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FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Minns Garden in summer; Alumni canoeing on BeebeLake during Reunion weekend <strong>2012</strong>; Michelle Rhee ’92, nationally recognizedentrepreneur and champion of education reform, delivers the <strong>2012</strong> Olin Lecture;The 4th <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Cornell</strong> Hospitality Icon and Innovator Awards gala at the AmericanMuseum of Natural History in New York City.continuing) in FY12, the most in the program’s history.Eighty-eight percent of the dual career candidates’ spousesor partners (primary recruits) accepted <strong>Cornell</strong> positions.DiversityThe Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversitydeveloped a staff retention strategy in FY12 with thegoal of reducing attrition and increasing engagementof underrepresented populations within the university’sworkforce. A key element was outreach to the <strong>Cornell</strong>and Tompkins County communities through ColleagueNetwork Groups and First Friday events. First Fridayevents have been held worldwide on the first Fridayof the month since the late 1980s. The events providean opportunity for diverse professionals to find theircommunity in Ithaca through networking and socializing.The Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversityadded to its already established Colleague NetworkGroups—university sponsored employee resource groupsfor traditionally underrepresented populations and alliesWomen of Color, and LGBT) developed strategic plans,held monthly meetings, and participated in communityoutreach events called Sharing Our World.Toward New DestinationsIn fall <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>Cornell</strong> restructured its <strong>University</strong>Diversity Council to include the president, provosts ofthe Ithaca and Weill <strong>Cornell</strong> campuses, five Ithaca-baseddiversity professionals, three Weill <strong>Cornell</strong> diversityprofessionals, as well as two vice presidents, three viceprovosts, the director of institutional research, and the deanof students. The <strong>University</strong> Diversity Council developedan institutional diversity planning initiative, Toward NewDestinations.The initiative lays the foundation for the universityto remain positioned on the leading edge of educationand employment through enhancement of a culture thatprovides for the full participation of all members of itscommunity. Each college/unit has selected the five annualinitiatives that best match its particular contexts, goals,and strategic plans from the Toward New Destinationsmenu. For each unit, these will become the areas of focusin support of diversity and each unit will report on itsprogress annually.Staff ExcellenceIn order to help <strong>Cornell</strong> address the impact of its aging<strong>Cornell</strong> units in identifying and developing the talentedstaff needed to fill future positions. In FY12, OrganizationalEffectiveness helped 32 percent of colleges and unitsdevelop succession plans. Of 1,459 banded staff positionsServices, Facilities Services, Financial Planning, Audit,and Alumni Affairs and Development, 1,005 have beenevaluated and 251 have been identified as critical.22<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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