Cornell University 2011-2012 Annual Report - DFA Home - Cornell ...

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<strong>Cornell</strong> Administration:FY12 Updates<strong>Cornell</strong>’s support system of administrative unitsunderlies the work being done in the academic units. Inaddition to contributing to the strategic plan, these officessupport the university’s physical and IT infrastructure;administer the campus’ many human resources programs;provide for the health, safety, and well-being of the campuscommunity; serve the needs of students; represent <strong>Cornell</strong>with its myriad community and governmental audiences;generate financial support from alumni and friends; andpromote the university and its work to a global audience.Following are brief highlights from <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>.Alumni Affairs and DevelopmentFROM TOP TO BOTTOM: <strong>2012</strong> alumni event in Washington, D.C.; Alumni pose at acutout of the Hot Truck while at a conference; Students at a Startup Career Fair inDuffield Hall; At <strong>Cornell</strong> Law School, the Latino American Law Student Associationand the Black Law Students Association joined the national “Wear Your Hoodie toLaw School Day” demonstration.Strategic ApproachesThe Division of Alumni Affairs and Developmentcontinued its commitment to a donor-centered approachto fundraising as a means to maximize prospect giving to<strong>Cornell</strong> in FY12. It relies on a performance-based cultureof excellence and accountability as a means of reachingits organizational goals and the personal and professionaldevelopment goals of staff.Consistent with the university’s “focus on <strong>Cornell</strong> asa single entity,” the division employed a donor-centered,hybrid-model approach to its fundraising program, withprospect management and broad-based initiatives handledby both the university development office and in thecolleges and units. This approach requires transparency,collaboration, and consistency in operations between thecentral offices and those in the colleges and units.Alumni Affairs programs and programming wereintegrated with campaign development efforts in order tofully leverage group and individual prospect cultivationinitiatives. Alumni Affairs activity supported universitypriorities and extended the opportunities to enhanceprospect identification, cultivation, and stewardship.<strong>Cornell</strong> NowThe announcement of <strong>Cornell</strong> Now in October <strong>2011</strong>expanded the campaign through December 31, 2015and increased its goal to $4.75 billion. The campaignwas reframed in the re-imagined vision for <strong>Cornell</strong> as itapproaches its sesquicentennial in 2015 and is focused on15 institutional fundraising priorities developed by theprovost, college deans, and unit directors in support of theuniversity’s strategic plan. Colleges and units have fiveyeargoals that incorporate and take responsibility for theseinstitutional priorities, in addition to other college/unitspecific priorities.<strong>Cornell</strong>’s sesquicentennial in 2015 will be used as afocal point for events and communications to leverage theexcitement and enthusiasm it will generate among alumni,16<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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