19. Kandidati li għandhom ċertifikati fil-Livell Ordinarju<strong>tal</strong>-MATSEC jew ekwivalenti fl-Ingliż, fil-Malti jew fil-Matematika, jistgħu jagħżlu li jkunu eżenti milli joqogħdugħas-suġġett/i partikolari. Marki jingħataw skont il-gradimiksuba kif ġej:MATSECGrad 1 – 100 MarkaGrad 2 – 90 MarkaGrad 3 – 80 Marka11. Candidates successful in the resit, will nonethelessonly be allotted the minimum pass mark of 150.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)Part II - Written Tests12. Part II shall only be open to those candidates whoobtain a minimum pass in Part I of the examination.13. The Written Tests shall consist of three papers inMaltese, English and Mathematics as follows:a. Paper I: Maltese (Duration 2 hrs)Composition;Comprehension;Two grammatical/language exercises.b. Paper II: English (Duration 2 hrs)Composition;Comprehension;Two grammatical/language exercises.c. Paper III: Mathematics (Duration 2 hrs)14. First four rules with practical application of Money,Time, Speed, Weights and Measures, Capacity, Length andAreas, Fractions (Vulgar and Decimal), Proportion, Averagesand Percentages. Basic Geometrical facts (Angles propertiesof Basic Shapes), Bearings (use of Compass and three figurebearing to locate a point, finding distance and bearing froma given scale drawing).15. Calculators are allowed during the examination.16. The standard required and the syllabus is that of FormIII Secondary Education.17. Each of the three papers carries a maximum mark of100. Whilst the pass mark in any of the papers is 40 marks,candidates will be required to obtain a global mark of 150marks in order to pass the whole written examination.18. A copy of the syllabus for the written Examinationmay be obtained during the registration period.19. Candidates who are in possession of certificates in‘O’ level MATSEC or equivalent in English, Maltese orMathematics may opt to be exempted from sitting for thatparticular subject/s. The following marks will be allotted tothe grades obtained:MATSECGrade 1 – 100 MarksGrade 2 – 90 MarksGrade 3 – 80 Marks

9360 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Grad 4 – 70 MarkaGrad 5 – 60 MarkaGrad 6 – 50 MarkaGrad 7 – 40 Marka20. ‘O’ levels ekwivalent minn univerista barranijarikonoxxuta mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-EdukazzjoniGrad A - 100 MarkaGrad B - 85 MarkaGrad C - 70 MarkaGrad D - 55 MarkaGrad E - 40 Marka21. Hija r-responsabbiltà <strong>tal</strong>-applikanti li jkollhomkwalifiki maħruġa minn istituzzjonijiet edukattivikemm lokali kif ukoll barranin, li juru dikjarazzjoni ta’rikonoxximent dwar il-komparabbiltà ta’ kwalifiki maħruġamill-<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications Recognition Information Centre(MQRIC) fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>- Edukazzjoni, Xogħol u l-Familjajew l-awtorità kompetenti skont il-każ, liema dikjarazzjonigħandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni, bl-oriġinali tintwerawaqt l-intervista.22. Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni, maħruġa mill-awtorità pertinenti liddipartimentriċeventi kif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhomu, f’ebda ċirkustanza, mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.23. Min jagħżel li joqgħod għall-eżami bil-miktub ujirrinunzja milli jissottometti ċertifikati <strong>tal</strong>-MATSEC jewċertifikati <strong>tal</strong>-GCE ekwivalenti, il-marka <strong>tal</strong>-eżami tkun ilmarkadefinittiva għar-riżultat finali.24. Il-marka massima fl-eżami <strong>tal</strong>-kitba tikkontribwixxigħal terz <strong>tal</strong>-marka globali ta’ 900.(Marki: Mass 300 Min 150)It-Tielet Parti - Intervista25. It-Tielet Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami hi miftuħa għal dawk ilkandidatili jikkwalifikaw mit-Tieni Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami. Il-markamassima fl-intervista tikkontribwixxi għal terz <strong>tal</strong>-markaglobali ta’ 900.26. L-intervista hija intiża biex teżamina l-kwalitajietpersonali <strong>tal</strong>-kandidati bħal dehra, żveltezza, xeħta,kunfidenza fih innifsu, kwalifiki eċċ., biex jiġi żgurat li huwaadatt għal servizz <strong>tal</strong>-militar.(Marki: Mass 300 Min 150)27. Kandidati li jonqsu li jattendu għal xi parti mill-eżamijiġu kkunsidrati li weħlu mill-eżami.Grade 4 – 70 MarksGrade 5 – 60 MarksGrade 6 – 50 MarksGrade 7 – 40 Marks20. ‘O’ level marks equivalent from an overseas universityrecognised by the Department of EducationGrade A - 100 MarksGrade B - 85 MarksGrade C - 70 MarksGrade D - 55 MarksGrade E - 40 Marks21. It is the responsibility of applicants in possessionof qualifications awarded by both local or foreigneducational institutions, to produce a recognition statementon comparability of qualifications issued by the <strong>Malta</strong>Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC)within the Ministry of Education, Employment and theFamily or the designated authority, as applicable, whichstatement should be attached to the application and theoriginal presented at the interview.22. Candidates not in possession of this statement maystill apply, provided that they submit a copy of the statement,issued by the pertinent authority, to the receiving departmentas soon as it becomes available and, in any case, by notlater than one month from the closing date of the call forapplications.23. Candidates who opt to sit for the written tests whilstrenouncing from submitting the MATSEC or equivalentGCE certificates will have the marks of the written testsconsidered as the definite final result.24. The maximum mark allotted to the written tests willaccount for one third of the global maximum mark of 900.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)Part III - Interview25. Part III shall only be open to those candidates whoqualify in Part II of the examination. The maximum markallotted to the interview will account for one third of theglobal maximum mark of 900.26. The interview is designed to assess a candidate’spersonal qualities such as appearance, alertness, aptitude,common sense, self-confidence, additional qualificationsetc. to ascertain their suitability for military service.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)27. Candidates who fail to attend any part of theExamination will be considered to have failed theexamination.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE936128. L-Ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Mertu jiġi stabbilit skont it-to<strong>tal</strong> ta’ markimiksuba fl-Ewwel, fit-Tieni u fit-Tielet Parti.29. Il-kandidati magħżula jiġu medikament eżaminatibiex ikun żgurat li huma b’saħħithom għall-impjieg skont kifikun meħtieġ mill-Forza Regolari. L-eżami Mediku jitmexxamill-Forzi Armati u jkun finali u konklussiv.30. Il-kondotta ta’ kandidati magħżula tiġi mistħarrġa fiddawl<strong>tal</strong>-provvedimenti relevanti ii jinstabu fil-Kapitoli 220(L-Att dwar il-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>) u 440 (L-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Privatezza tad-Data) <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.31. Persuni li għandhom rekord kriminali serju ma jiġuxaccettati.32. Il-FAM iżommu d-dritt li jannullaw ir-riżultat ta’ xikandidat li jkun għadda mill-eżami, jekk f’ xi ħin jinstab ligħandu rekord kriminali serju, jew inkella jkun tkeċċa mill-Forzi Armati, jew minn xi Korp iddixxiplinat iehor.32. L-applikanti ii jintgħażlu jiġu ingaġġati wara l-1 ta’Jannar 2012 bħala Gunner Rekluti u jkunu jridu jagħmlu perjoduta’ taħriġ bażiku ta’ mhux aktar minn 5 xhur. Rekluti jistgħu jiġumaħlula mis-Servizz jekk ma jilħqux il-livell meħtieġ.Rekluti li jlestu l-kors ta’ taħriġ, jiġu kkonfermati firrankta’ Gunner. Huma jiġu mħollija jipprattikaw l-isporttagħhom sa għoxrin siegħa waqt il-ħin tax-xogħol. Jekkgħal xi raġuni jew oħra suldat atleta ma jibqax jifforma partimit-team nazzjonali jew jaqa’ taħt il-kategorija ta’ atletata’ prestazzjoni għolja, hu/hija tiġi mneħħija mill-iskemau integrata għal kollox fil-FAM. Dan ma japplikax jekkir-raġuni għat-tneħħija mill-iskema tippresta ruħha għalltkeċċijamill-FAM għall-raġunijiet dixxiplinarji jew nuqqasta’ effiċjenza. Għajr li jkollhom ħin impenjat għat-taħriġ flisportli tiġi kkunsidrata parti integrali tad-dmirijiet tagħhom,l-istess kondizzjonijiet tas-servizz applikabbli għal suldatiregolari jgħoddu wkoll għas-suldati atleti fuq l-Iskema.34. Kandidati magħżula għall-Iskema <strong>tal</strong>-Isport <strong>tal</strong>-FAMiridu:a. Jagħmlu taħriġ militari bażiku li jinkludi Skill-at-Arms,Drill, PT, Map Reading, eċċ.b. Ma jidħlux jaħdmu part-time (jew full-time) barramill-FAM.c. Iżommu reġistru aġġornat tat-taħriġ.d. Jipprovdu lill-KMS permezz <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċjal inkarigatmill-Isports <strong>tal</strong>-FAM:(1) Programm annwali ta’ taħriġ u rapport tat-tmiem tassenata’ taħriġ28. The Order of Merit will be established according tothe aggregate marks obtained in Parts I, II and III.29. Selected candidates will be medicall examined toascertain that they are fit for the post according to RegularForce standards. The Medical Examination will be carriedout by the Armed Forces and will be final and conclusive.30. The conduct of selected candidates will be vettedin line with the provisions emanating from Chapters 220(<strong>Malta</strong> Armed Forces Act) and 440 (Data Protection Act) ofthe Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.31. Persons with a serious criminal record will not beaccepted.32. The AFM reserves the right to annul the result of theexamination of any successful candidate who at any time isfound to have a serious criminal record or has been dismissedfrom the AFM or any disciplined Force.33. Successful candidates will be enlisted after 1st January 2012as Gunner Recruits and will be required to undergo a basic trainingcourse of up to 5 months’ duration. Recruits may be dischargedfrom the Service should they fail to achieve required standards.Recruits who successfully complete the training course willthen be confirmed in the rank of Gunner. They will be allowedup to twenty hours a week to practice their sport during workinghours. Should the soldier athlete for any reason no longer formpart of the national team or fall under the category of highperformance athlete, he/she will be removed from the Schemeand integrated fully into the AFM. This will not apply if thereason for removal from the Scheme lends itself to dischargefrom the AFM on disciplinary grounds or lack of efficiency.Other than having time committed for sport training beingconsidered an integral part of their duties, the same conditionsof service applicable to regular soldiers shall apply for soldierathletes on the Scheme.34. Selected candidates on the AFM Sports Scheme willbe required to:a. Undergo basic Military Training, including Skill-at-Arms, Drill, PT, Map Reading, etc.b. Not engage in Part-Time (or full-time) work outsidethe AFM.c. Maintain an updated training log.d. Provide KMS through AFM Sports Officer:(1) An annual training programme and end of trainingyear report.

9362 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784(2) Rapport det<strong>tal</strong>jat <strong>tal</strong>-programm ta’ taħriġ għal kullxahar.(3) Det<strong>tal</strong>ji <strong>tal</strong>-coaches involuti fit-taħriġ.(4) Det<strong>tal</strong>ji <strong>tal</strong>-faċilitajiet ta’ taħriġ li jintużaw.(5) Rapport bil-miktub ta’ kull xahar iffirmat kemmmill-atleta u u kemm mill-coach li jelenka l-proċedimentita’ taħriġ <strong>tal</strong>-aħħar xahar, il-progress li sar u d-det<strong>tal</strong>ji <strong>tal</strong>attendenzagħal skedi u sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ pjanati.e. Ikunu preparati li jattendu korsijiet ta’ taħriġ relatat ma’l-isport tiegħu/tagħha jew għall-kors ta’ Assistent Istrutturfit-taħriġ Fiżiku, li għandu jiġu segwit minn kors ta’ IstrutturPT u ‘Train the Trainers’ kors.f. Ikunu lesti li jattendu korsijiet ta’ Leadership fejnneċessarju.g. Jiffirmaw kuntratt li jiġġedded kull sena.h. Jikkommettu ruħhom li jirrappreżentaw lill-FAM, filkompetizzjonijietorganizzati mill-Kunsill Internazzjonali<strong>tal</strong>-Isport Militari fl-isport rispettivi tagħhom.i. Jirrispettaw il-Kodiċi ta’ Etika Isport kif maħruġa mill-UNESCO.j. Ma jagħmlu l-ebda użu minn sustanzi illegali u/jew drogigħal titjib fil-prestazzjoni u/jew metodi oħra ta’ doping.k. Jagħmlu Function Diagnostics Laboratory (FDL) testkull meta jkun hemm bżonn.l. Jipprovdu n-numru tat-telefon biex ikun hemm kuntattfaċli u ta’ malajr jekk jinqala’ l-bżonn.m. Ikunu disponibbli l-ħin kollu biex jgħinu lill-FAM,KMS jew il-<strong>Gvern</strong> għall-finijiet ta’ promozzjoni fl-Isports.n. Jaċċettaw li jiġu mneħħija mill-Iskema b’mod indefinitf’każ ta’ korriment jew mard li ma jirriżultawx mill-isport,jekk ma jibqgħux mal-għażla nazzjonali, jekk ma jirraportawxgħat-taħriġ jew jekk ma jkunux kapaċi għat-taħriġ.o. Jinformaw immedjatament lill-KMS permezz <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċjal inkarigat mill-Isports <strong>tal</strong>-FAM jekk ikunu ġewimneħħija mill-pjani għal għażla nazzjonali.35. Rekluti jitpoġġew fuq skala 16 fejn jibdew b’salarjuta’ €10,755 fis-sena. Wara sentejn ta’ servizz jiġu riskalatigħal skala 15 u sussegwentement għal skala 14 wara erba’snin ta’ servizz. Dawk li jiġu ingaġġati jistgħu jkunu wkolleligibbli għal allowance <strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ta’ €21.50kull erba’ ġimgħat.(2) A detailed training programme for every month.(3) Details of the coaches involved in the training.(4) Details of the training facilities to be used.(5) A monthly written report signed by both athlete andcoach listing the proceedings of the past month’s training,the progress made and details of attendance for planned orscheduled training sessions.e. Be prepared to attend coaching courses related to his/her sport or an Assistant Physical Training Instructor Course,to be followed in time by a PT instructor course and a ‘Trainthe Trainers’ course.f. Be prepared to attend leadership courses as necessary.g. Sign a contract renewable every year.h. Be committed to represent the AFM in <strong>competition</strong>sunder auspices of the International Council for MilitarySport in their respective sport.i. Abide by the Code of Sports Ethics as issued byUNESCO.j. Make no use of illegal substances and/or performanceenhancing drugs and/or other doping methods.k. Undergo Function Diagnostics Laboratory (FDL)testing whenever necessary.l. Immediately provide a telephone number for quick andeasy contact should the need arise.m. Be available at all times to assist the AFM, KMS orthe Government for sports promotion purposes.n. Accept to be removed indefinitely from the Scheme inthe case of injury or illness not resulting from the sport, ifdropped from national selection, if not reporting for trainingor if not fit for training.o. Immediately inform KMS through the AFM SportsOfficer should he/she be dropped from the national selectionplans.35. Recruits will be placed on salary scale 16 with aninitial salary of €10,755 per annum. They will proceed tosalary scale 15 after two years of service and to salary scale14 after four years of service. The enlisted persons may alsobecome entitled to an Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> allowance of€21.50 every four weeks.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE936336. Gunners taħt din l-Iskema se jkunu intitolati għall-istesskondizzjonijiet tas-servizz li jgawdu suldati regolari. Ladarbajirtiraw mill-iskema, anke fi stadju bikri, huma jibqgħu jżommul-impjieg fl-Armata, soġġett li ma jkunx hemm ċirkustanzi lihuma prevalenti u li jiddettaw mod ieħor.37. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jinġabru mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana/Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex jew mingħand ir-Recruiting Office, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa jew direttament minn fuq il-website tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet fuq: (www.exams.gov.mt) minnnhar it-Tnejn 8 ta’ Awwissu 2011.38. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni (dawk biss li jintlaqgħu)għandhom ikunu ppreżentati personalment minn nharit-Tnejn, 8 ta’ Awwissu 2011 sa nhar il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’Awwissu 2011 fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana u fiċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, bejn it-8.00 a.m.u 1.00 p.m.39. Mal-applikazzjoni l-kandidati għandhom jippreżentaw:a. Kopja (miż-żewg naħat) <strong>tal</strong>-karta uffiċjali <strong>tal</strong>-Identitàtagħhom;b. Kopja taċ-ċertifikati kif speċifikati f’paragrafi 19 sa22;ċ. Ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta mill-Pulizija Form ‘A’(maħruġ fi żmien sitt xhur qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>applikazzjonijiet);d. Dritt ta’ ħlas ta’ €9.30.40. Ma jiġux ikkunsidrati applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard.41. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew għall-verifika mal-applikazzjoni kifukoll waqt l-intervista.42. Il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali jkollu s-setgħali jittratta sommarjament ma’ kull kandidat li, waqt li jkunqiegħed isir l-eżami, jinstab ħati ta’ mġiba ħażina jew xiksur ieħor tar-Regolamenti maħruġa biex jiggwidaw ilkandidati.43. II-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali jżomm id-drittli jħassar l-eżami jekk tinsab xi irregolarità dwar dan l-eżami. Tħassir bħal dan jista’ jkun dwar l-eżami kollu, ukolljekk l-irregolarità li tinstab tkun dwar suġġett wieħed bissjew stadju partikolari <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 201136. Gunners on this Scheme will be entitled to the sameconditions of service enjoyed by any regular soldier. Onceretiring from the scheme, even at an early stage, they willretain employment in the Armed Forces subject to there notbeing overriding circumstances that dictate otherwise.37. Application forms may be collected from theExaminations Department Floriana/Examinations Centre, Ir-Rabat, Gozo or from the Recruiting Office, Luqa Barracks,Ħal Luqa or directly from the <strong>Malta</strong> Government websiteon: (www.exams.gov.mt) from Monday, 8th August 2011.38. Application forms (only those admissible should behanded in personally from Monday, 8th August 2011 2011 toFriday, 19th August 2011 at the Department of Examinations,Floriana and at the Examinations Centre, Ir-Rabat, Gozobetween 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.39. Together with the application form, candidates mustproduce:a. Copy (front and back) of their official Identity Card;b. Copy of certificates as specified in paragraphs 19 to22;c. A recent Police conduct certificate, Form ‘A’ (issuedwithin six months prior to closing date of applications);d. An examination fee of €9.30.40. Late applications will not be considered.41. Original documents, certificates and/or testimonialsare to be invariably produced for verification when submittingthe application form and during the interview.42. The Board of Local Public Examinations shall havepower to deal summarily with any candidate who, whilethe examination is in progress, is found to be guilty ofmisconduct or of any other breach of the instructions issuedfor the guidance of candidates.43. The Board of Local Public Examinations reserves theright to annul the examination if any irregularity is detectedin connection therewith. Such annulment may be in respectof the whole examination even if the detected irregularityis in respect of only one subject or a particular stage of theexamination.29th July, 2011

9364 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784DIPARTIMENT TAL-EŻAMIJIETIngaġġ ta’ Suldati fil-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>(Forza Regolari)Id-Direttur <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u l-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet PubbliċiLokali jgħarrfu li se jsir eżami kompetittiv biex jiġuingaġġati:Skema ‘A’Tletin (30) suldat biex iservu fis-C (Special Duties)Company, 1 Regiment AFM, <strong>tal</strong>-Forza Regolari <strong>tal</strong>-ForziArmati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> fuq il-bażi spjegata f’paragrafu 36 aktar’l isfel.Skema ‘B’Ħmistax (15)-il suldat b’tagħlim tekniku biex iservubħala suldati kif ukoll biex ikomplu jitħarrġu u jispeċjalizzawf’waħda mis-snajja’ msemmija hawn taħt, fuq il-bażi spjegataf’paragrafu 36 aktar ’l isfel:Telecommunications (3)Information Technology (3)Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (1)Mechanical Engineering (2)Automotive Maintenance and Repair (2)Aircraft Maintenance (2)Electronics Engineering (2)2. L-applikanti għandhom:a. ikunu ċittadini Maltin;b. ikunu għalqu t-tmintax (18)-il sena iżda mhux il-ħamsa ugħoxrin (25) sena sad-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjonijiet;ċ ta’ karattru morali tajjeb;d. twal <strong>tal</strong>-anqas 1.57m fil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 1.52m fil-każtan-nisa u ta’ piż illi jaqbel mat-tul;e. ma jkollhomx tattoos eċċessivi;f. Ikollhom BTEC/MCAST first diploma (livell 3 jewogħla) jew ekwivalenti minn istituzzjoni rikonoxxutaf’waħda mis-snajja’ msemmija f’paragrafu 1 hawn fuq f’każta’ applikanti li japplikaw għal Skema B.3. L-applikanti jistgħu japplikaw għal Skema ‘A’ jewSkema ‘B’ biss jew għaż-żewġ skemi.4. Il-vakanzi jimtlew skont l-ordni finali <strong>tal</strong>-meritu. Fiskema ‘B’, il-vakanzi jimtlew ukoll skont il-vakanzi f’kullsengħa partikolari kif indikat f’paragrafu 1. L-ordni finali<strong>tal</strong>-mertu tiġi deċiża bil-marki to<strong>tal</strong>i miksuba fl-eżami li jkunkif ġej:EXAMINATIONS DEPARTMENTEnlistment of Soldiers in the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>(Regular Force)The Director of Examinations and the Board of LocalPublic Examinations notify that a competitive publicexamination will be held for the enlistment of:Scheme ‘A’Thirty (30) soldiers to serve in the C (Special Duties)Company, 1 Regiment AFM, of the Regular Force of theArmed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> on the basis explained in paragraph36 below.Scheme ‘B’Fifteen (15) soldiers with a technical background toserve as soldiers as well as to continue their training andspecialisation in one of the under-mentioned trades on thebasis explained in paragraph 36 below:Telecommunications (3)Information Technology (3)Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (1)Mechanical Engineering (2)Automotive Maintenance and Repair (2)Aircraft Maintenance (2)Electronics Engineering (2)2. Applicants must:a. be Maltese citizens;b. be eighteen (18) years of age and not have reached the ageof twenty five (25) by closing date of call for applications;c. be of good moral character;d. be not less than the minimum heightrequired, i.e. 1.57m for males and 1.52m for females andof acceptable body weight in proportion to height;e. not sport excessive tattoos;f. be in possession of a BTEC/MCAST first diploma(level 3 or higher) or an equivalent qualification from arecognised institution in one of the trades listed in paragraph1 above in the case of applicants applying under Scheme B3. Candidates may apply under Scheme ‘A’ or Scheme‘B’ only or under both schemes.4. Vacancies will be filled in accordance with the finalorder of merit. Under Scheme ‘B’, posts will be filled also inaccordance with vacancies available in each particular trade asindicated in para. 1. The final order of merit will be determinedby the global mark gained in the examination as follows:

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9365Parti I - eżami ta’ effiċjenza fiżika;Parti II - eżami bil-miktub;Part IV - intervista.5. L-eżami jibqa’ validu sa sitt xhur minn meta jiġippubblikat ir-riżultat finali.6. L-eżami (Parti I, II, III u IV) se jitmexxa mid-Direttur<strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet u mill-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali.7. L-eżami jikkonsisti fi:-L-Ewwel Parti - Eżami ta’ Effiċjenza Fiżika8. Primarjament il-kandidati jiġu mkejla għat-tul sabiexjiġi żgurat li jilħqu l-ħtiġiet stipulati f’paragrafu 2d ta’ din issejħa.Dawk li jikkwalifikaw ikunu meħtieġa li joqogħdu għalleżamita’ Effiċjenza Fiżika biex jiġi żgurat li jkunu fiżikamentf’saħħithom skont l-istandards <strong>tal</strong>-Forza Regolari.9. Il-livell minimu huwa kif ġej:2 mile run - mhux aktar minn 16-il minuta u 54 sekondafil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 19-il minuta u 54 sekonda fil-każ tannisa;Push-ups - mhux anqas minn 32 darba fil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġielu 13-il darba fil-każ tan-nisa f’ħin ta’ mhux anqas minn 2minuti;Sit-ups - mhux anqas minn 42 darba fil-każ <strong>tal</strong>-irġiel u 40darba fil-każ tan-nisa f’ħin ta’ mhux anqs minn 2 minuti.10. Il-kandidati jridu mill-anqas jilħqu l-istandardminimu f’kull test fiżiku biex jitqiesu li għaddew mill-eżamita’ effiċjenza fiżika. Il-marka massima fl-eżami ta’ effiċjenzafiżika jikkontribwixxi għal terz <strong>tal</strong>-marka globali ta’ 900.11. Kandidati li ma jgħaddux minn wieħed mit-testijietfiżiċi, jew it-2 mile run jew il-push ups jew is-sit ups, ikunujistgħu joqogħdu għal re-sit ta’ dak it-test wieħed partikolari, fiżmien ġimagħtejn wara li jkun sar l-ewwel test komplut, iżdaxorta ma jkunux intitolati għal iżjed mill-marka minima ta’150, irrespettivament mill-marki miksubin fit-testijiet l-oħra.(Marki: Mass 300 Min 150)It-Tieni Parti - Eżamijiet bil-miktub12. It-Tieni Parti hi miftuħa għal dawk il-kandidati lijkunu għaddew fl-Ewwel Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.Part I - physical efficiency test;Part II - written tests;Part IV - interview.5. The validity of the examination will expire after sixmonths from publication of the final result.6. The examination (Parts I, II, III and IV) shall beconducted by the Director of Examinations and the Board ofLocal Public Examinations.7. The exam consists of:-Part I - Physical Efficiency Test8. Candidates will be primarily checked for height inorder to ensure that they meet the requirements stipulated inparagraph 2d of this call. Those who are found to meet suchrequirements will be subjected to a Physical Efficiency Testto ensure fitness to Regular Force Standards.9. The minimum standards are as follows:2 mile run - not more than 16 minutes 54 seconds formales and 19 minutes 54 seconds for females;Push-ups - not less than 32 repetitions for males and 13repetitions for females in a timed period of 2 minutes;Sit-ups - not less than 42 repetitions for males and 40repetitions for females in a timed period of 2 minutes.10. Candidates must at least attain the minimum standardin each physical test to be considered as having gained apass in the Physical Efficiency Test. The maximum mark forthe Physical Efficiency Test will account for one third of theglobal maximum mark of 900.11. Candidates who fail in one feat only, i.e. either the2-mile run or the push-ups or the sit-ups, will be allowedto re-sit that one particular event two weeks following thefirst complete test, but if successful in such resit will only beentitled to the minimum pass mark of 150, regardless of thescores obtained in the other feats.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)Part II - Written Tests12. Part II shall only be open to those candidates whoobtain a minimum pass in Part I of the examination.

9366 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,78413. L-eżamijiet bil-miktub jikkonsistu fi tliet karti: Malti,Ingliż u Matematika kif ġej:a. L-Ewwel karta: Malti (Ħin sagħtejn)Komponiment;Comprehension;Żewġ eżerċizzi <strong>tal</strong>-grammatika/lingwa.b. It-Tieni karta: Ingliż (Ħin sagħtejn)Komponiment;Comprehension;Żewġ eżerċizzi <strong>tal</strong>-grammatika/lingwa.ċ. It-Tielet Karta: Matematika (Ħin sagħtejn)14. First four rules with practical application of Money,Time, Speed, Weights and Measures, Capacity, Lengthand Areas, Fractions (Vulgar and Decimal), Proportion,Averages and Percentages. Basic Geometrical facts (Anglesproperties of Basic Shapes), Bearings (use of Compass andthree figure bearing to locate a point, finding distance andbearing from a given scale drawing).15. Calculators jistgħu jintużaw waqt l-eżami.16. Il-livell meħtieġ u s-sillabu huma dawk tat-tieletklassi tas-Sekondarja.17. Kull karta <strong>tal</strong>-eżami ġġorr massimu ta’ 100 marka.Il-pass mark f’kull karta hija ta’ 40 marka u l-kandidati jridujġibu to<strong>tal</strong> globali minimu ta’ 150 marka biex jgħaddu milleżamikollu <strong>tal</strong>-kitba.18. Kopja tas-sillabu <strong>tal</strong>-eżami bil-miktub tista’ tinkisebwaqt il-perjodu tar-reġistrazzjoni.19. Kandidati li għandhom ċertifikati fil-livell ordinarju <strong>tal</strong>-MATSEC jew ekwivalenti, fl-Ingliż, fil-Malti jew fil-Matematika,jistgħu jagħżlu li jkunu eżenti milli joqogħdu għas-suġġett/ipartikolari. Gradi miksuba jingħataw il-marki li ġejjin:MATSECGrad 1 – 100 MarkaGrad 2 – 90 MarkaGrad 3 – 80 MarkaGrad 4 – 70 MarkaGrad 5 – 60 MarkaGrad 6 – 50 MarkaGrad 7 – 40 Marka20. ‘O’ levels ekwivalenti fl-istess suġġetti msemmijaf’para 19 minn università barranija rikonoxxuta mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Edukazzjoni:13. The Written Tests shall consist of three papers inMaltese, English and Mathematics as follows:a. Paper I: Maltese (Duration 2 hrs)Composition;Comprehension;Two grammatical/language exercises.b. Paper II: English (Duration 2 hrs)Composition;Comprehension;Two grammatical/language exercises.c. Paper III: Mathematics (Duration 2 hrs)14. First four rules with practical application of Money,Time, Speed, Weights and Measures, Capacity, Length andAreas, Fractions (Vulgar and Decimal), Proportion, Averagesand Percentages. Basic Geometrical facts (Angles propertiesof Basic Shapes), Bearings (use of Compass and three figurebearing to locate a point, finding distance and bearing froma given scale drawing).15. Calculators are allowed during the examination.16. The standard required and the syllabus are those ofForm III Secondary Education.17. Each of the three papers carries a maximum mark of100. Whilst the pass mark in any of the papers is 40 marks,candidates will be required to obtain a global mark of 150marks in order to pass the whole written examination.18. A copy of the syllabus for the written examinationmay be obtained during the registration period.19. Candidates who are in possession of certificates in ‘O’level MATSEC or equivalent in English, Maltese or Mathematicsmay opt to be exempted from sitting for that particular subject/s.The following marks will be allotted to the grades obtained:MATSECGrade 1 – 100 MarksGrade 2 – 90 MarksGrade 3 – 80 MarksGrade 4 – 70 MarksGrade 5 – 60 MarksGrade 6 – 50 MarksGrade 7 – 40 Marks20. ‘O’ levels equivalent in the same subjects mentionedin para 19 from an overseas university recognised by theDepartment of Education:

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9367Grad A - 100 MarkaGrad B - 85 MarkaGrad C - 70 MarkaGrad D - 55 MarkaGrad E - 40 Marka21. Hija r-responsabbiltà <strong>tal</strong>-applikanti li jkollhom kwalifikimaħruġa minn entitajiet edukattivi lokali jew barranin li jurudikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il-komparabbiltà ta’kwalifiki maħruġa mill-<strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications RecognitionInformation Centre (MQRIC) fil-Ministeru <strong>tal</strong>- Edukazzjoni,Xogħol u l-Familja jew l-awtorità kompetenti skont il-każ,liema dikjarazzjoni għandha tinthemeż mal-applikazzjoni,bl-oriġinali tintwera waqt l-intervista.22. Dawk il-kandidati li għad m’għandhomx din iddikjarazzjonijkunu jistgħu japplikaw, iżda jridu jibagħtukopja tad-dikjarazzjoni, maħruġa mill-awtorità pertinenti liddipartimentriċeventi kif tkun għad-dispożizzjoni tagħhomu, f’ebda ċirkustanza, mhux aktar tard minn xahar mid-data<strong>tal</strong>-għeluq tas-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.23. Min jagħżel li joqgħod għall-eżami bil-miktub ujirrinunzja milli jissottometti ċertifikati <strong>tal</strong>-MATSEC jewċertifikati <strong>tal</strong>-GCE ekwivalenti, il-marka <strong>tal</strong>-eżami tkun ilmarkadefinittiva għar-riżultat finali.24. Il-marka massima fl-eżami <strong>tal</strong>-kitba tikkontribwixxigħal terz <strong>tal</strong>-marka globali ta’ 900.(Marki: Mass 300 Min 150)It-Tielet Parti - Infantry Suitability Assessment(Applikabbli għal Skema ‘A’ biss)25. It-tielet Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami hi miftuħa għal dawk il-kandidati lijapplikaw taħt skema ‘A’ u li għaddew mit-Tieni Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.26. Dan it-test huwa ntiż sabiex jassessja kemm l-individwu huwa adatt sabiex iservi fis-C (Special Duties)Company. Il-kandidati jiġu assessjati fuq l-abbiltà tagħhomsabiex jaħdmu f’tim f’sitwazzjonijiet ta’ sfida u fuq is-saħħafiżika meħtieġa biex iservu fil-Kumpanija.Ir-riżulat <strong>tal</strong>-assessment ikun fuq bażi ta’ pass jew fail.Ir-Raba’ Parti - Intervista27. Ir-Raba’ Parti <strong>tal</strong>-eżami hi miftuħa għal dawkil-kandidati li jikkwalifikaw minn Parti III fil-każ ta’applikanti taħt Skema “A” jew Part II fil-każ ta’ applikantili japplikaw taħt Skema “B”. Il-marka massima fl-intervistatikkontribwixxi għal terz <strong>tal</strong>-marka globali ta’ 900.Grade A - 100 MarksGrade B - 85 MarksGrade C - 70 MarksGrade D - 55 MarksGrade E - 40 Marks21. It is the responsibility of applicants, in possessionof qualifications awarded by local or foreign educationalinstitutions, to produce a recognition statement on comparabilityof qualifications issued by the <strong>Malta</strong> Qualifications RecognitionInformation Centre (MQRIC) within the Ministry of Education,Employment and the Family or the designated authority, asapplicable, which statement should be attached to the applicationand the original presented at the interview.22. Candidates not in possession of this statement maystill apply, provided that they submit a copy of the statement,issued by the pertinent authority, to the receiving departmentas soon as it becomes available and, in any case, by notlater than one month from the closing date of the call forapplications.23. Candidates who opt to sit for the written tests whilstrenouncing from submitting the MATSEC or equivalentGCE certificates will have the marks of the written testsconsidered as the definite final result.24. The maximum mark allotted to the written tests willaccount for one third of the global maximum mark of 900.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)Part III – Infantry Suitability Assessment(Applicable for Scheme ‘A’ only)25. Part III shall only be open to those candidates applyingunder Scheme ‘A’ and who pas Part II of the examination.26. This assessment is designed to assess a candidate’ssuitability to serve with C (Special Duties) Company.Candidates will be assessed on their ability to work in ateam in challenging situations and on their physical strengthrequired for employment in the Company.The result of the assessment will be on a pass or fail basis.Part IV - Interview27. Part IV shall only be open to those candidates whoqualify in Part III for those applying under Scheme “A” andPart II for those applying under Scheme “B”. The maximummark allotted to the interview will account for one third ofthe global maximum mark of 900.

9368 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,78428. L-intervista hija intiża biex teżamina l-kwalitajietpersonali ta’ kandidati bħal dehra, żveltezza, xeħta,kunfidenza fih innifsu, kwalifiki eċċ, biex jiġi żgurat li huwaadatt għal servizz <strong>tal</strong>-militar.(Marki: Mass. 300 Min. 150)29. Kandidati li jonqsu li jattendu għal xi parti mill-eżamijiġu kkunsidrati li weħlu mill-eżami.30. L-Ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Mertu jiġi stabbilit skont it-to<strong>tal</strong> <strong>tal</strong>markimiksuba fl-Ewwel, fit-Tieni u fir-Raba’ Parti.31. Il-kandidati magħżula jiġu medikament eżaminatibiex ikun żgurat li huma b’saħħithom għall-impjieg skont kifikun meħtieġ mill-Forza Regolari. L-eżami mediku jitmexxamill-Forzi Armati u jkun finali u konklussiv.32. Il-kondotta ta’ kandidati magħżula tiġi mistħarrġa fiddawl<strong>tal</strong>-provvedimenti rilevanti li jinstabu fil-Kapitoli 220(L-Att dwar il-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>) u 440 (L-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni u l-Privatezza tad-Data) <strong>tal</strong>-Liġijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.33. Persuni li għandhom rekord kriminali serju ma jiġuxaċċettati.34. Il-FAM iżommu d-dritt li jannullaw ir-riżultat ta’ xikandidat li jkun għadda mill-eżami, jekk f’ xi ħin jinstab ligħandu rekord kriminali serju, jew inkella jkun tkeċċa mill-Forzi Armati, jew minn xi Korp iddixxiplinat ieħor.35. L-applikanti li jintgħażlu jiġu ingaġġati wara l-1 ta’Jannar 2012, sabiex jimlew vakanzi bħala Gunner Rekluti ujkunu jridu jagħmlu perjodu ta’ taħriġ bażiku ta’ mhux aktarminn 5 xhur. Rekluti jistgħu jiġu maħlula mis-Servizz jekkma jilħqux il-livell meħtieġ.36. Rekluti minn Skema ‘A’ li jispiċċaw dan il-kors jiġukkonfermati fil-grad ta’ Gunner biex iservu fis-‘C’ (SpecialDuties) Company, <strong>tal</strong>-Ewwel Reġiment <strong>tal</strong>-Armata għallewwelsitt snin servizz tagħhom fil-Forza. Suġġetti għallkundizzjonijietli japplikaw għal din il-Kumpanija, humajkunu jridu jservu ma’ kwalunkwe kontinġent <strong>tal</strong>-FAM waqtcrisis management operations u missjonijiet simili. Wara s-sitt snin fis- ‘C’ (Special Duties) Company, jistgħu jintbagħtuf’taqsimiet oħrajn, skont l-esiġenzi tas-Servizz.Rekluti minn Skema ‘B’ li jispiċċaw dan il-kors jiġukkonfermati fil-grad ta’ Gunner sabiex jiġu impjegati fittaqsimietdifferenti <strong>tal</strong>-FAM skont l-esiġenzi tas-servizz.28. The interview is designed to assess a candidate’spersonal qualities such as appearance, alertness, aptitude,common sense, self-confidence, and additional qualificationsetc. to ascertain their suitability for military service.(Marks: Max 300 Min 150)29. Candidates who fail to attend any part of the Examinationwill be considered to have failed the examination.30. The Order of Merit will be established according tothe aggregate marks obtained in Parts I, II and IV.31. Selected candidates will be medically examined toascertain that they are fit for the post according to RegularForce standards. The medical examination will be carriedout by the Armed Forces and will be final and conclusive.32. The conduct of selected candidates will be vettedin line with the provisions emanating from Chapters 220(<strong>Malta</strong> Armed Forces Act) and 440 (Data Protection Act) ofthe Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.33. Persons with a serious criminal record will not beaccepted.34. The AFM reserves the right to annul the result of theexamination of any successful candidate who at any time isfound to have a serious criminal record or has been dismissedfrom the AFM or any disciplined Force.35. Successful candidates will be enlisted after 1stJanuary 2012, to fill vacancies as Gunner Recruits and willbe required to undergo a basic training course of 5 monthsmaximum duration. Recruits may be discharged from theService should they fail to achieve required standards.36. Recruits under Scheme ‘A’ who successfully completethe training course will be confirmed in the rank of Gunnersfor duty in ‘C’ (Special Duties) Company, 1 Regt AFM, forthe first six years of service in the Force. Subject to the specialconditions applicable to this company, they are to serve in anyAFM Contingent participating in overseas crisis managementoperations and similar missions. Following the six years servingin C (Special Duties) Company, they may be posted to otherunits subject to the exigency of the Service.Recruits under Scheme ‘B’ who successfully completethe training course will be confirmed in the rank of Gunnersand will be employed in the various Units of the AFMaccording to the exigencies of the service.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE936937. Rekluti jitqiegħdu fuq skala 16 fejn jibdew b’salarjuta’ €10,816 fis-sena. Wara sentejn ta’ servizz jiġu riskalatigħal skala 15 u sussegwentement għal skala 14 wara erba’snin ta’ servizz. Dawk li jiġu ingaġġati jistgħu jkunu wkolleliġibbli għal allowance <strong>tal</strong>-Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> ta’ €21.50kull erba’ ġimgħat.38. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni jistgħu jinġabru mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana/Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex jew mingħand ir-Recruiting Office, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa jew direttament minn fuq il-website tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet fuq: (www.exams.gov.mt) minnnhar it-Tnejn, it-8 ta’ Awwissu 2011.39. Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni (dawk biss li jintlaqgħu)għandhom ikunu ppreżentati personalment minn nhar it-Tnejn,8 ta’ Awwissu 2011 sa nhar il-Ġimgħa, 19 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet, Floriana u fiċ-Ċentru <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet,Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, bejn it-8.00 a.m. u s-1.00 p.m.40. Il-kandidati għandhom jippreżentaw mal-applikazzjoni:a. kopja (miż-żewġ naħat) <strong>tal</strong>-Karta uffiċjali <strong>tal</strong>-Identitàtagħhom;b. kopja taċ-ċertifikati kif speċifikati f’paragrafi 19 sa22;ċ. ċertifikat riċenti <strong>tal</strong>-kondotta mill-Pulizija Form ‘A’(maħruġ fi żmien sitt xhur qabel id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>applikazzjonijiet)d. dritt ta’ ħlas ta’ €9.30.41. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajreċċezzjoni, jintwerew għall-verifika mal-applikazzjoni kifukoll waqt l-intervista.42. Ma jiġux ikkunsidrati applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard.43. Il-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali jkollu s-setgħa lijittratta sommarjament ma’ kull kandidat li, waqt li jkun qiegħedisir l-eżami, jinstab ħati ta’ mġiba ħażina jew xi ksur ieħor tar-Regolamenti maħruġa biex jiggwidaw il-kandidati.44. II-Bord <strong>tal</strong>-Eżamijiet Pubbliċi Lokali jżomm id-drittli jħassar l-eżami jekk tinsab xi irregolarità dwar dan l-eżami. Tħassir bħal dan jista’ jkun dwar l-eżami kollu, ukolljekk l-irregolarità li tinstab tkun dwar suġġett wieħed bissjew stadju partikolari <strong>tal</strong>-eżami.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 201137. Recruits will be placed on salary scale 16 with aninitial salary of €10,816 per annum. They will proceed tosalary scale 15 after two years of service and to salary scale14 after four years of service. The enlisted persons may alsobecome entitled to an Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong> allowance of€21.50 every four weeks.38. Application forms may be collected from theExaminations Department Floriana/Examinations Centre, Ir-Rabat, Gozo or from the Recruiting Office, Luqa Barracks,Ħal Luqa or directly from the website of the ExaminationsDepartment on: (www.exams.gov.mt) from Monday, 8thAugust 2011.39. Application forms (only those admissible) shouldbe handed in personally from Monday 8th August 2011 toFriday, 19th August 2011 at the Department of Examinations,Floriana and at the Examinations Centre, Ir-Rabat, Gozobetween 8.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.40. Together with the application form, candidates mustproduce:a. copy (front and back) of their official Identity Card;b. copy of certificates as specified in paragraphs 19 to22;c. a recent Police conduct certificate, Form ‘A’ (issuedwithin six months prior to closing date of applications);d. an examination fee of €9.30.41 Original documents and/or certificates are to beinvariably produced for verification when submitting theapplication form and during the interview.42. Late applications will not be considered.43. The Board of Local Public Examinations shall havepower to deal summarily with any candidate who, whilethe examination is in progress, is found to be guilty ofmisconduct or of any other breach of the instructions issuedfor the guidance of candidates.44. The Board of Local Public Examinations reserves theright to annul the examination if any irregularity is detected inconnection therewith. Such annulment may be in respect of thewhole examination even if the detected irregularity is in respectof only one subject or a particular stage of the examination.29th July, 2011

9370 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post ta’ OrnitologuIstitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth SystemsProġett iffinanzjat mill-I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tinħtieġ timpjega Part-Time Post ta’Ornitologu mal-Istitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth Systems mal-Università ta’<strong>Malta</strong> biex jaħdem/taħdem fuq il-proġett SIMBIOTIC (Sicily– <strong>Malta</strong> BIOgeographical Transboundary Insular Connectivity).Il-maħtur/a ikun/tkun mistenni/mistennija li jaħdem/taħdem għalto<strong>tal</strong>i indikattiv ta’ 8 xhur, fuq bażi part-time għall-perjodi ta’żmien differenti bejn Lulju 2011 u April 2013.Il-maħtur/a għandu/għandha jkollu/jkollha esperjenzarilevanti fil-ekoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-Mediterran Ċentrali u jkollu/jkollhapostgraduate f’wieħed minn dawn is-suġġetti: Bijoloġija,Ekoloġija u Żooloġija.Is-salarju jibda skont l-esperjenza u l-kwalifiki.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatitagħhom u l-ismijiet u indirizzi (jew e-mails) ta’ tlietreferees. L-applikazzjonijiet jistgħu jintbagħtu b’e-mail fuq:(rectruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt)JewDirettur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji Amministrattivil-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2011.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).University of <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post of OrnithologistInstitute of Earth SystemsProject funded by the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013Applications are invited for the Part-Time Post ofOrnithologist with the Institute of Earth Systems of theUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>, to work on the project SIMBIOTIC(Enhancing Sicily – <strong>Malta</strong> BIOgeographical TransboundaryInsular Connectivity). The appointee is expected to work foran indicative to<strong>tal</strong> of 8 months, on a part-time basis at differenttime periods between July 2011 and April 2013.The successful candidate must have relevant experiencein ornithology and be in possession of a postgraduatequalification in any one of the following subjects: Biology,Ecology and Zoology.The salary to be paid will be commensurate withqualifications and experience.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or e-mails) of threereferees. Applications may be sent by e-mail to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt)OrDirector, Human Resources Management and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080Applications should be received by not later than noon ofFriday, 5th August 2011.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 201129th July, 2011Programm I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureIl-proġett u l-post huma parzjalment iffinanzjati mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekI<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureThis project and post are part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9371L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post ta’ EkoloġistaIstitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth SystemsProġett iffinanzjat mill-I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tinħtieġ timpjega Part-Time Post<strong>tal</strong>-Ekoloġista mal-Istitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth Systems mal-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong> biex jaħdem/taħdem fuq il-proġett SIMBIOTIC(Sicily – <strong>Malta</strong> BIOgeographical Transboundary InsularConnectivity). Il-maħtur/a ikun/tkun mistenni/mistennija lijaħdem/taħdem għal to<strong>tal</strong>i indikattiv ta’ 18-il xahar, fuq bażipart-time għal perjodi ta’ żmien differenti bejn Lulju 2011 uApril 2013.Il-maħtur/a għandu/għandha jkollu/jkollha esperjenzarilevanti fil-ekoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-Mediterran Ċentrali u jkollu/jkollhapostgraduate f’wieħed minn dawn is-suġġetti: Bijoloġija,Ekoloġija.Is-salarju jibda skont l-esperjenza u l-kwalifikazzjoni.Il-kandidati għandħom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae u kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatitagħhom u l-ismijiet u indirizzi (jew e-mails) ta’ tliet referees.L-applikazzjoniji jistgħu jintbagħtu b’e-mail fuq (rectruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt)JewDirettur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji Amministrattivil-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2011.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies)Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011University of <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post of EcologistInstitute of Earth SystemsProject funded by the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013Applications are invited for the Part-Time Post of Ecologistwith the Institute of Earth Systems of the University of <strong>Malta</strong>,to work on the project SIMBIOTIC (Enhancing Sicily – <strong>Malta</strong>BIOgeographical Transboundary Insular Connectivity). Theappointee is expected to work for an indicative to<strong>tal</strong> of 18months, on a part-time basis at different time periods betweenJuly 2011 and April 2013.The successful candidate must have relevant experience inthe ecology of the Central Mediterranean and be in possessionof a postgraduate qualification in any one of the followingsubjects: Biology, Ecology.A salary commensurate with qualifications and experiencewill be paid.Candidates should submit their letter of application,six copies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies oftheir certificates and names and addresses (or e-mails)of three referees. Applications may be sent by e-mail torecruitment.(hrmd@um.edu.mt)OrDirector, Human Resources Management and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080Applications should be received by not later than noon ofFriday, 5th August 2011.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).29th July, 2011Programm I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureIl-proġett u l-post huma parzjalment iffinanzjati mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekI<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureThis project and post are part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

9372 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post ta’ Speċjalista <strong>tal</strong>-GISIstitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth SystemsProġett iffinanzjat mill-I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013L-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> tinħtieġ timpjega Part-Time Post ta’Speċjalista <strong>tal</strong>-GIS mal-Istitut <strong>tal</strong>-Earth Systems mal-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong> biex jaħdem/taħdem fuq il-proġett SIMBIOTIC (Sicily– <strong>Malta</strong> BIOgeographical Transboundary Insular Connectivity).Il-maħtur/a ikun/tkun mistenni/mistennija li jaħdem/taħdem għalto<strong>tal</strong>i indikattiv ta’ 8 xhur, fuq bażi part-time għal perjodi ta’ żmiendifferenti bejn Lulju 2011 u April 2013.Is-salarju jibda skont l-esperjenza u l-kwalifiki.Il-maħtur/a għandu/għandha jkollu/jkollha esperjenzarilevanti fl-ekoloġija <strong>tal</strong>-Mediterran Ċentrali u jkollu/jkollhapostgraduate f’wieħed minn dawn is-suġġetti: PlanningGeography, Xjenza fl-Ambjent, Environmen<strong>tal</strong> Management,Ġeoloġija u Bijoloġija. Min jinħatar irid ikollu/ikollha gradpostgraduate fil-GIS.Il-kandidati għandhom jibagħtu ittra <strong>tal</strong>-applikazzjoni,sitt kopji <strong>tal</strong>-curriculum vitae, kopja waħda taċ-ċertifikatitagħhom u l-ismijiet u indirizzi (jew e-mails) ta’ tlietreferees. L-applikazzjoniji jistgħu jintbagħtu b’e-mail fuq:(rectruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt)JewDirettur għat-Tmexxija u l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi UmaniKamra 214, Uffiċċji AmministrattiviL-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080L-applikazzjonijiet jintlaqgħu mhux aktar tard minnnofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2011.Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu tard ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju għat-Tmexxijau l-Iżvilupp tar-Riżorsi Umani, Kamra 214, UffiċċjiAmministrattivi u mill-website: (http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).University of <strong>Malta</strong>Part-Time Post of GIS SpecialistInstitute of Earth SystemsProject funded by the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Cross-BorderCooperation Programme 2007-2013Applications are invited for the Part-Time Post of GISSpecialist with the Institute of Earth Systems of the Universityof <strong>Malta</strong>, to work on the project SIMBIOTIC (EnhancingSicily – <strong>Malta</strong> BIOgeographical Transboundary InsularConnectivity). The appointee is expected to work for anindicative to<strong>tal</strong> of 8 months, on a part-time basis at differenttime periods between July 2011 and April 2013.A salary commensurate with qualifications and experiencewill be paid.The successful candidate must be in possession of adegree in any of the following subjects: Planning, Geography,Environmen<strong>tal</strong> Science, Environmen<strong>tal</strong> Management,Geology, and Biology. The successful candidate must alsobe in possession of a postgraduate degree in the subject ofGIS.Candidates should submit their letter of application, sixcopies of their curriculum vitae, one set of copies of theircertificates and names and addresses (or e-mails) of threereferees. Applications may be sent by e-mail to: (recruitment.hrmd@um.edu.mt)OrDirector, Human Resources Management and DevelopmentRoom 214, Administration BuildingUniversity of <strong>Malta</strong>L-Imsida, MSD 2080Applications should be received by not later than noon ofFriday, 5th August 2011.Late applications will not be considered.Further information may be obtained from the Officefor Human Resources Management and Development,Administration Building, Room 214, or from the website:(http://www.um.edu.mt/hrmd/vacancies).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 201129th July, 2011Programm I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureIl-proġett u l-post huma parzjalment iffinanzjati mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR)Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekI<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong> Programme – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013A sea of opportunities for the futureThis project and post are part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your future

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9375MINISTERU TAS-SAĦĦA, L-ANZJANIU KURA FIL-KOMUNITÀRiżultat <strong>tal</strong>-Intervisti għall-Post ta’National EESSI Manager in the Strategyand Sustainability Division fil-Ministerutas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani u Kura fil-KomunitàIs-Segretarju Permanenti jgħarraf illi wieħed jista’ jarar-riżultati <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti għall-post imsemmi hawn fuq finnotice-boardprinċipali fil-Ministeru tas-Saħħa, l-Anzjani uKura fil-Komunità, 15, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, u fuqin-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-ServizzPubbliku, Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIRiżultati ta’ Intervisti għall-Postijietfi ħdan il-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet RuraliIs-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u AffarijietRurali, jgħarraf illi r-riżultati <strong>tal</strong>-intervisti għall-postijietimsemmija hawn fuq ġew ippubblikati u wieħed jista’ jarahom fuqin-notice-board prinċipali fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-People Managementand Support Services, Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali,Blokk ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici, Floriana u fuq in-noticeboardfl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kummissjoni dwar is-Servizz Pubbliku,Il-Palazz, Il-Belt Valletta.Il-postijiet huma dawn li ġejjin:Inġinier Junior/Inġinier (Elettriku) fid-Direttorat għad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti u l-Inġinerija fi ħdan id-Dipartiment għad-Disinn u t-Twettiq ta’ ProġettiSupervisor (Cleansing) fid-Direttorat għat-Tindif fi ħdanid-Dipartiment għat-Tindif u l-ManutenzjoniAssistant Technical Officer fid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Parks uInizjattiviId-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011REĠISTRU PUBBLIKUBIS-SAĦĦA tar-regolament 7 tar-Regolamenti <strong>tal</strong>-2010dwar l-Ispezzjoni u Riċerki fir-Reġistru Pubbliku, l-AġentDirettur, Reġistru Pubbliku jgħarraf illi l-perjodu bejn, id-9ta’ Awwissu, 2011 u t-23 ta’ Awwissu, 2011 (iż-żewġ datiinklużi), il-perjodi ta’ ħin imsemmija fis-subregolament (5)tar-regolamenti 6, jistgħu jibdew għaddejjin mill-ewwelġurnata ta’ xogħol li tiġi wara dan il-perjodu speċjali.B’żieda ma’ dan ngħarrfu li l-perjodu ta’ erbgħa u għoxrinsiegħa msemmi fis-subregolament (4) tar-regolament 6 dwaril-kanċellament ta’ applikazzjoni xorta jibqa’ għaddej.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011MINISTRY FOR HEALTH, THE ELDERLYAND COMMUNITY CAREResult of Interviews for the Post ofNational EESSI Manager in the Strategyand Sustainability Division in the Ministryfor Health, the Elderly and Community CareThe Permanent Secretary notifies that the result of theinterview for the above-mentioned post may be viewed onthe main notice-board in the Ministry for Health,the Elderlyand Community Care, 15 Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta,and on the notice-board of the Office of the Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Il-Belt Valletta.29th July, 2011MINISTRY FOR Resourcesand RURAL AFFAIRSResults of Interviews for the Posts within theMinistry for Resources and Rural AffairsThe Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs, notifies that the results of the interviews forthe undermentioned posts have been published and can beviewed on the main notice-board at the People Managementand Support Services Directorate, Ministry for Resources andRural Affairs, Block ‘A’, Triq Francesco Buonamici, Florianaand on the notice-board of the Office of the Public ServiceCommission, The Palace, Il-Belt Valletta.The posts are the following:Junior Engineer/Engineer (Electrical) in the Project Designand Engineering Directorate within the Project Design andImplementation DepartmentSupervisor (Cleansing) in the Cleansing Directorate withinthe Cleansing and Maintenance DepartmentAssistant Technical Officer at the Parks and InitiativesDirectorate29th July, 2011PUBLIC REGISTRYBY virtue of rule 7 of the Public Registry (Inspectionand Searches) Regulations 2010, the Acting Director, PublicRegistry notifies that during the period between 9th August2011 and 23rd August 2011 (both dates included), the timeperiod mentioned in subregulation (5) of regulation 6, maycommence to run from the first working day following thesaid special period.Moreover it is notified that the twenty four hour periodmentioned in subregulation (4) of regulation 6 regardingcancellation shall likewise so commence.29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9379COMPARATIVE RETURN OF CAPITAL EXPENDITUREfor the period 1st January 2011 to 30th June 2011Actual Actual ActualBudget Expenditure Expenditure ExpenditureJan - Jun Jan - Dec Jan - Jun2011 2011 2010 2010€ € € €CAPITAL PROGRAMMEI Office of the Prime Minister 35,224,000 5,541,843 10,792,010 2,365,568II Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1,420,000 585,519 922,775 218,118III Ministry for Gozo 16,441,000 4,420,315 11,090,882 2,829,946IV Ministry for Infrastructure, Transport and126,515,000Communications23,758,245 98,528,121 47,149,948V Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs 83,252,000 22,986,172 40,711,810 20,149,079VI Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family 55,567,000 17,083,830 37,491,567 13,071,048VII Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment 71,339,000 35,749,472 78,082,322 38,718,372VIII Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs 19,053,000 7,603,998 12,120,754 7,322,159IX Ministry for Health, the Elderly and Community Care 31,213,000 4,205,100 --- ---[Ministry for Social Policy --- --- 21,729,810 8,018,716TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 440,024,000 121,934,494 311,470,048 139,842,954VIIMinistry of Finance, the Economy and InvestmentInvestment - Equity Acquisition 6,100,000 --- 200,002 ---TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND INVESTMENT 446,124,000 121,934,494 311,670,050 139,842,954TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,212,862,000 1,502,883,560 3,031,977,770 1,523,203,090Note: Figures in Statement may not add up due to roundingThe TreasuryAuthority: Treas 201/2011Date: 5 - 07 - 2011N. Camilleri B.A. (Hons.), M.B.A. (Bath)Accountant General

9380 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784STATEMENT OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY TO JUNE 2011COMPARED WITH THAT FOR THE CORRESPONDING PERIOD OF 2010(Published in terms of Section 64 of the Financial Administration & Audit Act 1962)2011€2010€Balance on 1st January (125,231,416) (196,296,850)Revenue from 1st January to 30th June 1,542,170,607 1,357,389,1061,416,939,191 1,161,092,256Expenditure from 1st January to 30th JuneRecurrent Services 1,380,949,066 1,383,360,136Capi<strong>tal</strong> Programme 121,934,494 139,842,9541,502,883,560 1,523,203,090Balance as on 30th June (85,944,369) (362,110,834)Note: Figures in Statement may not add up due to roundingThe Treasury, <strong>Malta</strong>TR 829/74/1/Vol IIMFC 877/63/5N. Camilleri B.A. (Hons.), M.B.A. (Bath)Accountant General

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9381INDIĊI TAL-PREZZIJIET BL-IMNUTL-Oġġetti Kollha (Diċembru 2009 = 100)RETAIL PRICE INDEXAll Items (December 2009 = 100)2011 2011Jannar 102.20 January 102.20Frar 102.13 February 102.13Marzu 103.13 March 103.13April 103.89 April 103.89Mejju 104.78 May 104.78Ġunju 104.55 June 104.55Oġġetti li kkaġunaw l-aktar tibdil:–Items causing most change:–Mejju Ġunju Effett fuq May June Effect on2011 2011 l-Indiċi 2011 2011 IndexIkelFoodFrott, frisk jew iffriżat 110.77 94.03 -0.22 Fruits, fresh or chilled 110.77 94.03 -0.22Ħaxix 125.02 112.52 -0.11 Vegetables 125.02 112.52 -0.11Trasport u KomunikazzjoniTransport and CommunicationsServizzi tat-trasportAir transportbl-ajru 118.70 124.77 0.14 services 118.70 124.77 0.14ServizziCommunicationta’ komunikazzjoni 89.77 87.77 -0.12 services 89.77 87.77 -0.12Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 29th July, 2011MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEXDipartiment għal Eko-Għawdexu Żvilupp ReġjonaliL-Iskema ta’ Finanzjament għal Proġetti li jikkontribwixxufit-twettiq <strong>tal</strong>-pjan ta’azzjoni short-term ta’ eko-Għawdex(2010-2012) minn Kunsilli Lokali f’GħawdexIl-Ministeru għal Għawdex jgħarraf li l-proposti għallproġettitaħt din l-iskema minn enititajiet eliġibbli jintlaqgħusa nofsinhar tat-Tnejn, id-29 ta’ Awwissu 2011.Iktar tagħrif jinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku (www.eco-gozo.com) jew mid-Dipartiment għal Eko-Għawdex u ŻviluppReġjonali fuq tel. 2215 6311.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011MINISTRY FOR GOZOEco-Gozo Regional DevelopmentDepartmentFinancial Assistance Scheme for Projects by LocalCouncils in Gozo contributing towards the implementationof the eco-Gozo short-term measures (2010-2012)The Ministry for Gozo notifies that project proposalsunder this scheme will be accepted by eligible entities up tonoon of Monday, 29th August 2011.More information may be obtained from (www.ecogozo.com)or from the Eco-Gozo Regional DevelopmentDepartment on tel. 2215 631129th July, 2011

9382 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784KUNSILL LOKALI IL-GŻIRATransport <strong>Malta</strong> flimkien mal-Kunsill Lokali Il-Gżira jgħarrafli ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja f’Rue D’Argens minn Triq Reid saTriq Christian Brothers nhar il-Ħadd, is-7 ta’ Awwissu 2011mis-6.00 a.m. ’il quddiem.Karozzi pparkjati hemm jiġu rmunkati.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011KUNSILL LOKALI SAN PAWL IL-BAĦARIl-Kunsill Lokali San Pawl il-Baħar jgħarraf li minħabbal-armar tan-nar <strong>tal</strong>-art, Triq San Franġisk kif ukoll Triq il-Parroċċa se jkunu magħluqa għat-traffiku sas-Sibt 30 ta’Lulju 2011 il-ġurnata kollha. ħadd ma jista’ jipparkja karozzif’dawn it-toroq fil-ġranet imsemmija.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011IL-GŻIRA LOCAL COUNCILTransport <strong>Malta</strong> in conjunction with Il-Gżira LocalCouncil notifies that no parking is allowed in Rue D’Argensfrom Triq Reid to Triq Christian Brothers on Sunday, 7thAugust 2011 as from 6.00 a.m. onwards.Any parked vehicles will be towed.29th July, 2011SAN PAWL IL-BAĦAR LOCAL COUNCILThe San Pawl il-Baħar Local Council notifies that dueto ground fireworks, Triq San Franġisk u Triq il-Parroċċawill be closed to traffic till Saturday 30th July 2011 all day.Parking will not be allowed in these streets on both days.29th July, 2011DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTIId-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħarraf illi, b’riferenzagħall-Avviżi li ġejjin, jistgħu jintbagħtu offerti magħluqinfil-ġranet u d-dati indikati hawn taħt. L-offerti għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti,Notre Dame Ravelin, Il-Furjana:Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, it-2 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, għal:CT 142/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2062/2010.Provvista ta’ autoantibody kits b’tagħmir b’self – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €30.00 għal kull kopja ta’dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-6 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT 143/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2010/2011.Provvista ta’ immunoassay kits b’tagħmir b’self – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €390.00 għal kull kopja ta’dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-6 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT 144/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2102/2011.Provvista ta’ pilloli/kapsoli fluvastatin – Taqsima tas-Saħħa.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €230.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-6 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT 145/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2111/2011.Provvista ta’ influenza vaccine Snin 2011/2012 – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja ta’dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTSThe Director General (Contracts) notifies that sealedtenders in respect of the following advertisements will bereceived on the days and dates indicated below. Tenders are tobe dropped in the Tender Box of the Department of Contracts,Notre Dame Ravelin, Il-Furjana:Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 2nd August, 2011, for:CT 142/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2062/2010. Supplyof autoantibody kits with equipment on loan – HealthDivision. A fee of €30.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th June,2011.CT 143/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2010/2011. Supplyof immunoassay kits with equipment on loan – HealthDivision. A fee of €390.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th June,2011.CT 144/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2102/2011. Supplyof fluvastatin tablets/capsules – Health Division. A fee of€230.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th June, 2011.CT 145/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2111/2011. Supply ofinfluenza vaccine Years 2011/2012 – Health Division. A fee of€50.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9383Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-6 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT 146/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3009/2011.Kostruzzjoni u tlestija ta’ faċilità għall-Iskart Magħżulf’Ħ’Attard – WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€190.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta qed tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkunparzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fondta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013 – Programm Operattiv I - Ninvestufil-kompetittività għal kwalità ta’ ħajja aħjar.CT 147/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3014/2011.Bini ta’ ġibjun għall-ilma tax-xita f’Wied Għollieqa, Il-Gżira- Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €300.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta qed tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkunparzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-FondEwropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestufil-futur tiegħek.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, id-9 ta’ Awwissu 2011,għal:CT 148/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2109/2011.Provvista, stampar u konsenja ta’ renewal notices, drivinglicence cards u counter parts – Trasport <strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallasdritt ta’ €400.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fid-9 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT/A/023/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3054/2011.Bini ta’ Żona ta’ Rikreazzjoni fil-Park għall-Familjaf’Marsaskala – WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali – Miżura 313 Inkoraġġiment għal Attivitajietta’ Turiżmu.CT 135/2011. Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3032/2011.Disinn u xogħlijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni ta’ mini f’Birkirkara, Il-Gżira u Wied is-Sewda u infrastruttura oħra għall-ilma tax-xita,bħala parti mill-Proġett Nazzjonali biex jittaffa l-Għargħar– Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €1,000.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta qed tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkun parzjalmentiffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-24 ta’ Mejju, 2011.CT 131/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2217/2010.Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ tindif u servizzi anċillari -Dipartiment għall-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Irid jitħallasThe EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 6th June,2011.CT 146/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3009/2011.Construction and finishing of a Civic Amenity Site at Attard– WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd. A fee of €190.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is being considered for part-financingby the European Union under the Cohesion Fund 2007-2013– Operational Programme I - Investing in competitiveness fora better quality of life.CT 147/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3014/2011.Construction of a Stormwater Reservoir at Wied Għollieqa,Il-Gżira – Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. A fee of€300.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is being considered for part-financingby the European Union under the European RegionalDevelopment Fund 2007-2013 – Investing in your future.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 9th August, 2011, for:CT 148/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2109/2011. Supply,printing and delivery of renewal notices, driving licence cardsand counter parts – Transport <strong>Malta</strong>. A fee of €400.00 willbe charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 9th June, 2011.CT/A/023/2011 - Contracts Ref No. CT 3054/2011Construction of a Leisure Area at the Marsaskala Family Park– WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under the European Agricultural Fund for RuralDevelopment – Measure 313 Encouragement of TourismActivities.CT 135/2011. Contracts Ref No, CT 3032/2011. Designand building of Birkirkara, Il-Gżira, Wied is-Sewda tunnelsand other storm water infrastructure, as part of the NationalFlood Relief Project – Ministry for Resources and RuralAffairs. A fee of €1,000.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.This is a Works Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is being considered for partfinancingby the European Union under the European RegionalDevelopment Fund 2007-2013 – Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 24th May, 2011.CT 131/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2217/2010. Provisionof cleaning and ancillary services – Department for the Elderlyand Community Care. A fee of €640.00 will be charged for

9384 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784dritt ta’ €640.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fit-12 ta’ Mejju,2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, il-11 ta’ Awwissu 2011,għal:CT/A/ 024/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti CT 3053/2011.Pjanar, disinn u organizzazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Attività Annwali 2011 -Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013 – Dipartiment għall-Ippjanar ul-Koordinazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Prijoritajiet. Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offertatista’ titniżżel mill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Services Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija kofinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Progammi Operattivi I u II - Politika ta’Koeżjoni 2007-2013; Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali(FEŻR), Fond ta’ Koeżjoni u Fond Soċjali Ewropew– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, it-23 ta’ Awwissu 2011,għal:CT 149/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2240/2010.Provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ nursing – Sptar Monte Karmeli.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €800.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-21 ta’ Ġunju,2011.CT 150/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2080/2011.Provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ care working – Sptar Monte Karmeli.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €800.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-21 ta’ Ġunju,2011.CT 151/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2084/2011.Immaniġġar u provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ support lill-IsptarZammit Clapp Dar Residenzjali – Dipartiment għall-Anzjaniu Kura fil-Komunità. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €600.00 għal kullkopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-21 ta’ Ġunju, 2011.CT 152/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2024/2011.Twaqqigħ ta’ Fabbrika SUB036 fil-Qasam Industrijali ta’ SanĠwann – <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€50.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.CT 154/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3030/2011.Restawr tas-swar <strong>tal</strong>-Birgu – BRG 08 – Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €160.00 għal kull kopjata’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tieghek.each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 12th May,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 11th August, 2011,for:CT/A/ 024/2011 – Contracts Ref No. CT 3053/2011 Planning,design and organisation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Annual Event 2011 – Planning and Priorities Co-ordinationDepartment. A copy of the tender document may be downloadedfrom the website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Service Tender Notice under the Local OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under Operational Programmes I and II - CohesionPolicy 2007 – 2013; European Regional Development Fund,the Cohesion Fund and the European Social Fund– Investingin your future.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 23rd August, 2011,for:CT 149/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2240/2010.Provision of nursing services – Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>.A fee of €800.00 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 21st June,2011.CT 150/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2080/2011. Provisionof care working services – Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>. A fee of€800.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 21st June,2011.CT 151/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2084/2011.Management and the provision of support services toZammit Clapp Hospi<strong>tal</strong> Residential Home – Department forthe Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €600.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 21st June, 2011.CT 152/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2024/2011.Demolition of Factory SUB036 at San Ġwann IndustrialEstate – <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Ltd. A fee of €50.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.CT 154/2010 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3030/2011.Restoration works to Birgu Landfront Fortifications – BRG 08– Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. A fee of €160.00will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the International Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under the European Regional Development Fund2007-2013 – Investing in your future.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9385Sal-10.00 a.m. tat-TLIETA, it-30 ta’ Awwissu 2011, għal:CT 155/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3017/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizz ta’ taħriġ għall-persuni b’diffikultàfit-tagħlim – Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ. Iridjitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Dan huwa Service Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Programm Operattiv II – Politikata’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013. Fond Soċjali Ewropew – Ninvestufil-Futur tiegħek.CT 156/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3031/2011.Provvediment ta’ programm ta’ taħriġ għal kors ta’Orjentazzjoni mill-Ġdid tax-xogħol għal numru magħżul ta’persuni li qegħdin ifittxu xogħol – Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħolu t-Taħriġ. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €25.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Service Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Programm Operattiv II – Politikata’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013. Fond Soċjali Ewropew - Ninvestufil-Futur tiegħek.CT 157/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3034/2011.Disinn, s<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni, ċertifikazzjoni u kummissjunar ta’ lqugħli jingħalaq u jiżżarma u li jesa’ ajruplan fil-Kulleġġ Malti<strong>tal</strong>-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija, Kordin, Paola – KulleġġMalti <strong>tal</strong>-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€20.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Supply Notice taħt il-Local Open Tender Procedure.Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropeataħt il-Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013.Fond Soċjali Ewropew – Ninvestu fil-Futur tiegħek.CT/A/025/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3109/2010.Retaining and attracting people within tourism throughDiversity Management – Awtorità Maltija dwar it-Turiżmu.Kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżel mill-website(http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Din hija Services Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Soċjali Ewropew 2007-2013– Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-14 ta’ Lulju, 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, l-1 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:CT/A/026/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti CT 3055/2011.Disinn u kostruzzjoni ta’ hangar għall-ajruplani <strong>tal</strong>-ForziArmati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> – Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>. Kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta tista’ titniżżel mill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Din hija Works Notice taħt il-Local Open Tender Procedure.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 30th August, 2011, for:CT 155/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3017/2011. Provisionof training service to persons with learning disability– Employment and Training Corporation. A fee of €20.00will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Service Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. European Social Fund – Investing in your future.CT 156/2010 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3031/2011. Provisionof a Job Re-orientation Training Programme to selected Jobseekers– Employment and Training Corporation. A fee of€25.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Service Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the Operational Programme II-Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. European Social Fund – Investing in your future.CT 157/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3034/2011 Design,ins<strong>tal</strong>lation, certification and commissioning of a dismountableenclosure to house an aircraft at the <strong>Malta</strong> College of Arts,Science and Technology, Corradino, Paola – <strong>Malta</strong> Collegeof Arts, Science and Technology. A fee of €20.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.This is a Supply Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the Operational Programme II-Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. European Social Fund – Investing in your future.CT/A/025/2011 - Contracts Ref No CT 3109/2010.Retaining and attracting people within tourism throughDiversity Management – <strong>Malta</strong> Tourism Authority. A copyof the tender document may be downloaded from the website(http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Social Fund 2007-2013– Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 14th July,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 1st September, 2011,for:CT/A/026/2011 – Contracts Ref No. CT 3055/2011 Designand building of an aircraft hangar at the Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>(AFM) air wing base – Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>. A copy ofthe tender document may be downloaded from the website(http://www.contracts.gov.mt).

9386 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Din l-offerta hija kofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Progamm <strong>tal</strong>-Fruntieri Esterni <strong>tal</strong>-Unjoni Ewropeja 2007-2013; ir-rata ta’ kofinanzjament hija 75% Fondi EBF u 25%Fondi ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, is-6 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:CT158/2011 - Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3105/2010. Disinn,bini u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ tensile membrane structure fiż-ŻewwieqaWaterfront – Ministeru għal Għawdex. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€20.00 għal kull kopja ta’ dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt l-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-IżviluppReġjonali – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.CT 159/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2122/2011.Provvista ta’ Factor VIII inhibitor by passing activity complex– Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €30.00 għal kullkopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-11 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 160/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2121/2011.Provvista ta’ paracetamol 10mg/ml intravenous infusion– Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €20.00 għal kullkopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-11 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 161/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2150/2011.Provvista ta’ peritoneal dialysis bags u aċċessorji – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €170.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-11 ta’ Lulju, 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, it-13 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:CT 162/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2060/2011.Provvista ta’ pilloli amifampridine (3, 4-diaminopyridine)10mg or 20mg – Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€30.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fit-18 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 163/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2119/2011.Provvista ta’ kapsoli cyclosporin 100mg – Taqsima tas-Saħħa.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €40.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fit-18 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 164/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2120/2011.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European Unionunder the External Borders Fund 2007-2012; the co-financingrate is 75% EBF and 25% <strong>Malta</strong> funds.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 6th September, 2011,for:CT 158/2011 - Contracts Ref No, CT 3105/2010. Design,building and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of a tensile membrane structurefor the Żewwieqa Waterfront – Ministry for Gozo. A fee of€20.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under the European Regional Development Fund2007-2013 – Investing in your future.CT 159/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2122/2011. Supplyof Factor VIII inhibitor by passing activity complex – HealthDivision. A fee of €30.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 11th July,2011.CT 160/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2121/2011. Supplyof paracetamol 10mg/ml intravenous infusion – HealthDivision. A fee of €20.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 11th July,2011.CT 161/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2150/2011. Supplyof peritoneal dialysis bags and accessories – Health Division.A fee of €170.00 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 11th July,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 13th September, 2011,for:CT 162/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2060/2011. Supply ofamifampridine (3, 4-diaminopyridine) 10mg or 20mg tablets– Health Division. A fee of €30.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 18th July,2011.CT 163/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2119/2011. Supplyof cyclosporin 100mg capsules – Health Division. A fee of€40.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 18th July,2011.CT 164/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2120/2011. Supply

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9387Provvista ta’ pilloli/kapsoli metformin hydrochloride 500mg– Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €40.00 għal kullkopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fit-18 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 165/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2123/2011.Provvista ta’ injezzjonijiet rituzimab 500mg – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €90.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fid-19 ta’ Lulju,2011.CT 166/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2138/2011.Provvista ta’ kapsoli/pilloli lenalidomide 20mg – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €40.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fid-19 ta’ Lulju,2011.CT 167/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2143/2011.Provvista ta’ injezzjonijiet trastuzumab 150mg – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €140.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fid-19 ta’ Lulju,2011.CT 168/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2146/2011.Provvista ta’ injezzjonijiet omalizumab 150mg – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €80.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fid-19 ta’ Lulju,2011.*CT/A/027/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT3049/2011. Servizzi ta’ marketing bħala parti mill-Proġett<strong>Malta</strong>GoesRural – Awtorità Maltija dwar it-Turiżmu. Kopjatad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jista’ jitniżżel mill-website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Dan huwa Service Notice taħt l-International OpenTender Procedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjatamill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali: L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-26 ta’ Lulju,2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. il-ĦAMIS, il-15 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:CT 153/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT3029/2011.Disinn, produzzjoni, kostruzzjoni u bini ta’ tinda protettivafuq it-Tempji Megalitiċi ta’ Ħal Tarxien, <strong>Malta</strong> – Heritage<strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €250.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata millofmetformin hydrochloride 500mg tablets/capsules – HealthDivision. A fee of €40.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 18th July,2011.CT 165/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2123/2011. Supplyof rituzimab 500mg injections – Health Division. A fee of€90.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 19th July,2011.CT 166/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2138/2011. Supplyof lenalidomide 20mg capsules/tablets – Health Division.A fee of €40.00 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 19th July,2011.CT 167/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2143/2011. Supplyof trastuzumab 150mg injections – Health Division. A fee of€140.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 19th July,2011.CT 168/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2146/2011. Supplyof omalizumab 150mg injections – Health Division. A fee of€80.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 19th July,2011.*CT/A/027/2011 –- Contracts Ref No, CT 3049/2011.Marketing services in relation to the <strong>Malta</strong>GoesRural Project– <strong>Malta</strong> Tourism Authority. A copy of the tender documentmay be downloaded from the website (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).This is a Services Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is part-financed by theEuropean Union under the European Agricultural Fund forRural Development: Europe Investing in Rural Areas.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 26th July,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on THURSDAY, 15th September,2011, for:CT 153/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3029/2011. Design,fabrication, construction and erection of a protective shelterover the Tarxien Megalithic Temples, Ħal Tarxien, <strong>Malta</strong>– Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>. A fee of €250.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the European

9388 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Unjoni Ewropea taħt il- Fond Ewropew ghall-IzviluppRegjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, l-20 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:CT 169/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2019/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ tindif fis-siti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-MCAST– Kulleġġ Malti għall-Arti, Xjenza u Teknoloġija. Irid jitħallasdritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-20 ta’ Lulju, 2011.CT 170/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2153/2011.Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ ndafa u faċilitajiet ta’ iġjenef’diversi uffiċini ta’ Trasport <strong>Malta</strong> f’<strong>Malta</strong> u Għawdex– Trasport <strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €30.00 għal kull kopjatad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*CT 171/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2135/2011.Provvista ta’ pilloli enalapril maleate 5mg – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. rid jitħallas dritt ta’ €25.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-25 ta’ Lulju, 2011.*CT 172/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2136/2011.Provvista ta’ glyceryl trinitrate 10mg patches – Taqsimatas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €25.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-25 ta’ Lulju, 2011.*CT 173/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2137/2011.Provvista ta’ column agglutination system b’tagħmir b’self– Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kullkopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-25 ta’ Lulju, 2011.*CT 174/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2144/2011.Provvista ta’ injezzjonijiet alteplase 50mg – Taqsima tas-Saħħa. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €25.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fil-25 ta’ Lulju, 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. it-TLIETA, is-27 ta’ Settembru 2011,għal:*CT 175/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2105/2011.Espressjoni ta’ interess għall-bini, operat u trasferimentlura lill-Kunsill Malti għall-iSport <strong>tal</strong>-Marsa Sports Village– Kunsill Malti għall-iSport. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €250.00għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fis-26 ta’ Lulju, 2011.*Avviżi li qed jidhru għall-ewwel darbaUnion under the European Regional Development Fund2007-2013 – Investing in your future.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 20th September, 2011,for:CT 169/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2019/2011. Provisionof cleaning services to all MCAST sites – <strong>Malta</strong> Collegeof Arts, Science and Technology. A fee of €50.00 will becharged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 20th July,2011.CT 170/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2153/2011. Provisionof cleaning services and hygiene facilities in various Transport<strong>Malta</strong> offices in <strong>Malta</strong> and Gozo – Transport <strong>Malta</strong>. A fee of€30.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.*CT 171/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2135/2011. Supplyof enalapril maleate 5mg tablets – Health Division. A fee of€25.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 25th July,2011.*CT 172/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2136/2011. Supplyof glyceryl trinitrate 10mg patches – Health Division. A fee of€25.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 25th July,2011.*CT 173/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2137/2011. Supplyof column agglutination system with equipment on loan– Health Division. A fee of €50.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 25th July,2011.*CT 174/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2144/2011. Supplyof alteplase 50mg injections – Health Division. A fee of€25.00 will be charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 25th July,2011.Up to 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 27th September, 2011,for:*CT 175/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2105/2011.Expression of interest for the building, operation and transferback to the <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council of the Marsa Sports Village– <strong>Malta</strong> Sports Council. A fee of €250.00 will be chargedfor each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 26th July, 2011.*Advertisements appearing for the first time

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9389Dawk li jagħmlu offerta huma avżati biex iżuru l-websitetad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti fuq www.contracts.gov.mtminn fejn jistgħu jniżżlu previżjoni tad-dokumenti, jixtrudokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta online 24 siegħa kuljum, u jirreġistrawgħall-funzjonalitajiet addizzjonali. Il-website tipprovdi wkollinformazzjoni dwar sejħiet ta’ offerti u rakkomandazzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu biss min fuq issittad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti (http://www.contracts.gov.mt). L-offerenti huma avżati li mill-istess sit, jistgħu jniżżlupreview tad-dokumenti, bla ħlas. Tinħtieġ reġistrazzjonisabiex isir użu tas-servizzi eletroniċi tad-Dipartiment:iktar informazzjoni tinsab fuq (http://www.contracts.gov.mt/help?l=2). Is-sit jipprovdi wkoll informazzjoni dwarsejħiet ta’ offerti u rakkomandazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-KumitatĠenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u r-reġistrazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-offerti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) jgħaraf lill-offerentikollha illi skont l-AL 296 <strong>tal</strong>-2010 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi 2010, ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet magħmulamill-Kumitat Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti għar-rigward <strong>tal</strong>-għotita’ kuntratti pubbliċi se jkunu ppubblikati fuq in-noticeboardtad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti nhar ta’ Erbgħa u nharta’ Ġimgħa wara nofsinhar. L-offerenti jistgħu jiksbudin l-informazzjoni billi jużaw il-website uffiċjali tad-Dipartiment: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Kull offerent li jkollu xi oġġezzjoni għal xi rakkomandazzjonijrid iressaq l-ilment uffiċjali tiegħu lid-Direttur Ġenerali(Kuntratti) skont parti XIII <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmija Regolamenti litistabbilixxi fid-det<strong>tal</strong>l il-proċedura li trid tkun segwita f’każbħal dan. Huwa fl-interess ta’ kull offerent li jkun jaf sewwad-det<strong>tal</strong>ji ta’ din il-parti tar-Regolamenti.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTICT 135/2011. Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 3032/2011.Disinn u xogħlijiet ta’ kostruzzjoni ta’ mini f’Birkirkara, Il-Gżira u Wied is-Sewda u infrastruttura oħra għall-ilma tax-xita,bħala parti mill-Proġett Nazzjonali biex jittaffa l-Għargħar– Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali. Irid jitħallas drittta’ €1,000.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt l-International Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerti qed tiġi kkunsidrata biex tkun parzjalmentiffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħat fl-24 ta’ Mejju, 2011.Tenderers are advised to visit the website of theDepartment of Contracts at www.contracts.gov.mt fromwhere they can download preview documents, purchasetender documents online 24 hours a day, and registerfor additional functionalities. The website also providesupdated information concerning calls for tenders andGeneral Contracts Committee recommendations.Tender documents are only obtainable from the websiteof the Department of Contracts (http://www.contracts.gov.mt). Tenderers are reminded that from this website, theycan download preview documents for free. Registrationis required in order to make use of the electronic servicesof the Department: more information is available from(http://www.contracts.gov.mt/help). The website alsoprovides updated information concerning calls for tendersand General Contracts Committee recommendations.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at the time and dates specified above.29th July, 2011The Director General (Contracts) notifies all tenderers thatin terms of LN 296 of 2010 of the Public Contracts Regulations2010 recommendations made by the General ContractsCommittee for the award of public contracts will be givenpublicity in the Department of Contracts’ notice board everyWednesday and Friday after 12.00 noon. Tenderers mayalso obtain this information by utilizing the Department’sofficial website: (http://www.contracts.gov.mt).Any tenderer who may feel aggrieved by any suchrecommendation must submit his official complaint to theDirector General (Contracts) in accordance with part XIII ofthe said Regulations which lays down in detail the procedureto be followed in such a case. All tenderers should, therefore,familiarise themselves with the provisions of this part of theRegulations.29th July, 2011DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICECT 135/2011. Contracts Ref No, CT 3032/2011. Designand building of Birkirkara, Il-Gżira, Wied is-Sewda tunnelsand other storm water infrastructure, as part of the NationalFlood Relief Project – Ministry for Resources and RuralAffairs. A fee of €1,000.00 will be charged for each copy oftender document.This is a Works Notice under the International OpenTender Procedure. This tender is being considered for partfinancingby the European Union under the European RegionalDevelopment Fund 2007-2013 – Investing in your future.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 24th May, 2011.

9390 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjonita’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviżimsemmi qed jiġu mtawla sal-10.00 a.m. tat-TLIETA,id-9 ta’ Awwissu, 2011.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTICT 131/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT 2217/2010.Provvista ta’ servizzi ta’ tindif u oħrajn anċillari – Dipartimentgħall-Anzjani u Kura fil-Komunità. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’€640.00 għal kull kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-Contract Notice <strong>tal</strong>-UE ntbagħtet fit-12 ta’ Mejju,2011.Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjonita’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviżimsemmi qed jiġu mtawla sal-10.00 a.m. tat-TLIETA,id-9 ta’ Awwissu, 2011.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011AVVIŻ TAD-DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTICT 153/2011 – Nru ta’ Ref <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, CT3029/2011.Disinn, produzzjoni, kostruzzjoni u bini ta’ tinda protettivafuq it-Tempji Megalitiċi ta’ Ħal Tarxien, <strong>Malta</strong> – Heritage<strong>Malta</strong>. Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €250.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dan huwa Works Notice taħt il-Local Open TenderProcedure. Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il- Fond Ewropew ghall-IzviluppRegjonali 2007-2013 – Ninvestu fil-futur tiegħek.Id-Direttur Ġenerali (Kuntratti) javża għall-informazzjonita’ kulħadd illi d-data u l-ħin biex jintbagħtu l-offerti għallavviżimsemmi qed jiġu mtawwla sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-ĦAMIS,il-15 ta’ Settembru, 2011.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011The Director General (Contracts) notifies for generalinformation that the date and time for the presentation ofoffers for the above mentioned advert is being extended upto 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 9th August, 2011.29th July, 2011DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICECT 131/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 2217/2010.Provision of cleaning and ancillary services – Departmentfor the Elderly and Community Care. A fee of €640.00 willbe charged for each copy of tender document.The EU Contract Notice was dispatched on 12th May,2011.The Director General (Contracts) notifies for generalinformation that the date and time for the presentation ofoffers for the above mentioned advert is being extended upto 10.00 a.m. on TUESDAY, 9th August, 2011.29th July, 2011DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS NOTICECT 153/2011 – Contracts Ref No, CT 3029/2011. Design,fabrication, construction and erection of a protective shelterover the Tarxien Megalithic Temples, Ħal Tarxien, <strong>Malta</strong>– Heritage <strong>Malta</strong>. A fee of €250.00 will be charged for eachcopy of tender document.This is a Works Notice under the Local Open TenderProcedure. This tender is part-financed by the EuropeanUnion under the European Regional Development Fund2007-2013 – Investing in your future.The Director General (Contracts) notifies for generalinformation that the date and time for the presentation of offersfor the above mentioned advert is being extended up to 10.00a.m. on THURSDAY, 15th September, 2011.29th July, 2011DIPARTIMENT TAL-ARTIJIETIl-Kummissarju <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet jgħarraf li:Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, l-4 ta’ Awwissu, 2011.Avviż Nru. 57. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ‘A’ fuq pjanta P.D.2008_158.Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>-LAND DEPARTMENTThe Commissioner of Land notifies that:Sealed tenders in respect of the followingadvertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box atthe Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 4th August, 2011.Advt. No. 57. Sale of a site in Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,shown edged in red and marked ‘A’ on plan P.D.2008_158.This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour of

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9391proprjetà adjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,500 skont kif stipulatfil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammontta’ disgħa u erbgħin elf Ewro (€49,000) ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 58. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ‘B’ fuq pjanta P.D.2008_158.Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti a favur<strong>tal</strong>-proprjetà adjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunuakkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 skontkif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqasmill-ammont ta’ sitta u għoxrin elf Ewro (€26,000) majiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 59. Bejgħ ta’ sit fi Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat ‘Ċ’ fuq pjanta P.D.2008_158.Dan is-sit hu soġġett għal servitujiet eżistenti a favur <strong>tal</strong>proprjetàadjaċenti. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjatib’bid-bond għall-ammont ta’ €500 skont kif stipulat filkundizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’sebat elef Ewro (€7,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 60. Bejgħ ta’ sit bejn Triq Emmanuele Decelisu Triq l-Imħallef William Harding, Pembroke, muri blaħmaru mmarkat Nru. 2 fuq pjanta P.D.2007_915. L-offertigħandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammontta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ tnejn u erbgħin elf Ewro(€42,000) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 61. Kiri <strong>tal</strong>-Fond Nru. 7, Dar ir-Risq, Triqit-Tarzna, L-Isla, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D. 67_87_1.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ elf Ewro (€1,000) fis-senama jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhomjintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti tad-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, il-11 ta’ Awwissu, 2011.adjacent property. Tenders are to be accompanied by abid-bond for an amount of €1,500 as stipulated in thetender conditions. Offers below the amount of forty ninethousand Euro (€49,000) will not be considered.A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 58. Sale of a site in Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,shown edged in red and marked ‘B’ on plan P.D.2008_158.This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour ofadjacent property. Tenders are to be accompanied by abid-bond for an amount of €1,000 as stipulated in thetender conditions. Offers below the amount of twenty sixthousand Euro (€26,000) will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 59. Sale of a site in Triq il-Bjad, In-Naxxar,shown edged in red and marked ‘C’ on plan P.D.2008_158.This site is subject to existing servitudes in favour of adjacentproperty. Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond foran amount of €500 as stipulated in the tender conditions.Offers below the amount of seven thousand Euro (€7,000)will not be consideredA fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 60. Sale of a site between Triq EmmanueleDecelis and Triq l-Imħallef William Harding, Pembroke,shown edged in red and marked No. 2 on plan P.D. 2007_915.Tenders are to be accompanied by a bid-bond for an amountof €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers belowthe amount of forty two thousand Euro (€42,000) will notbe considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 61. Lease of Premises No. 7, Dar ir-Risq, Triqit-Tarzna, L-Isla, shown edged in red on plan P.D.67_87_1.Offers below the amount of one thousand Euro (€1,000) perannum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Sealed tenders in respect of the followingadvertisements have to be dropped in the Tender Box atthe Land Department, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta by10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 11th August, 2011.

9392 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Avviż Nru. 62. Bejgħ ta’ sit fil-Madliena, limiti tas-Swieqi, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2011_409. L-offertigħandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’bid-bond għall-ammontta’ €1,000 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ erbgħin elf Ewro (€40,000)ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 63. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, biex jintużabħala ġnien, ta’ sit li jifforma parti mill-Isqaq Nru. 3, TriqĠużeppi Portelli, Ħ’Attard, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat A fuqpjanta P.D.2009_790. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mija usitta u erbgħin Ewro (€146) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 64. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, biex jintużabħala ġnien, ta’ sit li jifforma parti mill-Isqaq Nru. 3, TriqĠużeppi Portelli, Ħ’Attard, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat B fuqpjanta P.D.2009_790. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mitejn usitta u sebgħin Ewro (€276) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 65. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, biex jintużabħala ġnien, ta’ sit fi Pjazza Narbona, Ħal Qormi, muri blaħmaru mmarkat Nru. 5 fuq pjanta P.D.54_74_4. Offertianqas mill-ammont ta’ mija u tnax-il Ewro (€112) fis-senama jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. 66. Kiri, minn sena għal sena, mhux għallabitazzjoni,ta’ pill-box bl-art ta’ madwarha, fi Triq il-Palma,limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Imġarr, <strong>Malta</strong>, murija bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.253_65_A. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ sitt mija u ħamsin Ewro(€650) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Irid jitħallas dritt ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta,li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħrajistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Artijiet, Berġa <strong>tal</strong>-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u 11.45 a.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Advt. No. 62. Sale of a site at Il-Madliena, limits of Swieqi,shown edged in red on plan P.D.2011_409. Tenders are tobe accompanied by a bid-bond for an amount of €1,000 asstipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the amountof forty thousand Euro (€40,000) will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 63. Lease, on a year to year basis, for gardeningpurposes, of a site forming part of Alley No. 3, Triq ĠużeppiPortelli, Ħ’Attard, shown edged in red and marked A on planP.D.2009_790. Offers below the amount of one hundred andforty six Euro (€146) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 64. Lease, on a year to year basis, for gardeningpurposes, of a site forming part of Alley No. 3, Triq ĠużeppiPortelli, Ħ’Attard, shown edged in red and marked B on planP.D.2009_790. Offers below the amount of two hundred andseventy six Euro (€276) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 65. Lease, on a year to year basis, to be used forgardening purposes, of a site in Pjazza Narbona, Ħal Qormi,shown edged in red and marked No. 5 on plan P.D.54_74_4.Offers below the amount of one hundred and twelve Euro(€112) per annum will not be considered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Advt. No. 66. Lease, on a year to year basis, not forresidential purposes, of a pill-box with surrounding land,at Triq il-Palma, limits of L-Imġarr, <strong>Malta</strong>, shown edgedin red on plan P.D. 253_65_A. Offers below the amount ofsix hundred and fifty Euro (€650) per annum will not beconsidered.A fee of €10 will be charged for each copy of tenderdocument.Tenders should be made only on the prescribed form which,together with the relevant conditions and other documents areobtainable from the Land Department, Auberge de Baviere,Il-Belt Valletta on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and11.45 a.m.29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9393MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tat-Tindif u Manutenzjoni,jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. 55/2011. Bini ta’ ħajt ta’ lqugħ f’Wied il-Qlejgħa.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Kwot. Nru. 57/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista ta’ossiġinu fi fliexken u ċilindri <strong>tal</strong>-aċitilena u carbon dioxide lid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Manifattura u Servizzi tad-Dipartiment tat-Tindifu Manutenzjoni.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.*Kwotazzjoni li qed tidher għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon 2299 7455).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Cleansing and MaintenanceDivision, notifies that:Sealed quotations will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 5thAugust, 2011 for:-Quot. No. 55/2011. Construction of retaining wall atChadwick Lakes.A fee of €5 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.Sealed quotations will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 19thAugust, 2011 for:-*Quot. No. 57/2011. Period contract for the supply ofbottled oxygen, acetylene and carbon dioxide cylinders tothe Manufacturing and Services Directorate of the Cleansingand Maintenance Department.A fee of €20 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.*Quotation appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and ProcurementSection of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs(Tel. No. 2299 7455).29th July, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIIl-Kap <strong>tal</strong>-Paying Agency jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 86/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ tindiffl-uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Paying Agency, id-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Ruraliu Akwakultura u d-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Ħarsien <strong>tal</strong>-Annimali fl-Għammieri, Ħal Qormi.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Head, Paying Agency, notifies that:Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 19thAugust, 2011 for:-*Advt. No. 86/2011. Provision of cleaning services at thepremises of the Paying Agency, the Rural Development andAquaculture Directorate and the Animal Welfare Directorateat Għammieri, Ħal Qormi.

9394 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €15 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997567).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011A fee of €15 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.*Advertisement appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and ProcurementSection of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs(Cash Office Tel. No. 2299 7567).29th July, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Taqsima tad-Disinn ta’ Proġetti uInġinerija, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 83/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’ materjal naturalita’ pavimentar f’parti minn Triq ix-Xatt, Tas-Sliema (minn TriqPiju V sa Triq it-Torri).Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, id-9 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 84/2011. Bini ta’ ġibjun fiż-Żona ta’ Rikreazzjonif’Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 87/2011. Modernizzar <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju tad-Dwanafil-<strong>Malta</strong> Freeport Terminal, Kalafrana.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Project Design and EngineeringDivision, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 5thAugust, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 83/2011. Supply and laying of natural pavingmaterial at part of Triq ix-Xatt, Tas-Sliema (from Triq PijuV to Triq it-Torri).A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 9thAugust, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 84/2011. Construction of a reservoir at Baħariċ-Ċagħaq Recreational Area.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.Sealed tenders/quotations will be received at theContracts and Procurement Section, Department ofFinancial Management, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 12th August, 2011 for:-*Advt. No. 87/2011. Refurbishment of the CustomsOffice at the <strong>Malta</strong> Freeport Terminal, Kalafrana.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9395*Kwot. Nru. 56/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’monitoraġġ arkeoloġiku matul il-modernizzar taz-Zuntier <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja Parrokkjali taż-Żebbuġ.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €5 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, is-16 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 85/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għas-servizzi ta’tindif f’Blokk ‘A’, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, l-Imħażen<strong>tal</strong>-Floriana, Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Implimentazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Proġetti u Xattil-Barriera.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €30 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż/Kwotazzjoni li qed jidhru għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħolbejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkisebmit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsiu Affarijiet Rurali (Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 22997455).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011*Quot. No. 56/2011. Provision of archaeologicalmonitoring services during the upgrading of the ŻebbuġParish Church Parvis.A fee of €5 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana, up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday,16th August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 85/2011. Period contract for the cleaningservices at Block ‘A’, Contracts and Procurement Section,Floriana Stores, Projects Implementation Directorate andBarriera Wharf.A fee of €30 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.*Advertisement/Quotation appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against paymentof the indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department ofFinancial Management, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any workingday between 8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further informationmay be obtained from the Contracts and ProcurementSection of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs(Cash Office Tel. No. 2299 7455).29th July, 2011MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Direttur Ġenerali, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali uAkwakultura jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-FinancialManagement, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 82/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-provvista ukonsenja ta’ alfa alfa bales.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Dokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management,Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m.u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkiseb mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali(Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 2299 7567).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Director General, Rural Development andAquaculture Department notifies that:Sealed tenders will be received at the Contracts andProcurement Section, Department of Financial Management,Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 12th August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 82/2011. Period contract for the supply anddelivery of alfa alfa bales.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.Relevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Cash Office Tel. No. 2299 7567).29th July, 2011

9396 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784MINISTERU GĦAR-RIŻORSIU AFFARIJIET RURALIId-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Parks, Afforestation, CountrysideRestoration u Initiatives jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, id-9 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u l-Akkwisti, Dipartiment<strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management, Floriana, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. 88/2011. Provvista, konsenja fuq il-lant u tqegħidf’posthom ta’ ċangaturi <strong>tal</strong>-konkrit precast prestressed hollowgħall-Patting Farm f’Ta’ Qali.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaDokumenti rilevanti jistgħu jinkisbu fuq il-ħlas rispettivtagħhom mill-Cash Office, Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Financial Management,Blokk ‘A’, Floriana, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.00 a.m.u nofsinhar. Kull tagħrif ieħor jista’ jinkiseb mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti u x-Xiri <strong>tal</strong>-Ministeru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali(Numru tat-Telefon Cash Office: 2299 7567).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Ministry for Resourcesand Rural AffairsThe Parks, Afforestation, Countryside Restoration andInitiatives Department notifies that:Sealed tenders will be received at the Contractsand Procurement Section, Department of FinancialManagement, Floriana up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 9thAugust, 2011 for:-*Advt. No. 88/2011. Supply, delivery to site and placingin position of precast prestressed hollow concrete slabs forPatting Farm at Ta’ Qali.A fee of €50 is to be charged for the procurement of eachset of relevant documents.*Advertisement appearing for the first timeRelevant documents may be obtained, against payment ofthe indicated fee, from the Cash Office, Department of FinancialManagement, Block ‘A’, Floriana, on any working day between8.00 a.m. and noon. Any further information may be obtainedfrom the Contracts and Procurement Section of the Ministry forResources and Rural Affairs (Cash Office Tel. No. 2299 7567).29th July, 2011KORPORAZZJONI ENEMALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer jgħarraf illi:–Kategorija Ċ - Stmati bejn€120,001 - €412,000 (Mingħajr VAT)- Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti - Il-FurjanaSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, l-20 ta’ Settembru,2011, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–ENEMALTA CorporationThe Chief Executive Officer notifies that:–Category C - Estimated between€120,001 - €412,000 (VAT Exclusive)- Closing at Contracts Department - Il-FurjanaSealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 20th September,2011, for:–GN/MPS/T/4002/PC2/2011.Kuntratt perjodiku għattrattamentbil-chlorinedioxide tas-sistema <strong>tal</strong>-ilma<strong>tal</strong>-baħar fil-Power Stations<strong>tal</strong>-Marsa u Delimara.GN/MPS/T/4002/PC2/2011.Period contract for thetreatment with chlorinedioxide of sea-water systemat Marsa and Delimara PowerStations.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €20 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €3,000 ma’ kull offertagħall-offerta msemmija hawn fuq.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq <strong>tal</strong>-offerta GN/MPS/T/4002/PC2/2011ġiet estiża minn nhar it-Tlieta, it-30 ta’ Awwissu, 2011.A fee of €20 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €3,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above mentioned tender.The closing date of tender GN/MPS/T/4002/PC2/2011 hasbeen extended from Tuesday, 30th August, 2011.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9397Kategorija E - Stmati ’l fuq minn€2,000,000 - Jagħlqu d-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti- Il-Furjana - 3 Envelope ProcedureSal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, l-4 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–GN/DPS/T/4003/PC3/2011 Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvistau konsenja ta’sodium bicarbonate.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €60,000 ma’ kull offertagħall-offerta msemmija hawn fuq.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-13 ta’ Settembru,2011, fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għal:–Category E - Estimated above€2,000,000 - Closing at the Department of Contracts- Il-Furjana - 3 Envelope ProcedureSealed tenders will be received at the Departmentof Contracts up to 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 4th August,2011, for:–GN/DPS/T/4003/PC3/2011 Period contract for thesupply and delivery of sodiumbicarbonate.A bid-bond of €60,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above mentioned tender.Sealed tenders will be received at the Department ofContracts up to 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 13th September,2011, for:–HO/T/4000/PC3/2011Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kirita’ vetturi self drive.HO/T/4000/PC3/2011Period contract for the hiringof self drive vehicles.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull dokument ta’ dinl-offerta.Għandu jintbagħat bid-bond ta’ €2,000 ma’ kull offertagħall-offerta msemmija hawn fuq.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta qed tiġi estiża mit-30ta’ Awwissu, 2011.L-offerti li ma jkollhomx magħhom il-ktejjeb teknikurilevanti u/jew kampjuni, meta jkunu mitlubin flispeċifikazzjoni,jistgħu ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet u d-dokumenti relatatikollha jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Korporazzjoni Enemalta, Bini Ċentrali<strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni Ġenerali, ix-Xatt <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Il-Marsa, f’kullġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Min jibgħat offerta għandu jiftakar li l-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta/kwotazzjoni jistgħu jitniżżlu mill-Website <strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta www.enemalta.com.mt wara li jitħallas dritt on-line <strong>tal</strong>-ammont relattiv.Tagħrif rigward id-deċiżjonijiet meħuda mis-Sotto Kumitat<strong>tal</strong>-Offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Kategorija B jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq 2298 0660għal tlett ijiem konsekuttivi wara l-ewwel pubblikazzjonitagħhom fuq in-notice-board <strong>tal</strong>-Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni<strong>tal</strong>-Enemalta, Il-Marsa.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011A fee of €50 should be paid for each copy of this tenderdocument.A bid-bond of €2,000 is to be submitted with each offerfor the above mentioned tender.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromthe 30th August, 2011.Offers unaccompanied by the relevant technical literatureand/or sample, when so required in the specification may notbe considered.All forms of tenders/quotations and all related documentsmay be obtained from Enemalta Corporation, CentralAdministration Building, Church Wharf, Il-Marsa, on anyworking day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.Tenderers are to note that tenders/quotation forms may alsobe downloaded from Enemalta Website www.enemalta.com.mt against payment on-line of the relative fee.Information regarding decisions taken by Enemalta TenderSub Committee regarding awards of Category B tenders canbe polled on 2298 0660 for three consecutive working daysafter their first publication on the notice-board at EnemaltaAdministration Building, Il-Marsa.29th July, 2011

9398 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784KORPORAZZJONI ENEMALTAIċ-Chief Executive Officer jgħarraf illi:–Sal-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu 2001 fil-11.00 a.m.(Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) jintlaqgħu offerti bl-e-mail fuqtenders.emc@enemalta.com.mt, għal:–ENEMALTA CorporationThe Chief Executive Officer notifies that:–Tenders are being received by e-mail on tenders.emc@enemalta.com.mt by Friday, 12th August 2011 at 11.00 a.m.(Central European Time), for:–*P/T/3002/2011.Kiri ta’ tankijiet għall-ħażnafl-Enemalta Ras ĦanżirIns<strong>tal</strong>lation.*P/T/3002/2011.Renting of storage tanksat Enemalta Ras ĦanżirIns<strong>tal</strong>lation.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaAktar tagħrif jinkiseb mill-indirizz <strong>tal</strong>-email imsemmihawn fuq.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011*Advertisement appearing for the first timeFurther details may be obtained from the abovementionedemail address.29th July, 2011KORPORAZZJONI GĦAL SERVIZZI TAL-ILMAIċ-Chief Executive, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, l-1 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/41/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’ SQLServer 2008.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, l-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/40/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’containers għal ħażna u ġarr ta’ de-watered sludge.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ din l-offerta ġiet estiża minn nharl-Erbgħa, is-27 ta’ Lulju 2011.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, id-29 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSC/T/43/2011. Disinn u bini ta’ PumpingStation tad-Drenaġġ fil-Kalkara Boatyard.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €35.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.WATER SERVICES CORPORATIONThe Chief Executive, Water Services Corporation, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 1st August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/41/2011. Supply and delivery of SQLServer 2008.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 10th August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/40/2011. Supply and delivery of containersfor storage and transportation of de-watered sludge.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.The closing date of this tender has been extended fromWednesday, 27th July 2011.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 29th August, 2011 for:-*Advt. No. WSC/T/43/2011. Design and building ofSewage Pumping Station at Kalkara Boatyard.A fee of €35.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9399Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-9 ta’ Settembru, 2011,fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/44/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’plastic stopcock surface boxes.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, l-14 ta’ Settembru, 2011,fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma,Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħal:-Avviż Nru. WSC/T/42/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’correlators għal-leak detection.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Avviż Nru. WSC/T/47/2011. Provvista u konsenja ta’rotary evaporator bil-vacuum system.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Cash Office,Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi <strong>tal</strong>-Ilma, Triq Ħal Qormi, ĦalLuqa LQA 9043, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. unofsinhar. L-offerenti għandhom iżuru l-website korporattiv blindirizzhttp://www.wsc.com.mt minn fejn jistgħu jixtru onlined-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta, jaraw it-tender status, iniżżlu previewdocuments u jiksbu tagħrif dwar ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħataw kuntratti pubbliċi. Dawnir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabu wkoll fuq in-notice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali f’Ħal Luqa.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 9th September, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/44/2011. Supply and delivery of plasticstopcock surface boxes.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the Water ServicesCorporation Head Office, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa, bynot later than 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 14th September,2011 for:-Advt. No. WSC/T/42/2011. Supply and delivery ofcorrelators for leak detection.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Advt. No. WSC/T/47/2011. Supply and delivery of a rotaryevaporator with vacuum system.A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.*Advertisement appearing for the first timeForms of tenders may be obtained from the Cash Office,Water Services Corporation, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa LQA9043, on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.Tenderers are advised to visit the corporate website at http://www.wsc.com.mt where they can purchase tender documentsonline, view tender status, download preview documents andobtain information on Contracts Committee recommendationsfor the award of public contracts. These recommendations arealso given publicity in the WSC’s notice-board at Ħal LuqaHead Office.29th July, 2011Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) LtdIċ-Chairman, Automated Revenue Management Services(ARMS) Ltd jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-17 ta’ Awwissu2011, fl-ARMS Ltd, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Arms/t/46/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ ICTsupport għal Arms Ltd.Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) LtdThe Chairman, Automated Revenue ManagementServices (ARMS) Ltd notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the ARMS Ltd, TriqĦal Qormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043, by not later than 10.00a.m. on Wednesday, 17th August, 2011, for:-Arms/t/46/2011. Provision of ICT support services forArms Ltd.

9400 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €24.00 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Cash Office,ARMS Ltd, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043 u aktartagħrif dwar il-kundizzjonijiet ta’ din l-offerta jistgħujinkisbu mill-Procurement and Stores Office, Triq ĦalQormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043 f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnit-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.L-offerenti għandhom iżuru l-website korporattiv bl-indirizz(http://www.wsc.com.mt) minn fejn jistgħu jixtru online iddokumenti<strong>tal</strong>-offerta, jaraw it-tender status, iniżżlu previewdocuments u jiksbu tagħrif dwar ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet <strong>tal</strong>-Kumitat <strong>tal</strong>-Kuntratti biex jingħataw kuntratti pubbliċi. Dawnir-rakkomandazzjonijiet jinsabu wkoll fuq in-notice-board<strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni fl-Uffiċċju Prinċipali f’Ħal Luqa.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011A fee of €24.00 will be charged for each tenderdocument.Forms of tender may be obtained from the Cash Office,ARMS Ltd, Triq Ħal Qormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043 and furtherinformation regarding the conditions of this tender may beobtained from the Procurement and Stores Office, Triq ĦalQormi, Ħal Luqa LQA 9043 on any working day between8.30 a.m. and noon.Tenderers are advised to visit the corporate website at(http://www.wsc.com.mt) where they can purchase tenderdocuments online, view tender status, download previewdocuments and obtain information on Contracts Committeerecommendations for the award of public contracts. Theserecommendations are also shown on the notice-board at ĦalLuqa Head Office.29th July, 2011FORZI ARMATI TA’ MALTAIl-Kmandant, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, jgħarraf illi:–Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, l-1 ta’ Settembru,2011, fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:–AFM Avviż Nru. 25/11. Provvista ta’ waterproof jackets– Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u kull tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi, Forzi Armati ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn is-7.00a.m. u s-1.30 p.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011ARMED FORCES OF MALTAThe Commander, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, notifies that:–Sealed tenders will be received by the Finance Office,Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, Luqa Barracks, Ħal Luqa, up to10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 1st September, 2011, for:–AFM Advt. No. 25/11. Supply of waterproof jackets– Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>.Tender forms and further information may be obtainedfrom the Finance Office, Armed Forces of <strong>Malta</strong>, LuqaBarracks, Ħal Luqa, during any working day between 7.00a.m and 1.30 p.m.29th July, 2011AWTORITÀ TAD-DJARIċ-Chief Executive Officer, Awtorità tad-Djar, jgħarrafilli:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu2011, fl-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Il-Furjana, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 162/2011. Provvista, ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ukummissjunar ta’ passenger lift wieħed f’91, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Awtorità tad-Djar, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Il-Furjana, bejn it-8.30 a.m. unofsinhar wara li jitħallas dritt ta’ €25 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.HOUSING AUTHORITYThe Chief Executive Officer, Housing Authority, notifiesthat:-Sealed tenders will be received at the HousingAuthority, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Il-Furjana by 10.00a.m. on Friday, 5th August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. 162/2011. Supply, ins<strong>tal</strong>lation andcommissioning of one passenger lift at 91, Triq il-Merkanti,Valletta.Forms of tenders may be obtained from the HousingAuthority, 22, Triq Pietro Floriani, Il-Furjana, between8.30 a.m. and noon against a fee of €25 for each tenderdocument.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9401L-Awtorità żżomm id-dritt li tirrifjuta kull offerta, ankel-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011The Housing Authority reserves the right to refuse anytender, even the most advantageous.29th July, 2011WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-2 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/57/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kiri ta’żewġ (2) medium-sized track mounted hydraulic excavators,with operators, għall-ġarr u tqegħid ta’ materjal fil-Miżbla<strong>tal</strong>-Għallis.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/58/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għalmonitoraġġ ta’ landfill gas composition and priority tracecomponents fin-Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill <strong>tal</strong>-Għallis.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/59/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għallprovvedimentu konsenja ta’ xogħol ta’ kanen <strong>tal</strong>-azzargalvanizzati u fittings anċillari fil-Kumpless <strong>tal</strong>-Magħtab.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, it-23 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-Chief ExecutiveOfficer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, Triq Latmija,Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/60/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għalservizzi ta’ sigurtà u responsabbiltajiet ta’ sigurtà biexjitwettqu fl-Impjant għat-Trattament <strong>tal</strong>-Iskart ta’ Sant’Antninf’Marsaskala (SAWTP).WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of ChiefExecutive Officer WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eko Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,2nd August, 2011, for:Advt. No. WSM/57/2011. Period contract for the hiring oftwo (2) medium-sized track mounted hydraulic excavators,with operators, for the transport and laying of material at theGħallis Landfill.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of ChiefExecutive Officer WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eko Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday, 5thAugust, 2011, for:Advt. No. WSM/58/2011. Period contract for themonitoring of landfill gas composition and priority tracecomponents at the Għallis Non-Hazardous Waste Landfill.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of ChiefExecutive Officer WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eko Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,12th August, 2011, for:Advt. No. WSM/59/2011. Period contract for the supplyand delivery of galvanised steel pipe work and ancillaryfittings at the Magħtab Complex.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of ChiefExecutive Officer WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eko Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Tuesday,23rd August, 2011, for:Advt. No. WSM/60/2011. Period contract for securityservices and security duties to be performed at the Sant’AntninWaste Treatment Plant in Marsaskala (SAWTP).

9402 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Id-data <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ta’ dawn l-avviżi qed tiġi estiża mill-5ta’ Awwissu, 2011.Avviż Nru. WSM/61/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għal servizzita’ Konsulent għat-Tisħiħ ta’ Programm ta’ Monitoraġġ fuql-Irwejjaħ għall-Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-26 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-*Avviż Nru. WSM/62/2011. Disinn, provvista, konsenja,ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni u kummissjunar ta’ blood steriliser u coagulatorbiex jiġi ins<strong>tal</strong>lat fil-Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.The closing date of these tenders is being extended fromthe 5th August, 2011.Advt. No. WSM/61/2011. Period contract for the servicesof a Consultant for the Consolidation of an Odour MonitoringProgramme for the Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of ChiefExecutive Officer WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eko Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,26th August, 2011, for:*Advt. No. WSM/62/2011. Design, supply, delivery,ins<strong>tal</strong>lation and commissioning of a blood steriliser andcoagulator to be ins<strong>tal</strong>led at the Marsa Thermal TreatmentFacility.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darbaIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi f’kull ġurnata taxxogħolbejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.Is-sottomissjoni <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet hija mingħajr ħlas.Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb minn fuq il-website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) jew wieħed jista’ jikkuntattja (contracts@wasteservmalta.com) jew fuq in-numru tat-telefon 2385 8239.Huwa fl-interess ta’ min japplika li jiċċekkja l-website <strong>tal</strong>-WasteServ għal aġġornamenti minn żmien għal żmien.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011*Advertisement appearing for the first timeTender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.Submission of quotations is free of charge. Furtherinformation can be obtained from the website: (www.wasteservmalta.com) or (contracts@wasteservmalta.com)or on telephone number 2385 8239. It is in the bidders’interest to periodically check the WasteServ website forany updates.29th July, 2011STAMPERIJA TAL-GVERNId-Direttur, Stamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. 3/2011. Servizzi ta’ tindif fl-Istamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-GOVERNMENT PRINTING PRESSThe Director, Government Printing Press, notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 5th August, 2011, for:-Advt. No. 3/2011. Cleaning services at the GovernmentPrinting Press.Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 12th August, 2011, for:-

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9403Avviż Nru. 4/2011. Ġbir ta’ skart mill-Istamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mill-ProcurementSection, Stamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, 29A, Qasam Industrijali, Il-Marsa, matul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Advt. No. 4/2011. Collection of waste from the GovernmentPrinting Press.Forms of tender may be obtained from the ProcurementSection, Government Printing Press, 29A, Industrial Estate,Il-Marsa, during normal office hours.29th July, 2011awtoritÀ MALTIJA tat-turiŻmuL-Awtorità Maltija tat-Turiżmu tilqa’ sejħiet għallkwotazzjonijietgħall-provvista ta’ first aid cabinets lijissakkru għall-uffiċċji tagħha f’<strong>Malta</strong> u Għawdex.Ditti interessati għandhom jissottomettu l-kwotazzjonijiettagħhom f’envelop magħluq immarkat:-Provvista ta’ First Aid cabinets li JissakkruL-Awtorità Maltija tat-TuriżmuAttention: Patrick Attard - MTA Procurement ManagerSal-10.00 a.m. ħin lokali tat-Tlieta, id-9 ta’ Awwissu2011.Dokument li jispeċifika l-cabinets meħtieġa jista’ jinkisebmill-Procurement Manager - Uffiċċji <strong>tal</strong>-MTA, Auberged’I<strong>tal</strong>ie, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta jew billi wieħedjitlob għall-kopja elettronika bl-e.mail lil (patrick.attard@visitmalta.com).Offerti li jaslu tard ma jiġux aċċettati.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Tourism AuthorityThe <strong>Malta</strong> Tourism Authority invites calls for quotationsfor the supply of lockable first aid cabinets for it’s <strong>Malta</strong> andGozo offices.Interested companies are to hand in their quotations in asealed envelope marked:-Supply of Lockable First Aid cabinets<strong>Malta</strong> Tourism AuthorityAttention : Patrick Attard - MTA Procurement ManagerBy 10.00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, 9th August 2011.A brief specifying the required cabinets can be obtainedfrom the Procurement Manager - MTA Offices, Auberged’I<strong>tal</strong>ie, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta or by requesting anelectronic copy on e.mail (patrick.attard@visitmalta.com).No late offers will be accepted.29th July, 2011WASTESERV MALTA LTDIċ-Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, jgħarrafilli:–Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin fl-uffiċċji taċ-ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Ċentru Eco, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613, għal:-Avviż Nru. WSM/63/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kirita’ eight (8) wheeler tipper truck bis-sewwieq biex jintużafil-Marsaskala Family Park Valley Restoration.Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropej għall-Iżvilupp Rurali(2007-2013) - L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.WASTESERV MALTA LTDThe Chief Executive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, notifiesthat:–Sealed tenders will be received at the offices of the ChiefExecutive Officer, WasteServ <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd, Eco Centre, TriqLatmija, Marsaskala MSK 4613 up to noon on Friday,12th August, 2011 for:-Advt. No. WSM/63/2011. Period contract for the hiring ofan eight (8) wheeler tipper truck with operators to be used atthe Marsaskala Family Park Valley Restoration.This tender is part-financed by the European Union underthe European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2007-2013) - Europe Investing in Rural Areas.

9404 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Avviż Nru. WSM/64/2011. Kuntratt perjodiku għall-kirita’ one medium-size track mounted hydraulic excavatorbis-sewwieq biex jintuża fil-Marsaskala Family Park ValleyRestoration.Din l-offerta hija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-UnjoniEwropea taħt il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropej għall-Iżvilupp Rurali(2007-2013) - L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni Rurali.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu flimkien ma’ aktartagħrif meħtieġ mill-uffiċċju msemmi hawn fuq f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn id-9.00 a.m. u t-3.00 p.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Advt. No. WSM/64/2011. Period contract for the hiring ofone medium-sized track mounted hydraulic excavator withoperators to be used at the Marsaskala Family Park ValleyRestoration.This tender is part-financed by the European Union underthe European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2007-2013) - Europe Investing in Rural Areas.A fee of €50.00 is being charged for each tenderdocument.Tender forms may be obtained together with any furtherinformation required from the above mentioned office on anyworking day between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m.29th July, 2011Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali għal <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Assi 3 – Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Kwalità <strong>tal</strong>-Ħajja fiż-Żoni RuraliOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaRata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% <strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Miżura 323 Konservazzjoni u Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Patrimonju RuraliIl-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali:L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni RuraliRural Development Programme for <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Axis 3 – Improving the Quality of Life in Rural AreasTender part-financed by the European UnionCo-financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of <strong>Malta</strong>Measure 323 Conservation and Upgrading of the Rural HeritageThe European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe Investing in Rural AreasKORPORAZZJONI TA’ XOGĦOL U TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni ta’ Xogħol u Taħriġ tilqa’ offertimagħluqin għal:ETC/A/05/11. Kostruzzjoni u tlestija ta’ triq privata li tagħtigħaċ-Ċentru tat-Taħriġ <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal FarKopji tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni ta’ Xogħol u Taħriġf’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar bi ħlas ta’ €50 kullwieħed. Wieħed jista’ jara kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta fuqil-website <strong>tal</strong>-ETC (www.etc.gov.mt). Din il-kopja ma tistaxtintuża biex titfa’ offerta.Se ssir laqgħa għall-kjarifiki dwar din l-offerta nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fl-10.00 a.m. fill-Kumplesstat-Taħriġ <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far.EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed tenders will be received for:ETC/A/05/11. Construction and finishing of a private roadleading to the ETC Training Complex at Ħal Far.Copies of the tender documents may be obtained fromthe Finance Division of the Employment and TrainingCorporation in Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon against a feeof €50 for each document. One can view a copy of the tenderdocument on the ETC website (www.etc.gov.mt). This copycannot be used to submit a tender.A clarification meeting about this tender will be held onFriday, 5th August 2011 at 10.00 a.m. at the ETC TrainingComplex at Ħal Far.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9405Offerti, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarji kollha,għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011.It-titoli u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magħluq. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Tenders, complete with all required documents, are to besubmitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in Ħal Farby not later than 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 19th August 2011.The tenders titles and codes as stated above should be statedon the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300029th July, 2011KORPORAZZJONI TA’ XOGĦOLU TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ tilqa’ offertimagħluqin għal:ETC/A/04A/11. Provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ taraġ ta’emerġenza f’każ ta’ ħruq fl-uffiċini <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far.Kopji tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġf’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar bi ħlas ta’ €25 kullwieħed. Wieħed jista’ jara kopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta fuqil-website <strong>tal</strong>-ETC (www.etc.gov.mt). Din il-kopja ma tistaxtintuża biex titfa’ offerta.Offerti, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarji kollha,għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011.It-titoli u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magħluq. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011KORPORAZZJONI TA’ XOGĦOLU TAĦRIĠIl-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u Taħriġ tilqa’ offertimagħluqin għal:ESF/EMP/138/11. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ taħriġminn organizzazzjonijiet li jagħtu t-taħriġ, f’suġġetti relatatimal-industrija <strong>tal</strong>-ospi<strong>tal</strong>ità.EMPLOYMENT AND TRAININGCORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed tenders will be received for the:ETC/A/04A/11. Provision and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of emergencyfire escape stairs at the ETC offices at Ħal Far.Copies of the tender documents may be obtained fromthe Finance Division of the Employment and TrainingCorporation in Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon against a feeof €25 for each document. One can view a copy of the tenderdocument on the ETC website (www.etc.gov.mt). This copycannot be used to submit a tender.Tenders, complete with all required documents, are to besubmitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in Ħal Farby not later than 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 19th August 2011.The tenders titles and codes as stated above should be statedon the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300029th July, 2011EMPLOYMENT ANDTRAINING CORPORATIONThe Employment and Training Corporation notifies thatsealed tenders will be received for the:ESF/EMP/138/11. Provision of training services fromtraining organisations, in subjects related to the hospi<strong>tal</strong>ityindustry.

9406 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Kopji tad-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jinġabru mid-Diviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Finanzi <strong>tal</strong>-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġf’Ħal Far mit-8.00 a.m. sa nofsinhar mingħajr ħlas jew billitintbgħat email lil Martin Casha jew Mathea Gauci fuq martin.g.casha@gov.mt jew mathea.gauci@gov.mt. Wieħed jista’ jarakopja tad-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta fuq il-website <strong>tal</strong>-ETC www.etc.gov.mt. Din il-kopja ma tistax tintuża biex titfa’ offerta.Se ssir laqgħa għall-kjarifiki dwar din l-offerta nhar il-Ġimgħa 5 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fil-11.30 a.m. fl-ETC f’ĦalFar.Offerti, kompluti bid-dokumenti neċessarji kollha,għandhom ikunu mitfugħa fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-UffiċċjuPrinċipali <strong>tal</strong>-ETC f’Ħal Far sa mhux aktar tard mill-10.00a.m. <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011.It-titoli u l-kodiċi <strong>tal</strong>-offerti kif imsemmija hawn fuqgħandhom jinkitbu fuq l-envelop magħluq. Dawn għandhomikunu indirizzati lil:L-Uffiċjal Kap EżekuttivUffiċċju PrinċipaliĦal Far BBĠ 3000Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Copies of the tender documents may be obtained from theFinance Division of the Employment and Training Corporationin Ħal Far from 8.00 a.m. to noon free of charge or by sendingan email to Martin Casha or Mathea Gauci martin.g.casha@gov.mt or mathea.gauci@gov.mt. One can view a copy of thetender document on the ETC website www.etc.gov.mt. Thiscopy cannot be used to submit a tender.A clarification meeting about this tender will be held onFriday, 5th August 2011 at 11.30 a.m. at the ETC at ĦalFar.Tenders, complete with all required documents, are to besubmitted at the tender box at the ETC Head Office in Ħal Farby not later than 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 19th August 2011.The tenders titles and codes as stated above should be statedon the sealed envelope. These are to be addressed to:The Chief Executive OfficerHead OfficeĦal Far BBĠ 300029th July, 2011FSE 2.4 Employability ProgrammeProgramm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għall-Aktar Impjiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarOfferti parzjalment iffinanzjati mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekESF 2.4 Employability ProgrammeOperational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeTenders part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing: 85% EU Funds; 15% National FundsInvesting in your futureL-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-partijiet interessati biex jissottomettul-offerti tagħhom biex jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom għallprovvedimentta’ Branding, Message Content Creation andAuxiliary Services.Laqgħa għal dawk interessati se ssir fit-3 ta’ Awwissu2011 f’nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) il-MITA, GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the Provision of Branding, Message Content Creationand Auxiliary Services.A Briefing/Clarification meeting is scheduled for 3rdAugust 2011 at noon (CET) and will be held at the premisesof MITA, Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9407Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ Branding,Message Content Creation and Auxiliary Services jintlaqgħusa nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) <strong>tal</strong>-Ħamis, il-11 ta’Awwissu 2011 fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsab f’Gattard House,Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel minn fuqis-sit <strong>tal</strong>-MITA (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil Q08511.mita@gov.mt għall-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon 21234710, jew b’email lil (svmd.mita@gov.mt).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Sealed tenders for the Provision of Branding, MessageContent Creation and Auxiliary Services will be received inthe tender box at Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (Central European Time) of Thursday,11th August 2011.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from MITA website on (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained byan e-mail request to Q08511.mita@gov.mt for a fee of €35.For further information one is to contact the Sourcingand Vendor Management Department on telephone number2123 4710 or email (svmd.mita@gov.mt).29th July, 2011L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-partijiet interessati biex jissottomettul-offerti tagħhom għall-provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ żviluppu manutenzjoni ta’ software (Powerbuilder) għall-programmi<strong>tal</strong>-MITA.Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ żviluppu manutenzjoni ta’ software (Powerbuilder) għall-programmi<strong>tal</strong>-MITA jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew)tat-Tnejn, l-1 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsabf’Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel mingħajrħlas fuq is-sit <strong>tal</strong>-MITA (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil Q07911.mita@gov.mt għall-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon 21234710, jew b’email lil (svmd.mita@gov.mt).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011MALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifies that:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their proposalsfor the provision of software development and maintenanceservices (Powerbuilder) in MITA programmes.Sealed tenders for the provision of software developmentand maintenance services (Powerbuilder) in MITAprogrammes will be received in the tender box at GattardHouse, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (CentralEuropean Time) on Monday, 1st August 2011.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from MITA website on (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained byan e-mail request to Q07911.mita@gov.mt for a fee of €35.Further information is obtainable from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email (svmd.mita@gov.mt).29th July, 2011L-AĠENZIJA TAT-TEKNOLOĠIJATAL-INFORMATIKA TA’ MALTAIl-Kap Eżekuttiv <strong>tal</strong>-MITA jgħarraf illi:-MITA tistieden lill-partijiet interessati biex jissottomettuMALTA INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY AGENCYThe Chief Executive Officer of MITA notifiesthat:-MITA invites interested bidders to submit their

9408 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784l-offerti tagħhom għall-provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’ żviluppu manutenzjoni ta’ software (.Net) għall-programmi <strong>tal</strong>-MITA.Offerti magħluqin għall-provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’żvilupp u manutenzjoni ta’ software (.Net) għall-programmi<strong>tal</strong>-MITA jintlaqgħu sa nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew)tat-Tnejn, l-1 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti li tinsabf’Gattard House, Triq Nazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda.Kopja elettronika tad-dokument tista’ titniżżel mingħajrħlas minn fuq is-sit <strong>tal</strong>-MITA (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).Kopja stampata <strong>tal</strong>-istess dokument tista’ tinkisebpermezz ta’ <strong>tal</strong>ba b’email mibgħuta lil Q09011.mita@gov.mt għall-ħlas ta’ €35.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment tas-Sourcing and Vendor Management permezz tat-telefon 21234710, jew b’email lil (svmd.mita@gov.mt).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011proposals for the provision of software development andmaintenance services (.Net) in MITA programmes.Sealed tenders for the provision of software developmentand maintenance services (.Net) in MITA programmeswill be received in the tender box at Gattard House, TriqNazzjonali, Blata l-Bajda, up till noon (Central EuropeanTime) on Monday, 1st August 2011.An electronic copy of the document can be downloadedfree of charge from MITA website on (http://www.mita.gov.mt/tenders).A hard copy of the same document may be obtained byan e-mail request to Q09011.mita@gov.mt for a fee of €35.Further information is obtainable from the Sourcing andVendor Management Department on telephone number 21234710 or email (svmd.mita@gov.mt).29th July, 2011Ministeru għal GħawdexId-Direttur, Proġetti u Żvilupp fil-Ministeru għalGħawdex, jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu2011 fil-Ministeru għal Għawdex, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts,Dipartiment tas-Servizzi Korporattivi, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. WB 55/2011. Servizzi ta’ monitoraġġ ukontroll fit-twettiq <strong>tal</strong>-proġett li jinvolvi t-tindif <strong>tal</strong>-widienf’Għawdex.Għandu jithallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>kwotazzjoni.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjoni jistgħu jinkisbu wkollmill-link: (http://gozo.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1773).Il-kwotazzjonijiet għandhom isiru fuq il-formolipreskritti li flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi, jistgħujinkisbu mill-Fergħa tax-Xogħlijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdexf’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol waqt il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Ministry for GozoThe Director, Projects and Development, Ministry forGozo, notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received at the Ministryfor Gozo, Accounts Section, Department of CorporateServices by not later than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 12thAugust 2011, for:-Quot. No. WB 55/2011. Monitoring and controllingservices for the implementation of the project involving thecleaning of valleys in Gozo.A fee of €50.00 is to be paid for every copy of quotationdocument.Quotation documents may be downloaded from: (http://gozo.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1773).Quotations should be drawn out on the prescribed formswhich, together with the relative conditions, can be obtainedfrom the Works Branch, By the Bastion Road, Ir-Rabat,Gozo, on any working day during office hours.29th July, 2011Ministeru għal GħawdexId-Direttur Proġetti u Żvilupp fil-Ministeru għalGħawdex, jgħarraf illi:-Ministry for GozoThe Director Projects and Development, Ministry forGozo, notifies that:-

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9409Sal-10.00 a.m. ta nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu2011, fil-Ministeru għal Għawdex, Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts,Dipartiment tas-Servizzi Korporattivi, jintlaqgħu offertimagħluqin, għal:-Avviż Nru. WB 15/2011. Manifattura, provvista,preparazzjoni u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ passaġġ <strong>tal</strong>-injam fil-Ġonna ta’ Villa Rundle, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex, kif mitlub mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Proġetti u Żvilupp, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50.00 għal kull dokument <strong>tal</strong>offerta.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formoli preskritti liflimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi, jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Fergħa tax-Xogħlijiet, Ir-Rabat, Għawdex f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol waqt il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Sealed tenders will be received at the Ministry forGozo, Accounts Section, Department of CorporateServices, by not later than 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 12thAugust 2011 for:-Advt. No. WB 15/2011. Manufacturing, supply,preparation and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of a timber composite deckingsystem at Villa Rundle Gardens, Ir-Rabat, Gozo, as directedby the Department of Projects and Development, Ir-Rabat,Gozo.A fee of €50.00 is to be paid for every copy of tenderdocuments.Tenders should be drawn out on the prescribed formswhich, together with the relative conditions, can be obtainedfrom the Works Branch, By the Bastion Road,Ir-Rabat, Gozoduring office hours.29th July, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Limited, jgħarrafilli:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-uffiċċji <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise,Enterprise Centre, Qasam Industrijali ta’ San Ġwann,San Ġwann SGN3000, se jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħal:-Avviż Nru. MIP/TQF/BLB/D11/11. Tneħħija ta’ suffett<strong>tal</strong>-asbestos, provvista u ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ta’ suffett ġdid fil-Fabbrika BLB029 fil-Qasam Industrijali ta’ Bulebel.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €75 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbu milluffiċċji<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnid-9.00 a.m. u nofsinhar u s-1.00 p.m. u l-4.00 p.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Limited, notifiesthat:-Sealed tenders are to be deposited in the tender boxat the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, Enterprise Centre, SanĠwann Industrial Estate, San Ġwann SGN3000 by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 5th August 2011 for:-Advt. No. MIP/TQF/BLB/D11/11. Removal of asbestossoffit, supply and ins<strong>tal</strong>lation of new soffit at Factory BLB029 at Bulebel Industrial Estate.A fee of €75 will be charged for each tender document.Forms of tender and further documentation may beobtained from the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise on any workingday from 9.00 a.m. to noon and 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.29th July, 2011<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedIċ-Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Limited, jgħarrafilli:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, it-8 ta’ Awwissu 2011, filkaxxa<strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-uffiċċji <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, EnterpriseCentre, Qasam Industrijali ta’ San Ġwann, San ĠwannSGN3000, se jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-<strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks LimitedThe Chairman, <strong>Malta</strong> Industrial Parks Limited, notifiesthat:-Sealed tenders are to be deposited in the tender boxat the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, Enterprise Centre, SanĠwann Industrial Estate, San Ġwann SGN3000 by notlater than 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 8th August 2011 for:-

9410 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Avviż Nru. MIP/TQF/TQF/D09/11. Kuntratt perjodikugħall-provvediment ta’ servizz ta’ skips f’Ta’ Qali CraftsVillage.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €50 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u tagħrif ieħor jistgħu jinkisbu milluffiċċji<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnid-9.00 a.m. u nofsinhar u s-1.00 p.m. u l-4.00 p.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Advt. No. MIP/TQF/TQF/D09/11. Period contract forthe provision of a skip service at Ta’ Qali Crafts Village.A fee of €50 will be charged for each tender document.Forms of tender and further documentation may beobtained from the offices of <strong>Malta</strong> Enterprise on any workingday from 9.00 a.m. to noon and 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.29th July, 2011Il-Fondazzjoni għal ServizziTa’ Ħarsien SoċjaliE4L- “Embark for Life-Integration of young people intothe labour market”Sejħa għas-ServizziIl-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi ta’ Ħarsien Soċjali (AġenzijaSedqa u Aġenzija Appoġġ), b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Korporazzjoni tax-Xogħol u t-Taħriġ (ETC) u l-Awtoritàtad-Djar applikaw għall-fondi taħt il-Politika ta’ Koeżjoni2007-2013 (OP II ESF) Fondi Strutturali għall-proġett ESF3.61 E4L- “Embark for Life- Integration of young people intothe labour market”Dan il-proġett jeħtieġ is-servizz ta’:Professional Youth Support Workers (ref E4L 3)Kwalifiki meħtieġa għas-servizz ta’ Professional YouthSupport Worker- waħda minn dawn:Baċellerat fl-Istudji taż-Żgħażagħ u l-Komunità;Baċellerat fl-Istudji <strong>tal</strong>-Komunikazzjoni;Diploma fl-Istudji Soċjali (Social Work);Baċellerat fl-Istudji Soċjali (Social Work);Baċellerat fil-Psikoloġija.Preferibbilment b’esperjenza ta’ xogħol maż-żgħażagħ.Għal aktar informazzjoni u/jew kopja tat-termini ta’riferenza tas-servizzi msemmija, ikkuntattja lis-Sur StephenVella fuq 2388 5140 jew inkella bl-email fuq (stephen.c.vella@gov.mt).Persuni interessati f’din is-sejħa għas-servizzi għandhomjilħqu l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet imsemmija fit-termini ta’ riferenza.Applikazzjonijiet, flimkien ma’ curriculum vitae, jintlaqgħusa nofsinhar <strong>tal</strong>-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2011, u għandhomjintbagħtu lil:Foundation forSocial Welfare ServicesE4L- “Embark for Life-Integration of young peopleinto the labour market”Call for ServicesThe Foundation for Social Welfare Services (Sedqa Agencyand Appoġġ Agency), in partnership with the Employmentand Training Corporation (ETC), and the Housing Authorityhave applied for funding under Cohesion Policy 2007-2013(OP II-ESF) Structural Funds for a project entitled ESF 3.61E4L-Embark for Life-Integration of young people into thelabour market.This project requires the service of:Professional Youth Support Workers (ref E4L 3)Entry Requirements for Professional Youth SupportWorker– one of the following:Bachelor Degree in Youth and Community Studies;Bachelor Degree in Communications Studies;Diploma in Applied Social Studies (Social Work);Bachelor Degree in Social Work;Bachelor Degree in Psychology.Preferably with experience working with young people.Further information and/or a copy of the terms of referencefor the above-mentioned services are obtained from MrStephen Vella on 2388 5140, or by email on (stephen.c.vella@gov.mt).Individuals interested in rendering their services mustmeet the required specifications established in the terms ofreference. Applications along with curriculum vitae will beaccepted till noon of Friday, 5th August 2011, sent to:

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9411Proġett ESF 3.61 E4LFondazzjoni għal Servizzi ta’ Ħarsien Soċjali2, Triq Braille, Santa Venera, SVR 1690.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011ESF Project 3.61- E4LFoundation for Social Welfare Services,2, Triq Braille, Santa Venera, SVR 1690.29th July, 2011Programm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013IProgramm Operattiv II – Politika ta’ Koeżjoni 2007-2013Insaħħu Ħilitna għal Aktar Impjiegi u Kwalità ta’ Ħajja AħjarDan il-proġett hu parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni EwropeaFond Soċjali Ewropew (FSE)Rata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 85% Fondi UE; 15% Fondi NazzjonaliNinvestu fil-futur tiegħekOperational Programme II- Cohesion Policy 2007-2013Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of LifeProject part-financed by the European UnionEuropean Social Fund (ESF)Co-financing rate: 85% EU Funds: 15% National FundsInvesting in your FutureIr-Rettur jgħarraf illi:-L-UNIVERSITÀ TA’ MALTASal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, l-14 ta’ Settembru,2011, jintlaqgħu proposti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. UM/1602. Provvista, konsenja, ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoniu kummissjunar ta’ ultra-low temperature freezer għall-Institute of Earth Systems fl-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> biex isaħħaħis-Sicily-<strong>Malta</strong> Biogeographical Transboundary InsularConnectivity (SIMBIOTIC)Din l-offerta qed tinħareġ taħt il-Programm ta’Kooperazzjoni bejn il-Fruntieri I<strong>tal</strong>ja-<strong>Malta</strong> 2007-2013 uhija parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea taħt il-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali 2007-2013.Id-dossier <strong>tal</strong>-offerta huwa mingħajr ħlas.L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta, liflimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħra jistgħujinkisbu mid-Direttorat <strong>tal</strong>-Procurement, l-Università ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>,l-Imsida, (Kamra 319, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni) f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Min se jibgħat offerta jista’ jsibha u jniżżilha minn fuq(https://www.um.edu.mt/procurement/service/tender) ujikkwotqa n-numru ta’ riferenza speċifika <strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi matul il-ftuħ u l-għoti <strong>tal</strong>propostinhar l-Erbgħa, l-14 ta’ Settembru, 2011, fl-10.15a.m. f’Kamra 300A, Bini <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni, l-Universitàta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, L-Imsida.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011The Rector notifies that:-UNIVERSITY OF MALTASealed proposals will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onWednesday, 14th September, 2011, for:-Advt. No. UM/1595. Supply, delivery, ins<strong>tal</strong>lation andcommissioning of an ultra-low temperature freezer for theInstitute of Earth Systems at the University of <strong>Malta</strong> forenhancing Sicily-<strong>Malta</strong> Biogeographical TransboundaryInsular Connectivity (SIMBIOTIC)This tender is being issued under the I<strong>tal</strong>ia-<strong>Malta</strong>Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 and ispart-financed by the European Union under the EuropeanRegional Development Fund (2007-2013).The tender dossier is free of chargeTenders should be made only on the prescribed form, whichtogether with the relative conditions and other documentsmay be obtained from the Procurement Directorate,University of <strong>Malta</strong>, L-Imsida, (Room 319 AdministrationBuilding) on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.Prospective tenderers are to note that this tender can bedownloaded from https://www.um.edu.mt/procurement/service/tender by quoting the specific tender reference number.The public may attend during the opening and schedulingof tenders at 10.15 a.m. on Wednesday, 14th September,2011, at Room 300 A, Administration Block, University of<strong>Malta</strong>, L-Imsida.29th July, 2011

9412 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784DIRETTORAT GĦAS-SERVIZZI EDUKATTIVIId-Direttur Ġenerali għas-Servizzi Edukattivi jgħarrafilli:‐Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:‐Avviż Nru. SMCGS 1/11. Kiri ta’ tuckshop fil-KulleġġSanta Margerita, Skola Sekondarja <strong>tal</strong>-Bniet, Iż-Żejtun.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €15 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formola preskritta li,flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħra,jistgħu jinkisbu fuq applikazzjoni mill-Iskola, f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u l-11.30 a.m.L-offerti għandhom ikunu magħluqa f’envelop indirizzatminn qabel u jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti, fil-Kulleġġ SantaMargerita, Skola Sekondarja <strong>tal</strong>-Bniet, Iż-Żejtun.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011DIRECTORATE FOR EducationAL SERVICESThe Director General for Educational Services notifiesthat:‐Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 19th August 2011, for:‐Advt. No. SMCGS 1/11. Hiring of tuckshop at St MargaretCollege, Girls’ Secondary School, Iż-Żejtun.A fee of €15 will be charged for every copy of tenderdocument.Offers should be made on the prescribed form which,together with the relative conditions and other documents,are obtained on application from the School on any workingday between 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.Tenders should be enclosed in the ready-addressedenvelope and deposited in the Tender Box, located at StMargaret College, Girls’ Secondary School, Iż-Żejtun.29th July, 2011KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-KULTURAU L-ARTIIl-Kunsill Malti għall-Kultura u l-Arti jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, is-17 ta’ Awwissu 2011fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill f’‘Casa Gaspe’, 230, Triq ir-Repubblika, il-Belt Valletta, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħall-attivitajiet ta’ Notte Bianca 2011:-Provvediment ta’ DawlProvvediment ta’ SoundIl-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Kunsill Maltigħall-Kultura u l-Arti, ‘Casa Gaspe’, 230, Triq ir-Repubblika,il-Belt Valletta waqt il-ħinijiet normali <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011THE MALTA COUNCIL FOR CULTUREAND THE ARTSThe <strong>Malta</strong> Council for Culture and the Arts notifiesthat:-Separate sealed tenders will be received at the tender boxof the Council at ‘Casa Gaspe’, 230, Triq ir-Repubblika, il-Belt Valletta, up to 10.00 a.m. of Wednesday, 17th August2011 for the following services regarding Notte Bianca2011:-Provision of LightsProvision of SoundForms of tender may be obtained from the <strong>Malta</strong>Council for Culture and the Arts, ‘Casa Gaspe’, 230, Triq ir-Repubblika, il-Belt Valletta, during normal office hours.29th July, 2011KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTIl-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport jgħarraf illi sa nofsinhar ta’ nharil-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’ Awwissu, 2011, jintlaqgħu offerti għal:-Avviż Nru. KMS/TEN/039/2011. Servizzi ta’Komunikazzjoni.KUNSILL MALTI GĦALL-ISPORTThe Kunsill Malti għall-Isport notifies that offers will bereceived up to noon on Friday, 12th August, 2011, for:-Advt. No. KMS/TEN/039/2011. CommunicationsServices.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9413Għandu jsir ħlas ta’ €50.00 meta jinġabru d-dokumenti<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u kundizzjonijiet jistgħu jinġabrumill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport,Kumpless Sportiv Kottonera, Vjal Kottoner, Bormla BML9020, bejn it-8.00 a.m. u n-12.30 p.m. u s-1.30 p.m. u l-4.00p.m.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerti jistgħu jitniżżlu wkoll mill-website<strong>tal</strong>-KMS (www.sportmalta.org.mt).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011A fee of €50.00 has to be paid upon collection of thetender documents.Tender documents and conditions can be collected from theAccounts Office of the Kunsill Malti għall-Isport, CottoneraSports Complex, Cottoner Avenue, Cospicua BML 9020,between 8.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. and 4.00p.m.The tender document can also be downloaded from KMSwebsite on (www.sportmalta.org.mt).29th July, 2011KUlleĠĠ santa KJARAskola sekondarja <strong>tal</strong>-bniet PembrokeTriq falaise, pembrokeIl-Kap flimkien mal-Kunsill <strong>tal</strong>-Iskola jgħarrfu illi:‐Sal-11.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Tmexxija tat-Tuck Shop <strong>tal</strong>-Iskola matul is-sena skolastika2011/2012.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta, li fih il-kundizzjonijiet u l-formolapreskritta <strong>tal</strong>-offerta, jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kap<strong>tal</strong>-Iskola fl-10, il-11 u t-12 ta’ Awwissu 2011 bejn id-9.00a.m. u nofsinhar fuq dritt ta’ ħlas ta’ €15.00.Id-dokument <strong>tal</strong>-offerta mimli kif imiss u bl-ammont offrutmiktub ċar għandu jkun magħluq f’envelop ipprovdut mill-Iskola u depożitati fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti fl-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kap<strong>tal</strong>-Iskola fit-18 u d-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011 sal-10.00 a.m. ta’nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011.L-offerti li jaslu wara d-data u l-ħin <strong>tal</strong>-għeluq ma jiġuxikkunsidrati.L-offerti li jaslu jinfetħu fil-preżenza <strong>tal</strong>-offerenti interessatinhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu 2011 fil-11.00 a.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Saint CLARE CollegeGirls’ Secondary school PembrokeTriq falaise, pembrokeThe Head with the School Council notifies that:‐Sealed tenders will be received up to 11.00 a.m. on Friday,19th August, 2011, for:-Running of the School’s Tuck Shop during the scholastic year2011/2012.The tender document, containing the conditions and the formon which the offer should be tendered, may be obtained from theHead’s Office of the 10th, 11th and the 12th August 2011 between9.00 a.m. and noon against a payment of €15.00.The tender document duly filled in and showing clearlythe sum offered should be sealed in the envelope providedby the School and deposited in the tender box in the School’sHead Office on the 18th and 19th August 2011 by not laterthan 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 19th August 2011.Tenders received after the closing date and time will notbe considered.Tenders received will be opened in the presence of theinterested tenderers on Friday, 19th August 2011 at 11.00 a.m.29th July, 2011DIVIŻJONI TAL-EDUKAZZJONIId-Direttur Ġenerali <strong>tal</strong>-Edukazzjoni jgħarraf illi:‐Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:‐Avviż Nru. 1/11. Kiri ta’ tuckshop fil-Junior Lyceum tas-Subien Kulleġġ St Thomas More, Il-Ħamrun.EDUCATION DIVISIONThe Director General of Education notifies that:‐Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onFriday, 19th August 2011, for:‐Advt. No. 1/11. Hiring of tuckshop at St Thomas MoreCollege Boys’ Junior Lyceum, Il-Ħamrun.

9414 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €15 għal kull kopja tad-dokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.L-offerti għandhom isiru fuq il-formola preskritta li,flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet relattivi u dokumenti oħra,jistgħu jinkisbu fuq applikazzjoni mill-Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju(Kamra 2) Junior Lyceum tas-Subien Kulleġġ St ThomasMore, Il-Ħamrun f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m.u nofsinhar.L-offerti għandhom ikunu magħluqa f’envelop indirizzatminn qabel u jintefgħu fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti, fl-Uffiċċju tas-Segretarju (Kamra 2) Junior Lyceum tas-Subien Kulleġġ StThomas More, Il-Ħamrun.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011A fee of €15 will be charged for every copy of tenderdocument.Offers should be made on the prescribed form which,together with the relative conditions and other documents, areobtained on application from the Secretary’s Office (Room 2)St Thomas More College Boys’ Junior Lyceum, Il-Ħamrun,on any working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.Tenders should be enclosed in the ready-addressedenvelope and deposited in the Tender Box, located at theSecretary’s Office (Room 2) St Thomas More College Boys’Junior Lyceum, Il-Ħamrun.29th July, 2011SERVIZZI TA’ PROCUREMENTTAL-GVERN (TAQSIMA TAS-SAĦĦA)Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>(Taqsima tas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, id-29 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,fil-Kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-Offerti Nru. 2 (Kulur Kannella) jintlaqgħuofferti magħluqin għall-provvista ta’:-Avviż Nru. GHPST 715. Lopinavir with ritonavir 200mg/50mg tabs/caps.Advt. No. GHPST 716. Disodium pamidronate 15mginjections.Advt. No. GHPST 717. Fusidic acid 2% cream.Advt. No. GHPST 718. Balanced salt solution.Advt. No. GHPST 719. Convatec esteem closed pouches30mm.Advt. No. GHPST 720. Reinforced laryngeal maskairway.Advt. No. GHPST 721. Catheters suction 10FG.Advt. No. GHPST 722. High pressure 50cm, connectingines with 3-way tap.Advt. No. GHPST 723. Standard guidewires.L-offerti <strong>tal</strong>-Medical Stores kollha msemmija hawn fuqjistgħu jitniżżlu minn fuq: (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=242).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Pjazza San Luqa, Gwardamanġa, f’kull ġurnatatax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011GOVERNMENT HEALTH PROCUREMENTSERVICESThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received in the Tender Box No. 2(Colour Brown) up to 10.00 a.m. on Monday, 29th August,2011, for the supply of:-Advt. No. GHPST 715. Lopinavir with ritonavir 200mg/50mg tabs/caps.Advt. No. GHPST 716. Disodium pamidronate 15mginjections.Advt. No. GHPST 717. Fusidic acid 2% cream.Advt. No. GHPST 718. Balanced salt solution.Advt. No. GHPST 719. Convatec esteem closed pouches30mm.Advt. No. GHPST 720. Reinforced laryngeal maskairway.Advt. No. GHPST 721. Catheters suction 10FG.Advt. No. GHPST 722. High pressure 50cm, connectingines with 3-way tap.Advt. No. GHPST 723. Standard guidewires.All the above Medical Stores Tenders can be downloadedfrom: (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=242).Further information may be obtained from the GovernmentPharmaceutical Services, Pjazza San Luqa, Gwardamanġa, onany working day between 8.30 a.m. and noon.29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9415DIPARTIMENT TAS-SAĦĦAId-Direttur Ġenerali (Saħħa) jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-26 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-offerti 1 jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqingħal:-Avviż Nru. MCH 164/2009. Provvista, ins<strong>tal</strong>lazzjoni ukummissjunar ta’ hot water generation plants fl-Isptar MonteKarmeli.Avviż Nru. MCH 108/2011. Provvista ta’ heating gas oilgħal domestic boilers fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli.Avviż Nru. MCH 114/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’nursing fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli.Avviż Nru. MCH 115/2011. Provvediment ta’ servizzi ta’care-worker fl-Isptar Monte Karmeli.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerti u aktar tagħrif dwar il-kundizzjonijietta’ dawn l-offerti jistgħu jinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts,Sptar Monte Karmeli, Triq Notabile, Ħ’Attard mit-8.00 a.m.sa nofsinhar.Qabel jinġabru d-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta, l-offerentigħandhom iħallsu dritt ta’ €60.00 għal kull offerta lid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Accounts, Sptar Monte Karmeli, TriqNotabile, Ħ’Attard.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011SERVIZZI TA’ PROCUREMENTTAL-GVERN (TAQSIMA TAS-SAĦĦA)Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>(Taqsima tas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa jgħarraf illi:-Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, it-12 ta’Awwissu, 2011 fil-Kaxxa Ħadra fir-reception areatas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> (Taqsima tas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. RFI. Nru. 021/11. Simvastatin 20mg tablets/capsules.It-<strong>tal</strong>ba għall-Informazzjoni kollha tista’ titniżżel minn fuq(http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1298).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Servizzi ta’ Procurement<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> (Taqsima tas-Saħħa) f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejnit-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011DEPARTMENT OF HEALTHThe Director General (Health) notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received in the tender box 1 upto 10.00 a.m. of Friday, 26th August, 2011, for:-Advt. No. MCH 164/2009. Supply, ins<strong>tal</strong>lation andcommissioning of hot water generation plants at MountCarmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>.Advt. No. MCH 108/2011. Supply of heating gas oil fordomestic boilers at Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>.Advt. No. MCH 114/2011. Provision of nursing servicesat Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>.Advt. No. MCH 115/2011. Provision of care-workerservices at Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>.Forms of tenders and further information regarding theconditions of these tenders may be obtained from the AccountsSection, Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Triq Notabile, Ħ’Attardfrom 8.00 a.m. to noon.Before collecting the tender documents, prospectivetenderers are to pay a fee of €60.00 each at the AccountsDepartment, Mount Carmel Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, Triq Notabile,Ħ’Attard.29th July, 2011GOVERNMENT HEALTH PROCUREMENTSERVICESThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the Green Box atthe reception area of the Government Health ProcurementServices, Gwardamanġa, L-Msida, <strong>Malta</strong>, up to 9.00 a.m.on Friday, 12th August, 2011 for:-Quot. RFI. No. 021/11. Simvastatin 20mg tablets/capsules.This Request for Information can be downloaded from(http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=1298).Further information may by obtained from the GovernmentHealth Procurement Services on any working day between8.30 a.m. and noon.29th July, 2011

9416 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Servizzi FarmaĊewtiĊi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> (Taqsimatas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:‐Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ħamis, it-18 ta’ Awwissu, 2011,fil-Kaxxa l-Bajda fir-reception area tas-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>, jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:‐Kwot. Nru. GG 411. Consumables for marquette monitors- CO 2adaptor.Quot. No. GG 412. Jebsen-taylor hand function test.Quot. No. GG 413. Roeder manipulative aptitude test.Quot. No. GG 414. Y connecting tubing with back checkvalve.Quot. No. GG 415. Emergency cricothyrotomy device.Quot. No. GG 416. Gem test aptt cartridge.Quot. No. GG 417. Gynae laparoscopic instruments.Quot. No. GG 418. Gripper needle, size 20G, length 25mmQuot. No. GG 419. Biliary balloon dilators.Quot. No. GG 420. Den<strong>tal</strong> amalgam capsules.Quot. No. GG 421. Breast localisation needles.Il-kwotazzjonijiet kollha msemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbuminn fuq (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=241).Aktar tagħrif dwar il-kwantitajiet u kundizzjonijiet ta’ dawnil-kwotazzjonijiet jista’ jinkiseb mis-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, bejn it-8.00 a.m. u nofsinhar.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011L-Isptar għar-RiJabilitazzjoniKarin GrechL-Isptar għar-Riabilitazzjoni Karin Grech jgħarraf illi:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu2011, fil-kaxxa <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet fid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Amministrazzjoni, Livell 5, Sptar Karin Grech jintlaqgħukwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. Nru. RKGH Q36/2011 Provvista ta’ incontinencebed pads li jintużaw u jintremew.Kwot. Nru. RKGH Q37/2011. Provvista ta’ ħrieqi għalladultili jintużaw u jintremew.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-kwotazzjonijiet u aktar tagħrif jistgħujinkisbu mit-Taqsima <strong>tal</strong>-Amminstrazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Isptar KarinGrech, Il-5 Sular, Gwardamanġa, mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħabejn it-8.30 a.m. u nofsinhar.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Government Pharmaceutical ServicesThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the White Box at thereception area of the Government Pharmaceutical Services,Gwardamanġa, Msida, <strong>Malta</strong>, up to 9.00 a.m. on Thursday,18th August, 2011, for:-Quot. No. GG 411. Consumables for marquette monitors- CO 2adaptor.Quot. No. GG 412. Jebsen-taylor hand function test.Quot. No. GG 413. Roeder manipulative aptitude test.Quot. No. GG 414. Y connecting tubing with back checkvalve.Quot. No. GG 415. Emergency cricothyrotomy device.Quot. No. GG 416. Gem test aptt cartridge.Quot. No. GG 417. Gynae laparoscopic instruments.Quot. No. GG 418. Gripper needle, size 20G, length 25mmQuot. No. GG 419. Biliary balloon dilators.Quot. No. GG 420. Den<strong>tal</strong> amalgam capsules.Quot. No. GG 421. Breast localisation needles.All quotations listed above can be downloaded from (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=241).Further information regarding the quantities and conditionsof these quotations may be obtained from the GovernmentPharmaceutical Services, Gwardamanġa, between 8.00 a.m.and noon.29th July, 2011The Rehabilitation Hospi<strong>tal</strong>Karin GrechThe Rehabilitation Hospi<strong>tal</strong> Karin Grech notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received up to noon onFriday, 19th August 2011 and submitted in the quotationbox at the Administration Department, Level 5, KarinGrech Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, for:-Quot. No. RKGH Q36/2011. Supply of disposableincontinence bed pads.Quot. No.RKGH Q37/2011. Supply of adult disposablenappies.Quotation forms and further information may be obtainedfrom the Administration Section, Karin Grech Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, 5thFloor, Gwardamanġa, from Monday to Friday, between 8.30a.m. and noon.29th July, 2011

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9417Servizzi ta’ Procurement<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> (Taqsima tas-Saħħa)Id-Direttur tas-Servizzi ta’ Procurement <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>(Taqsima tas-Saħħa), Gwardamanġa, jgħarraf illi:-Sad-9.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, il-5 ta’ Awwissu,2011, fil-Kaxxa l-Ħadra fir-reception area tas-ServizziFarmaċewtiċi <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>, Gwardamanġa, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>,jintlaqgħu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqin għal:-Kwot. PFI Nru. 1269. Photoprotective covers for IV/TPNbags.Kwot. PFI Nru. 1270. Gluten free bread.Kwot. PFI Nru. 1271. Skin test solutions.Kwot. PFI Nru. 1272. Abbott I.V. cannulae, G20, length32mm.Kwot. PFI Nru. 1272A. Devices and accessories forASD.Il-PFI’s imsemmija hawn fuq jistgħu jinkisbu minn fuq(http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=240).Aktar tagħrif jista’ jinkiseb mis-Servizzi Farmaċewtiċi<strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. unofsinhar.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Government HealthProcurement ServicesThe Director, Government Health Procurement Services,Gwardamanġa, notifies that:-Sealed quotations are to be dropped in the Green Boxat the reception area of the Government PharmaceuticalServices, Gwardamanġa, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>, by 9.00 a.m. onFriday, 5th August, 2011, for:-Quot. PFI No. 1269. Photoprotective covers for IV/TPNbags.Quot. PFI No. 1270. Gluten free bread.Quot. PFI No. 1271. Skin test solutions.Quot. PFI No. 1272. Abbott I.V. cannulae, G20, length32mm.Quot. PFI No. 1272A. Devices and accessories for ASD.All the above PFI’s can be downloaded from (http://www.sahha.gov.mt/pages.aspx?page=240).Further information may be obtained from the GovernmentPharmaceutical Services on any working day between 8.30a.m. and noon.29th July, 2011SPTAR MATER DEIL-Uffiċjal Eżekuttiv Prinċipali jgħarraf illi:Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar l-Erbgħa, il-31 ta’ Awwissu,2011, jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:Avviż Nru. PD58/11. Kostruzzjoni ta’ tliet (3) externalsmoking shelters.Il-formoli <strong>tal</strong>-offerta u aktar tagħrif dwar ilkundizzjonijietta’ din l-offerta jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Akkwisti, Uffiċċji <strong>tal</strong>-Management, SptarMater Dei, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>, mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn it-8.00 a.m. u n-12.30 p.m.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011MATER DEI HOSPITALThe Chief Executive Officer notifies that:Sealed tenders will be received up to 10.00 a.m. onWednesday, 31st August, 2011, for:Advt. No. PD58/11. Construction of three (3) externalsmoking shelters.Forms of tender and further information regarding theconditions of this tender may be obtained from the PurchasingDepartment, Management Offices, Mater Dei Hospi<strong>tal</strong>, L-Imsida, <strong>Malta</strong>, from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and12.30 p.m.29th July, 2011REĠJUN NOFSINHARIr-Reġjun Nofsinhar jgħarraf illi:-Sal-10.00 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, is-26 ta’ Awwissu2011 fl-Uffiċcju Amministrattiv tar-Reġjun (395, Triq ir-Rebħa, Ħal Qormi) jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-SOUTH REGIONThe South Region notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received at the Region’sAdministrative Office (395, Triq ir-Rebħa, Ħal Qormi)up to 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 26th August 2011 for:-

9418 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Avviż Nru. 2/11. Provvediment ta’ Servizzi ta’ Accountantfuq bażi part-time.Id-dokumenti <strong>tal</strong>-offerta jistgħu jinġabru mill-UfficċjuAmministrattiv fuq ħlas ta’ €50 waqt il-ħinijiet normali <strong>tal</strong>uffiċċju.Ir-Reġjun iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta,anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jinkisbu mill-ufficċju tar-Reġjun fuq 21499389 jew fuq l-indirizz elettroniku: (regjun-nofsinhar.dlg@gov.mt).Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011Advt. No. 2/11. Provision of Accounting Services on apart-time basis.Tender documents can be collected against a payment of€50 from the Region’s Administrative Office during normaloffice hours. The Region reserves the right to refuse anyoffer, even the most advantageous.Further details are obtained from the Region’sAdministrative Office on 2149 9389 or by e-mail on: (regjunnofsinhar.dlg@gov.mt).29th July, 2011Kunsill Lokali L-ImqabbaIl-Kunsill Lokali L-Imqabba jgħarraf illi:Sas-1.00 p.m. tat-Tlieta, l-20 ta’ Settembru, 2011,jintlaqgħu offerti magħluqin għal:-Avviż Nru. T8/2011. Tibdil u tisbiħ ta’ Pjazza Ġublewtad-Djamanti, L-Imqabba.Għandu jitħallas dritt ta’ €250 għal kull kopja taddokument<strong>tal</strong>-offerta.Id-dokument relattiv jinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-KunsillLokali <strong>tal</strong>-Imqabba, 29, Triq il-Parroċċa, L-Imqabba (Tel:2168 0622) bejn it-8.00 a.m. u l-11.00 a.m.Il-Kunsill Lokali L-Imqabba jżomm id-dritt lijirrifjuta kwalunkwe jew kull offerta, anke l-aktar waħdavantaġġuża.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011L-IMqabba Local CouncilThe L-Imqabba Local Council notifies that:-Sealed tenders will be received up to 1.00 p.m. onTuesday, 20th September, 2011, for:-Advt. No. T8/2011. Changes and embellishment of PjazzaĠublew tad-Djamanti, L-Imqabba.A fee of €250 will be charged for every copy of tenderdocument.Related document shall be collected from the L-ImqabbaLocal Council’s office, 29, Triq il-Parroċċa, L-Imqabba (Tel:2168 0622) between 8.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m.The L-Imqabba Local Council reserves the right to rejectany or all tenders submitted, even the most advantageous.29th July, 2011Programm <strong>tal</strong>-Iżvilupp Rurali għal <strong>Malta</strong> 2007-2013Assi 3 – Titjib <strong>tal</strong>-Kwalità <strong>tal</strong>-Ħajja fiż-Żoni RuraliOfferta parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni EwropeaRata ta’ Ko-finanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea, 25% <strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali:L-Ewropa tinvesti f’Żoni RuraliRural Development Programme for <strong>Malta</strong> 2007 – 2013Axis 3 – Improving the Quality of Life in Rural AreasTender part-financed by the European UnionCo-financing Rate: 75% European Union, 25% Government of <strong>Malta</strong>The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development:Europe Investing in Rural Areas

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9419KUNSILL LOKALI IN-NADURIl-Kunsill Lokali In-Nadur jgharraf illi:-Sa nofsinhar ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, id-19 ta’ Awwissu2011, fil-Kunsill Lokali In-Nadur, Triq it-Tramuntana,Nadur NDR 1222, jintlaqghu kwotazzjonijiet magħluqingħal:-Kwot. Nru. 10/2011. Public Address system għan-NadurWine Festival 2011.Kwot. Nru. 11/2011. Lighting system għan-Nadur WineFestival 2011.Aktar det<strong>tal</strong>ji jistgħu jinkisbu mill-Uffiċċju <strong>tal</strong>-Kunsillmatul il-ħinijiet <strong>tal</strong>-uffiċċju.Il-Kunsill iżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża.Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011IN-Nadur Local CouncilThe In-Nadur Local Council notifies that:-Sealed quotations will be received at the Nadur LocalCouncil, Triq it-Tramuntana, Nadur NDR 1222, up tonoon of Friday, 19th August 2011, for:-Quot. No. 10/2011. Public Address system for NadurWine Festival 2011.Quot. No. 11/2011. Lighting system for Nadur WineFestival 2011.Further details may be obtained from the Council’s Officeduring office hours.The Council reserves the right to refuse any offer includingthe most advantageous offer.29th July, 2011AVVIŻI TAL-QORTI – COURT NOTICES1331Billi r-rikorrenti Clare Formosa (K.I. 5465G)ippreżentat rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 173/11 AL) fejn <strong>tal</strong>betil-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATT TAT-TWELID u TAL-ATTTAŻ-ŻWIEG ta’ Clare Formosa bin-numri 54/1965 u121/1986 rispettivament fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponidik it-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisseril-fehma tiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’ dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnatamill-ħruġ ta’ dan l-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 25 ta’ Lulju, 2011Rita MangionGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWhereas the plaintiff Clare Formosa (I.D. 5465G) filedan application under oath (No. 173/11 AL) demandingCORRECTIONS the ACT OF BIRTH and in the ACT OFMARRIAGE of Clare Formosa numbers 54/1965 and121/1986 respectively in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy ofthe said application under oath, of the day which will beappointed for the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,This 25th July, 2011Rita MangionFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

9420 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,7841332B’digriet mogħti, mill-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fit-30 ta’ Ġunju 2011, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-ittra uffiċjali numru 1069/11,fl-ismijiet Dottor Michelle Tabone bħala Ekonomuta’ Monsinjur Arċisqof bħala Amministratur <strong>tal</strong>-BeniEkklesjastiċi Djoċesani kollha ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> għan-nom u flinteress<strong>tal</strong>-Knisja Parrokjali tan-Naxxar vs 1. Martin CurmiK.I. 559564(M) u 2. Robert Micallef (K.I. 117671M) ġietordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifikafil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat Martin Curmi, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Fil-Prim’Awla <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti ĊiviliIllum 30 ta’ Marzu 2011Lil: 1. Martin Curmi (K.I. numru 559564(M) u2. Robert Micallef (K.I. numru 117671M).Permezz <strong>tal</strong>-preżenti Dottor Michelle Tabone, bħalaEkonomu ta’ Monsinjur Arċisqof bħala Amministratur <strong>tal</strong>-Beni Ekklesjastiċi Djoċesani kollha ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>, għan-nom ufl-interess <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja Parrokkjali tan-Naxxar, tagħmilkomriferenza għall-kuntratt appalt mogħti lilkom fit-18 ta’Awwissu 2009, sabiex intom tibnu oqbra fiċ-cimiterjutan-Naxxar, kif indikat fl-istess appalt u ġġib a formalikonjizzjoni tagħkom illi l-imsemmi kuntratt appalt, ġieterminat minħabba l-abbandun komplet u abbużiv tagħkom,kif ukoll minħabba li x-xogħol ma ġiex esegwit, la skont l-arti u s-sena la kif miftiehem u lanqas kif pattwit.Di più, bl-eżekuzzjoni ta’ <strong>tal</strong>i xogħol intom għamiltuħafna ħsarat u arrekajtu danni inġenti lill-mittenti, li għalihomqed tinżammu responsabbli.Għal kull buon fini l-mittenti tinfurmakom, illi minħabbat-terminazzjoni tagħkom <strong>tal</strong>-imsemmi appalt u dak kifpremess, il-mittenti se jkollha tinkariga kuntrattur ġdid biexjirrimedja x-xogħol ħażin li sar da parti tagħkom, kif ukollsabiex jeżegwixxi l-appalt li intom bqajtu ma eżegwejtuxu minn issa qed tirriserva illi tipproċedi ġudizzjarjamentkontrikom għad-danni illi ser isofri, minħabba n-nuqqasijiettagħkom fuq imsemmija.Għal kull buon fini wkoll, il-mittenti tirrespinġikwalsiasi pretensjoni li saret da parti tagħkom, bl-ittrilegali minnkom mibgħuta, fil-11 ta’ Marzu 2011 u fis-17 ta’Marzu 2011, rispettivament, u dan senjatament, imma mhuxesklussivament, għar-raġunijiet hawn fuq indikati.Daqstant sabiex intom tagħrfu tidderiġu rwieħkom.Bl-ispejjeż.By means of a decree, given by the First Hall CivilCourt, on the 30th June 2011, in the records of the judicialletter number 1069/11, in the names Dottor Michelle Taboneas Bursar of Monsignor Archbishop as Administrator of allthe Ecclesiastical Entities of the Diocese of <strong>Malta</strong>, on behalfand in the interest of the Parrochial Church of Naxxar vs1. Martin Curmi I.D. 559564(M) and 2. Robert Micallef(I.D. 117671M) ordered the following publication for thepurpose of service of the respondent Martin Curmi, in termsof Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.In the First Hall Civil CourtToday the 30th March, 2011To: 1 Martin Curmi (I.D. numru 559564(M) and2 Robert Micallef (K.I. numru 117671M).By the present Dottor Michelle Tabone, as Bursarof Monsignor Archbishop as Administrator of all theEccelesiastical Entities of the Diocese of <strong>Malta</strong>, on behalfand in the interest of the Parrochial Church of Naxxar, refersyou to the contract of works given to you on the 18th August2009, so that you construct graves in the cemetry of Naxxar,as indicated in the same contract of works and brings to yourformal notice that the said contract of works was terminateddue to the complete and abusive abandonment on your part,as well as to the fact that the work was not carried out, noraccording to the art or trade as agreed.Further more, by the execution of such works you causedalot of damage and caused huge damages to the interpellants,for which you are being held responsible.For all intents and purposes the interpellant, informs youthat due to your termination of the said works and that asabove premised, the interpellant shall have to appoint a newcontractor to remedy the bad works carried out by you, aswell as to execute the contract of works that you did notexecute and is from now reserving to proceed judiciallyagainst you for the damages that she may suffer , due toyour faults above mentioned.For all intents and purposes also, the interpellant rebuttsany pretension made by your part , by means of the legalletters sent by you, on the 11th March 2011 and the 17thMarch 2011, respectively, and this especially but notexclusively, for the reasons above indicated.So much so that you may know how to proceed.With costs.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9421Mittenti: Dottor Michelle Tabone (138371M)Kurja Arċiveskovili, Valletta.Intimati: 1. Martin Curmi, 439, Triq Dun Amabile Sisner,Pembroke.2 ...omissis...Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri, illum 25 ta’ Lulju 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Civili u TribunaliInterpellant: Dottor Michelle Tabone (138371M)Archbishop’s Curia, Valletta.Respondents: 1. Martin Curmi, 439, Triq Dun AmabileSisner, Pembroke.2 ...omissis...Reġistry of the Superior Courts, today 25th July 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1333Bandu għall-Kuraturi.Repubblika ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Lill-Marixxall <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati.B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti, fil-31 ta’Mejju 2011,fuq <strong>tal</strong>ba ta’ Jesmond Azzopardi et, ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlukuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw, lil Otunba OlywoleAina Lawal, fl-atti <strong>tal</strong>-ittra Uffiċjali numru 1746/11, flismijietJesmond Azzopardi et vs Kuraturi Deputati u fl-attil-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti.Permezz ta’ ittra ġudizzjarja, ippreżentata fil-Prim’Awla<strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili, fis-26 ta’ Mejju 2011, lil Otunba Olywole AinaLawal, 39, Olayiwola Street, Agege Lagos State, Nigeria, is-Sinjuri Jesmond Azzopardi (309866M) ta’ 24B Elvis, Triqil-Mitħna, Attard u Isabelle Azzopardi (70574M) ta’ 134,Triq Leli Falzon, Naxxar, filwaqt li qegħdin jirreferuk għallftehimossija konvenju bejn il-mittenti u Otunba OlywoleAina Lawal (bin-numru <strong>tal</strong>-Passport tar-Repubblika Federalitan-Nigeria A 00308565) liema konvenju jiskadi it-28 ta’Mejju 2011, fejn il-mittenti obbligaw ruħhom illi jbiegħu,il-proprejtà msemmija fl-ittra ġudizzjarja ossia l-fondnumru uffiċjali 24B bl-isem ‘Elvis’ Triq il-Mitħna, Attard,jinterpellawk sabiex tersaq għall-imsemmi bejgħ skontil-konvenju iffirmat minnek, jekk tonqos li tersaq għallimsemmibejgħ il-mittenti jagħmluha ċara li għandhom kulljedd skont il-liġi ħalli jirritjenu d-depożitu mħallas lilhomakkont <strong>tal</strong>-prezz li llum jinsab għand in-Nutar Pubbliku Dr.Dorianne Arapa.Tant biex tagħraf timxi bl-ispejjeż, kontra tagħkom.Il-preżenti ittra ġudizzjarja qed issir a tenur taddispożizzjonijiet<strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12 u 16 <strong>tal</strong>-Ligijiet ta’ <strong>Malta</strong>.Notifika: Nutar Pubbliku Dott. Dorianne Arapa.Bann for Curators.Republic of <strong>Malta</strong>.To the Marshall of the Courts.By means of a decree given by this Court, on the 31stMay 2011, following a request of Jesmond Azzopardi et,itwas ordered that deputy curators be chosen to representOtunba Olywole Aina Lawal, in the records of the Judicialletter number 1746/11, in the names Jesmond Azzopardi etvs Deputy Curators and in the relative and subseqent Acts.By means of a judicial letter, filed, in the First Hall CivilCourt, on the 26th May 2011, to Otunba Olywole Aina Lawal,39, Olayiwola Street, Agege Lagos State, Nigeria, JesmondAzzopardi (309866M) residing at 24B Elvis, Triq il-Mitħna,Attard and Isabelle Azzopardi (70574M) residing at 134, TriqLeli Falzon, Naxxar, whilst referring to the promise of saleagreement entered between them and Otunba Olywole AinaLawal (having Passport number A 00308565 of the FederalRepublic of Nigeria) which agreement expires on the 28thMay 2011, whereby the interpellants bound themselves tosell the property mentioned in the judicial letter or rather thepremises bearing official number 24B named ‘Elvis’ in Triqil-Mitħna, Attard, call upon you to come forward to the saidsale, according to agreement signed by you, if you fail tocome forward to the said sale, the interpellants are makingit clear that they have every right according to law to retainthe deposit paid on account of the price which is today heldby Notary Pulic Dr. Dorianne Arapa.So much so that you may know how to proceed withcosts against you.The present judicial letter is being made in terms of theprovisions of Cap. 12 and 16 of the Laws of <strong>Malta</strong>.Notify: Notary Public Dr. Dorianne Arapa.

9422 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ danil-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’danlil kull min irid jidħol bhala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sittijiem f’dan ir-Reġistru u jagħmel b’ nota d-dikjarazzjoni illihuwa jidhol għal dan.Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk majagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il-Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel Kuraturi <strong>tal</strong>-Uffiċċju.U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xixkiel fl-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu inti għandek tgħarrafminnufih lil din il-Qorti.Mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla hawn fuq imsemmija,bix-xhieda, <strong>tal</strong>-Onor. Imħallef Giannino Caruana DemajoLLD, Duttur <strong>tal</strong>-Liġi.Illum 31 ta’ Mejju 2011.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri, illum 25 ta’ Lulju 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli, LL.DGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliYou are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of thisbann at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summonwhosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before thisRegistry within six days and by means of a minute to submita declaration that he wishes so to act.You are also ordered to inform each one that if he failsto make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Courtwill proceed to the selection of Curators of Office.And after so acting or if you should encounter anydifficulty in the execution of the said bann , you are to informforthwith this Court.Given by the Civil Court First Hall above mentioned,with the witness of the Hon. Mr. Justice Giannino CaruanaDemajo LLD, Doctor of Laws.Today 31st May 2011.Registry of the Superior Courts, today 25th July 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1334B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tat-23 ta’Mejju 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd (C10865) ta’ Vodafone House,Msida Road, Birkirkara, ippreżentaw Talba, fid-19 ta’ Lulju2010, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil MarlonZarb (K.I. 486288M) ta’ 67, Kennedy Court, Qalb ta’ Ġesù,Triq l-Imħar, San Pawl il-Baħar, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetàattriċi s-somma ta’ €583.44 liema ammont huwa dovut lissoċjetàattriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 1249/10GMA) hija differita għad-19 ta’ Settembru 2011 fis-12.45 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>).Illum 26 ta’ Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 23rdMay 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article187(3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure(Cap. 12).Vodafone <strong>Malta</strong> Ltd (C10865) of Vodafone House,Msida Road, Birkirkara filed a Claim on the 19th July 2010whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn Marlon Zarb(I.D. 486288M) of 67, Kennedy Court, Qalb ta’ Ġesù, Triql-Imħar, San Pawl il-Baħar, to pay the plaintiff companythe sum of €583.44 which amount is due to the plaintiffcompany.With costs and legal interests.The case (Claim Number 1249/10GMA) is put off on the19th September 2011 at 12.45 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>).Today 26th July 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE94231335B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tat-13 ta’ Ġunju2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawntaħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).Go plc (C22334) ta’ Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS1950, ippreżentaw Talba, fid-29 ta’April 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bulit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Jerome Marie ReneEmmanuel Hili (K.I. 41882A) ta’ Vilhena Crt, Flat 9, TriqPiscopo Macedonia, San Pawl il-Baħar, sabiex iħallas lissoċjetàattriċi s-somma ta’ €536.21 liema ammont huwadovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 369/11VGD) hija differita għad-29ta’ Settembru 2011 fis-1.00 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 26 ta’Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 13th June2011, the publication of the following extract was orderedfor the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) of theCode of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Go plc (C22334) of Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,filed a Claim on the 29th April 2011 whereby they askedthe Tribunal to condemn Jerome Marie Rene EmmanuelHili (I.D. 41882A) of Vilhena Crt, Flat 9, Triq PiscopoMacedonia, San Pawl il-Baħar, to pay the plaintiff companythe sum of €536.21 which amount is due to the plaintiffcompany.With costs and legal interest.The case (Claim Number 369/11VGD) is put off on the29th September 2011 at 1.00 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 26thJuly 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1336B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tat-30 ta’Ġunju 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Go plc (C22334) ta’ Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,ippreżentaw Talba, fl-1 ta’April 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunalsabiex jikkundanna lil Maria Concetta magħrufa bħalaConnie Attard (K.I. 22262M) ta’ Reflection Court, Flat 2,Triq ta’ Gidwet, Marsascala, sabiex tħallas lis-soċjetà attriċis-somma ta’ €546.50 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetàattriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet.Il-kawża (Avviz Nru 301/11VGD) hija differita għad-29ta’ Settembru 2011 fis-1.00 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>).Illum 26 ta’ Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 30th June2011, the publication of the following extract was orderedfor the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) of theCode of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Go plc (C22334) of Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,filed a Claim on the 1st April 2011 whereby they asked theTribunal to condemn Maria Concetta known as ConnieAttard (I.D. 22262M) of Reflection Court, Flat 2, Triq ta’Gidwet, Marsascala, to pay the plaintiff company the sum of€546.50 which amount is due to the plaintiff company.With costs and interest.The case (Claim Number 301/11VGD) is put off on the29th September 2011 at 1.00 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>).Today 26th July 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

9424 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,784B’digriet mogħti mill-QORTI ĊIVILI, PRIM’ AWLA fit-22 ta’ Lulju 2011 fuq rikors ta’ ZAMMIT EMMANUELA(K.I. 425464M) ġie ffissat il-jum <strong>tal</strong>-Erbgħa, 26 ta’ Ottubru,2011 fl-10.00 a.m. għall-BEJGĦ BL-IRKANT li għandu jsirf’OUR DREAM, TRIQ IR-RUNDUN, MOSTA <strong>tal</strong>-oġġettihawn taħt deskritti maqbudin mingħand SPITERI MARIADOLORES (K.I. 109866M).1337By decree given by the CIVIL COURT, FIRST HALLon the 22nd of July 2011 on the application of ZAMMITEMMANUELA (I.D. 425464M), Wednesday, 26th October2011 at 10.00 a.m. has been fixed for the SALE BY AUCTIONto be held at OUR DREAM, TRIQ IR-RUNDUN, MOSTAof the following items seized from the property of SPITERIMARIA DOLORES (I.D. 109866M).Television, sideboard, salott, microwave u xi affarijietoħra.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Superjuri.Illum it-Tnejn 25 ta’ Lulju 2011.L-imsemmija oġġetti jinbiegħu bħalma ġew deskritti flattitas-subbasta numru 48/2009.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliTelevision, sideboard, sitting room suite, microwave andother items.Registry of the Superior Courts.This Monday 25th July 2011.The said objects will be sold as described in the acts ofthe judicial sale by auction number 48/2009.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals1338B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, <strong>tal</strong>-20 ta’Mejju 2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt lijidher hawn taħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili(Kap. 12).Mobisle Communications Limited (C24655) ta’ FraDiego Street, Marsa, ippreżentaw Talba, fis-26 ta’ Jannar2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunal sabiex jikkundanna lil Paul JohnNewall (K.I. 54302A) ta’ San Mark, Block C, Flat 6, Triq l-Imrejkba, San Pawl il-Baħar, sabiex iħallas lis-soċjetà attriċis-somma ta’ €320.62 liema ammont huwa dovut lis-soċjetàattriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet legali.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 55/11GB) hija differita għat-30 ta’Settembru 2011 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>).Illum 26 ta’ Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 20thMay 2011, the publication of the following extract wasordered for the purpose of service in terms of Article187(3) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure(Cap. 12).Mobisle Communications Limited (C24655) of FraDiego Street, Marsa filed a Claim on the 26th January 2011whereby they asked the Tribunal to condemn Paul JohnNewall (I.D. 54302A) of San Mark, Block C, Flat 6, Triql-Imrejkba, San Pawl il-Baħar, to pay the plaintiff companythe sum of €320.62 which amount is due to the plaintiffcompany.With costs and legal interest.The case (Claim Number 55/11GB) is put off on the 30thSeptember 2011 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>).Today 26th July 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9425B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil-Qorti Civili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġurisdizzjoni Volontarja fid-29 ta’Marzu 2011, Rikors Numru 226/2011, minn Chris BennettBrown u Lisa Emma Bennett, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu li tiġi ddikjaratamiftuħa favur tagħhom fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2) indiviż kullwieħed u waħda minnhom is-SUĊĊESSJONI ta’ missierhomPaul Robert Brown, legalment iddivorzjat minn ma’ LynJane Brown neé Ford, iben il-mejtin Douglas Brown u JohnMary Brown neé Smith, imwieled Maidenhead l-Ingilterrakien joqgħod Sliema u miet <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Imsida fis-7ta’ Ottubru 2010 ta’ 57 sena u li kellu karta <strong>tal</strong>-identità binnumru56212(A) u li miet bla testment.1339By means of an application filed in Civili Court ofVoluntary Jurisdiction Section, on the 29th March 2011,Application number 226/2011 by Chris Bennet Brown andLisa Emma Bennett, whereby they prayed that it be declaredopen in their favour in the quota of one half (1/2) undividedshare each one of them the SUCCESSION of Paul RobertBrown, legally divorced from Lyn Jane Brown nee Ford, sonof the late Douglas Brown and Joan Mary Brown nee Smith,born in Maidenhead England, resided in Sliema and died in<strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq limits of Imsida on the 7th October 2010 aged 57,holding identity card number 56212(A) who died intestate.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa msejjaħ biexb’nota jagħmel l-oppożizzjoni tiegħu a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu537(1) et seq <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u ProċeduraĊivili (Kap. 12).Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ ĠurisdizzjoniVolontarja.Illum 26 ta’ Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliThus whoever considers that he has an interest is calledso that by means of a note he enters his opposition accordingto Article 537(1) et seq of the Code of Organization andCivil Procedure (Cap. 12).Registry of the Civil Court Voluntary JurisdictionSection.Today 26th July 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar Civil Court and Tribunals1340B’digriet mogħti fl-20 ta’ Lulju 2011, fl-atti tar-rikorsnumru 113/2011, il-Qorti (Sezzjoni ta’ ĠurisdizzjoniVolontarja) in segwitu għar-rikors ta’ Frances u Anthonykonjugi Busuttil, ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-inventarju <strong>tal</strong>assi<strong>tal</strong>-mejjet John Cardona, żewg Diane Margaret neé Scott,iben il-mejtin Paolo Cardona u Filippa neé Muscat, imwieledSliema u miet <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq limiti <strong>tal</strong>-Imsida, fil-15 ta’ Jannar2010, u li kellu karta <strong>tal</strong>-identita numru 0460028(M).Din il-publikazzjoni li kellha ssir nhar il-Ġimgħa 15 ta’Lulju 2011 fil-11.00 a.m. issa għandha ssir nhar il-Ġimgħa14 ta’ Ottubru fl-Annexe <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti fi Triq id-Dejqa, il-Belt,Valletta b’att ta’ Nutar Dottor Joseph Masini Vento.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ ĠurisdizzjoniVolontarja).Illum 26 ta’ Lulju 2011Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy means of a decree given on the 20th July 2011, in therecords of the Application number 113/2011, the civil Court(Voluntary Jurisdiction Section) following an applicationof Frances and Anthony spouses Busuttil, ordered thepublication of the inventory of the assets of the deceased JohnCardona, husband of Diane Margaret neé Scott, son of thelate Paolo Cardona and Filippa neé Muscat, born in Sliemaand died in <strong>tal</strong>-Qroqq, limits of Imsida, on the 15th January2010 and who had identity card number 0460028(M).This publication was going to be held on Friday 15th July2011 at 11.00 a.m. at the Court Annexe, number 22, StraitStreet, Valletta is now being held on Friday 14th October2011 at the Court Annexe, number 22, Strait Street, Vallettaby a deed of Notary Dr Joseph Masini Vento.Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary JurisdictionSection).Today 26th July 2011Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrat Civil Court and Tribunals

9426 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,7841341B’digriet tat-Tribunal għal Talbiet Żgħar, tas-6 ta’ Mejju2011, ġiet ordnata l-pubblikazzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-estratt li jidher hawntaħt għall-finijiet ta’ notifika skont l-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kodiċi ta’ Organizzazzjoni u Proċedura Ċivili (Kap. 12).Go plc (C22334) ta’ Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS 1950,ippreżentaw Talba, fid-9 ta’ Frar 2011, fejn <strong>tal</strong>bu lit-Tribunalsabiex jikkundanna lil Lydia Papadopoulou (K.I. 385596M)ta’ 75, Flat 3, Triq William Reid, Gżira, sabiex tħallas lissoċjetàattriċi s-somma ta’ €675.90 liema ammont huwadovut lis-soċjetà attriċi.Bl-ispejjeż u bl-imgħaxijiet.Il-kawża (Avviż Nru 166/11GB) hija differita għas-7 ta’Ottubru 2011 fin-12.30 p.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti <strong>tal</strong>-Maġistrati (<strong>Malta</strong>) illum 27 ta’Lulju 2011.Alexandra DebattistaGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliBy a decree of the Small Claims Tribunal of the 6th May2011, the publication of the following extract was orderedfor the purpose of service in terms of Article 187(3) of theCode of Organisation and Civil Procedure (Cap. 12).Go plc (C22334) of Telgħet Spencer, Marsa, MRS1950, filed a Claim on the 9th February 2011 whereby theyasked the Tribunal to condemn Lydia Papadopoulou (I.D.385596M) of 75, Flat 3, Triq William Reid, Gżira, to pay theplaintiff company the sum of €675.90 which amount is dueto the plaintiff company.With costs and interest.The case (Claim Number 166/11GB) is put off on the 7thOctober 2011 at 12.30 p.m.Registry of the Courts of Magistrates (<strong>Malta</strong>) today 27thJuly 2011.Alexandra DebattistaFor the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1342B’digriet mogħti, mill-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja)fit-23 ta’ Ġunju 2011, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijietMary Galea vs Donald Galea rikors numru 325/04 NC, ġietordnata is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifikafil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat Donald Galea, a tenur <strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors b’urġenza, ippreżentat, fil-QortiĊivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja) fl-ismijiet Mary Galea (K.I.107258M) vs Donald Galea (K.I. 154066M), Rikors, 325/04NC, fl-10 ta’ Mejju 2011, ir-rikorrenti Mary Galea (K.I.107258M) esponiet bir-rispett;Illi r-rikorrenti preżentement għaddejja minn proċedurita’ separazzjoni personali minn ma’ żewgha Donald Galea,fl-ismijiet fuq premessi.Illi pendente lite r-rikorrenti u l-intimat ġew assenjati l-kura u l-kustodja konġunta ta’ wliedhom Leanne Galea ta’għoxrin sena u Duncan Galea minuri.Illi r-rikorrenti tgħix flimkien ma’ wliedha fil-fond ġa iddarmatrimonjali u cioè Plot 7, Triq id-Dakar, Xagħra <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Mġarr.Illi b’għażla libera tagħha Leanne Galea, illum maġġorrenim’għadhiex tara lil missierha.By means of a decree given, by the Civil Court (FamilySection) on the 23rd June 2011, in the records of the SwornApplication, in the names Mary Galea vs Donald Galea,application number 325/04 NC, the following publicationwas ordered for the purpose of service of the respondentDonald Galea, in terms of Article 187(3) of Cap. 12.By means of an Application filed with urgency, before theCivil Court (Family Section) in the names Mary Galea (I.D.107258M) vs Donald Galea (I.D. 154066M) Application,325/04 NC, on the 10th May 2011, the applicant Mary Galea(I.D. 107258M) pleaded with respect;That the applicant is presently going through proceedingsfor personal separation from her husband Donald Galea, inthe names above premised.That during the proceedings the applicant and the respondentwere assigned the joint care and custody of their children LeanneGalea, aged twenty and Duncan Galea, a minor.That the applicant lives together with her children in thepremises, previously matrimonial home, namely Plot 7, Triqid-Dakar, Xagħra <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Mġarr.That out of her own free choice Leanne Galea, today ofage, does no longer see her father.

Id-29 ta’ Lulju, 2011 VERŻJONI ONLINE9427Illi Duncan Galea, minorenni, iben ir-rikorrenti u l-intimat għadu jmur għall-aċċess ma’ missieru kull nhar ta’Erbgħa ta’ kull ġimgħa, mill-ħamsa ta’ filgħaxija sas-sebgħata’ filgħaxija, il-Ġimgħa, is-Sibt, u l-Ħadd.Illi l-istess bħalma kienet tagħmel Leanne Galea, DuncanGalea, qiegħed imur jirraporta lir-rikorrenti sensiela ta’ indiċentili qegħdin jiġru meta jmur għall-aċċess ma’ missieru.Illi Duncan Galea qiegħed ibati konsegwenzi negattiviwara ħin mgħoddi ma’ missieru waqt il-ħin allokat, għallaċċessli jmur mal-intimat.Illi Duncan Galea qiegħed juri x-xewqa u saħansitraneċessità illi ma jqattax aktar ħin ma’ missieru waqt il-ħinta’ aċċess.Illi huwa neċessarju fiċ-ċirkostanzi illi ssir superviżjoni<strong>tal</strong>-minuri taħt l-Awtorità ta’ dina l-Onorabbli Qorti.Għaldaqstant ir-rikorrenti filwaqt illi tagħmel riferenzagħas-suespost, titlob lil dina l-Onorabbli Qorti, taħtar utappunta soċial worker sabiex is-superviżjoni <strong>tal</strong>-minuri ssirminn social worker maħtur mill-Qorti, sabiex eventwalmenttkun tista’ tittieħed deċizjoni f’dan ir-rigward, liema deċiżjonitkun fl-aħjar interess <strong>tal</strong>-minuri.Rikorrent: Mary Galea, Plot 7, Triq id-Dakar, Xagħra <strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Mġarr.Intimat: Donald Galea, 5, ‘Roderick Flats,’ Triq FranciscoXimenes, Naxxar.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qrati Ċivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familija) illum 27ta’ Lulju 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliThat Duncan Galea, a minor, son of the applicant andthe respondent still has access to his father, every week onWednesday, from five till seven in the evening, on Friday,Saturday and Sunday.That as Leanne Galea, used to do, Duncan Galea, isreporting to the applicant a series of incidents which areoccurring when he attends to access with his father.That Duncan Galea is suffering negative consequencesafter time spent with his father, during the time allocated foraccess with him.That Duncan Galea is showing the wish and furthermorethe necessity that he does not spend more time with hisfather, during the time of access.That it is necessary in the circumstances that supervision ofthe minor be made under the Authority of this Honourable Court.Thus the applicant whilst referring to the above, praysthat this Honourable Court, appoints a social worker so thatthe supervision of the minor be made by a social worker,appointed by the Court, so that eventually a decision can betaken in this regard, which decision is in the best interest ofthe minor.Applicant: Mary Galea, Plot 7, Triq id-Dakar, Xagħra<strong>tal</strong>-Knisja, Mġarr.Respondent: Donald Galea, 5, ‘Roderick Flats’, TriqFrancisco Ximenes, Naxxar.Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section) today 27thJuly 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals1343B’ digriet mogħti, mill-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja)fit-12 ta’ Lulju 2011, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat, fl-ismijietRita Schembri vs Kevin Schembri, Rikors Ġuramentat numru28/11 AL, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservita’ notifika fil-konfront <strong>tal</strong>-intimat Kevin Schembri, a tenur<strong>tal</strong>-Artikolu 187(3) <strong>tal</strong>-Kap. 12.Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat, ippreżentat, fil-QortiĊivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja) fl-ismijiet Rita Schembri (K.I.546977M) vs Kevin Schembri (K.I. 203373M) fis-27 ta’Jannar 2011, ir-rikorrenti Rita Schembri, (K.I. 546977M)<strong>tal</strong>bet lil din l-Onorabbli Qorti;By means of a decree given by the Civil Court (FamilySection) on the 12th July 2011, in the records of the SwornApplication, in the names Rita Schembri vs Kevin Schembri,Sworn Application number 28/11 AL, the followingpublication was ordered for the purpose of service of therespondent Kevin Schembri, in terms of Article 187(3) ofCap. 12.By means of a Sworn Application, filed, in the CivilCourt (Family Section) in the names Rita Schembri (I.D.546977M) vs Kevin Schembri (I.D. 203373M) on the 27thJanuary 2011, the applicant Rita Schembri, (I.D. 546977(M)asked this Honourable Court;

9428 VERŻJONI ONLINE<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> ta’ <strong>Malta</strong> 18,7841. Tiddeċiedi u tiddikjara illi ż-żwieġ bejn il-partijiet tas-16 ta’Awwissu 1996 imsemmi fir-rikors huwa null u bla efettgħall-finijiet u effetti kollha <strong>tal</strong>-liġi u tilqa’ t-<strong>tal</strong>biet l-oħrafir-rikors.Bl-ispejjeż, kontra l-intimat inġunt in subizzjoni.Rikorrenti: Blokk A, Flat 1, Triq iċ-Ċicas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Intimat: Blokk K Flat 1, Ent A, Triq iċ-Ċikas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Schembri Rita vsSchembri Kevin, rikors numru 28/11 AL, jinsab differitgħas-smigħ għat 8 ta’ Novembru 2011, fid-9.00 a.m.Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni <strong>tal</strong>-Familja) illum 27ta’ Lulju 2011.Avv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali1. To decide and declare that the marriage between theparties of the 16th August 1996 mentioned in the applicationis null and without effect for all intents and purposes of lawand uphold the other demands in the application.With costs, against the respondent summoned so that areference to his evidence be made.Applicant: Blokk A, Flat 1, Triq iċ-Ċicas, Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.Respondent: Blokk Ak, Flat 1, Ent A, Triq iċ-Ċikas,Qasam tad-Djar, Żabbar.The Sworn Application in the names Schembri Rita vsSchembri Kevin, application number 28/11 AL, has been putoff for hearing to the 8th November 2011, at 9.00 a.m.Registry of the Civil Courts (Family Section) today 27thJuly 2011.Adv. Frank Portelli,LL.D.For the Registrar Civil Courts And Tribunals1344Billi r-rikorrenti Michela Aufieri (K.I. 155871M)ippreżentat rikors ġuramentat (Nru. 230/11 AL) fejn <strong>tal</strong>betil-KORREZZJONI TAL-ATT TAT-TWELID <strong>tal</strong>-minuriBrandon bin-numru 1341/1998 fir-Reġistru Pubbliku.Kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess u jrid jopponi dikit-<strong>tal</strong>ba, b’dan l-avviż huwa msejjaħ sabiex ifisser il-fehmatiegħu, b’nota li għandha tiġi ppreżentata fir-Reġistru ta’dawn il-Qrati fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata mill-ħruġ ta’ danl-avviż fil-<strong>Gazzetta</strong> <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong>.Dawk illi, fiż-żmien fuq imsemmi, ikunu ppreżentawdik in-nota, għandhom jiġu notifikati b’kopja tar-rikorsġuramentat hawn fuq imsemmi bil-ġurnata li tiġi mogħtijagħas-smigħ <strong>tal</strong>-kawża.B’ordni <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti,Reġistru <strong>tal</strong>-Qorti Superjuri,Illum 28 ta’ Lulju, 2011Rita MangionGħar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u TribunaliWhereas the plaintiff Michela Aufieri (I.D. 155871M)filed an application under oath (No. 230/11 AL) demandingCORRECTIONS the ACT OF BIRTH of the minor Brandonnumber 1341/1998 in the Public Registry.Whosoever may have an interest therein, and wishesto oppose that demand, is hereby called upon to do so, bymeans of a note to be filed in the Registry of these Courts,within fifteen days from the day of the publication of thispresent notice in the Government Gazette.Those who, within the aforesaid time, shall have filedsuch note, shall be notified by the service of a copy of the saidapplication under oath, of the day which will be appointedfor the hearing of the case.By order of the Court,Registry of the Superior Court,This 28th July, 2011Rita MangionFor Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment <strong>tal</strong>-Informazzjoni (<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt) — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information (<strong>doi</strong>.gov.mt) — VallettaMitbugħ fl-Istamperija <strong>tal</strong>-<strong>Gvern</strong> fuq karta riċiklata— Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper

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