Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

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How to apply1. International students are to completethe Application form on pages 31 and32 or apply online at the followingwebsite: http://www.fraseric.ca/online_app.html. Canadian Citizensand Permanent Residents are noteligible to study at FIC at this time.2. Attach certified copies of all academicqualifications including schoolreports and official examinationcertificates plus English languagetest results and relevant employmentdocuments. Please ensure that yourcurrent name is added to copiesobtained under a former name andthat certified translations accompanydocuments that are not in English.Copies can be certified by:• the official records departmentof the institution that originallyissued the documents• a Justice of the Peace orNotary Public• an authorized FIC representative• a Canadian Diplomatic Missionor Canadian Education Centre.3. Send your application to FIC viafax, e-mail attachment or to oneof our representative offices.4. If your application is successful, youwill be sent a Letter of Offer from FICexplaining the programs you havebeen offered, the fees payable andAcademic calendarthe program commencement date.Any conditions that have not beenmet at the time of application willbe included in the Offer and mustbe met prior to course enrolment.5. To secure placement, it is necessaryto pay the fees and charges due. Theseinclude 50% of the program fees, SFUStudent Services fee and the MedicalInsurance fee. Payment of the amountdue should be made in CanadianDollars to <strong>Fraser</strong> International Collegeby bank cheque or international bankdraft. Payment may also be madeby direct deposit or telegraphictransfer to the following account:Beneficiary:<strong>Fraser</strong> InternationalCollege LimitedBank name:Royal Bank of CanadaMain Branch, Royal Centre,1025 West Georgia Street,Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada, V6E 3N9Account number:116-981-2Transit #:00010SWIFT code:ROYCCAT2If you pay by direct deposit ortelegraphic transfer, you must provideFIC with proof of payment (suchas a receipt). Please quote yourstudent number on the telegraphictransfer or direct deposit.6. We accept Visa and Mastercardpayments online at the followingwebsite: www.fraseric.ca/banking/pay.html and Debitcard payments in the office.7. On receipt of payment, your placeat FIC will be confirmed in writing.International students will receivea Letter of Acceptance which youmust present along with the feesreceipt and Letter of Offer to aCanadian Diplomatic Mission in yourhome country when applying for aStudy Permit. Sufficient time for theissue of a Study Permit should beallowed before the commencementof the program. This time framemay vary from country to country.Year Intake Orientation Semester start Semester end(including exams)2010 January 4 January 2010 5 January 2009 1 May 20102010 May 6 May 2010 10 May 2010 21 August 20102010 September 2 September 2010 7 September 2010 18 December 20102011 January 3 January 2011 4 January 2011 16 April 20112011 May 5 May 2011 9 May 2011 20 August 20112011 September 1 September 2011 6 September 2011 December 2011Dates are correct at the time of printing. Please check www.fraseric.ca for the most up-to-date information.29

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