Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

Simon Fraser University - Navitas

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Did you know?SFU offers FIC studentsscholarships valued at C$3500for students whose GPA is 3.7 orabove upon completion ofthe FIC <strong>University</strong> TransferProgram Stage II.Helping students achieve their goalsFIC AlumniJin ShiChinaBachelor of Applied Science(Computing Science)“My name is Jin Shi and I’m aninternational student from mainlandChina. I studied in FIC from Sept 2008until Aug 2009. I’m currently studying inthe second year of the Bachelor of AppliedScience - Computing Science programat SFU. I graduated from FIC with GPA of4.17 and received a scholarship from SFU.I have a lot of feelings to share about FIC.Firstly, FIC provides quality education andadvanced teaching conditions. All the FICinstructors and professors possess theinstruction level of teaching in SFU. Thecourse content and the difficulty level ofexams are the same as the ones at SFU.This is the reason why SFU completelyrecognizes the credits provided by FIC.FIC has the advantage that SFU doesnot have, which is the small classeswith 25-35 students in one class. SFUprofessors focus on teaching and leavechecking assignments and examinationpapers to their teaching assistants. Thisis different from FIC where professorspersonally mark test papers and havemuch more closer relationship withstudents. FIC also provides many differentclasses along with tutorial workshops.In a word, if you are an internationalstudent who is determined to studyin SFU, but could not realize thedream immediately, FIC is absolutelyyour most valuable choice.”Renata YulgushevaRussiaBachelor of Business Administration“Back in Russia, I was thinking about whatI would expect from my journey in anothercountry. Besides studying, one of thethings that popped out in my mind wasthat I wanted meet people from differentcultures. Canada is a multinationalcountry where diversity is celebrated.When my parents and I were choosinga college for my future studies welooked at the programs that wereoffered at FIC, the instructors andstaff, its location and decided thatit would be great choice for me!During my studies at FIC I met a lot ofincredible people. At FIC, instructorswere not just teachers; they were muchmore for me. One of the things that I wassurprised with is that everyone at FIC fromstaff to instructors cares about you. Youare not left alone; you can always get helpfrom professors and student coordinators.FIC was one of my best experiences inCanada. I met my friends there, I earneda scholarship from both FIC and SFUand I successfully transferred to SFU.FIC gave me a path to SFU! I am verygrateful to everyone who is workingthere and who helped me to get throughmy first year in a foreign country.”Rodrigo RojasMexicoBachelors of Arts (Communication)“My experience at FIC had nocomparison! Small classes allowed meto learn in a more efficient way. I gotto know my teachers and classmateswho come from all around the world.English is my second language andI had some troubles especially withthe written part, but FIC helped meby providing workshops to improvemy oral skills, giving me the chance toimprove not only my written Englishbut my spoken English as well.FIC not only allows students to preparefor academic life in Canada but also toface life’s challenges. All members of staffwere always willing to help us and answerall the questions we have regardingliving in another country; and now, asan FIC alumni, I’m glad I went throughthe FIC program before going to SFU.When I transferred to <strong>Simon</strong> <strong>Fraser</strong><strong>University</strong>, I was at the same level asthe Canadian students and I alreadyknew what kind of workload to expectfrom school. If you have the chanceto come to FIC I recommend you tocome, you are not going to regret it!”23

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