2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

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interests and many that may be self-serving. We must, as leaders, and as apeople, have the strength to turn down immediate offers of wealth at theexpense of future generations and look for a more balanced approach – one thatrecognizes the strength of unity and forbearance.My friends, the issues and challenges that we face today may all be not new.Through our cooperative actions, at the local and national levels, and at thelegislative and executive levels, we can and we must arrive at a consensus on away forward during these difficult economic times.Economic growth, stability and independence will ultimately necessitate that weall give away something to gain something. This is the way of life and it is truly the“Yapese Way”. We must be sure that when all is said and done, we retain ourcultural integrity, we govern ourselves, we respect the differences between ourcultures and we reap the benefits of our own development efforts.And for us to reap these benefits, we must have the involvement of each andevery living Yapese individual as a citizen of our growing nation. We mustremember that as long as a single person is without a job, an education, amarketable skill, health insurance, or a role to play in our destiny, then we havenot completed our voyage.Ladies and Gentlemen, with a focused and strategic effort, there is no doubt thatYap can and will overcome these challenges and continue to move forward toexpand economic options for all of our citizens. For every crisis there is anopportunity; and for every opportunity, there is hope for greater positivechanges.29

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