Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...


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<strong>Cornell</strong> also conducted its first university-wideemployee survey in FY12. Developed through apartnership between President David Skorton and theEmployee Assembly, working with Institutional Researchand Planning, the survey was designed to assess theengagement of <strong>Cornell</strong> staff and academic professionals inthe goals and aspirations of the university. It also asked forfeedback on work climate and on organizational changesthat occurred in recent years. More than 70 percent ofthose surveyed responded, most expressing satisfactionwith working at <strong>Cornell</strong>. Most survey respondents alsoexpressed satisfaction with their individual work units andwith the work they do. A number of issues were identifiedfor improvement, however.In February <strong>2012</strong>, President Skorton wrote to surveyrecipients, identifying four issues on which he asked therecommendations for improvement: workload/workloadimbalance, supervisory feedback opportunities, careerdevelopment/professional growth, and recognition ofexcellent work.Since that time, staff members across campus havejoined with human resource professionals and membersof the Employee Assembly to tackle these concerns.Subcommittees on each topic area met over the summer anddeveloped recommendations in the four areas.Workplace ExcellenceEvery year, <strong>Cornell</strong> applies for awards to benchmark theuniversity against the best employers in the nation and helpwith recruitment marketing.In FY12 <strong>Cornell</strong> applied for and was recognized withthe following awards.Workers over 50list by the Dave Thomas Foundation for AdoptionMothers by Working Mother magazineExcellence in Workplace Flexibilityby the Business Research GuideBusiness Research GuideEmergency ManagementIn the fall of 2010, the U.S. Department of Educationgrant. This grant provides the necessary funding toreview, strengthen, integrate, and institutionalize allhazard emergency management programs as well asprovide training across the campus community and fosterpartnerships with state and local community members.This program will guide the campus community, throughthe coordination and collaboration of university servicesFROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Performance at the open house for the new InterculturalCenter; Ian Urbina, investigative reporter for The New York Times and speakerfor the <strong>2011</strong> KOPS Freedom of the Press Lecture; Faculty and students in theengineering sustainability group; a beautiful flower in Minns Garden.23

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