Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...


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NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS(dollars in thousands)The accumulated benefit obligation for the pension plans was $70,715 and $56,358 at June 30, <strong>2012</strong> and <strong>2011</strong> respectively.The accumulated benefit obligation differs from the projected benefit obligation in the table above in that it includes noassumptions about future compensation levels. It represents the actuarial present value of future payments to plan participantsusing current and past compensation levels. For postretirement plans other than pensions, the accumulated benefitobligation is the same as the projected benefit obligations because the liabilities are not compensation-related.D. Net Periodic Benefit CostNet benefit expense related to the pension and postretirement plans for the fiscal years ending June 30 includes thefollowing components:NET PERIODIC BENEFIT COSTPension benefitsOther postretirement<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Service cost (benefits earned during the period) $ 5,233 $ 5,151 $ 15,427 $ 15,698Interest cost 4,605 4,172 21,068 20,901Expected return on plan assets (4,007) (3,505) (12,485) (10,580)Amortization of initial transition obligation - - 3,644 3,644Amortization of prior service cost (92) - (76) (76)Amortization of net (gain)/loss 24 589 - 1,665Net periodic benefit cost $ 5,763 $ 6,407 $ 27,578 $ 31,252The amounts of transition obligation, prior service costs, and actuarial gains/losses that will be amortized into net periodicbenefit cost for the year ending June 30, 2013 are estimated as follows:ESTIMATED COMPONENTS OF NET PERIODIC BENEFIT COSTPension benefits Other postretirementTransition obligation $ - $3,644Prior service cost (92) (76)Net actuarial (gain)/loss 199 76Total $ 107 $3,644E. Actuarial AssumptionsAssumptions used in determining the pension and postretirement plans benefit obligations and net periodic costs are:SUMMARY OF ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONSPension benefitsOther postretirement<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2011</strong> <strong>2012</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Used to calculate benefit obligations at June 30Discount rate 4.70% 5.90% 4.56% / 4.39% 5.75% / 5.60%Rate of compensation increase 3.00% 6.10%Used to calculate net periodic cost at July 1Discount rate 5.90% 5.90% 5.75% / 5.60% 5.75% / 5.60%Expected return on plan assets 7.00% 8.00% 7.30% 8.00%Rate of compensation increase 6.10% 6.10%Assumed health care cost trend ratesHealth care cost trend rate assumed for next year n/a n/a 7.50% 7.00%Ultimate trend rate n/a n/a 4.50% 5.00%Years to reach ultimate trend rate n/a n/a 6 4The health care cost trend rate assumption has a significant effect on the amounts reported for other postretirement(health care) plans. Increasing the health care cost trend rate by 1 percent in each future year would increase the benefitobligation by $69,739 and the annual service and interest cost by $7,910. Decreasing the health care cost trend rate by1 percent in each future year would decrease the benefit obligation by $53,697 and the annual service and interest costby $5,683.27

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