Royan International Research Award - Royan Institute

Royan International Research Award - Royan Institute

Royan International Research Award - Royan Institute

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The Eleventh ROYAN<strong>International</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Award</strong>TABLE OF TITLESNo Last name, First name Country Title234 Opas, Michal Canada Calreticulin inhibits commitment to adipocyte differentiation235 Opas, Michal Canada Cell adhesion and spreading affect adipogenesis from ES cells: the role of calreticulin236 Overbeek, AnneliesTheNetherlandsClomiphene citrate resistance in relation to follicle-stimulating hormone receptorSer680Ser-polymorphism in polycystic ovary syndrome237 Page, Raymond USA Induction of stem cell gene expression in adult human fibroblasts without transgenes238 Papaioannou, Marilena Switzerland Sertoli cell Dicer is essential for spermatogenesis239 Pei, Ming USAHistone deacetylase 4 promotes TGF-beta1-Induced synovium-derived stem cellchondrogenesis but inhibits chondrogenically differentiated Stem cell hypertrophy240 Pelaez, Daniel USACyclic compression maintains viability and induces chondrogenesis of humanmesenchymal stem cells in fibrin gel scaffolds241 Perez-martinez, Silvina ArgentinaParticipation of the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of the sperm-oviductinteraction in mammals242 Perletti, Gianpaolo Italy Semen analysis in chronic bacterial prostatitis: diagnostic and therapeutic implications.243 Piña-aguilar, Raul MexicoProposal to change the popular and scientific interest in the application of nucleartransfer techniques from the revival of extinct species, to “conservation cloning” with azoological emphasis244 Piryaei, Abbas IranDifferentiation capability of mouse bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells intohepatocyte-like cells on artificial basement membrane containing ultraweb nanofibersand their transplantation into carbon tetrachloride injured liver model245 Pluchino, Stefano ItalyHuman neural stem cells ameliorate autoimmune encephalomyelitis in non-humanprimates246 Poote, Aimee UK British women›s attitudes to surrogacy247 Possover, Marc Germany Laparoscopic management of neural pelvic pain in women secondary to pelvic surgery248 Pozzetto, Bruno FranceProspective evaluation of the threat related to the use of seminal fractions from hepatitisC virus-infected men in assisted reproductive techniques249 Prasad, Rajendra IndiaHeterogenous spectrum of CFTR gene mutations in Indian patients with congenitalabsence of vas deferens250 Prokhorova, Tatyana DenmarkTeratoma Formation by Human Embryonic Stem Cells Is Site Dependent and Enhancedby the Presence of Matrigel251 Quinn, Gwendolyn USA Attitudes of high-risk women toward preimplantation genetic diagnosis252 Rahbar, Tayebeh IndiaEffectiveness of HIV counseling services on knowledge, attitude, behavior and practice(KABP) among pregnant women attending PPTC program253 Rahnavardi, Mohammad IranChronic mustard toxicity on the testis: a historical cohort study two decades afterexposure254 Ramió lluch, Laura SpainEffects of filtration through sephadex columns improve overall quality parameters and«in vivo» fertility of subfertile refrigerated boar semen255 Reddy, Sreenivasula IndiaRecovery of suppressed male reproduction in mice exposed to progesterone duringembryonic development by testosterone256 Reddy, Sreenivasula IndiaTestosterone cannot activate the suppressed male reproduction completely in adult ratsexposed to hydroxyprogesterone during embryonic development257 Reiff, Andreas USAStudy of thymic size and function in children and adolescents with treatment refractorysystemic sclerosis eligible for immunoablative therapy258 Rivolta, Marcelo UK Developing the tools for a stem cell-based therapy for deafness259 Roca, Montse SpainPsychosocial risks associated with multiple births resulting from assisted reproduction: aSpanish sample260 Rodrigues, Berenice BrazilCumulus cell features and nuclear chromatin configuration of in vitro matured canineCOCs and the influence of in vivo serum progesterone concentrations of ovary donors261 Rodriguez-gil, Joan SpainImprovement of «in vivo» fertility of subfertile boar ejaculates throguh Sephadexfiltration262 Roelen, BernardTheNetherlandsThe effect of growth factors on in vitro-cultured porcine testicular cells263 Ross, Pablo USAPLCZ mRNA injection: a natural approach to activate bovine somatic cell nucleartransfer embryos25

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