Jan. 6, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle

Jan. 6, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle Jan. 6, 2006 - The Austin Chronicle

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120 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | JANUARY 6, 2006 SPANISH IMMERSION Comestart living the language atCentro Linguistico Puebla!Through our intensive Spanishimmersion program studentsrapidly and effectively improvetheir language skills whileexperiencing firsthand theculture and surroundings of atraditional Mexican setting.Classes begin every Mondayand are individually designed tomeet the needs and interests ofthe student.www.celipatlixco.com.APPARELGOTH • PUNK • T-SHIRTSClothing, stickers, patches,pins, jewelry, onesies.• 1905 S. 1st. •• www.secret-oktober.com •789-2866BELLYDANCEAuthenticBELLYDANCEDay, evening & weekendclasses for all levels taughtby Zein Al-Jundi, native ofSyria. Zein Dance Studio,51st & Duval ST.5 3 3 - 9 2 2 7WMDproductions.comDANCEFREE DANCE CLASSESSalsa, Swing, Country,Ballroom, Wedding* G o * D a n c e *2525 W Anderson Ln @Northcross MallContact us: (512) 339-9391OR w w w. godance. ccDANCE Hawaiian Danceclasses. Beginning Hulaclasses taught downtown.Also offering classes at TheDance Studio, 2700 W. AndersonMill Rd! Hula HalauKaepa Dance Company. CallKanani at 440-7171.ITALIAN Language & CookingClasses, TOURS in ITALYwith ELSA GRAMOLAeringgenberg@austin.rr.com(512) 345-8941www.geocities.com/atasteofitalyinaustin/atasteofitalyinaustinPHOTO CLASSES JAN35mm,Digital,B/W Darkroom@Dougherty Arts 397-1458SPANISH510ACTIVITIES515CLASSESWORKSHOPSSomeday, I’ll LearnSPANISH!!??No luck with traditional classesand workbooks? Hate Studying?Don’t have much time? Thinklearning can’t be fun? Use yourwhole brain by tapping into theextraordinary mental capacitieswe all have, but seldom use,with the most advanced andenjoyable teaching and learningmethod available today. 263-9944 * All Levels * ClassSchedules, Fees and more athttp://www.RapidSpanish.comSPANISH Learn to speakSpanish. This ongoing courserelies heavily on visual material,word association andgames. http://www.creativelanguagecenter.com 453-8680.WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Jointhe Registered Dietitians andChefs from Healthy Spoonfulsfor a weight managementcourse designed to help youlose weight and keep it off.“Take Control” cooking andnutrition classes will teach youproper nutrition that fits yourlifestyle. Classes are Saturdaysat 10 am from January 21stthrough February 18th. Sign upnow and take $100 off! CallHealthy Spoonfuls @ 388.8810.1013 S. Mays, Suite E, RoundRock, TX 78664.10 YEAR REUNION Brownsville,TX James Pace High Schol 10yrreunion is coming up. Visitwww.pace96.com for moreinformation.ADOPTION530GENERAL•ADOPT•A happy secure home,hugs & kisses, beaches,travel, loving extended familyawaits your precious baby.Polly & Mike 1-800-562-8287Expenses Paid.ADOPTION PREGNANT?Thinking ADOPTION? Talkwith caring peoplespecializing in matchingbirthmothers with lovingfamilies nationwide.EXPENSES PAID. Toll free 24/7 One True Gift Adoptions 1-866-921-0565. (AAN CAN)535LOST & FOUNDFOUND DOG Found Beagle mixnear Westgate & Cameron Loop.786-3634.FOUND DOG shephardmix12/31 lakeaustin blvd- call ben659-80081234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxzLOST DOG Lost Christmasnight in Kinney/Lamar Area.“Indy” chow/shepherd cross,80lbs, 11 yrs old neutered male,shy. Please call Anna 505-770-4177.LOST POMERANIAN lost on11.25.05 stassney/s. congress.Red neutered pure-bred male.needs meds. REWARD! any infohelps. 680-1342545LEGAL NOTICESCastro Homes &Properties F.P.Inc., Rob Castro,Director DBA CafeCastroNova isMaking Applicationwith the TexasAlcoholic BeverageCommission for aBeer and WineRetailer’s Permitand a Food andBeverageCertificate On theAddress of 900Ranch Road 620South, Suite C104,Lakeway, TravisCounty, Texas.CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCause No. GN503950To: THE UNKNOWN HEIRSOF JOHN HENDERSON, DE-CEASED Defendant(s), in thehereinafter styled and numberedcause YOU (ANDEACH OF YOU) HAVE BEENSUED. You may employ anattorney. If you or your attorneydo not file a written answerwith the clerk who issuedthis citation by 10:00AM on the Monday next followingthe expiration 42 daysfrom the date of issuancehereof, that is to say at or before10 o’clock AM of Mondaythe 23rd day of January,2006, and answer the ORIG-INAL PETITION of Plaintiff(s),filed in the 345th JudicialDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on the 1stday of November, 2005, adefault judgment may be takenagainst you. Said suit beingnumber GN503950, inwhich DOROTHY BROWNPlaintiff(s) and THE UN-KNOWN HEIRS OF JOHNHENDERSON, DECEASEDDefendant(s) and the natureof which suit is as follows:claim for trespass to try titleand request that the courtdetermine and declare thatPlaintiff owns fee simple titleto the following real propertyand that you have no title inand to such property: LotsNos. Seven and Eight (7 & 8)in Block No. One (1) of M.E.Chernosky’s Subdivision No.Ten (10), of a Part of OutlotNo. 20, Division “B”, in theCity of Austin, Travis County,Texas, according to the Mapor plat of said subdivision ofrecord in Volume 4, Page 200of the Travis County PlatRecords, locally known as1709 and 1711 DeloneyStreet, Austin, Texas.ALL OF WHICH MORE FUL-LY APPEARS FROM PLAIN-TIFF’S ORIGINAL PETITIONON FILE IN THIS OFFICE,AND WHICH REFERENCE ISHERE MADE FOR ALL IN-TENTS AND PURPOSES.Issued and Given under myhand and the seal of saidCourt at Austin, this the 6thday of December, 2005.Amalia Rodriguez-MendozaDistrict ClerkTravis County, TexasBy /s/ Synthia Lee, DeputyRequested By:PETE MEEKER1801 SOUTH MOPAC EXP-WY, SUITE 300AUSTIN, TX 78768(512) 482-0614CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO. GN503296To: FRANCISCO J. NAVAMENDEZ AND GLORIA DENAVA Defendant(s), in thehereinafter styled and numberedcause: YOU (ANDEACH OF YOU) HAVE BEENSUED. You may employ anattorney. If you or your attorneydo not file a written answerwith the clerk who issuedthis citation by 10:00AM on the Monday next followingthe expiration of 42days from the date of issuancehereof, that is to say ator before 10 o’clock AM ofMonday the 16th DAY OFJANUARY, 2006, and answerthe FIRST AMENDED ORIGI-NAL PETITION FOR DE-CLARATORY JUDGMENT ORTRESPASS TO TRY TITLE ofPlaintiff(s), filed in the 98thJudicial District Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on the21st DAY OF NOVEMBER,2005, a default judgmentmay be taken against you.Said suit being numberGN503296, in which ELBERTD. SMITH Plaintiff(s) andFRANCISCO J. NAVA MEN-DEZ AND GLORIA DE NAVADefendant(s) and the natureof which suit is as follows:BEING A SUIT TO REMOVECLOUD ON THE TITLE TOTHE FOLLOWING DE-SCRIBED PROPERTY TOWIT: Condominium Unit Number101, as described in theDeclaration as the same appearsof record in Volume9180, Page 290, as well asby amendment of record inVolume 9229, Page 496, ofthe Real Property Records ofTravis County, Texas, locallyknown as 201 E. 31st Street,#101, Austin, Texas. Specialpleadings include adversepossession and statute oflimitations.ALL OF WHICH MORE FUL-LY APPEARS FROM PLAIN-TIFF’S FIRST AMENDEDORIGINAL PETITION FORDECLARATORY JUDGMENTOR TRESPASS TO TRY TITLEON FILE IN THIS OFFICE,AND WHICH REFERENCE ISHERE MADE FOR ALL IN-TENTS AND PURPOSES.Issued and Given under myhand and the seal of saidCourt at Austin, this the 2ndday of DECEMBER, 2005.Amalia Rodriguez-MendozaDistrict ClerkTravis County, TexasBy /s/ John Levalley, DeputyRequested by:ROBIN CRAVEY807 BRAZOS STREET,SUITE 807AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701512 236-9655CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCause No. D-1-FM-05-007849 To: CHRISTOPHERLEONARD and to all whom itmay concern, Respondent(s);GREETINGS: YOU HAVEBEEN SUED. You may employan attorney. If you oryour attorney do not file awritten answer with the clerkwho issued this citation by10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment maybe taken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COM-MANDED to appear and answerbefore the HonorableDistrict Court, 53RD JudicialDistrict Court, Travis County,Texas, at the Courthouse ofsaidCounty in Austin, Texas, at orbefore 10 o’clock A.M. of theMonday next after expirationof twenty days from the dateof service of this citation,then and there to answer theORIGINAL PETITION ofTHOMAS F. MILES ANDKATHLEEN F. MILESPetitioner(s), filed in saidcourt on NOVEMBER 30,2005, against CHRISTOPHERLEONARD Respondent(s),and said suit being entitled“IN THE INTEREST OF LIL-LIAN GRACE LEONARD”, thenature of which suit is a requestto Suit Affecting theParent-Child RelationshipSeeking Conservatorship andTermination of the Parent-Child Relationship.The Name, Birth date, andPlace of Birth of said child isas follows:LILLIAN GRACE LEONARDFEBRUARY 24, 2005AUSTIN, TXThe Court has authority inthis suit to enter any judgmentor decree in the child’sinterest which will be bindingupon you, including the terminationof the parent-childrelationship, the determinationof paternity, and the appointmentof a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of saidcourt at Austin, Texas, December27, 2005.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 GuadalupeP.O. Box 679003 (78767)Austin, Texas 78701By /s/JON SANDERS, DeputyREQUESTED BY:ABIGAIL CONNOR KLAMERT1900 FM 967, SUITE EBUDA, TX 78610(512) 312-0904CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OFROBERT ALLAN CHANCE,Deceased, No. 84046 in ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas.JACK P. CHANCE allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on the 19TH day ofDECEMBER, 2005, an Applicationto Determine Heirshipin the said estate andrequest(s) that the said Courtdetermine who are the heirsand only heirs of the saidROBERT ALLAN CHANCE,Deceased, and their respectiveshares and interests insuch estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this citation,at the County Courthousein Travis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited to appearbefore said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filinga written answer contestingsuch application shouldthey desire to do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, this the 21stday of December, 2005.DANA DEBEAUVOIRCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. Box 1748,Austin, Texas 78767By Deputy:/s/RoxAnne TorrezLEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.NO. 82,586GUARDIANSHIP OFMARY BASS, AN INCA-PACITATED PERSON,IN THE PROBATE COURTNO. ONE OF TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASPublished Notice to CreditorsNotice is hereby given thatLetters of Guardianship forthe Person and Estate ofMARY BASS, An IncapacitatedPerson, were issued onOctober 11, 2005 in the ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas to FAM-ILY ELDERCARE, INC. asGuardian of the Person andEstate.The office of Guardian is in

Travis County, Texas, andthe mailing address is: FamilyEldercare, Inc., Guardianof Mary Bass, 2210 HancockDrive, Austin, Texas 78756.All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.SIGNED on the 29th day ofDecember, 2005.Christine P. LarsonAttorney for GuardianState Bar No.:119565002210 Hancock DriveAustin, Texas 78756Telephone (512) 450-0844Facsimile (512) 459-6436NO. 83,602GUARDIANSHIP OFDAULTON BISSETT, AN IN-CAPACITATED PERSON,IN THE PROBATE COURTNO. ONE OF TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASPublished Notice to CreditorsNotice is hereby given thatLetters of Guardianship forthe Person and Estate ofDAULTON BISSETT, An IncapacitatedPerson, were issuedon October 12, 2005 inthe Probate Court NumberOne of Travis County, Texasto FAMILY ELDERCARE, INC.as Guardian of the Personand Estate.The office of Guardian is inTravis County, Texas, andthe mailing address is: FamilyEldercare, Inc., Guardianof Daulton Bissett, 2210 HancockDrive, Austin, Texas78756.All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.SIGNED on the 29TH day ofDecember, 2005.Christine P. LarsonAttorney for GuardianState Bar No.:119565002210 Hancock DriveAustin, Texas 78756Telephone (512) 450-0844Facsimile (512) 459-6436NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO PROPOSERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed proposals will be acceptedby Travis County forthe following items:1. Transportation and ExtraditionServices, RFSS060041-OJOpens: January 23, 2006 @3:00 p.m.2. E-Courtroom Project Componentand ImplementationServices, RFP P060081-LCOpens: January 18, 2006 @2:00 p.m.Proposals should be submittedto: Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent,Ned Granger Building, 314West 11th, Room 400, P.O.Box 1748, Austin, Texas78767. Proposal Documentscan be obtained from orviewed at the Travis CountyPurchasing Office at nocharge or by downloading acopy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.Proposersshould use unit pricing orlump sum pricing, if appropriate.Payment may bemade by check. The successfulproponent shall berequired to furnish a PaymentBond and a PerformanceBond in the amount of OneHundred percent (100%) ofthe contract amount awarded,if applicable.NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETO BIDDERSTRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids will be acceptedby Travis County for the followingitems:1. HVAC Units - Gault Building,IFB B060035-NBOpens: January 17, 2006 @10:30 a.m.2. Water Source Heat Pumps,IFB B060074-NBOpens: January 17, 2006 @2:00 p.m.Bids should be submitted to:Cyd Grimes, Travis CountyPurchasing Agent, NedGranger Building, 314 West11th, Room 400 P.O. Box1748, Austin, Texas 78767.Specifications can be obtainedfrom or viewed at theTravis County Purchasing Officeat no charge or by downloadinga copy from our website:www.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.Bidders should use unit pricingor lump sum pricing, ifappropriate. Payments maybe made by check. The successfulbidder shall be requiredto furnish a PerformanceBond in the amount ofOne Hundred percent (100%)of the contract amountawarded, if applicable.NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASIFB NUMBER: B060025-MBNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids for the Replacementof HVAC System Componentsat the Granger Buildinglocated at 314 W. 11thStreet, Austin, Texas 78701,a project consisting of replacementof two HVAC componentsat the Travis CountyGranger Building, will be receivedby Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent, atthe Travis County PurchasingOffice, 314 West 11thStreet, 4th Floor, Suite 400,Austin, TX 78701 until 2:00P.M., CST, JANUARY 18,2006, then publicly openedand read aloud. Note: TheTime-Date Stamp Clock locatedat the front counter ofthe Travis County PurchasingOffice, will serve as theOFFICIAL CLOCK for thepurpose of verifying thedate and time of receipt ofbids.Copies of plans and specificationsmay be obtainedfrom the TRAVIS COUNTYPURCHASING OFFICE. A refundabledeposit of $25.00 inthe form of a cashier’s check,money order, or companycheck payable to “TravisCounty” will be required foreach set of bid documentsthat is issued. The depositwill be refunded if the drawingsand specifications arereturned in good conditionwithin 21 calendar days ofthe bid opening. Copies ofplans and specifications maybe viewed free of charge inthe Travis County PurchasingOffice. In addition, plans andspecifications will be madeavailable for viewing free ofcharge at various Austin-areaPlan Rooms indicated in Exhibit1.AN OPTIONAL PRE-BIDCONFERENCE WILL BEHELD ON MONDAY, JANU-ARY 9, 2006, AT 10:00 A.M.,CST, AT THE TRAVISCOUNTY PURCHASING OF-FICE, 314 W. 11TH STREET,SUITE 400, AUSTIN, TX78701.A bid security in the amountof five percent (5%) of the totalbid amount will be required.Payments will bemade for completed work inprogressive payments withthe County retaining five percent(5%) of each paymentuntil final acceptance of theproject. Payments will bemade by check. A PaymentBond is required in theamount of one-hundred percent(100%) of the contractamount, if the contractamount exceeds $25,000. APerformance Bond is requiredin the amount of onehundredpercent (100%) ofthe contract amount, if thecontract amount exceeds$100,000. Bidder should uselump sum pricing.Historically UnderutilizedBusinesses including Contractors,Subcontractors, andSuppliers are encouraged toparticipate in this projectconsistent with the goals ofthe Commissioners Court.Contractors will be requiredto comply with all applicableEqual Employment Opportunitylaws and regulations, allFederal, State, and local regulationsfor construction safetyand health standards.The successful bidder mustcommence work upon issuanceby County of a writtenNotice to Proceed. TheCounty reserves the right toreject any and all bids and towaive an informality in thebids received. Bids may notbe withdrawn for ninety (90)calendar days after the dateon which they are opened.NOTICEOFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICETRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASIFB NUMBER: B060053-RVNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids for TravisCounty Jail Smoke EvacuationsProject located in Austin,Texas, will be receivedby Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent, atthe Travis County PurchasingOffice, 314 West 11thStreet, 4th Floor, Suite 400,Austin, TX 78701 until 1:00P.M., CST, JANUARY 18,2006, then publicly openedand read aloud. Note: TheTime-Date Stamp Clock locatedat the front counter ofthe Travis County PurchasingOffice, will serve as theOFFICIAL CLOCK for thepurpose of verifying thedate and time of receipt ofbids.Copies of plans and specificationsmay be obtainedfrom the TRAVIS COUNTYPURCHASING OFFICE. A refundabledeposit of $25.00 inthe form of a cashier’s check,money order, or companycheck payable to “TravisCounty” will be required foreach set of bid documentsthat is issued. The depositwill be refunded if the drawingsand specifications arereturned in good conditionwithin 21 calendar days ofthe bid opening. Copies ofplans and specifications maybe viewed free of charge inthe Travis County PurchasingOffice. In addition, plans andspecifications will be madeavailable for viewing free ofcharge at various Austin-areaPlan Rooms indicated in Exhibit1.A bid security in the amountof five percent (5%) of the totalbid amount will be required.Payments will bemade for completed work inprogressive payments withthe County retaining five percent(5%) of each paymentuntil final acceptance of theproject. Payments will bemade by check. A PaymentBond is required in theamount of one-hundred percent(100%) of the contractamount, if the contractamount exceeds $25,000. APerformance Bond is requiredin the amount of onehundredpercent (100%) ofthe contract amount, if thecontract amount exceeds$100,000. Bidder should uselump sum pricing.Historically UnderutilizedBusinesses including Contractors,Subcontractors, andSuppliers are encouraged toparticipate in this projectconsistent with the goals ofthe Commissioners Court.Contractors will be requiredto comply with all applicableEqual Employment Opportunitylaws and regulations, allFederal, State, and local regulationsfor construction safetyand health standards.The successful bidder mustcommence work upon issuanceby County of a writtenNotice to Proceed. TheCounty reserves the right toreject any and all bids and towaive an informality in thebids received. Bids may notbe withdrawn for ninety (90)calendar days after the dateon which they are opened.NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to theTexas abandoned vehiclemotor act, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off bythe Travis County Sheriff’sOffice unless charges aresatisfied within 10 days.1. unknown owner’01 Honda AccordLP# AYZ6439NOTICE OF LIEN SALEIn accordance with the provisionsof Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code, therebeing due and unpaid chargesfor which the undersignedis entitled to satisfy an owner’slien of the goods hereinafterdescribed and stored atthe Uncle Bob’s Self Storagelocations listed below; And,due notice having been given,to the owner of said propertyand all parties known toclaim an interest therein, andthe time specified in such noticefor payment of such havingexpired, the goods will besold at public auction at thefollowing addresses to thehighest bidder or otherwisedisposed of on the followingdates. No one under 16 allowed.Cash Only.Uncle Bob’s #2318227 North LamarAustin, TX 78753(512) 833-0855Tuesday, January 17, 2006@ 10:00 A.M.735 Pamela Reynosa -household goods, furniture,appliances756 Billy Jack Phillips -household goods815 Barbara Villarreal -household goods, furniture,boxes813 Danielle Walker - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,appliances936 Kennith Rich - householdgoods, boxes1020 Jessica Chagolla -household goods, boxes1205 Ollie Harper - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,appliances1405 Michael Alexander -household goods, furniture,boxes, sporting goods1606 Alan Avila - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods1615 Tracy Meadows -household goods, furniture,boxes, tools, appliancesUncle Bob’s #2761251 County Road 170Round Rock, TX 78664(512) 310-0279Tuesday, January 17, 2006@ 11:00 A.M.2102 Amalia Barrera - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, appliances,tv-stereo equip.2402 Jason Dillard - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, appliances,tv-stereo equip., officeequip., office machines, landscapingequip., acct records2316 Paul Goocher - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods2405 Lisa Tolfa - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,tv-stereo equip., officemachines3107 Rodolfo Nunez - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,tools, appliances, tv-stereoequip.4422 Sandy E. Johnson -household goods, furniture,boxes, appliances, tv-stereoequip.5119 Jimeko Dupree - freezer,box, table5128 David Stanley - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,tools, appliances, acct.records, toys5223 Mamie Hurtado -household goods, furniture,boxes5318 Melissa Thompson -boxes5335 Lisa Medrano - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, appliances,tv-stereo equip.7105 Mindy Castillo - householdgoods, furniture, boxes,tv-stereo equip.8117 Stacy Rodriguez -household goods, boxes,toolsNOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATIONS Notice ishereby given that TravisCounty, Texas, proposes theapproval of the following trafficregulation: PRECINCTTWO: SET MAXIMUM PRI-MA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ONARDISIA DRIVE, AVENAVALLEY DRIVE, BLACKISLE DRIVE, DASHWOODCREEK DRIVE, QUINCYDRIVE, SIMSBROOK DRIVE,WILLOW BLUFF DRIVE,WISEMAN DRIVE.PRECINCT THREE: PLACESTOP SIGN ON LAKEVIEWDRIVE SOUTHBOUNDTRAIL. PLACE STOP SIGNON SKYLINE DRIVESOUTHBOUND AT LAKE-VIEW DRIVE. PLACE STOPSIGN ON BUCKEYE TRAILSOUTHBOUND AT CO-MANCHE TRAIL.Any resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposed action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, Austin,Texas 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATION Notice is herebygiven that Travis County,Texas, proposes the approvalof the following traffic regulation:Maximum Prima FacieSpeed Limits on RossRoad in Precinct Four.Any resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposed action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, Austin,Texas 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATIONS Notice ishereby given that TravisCounty, Texas, proposes theapproval of the following trafficregulations: STOP SIGNON APPENNINI COVE ATAPPENNINI WAY, STOPSIGN ON LIVORNO COVEAT APPENNINI WAY, ANDSTOP SIGN ON FIORELLI-NO PLACE AT BRINDISIWAY, IN BELLA VISTASECTIONS 3A AND 3BSUBDIVISIONS.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT TRAVIS COUNTY, TEX-AS PROPOSES THE AP-PROVAL OF THE FOLLOW-ING TRAFFIC REGULA-TIONS: STOP SIGN ON REDELM PARKWAY AT USHWY 290, STOP SIGN ONMAJESTIC ELM LANE ATRED ELM PKWY., STOPSIGN ON WILD LILY COVEAT RED ELM PKWY., STOPSIGN ON RED ELM PKWY.AT PRAIRIE VERBENALANE, STOP SIGNS (2) ONMAIDENHAIR TRAIL AT MA-JESTIC ELM LANE, STOPSIGN ON MAIDENHAIRTRAIL AT PRAIRIE VERBE-NA LANE, STOP SIGN ONSTARBRIMSON TRAIL ATPRAIRIE VERBENA LANE,STOP SIGN ON VIOLETLANE AT STARBRIMSONTRAIL, STOP SIGN ONSTARBRIMSON TRAIL ATBASKET FLOWER BEND,STOP SIGN ON WAYNES-PUR LANE AT BASKETFLOWER BEND, STOPSIGN ON BASKET FLOWERBEND AT WOOD LILYTRAIL, STOP SIGN ON MA-HONIA LANE AT WAYNES-PUR LANE, STOP SIGN ONWAYNESPUR LANE ATPRAIRIE VERBENA LANE,STOP SIGN ON WINECUPMALLOW TRAIL AT PRAI-RIE VERBENA LANE, STOPSIGN ON SOAP BERRYCOVE AT WINECUP MAL-LOW TRAIL, AND STOPSIGN ON MILKWEED COVEAT WINECUP MALLOWTRAIL IN ELM CREEK SEC-TION ONE.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASPROPOSES THE APPROVAL OFTHE FOLLOWING TRAFFICREGULATIONS: STOP SIGNON EASY JET STREET ATBELLTEX DRIVE IN MANORCOMMERCIAL PARK II ANDIII. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT TRAVIS COUNTY, TEX-AS, PROPOSES THE AP-PROVAL OF THE FOLLOW-ING TRAFFIC REGULA-TIONS: STOP SIGN ON MO-RAY LANE AT TWINCREEKS CLUB DRIVE,STOP SIGN ON HEATH-MOUNT DRIVE AT MORAYLANE, AND STOP SIGN ONBEN DORAN COURT ATHEATHMOUNT DRIVE, INTWIN CREEKS COUNTRYCLUB SECTION 10A.Any resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposed action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the ExecutiveManager of the Transportationand Natural ResourcesDepartment, Travis County,Texas, P.O. Box 1748, Austin,Texas 78767, and mustbe received within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Texas Holdings, LTD.,hereby gives notice that theproperty generally describedbelow is being sold to satisfya landlord’s lien pursuant tochapter 59 of the Texas propertycode, at the time andplace indicated below, andon the following terms: Allproperty generally describedbelow will be sold at publicsale to the highest bidder forcash, or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. The property will besold on the 24th & 25th ofJANUARY, 2006 at each selfstoragefacility at which it isdescribed below: NO CHIL-DREN PLEASE.9:30 a.m. 24 JANUARY,2006 Public Storage @ 7200S. First St., Austin, TX78745L334 LAUREN CRISPDRESSER, VCR, GRILLU624 JUSTIN WARD OFFICECHAIR, SOFA, BEDU637 EUGENE VRANA BED,MATTRESS, BOXESU664 EUSTOLIO TREVINOLAWNMOWER, BOXES, FISH-ING EQUIP.J277 JUAN MACIEL BIKES,CAMPER TOP, MINI FRIDGEJ258 MURTLE KULPERS ALLITEMS IN UNITW827 PATRICIA BELGADOMICROWAVE, TOYS, BEDJ267 LINDA DAVILA LAMP,TABLE, VACUUMW785 KENNETH COWLEYTV, BED, VACUUMU669 JOSE CACERES SOFA,BED, DRESSER10:00 a.m. 24 JANUARY,2006 Public Storage @ 7112S. Congress Ave., Austin,TX 78745G30 PAULA GARCIA ALLITEMS IN UNITB19 NESTOR ZAVALA SOFA,BED, BOXES 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxzJANUARY 6, 2006 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | 121

120 | THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE | JANUARY 6, <strong>2006</strong> SPANISH IMMERSION Comestart living the language atCentro Linguistico Puebla!Through our intensive Spanishimmersion program studentsrapidly and effectively improvetheir language skills whileexperiencing firsthand theculture and surroundings of atraditional Mexican setting.Classes begin every Mondayand are individually designed tomeet the needs and interests ofthe student.www.celipatlixco.com.APPARELGOTH • PUNK • T-SHIRTSClothing, stickers, patches,pins, jewelry, onesies.• 1905 S. 1st. •• www.secret-oktober.com •789-2866BELLYDANCEAuthenticBELLYDANCEDay, evening & weekendclasses for all levels taughtby Zein Al-Jundi, native ofSyria. Zein Dance Studio,51st & Duval ST.5 3 3 - 9 2 2 7WMDproductions.comDANCEFREE DANCE CLASSESSalsa, Swing, Country,Ballroom, Wedding* G o * D a n c e *2525 W Anderson Ln @Northcross MallContact us: (512) 339-9391OR w w w. godance. ccDANCE Hawaiian Danceclasses. Beginning Hulaclasses taught downtown.Also offering classes at <strong>The</strong>Dance Studio, 2700 W. AndersonMill Rd! Hula HalauKaepa Dance Company. CallKanani at 440-7171.ITALIAN Language & CookingClasses, TOURS in ITALYwith ELSA GRAMOLAeringgenberg@austin.rr.com(512) 345-8941www.geocities.com/atasteofitalyinaustin/atasteofitalyinaustinPHOTO CLASSES JAN35mm,Digital,B/W Darkroom@Dougherty Arts 397-1458SPANISH510ACTIVITIES515CLASSESWORKSHOPSSomeday, I’ll LearnSPANISH!!??No luck with traditional classesand workbooks? Hate Studying?Don’t have much time? Thinklearning can’t be fun? Use yourwhole brain by tapping into theextraordinary mental capacitieswe all have, but seldom use,with the most advanced andenjoyable teaching and learningmethod available today. 263-9944 * All Levels * ClassSchedules, Fees and more athttp://www.RapidSpanish.comSPANISH Learn to speakSpanish. This ongoing courserelies heavily on visual material,word association andgames. http://www.creativelanguagecenter.com 453-8680.WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Jointhe Registered Dietitians andChefs from Healthy Spoonfulsfor a weight managementcourse designed to help youlose weight and keep it off.“Take Control” cooking andnutrition classes will teach youproper nutrition that fits yourlifestyle. Classes are Saturdaysat 10 am from <strong>Jan</strong>uary 21stthrough February 18th. Sign upnow and take $100 off! CallHealthy Spoonfuls @ 388.8810.1013 S. Mays, Suite E, RoundRock, TX 78664.10 YEAR REUNION Brownsville,TX James Pace High Schol 10yrreunion is coming up. Visitwww.pace96.com for moreinformation.ADOPTION530GENERAL•ADOPT•A happy secure home,hugs & kisses, beaches,travel, loving extended familyawaits your precious baby.Polly & Mike 1-800-562-8287Expenses Paid.ADOPTION PREGNANT?Thinking ADOPTION? Talkwith caring peoplespecializing in matchingbirthmothers with lovingfamilies nationwide.EXPENSES PAID. Toll free 24/7 One True Gift Adoptions 1-866-921-0565. (AAN CAN)535LOST & FOUNDFOUND DOG Found Beagle mixnear Westgate & Cameron Loop.786-3634.FOUND DOG shephardmix12/31 lakeaustin blvd- call ben659-80081234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyxzLOST DOG Lost Christmasnight in Kinney/Lamar Area.“Indy” chow/shepherd cross,80lbs, 11 yrs old neutered male,shy. Please call Anna 505-770-4177.LOST POMERANIAN lost on11.25.05 stassney/s. congress.Red neutered pure-bred male.needs meds. REWARD! any infohelps. 680-1342545LEGAL NOTICESCastro Homes &Properties F.P.Inc., Rob Castro,Director DBA CafeCastroNova isMaking Applicationwith the TexasAlcoholic BeverageCommission for aBeer and WineRetailer’s Permitand a Food andBeverageCertificate On theAddress of 900Ranch Road 620South, Suite C104,Lakeway, TravisCounty, Texas.CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCause No. GN503950To: THE UNKNOWN HEIRSOF JOHN HENDERSON, DE-CEASED Defendant(s), in thehereinafter styled and numberedcause YOU (ANDEACH OF YOU) HAVE BEENSUED. You may employ anattorney. If you or your attorneydo not file a written answerwith the clerk who issuedthis citation by 10:00AM on the Monday next followingthe expiration 42 daysfrom the date of issuancehereof, that is to say at or before10 o’clock AM of Mondaythe 23rd day of <strong>Jan</strong>uary,<strong>2006</strong>, and answer the ORIG-INAL PETITION of Plaintiff(s),filed in the 345th JudicialDistrict Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on the 1stday of November, 2005, adefault judgment may be takenagainst you. Said suit beingnumber GN503950, inwhich DOROTHY BROWNPlaintiff(s) and THE UN-KNOWN HEIRS OF JOHNHENDERSON, DECEASEDDefendant(s) and the natureof which suit is as follows:claim for trespass to try titleand request that the courtdetermine and declare thatPlaintiff owns fee simple titleto the following real propertyand that you have no title inand to such property: LotsNos. Seven and Eight (7 & 8)in Block No. One (1) of M.E.Chernosky’s Subdivision No.Ten (10), of a Part of OutlotNo. 20, Division “B”, in theCity of <strong>Austin</strong>, Travis County,Texas, according to the Mapor plat of said subdivision ofrecord in Volume 4, Page 200of the Travis County PlatRecords, locally known as1709 and 1711 DeloneyStreet, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas.ALL OF WHICH MORE FUL-LY APPEARS FROM PLAIN-TIFF’S ORIGINAL PETITIONON FILE IN THIS OFFICE,AND WHICH REFERENCE ISHERE MADE FOR ALL IN-TENTS AND PURPOSES.Issued and Given under myhand and the seal of saidCourt at <strong>Austin</strong>, this the 6thday of December, 2005.Amalia Rodriguez-MendozaDistrict ClerkTravis County, TexasBy /s/ Synthia Lee, DeputyRequested By:PETE MEEKER1801 SOUTH MOPAC EXP-WY, SUITE 300AUSTIN, TX 78768(512) 482-0614CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCAUSE NO. GN503296To: FRANCISCO J. NAVAMENDEZ AND GLORIA DENAVA Defendant(s), in thehereinafter styled and numberedcause: YOU (ANDEACH OF YOU) HAVE BEENSUED. You may employ anattorney. If you or your attorneydo not file a written answerwith the clerk who issuedthis citation by 10:00AM on the Monday next followingthe expiration of 42days from the date of issuancehereof, that is to say ator before 10 o’clock AM ofMonday the 16th DAY OFJANUARY, <strong>2006</strong>, and answerthe FIRST AMENDED ORIGI-NAL PETITION FOR DE-CLARATORY JUDGMENT ORTRESPASS TO TRY TITLE ofPlaintiff(s), filed in the 98thJudicial District Court of TravisCounty, Texas, on the21st DAY OF NOVEMBER,2005, a default judgmentmay be taken against you.Said suit being numberGN503296, in which ELBERTD. SMITH Plaintiff(s) andFRANCISCO J. NAVA MEN-DEZ AND GLORIA DE NAVADefendant(s) and the natureof which suit is as follows:BEING A SUIT TO REMOVECLOUD ON THE TITLE TOTHE FOLLOWING DE-SCRIBED PROPERTY TOWIT: Condominium Unit Number101, as described in theDeclaration as the same appearsof record in Volume9180, Page 290, as well asby amendment of record inVolume 9229, Page 496, ofthe Real Property Records ofTravis County, Texas, locallyknown as 201 E. 31st Street,#101, <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas. Specialpleadings include adversepossession and statute oflimitations.ALL OF WHICH MORE FUL-LY APPEARS FROM PLAIN-TIFF’S FIRST AMENDEDORIGINAL PETITION FORDECLARATORY JUDGMENTOR TRESPASS TO TRY TITLEON FILE IN THIS OFFICE,AND WHICH REFERENCE ISHERE MADE FOR ALL IN-TENTS AND PURPOSES.Issued and Given under myhand and the seal of saidCourt at <strong>Austin</strong>, this the 2ndday of DECEMBER, 2005.Amalia Rodriguez-MendozaDistrict ClerkTravis County, TexasBy /s/ John Levalley, DeputyRequested by:ROBIN CRAVEY807 BRAZOS STREET,SUITE 807AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701512 236-9655CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCause No. D-1-FM-05-007849 To: CHRISTOPHERLEONARD and to all whom itmay concern, Respondent(s);GREETINGS: YOU HAVEBEEN SUED. You may employan attorney. If you oryour attorney do not file awritten answer with the clerkwho issued this citation by10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment maybe taken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COM-MANDED to appear and answerbefore the HonorableDistrict Court, 53RD JudicialDistrict Court, Travis County,Texas, at the Courthouse ofsaidCounty in <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, at orbefore 10 o’clock A.M. of theMonday next after expirationof twenty days from the dateof service of this citation,then and there to answer theORIGINAL PETITION ofTHOMAS F. MILES ANDKATHLEEN F. MILESPetitioner(s), filed in saidcourt on NOVEMBER 30,2005, against CHRISTOPHERLEONARD Respondent(s),and said suit being entitled“IN THE INTEREST OF LIL-LIAN GRACE LEONARD”, thenature of which suit is a requestto Suit Affecting theParent-Child RelationshipSeeking Conservatorship andTermination of the Parent-Child Relationship.<strong>The</strong> Name, Birth date, andPlace of Birth of said child isas follows:LILLIAN GRACE LEONARDFEBRUARY 24, 2005AUSTIN, TX<strong>The</strong> Court has authority inthis suit to enter any judgmentor decree in the child’sinterest which will be bindingupon you, including the terminationof the parent-childrelationship, the determinationof paternity, and the appointmentof a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe child’s adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of saidcourt at <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, December27, 2005.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 GuadalupeP.O. Box 679003 (78767)<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701By /s/JON SANDERS, DeputyREQUESTED BY:ABIGAIL CONNOR KLAMERT1900 FM 967, SUITE EBUDA, TX 78610(512) 312-0904CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OFROBERT ALLAN CHANCE,Deceased, No. 84046 in ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas.JACK P. CHANCE allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on the 19TH day ofDECEMBER, 2005, an Applicationto Determine Heirshipin the said estate andrequest(s) that the said Courtdetermine who are the heirsand only heirs of the saidROBERT ALLAN CHANCE,Deceased, and their respectiveshares and interests insuch estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this citation,at the County Courthousein Travis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited to appearbefore said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filinga written answer contestingsuch application shouldthey desire to do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, this the 21stday of December, 2005.DANA DEBEAUVOIRCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. Box 1748,<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78767By Deputy:/s/RoxAnne TorrezLEGAL NOTICESTHE AUSTIN CHRONICLEaccepts LEGAL NOTICES atthe low rate of $21 percolumn inch.Notarized affidavits ofpublication and auditedcirculation statements areprovided upon request.Call Jessica @ 512-454-5765ext. 168 for more info.NO. 82,586GUARDIANSHIP OFMARY BASS, AN INCA-PACITATED PERSON,IN THE PROBATE COURTNO. ONE OF TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASPublished Notice to CreditorsNotice is hereby given thatLetters of Guardianship forthe Person and Estate ofMARY BASS, An IncapacitatedPerson, were issued onOctober 11, 2005 in the ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas to FAM-ILY ELDERCARE, INC. asGuardian of the Person andEstate.<strong>The</strong> office of Guardian is in

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