Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

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Study Permit/TRV informationProspective international students intending to study in Canada must obtain a Study Permit from aCanadian Diplomatic Mission in their home country before beginning their journey to Canada. Dependingon your citizenship or where you live, you may need a temporary resident visa as well as a study permit.FIC has local representatives in mostcountries. These representatives areable to offer you support and assistancewhen applying to study in Canada. Forfurther information on representativesin your area contact the AdmissionsDepartment - admissions@fraseric.ca.The main requirements for aStudy Permit application are:• Letter of Offer from FIC• Receipt showing payment• Letter of Acceptance from FIC• Medical check-up documentationas required by CIC regulations• Proof of financial support asrequired by regulations1. Check the application processingtimes. This will give you anidea of how long it will take toprocess your application.2. Obtain and print theapplication package.The package includes the applicationguide and all the forms you needto fill out. www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/student.aspIf you are from one of the designatedcountries, a visa officer will processyour application for a temporaryresident visa at the same time. Youdo not need a separate application.3. Determine where you will submityour application. You must submityour application to the visa officethat is responsible for the countryor region where you live.4. Collect the documents you need toapply. You can find information onfees and other local requirementson the website of the visa officeserving your country or region.5. Complete your application fora study permit. Fill in the formscarefully and completely.• Type or print clearly, using blackink. For languages that do not usethe Latin alphabet. i.e., Chinese,Arabic, Cyrillic, Japanese, Hebrew,etc., add appropriate characters.• Answer all questions carefully,completely and truthfully.Incomplete application packageswill not be processed, andwill be returned to you.6. Pay the correct processing fee.There is a fee to apply for a studypermit. In many countries, theprocessing fee can be paid in thelocal currency. You should checkthe website of the Canadian visaoffice serving the country orregion where you live for additionalinformation on fees, including howto pay them. The processing feewill not be refunded, even if yourapplication is not accepted.7. Check your application. Make sureyour application is complete and thatyou include the necessary documents.Use the document checklist that isincluded in the application kit. Consultthe website of the Canadian visaoffice serving the country or regionwhere you live to determine if youneed to fill out any additional forms orprovide any additional documents.8. Submit the application form. Signand date the application form, andbe sure you include the receiptfor the processing fee. Submit theapplication form to the Canadianvisa office that serves the countryor region where you live.9. Supply additional informationor documents.After the visa office receives yourapplication, it might request moreinformation or documents. Thesemay include the following:• Medical informationIn most cases, you will need amedical examination. A visa officerwill send you instructions if youneed a medical examination.This may add more than threemonths to the processingtime of your application.• Security informationIf you want to study in Canada,you and any family members whocome to Canada with you, and whoare 18 years of age and over, mayhave to provide police certificates.More information can be obtainedfrom: www.cic.gc.ca27

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