Geoff Uglow Letters from Barra - The Scottish Gallery

Geoff Uglow Letters from Barra - The Scottish Gallery

Geoff Uglow Letters from Barra - The Scottish Gallery

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<strong>Geoff</strong> <strong>Uglow</strong> <strong>Letters</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Barra</strong>

<strong>Geoff</strong> <strong>Uglow</strong><strong>Letters</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Barra</strong>2 March – 2 April 2011<strong>The</strong> <strong>Scottish</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZTel 0131 558 1200Email mail@scottish-gallery.co.ukwww.scottish-gallery.co.ukFront cover: 01.12.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

Foreword<strong>Geoff</strong> <strong>Uglow</strong> was supposed to be a farmer. He wasraised on a North Cornish farm between Exmoorand Dartmoor and close to the smugglers’ coast ofBoscastle and Tintagel that throngs with touristsin the summer but provides good surf all yearround. <strong>The</strong>re is something in <strong>Uglow</strong>’s mindset asa painter which could be the inheritance of hispractical, rural boyhood. He understands that toilis part of the process of making art; that hard workwill be rewarded and that there is something inthe materials of his craft: his paint, brushes andthe clean, rectangular surfaces on which he worksthat is akin to a farmer’s soil and good seed. Hehas clarity of vision which helps him know whena picture is working; that he can trust the processof making marks. In the same spirit he has laid outan Italian rose garden beside the fast-rising studiohe is building on his father’s farm – planned in thecertainty that what he is doing is valuable. Hardwork and vision are the parents of creativity.While he is now back in his native country formost of the last decade he has lived in Scotlandand Italy. He has enjoyed considerable commercialsuccess and gathered some of the glitteringprizes that his prodigious talent has justified.Most recently he won the Alastair Salvesen Prizewhich culminated with an exhibition at the RSA inEdinburgh for which he travelled in the footsteps ofWilliam Daniell whose great project to record thehighlights of the British coastline was published inbooks of aquatints <strong>from</strong> 1814. <strong>The</strong> project was notgrandiose being rather rooted in the artist’s love ofthe drama of the sea. It did however necessitate anextraordinary serial engagement with some of themost dramatic and remote places on the <strong>Scottish</strong>coast. <strong>The</strong> results were spectacular and the

experience will yield material, particularlyetchings, for which <strong>Uglow</strong> has plans to publishbooks of images like Daniell, for many years tocome.In the aftermath and with his forthcomingshow here very much in mind the artist soughtsomething different – a counterpoint to thefrenetic seeing and painting which characterisedhis coastal journey – a deeper engagement withone place. Through a happy introduction he andhis sculptor wife Emma moved into a house atNorth Bay on <strong>Barra</strong> for six weeks in November lastyear and <strong>Uglow</strong> was able to immerse himself inone magical isle. To walk the island, beachcomb,catch pollock off the rocks, talk to the fishermenin the Castlebay hotel and let the particularlight available only in a Hebridean Winter seepinto his soul. And he worked; the son of the soilhas no time to luxuriate in idleness somehow inanticipation of inspiration, happily or unhappilyawaited. No, <strong>Uglow</strong> understands his subject andsees its poetry revealed through work. Practicalconsiderations meant that it was impossible topaint in oils but <strong>Uglow</strong> brought instead a giant rollof high quality paper and acrylic paints and blocksof handmade watercolour paper and set to. <strong>The</strong>eight monumental paintings which form the basisof this show are made in a confident new language;each has a motif, each belongs to a particular daybut they are all far <strong>from</strong> topographical. In someworks elements of the real landscape is apparent;the ancient burial ground at Borve with the Atlanticview opening up beyond, or the brief, brilliantmorning sunshine over Seal Bay. Otherwise thework is abstract; the motif is the colour of thewrack against the light, tossed by the breakers, orthe brown/purple light of a Hebridean dusk. <strong>The</strong>sepaintings are not tentative or imaginative nor arethey a reaction against the landscape. <strong>The</strong>y areas certain of their location both emotional andpoetic and as confident in their chosen language asRothko or Pollock.<strong>The</strong> smaller works are perfectly-formeddepictions of a particular moment; when the oldcrofter next door lights his kitchen window at dusk;Kisimul Castle looming in the twilight bay; the fewtrees by the burn coming down to North Bay pointthe way into the interior hills; the shadow massesof off-shore islands mark cool-time on the horizon.<strong>The</strong>se are the artist’s <strong>Letters</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Barra</strong>, eacha poetic contemplation of time and place madepermanent.Guy PeploeManaging Director, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scottish</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>

03.12.10 acrylic on paper 18.5 x 28.5 cms

05.12.10 acrylic on paper 10.5 x 21.5 cms

06.12.10 acrylic on paper 13 x 22.5 cms

07.12.10 acrylic on paper 19 x 28.5 cms

08.12.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

10.11.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

01.12.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

10.12.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

12.11.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

11.12.10 acrylic on paper 18.5 x 28 cms

12.12.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

14.11.10 acrylic on paper 28 x 38.5 cms

14.12.10 acrylic on paper 19.5 x 28 cms

15.11.10 acrylic on paper 20 x 28.5 cms

15.12.10 acrylic on paper 18.5 x 28 cms

16.11.10 acrylic on paper laid on linen 121.9 x 152.4 cms

17.11.10 acrylic on paper 29.5 x 39 cms

17.12.10 acrylic on paper 19 x 28 cms

18.11.10 acrylic on paper 14 x 19.5 cms

19.11.10 acrylic on paper 14.5 x 18.5 cms

20.11.10 acrylic on paper 14 x 19 cms

21.11.10 acrylic on paper 13 x 19.5 cms

22.11.10 acryilc on paper 28.5 x 38.5 cms

23.11.10 acrylic on paper 28 x 37.5 cms

28.11.10 acrylic on paper 19.5 x 28 cms

30.11.10 acrylic on paper 29.5 x 38 cms

<strong>Geoff</strong> <strong>Uglow</strong> Selected Biography1978 Born, Cornwall, United KingdomEducated1997-2000 BA Hons Painting, Glasgow School of Art1996-1997 Falmouth School of ArtSolo Exhibitions2011 <strong>Letters</strong> From <strong>Barra</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scottish</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong>, Edinburgh2010 Coda Connaught Brown, London2010 Coda Royal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy, Edinbrugh2008 Fathom Connaught Brown <strong>Gallery</strong>, London2007 Being Here Now <strong>The</strong> Edinburgh <strong>Gallery</strong>2006 Fabulae Narrare: Telling Stories Roger Billcliffe <strong>Gallery</strong>, Glasgow2005 Mostra - Recent Works <strong>The</strong> British School at RomeEgo Sum <strong>The</strong> Edinburgh <strong>Gallery</strong>2005 Spent Light <strong>The</strong> Edinburgh <strong>Gallery</strong>2002 Nor’Loch Veiled <strong>The</strong> Edinburgh <strong>Gallery</strong>2001 Recent Paintings Roger Billcliffe <strong>Gallery</strong>, Glasgow1999 Guyana Paintings Assembly <strong>Gallery</strong>, Glasgow School of ArtSelected Group Exhibitions2006 Responding to Rome – British Artists in Rome Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art, London2004 Melt <strong>The</strong> British School at Rome2003 Arte e Architettura Contemporanea Nel Centro Storico e Nel Paessaggio AcademiaNazionale di San Luca RomeRoyal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy Annual Exhibition Edinburgh

2002 <strong>The</strong> Laing Art Show <strong>The</strong> Mall <strong>Gallery</strong>, LondonArtists of the British School at Rome <strong>The</strong> British School at RomeRoyal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy Annual Exhibition Edinburgh2001 <strong>The</strong> Hunting Art Prize <strong>The</strong> Royal College of Art, London<strong>The</strong> Royal Glasgow Institute Annual Exhibition Glasgow2000 Young <strong>Scottish</strong> Painters Phillips Art Dealers, Edinburgh<strong>The</strong> Royal Glasgow Institute Annual Exhibition GlasgowNew <strong>Scottish</strong> Art <strong>The</strong> Compass <strong>Gallery</strong>, GlasgowArt and Sound - a collaboration <strong>The</strong> Changing Room, StirlingAwards and Residencies2009 Alastair Salvesen Art Scholarship, Royal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy2002-04 Sainsbury Scholarship, <strong>The</strong> British School at Rome2002 Royal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy, John Murray Thomson AwardRoyal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy, NS Macfarlane Charitable Trust Award2001 Royal Glasgow Institute, David Cargill Award2000 <strong>The</strong> John Cunningham AwardJames Torrance Memorial Award<strong>The</strong> Murdoch Gibbons Postgraduate Prize<strong>The</strong> McKendrick ScholarshipRoyal Glasgow Institute Travel ScholarshipRWA Student BursaryRoyal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy Landscape Award1998 Armour Painting Prize

Collections<strong>Gallery</strong> of Modern Art, GlasgowKelvingrove Museum, GlasgowRoyal <strong>Scottish</strong> Academy CollectionRoyal Bank of ScotlandHBOS CollectionPrivate collections in the United Kingdom, Italy and the United StatesPublished by <strong>The</strong> <strong>Scottish</strong> <strong>Gallery</strong> to coincide with the exhibition<strong>Geoff</strong> <strong>Uglow</strong>, <strong>Letters</strong> <strong>from</strong> <strong>Barra</strong>2 March – 2 April 2011Exhibition can be viewed online at www.scottish-gallery.co.uk/geoffuglowISBN 978-1-905146-50-5Designed by www.kennethgray.co.ukPrinted by StewartsAll rights reserved. No part of this catalogue may be reproduced in anyform by print, photocopy or by any other means, without the permissionof the copyright holders and of the publishers.16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZTel 0131 558 1200 Email mail@scottish-gallery.co.uk Web www.scottish-gallery.co.uk

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