2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

2011 Inaugural Address By The Honorable Sebastian L. Anefal ...

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disagreements to override our efficiency in making some of the critical decisionsthat are necessary for the government to move forward for our people toprosper.<strong>The</strong> people of Yap have spoken to us in many forums, most notably through thelast State Economic Summit in 1997 and the 3 rd National Economic Summit andsubsequent National Symposiums, including the Strategic Development Plan. <strong>The</strong>aspirations and needs are nothing new. We have known all along what we needto do but we simply have not moved forward with concrete actions.I firmly believe that the people have made it clear that they want strongeconomic institutions, a well managed tourism industry, a diversified economy, aresponsive government, better means of transportation and telecommunications,good quality education and health services, expanded opportunities and capacityfor the people of Yap and a fair share of the benefits of economic growth anddevelopment.To meet the expectations of our people, we must, and let me emphasize the word‘must’, make the hard decisions that will lead to these necessary results. Wecannot make all of the people happy all of the time. But we can convince thepeople that the basis of our actions is their long-term welfare, even if, on a singleissue, our decision may not suit their wishes.As I have indicated in the past, in our efforts to grow and prosper, there will betemptations from the most unlikely sources, many that will not be in our best28

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