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FROM TOP TO BOTTOM: Taio Cruz performs at Slope Day <strong>2012</strong>; The <strong>2012</strong>College of Veterinary Medicine DVM Hooding Ceremony; An Architecture, Art,and Planning student holds a model that shows plans for the <strong>2012</strong> dragon; JimKehoe ’12, a member of the <strong>Cornell</strong> Cup engineering team, works on modularrobots and demonstrates the puppet suit controller for a Rock Band-playingrobot.Medical College (WCMC) to further educationalopportunities in the spirit of the national and globalthe interconnection of humans, animals, and theenvironment and the important role veterinarymedicine plays at that interface. Among their effortsare monthly comparative medicine meetings between<strong>Cornell</strong>’s veterinary students and Weill <strong>Cornell</strong> medicalstudents who are participating in rural medicinerotations at Cayuga Medical Center (CMC). Facultyin the Department of Clinical Sciences in the Collegeparticipate in these sessions.Enhancing Infrastructure<strong>Cornell</strong>’s infrastructure rivals that of a small city.Ensuring that such a complex system of buildings, labs,networks, and other assets keeps pace with the demandsof cutting-edge teaching and research requires vigilanceand careful planning.The strategic plan calls for cost-effective measures toprovide an infrastructure that continues to support theuniversity’s work. Physical plants are being examinedto assess current and future needs and also to identifyfacilities that have outlived their usefulness. In theCollege of Architecture, Art, and Planning, plansinclude expansions of the Fine Arts Library and thearchitectural firm to create an affordable plan that wouldallow the college to build suitable infrastructure for thewill soon begin the next phase in the renovation of theAgriculture and Life Sciences has projects underway infour buildings and plans in place for another seven.A number of new buildings that support teachingand research have opened in recent years and others areopened just as the financial crisis began in 2008.Since then, the new Physical Sciences Building, whichhouses cutting-edge chemistry, physics, and appliedthe Faculty of Computing and Information Science, ishumanities building, is scheduled to begin in 2013.Creating a More Diverse CommunityIn February, President Skorton reaffirmed <strong>Cornell</strong>’scommitment to diversity in a message to faculty, staff,and students. This coincided with a restructuring ofthe <strong>University</strong> Diversity Council (UDC) to representbroader segments of the campus community andto launch a new diversity initiative, Toward NewDestinations.As part of this initiative the colleges, schools, and12<strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2011</strong>–<strong>2012</strong>

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