Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...


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CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF JUNE 30, <strong>2012</strong> (in thousands)(WITH COMPARATIVE INFORMATION AS OF JUNE 30, <strong>2011</strong>)Assets<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2011</strong>1 Cash and cash equivalents $ 262,654 $ 146,0702 Accounts receivable, net (note 2-A) 319,289 278,0193 Contributions receivable, net (note 2-B) 863,459 584,4834 Inventories and prepaid expenses 41,282 47,7275 Student loans receivable, net (note 2-C) 69,441 69,0936 Investments (note 3) 5,916,833 6,348,2277 Land, buildings, and equipment, net (note 4) 3,321,898 3,147,0118 Funds held in trust by others (note 5) 105,557 112,0359 Total assets $ 10,900,413 $ 10,732,665Liabilities10 Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 623,396 $ 367,16011 Deferred revenue and other liabilities (note 8-D) 205,973 218,48612 Obligations under split interest agreements (note 5) 115,063 114,07713 Deferred benefits (note 6) 443,639 431,56414 Funds held in trust for others (note 7) 90,047 111,15315 Bonds and notes payable (note 8) 1,896,558 1,932,13616 Government advances for student loans 48,067 47,09417 Total liabilities 3,422,743 3,221,670Net assets (note 11)18 Unrestricted 2,409,552 2,751,52719 Temporarily restricted 2,616,355 2,432,37620 Permanently restricted 2,451,763 2,327,09221 Total net assets 7,477,670 7,510,99522 Total liabilities and net assets $ 10,900,413 $ 10,732,665The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.9

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