SYNOPSES - Singapore Polytechnic

SYNOPSES - Singapore Polytechnic

SYNOPSES - Singapore Polytechnic


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<strong>SYNOPSES</strong><strong>SYNOPSES</strong><strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 231

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA001BEntrepreneurshipIntroduces students to the process of businessideas generation and gives them a basicunderstanding of marketing and financefundamentals. Students are expected tointegrate the knowledge learned throughtheir business projects.BA001ZElectronic Business ProjectAims to apply in an integrative manner, thetechnical and business knowledge and skillslearned in the Diploma in Business InformationTechnology (E Business Management Option)to plan, develop or upgrade an e-businessapplication from its inception to theimplementation.BA002ABackpacking, the Fine Art of Travelby Roughing It OutProvides the tips and tricks, let you know theins and outs, understand the ups and downsof the best way, and some say ... ... the onlyway to travel: BACKPACKING! Expect to findout the most economical way to travel theworld on a tight budget. Also the pitfalls towatch out for on the road. Don’t get swindledand be safe doing the wildest things!BA002BFinancial Managementfor EngineersProvides students with an understanding ofthe fundamentals of financial management.The module explains the role of the financialmanager in a business organisation. Itintroduces basic financial tools and techniquessuch as financial analysis and planning, cashmanagement, time value of money andcapital budgeting.BA003BEssentials of MarketingProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and practices ofmarketing. Students will learn the elements ofthe marketing mix and how these elementscan be blended to produce an effectivemarketing strategy.BA004BNetwork MarketingIntroduces students to the concepts andprinciples of network marketing and providesthem with an understanding of the successfulstrategies of a network marketer.BA005BIntroduction toOrganisational BehaviourProvides students with the opportunity todiscover their personalities and what jobswill suit them. They will also appreciate thefun and benefits of working in teams. Othertopics include: motivation, communication,interpersonal skills and change management.BA006BIntroduction to HumanResource PracticesProvides students with an understandingof the human resource functions in anorganisation. Key topics include humanresource development, recruitment andselection, performance appraisal and theEmployment Act.BA007BIntroduction to Principlesof ManagementProvides insights on how companies are beingmanaged. Students will gain an understandingof the basic management functions such asplanning, organising, leading and controlling.Other related topics such as corporateculture, organisation environment anddecision- making are also included.BA009BEssentials of SupplyChain ManagementIntroduces the concept, criticalities andchallenges of supply chain management(SCM). It will cover the theoreticalprinciples underlying key supply chainprocesses, including distribution, sourcing,transportation, demand management, reverselogistics and supply chain outsourcing, andalso provide some insights into how theseprinciples are applied in real world situations.Students will also understand the role ofinformation technology in SCM and how E-business will impact the future of SCM.BA012BPersonal Financial PlanningIntroduces students to the principles andcurrent practices of personal financialplanning. It provides an overview of creditmanagement, investment planning, insuranceplanning and retirement planning. It will alsointroduce the students to the use of financialplanning tools like personal balance sheet andcash flow statements.BA013BKnow Your RightsIntroduces students to the legal knowledgethey will need in situations they are likelyto find themselves in. The module will helpstudents understand their individual legalrights as a Consumer, an Employee, a Roaduser, a Spouse and a Child. The modulewill also provide a brief introduction to anindividual’s rights in a criminal case.BA014BCharting for Financial MarketsIntroduces basic concepts in technical analysissuch as price action, chart techniques andtechnical indicators to forecast market trends.Additional coverage will be given to timingtools to equip students with knowledgeof timing in trading. Emphasis will be onapplication of charting tools on actual marketswith the use of trading software.BA015BUnderstanding CrossCultural DifferencesIntroduces non-business students to theconcept of the multi-cultural workplace. Inthe global marketplace, engineers from alldisciplines often have to deal with suppliers,customers, subordinates, associates andmanagement staff from different countriesand cultures. Some practical knowledge of thedifferent aspects of culture and how to adaptto such differences would be valuable forthose working in cross-cultural environmentsespecially in the areas of communicationand motivation.BA016BEtiquette &Professional ImageIntroduces students to social skills whichinclude conversation skills, how to makeproper introductions and table manners.They will also be given guidance on properbehaviour in various situations at work.The module also includes a component on“professional image” which will help studentsdevelop and project an appropriate image.BA0042Principles of Accounting IProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and principles ofaccounting. Significant areas are the doubleentry concept, accounting process, specialjournals, subsidiary ledgers and controlaccounts, and the financial statements ofmerchandising businesses.232 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0043Principles of Accounting IIProvides students with an understandingof the control and accounting for cash,inventories and fixed assets. Introductoryaccounting on goods and services tax,partnership and fundamental accountingprinciples underlying accounting practices willalso be included.BA0044MicroeconomicsProvides students with an understandingof basic microeconomic concepts that areneeded in the decision-making processesof firms. Topics covered include resourceallocation, demand and supply, pricedetermination and market structure.BA0045MacroeconomicsIntroduces students to basic macroeconomicconcepts and applications and enablesthem to have a better understanding ofthe larger economic environment. Topicscovered include national income and incomedetermination, employment, inflation, moneyand international trade.BA0046Principles of ManagementProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic management functions, namely,planning, organising and controlling. Otherrelated topics such as corporate cultureand environment, decision-making andmanagement of change are also included.BA0047Organisational BehaviourProvides students with an understandingof human behaviour in organisationsat the individual, group and corporatelevels. Major topics include: attitudes,personality, perception, group dynamics,motivation, leadership, communication andinterpersonal skills.BA0048Introduction to Business StatisticsCovers the basic knowledge of statisticalconcepts and its relevance to the businessenvironment. Topics covered includeorganisation and presentation of data,measures of central tendency and dispersion,probability distributions, sampling andsampling distributions. Students are taught touse statistical software for presentation andanalysis of data. Computer-basedlearning (CBL) packages are also introduced.BA0049Statistical Applications for BusinessIntroduces students to the use and applicationof statistical methods for the analysis ofbusiness problems. Topics covered includeestimation, hypotheses testing, chi-square,analysis of variance, linear regression andcorrelation and index numbers. Statisticalsoftware and computer-based learning (CBL)packages are also introduced.BA0050Introduction to MarketingIntroduces the basics in marketing to students.Topics include the strategic marketingmanagement process, market opportunitiesanalysis and target market selection.BA0051Marketing Mix ManagementThe elements of the marketing mix will beexamined. An integrated approach will beadopted to discuss how these elementscan be blended to produce an effectivemarketing programme.BA0052Financial AccountingProvides students with an understanding offinancial accounting covering company andgroup accounts, cash flow statements andfinancial ratios. Students learn to preparefinal accounts of companies and to read andunderstand published accounts. They will alsobe taught to analyse and interpret financialstatements using various tools of analysis.BA0053Cost & Management AccountingIntroduces students to cost and managementaccounting, basic cost terminology,manufacturing accounts, budgeting, costvolume-profitanalysis and budget varianceswhich will be used to assist in managementplanning and control functions. Decisionmakingtechniques using marginal costingand breakeven analysis will be included. Inaddition, the use of spreadsheet for problemsolving will be emphasised.BA0058Business Law ICommences with the basic features of the<strong>Singapore</strong> Legal System. This is followed byan introduction to the basic principles ofcontract law and the Sale of Goods Act andthe law of tort.BA0059Business Law IIFocuses on the legal aspects of themore common commercial transactionsnamely agency and cheques. Intellectualproperty rights and the legal aspects ofbusiness organisations will also be covered.BA0060Financial ManagementIntroduces students to the financial objectivesand financial environment of a firm. It coversthe basic concepts of financial analysis,planning and control, risk and return, timevalue of money, and stock andbond valuations.BA0061Investment Analysis & FinanceIntroduces students to the fundamentalconcepts of investment appraisals andfinancing decisions of a firm. It covers capitalbudgeting techniques, working capitalmanagement, long-term financing andinternational finance.BA065ZBusiness DevelopmentRequires students, working in teams, tointegrate and apply the knowledge acquiredfrom the various business disciplines tothe process of launching a small business.Students will use their creative-thinkingand problem-solving skills to develop abusiness plan after scanning the dynamicbusiness environment.BA0075Marketing ResearchProvides students with a working knowledgeof the research techniques used in marketingresearch. Topics dealt with include researchsystems and activities, research designs,data collection methods, data analysis,fieldwork operations and preparation ofresearch reports.BA0076Consumer BehaviourProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic concepts of consumer behaviour andthe factors influencing it.BA0081Services MarketingSeeks to equip students with the conceptualtools and working knowledge of servicesmanagement. Topics include the formulationof strategies for the marketing of services andthe management of customer relationships.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 233

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0095Introduction to Public Relations& AdvertisingIntroduces students to the world of publicrelations (PR) and advertising. It gives anoverview of PR and advertising principlesand practices, including the scope and natureof work of PR and advertising practitioners.BA0099Advertising ManagementEmphasises the knowledge and skillsrequired for two key areas in advertising– account management and advertisingcampaign development. Students are givenan overview of the advertising industry andare taught client handling as well as accountmanagement skills. Students also learn how toproduce and manage advertising campaigns.BA0117Quantitative AnalysisProvides students with an understanding ofmethodologies for building business decisionmodels. Topics covered include decisiontheory, linear programming, simulation,inventory, and project management. Studentsare introduced to the use of QM for Windowsand Microsoft Excel to solve quantitativeanalysis problems.BA123ZInformation SystemsProvides students with an understandingof accounting information systems andtransaction cycles. Students will be taughtsystems analysis and design, the systemsdevelopment life cycle, security andinternal controls, systems maintenance andoperations. They will also complete a projectto develop a prototype information systemfollowing a typical transaction cycle.BA126ZIntegrated Accounting PracticeThis hands-on module requires students toapply knowledge and skills acquired fromthe other core modules to prepare a businessplan, design an accounting system, maintain afull set of accounting records using accountingsoftware, prepare published accounts, taxreturns and audit working papers. IT skills arefurther emphasised when students search theInternet for relevant information and analysedata using spreadsheet applications.BA150ZStatistics for BusinessProvides students with an understanding ofbasic statistics concepts and their relevanceto the business environment. Topics coveredinclude descriptive statistics, probabilitydistributions, sampling, estimation,hypothesis testing, chi-square, analysis ofvariance, linear regression and correlation,and index numbers. Statistical software andcomputer-based learning (CBL) packages arealso introduced.BA0162Media & Promotional PublicityStudents learn the importance of mediarelations and the different ways to generatepublicity through the mass media. Studentsalso learn how companies, their products andservices can be promoted using special events,corporate web sites, newsletters and audiovisualmaterials.BA0163Marketing CommunicationsMarketing Communications involvesunderstanding the role of promotion withinthe overall marketing mix strategy of anorganisation. It covers some contextualtopics such as the communications process,consumer decision-making and promotionalplanning, as well as the core topics pertainingto the use of Advertising, Sales Promotion,Public Relations, Sponsorship, Point ofPurchase and Personal Selling in an integratedpromotional mix.BA0164Business-to-Business MarketingIntroduces students to the necessary conceptsand techniques of Business-to-BusinessMarketing. It covers topics such as businessbuying and buyer behaviour, and formulationof marketing strategies in business markets.At the end of the module, students will beable to analyse, plan and control business-tobusinessmarketing activities.BA0165Web PublishingProvides students with the fundamentalknowledge and skills in developing simpleWeb pages using Web publishing tools.Through hands-on lab assignments and classprojects, students learn HTML, create andincorporate graphics and animations intoHTML documents, and integrate the varioustechniques taught to create Web pages.BA0167Electronic CommerceManagementIntroduces students to the evolving fieldof electronic commerce. Students learnstrategies, including business-to-consumer(B2C), business-to-business (B2B), andextranet implementations. An emphasis isplaced on evaluating electronic commercesites in the areas of security, payment systems,design, and infrastructure. Latest trends anddevelopments in electronic commerce arealso discussed.BA0176Global Business EnvironmentProvides students with the skills andknowledge necessary for global marketanalysis. This module presents a conceptualframework for scanning and analysing theglobal business environment to formulateinternational strategies. Four main areasthat affect the firm’s ability to competedomestically and globally include a broadunderstanding of the <strong>Singapore</strong>’s economicframework and the rationale for developingan external economy, understanding theimpact of environmental forces such aseconomic, financial, political and geographicfactors on international business, the roleof international organisations and regionalgroupings like WTO, IMF, EU, AFTA andNAFTA in the globalisation of businessesand identifying opportunities in theemerging markets.BA0180Retail MerchandisingIntroduces the philosophy, concepts andtechniques underlying the planning andcontrol of inventory in retail stores. It also aimsto explain each element of the merchandisebuying and handling process in detail.Topics include merchandising planning andbudgeting, merchandise buying and control,pricing of merchandise and negotiations.BA0182Marketing Management &Information TechnologyEmphasises on two key areas: integration andapplication of marketing concepts learnt fromthe course and other specialised marketingmodules to a client-based project. Topicsinclude situation analysis, marketing objectivesand strategies, and implementation andcontrol of marketing activities. Students willalso learn how to use marketing software tosolve marketing problems.BA0183Selling & Sales ManagementProvides students with an understanding ofthe principles and techniques of personalselling and sales management. Key topicsof selling such as the right approach toprospecting, making a convincing salespresentation, meeting objections correctly,and closing a sale are included. In the salesmanagement component of the module,students will be taught how to analyse the234 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>sales environment, do a sales plan, organise asales force, forecast sales and design a salescompensation scheme.BA0184Electronic MarketingThis module pertains to use of the Internetin marketing goods and services. It aims toequip students with theoretical, strategic andtactical knowledge to make sound decisionsin marketing goods and services using theInternet. Various issues arising from the useof the Internet in the marketing domainare highlighted.BA0186Operations ManagementProvides students with the basic knowhowand understanding of how operationsmanagement techniques can be appliedin the business environment in decisionareas such as forecasting, process mapping,planning and scheduling, layout, location andtransportation planning. Students also learnhow to use various software applications suchas “Microsoft Excel”, “Systems, Applicationand Products” (“SAP”) and POM for Windowsto solve operations management problems.BA0189Transport Management – AirProvides students with an overview of theair transport industry and the mechanics oftransporting goods by air and how this modeforms an integral part of integrated logisticsand supply chain management. It covers airtransport terminology, practices, concepts,air cargo marketing and basic documentsinvolved in shipping goods by air. The rolesplayed by freight forwarders, air cargoagents, cargo terminals and ground handlingcompanies are covered.BA0190Transport Management – SeaProvides students with an overview of seatransportation, its services, components andsupporting infrastructure. It covers shippingand freight terminology, basic shippingprocesses and documents, as well as currentissues relating to the industry, with a focus onliner shipping. The roles played by differentmembers of the shipping community, such asshipping lines, freight forwarders, 3PLs andport operators are covered.BA0193Public Relations Managementand PracticesIntroduces students to the range of specialisedpractices within the PR profession. Studentslearn and understand the importance ofbuilding good relations with stakeholderssuch as government, investors, employees andcustomers. Students are also taught how toplan and manage PR programmes.BA0196Integrated CommunicationsManagementThis is a capstone module that allows studentsto integrate and apply what they have learntto a real life situation in the form of a clientbasedproject. Students learn the importanceof integrated communication and how itworks. They are also taught the process ofstrategy development – from situationalanalysis to the implementation and evaluationof a programme or a campaign.BA0197Physical Distribution& Warehouse ManagementIntroduces logistics management and itsgrowing importance in both the domesticand global markets. Areas covered under thismodule include Total Distribution Concept,packaging, unitisation, freighting, materialsmanagement and information in logisticsplanning. It will also cover warehousemanagement areas such as the concept ofstrategic storage, warehouse functionality,warehouse-operating principles, warehousealternatives and warehouse strategies.BA0201Understanding CrossCultural DiversityPrepares students to work effectively ina multicultural workplace. In the globalmarketplace, business executives oftenhave to deal with suppliers, customers,subordinates, associates and managementstaff from different countries and cultures. Anunderstanding of the different dimensions ofculture and how to adapt to such differenceswould be a valuable skill for any businessstudent wishing to succeed in the globalworkplace. The aim is to strengthen thestudent’s ability to understand, predictand handle situations that occur in amulticultural context.BA0205Human Resource ManagementProvides students with an understandingof the importance of human resourcemanagement in an organisation. Key topicsinclude human resource planning, recruitmentand selection, training and development,performance appraisal, compensation,fundamentals of employee and industrialrelations and the Employment Act, <strong>Singapore</strong>.BA0206Independent Study ProjectThis module seeks to develop the students’critical understanding of a field of study andtheir capacity to pursue independent research,culminating in the research assignmentwhich will demonstrate their knowledgeand competence in the chosen fieldof specialisation.BA207ZPrinciples of AccountingProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and principles ofaccounting. Significant areas are the doubleentry concept, accounting process, specialjournals, subsidiary ledgers and controlaccounts, and the financial statementsof merchandising businesses. This alsoincludes an understanding of the control andaccounting for cash, inventories and fixedassets, goods and services tax, partnershipand fundamental accounting principles. Anaccounting software will be introduced.BA208ZEconomicsProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic economic concepts that are neededin the decision-making processes of firms.It also enables students to have a betterunderstanding of the economic environment.Topics covered include resource allocation,demand and supply, price determination,market structure, national income and incomedetermination, employment, inflation, moneyand international trade.BA0209Financial &Management AccountingProvides students with an understanding offinancial accounting covering company andgroup accounts, cash flow statements andfinancial ratios. Students learn to preparefinal accounts of companies and to read andunderstand published accounts. They willalso learn to analyse and interpret financialstatements using various tools of analysis.Budgeting, breakeven and incrementalanalysis will also be taught to assist inmanagement planning and control functions.BA0211Global MarketingRecognises the importance of overseasmarkets for <strong>Singapore</strong>’s goods and services.It introduces students to the intricacies ofthe marketing mix when firms sell theirgoods and services overseas. Topics coveredinclude product, pricing, placing andpromotion as well as e-marketing within theinternational environment.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 235

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0216Desktop PublishingStudents learn to use computerisedprint production techniques to producepromotional materials such as newslettersand brochures. Besides the technical skills,students are also taught the fundamentalprinciples of design and its role in thecommunication process. Printing processes arealso taught in this module.BA0217Fundamentals of EconomicsProvides students with an overview of microand macro economic concepts and issues.Topics include the theories of consumption,investment, inflation, employment, andeconomic growth.BA0219Digital Media ApplicationsIntroduces students to the theory andpractice of digital media communicationand production. This module also providesstudents with an understanding offundamentals of interactive media designand covers various tools for creating digitalcontent such as text, graphics, animation andvideo clips with the objective of producing amultimedia communication package.BA0220Organisational ManagementProvides students with basic knowledge inmanagement principles and organisationalbehaviour. Focuses on topics such as decisionmaking,organising, attitudes, personality,group dynamics, motivation, leadership andinterpersonal skills.BA0221Legal System & ContractsProvides students with an overview of the<strong>Singapore</strong> legal system and its essentialfeatures. Students also learn the fundamentalprinciples of contract law.BA0224Media Law & EthicsIntroduces students to laws, regulations andethical concepts, which affect the media andcommunication industries. The areas coveredinclude defamation, intellectual property, legalfeatures of business organisations, freedom ofspeech and social responsibility.BA0226Digital Video Production& ApplicationsTrains students in the theory and practice ofdigital audio and video production. Studentslearn the basics of the video/TV language,write script, direct and produce video usingdigital camcorders and real-time editingsoftware, with the aim of producing effectiveaudio-video communication.BA0227Essentials of FinanceProvides students with a basic understandingof financial terms and concepts with specificemphasis on equipping them with the abilityto read financial statements and reports.BA0228Corporate Identity& Brand ManagementStudents are taught the importance of havinga strong corporate identity and the valueof brand building to create preference fora company, its products or services. Theyalso learn the strategies and techniques forbuilding and managing brands successfully.BA0229Professional PreparationStudents are taught how to write effectivecover letters and resumes, to develop aportfolio and to handle job interviews.They also learn the importance of personalgrooming and business etiquette to preparethem for the work place.BA0230Media in AsiaOutlines the role and functions as well asthe rapid development of media in Asiannations. It also analyses the impact ofthese development and changes on thecommunication process.BA0231Customer RelationshipManagementIntroduces the basic concept of customerrelationship management and its strategicimportance in today’s business environment.It also discusses the various tools commonlyemployed by organisations to managecustomer data, develop customer loyalty andimprove customer profitability.BA0232Business Planning for New VenturesIntroduces students to the process of businessideas generation. It provides students witha basic understanding of the financial,operational and marketing issues that areinvolved in setting up and managing asmall business.BA0233Issues & Crisis ManagementEmphasises the importance of managingissues before they turn into crisis situations forthe organisation. It highlights the importanceof crisis preparedness for an organisation.Students are taught the communicationstrategies and techniques used while dealingwith controversial issues and crisis situations.BA0234New CommunicationsTechnologiesProvides students with an overview andupdate of new technologies and changes inthe media and communication industries.Impact of new communications technologieson individuals, organisations and societywould also be discussed.BA0235Internship ProgrammeStudents gain professional experience throughattachments in media/communicationrelatedorganisations.BA0240Web Server &Network AdministrationIntroduces students to network theory,TCP/IP, domain name service (DNS), and theadministration of a Microsoft Windows server.In addition, they will learn how to configure,secure, and administer Internet applicationsusing Internet Information Services (IIS).BA0243Law Relating to Business& E-CommerceProvides students with an overview of the lawof tort, methods of payment, legal aspectsof business organisations and intellectualproperty law. The regulatory frameworkand general principles governing electronictransactions will be covered with specialemphasis on the Computer Misuse Act andthe Electronic Transactions Act.BA0245Internet Database ApplicationsProvides students with the knowledgeto create database applications for Webbasede- commerce applications. Studentswill program using Visual Basic Script(VBScript), JavaScript, Active Server Pages(ASP) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), andintegrate Access/SQL Server databases intoWeb applications using ADO and OpenDatabase Connectivity (ODBC).236 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0247Internet ProgrammingProvides fundamental concepts and skills forInternet programming. Students will be taughtclient-side Web programming using VBScript.Students will learn to create Active ServerPages (ASP) and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO),and integrate Microsoft Access databaseinto Web applications using ADO and OpenDatabase Connectivity (ODBC).BA0251Web Services DevelopmentIntroduces application frameworks to developWeb services within the Microsoft dot Netarchitectures and technologies. Topicsinclude building components to connectdata layers and user interface elements using.Net common class libraries such as ASP.Net,ADO.Net, and Windows forms. Applicationcommunication via Simple Object AccessProtocol (SOAP) will also be covered.BA0252Server Application DevelopmentIntroduces the techniques and skills requiredfor Web site construction using JavaServerPages (JSP). Students will learn to developdynamic Web pages using JSP and JDBC.The module also guide the students inimplementing a commercial web site.Students will get to understand and learn howto construct JavaBeans to work with JSP in aweb-based project.BA0253Financial AccountingProvides students with an understanding offinancial accounting covering company andgroup accounts, cash flow statements andfinancial ratios. Students learn to preparefinal accounts of companies, to read andunderstand published accounts and to prepareconsolidated accounts. They will be taughtto analyse and interpret financial statementsusing various tools of analysis. They willalso be exposed to financial statements ofvarious industries.BA0255Multimedia Web DesignTeaches Web page design that incorporatesmultimedia contents. It presents generalguidelines for page design including the useof colors and focuses on multimedia contentsproduction using software tools. It coverssoftware tools to prepare GIF and JPEGimages, and create vector-based animations.The emphasis is to create high-quality, lowbandwidthmedia for the Web.BA0256Transport Economics & PracticesProvides an understanding of transportpractices and the economics behind transportpricing and decisions. Students will also learnthe roles that transport plays in internationaltrade and the basic documentation involved.An appreciation of incoterms - the duties ofbuyers and sellers and elements of insuranceas applied to transport and logistics arealso covered.BA0258Advanced SupplyChain ManagementFamiliarises students with the commonanalytical approaches and tools forsolving supply chain problems. Techniquesinclude distribution network analysis andoptimisation, demand aggregate planning,inventory costing, replenishment and safetystock modellings, sourcing strategies, supplychain ‘activity-based’ costing and supply chainintegration and performance benchmarking.Students will also be exposed to a variety ofsoftware (ERP, WMS, etc) relevant to supplychain processes.BA0260Principles of SupplyChain ManagementProvides students with the basic concepts andappreciation of the diverse scope of supplychain management (SCM) and its importanceto businesses. It covers the theoreticalprinciples underlying key supply chainprocesses, including distribution, sourcing,transportation, demand management,inventory management, reverse logistics andsupply chain outsourcing. The impact and roleof information technology and E-Business onSCM will be covered.BA0263Business AccountingProvides students with an understanding ofcontrol and accounting for cash, inventoriesand fixed assets. Introductory accountingon goods and services tax, partnership andfundamental accounting principles underlyingaccounting practices will also be included.BA0264Introduction toCommunication PrinciplesIntroduces students to various models ofcommunication, with emphasis on the processand effects of inter-personal and mediatedcommunication. Students are also encouragedto think about how factors like technologyand culture affect communication.BA0265Mass Media ResearchStudents learn about the different typesof communication research as well as thefundamental processes involved in conductingcommunication research. It examinesthe role of research in the formulation ofcommunication strategies and programmes.It teaches students how to use primaryand secondary research methods, how toselect sampling techniques, how to developquestionnaires as well as how to analyse dataand present the findings in a research report.BA0266Writing for the MediaTrains students to write for the mass media. Itfocuses on technical proficiency and writingnorms for various mass and specialised media.BA0267TV Studio ManagementFocuses on basic creative and managementskills in TV studio production. It acquaintsstudents with the mechanics of light, soundand video in a studio environment. Studentswill also be trained in project managementand budgeting.BA0268ScriptwritingStudents will be taught the principles,techniques and approaches of developing andwriting scripts for video.BA0269Retail Trends & StrategiesEquips graduating students with the necessaryretailing concepts, strategies and decisionmaking skills expected in the working world.It integrates and applies all retailing conceptslearnt to give students an overview of retailingmanagement theories and practices. Keytopics include an overview to the world ofretailing, multi channel stores, retail trends,retail strategy, financial strategy, customerrelationship management, employeemanagement, costs management, law andethics and retail technology.BA0270Fashion Buying & MarketingAims to provide students with an insightinto the operational aspects of the fashionbusiness. The buying aspect of the moduleexplores and explains functions within abuying role which includes buying cycle,understanding design and trends, rangeplanning, fabric and garment sourcing. Themarketing aspect of the module introducesthe concepts of understanding customers,scouring the environment and planning the<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 237

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>marketing activities before the developmentand promotion of fashion products.BA0271Principles of Tourism & HospitalityProvides a comprehensive overview of thetourism, hospitality and leisure industries,including definitional issues, historicalaspects of its development, contemporarygrowth trends and underlying factors. Anunderstanding of the new integrated resortsin <strong>Singapore</strong> would also be covered.BA0274Entrepreneurship in TourismAims to give students an opportunity to studyissues in entrepreneurial development withinthe tourism industry.BA0276AccountingProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and principles ofaccounting. Significant areas are the doubleentry concept, accounting process, specialjournals, subsidiary ledgers and controlaccounts, and the financial statements ofmerchandising businesses.BA0277New Venture Planning IRequires students, working in teams, toapply their entrepreneurial skills and businessknowledge to develop and launch theirown enterprises. Students will brainstormfor business ideas and use their creativityand problem-solving skills to formulate themarketing and management plans for theirrespective enterprises.BA0278New Venture Planning IIThis module is a continuation of New VenturePlanning I and requires students, working inteams, to apply their financial knowledge toevaluate the financial viability and develop afinancial plan for their respective enterprises.BA0279Entrepreneurship & Small BusinessDiscusses the concept of entrepreneurshipand the characteristics of small enterprises.Students will also learn the businessstrategies used by small enterprises to createa sustainable competitive advantage in thedynamic business environment.BA0280Entrepreneurship PracticumProvides an opportunity for students to startand run their own businesses and manageuncertainty and risks. Students will have tosource for funds from investors, negotiatewith suppliers, meet and make presentationsto prospective customers, and manageresources and funds effectively.BA0281Law and Ethics Relating to Retail &MarketingSeeks to equip students with a workingknowledge of the salient rules and policiesaffecting marketing and retail operations.The topics covered include selected provisionsof the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading)Act; laws and policies relating to electronicmarketing; legal and ethical management ofdata; legal issues relating to direct selling; andlegalities affecting after-sales matters.BA0282Law of International TradeCovers the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, Billsof Lading, Charter Parties and the Carriageby Air Act. Students will also be taught cargoinsurance with emphasis on the Institute ofCargo Clauses.BA0283Tourism Law & EthicsThe Innkeeper’s Act, Hotels Act, Travel AgentsAct, Carriage by Air Act and other legalaspects of tourism and hospitality operationswill be examined. Exposes students to thelegal rights and responsibilities of the travellerand those working in the various segmentsof the hospitality, travel and tourism industry.Ethical concepts which affect the tourismindustry would also be covered.BA0284Creative Digital ArtIntroduces students to the role and influencesof art and design in digital art and teachesstudents to critique designs intelligently.Students will learn to appreciate variousart forms and design cultures, and producecreative and sound digital design solutionsthat will help convey persuasive ideas.BA0285Project ManagementAims to provide an understanding ofthe principles of managing an IT project.In particular, it will cover the planning,scheduling and development budget of thework, monitoring and control of IT projectsfrom the perspective of project managers.BA0286Introduction to PsychologyAims to provide students with the basicinformation for understanding themselvesbetter. It helps students to be aware of theimplications of psychology on the behaviourof people. Key topics include DevelopmentalPsychology, Memory and Perception,Abnormal Psychology, and Personality.BA0287Introduction to Electronic BusinessAddresses e-business concepts andstrategies from the business and technologyperspectives. It provides students with thepractical knowledge and skills necessary formaking strategic and operational decisionson e-commerce technology and its businessapplications. It includes knowledge toevaluate the design, technology, security, andmanagement of e-commerce applications.BA0288Management &Organisational BehaviourThe first part of the module provides studentswith basic knowledge of managementprinciples in planning, organising andcontrolling. Topics on organisationalculture and change management are alsoincluded. The second part focuses on OB(Organisational Behaviour) topics such aspersonality, perception, group dynamics,motivation, leadership, communication andinterpersonal skills.BA0289Fundamentals of MarketingIntroduces the basics in marketing tostudents. Topics include the strategicmarketing management process, marketopportunities analysis and target marketselection. The elements of the marketing mixwill also be examined. An integrated approachwill be adopted to discuss how these elementscan be blended to produce an effectivemarketing programme.BA0290Store ManagementProvides students with an understandingof the concepts and practical skills of retailoperations. Upon completion of this module,students will be able to apply managementand problem-solving skills to create a pleasantbuying environment and evaluate theprofitability of retail outlets. Topics includeretail planning & management, customerrelations & strategies, store location, storedesign and layout, non-selling operationsand store security. Practical sessions willprovide students with hands-on practice in asimulated retail environment.238 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0291Retail CommunicationsProvides students with a working knowledgeof the role of successful retail communicationsto customers. This module will focus on thekey areas of retail communications such as:visual merchandising, promotions, advertising,and personal selling. Topics include: typesof window displays, retail advertising,media selection and scheduling, types ofconsumer and trade promotions, budgetingand personal selling. Practical sessions willgive students an opportunity to apply theseconcepts in a simulated retail environment.BA0292Shopping Mall ManagementAims to equip students with concepts andskills on managing and operating a shoppingmall. Topics covered include branding andpositioning of mall, importance of location,mall design and layout, tenant relationship,leasing management, marketing andoperations of mall, and future challenges inthe shopping mall industry.BA0293Design BasicsThis module is an introductory class in twodimensionaldesign principles and theory.Basic concepts of visual awareness such asline, shape, texture, space, rhythm, as well ascolour theory and typography will be covered.Students will also learn design softwareprogrammes such as Photoshop and InDesign.This module also covers production processesand how to work with two-dimensional staticdesigns for various media platforms (e.g. web,print, outdoor).BA0294Event Management & PromotionIntroduces students to the conceptualisation,planning, management, and evaluation ofevents. Students also learn how companies,their products and services can be promotedusing different promotional tools such asspecial events, newsletters, and brochures.BA0295Radio ProductionStudents will learn essential skills in criticallistening, writing, sound recording and editingskills to produce radio programmes. Theywill have hands-on experience in an audioproduction studio and learn to use digitalaudio editing systems.BA0296Advertising CopywritingThe module focuses on the theory andpractice of writing effective advertisingcopy for various media (such as printand broadcast).BA0297Design & IllustrationThis module aims to teach students toillustrate and create designs using graphicsoftware programmes (such as Photoshop,InDesign and/or Illustration). Topics such asdesign and illustration techniques for print,interactive and outdoor advertising media willbe covered.BA0298Art DirectionThis module introduces students to the roleof an art director in an advertising agency.They will learn conceptual, aestheticsand visualisation skills and how to marryvisual images and copy to present theirideas effectively.BA0299Principles of Import-Export TradeIntroduces students to the basics oftrade, practical aspects of importing andexporting goods, and the various shippingdocuments commonly encountered inshipping goods internationally by both seaand air freight. Students will also be exposedto INCO terms, shipping procedures andshipping terminologies.BA0300International Business NegotiationAims to equip students with the fundamentalskills of negotiating in a multiculturalenvironment. It covers the basic principlesof negotiation, the negotiation process,strategies for negotiation and salespresentation skills.BA0301International EconomicsAims to present a simple and clearexposition of the theory and principles ofinternational economics that are essential forunderstanding and evaluating the importantinternational economic problems and issuesfacing <strong>Singapore</strong> and the world today.BA0302International ManagementExposes students to the knowledge andskills needed to function in a multinationalcorporation. It focuses on key conceptsand techniques essential to operate in amultinational environment and adaptingmanagement practices to different economic,political and cultural environments. This isa highly interactive module that uses casestudies, role plays, group presentations andvideos to engage students.BA0303Overseas Business Study MissionRequires students to go on an intensive studymission to a foreign country to witness andexperience how international business andtrade are conducted and to seek potentialbusiness opportunities. Students learn byattending seminars, visiting governmentministries and companies. They will be givenample opportunities to meet and networkwith business people and visit special eventssuch as trade shows.BA0305Public Relations WritingIntroduces students to writing publicrelations materials for print, broadcast andon-line media. Students learn the distinctcharacteristics of different media and applythe writing skills and appropriate style to eachmedium.BA0306Journalism 1: News WritingProvides basic training in writing newsarticles for the mass media. Students learnthe techniques of news research and newswriting and the writing styles appropriate todifferent media.BA0307Journalism 2: Feature WritingStudents learn the techniques of writinghuman-interest stories for newspapersand magazines.BA0308Broadcast JournalismThe broadcast journalism module is designedto give students an opportunity to developprofessional understanding and experience intelevision and radio news reporting. Studentswill learn how to define, gather, and preparenews for broadcast.BA0309Enterprise Resource PlanningProvides students with a hands-onappreciation of how Enterprise ResourcePlanning (ERP) supports operational andanalytical supply chain processes. Inaddition, students are given a broad-basedunderstanding of how basic businessprocesses such as sales and procurementmanagement are represented within an ERPsolution and how they are integrated withinthe ERP solution.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 239

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0400Business LawCommences with the basic features of the<strong>Singapore</strong> legal system. It then proceeds tointroduce students to the basic principlesof contract law, the Sale of Goods Act, thelaw of tort, cheques, agency and intellectualproperty. The legal aspects of businessorganisations will also be covered.BA0401Geography of Global TourismCovers the tourist landscape in relation toresources, spatial patterns of supply anddemand, impacts of tourism development,and models of tourist space. Flows betweenmajor world regions are also covered.BA0402Meetings, Incentives,Conventions & EventsProvides students with an overview of theMeetings, Incentives, Conventions andExhibitions (MICE) industry in <strong>Singapore</strong>and around the world. Students will learnhow to become a professional meeting andevents planner.BA0403Introduction to Hotel &Resort OperationsProvides students with an introduction tothe scope of the hotel industry in additionto introducing them to the organisationalstructure and operational mechanics of howthe departments of an individual hotel andresort operate. It studies both the front-ofhouseand back-of-house systems, proceduresand controls associated with a modern hoteland resort.BA0404Tourist Behaviour & ResearchAims to develop an understanding of tourists’behavioural characteristics that underpinevolving tourism demand. Topics to be studiedinclude: tourist psychographics and theirvariations with respect to a number of socialfactors and contexts such as age, gender,social class, ethnicity and culture. Tourismmarketing research will also be covered.BA0405Financial & ManagementAccounting for HospitalityProvides students with an understandingof financial and management accountingpractices in the hospitality industry. Themodule will cover company and groupaccounts, cash flow statements and financialratios. Students learn to prepare final accountsof companies and to read and understandpublished accounts. They will also learn toanalyse and interpret financial statementsusing various tools of analysis. Budgeting,breakeven, incremental analysis and pricingmethods will also be taught to assist inmanagement planning and control functions.BA0406Gaming Operations& ManagementExamines the various recognised gamesplayed in casinos in the western world,as well as, in the local scene. Studentswill learn the structure and managementof casinos including licensing, and nationalrules and regulations.BA0407Service QualityInculcates service DNA in students in order toenhance their competitiveness in the tourismand hospitality industry.BA0408Hotel Systems & SecurityAnalyses contemporary security concernsspecific to the tourism and hospitalityindustry. Includes studies of securityequipment, asset protection, loss prevention,disaster control, crisis communication, safetyand emergency management. Practical handsonsessions on the Property Managementsystems used in the hospitality industry.BA0409Resort ManagementStresses on the organisational andmanagement aspects of the hospitalityindustry. It includes history and developmentof spas and resorts, supervisory andmanagerial skills. It also builds awareness onthe various facilities available in resorts.BA0410Airline Services ManagementExposes students to the air travel industry,aviation service and management and itsimpact on tourism. The old model of airlinemanagement is broken. The new paradigmis based upon low cost domestic carriersthat deliver passengers to destinations withseamless service.BA0411Integrated Marketing in TourismIntegrates advance marketing techniquesassociating CRM and sponsorship marketing.This equips students with the understandingof the new paradigm shift in marketing today.Branding and positioning will also be includedto complement and reinforce the efficacy ofthe above marketing tools.BA0412Travel & Tourism PracticesProvides students with an overview of thestructure of the travel agency business in<strong>Singapore</strong> and the current issues relating toit. Students will learn the various terminologyand practices involved in selling tourismproducts and travel related services, as wellas the essential principles of tour packagingand development.BA0503Training & DevelopmentProvides students with the knowledge oftraining and development issues and equipthem to design, conduct and evaluate trainingprogrammes. Topics such as individual andgroup learning, training needs analyses,design, implementation and evaluation oftraining programmes will be covered.BA0504Compensation &Benefits ManagementIntroduces students to compensation andits objectives, compensation design & paystructure, job evaluations, linking pay &performance, salary surveys, employeebenefits & services and pay administration.BA0505Employment Law in <strong>Singapore</strong>Provides students with an understandingand appreciation of <strong>Singapore</strong>’s employmentlaw which include the Employment Act,Industrial Relations Act, Trade UnionsAct, Trade Disputes Act and Workmen’sCompensation Act.BA0506Employee & Industrial RelationsProvides students with an understandingof the current industrial relations climate,the tripartite system, industrial relationsnegotiation process, issues and problemsencountered by management in dealing withtheir employees and/or unions.BA0601History of Film & TelevisionExamines the recent history of the film andtelevision industries. It aims to give studentsa broad understanding of the social, political,economic and technological influencesaffecting these industries. It will alsoexplore the relevance of these factors in the<strong>Singapore</strong>an context.240 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0602Creativity & ConceptualisationIntroduces students to the creativeconceptualisation process by:• exposing them to different forms of artistic,creative expression; and• encouraging critical thinking aboutprevailing issues in their environment.By the end of the module, students willhave become more sensitive to theirenvironment, and will be more aware ofhow conceptualisation is essential in everycreative endeavour.BA0603Scriptwriting for Film & TelevisionDemonstrates to students how conceptsbecome real products through goodscriptwriting. Students will learn how tocraft and develop storylines and charactersfor specific target audiences. The modulewill also discuss the impact of sponsorshipand commercials on a film or televisionprogramme. At the end of the module,students will be able to write and submitan original script for a short film ortelevision movie.BA0604Directing for Film & Television 1:Directing the ActorIntroduces students to the first stage ofdirecting for film and television: the stagingand directing of actors. It takes studentsbeyond the close reading and writingof scripts to the underlying dynamics ofthe dialogue, and the actual physical andemotional staging of the scene, to bring aboutthe best performance. Students will learn howrefining scripts, working with actors and thephysical space are key to making charactersand storylines come alive before film andtelevision audiences.BA0605Directing for Film & Television 2:Directing the CameraIntroduces students to the second stage ofdirecting for film and television: visualisationand camera direction. The module will stressthe importance of the visualisation process,and explore how the moving camera, framesand influences our perceptions. It will alsointroduce students to the fundamentalsof storyboarding, camera shots, cameramovements and cinematography.BA0606ProjectStudents will work as a group on a short film/video as their final project. Students will beexpected to submit a proposal explaining anddetailing the concept, story line, characters,scripting, production values, cameramovement, etc.BA0701Introduction to PsychologyAims to provide students with the basicinformation for understanding themselvesbetter, helping them to be more awareof the implications of psychology on thebehaviour of people. Key topics includeDevelopmental Psychology, Learning andConditioning, Memory and Perception, andPersonality profiling.BA0702Applied Psychology in EffectiveWork Relationship SkillsIntroduce students to the theory and practicalapplication of basic counselling skills, in bothpersonal and business contexts, to buildgood interpersonal relationships. Topics tobe covered include basic counseling andpsychotherapy theories and techniques,application of the knowledge in the businesscontext, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP). Students will have the chance topractise and apply these skills in classdemonstrations, as well as in simulatedbusiness case studies.BA0703Work Group Dynamics &Social PsychologyIntroduces students to the influence ofsocial psychology on work group dynamicsand process. Through readings and handsonpractices, students will be introducedto the concept of a support group and thepsychological aspects of group process,from initial forming to final termination. Anappreciation of social psychology, conflictmanagement in work group context, andabnormal psychological disorders overlife-span will be given. Students will also beintroduced to how group and social influencesmay impact on the business operation.BA0704Applied Psychology in CareerDevelopment & BusinessIntroduces students to the role psychologyplays in work and business to enhanceperformance. Areas covered include theimpact of aptitude and personality onboth employees and employers in termsof vocational choice, employee selectionand career development. The applicationof perceptions and emotions in areas likeemployee motivation, occupational healthand safety, consumer behaviour, productdesign, sales and marketing will be addressed.Students will also be introduced to thestudy of consumer psychology for effectivemarketing strategy.BA0705Applied BusinessPsychology PaperAims to engage students in an in-depthindependent study on a business-relatedpsychological topic of their choice. With this,not only will they gain an enhanced understandingof the chosen area, students willalso be exposed to writing for psychology.This module requires the submission of areport that could be either based on anexperimental project conducted, or be aresearch paper on any of the areas coveredin the previous modules. The paper will bebased strictly on the American PsychologicalAssociation (APA) format.BA0801Statistics for HRM & PsychologyProvides students with an understanding ofbasic statistics concepts and their relevanceto the business environment. Topics coveredinclude descriptive statistics, probabilitydistributions, sampling, estimations,hypothesis testing, chi-square, analysis ofvariance, linear regression and correlation,and index numbers. Statistical software andcomputer-based learning (CBL) packages arealso introduced.BA0802Psychology in EffectiveCounsellingIntroduces the theories and practicalapplications of basic counselling skills in bothorganisational and business contexts. Topicsinclude basic counselling and psychotherapytheories, techniques, and application ofthese knowledge and skills at the workplace.Students will have the chance to practise andapply these skills in class demonstrations, aswell as in simulated business case studies.BA0803HR Planning & StaffingReviews how organisations align theirbusiness strategy and human resource policiesto determine workforce skill requirements,and the design and implementation ofeffective staffing programmes. Recruitmentmethods and selection tools that are relevantand useful to the assessment of skills andcompetencies will be examined. Issues ofemployee turnover and retention will alsobe explored.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 241

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA0804Performance ManagementProvides students with an understanding ofthe importance of performance managementin an organisation. It provides knowledgeon the performance management process,methods for assessing and managingperformance and problems associatedwith the appraisal systems. Students willdevelop skills in conducting performanceinterviews and handling difficult situations inperformance management.BA0805Psychology in Negotiation& Conflict ManagementAims to expose students to the influence ofsocial psychology on organisation negotiationand conflict management. The role ofeffective negotiation skills as applied in areassuch as social and organisational settingswill be covered. Topics also include effectiveanalyses of psychological make-up of partiesinvolved. These are taught to identify conflictmanagement styles and the process to devisean appropriate negotiation strategy.BA0806HR Information SystemProvides students with an overview of howtechnology can be used as a competitive toolfor strategic HR management and the benefitsof using a HR software package to automateHR functions. There will be hands-on practiceson a HR Information System (HRIS) software.BA0807Research MethodsProvides students with a working knowledgeof the research techniques used in HumanResource Management research. Topics dealtwith include research systems and activities,research designs, data collection methods,data analysis, fieldwork operations andpreparation of research reports.BA0808Global HRM &Change ManagementAims to introduce the challenges to humanresource practices in managing a globalbusiness. It explores inter-country differencesaffecting human resource managementand various improvements to global humanresource assignments through selection,training and maintaining global employees.The module also explores the nature ofplanned change, corporate renewal, roleof change agents as well as managingcorporate change.BA0809HR & Business Psychology ProjectAims to engage students in a research studyon a human resource (HR) and businesspsychology-related topic. With this, notonly will the students gain an enhancedunderstanding of the area, they will also beexposed to writing for research projects. Thismodule requires the submission of a reportthat will be based on research work on any ofthe areas covered in the course.BA0810Psychology in Work Behaviour& Career DevelopmentIntroduces students to the role psychologyplays in work behaviour and performancein an organisation. Areas covered includethe impact of aptitude and personality onboth employees and employers in terms ofvocational choice and career development.The application of perceptions and emotionsin areas like self awareness and control,self motivation, work place empathy willbe addressed.BA0811Internship ProgrammeEnables students to gain professionalexperience through work attachmentsto organisations with human resourcemanagement functions.BA0812Introduction to PsychologyAims to provide students with the basicinformation for understanding themselvesbetter, helping them to be more aware of theimplications of psychology on the behaviourof people. Key topics include developmentalpsychology, learning and conditioning,memory and perception, personality andpsychology on stress management.BA1001Financial Accounting IDevelops students’ ability to prepare, analyseand interpret financial statements of acompany. Key topics include the preparationof financial statements such as incomestatement, statement of changes in equityand balance sheet with accompanying notes,in accordance with Financial ReportingStandards in <strong>Singapore</strong> as well as the analysisand interpretation of financial statementsusing financial ratios.BA1002Cost Accounting IStudents will be able to understand the basicmechanics of a cost accounting system,thereby enabling them to account for variouscost elements, such as materials, labour andoverheads, in a manufacturing concern as wellas appreciate contemporary issues relatingto costing.BA1005Financial Accounting IIDevelops students’ ability to apply basicaccounting concepts to other businesssituations. Areas covered include thepreparation of cash flow statements,incomplete records and single entrysystems as well as the preparation ofaccounts for unincorporated clubs, societiesand partnerships.BA1006Cost Accounting IIStudents will be able to understand thedifferent concepts for stock valuation,profit measurement and decision-making.Topics covered include job order costing,process costing, operation costing, jointand by-product costing, and absorption andmarginal costing.BA1009Advanced Financial Accounting IEquips students with the skills of preparingconsolidated financial statements andaccounting for leases and constructioncontracts in accordance with the provisionsof the Companies Act and the <strong>Singapore</strong>’sFinancial Reporting Standards (FRS).BA1011Taxation IProvides students with an understandingof the principles and practice of <strong>Singapore</strong>Taxation and equips students with the skillsof preparing tax computation for individuals,sole-traders and partnerships.BA1012Management Accounting ICovers management accounting techniquesin helping management in their decisionmaking,planning and control process. Areascovered include preparation of master budgetfor trading and manufacturing concerns,flexible budgeting, standard costing, varianceanalysis, cost-volume-profit analysis andactivity-based costing.242 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA1013Advanced Financial Accounting IIProvides an understanding of thedevelopment and applications of <strong>Singapore</strong>’sFinancial Reporting Standards (FRS) andnew accounting issues on complex financialtransactions including accounting for changesin foreign exchange rates and deferredincome taxes, and the disclosure requirementsfor those transactions in published accounts.BA1015Taxation IIProvides students with a sound workingknowledge of tax administration, corporatetax, double taxation relief, taxation of nonresidents,economic expansion incentives, andthe goods and services tax.BA1016Management Accounting IIEquips students with the skills of utilising costaccounting information in decision-making.Topics covered include costing for pricingdecisions, decentralisation, performanceevaluation of decentralised units, transferpricing, relevant costing for decisionmakingand contemporary issues relating tomanagement accounting.BA1024Auditing IIntroduces students to the basic conceptsand environment of auditing, covering theaudit process, responsibilities of the auditor,audit evidence, objectives, materiality andaudit risks. Includes the writing up of auditprocedures for test of details of balances, finalaudit procedures and the audit opinion.BA1025Auditing IICovers systems-based audit, cycle approachand audit sampling. Equips students to useflowcharts to assess controls in accountingsystems. Includes design of audit programmesfor test of controls and transactions, includingpreparation of management letter.BA1027Corporate Secretarial PracticeEquips students with a working knowledgeof corporate secretarial administrationin the areas relating to the incorporationof companies, corporate personality andpowers, the relationships of the companywith its members and management, thecompany’s operational financing and securityarrangements with its creditors.BA1028Company LawFocuses on the basic principles of CompanyLaw in the areas relating to the incorporationof companies, corporate personality andpowers, the relationships of the company withits members and management. It also coversthe company’s operational financing, thesecurity arrangements between the companyand its creditors, insolvency and liquidationand generally the internal relationships withinthe company, and the external relationshipsbetween the company and its creditors.BA2011InvestmentAims to equip the students with a workingknowledge of fundamental and technicalanalysis and its application in security analysis.More in-depth coverage of the stocks andthe features of capital market instrumentswill be taught and the students will have theopportunity to participate in an online stocktrading game to reinforce their understandingof the dealing mechanics of stock trading andto apply their knowledge of security analysis.BA2012TreasuryProvides an overview of the foreign exchangemarket, money market, and other financialmarkets. Students will be introduced tothe mechanics of trading in the variousinstruments in these markets. Using theseinstruments for funding and investment arealso discussed.BA2015Technical AnalysisCovers the study of price action and technicalindicators in analysing financial markets. Itexamines in detail trend-following techniquesas well as oscillators in forecasting markettrends. Emphasis will be on the application ofTechnical Analysis concepts to actual marketsthrough the use of trading software.BA2016Technical TradingBuilds on the skills developed in TechnicalAnalysis, this module focuses on tradingprinciples and techniques. Entry and exittechniques as well as market timing aretaught. The coverage of trading psychologyas well as guidelines on risk managementprepares students for the rigours of trading.Students complete the module by beingtested in a technical bourse game.BA2017Treasury OperationsCovers the foreign exchange market includingspot, forwards and swaps; the mechanics ofdealing, and the factors influencing exchangerates. The money market will also be covered.Students will undergo simulated tradingexercises to equip them with the practicalskills of dealing.BA2018Futures & OptionsDeals with the nature of futures markets,behaviour of futures prices and the mechanicsof futures trading. Financial futures andoptions will be introduced as trading andhedging strategies. Hands-on simulatedtrading focuses on managing speculativetrading position and applying tradingstrategies and principles.BA2021Portfolio ManagementIntroduces the procedures involvedin portfolio management. Key topicsinclude quantifying risk and return,analysing portfolio theories and evaluatingportfolio performance.BA2029Equity AnalysisProvides a working knowledge of thestock market. Major topics include dealingmechanics and fundamental analysis.The key sectors of the <strong>Singapore</strong>economy are also examined.BA2030Macroeconomic Analysis IYear One Macroeconomics is extendedto undertake more thorough analysis ofdomestic macroeconomic relationships.Focus is on obtaining deeper understandingof real variables and sectors to enable simpleforecasting of macroeconomic aggregates.Theoretical concepts, though covered, takesecondary importance to hands-on economiclaboratory research and forecasts throughthe Internet.BA2031Macroeconomic Analysis IIDomestic Money Supply, Global Money /Capital Flows, Balance of Payments andExchange Rates are examined in detail toenable students to make simple forecasts.Theoretical concepts are covered to preparestudents to undertake economic laboratoryresearch and forecasts through the Internet.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 243

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA2032Financial Market Regulations& PracticeProvides an understanding of the regulatoryframework and the participants of thestockbroking industry. Key topics include theroles of governing bodies, the duties of thedealer, trading and backroom operations,dealing ethics, the various trading offences,corporate disclosures, listing requirements andthe different methods of share offerings.BA2033Fundamentals of FinanceFocuses on principles of modern financialmanagement, covering the role of financialmanagers and issues they face, e.g. agencyproblem etc. It introduces financial conceptsof time value of money, breakeven/leverages,cash budgets and applies them in financialplanning as well as in current asset andliability structure decisions.BA2034Corporate FinanceFocuses on basic tenets in financialmanagement such as risk-return concepts,valuation models and strategic long-terminvestment and financing decisions. Capitalbudgeting techniques under certainty and riskas well as special topics in financial decisionson dividend policies, economic value added(EVA), management performance indicatorsand mergers, etc. are included.BA2041Fixed Income AnalysisProvides an overview of the fixedincome market, examines the investmentcharacteristics of fixed income securities(namely duration, pricing, return measuresand convexity) as well as analyses bondportfolio strategies. Structure of interest rates,yield curves and general principles of assetand liability management are also examined.BA2045Financial PlanningIntroduces the students to the principlesand current practices of personal financialplanning. It provides an overview of riskmanagement, insurance planning, taxplanning, retirement planning, estate planningand credit management. The FinancialAdvisers Act that governs the practice offinancial planners is also introduced.BA2046Financial Markets & InstitutionsDeals with the features and activities in thefinancial markets of <strong>Singapore</strong> and the world.Students will be able to understand theroles and operations of financial institutionsand other key market players, appreciatethe roles of regulatory bodies, including theCentral Bank (MAS) in the current trend ofderegulation, competition and globalisation,and understand the nature, activities,instruments/products and services of variousfinancial markets namely, primary andsecondary markets, money markets, capitalmarkets and derivatives markets.BA2047Banking LawAims to help students understand thelegal relationship between a bank and itscustomers, the duties of a bank and of thecustomer, the nature of cheques, the rightsand liabilities of the parties to cheques andthe bank’s role as a paying and collectingagent. Students will also learn the legalaspects of lending operations, methods ofobtaining security, the enforcement rights of abank, the implications of judicial managementand the legal principles of insurance in relationto security taking.BA2048International Trade Finance& DocumentationCovers the functions and use of tradedocuments, trade terms, the variousmethods of payments in trade, the risksfaced by traders in international trade andthe different types of counter trade. Inaddition, students are taught the InternationalChamber of Commerce (ICC) “Uniform Rulesfor Collection” and “Uniform Customs andPractice for Documentary Credits”.BA2049Credit Risk Analysis& ManagementIntroduces students to the basic conceptsof the various credit functions in a bankin the context of lending to consumers,individuals and corporations. Features ofvarious consumer and corporate loan facilitieswill be introduced. Students will be ableto understand the credit administrationfunction in a bank and the major causesand management of problem loans andthey will be equipped with practical toolspertaining to consumer and corporate creditrisk analysis including financial, business andindustry analysis.BA2050Wealth Advisory Process &Relationship SkillsDeals with the sales and relationshipskills necessary in wealth advisory andmanagement. Topics will cover the clientmarketing process from a non-technicalangle. Students will be taught from thepre-customer acquisition groundwork phaseright through to the after-sales serviceand relationship deepening aspects. Thesewill include identifying a client’s preferredapproach, networking and sourcing forcontacts, understanding social protocolsand communication skills, making a salespresentation and negotiating with a client andlastly, the account management scope.BA2051Financial AuditingIntroduces students to the basic conceptsand environment of auditing, covering theaudit process, responsibilities of the auditor,audit evidence, objectives, materiality andaudit risks. Includes the writing up of auditprocedures for test of details of balances, finalaudit procedures and the audit opinion.BA2052Financial Products ProcessingIntroduces to students how foreign exchange,derivatives and securities are tradedinternationally. Students will be skilled in theprocessing of these trades from their inceptionto their final settlement. The monitoring andmitigation of credit and settlement risks willalso be introduced.BA2053Credit & Loan ProcessingCovers an overview of the various types ofconsumer products and corporate creditfacilities including credit cards, housingloans, revolving credit lines, working capitalfinancing and other structured corporatedebt. Provides a working knowledge onthe processes involved from the pointof application, credit approval, loandisbursement and subsequent monitoringand reviewing.BA2054Financial Informatics ProjectProvides students an opportunity to integratetechnical skills and banking and financeknowledge they have acquired from thecourse, and experience problem solving,communication and working as a team todevelop an e-business proposal.BA513ZFinal Year ProjectA supervisor will be assigned to each projectgroup for this module. Students are requiredto apply what they have learnt in the courseto tackle their companies’ marketing related244 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>problems or issues. This project will becontinuously assessed and its final submissionmust be made during Term 2, Semester Onein Year 2.BA514ZSelling & Sales ManagementIntroduces students to the principlesof successful selling and effective salesmanagement. Various methods of sellingapproach, presentation and closingtechniques will be taught. Other topicsinclude designing the sales organisation,sales forecasting, budgeting, management ofsales territory, sales force compensation andappraisal systems.BA518ZMarketingCommunications StrategyBuilds a sound theoretical and practicalunderstanding of the formulation ofpromotional strategy and the managementof the integrated marketing communicationprocess. Strategic issues relating toadvertising, public relations, personal sellingand sales promotion will be covered.BA5118Business EconomicsProvides students with an understandingof the economic concepts and principlesin a business context. The microeconomicssection focuses on the functions of themarket mechanism in determining relativeprices of goods and factors of production andthe allocation of resources under differentmarket conditions. In macroeconomics,the focus is on the economy as a whole. Itstudies the factors that determine nationaloutput or national product. The course alsointroduces the international dimension oftrade, balance of payments, exchange ratesand international credit.BA5119Marketing Research &Information ManagementProvides students with a working knowledgeof the research techniques used in marketingresearch. Topics include research systemsand activities, research designs and datacollection methods and analysis. The variousactivities of marketing intelligence in providinginformation for the formulation of marketingstrategies are taught.BA5120Services MarketingEquips students with an understanding of theservices management for different types ofbusiness sectors. Topics include formulationof marketing strategies, managementof customer mix and planning, andimplementation of marketing efforts in thedistinctive areas of services marketing.BA5121Global Marketing StrategyEnables students to acquire expertisein developing marketing strategies forinternational markets and thereby to extendtheir range of marketing understanding todeal with international marketing situationsand the impact of international competitorsin the domestic market. Topics includedeciding which markets to enter, how firmsenter international markets, internationalmarketing programmes and implementationof international marketing programmes.Marketing to specific countries such as China,Vietnam and Indonesia will also be covered.BA5122Electronic MarketingIntroduces students to two areas of E-Commerce, that of Business-to-Consumerand in particular Business-to-Business InternetMarketing. It aims to provide students withtheoretical, tactical and strategic knowledgeand skills necessary to develop and marketproducts/services in Internet Marketing. It alsocovers principles involved in designing Websites for consumer and institutional markets.BA5123Buyer BehaviourCovers essential concepts of buyingbehaviour of individual consumers andinstitutional customers. Students will developan understanding of consumer behaviourand its relationship to purchase decisions.Topics include consumers’ decision-making,purchase processes and the basic factorswhich influence consumer behaviour. Oninstitutional customers, areas covered arebuying behaviour and industrial procurementand buyer-seller relationship.BA5124Marketing ManagementGives a broad overview of the marketingdiscipline to provide both marketing and nonmarketingpersonnel with a better perspectiveof the marketing function and the marketingmanagement process. Topics coveredinclude marketing fundamentals, marketopportunity analysis, market segmentationand positioning, the elements of themarketing mix and marketing management ina contemporary context.BA5125Managerial FinanceLooks at quantitative and financial informationthat helps investors and managers in theirdecision-making. A systems approach toaccounting is adopted. Financial statements ofcompanies are presented and significant ratiosare analysed and interpreted. Other topicscovered include the application of time valueof money and capital budgeting techniques.BA5127Web-based Multimediafor Business ApplicationsIntroduces multimedia computing technology,their applications in business and theirstrategic importance. Students will be exposedto various multimedia hardware and software.Discussions and topics include differentforms of multimedia business informationsystems, use of multimedia in product design,advertising and promotion. Students will alsodevelop a multimedia business presentationprogramme during the course.BA5129Strategic MarketingEnsures that students are familiar with allmajor aspects of the planning and controlprocess and its application to marketing. Avariety of marketing techniques and modelswill be taught. Students will be able to use thetools of analysis and decision making in thepreparation of marketing plans.BA6001Introduction to AccountingProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and principles ofaccounting. Significant areas are double entryconcept, the accounting process, financialstatements of trading firms, basic costingconcepts, cash flow statement appreciation,cost volume profit analysis, and budgeting.BA6002Basic Financial ManagementIntroduces students to the financial objectivesand financial environment of a firm. It coversthe financial concepts of time value of money,risk and return, stock & bond valuation,capital budgeting techniques etc. with a viewfor financial analyses and decision-making.BA9014Business Management forOptometry PracticeIntroduces students to basic concepts inmarketing, operations management andfinance. Students will apply this knowledgeto plan and organise an enterprise. Studentswill also be provided with an understandingof the optometry practice and the legaland professional regulations governing thepractice in <strong>Singapore</strong>.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 245

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>BA9017EntrepreneurshipProvides students with the basic conceptsof planning for a technology-basedventure. It covers business ideas generation,marketing and finance. Students will applythis knowledge in an integrated manner todevelop a simple business plan.BA9019Introduction toBusiness ManagementAims to give the student some generalbackground and insight into the legal,financial and human aspects of commercialbusiness. Business operations, partnerships,limited liability companies will be considered.Students will then learn about main financialdocuments, business indicators, sourcesof finance. Concepts of human aspects ofindustry will be presented with organisationalstructures and employment laws.BA9020Fundamentals of MarketingAims to give the student some generalbackground, insights and perspectives onthe Marketing Concept and the MarketingEnvironment, mainly with respect tocommercial activity. Inter-relationshipsamong business and commerce will be givenfollowed by new product development in themarketing context. Interdisciplinary teams ina product life cycle will be explained. Pricingand promotion approaches will be discussedfollowed by marketing channels withemphasis on distribution. Various marketingconcepts such as consumer, segmentation,competition etc will be presented in the end.BA9021Marketing of Sports & LeisureStudents will be taught the fundamentalprinciples in marketing with emphasis onsports and leisure. They will also learn retailmarketing, business to business marketingand supply chain marketing.BE2501Law IGives an appreciation of the nature, sourcesof law and the structure and hierarchy ofcourts in <strong>Singapore</strong>. It introduces ContractLaw and its role in business and economicactivity. Students will be given an appreciationof how to resolve/avoid contractual disputes.BE2502Event Facilities Construction IGives students an understanding of thedifferent types of events and suitabletemporary structures/facilities constructed forevents. It includes an understanding of theconstruction of a simple building, its elementsand their functions. It gives an appreciationof the building structure, fabric and finishesand the impact of event facilities/equipment/structure on buildings.BE2503Event Materials & DecorationProvides students with an understandingof the physical, functional and aestheticproperties of common materials for eventdecoration and finishes, and their uses inbuildings and other supporting infrastructureswhich are related to the organising of events,conventions and exhibitions.BE2504IT Application for Events IGives students the ability in IT applicationsrelevant to Events Management. Topicscovered include types of application softwarein preparing presentation materials for events.Students to have skills to present 2D and 3Drendered drawings using proprietary software.Produce posters for events and exhibitionsusing proprietary software.BE2505Events Design & DrawingGives students the ability to manually draftsimple design details in sketch or scaledrawing form. Students are also introducedto reading and interpreting simple plans.An appreciation is also given, of design &its importance, and to the design process asapplied to building and event facilities designand detailing.BE2506Event ExperienceProvides students with experiential learningby simulating an actual event. Students ingroups will be tasked to brainstorm & selectan event to carry out, develop a theme, selecta suitable venue, plan, organise & execute, dothe logistics, promote, market & launch andcarry out the eventBE2507Project Management IGives students an understanding ofgeneral management principles includingstructure & relationships in an organisation,the management processes of planning,organising, control, motivation, leadershipand organisational behaviour, as well asplanning tools using bar chart and networkanalysis techniques.BE2508CADDProvides basic training for students inthe preparation of drawings using CADDapplication. It trains students to preparedrawings in 2-Dimension. This is a “hands-on”module and will concentrate on building/eventfacilities drawing & will be conducted incomputer laboratories.BE2509Audio Visual SystemsProvides students with an understandingof the science related to the internalenvironmental conditions of buildings &spaces. Particular emphasis is placed onthermal, acoustic and the visual environmentin relation to the building servicesrequirements for event venues.BE2510EconomicsGive students an understanding of basicmicroeconomic and macroeconomic concepts.Topics covered include resource allocation,demand and supply, price determination,production equilibrium, market structure,national income, macro equilibrium andobjectives, money, monetary and fiscalpolicies and international trade.BE2601Logistics & Site OperationsIt covers the planning, allocation, deploymentand coordination of resources required todeliver different types of events. Topicscovered include venue logistics, organisation/production schedule for execution of events,secretariat service, M&E technical support,floor management, working with crewsand service providers, ticketing, hospitality,ushering, visitor/audience management,crowd control, efficiency in operationswith maintenance, risk and emergencymanagement, post-event logistics, etc.BE2602Accounts & FinanceGives students an understanding of the basicconcepts and principles of accounting. Typesof business organisations, preparation andinterpretation of balance sheet and profit &loss statement, basic financial ratio analysis,sources of finance, cash flow analysis andbudget & variance will also be taught.BE2603Event Creation & MarketingGive students an understanding of howa range of different types of events areinitiated and planned and the concepts of246 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>marketing for events. Topics covered includeevent creation, marketing research andenvironment, elements of marketing mix,formulation of effective marketing strategyand plan, and funding & sponsorship, etc.BE2604Public RelationsGive students an understanding of the powerof Public Relations. Topics covered includethe scope of PR works, PR department,plan and programme, PR tactics, effectivecommunications, PR and the media, etc.BE2605IT Application for Events IIDevelops the students’ ability to use IT inproject and events industry. It focuses onapplication of IT as an enabler for gathering,organising and managing information fordecision making and reports. Students aregiven an understanding of Web design, andthe use of the Internet. It also introduces thegeneral principles and strategies of developingrelevant database applications and simplestatistical concepts and analysis. Knowledgeof Word and Spreadsheet will be reinforced tomanage information.BE2606Cross Cultural StudiesStudents will be given an appreciation ofglobalisation and the challenges of workingin a multicultural market/workplace. Emphasiswill be placed on different aspects of culture,how to adapt to a cross-cultural workingenvironment, in the areas of communication,motivation, sensitivity and legal systems in thecontext of MICE and other events.BE2607Law IIProvides students with an understanding ofthe general principles of the law of tort & Lawof Agency and their application to businessand economic activity.BE2608Resource ProcurementGive students an understanding of thecalling of quotations and tenders includingwriting of simple specifications. It also coversoutsourcing, workman compensation andemployment acts, employment of foreignservices, authorities’ permits and licenses. Italso provides students an understanding ofhow to manage people – clients, in-housestaff and vendors – more effectively to ensurethat events are carried out successfully.BE2609Event Facilities Construction IIGives students an understanding of theconstruction, assembly, erection, dismantlingand demolition of indoor and outdoor eventstructures/facilities. Topics covered includeraised floor/platforms, partitions and wallpanelling, booths, scaffoldings, tentages,stages, props, seating, basic carpentrywork, flooring, roofing and other temporarystructures, rigging supports, signage, etc.Selection, use, safety aspects and plants &tools used will also be covered.BE2610Project Management IIGives students an understanding of theprinciples of managing a general projectand an appreciation of the PMBOK(Project Management Book of Knowledge)recommended by PMI. It provides an overviewof the processes from the inception, feasibility,to the site/venue selection, preparation ofa design brief, selection and appointmentof project and event consultants, authorityapproval or endorsement, the coordinationof design/concept development, tendering/bidding and award, site operations & logisticsto the commissioning/rehearsal of a project.It also teaches essential project managementtools on Network Analysis, resource allocation& levelling, progress tracking, cash flowprojection and cost control to ensure thatthe project is able to meet the time, cost andquality/value objectives.BE2611Engineering Services& CoordinationProvides students with a basic understandingof mechanical and electrical services, inparticular the coordination of their installationand operation. Services covered includeaudio-visual, electrical, communication/internet, air conditioning and plumbing andthe support/backup services for events.BE2701Integrated ProjectAims to develop initiative, self-reliance andorganisational abilities by making studentswork independently in a simulated worksituation. It consists of an in-depth study,under the guidance of a tutor, of a topicrelated to actual practice in project and eventsmanagement. The project could simulate theconcept creation, event branding & marketing,planning, scheduling, venue facilities, sitelogistics, financial management and otherrelated aspects of management for projectand events. It draws upon the various aspectsof the course content and may require athorough literature search & field-work andthe writing of a report, model making orvideo or CD production or the writing ofapplication software. An element of creativity,innovation and enterprise, (CIE), is alsorequired.BE2702Food & BeverageGives an understanding of the provisionof good food and beverage for events. Itcovers food preparation, storage and service,beverages, catering contracts, food safetyplanning, waste management, specialistrequirement for example vegetarian & halalfood and legal aspects such as licensing,certification etc.BE2703IT Application for Events &Project ManagementProvides students with the ability to applyIT in project and events managementwork. It focuses on applications such asproject planning, scheduling, tracking,resource allocation & levelling, projectcost allocation & tracking and reporting.It also gives an understanding of thecommon IT terminologies used and theprocess of e-tendering/e-bidding and e-commerce applications used for project &events procurement.BE2704Environmental Safety & HealthGives an understanding of the variousenvironmental safety & health issues relatingto events management. It focuses on the legalrequirements as well as an understanding ofsafety and industrial health & hygiene issues,environmental impact and aspects includingnoise, pollution, waste management, etc andpublic health.BE2705Customer RelationsGive students an understanding of thefundamentals of customer service. Topicscovered include scope of customerservice, listening to customers, effectivecommunication, service recovery, measuringcustomer satisfaction, customer loyaltydevelopment, improvement of service tocustomers and customer data management,in the context of event organisers, venueproviders and contractors.BE2706MICE ManagementGives an understanding of the MICE industrygenerally. It focuses on the principles,practices and critical success factors of<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 247

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>meetings, incentives travel, conventionsand exhibitions. Emphasis will be placedon evaluating and selecting suitable eventsand the management processes to ensuresuccessful organisation of such events.BE2707Event Budgeting & ControlGives an understanding of the estimatingand budgeting of an event. It focuses onthe processes involved in the breaking downof projects/events into cost components,estimating their costs and building up thebudget for the whole project/event. It includesfinding the basic material, labour, plant,management and design fees, and other‘outsourcing’ costs. It also covers progresspayment computation and final accounts.BE2708Special EventsProject ManagementGives students an understanding of theplanning and management of special projectand events. Students will learn about thedifferent types of specialised projects andevents, such as commercial, social, cultural,leisure and life style, arts events, etc, includingthe planning, management process and theunique needs and features of such events.BE2709Venue & Space ManagementGives an understanding of the principlesof selecting and managing venues andfacilities space. It focuses on how the space& facilities in venues are evaluated, planned,managed, operated and maintained. It coversthe preparation and layout of site and floorplans, traffic circulation routes, considerationand allocation of space for ‘front of thehouse’ activities, event area, event services &supports, as well as the planning of securityand emergency/evacuation routes for an eventvenue. It will also focus on maximising thevalue of space utilised to maximise returns,functionality and operating and maintenanceefficiency.BE2710Negotiation SkillsProvides students with an understandingof effective negotiation strategies. Topicscovered include understanding thedifferent types of negotiations, no-verbalcommunication, planning negotiation, crossculturalnegotiations, benefits of effectivenegotiation, conflict resolution, setting upnegotiation strategies and creative bargaining.BE2711EntrepreneurshipGives students the fundamentals ofentrepreneurship with the understandingof the qualities, skills and knowledgeneeded by an entrepreneur in the start upprocess. Covers practical aspects of businessenvironment analysis, generation of businessideas, market survey and research, operationmanagement, etc.BE710ZEngineering Process &CAD ModellingIntroduces students to typical organisationsand processes in Environmental Managementand Water Technology. They will be taughttasks and responsibilities of managers,engineers and technologists. Students willlearn to read and interpret basic processdiagrams, piping and instrumentationdiagram (P&ID), and engineering designoutput. They will use CAD software to modelthe components of pollution control andtreatment systems. Students will also learnthe knowledge of engineering calculationand material balance in the environmentalengineering process.BE720ZGeomatics 2 & GIS ApplicationsIntroduces the principles involved in thepractice of setting-out surveys, topographicmapping, curve-setting and estimation ofareas & volumes. Students will learn to usestate-of-the-art survey systems such asTrimble Total Station during their practicalsessions. They will transfer the surveyeddata to CAD for presentation. In addition,students will learn to create database for theinfrastructural management of SP Campususing GIS software.BE750ZCAD StudioTrains students in the basic principles of civiland structural drafting and blueprint readingthrough project-based learning. Studentswill be taught the fundamental concepts ofengineering drawing and CAD, the essentialskills and tools in using MicroStation Triformato produce civil and structural drawings.Students are also required to work on amini-project that involves the developmentof a 2-D and 3-D computer model of a civilengineering structure.BE751ZBuilding Technology & MaterialsThis module introduces students to theworld of civil engineering. The modulebasically covers two main areas of study,namely building technology and materials.Students will learn to read drawings, organisethemselves, plan and co-ordinate works fora small structure. Using architectural and civilengineering blueprints, students will constructa 1:10 scaled model of the structure and fitarchitectural elements. The materials usedwill be cement, sand and steel wire mesh. Inaddition, properties of common constructionmaterials such as concrete, steel and timberwill be covered. The combined knowledgeof building technology and materials willequip the students with the skills andknowledge to supervise the construction oflow-rise buildings. Classroom instructions aresupplemented with group work on castingand assembly of building components in theworkshop and individual computer-aidedvirtual construction of a 3D model of thebuilding in the computer laboratory. Studentswill also conduct laboratory tests on concrete,steel, bricks and blocks according to relevantStandards.BE752ZStructural MechanicsThis module covers the fundamentals ofstatics and strength of materials. Studentslearn to solve problems involving the analysisof statically determinate beams, framestructures and the calculation of stresses andstrains. Topics covered include equilibriumof forces, pin-jointed frames, shear forcesand bending moments, sectional properties,direct stresses and strains, bending andshear stresses.BE760ZStructural Analysis & SimulationProvides the basic knowledge of analysis fordeterminate and indeterminate structures.Students will learn to analyse structures byusing the classical methods, such as principlesof virtual works, consistent deformation, andmoment distribution. The theoretical analysisis supplemented by computer applicationof available structural analysis software andlaboratory simulation sessions, which aretailored to give a better understanding of thestructural theory.BE761ZGeomatics 2 & GIS ApplicationsIn this module, students will apply what theyhave learnt in Geomatics 1 to civil engineeringapplications. The field exercises includesetting-out surveys, topographic mapping,curve-setting and estimation of areas &volumes. Students will be introduced to stateof-the-artsurvey systems such as Trimble GPSTotal Station during their practical sessions.They will use geomatics software such as248 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>Trimble Geomatics Office to transfer thesurveyed data to CAD. In addition, studentswill build up databases of objects on SPCampus using GIS software for the purposeof infrastructure management. Students willcollaborate and present these data graphicallye.g. using terrain modelling, walk through ordrive through.BE762ZRC Design & CADProvides students with an understandingof reinforced concrete design according toSS:CP65. It covers the design of structuralelements of a building such as beams, slabs,columns and footings. The output from thedesign will be presented in detailed drawings.Students will learn to use CADD softwarepackages to analyse, design and detail thestructural elements.BE763ZCivil Engineering Construction& Quantity SurveyingProvides students with the principles andmethods of demolitions, piling, basementexcavation & geotechnical instrumentationsand concrete practice. Students will also betaught the basic principles of measurementsin earthwork, in situ concrete and concreteancillaries. A project-based assignmentand tutorial exercises are given to enhancethe understanding of concepts taught inthe classrooms.BE7100Geomatics 1Introduces the principles involved inthe practice of spatial data acquisition,processing and presentation of these dataon CAD. Students will learn the followingbasic concepts: principles of point location,determination of heights by levelling andthe establishment of reference marksby traversing.BE7101Structures 1Provides students with the fundamentalknowledge of forces, the behaviour ofstructures under various loading conditions.Students will be given an appreciation of howstructures should be designed and erected.This module covers design of simple structuresfrom blueprint reading to concept design.BE7102Materials TechnologyProvides students with an understandingof the materials used, their characterisationand their applications in the process plantand waste water treatment facilities. Theylearn to appreciate the basic properties andapplications of common engineering materialssuch as steels, irons, and copper and highdensity polyethylene. Also students willbe taught the knowledge of constructionmaterials such as concrete, fibre-reinforcedplastics, glass-reinforced plastic and structuralsteels. Students are required to apply theirknowledge through the analysis of thestructural requirements and to demonstrateunderstanding in their assignments.BE7200Air Pollution ControlProvides the fundamental knowledge onhow air pollution arises and its impact on theenvironment. Students will learn about thecharacteristics of air pollutants which affectthe human health. Students will also learn thedispersion model, sampling and monitoringtechniques, as well as the preventive andcontrol measures for air pollution. Locallegislation on emission control and PSIcalculation will also be covered.BE7201Hydrology & HydraulicsEquips students with the basic knowledgeof hydrology including rainfall and stormwater management. In addition, underthe Hydraulics session, students willlearn hydrostatics, hydrodynamics andtheir applications in practice. Studentswill understand the properties of fluidsand calculate forces exerted on plane bystationary fluid. They will learn to calculateflow measurement through pipes and openchannels by using the venturi flow-meter,orifice-meter, orifices, notches and weirs.Students will also learn to design pipelinesand open channels to convey water.Classroom teaching is reinforced with tutorialsin small groups and practical sessions inthe laboratory.BE7202Industrial Noise & Vibration ControlProvides the basic principles of acoustics andvibration; noise and vibration control criteriaand control methods; application of basicclasses of materials to attenuate noise level;application of mechanical components toreduce vibration level, hearing conservationand legal requirements; identifying majorsources of industrial noise and vibration level,their characteristics and treatment. Uponcompletion of the module, students will learnhow to use the sound level instrument andconduct a basic noise monitoring for a plant.BE7203Soil ScienceIntroduces students to ground investigation,classification of soils, groundwater flow,Darcy’s law and permeability measurement,slope stability and soil subsidence. Pollution ofgroundwater and remediation techniques forboth soil and groundwater will also be taught.Classroom teaching will be supplemented bylaboratory sessions.BE7204Structures 2Provides students with an appreciationof different forms of structures. Studentswill learn the functions and behaviour ofstructures involved in the treatment andprocess works.BE7205Environmental Project 1Provides students with the opportunity toapply the scientific, engineering, technical andcommunication skills acquired in the first yearexperience to an environmental design relatedproject. Students are assigned an integrateddesign project, with instructor guidance,leading to a design product and presentation.It will also enhance their process skillsincluding skill in problem solving, criticalthinking, group process, change managementand life-long learning.BE7206Pumping SystemsBuilds on the basics covered in the Hydraulicsmodule. Three types of piping systems -gravity, siphons and pumps will be introducedfollowed by a more detailed study of pumpingsystems. In particular, operating principles andcharacteristic curves of centrifugal pumps andsubmersible pumps will be covered. This willthen be followed by techniques for selectinga pump for a given pipe system. Finally, casestudies and mini-projects of pump operationsand troubleshooting will provide realisticscenarios for practical understanding.BE7207Solid & HazardousWaste ManagementEquips students with the knowledge ofthe integrated solid waste and hazardouswaste management. Waste sources,characteristics, generation, collection,transfer and transport system will be covered.Student will learn the process on incinerationplant and landfill design. Students will alsolearn waste minimisation techniques likewaste recycling, reuse, recovery and wasteexchange. A site visit to a local incineration<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 249

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>plant will be arranged to enhance thestudents’ understanding on local solidwaste management.BE7208Water SupplyProvides students with knowledge ofconventional water treatment principles anddesign as well as water distribution systems.The whole process of water treatmentincluding screening, coagulation, flocculation,sedimentation, filtration and disinfection willbe taught. Students will also learn to design awater supply pipe network system based onwater demand and required supply pressure.Classroom teaching will be reinforced bypractical sessions in laboratory.BE7209Workplace, Safety,Health & EnvironmentAims to help students understand hazardrecognition through causes of accidents;the anatomy of an accident and accidentprevention. Students will learn the basicprinciples of risk assessment and control,safety in material handling, personalprotective equipment, electrical, chemicaland general workshop safety, fire protection,prevention and control. Reference will bemade to the new Workplace Health & SafetyAct. The module will also cover basic industrialtoxicology, hygiene and vector control.BE7300CE ConstructionProvides students with the knowledge of theparties involved in civil engineering works,excavation and trenching, concreting andformwork, pipelines and sewers, manholesand chambers and miscellaneous steelworks.It includes students’ understanding of theengineering fundamentals of constructionin building operations and its associatedconstruction plants and equipment.BE7301Environmental Project 2Allows students to apply concepts learntin the various environmental modules andprovide solutions to problems. Final-yearstudents will work in small groups to developand improve upon the design product whichevolved in their Environmental Project 1module. The project may be industrialbasedor research-based and will be guidedby academic staff. The project group willbe required to demonstrate the workingprinciples of the product, submit a formalwritten report and may also be required to doan oral presentation.BE7302Project ManagementProvides students with the principles ofcontract administration and their applicationin engineering and construction projects.Covers types of contracts, tenderingprocedures, contract documents, conditionsof contract and specifications. Exploresthe use of computer software in projectmanagement to manage projects. Techniquesin managing simulated hydraulic projectbased on CDIO (Conceive-Design- Implement-Operate) initiative will also be taught. Otherconcepts include project planning, cash flowanalysis, Gantt chart, network diagrams andrisk management.BE7303Quantity SurveyingAims to help students understandmeasurement and pricing of quantities relatedto civil engineering, mechanical and electricalworks in accordance with standard rules.BE7304Wastewater TechnologyProvides students with a fundamentalknowledge of wastewater collection systemand wastewater treatment techniques,monitoring and operation of wastewatertreatment system and water reclamation.The microbial activities involved in activatedand digested tanks will be covered. Design ofsewer collection systems will be also taughtbased on code of practice requirements.BE7305EnvironmentalManagement SystemEquips students with the knowledge of thepractices of energy management, watermanagement and waste minimisation.Assessment tools such as environmentalimpact assessment and ISO14001requirements on environmental managementsystems will be covered. Students willalso learn the applicable legislations andrequirements pertaining to environmentalmanagement. Case studies will beincorporated to help students understandthe implementation of environmentalmanagement systems.BE7306Environmental MicrobiologyAims to teach students the biological aspectsof potable and recreational water qualitytesting, wastewater treatment, and waterreclamation. Hands-on sessions will allowstudents to explore and appreciate howknowledge of micro-organisms can assistthe environmental engineer in public healthand pollution control practices. Classroominstruction will be supplemented withtutorials, case studies, and laboratory sessions.BE7307Waterman CourseProvides students with a broad understandingof the entire Water Loop: from drainagemanagement to water collection to watertreatment to sewerage management towater reclamation.BE7308Green BuildingsEquips students with the knowledge of greenbuilding systems, construction operations,selection of green building materials, buildingcommissioning, economic analysis of greenbuildings and the various Green BuildingTechnologies to achieve a sustainable builtenvironment. Project work, case studies andsite visits to buildings with green mark awardsare aimed to enhance further understandingof concepts taught.BE7500Internet TechnologyCovers the basic application of a webpublishing software in designing acomprehensive web site and the advancedfeatures of internet technology such asthe proper use of web graphics, FLASHanimations and other supporting media inweb design.BE7501Geomatics 1Aims to introduce the principles involvedin the practice of spatial data acquisition,processing and presentation of these dataon CAD. Students will learn the followingbasic concepts: principles of point location,determination of heights by levelling andthe establishment of reference marksby traversing.BE7502Environmental ScienceIntroduces issues that are related to theenvironment. Topics will revolve aroundglobal concerns such as pollution, wastemanagement, recycling efforts, etc.Requirements of ISO 14001 will also behighlighted. Classroom instruction will includeprojects (may include site visits) that requirecritical and creative thinking.BE7600CE Project 1This project to be spread over 2 semestersallows students to apply concepts learnt in thevarious civil engineering modules and provide250 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>solutions to problems. Final-year students willwork in small groups which will foster teamwork. The project may be industrial-basedor research-based and will be guided byacademic staff. Part 2 of the project is underBE7700 CE Design Project 2. The projectgroup will be required to submit a formalwritten report and may also be required to doan oral presentation.BE7601Transportation EngineeringCovers the basic principles of traffic andhighway engineering. It enables studentsto appreciate the various requirements ofhighway and intersection designs. Studentswill be introduced to some of the latesttraffic facilities available in <strong>Singapore</strong>.They will be taught asphalt mix design andflexible pavement design according to thestandard codes of practice. Lectures will besupplemented with technical visits, tutorials,laboratory works, traffic data collection andcomputer aided assignmentsBE7602Computer Programming withApplications in Civil EngineeringProvides students with basic knowledge,hands-on practice, practical skills andtechniques of computer programming as wellas its application in solving civil engineeringproblems. It covers customisation ofcommonly used software in civil structuralengineering such as Microsoft Excel andMicrosoft Access to automate the repetitivetasks involved and add “intelligent” behaviourto their existing functionalities and thereforeleads to increased productivity.BE7603HydraulicsProvides the basic knowledge of hydrostatics,hydrodynamics and their applications inpractice. Students will learn about propertiesof fluids and calculate forces exerted on planeand curved surfaces by stationary fluid. Theywill learn to calculate flow measurementthrough pipes and open channels by using theventurimeter, orifice-meter, orifices, notchesand weirs. Students will also learn to designpipelines and open channels to convey water.Classroom teaching is reinforced with tutorialsin small groups and practical sessions inthe laboratory.BE7604Green Building TechnologyThe module equips students with a generalframework for looking at global warmingissues, followed by an examination ofvarious international and <strong>Singapore</strong>’sBuilding Construction Authority (BCA) GreenMark building assessment schemes. Thevarious design strategies of green buildingtechnology, construction operations andselection of green building materials toachieve a more sustainable built environmentare covered in this module. Project work, casestudies and site visits to buildings with greenmark awards are aimed to enhance furtherunderstanding of concepts taught.BE7605Aesthetic Design for CEThis module provides students with anunderstanding of the aesthetic design forcivil engineering structures. Case studiesof selected contemporary civil engineeringstructures will be discussed. Studentsare introduced to sketching, CAD studiomodelling and visual presentation on theirdesign project.BE7700CE Project 2Continuation of BE7600 CE Design Project 1.This project allows students to apply conceptslearnt in the various civil engineering modulesand provide solutions to problems. Final-yearstudents will work in small groups whichwill foster team work. The project may beindustrial-based or research-based and will beguided by academic staff. The project groupwill be required to submit a formal writtenreport and may also be required to do anoral presentation.BE7701Geotechnical Engineering 1Provides students with the fundamentals ofsoil mechanics so that students can quantifyvarious basic soil parameters. Topics includesoil classification, ground investigation, basicproperties, compaction, permeability andgeotechnical instrumentations. Classroominstructions are supplemented by tutorials,laboratory sessions and e-learning.BE7702Geotechnical Engineering 2Covers the use of basic soil parameters,learnt in BE7701 Geotechnical Engineering 1,to solve various geotechnical problems.Topics included are vertical stresses in soil,consolidation settlement, shear strength,lateral earth pressure, retaining walls,footings and piles. Classroom instructionsare supplemented by tutorials, laboratorysessions, problem-based learningand e- learning.BE7703Civil EngineeringProject ManagementProvides students with the principles ofproject management and their applications inconstruction projects. Techniques in managingconstruction projects will be taught includingproject planning, cash flow analysis, bar chart,and critical path methods using networkdiagrams. Students will explore the use ofcomputer software in project management tomanage projects.BE7704Civil Engineering TechnologyCovers the selection of suitable constructionplants and the planning of civil engineeringworks such as roads, bridges, cofferdams,tunnels, underground construction,prestressed structures and land reclamation.These include most aspects of advancedconstruction with an insight into techniquesapplied in large-scale development usingstandard or specialised machineries andequipment. Classroom instructions aresupplemented with tutorials, teachingmodels, problem-based assignmentsand presentations.BE7705Construction LawIntroduces students to the legal aspectsof construction project management andcontract administration. Provides studentswith basic understanding of contract andother laws applicable to construction in<strong>Singapore</strong>. Covers types of contracts,tendering procedures, standard contract form,contract documents, conditions of contractand specifications.BE7706Structural Inspection & RepairEquips students with basic concepts andprinciples of inspection of structures andrepair to concrete structures. Inspection andtesting methods such as non-destructive testson hardened concrete using rebound hammertest, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, penetrationresistance test, core test etc. will be taught.Students will also learn concrete repair andstrengthening techniques such as jacketing,sprayed concrete, steel plate bonding andfibre wrap.BE7707Geomatics & GPS ApplicationsAims to provide students with anunderstanding of advanced topics inGeomatics. They will learn advanced surveycomputations, errors in electronic distance<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 251

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>measurements, hydro graphic surveyingas well as modern technologies associatedwith data acquisition, data processing andanalysis and data presentation. Students willbecome familiar with these processes throughfield exercises involving the use of GPS totalstation/ data loggers to acquire data andpresent the data on CAD.BE7708Civil & Structural Design& SubmissionEquips students with skills to study, analyseand use design briefs or client’s requirementsand architectural drawings. Students alsolearn to appreciate the integration of bothcivil and structural components of a buildingproject. They will be required to carry outthe structural analysis and design of a RCstructure and its related civil engineeringworks. Students will also learn to apply thevarious building submission requirements.BE7709Water & Wastewater TechnologyProvides students with an overview ofwater resources and water pollution controlpractices. Fundamental principles and currentengineering practices in water treatmentand distribution, wastewater collection andtreatment, sludge treatment and disposal,storm water drainage designs, and waterreclamation will be taught. Classroominstruction will be supplemented withtutorials, relevant software, laboratorysessions, and site visits.BE7710Safety, Health &Environmental ManagementProvides students with an understanding ofthe safety, health and environmental hazardsinherent in the construction industry andthe preventive measures to ensure safe andhealthy work environment. It helps studentsacquire knowledge and supervisory skillsfor good housekeeping, management andmaintenance of safe working environment andunderstand procedures under the WorkplaceSafety & Health Act and other relatedlegislation. It also introduces environmentalcontrol concepts at construction sites such assolid waste management, vector, water, airand noise pollution control.BE7711Steel Design & CADCovers the basic concepts and principlesof structural steel design and detailing toBS5950: Part 1. Students will be taughtdesign of structural members such as beams,columns and column bases and the designof simple connections in bolted or weldedconstruction. Students will learn to designand sketch structural steelwork drawingswith emphasis placed on standard detailingpractice. They will also learn to appreciatethe use of CAD to produce these drawings.Classroom teaching is supplemented withindividual assignments, group work andpresentations and site visits.BE7712Site Organisation & ManagementThe module is designed to provide studentswith an appreciation of the managementtechniques required in administering,organising and completing a constructionproject. Basic management principles andsupervisory roles of foreman and site agentswill be covered.BE7713Financial Management forConstruction ManagersTo teach students the fundamentals offinancial management. The module coversbasic financial tools and techniques such asfinancial analysis and planning, cash flowmanagement, time value of money andcapital budgeting.CP001ZProjectsEnables students to apply knowledgeand analytical & trouble-shooting skills ina supervised project in the Advanced Diplomain Polymer Technology.CP002ZProjectsEnables students to apply knowledge andanalytical & trouble-shooting skills in asupervised project in the Advanced Diploma inFood Technology.CP0001Chain & StepGrowth PolymerisationGives students a good understanding of themechanisms of chain growth polymerisationprocesses, including free radicalpolymerisation, ionic polymerisation, freeradicalco-polymerisation and step-growthpolymerisation. The theory is complementedby laboratory polymerisation practicals.CP0002Properties of Polymer MoleculesGives students a good understanding of thescience of large molecules and the principlesof stereochemistry, solution properties ofpolymers, relationship between structureand proper¬ties, and the concept of averagemolecular mass and its distribution.CP0003Thermoplastics & AdditivesCovers the structure, manufacture, propertiesand applications of commodity, engineeringand speciality plastics. Antioxidants, heatand light stabilisers, lubricants, colourants,plasticisers, fillers, flame-retardants andfibrous reinforcement, flammability andtoxicity of materials and additives arealso covered.CP0004Major Thermosets &Polymer ReactionsCovers the structure, manufacture, propertiesand applications of major thermosets,e.g. melamine formaldehyde, epoxy resin,unsaturated polyester, polyurethane andsilicone. A basic knowledge of polymermodification reactions, degradation andstabilisation is also introduced.CP0005Polymer PhysicsDeals with polymer rheology and morphologyand relates these to the processingcharacteristics and mechanical propertiesof polymers.CP0006Polymer CharacterisationCovers the principles of polymercharacterisation, using osmometry,viscometry, light scattering and gelpermeation chromatography, infrared andultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, thermalanalysis and microscopy. Hands-on experienceon available equipment is given. Theoreticaland practical aspects of failure analysisare covered.CP0014Plastics Processing TechnologyCovers the technology of mixing andcompounding, extrusion, blow moulding,injection moulding processes and parameters,moulding faults and remedies, cavity pressurestudies and optimising processing parameters.Hands-on experience on the mould flowsimulation will also be covered.CP0015Project & Financial ManagementGives a good understanding of the functionaltools available for project planning andscheduling, inventory control and decisionmaking. Financial management in a252 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>commercial organisation including key topicssuch as understanding how financial decisionsare made, critical issues pertaining to thefinancial success of the firm will be covered.CP0016Product & MouldDesign TechnologyCovers the knowledge of product designand development from the developmentalstages, through materials selection. Patenconsiderations and design of tooling forplastic parts will be introduced. Gives agood understanding of the knowledge onintermediate and advanced design for plasticinjection moulds. The capability of computeraided design (CAD) for mould design andlimitations of mould making processes willbe demonstrated.CP0017Advanced Materials TechnologyCovers the areas of biomaterials, compositesand coating. The Biomaterials section willprovide broad knowledge which complementsthe basic understanding of biocompatibility,physiology and biological response ofhuman tissues to materials which form keyconstituents of prosthetic, orthotic andimplanted devices used in medicine andhealthcare. The Composite Materials sectionwill provide a basic understanding of theproperties of composites materials whichis important for the improvement of theirproperties, manufacturing processes anddesign. The Coating Science & Technologysection will provide a broader perspective andmore fundamental understanding of the basicprinciples affecting coating performance,applications, performance- propertyrelationships, and how all these aspectsinteract.CP0018Communication & Marketing SkillsCovers an overview of the importance ofgood communication skills at the work place,and includes techniques for oral and writtenpresentations. In marketing skills students willbe provided with an understanding of thebasic principles of marketing management inthe local and international environment.CP0201Cell Division & ApoptosisAims to provide students with the knowledgeof eucaryotic cell division and cell death viaapoptosis. Cell division and apoptosis playimportant roles in cell regulation as well ascancer development. Molecular interactionsbetween different macromolecules likeproteins and DNA involved in the cell cycleas well as apoptosis will be discussed duringlectures. Emphasis on the control of thecell cycle and apoptosis will be stressed.Outcomes resulting from a breakdown incell cycle regulation and apoptosis as seen incancer will be included in this module.CP0202Human Molecular GeneticsAims to teach students about thedevelopment of the human genome project,its aims and achievements as well as theorganisation of the human genome in relationto that with other organisms’ genomes.Nomenclature of describing human mutationsand some examples of human geneticsdiseases (monogenic, polygenic and non-Mendelian inheritance) will be described.Principles and strategies in identifying diseasegenes; genetic manipulation of cells andanimals; new approaches of treating diseasesand exploration of search engines & databasesfor bibliographic search and analysis ofhuman genes, exon-intron relationships, andthe use of Ensembl will also be covered inthis module.CP0203Antioxidants & Free RadicalsProvides students with a theoretical basis onthe role of free radicals in aging, nutrition,disease, therapy and antioxidant defencesystems that are derived from the diet, suchas tocopherol, ascorbate, phenolics andcarotenoids. The tutorial and lecture sessionsare designed to help students correlate therelationship between antioxidants and freeradicals. Diabetes mellitus will be examined ingreater detail as increasing research indicatesthat accumulation of free radical productionoccurs before diabetic complications becomeclinically evident.CP0204Environmental BiotechnologyProvides students with basic knowledge andskills required for environmental monitoringand biotreatment operations for water,air and solid pollution. Students will learnmethods of bioremediation and biotreatment,which includes downstream operations andbioremedial action.CP0205GeneticsAims to teach genetic mechanisms, whichunderpins research and development ofbiomedical sciences. Students will be taughtQuantitative Genetics, chromosomes,karyotypes and their links to geneticscreening. Since genetic mechanisms areinvolved in cancer, evolution and developmentof an organism, these principles will becovered and for the latter, Drosophila as amodel organism will be compared with othermodel organisms, such as Caenorhabditiselegans and the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Therewill be discussions of current issues involvingthe role of genes in cancer, immunity andgenetic screening.CP0206Molecular TechniquesProvides students with the hands-onopportunity in using molecular techniquesfor life science research and investigation.Emphasis will be on skills developmentand hands-on experience on the use ofvarious molecular based techniques. Themodule includes the use of flow cytometerto determine qualitatively as well asquantitatively the heterogeneity within apopulation with the help of specific proteinmarkers expressed by different cell typesduring various stages of mitosis, for example,the G1, G2 and S phases. The module alsocovers techniques in proteome analysis whereprinciples and experiments on polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis & two dimensional gelelectrophoresis will be taught.CP0207Proteome AnalysisProvides students with recent developmentsin the identification and characterisationof proteins using high sensitivitytwo- dimensional gel electrophoresis andmass spectrometry. The topics will beexplored in the context of posttranslationalprotein modifications and research in cancerand infectious diseases.CP0303Basic PathologyProvides students with an introductionto the science of human diseases. Topicsinclude cellular adaptations and tissuedamage, inflammation, healing and repair,haemodynamic disorders, genetic diseases,cancer biology and organ pathologies. At theend of the module, students will have builtthe foundation of understanding of humandiseases on which future modules are based.CP0304Laboratory Management& BiosafetyProvides students with an overview ofquality management for the laboratory andaccreditation. Students will also be taught thepractice of safe science in the clinical and lifescience laboratories.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 253

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP0305Techniques in ClinicalMolecular DiagnosticsProvides the practical basis of clinicallaboratory molecular diagnostics. Emphasiswill be on skills development and hands-onexperience on the use of molecular techniquesto diagnose or monitor cancer, infectiousdiseases, and selected genetic disorders.Molecular methods for epidemiologicalstudies will also be included.CP0401Hair-care Raw Materials& FormulationsProvides a detailed study of surfactants,thickeners, actives, preservatives and otheringredients in hair-care preparations. Differentpreparation, testing and evaluation methodsas well as safety and stability studies willbe included.CP0402PerfumeryProvides an overview of the history ofthe perfume industry and its process ofdevelopment from conceptualisation tomarket launch. Raw materials, formulationtechniques for creating and matchingfragrances as well as fragrance applicationswith emphasis on recent updates and ongoingresearch will be covered.CP0403Dermal Pharmacology &Cosmetic RegulationsProvides an overview of the physiology andhistology of the skin, hypersensitivity andimmunological skin reactions, common skindisorders and their treatment. Toxicological,phototoxicity and photosensitivity effectsfrom cosmetic ingredients will be included.Local and international cosmetic regulations,banned substances in cosmetics formulations,labelling and licensing requirements forcosmetic products will be covered.CP0404Skincare Raw Materials& FormulationsProvides an overview of ingredients used inskincare products. Formulations, preparationsand evaluations will be covered across mainareas in personal care from anti-ageingcreams to colour lipsticks and sunscreens.New technologies in microemulsions,liposomes, skin lightening and skin deliverysystems will be included.CP0405Colloid & Polymer ScienceIntroduces the principles of colloid andpolymer science and its practical applicationsin cosmetics. Topics will cover dynamics ofsurfactants at interphases, emulsion theory,solubilised systems, foams and dispersionsystems in cosmetic formulations.CP0406Cosmetic Science LaboratoryProvides students with hands-on experiencein formulating and evaluating hair andskincare products. The study of differentemulsions types in creams and lotions aswell as in surfactant systems will be covered.This module allows students to acquirepractical skills in both fast and conventionalmicrobiological testing methods forcosmetic products.CP0506Food Product DevelopmentProvides students with advanced technologieson experimental designs, applied statisticsand sensory evaluation for application in foodproduct development.CP0514Food IngredientsProvides students with a broad understandingof the roles of food ingredients includingnutraceuticals in the development andprocessing of functional foods. Discussionson the application of innovative ingredientsto meet consumers’ demand for great tastecombined with nutritional benefits areincluded. A working knowledge on the safetyevaluation and the regulation of functionalingredients with respect to regulatorybodies will also be included. Students willalso have practice in the formulation andevaluation of suitable ingredients/additives informulated foods.CP0516Applied Food ChemistryProvides students with a strong foundationin the chemistry of lipids, proteins andcarbohydrates and a working knowledgeof the behaviour of food componentson processing and storage. Students willalso have practice in the evaluation of theproperties of food components in variousfood products.CP0517Food ProcessingProvides students with an understanding ofthe principles of current and potential foodpreservation methods. Hands-on experienceon the use of the various food processingequipment will also be included.CP0518Applied Food MicrobiologyProvides students with the theoreticaland practical knowledge in evaluating thecharacteristics and activities of importantmicroorganisms in foods, with emphasison pathogens and spoilage organisms.Practicals in both the conventional and rapid,automated methods will be emphasised.CP0519Food AnalysisProvides students with the essentialknowledge of advanced analyticalinstrumentation, as well as practical skills onfood residue analysis in a modern laboratory.In addition, quality assurance measures ontesting methodologies will also be covered inthis module.CP0520Food Quality ManagementProvides students with the knowledge andunderstanding of the principles involved inquality management, food standards and inthe legislative aspects of food quality.CP0521Food BioengineeringProvides students with an understandingof the principles of fermentation, enzymetechnology and the technology of geneticallymodified (GM) foods. Topics covered infermentation and enzyme technology willfocus on the key concepts and principles ofthe mode of operation and regulation ofbatch and continuous systems. As for topicsrelated to the technology of GM foods, anunderstanding of the technology, applicationsand issues involved in the development oftransgenic plants will be dealt with.CP0522Nutrition & MetabolismProvides students with knowledge ofhuman nutritional requirements, nutritionalrelated diseases, the effect of handling andprocessing on nutrients in food and practicein planning meals for specific requirements. Italso gives students the opportunity to developa basic scientific understanding of metabolicprocesses and its application to food qualityand the impact of nutrition on health.CP0523Food Packaging TechnologyProvides students with knowledge of theprinciples involved in the selection of food254 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>packaging materials; a working knowledgeof the concept of food packaging techniques,active packaging technologies; packaging ofspecific food products, package labelling andthe impact of packages on the environment.CP0524Food Marketing & ProjectManagementProvides students with the ability to developand implement marketing plan for new andexisting food products. It covers the keytopics in marketing strategies, as well as thecritical issues pertaining to the successfulcommunication and implementation of theplan to various stakeholders. It includesproject management procedures andtechniques. The students will also learnto apply quantitative operations researchtechnique to plan and optimise projectscheduling and resource utlisation.CP0701HaematologyAims to provide the student with both theknowledge and practical skills essentialto routine diagnostic haematology andto introduce more specialised topics asappropriate. Students are to appreciate therelevance and importance of haematologyin the investigation and diagnosis ofvarious diseases. All aspects of routinehaematology procedures will be reviewed;principles, techniques, quality controland clinical significance of results. Majortopics will include anaemia, haematologicmalignancies, haemostasis, instrumentationand management.CP0702Clinical Flow CytometryProvides students with the hands-onopportunity in using a flow cytometer togive a firm grounding in the basis of flowcytometry and cell sorting. There is to be astrong emphasis on instrument maintenanceand quality control. Clinical applications willinclude immunophenotyping of hematologicalmalignancies, current applications in bloodbanking and CD4/CD8 determinations formonitoring of AIDS. Applications in cellbiology will include the DNA histogram, thecell cycle and apoptosis.CP0703Blood BankingAims to equip students with a criticalappreciation of blood transfusion therapy,develop sound practical skills and increaseawareness of transfusion-transmitteddiseases. Major topics will include a reviewof clinically significant blood groups, safetyof donor blood supply and clinical aspectsof transfusion therapy. Organisation,management and quality control procedureswill be included as appropriate.CP0801Host-microorganism Interactions &Immunology of InfectionsCovers host-parasite relationship and its rolein the practice of diagnostic microbiology andin the management of infectious diseases.Also included are the different immunesystems involved in host defence, which leadto damage in response to infection.CP0802Foodborne Diseases & BacterialInfectious DiseasesProvides an overview of the aetiology, clinicalfeatures, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis,epidemiology and control of importantbacterial diseases. Knowledge of the majormicroorganisms causing foodborne diseasesand their properties, sources of contaminationand microbial growth as well as microbialspoilage of food will be covered. The modeof action of antibiotics and mechanisms ofmicrobial resistance will also be covered.CP0803Practical Microbiology & VirologyConsists of 15 weeks (45 hours) ofpracticals in both the conventional andrapid, automated methods in diagnosticbacteriology and virology.CP0804Viral, Fungal & Parasitic InfectionsProvides a broad understanding of thebiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of viral,fungal and parasitic pathogens. The use oftherapeutic agents and preventive strategieswill be included.CP0806Molecular Methods in Medical& Food MicrobiologyIntroduces students to moleculardiagnostic techniques such as PCRbasedassays for pathogen detection andpulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) forstrain typing of bacteria.CP201ZProjectEnables students to apply & integrate theknowledge & skills acquired throughoutthe Biotechnology course in a research anddevelopment project. Emphasis is placed onindependent-learning, effective teamwork,problem-solving skills and communicationskills in the process.CP202ZProjectEnables students to apply & integrate theknowledge & skills acquired throughout theBiomedical Science course in a research anddevelopment project. Emphasis is placed onindependent-learning, effective teamwork,problem-solving skills and communicationskills in the process.CP2003Plant ScienceIntroduces botanical topics such as plantanatomy, physiology, plant identification andtaxonomy, basic plant genetics and breedingand principles of plant propagation. Emphasisis placed on agricultural crops and otherplants of commercial importance.CP2007Basic MicrobiologyProvides an understanding of the microbialworld, the different types of microorganisms,in terms of classification, nomenclature,metabolism, replication and growthrequirements. Microbiological techniques,microbial isolation growth and enumerationwill also be taught in this module, with heavyemphasis on aseptic technique as well asmicrobial control.CP2008Metabolic BiochemistryGives an overview of biosynthetic anddegradative pathways of biomolecules,and integration of these pathways in livingorganisms. Central to this theme is the studyof how cells obtain energy and use this energyfor the synthesis of cellular material.CP2009Molecular GeneticsAims to provide students with knowledgeof the principles of genetics as studied inseveral organisms and an appreciation ofits application in molecular genetics, geneexpression and recombinant DNA technology.CP2011Applied MicrobiologyCovers food microbiology, industrial andenvironmental microbiology and medicalmicrobiology. Techniques in microbiology willbe covered in theory and practical.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 255

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP2013Biochemical TechniquesFocuses on the principles and application ofthe special techniques used in life sciences forthe separation, identification and purificationof biomolecules.CP2016Molecular BiologyExamines the structure and functions ofgenes, the flow of genetic information,regulation of gene expression attranscriptional and translational levels.Mechanisms underlying gene mutation,various DNA repairs and its effect on proteinfunction are also covered in this module.Together with the module ‘MolecularGenetics’, the fundamental processes of cellregulation are explored at the molecular level.Key concepts and principles in molecularbiology are supported by well-structuredlaboratory practicals.CP2022Animal Cell CultureIntroduces the operation and design of animalcell culture laboratories. The techniques usedin cell culture are taught using the facilitiesof bio-clean rooms and a variety of systemsfor maintaining sterile cell populations.Applications of such methods today includeproduction of high value therapeuticsand vaccines.CP2023Bioprocess EngineeringCovers the chemical engineering principlesused in the processing of biological materials.Topics covered include microbial kinetics,bioreactors, fermentation, separationtechniques and environmental biotechnology.CP2024Hybridoma TechnologyExamines the production, maintenance anduses of monoclonal antibodies that havecommercial applications in diagnostic work,therapeutic treatment, agricultural andveterinary studies.CP2025ImmunologyExplains the biological aspects of immunity inprotection against disease and the antigenantibodyreactions. The immunologicalmethods used have applications in biologicaland medical sciences.CP2029Basic PathologyProvides an introduction to the mechanismsof human diseases and to the morphologyand clinical characteristics of a broadspectrum of disease entities at molecular,cellular, tissue, organ and organismal levels.Topics include cellular adaptations and tissuedamage, inflammation, healing and repair,hemodynamic disorders, genetic diseases,cancer biology and organ pathologies. At theend of the module, students will have builtthe foundation of understanding of humandiseases on which future modules are based.CP2033Applied ImmunologyProvides students with a broadunderstanding of the principles involvedin diagnostic immunology. Aspects of theimmune system in health and diseases arediscussed in topics which include the roleof the major histocompatibility complexin antigen processing and presentation,immunological tolerance and disorders ofthe immune response, transplantation andimmunodeficiency states.CP2034Blood BankingCovers concepts of blood transfusion andblood component therapy. Practical aspectsinclude donor selection, phlebotomy, bloodgrouping and storage of blood. Particularemphasis is given to cross-matching andprevention of transfu¬sion reactions.CP2035Histological TechniquesProvides the practical foundation intechniques in histopathology. Emphasis isgiven to the ability to apply theory to benchpractice in tissue fixation and processing,staining and instrumentation. Cryotomy andexfoliative cytology are also introduced.CP2036Biosystems & BiomoleculesProvides students with an understanding ofthe structure of biomolecules such as water,carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, amino acidsand proteins and describes their roles withinbiological systems. Outline of metaboliccycles and overall functions of biosystemsare introduced.CP2037Cell BiologyAims to equip students with knowledge of thestructure and functions of cellular organelles.The functions of the genetic material,transcription, translation, cell cycle andMendelian genetics are covered. The coverageof subject matter will equip students withpractical as well as thinking skills necessaryfor modules such as Molecular Biology andMolecular Genetics.CP2038Anatomy & Physiology IIntroduces students to basic concepts ofmammalian anatomy and physiology. Coversthe anatomical features of human systemsand enable students to correlate organstructure with function. Practicals includemacroscopic anatomy of major anatomicalsystems, physiology with particular emphasisgiven to histology of human tissues.CP2040Good Laboratory &Manufacturing PracticeCovers Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)procedures and regulations, plus Good ClinicalResearch Practice (GCP) and some aspects ofcurrent Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP)affecting the development of new drugs.Processes involved in bringing a new chemicalentity into the market as an approved drugwith emphasis in issues of safety and efficacyin new drugs development will be covered.CP2041Clinical Chemistry 1Introduces students to the scope of clinicalchemistry and its role in medical laboratorytechnology. It provides students with anoverview of the work involved in the clinicalchemistry laboratory. Fundamentals of routineprocedures will be given together withrelevant clinical information. The subject alsocovers the range of tests usually providedin routine screening procedures and theimportance of good management and qualitycontrol procedures.CP2042Basic ImmunologyProvides students with an overview of thefundamental concepts of immunology. Topicsinclude an overview of the immune systemand its importance in clinical medicine, thecells and tissues of the immune system andtheir interactions, the structure and functionsof immunoglobulins, complement biology,the major histocompatability complex,antigen-antibody reactions and methods fortheir detection.CP2043Haematology 1Aims to provide students with an overviewof the work involved in clinical haematologylaboratories. Fundamentals of routineprocedures will be given together withrelevant clinical information.256 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP2044Anatomy & Physiology 2Reinforces the knowledge of humananatomical systems and the physiologicalprocesses learned in CP2038 with clearapplication of concepts. All physiologicalprocesses are tied to some level of bodystructure and organisation. Practicals aredesigned to use appropriate diagnostic toolsto measure human physiological parametersto correlate theory with data collected.CP2045Haematology 2Builds on knowledge from CP2043(Haematology 1) module, with applicationof haematology in the investigation anddiagnosis of various diseases.CP2046Medical Microbiology AProvides students the theoretical foundationand practical skills in medical microbiology.Identification of etiological agents of bacterialand fungal diseases and their antimicrobialsusceptibilities will be covered. The diagnosis,management and prevention of thesediseases will be emphasised. Epidemiologyof infectious diseases as well as preventionand control of nosocomial infections will alsobe covered.CP2047Clinical Chemistry 2Provides students the theoretical foundationand practical skills in clinical chemistry.Students will learn the backgroundpathophysiology of tests performed in aclinical chemistry laboratory and details of theanalytical methods involved.CP2048Medical Microbiology BProvides students with a broad understandingof the principles involved in diagnosticmicrobiology and urinalysis. Identificationof etiological agents of virologicaland parasitological diseases and theircharacteristics will be covered. The diagnosis,management and prevention of these diseaseswill also be covered.CP2049BiophysicsProvides an introduction to basic physicsprinciples and concepts underlying theprocesses in plant and animal physiology.Students will have a better understandingof the importance of physical concepts andprinciples in life science studies.CP2051Molecular ModellingPrepares and trains students on how to applyIT skills in the area of life sciences. Studentsare taught on data mining for literatureand biological information search, pair-wise(BLAST) and multiple alignment, primer andprobe design, primary and secondary proteinstructure analysis and tertiary 3D structuralmodelling. DNA sequence assembly andconstruction of contig are also covered inthis module.CP2052Introductory PharmacologyProvides students with the basic concepts ofthe physiological, biochemical and anatomicalinteractions of chemical agents with livingtissues. The teaching of pharmacologicalprinciples and mechanisms is emphasised. Thetherapeutic and toxic actions of importantdrugs and poisons will also be covered.CP2053Techniques in ClinicalMolecular DiagnosticsAims to provide the practical basis of clinicallaboratory molecular diagnostics. Emphasiswill be on skills development and handsonexperience on the use of moleculartechniques to diagnose or monitor selectedhuman diseases. Molecular methods forepidemiological studies will also be included.CP2054AgrotechnologyCovers the principles of ‘industrialised’farming. Topics such as economic use of landand water resources, specialised farmingsystems such as hydroponics and geneticmanagement of brood stock in aquacultureare included.CP2055Genomic TechniquesExplores the potential of genetic engineeringand the different cloning strategies.Emphasis is placed on practical work inwhich students learn modern techniques ingene manipulations.CP2056Plant BiotechnologyCovers the principles and techniques usedin modern plant tissue culture and plantbiotechnology. The aseptic culture ofplants has applications in crop breeding,micropropagation and disease eradicationin plants. Specialist facilities are availablefor students to build up their skills in thesecommercial techniques. Molecular biologyapplications in agriculture are also covered.CP2058ImmunohaematologyProvides students with an overview ofthe work involved in clinical serology andhaematology laboratories. Fundamentals ofroutine procedures will be given together withrelevant clinical information.CP2060Laboratory Management& BiosafetyCover topics on the practise of safe sciencein life science laboratories. Students will betaught quality management, the routes oftransmission of laboratory-acquired infections;laboratory animal allergies and nosocomialinfections; how to package infectiousbiological agents for transport; disinfectionand treatment of laboratory waste. Localstandards for biosafety are taught. This isa good foundation on how to carry out arisk assessment, what risk groups are andbiosafety measures in life science research andclinical laboratories.CP2062Pharmaceutical MathematicsIntroduces the basics of dosage calculationsand abbreviations in administration ofmedications. Pharmaceutical calculationsbased on proportional analysis and formulamethods, and determinations of IV flow ratesare taught in this module.CP2063Genetics & Molecular BiologyProvides students with theoretical knowledgeand practical skills in molecular biology andgenetic analysis. Students will learn thefundamentals of genetics, the structure andfunction of genes and the applications ofrecombinant DNA technology.CP2064General BiochemistryProvides students with basic understandingof human biochemistry. The topics includesintroduction to biochemistry, nucleic acids,proteins, enzymes, vitamins and traceelements, carbohydrates, lipids and energyproduction.CP2065Introductory Anatomy& PhysiologyIntroduces students to basic organisation ofhuman anatomy and physiology. It covers theanatomical features of various systems andhow it relates to physiological mechanismsand associated dysfunctions. Applications ofphysiology as it pertains to bioengineeringprinciples will be covered.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 257

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP2066Introductory Microbiology& ImmunologyProvides students with basic understandingof microbiology and immunology. Includesan overview of the importance of microbes indaily life, both beneficial as well as detrimentaleffects; and an overview of the immunesystem, the cells and tissues of the immunesystem and their interactions, the importanceof inflammation and complement biology.CP2067Pathobiology of Human DiseasesExpands concepts taught in the CP2029Basic Pathology module, with emphasis onthe pathophysiological and pathogeneticmechanisms underlying human diseases.Students will have an overall picture of howconcepts learnt in the course can be interrelatedin the context of human disease.CP2068WWW BioinformaticsProvides an insight into the mysteries ofgenomes of living things. Students learn toapply IT skills in the area of life sciences.CP2069Environmental ScienceProvides students with theoretical knowledgeof environmental science and environmentalmanagement. It aims to enhance agrowing environmental awareness towardsresource optimisation, waste minimisation,environmental impact assessment andindustrial health and safety. It providesstudents with a capability for developingproblem-solving skills and encouragesstudents to think and learn independently.CP2070Clinical Instrumentation& AutomationProvides students with the technical skills andthe principles of the analytical techniques andinstrumentation used in medical laboratory.Emphasis will be on skills development,critical analysis and the application of suchpractical techniques to the investigationand understanding of human diseases.The module will also delve further into theareas of clinical laboratory automation andlaboratory information systems.CP2071Anatomy & PhysiologyIntroduces students to the structure andfunction of the various organs and systemsof the human body. The students are givenan overview of basic concepts in humanphysiology in relation to the gross andmicroscopic anatomical structures of organs.CP2072Physics in Biomedical ScienceGives an introduction to physics principlesand concepts as applied in the field ofbiomedical science. Students will understandthe physics behind human physiology as wellas measure human physiological parameters.They will have an increased awareness andunderstanding of the applications of physicsin biomedical science.CP301ZProjectAllows students to work independently withprofessionals and academic supervisors indesigning protocols for clinical research andanalysis of results to solve practical problems.Students work in small groups of two or threeunder the supervision of a lecturer. Grading isby in-course assessment and project seminar.CP3004Ophthalmic OpticsCovers the manufacture, measurement andstandard for frames and lenses (e.g. plasticsand glass). The principles of fitting ophthalmiclenses to frames are taught.CP3008Human BiochemistryGives an overview of biosynthetic anddegradative pathways of biomolecules,and integration of these pathways in livingorganisms. Central to this theme is the studyof how cells obtain energy and use this energyfor the synthesis of cellular material.CP3010Clinical Optometry 1Covers the various optometrical instrumentsand clinical techniques used in privatepractice including retinoscopy and subjectiverefraction. Other instruments includekeratometer, ophthalmoscope and slitlamp biomicroscope.CP3012Ophthalmic DispensingTeaches students the advanced techniques ofassembling spectacles. Ophthalmic lens typesinclude bifocals and progressive lenses.CP3013Ocular PharmacologyIntroduces students to the basic conceptsof pharmacology and ocular drugs. Oculardiagnostic and therapeutic drugs such asmydriatic, miotic, cycloplegic and glaucomadrugs are covered in some detail. Studentsare given a good understanding of ocularand systemic side effects of ocular and somecommonly seen general drugs.CP3015Clinical Optometry 2Provides students with training in themeasurement of visual fields, intraocularpressure, colour vision, stereopsis, fixationdisparity, accommodation-convergenceand abnormal vision assessment.Photo- documentation and case reportsare also included.CP3017Binocular VisionCovers the sensory aspects and developmentof binocular vision. Other topics includemonocular and binocular eye movements,anomalous binocular fixation, strabismusand nystagmus.CP3022Clinical Practice 1Enables students to have hands-on clinicalexperience in patient examination, caseanalysis, prescribing treatment, dispensingand professional communication.CP3023Contact Lens Clinical Practice 1Enables students to gain clinical experiencein eye examinations for the purpose of fittingcontact lenses, dispensing those lenses, andaftercare of contact lens patients. The tutorialsfocus on case presentation.CP3024Clinical Practice 2Provides more clinical training inpatient examination, case analysis, careprescription, treatment, dispensing andprofessional communication.CP3025Contact Lens Clinical Practice 2Provides in-depth clinical experience indiagnosis of contact lens complications anddevelopment of patient management skills.CP3026Environmental & CommunityHealth OptometryIncludes topics on vision demands at workand recreation including industrial ocularhazards and their prevention, radiationand the eye, eye protection, the role ofoptometrists in primary health care andvision screening.258 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP3029Introductory Ocular MicrobiologyProvides students with an overview of thescience of microbiology, with an emphasis onthe application of this science to the study ofocular infections. Important medical aspectsof microbiology essential to understandingocular infections, their diagnosis, preventionand treatment will be covered.CP3031Ocular AnatomyAims to give students a general understandingof the anatomical features of the eye.Students learn to appreciate the structuraldetails of the eye and its surroundingstructures. The knowledge will also helpstudents in the other modules in optometry.CP3032Ocular PhysiologyAims to give students a general understandingof the principles and importance of thephysiology of the different structures ofthe eye in maintaining good vision. Neurophysiologyof vision is covered in some details.The knowledge will help students in the othermodules in optometry.CP3034General OpticsCovers the study of physical optics,aberrations, photometry, laser and fibreoptics. It also provides a basic understandingof the optics of thin lenses, lens systemsand aberrations.CP3035Physiological & Visual OpticsProvides information on the function of thevisual pathway, including the study of spectralsensitivity, colour perception and luminance.The module introduces the eye as an opticalinstrument. Topics include emmetropiaand ametropia of the eye, distribution andcorrection of refractive errors, visual resolutionand ocular aberrations, ocular transmissioncharacteristics, retinal stimulus pattern andbasics of eye movements.CP3038Introduction to Contact LensesIntroduces the basics of contact lenses.The topics include the history of contactlenses, and the manufacture, verificationand care and maintenance of alltypes of contact lens materialsCP3039Contact Lenses FittingAims to provide student with the knowledgeand clinical skills necessary for competentcontact lens practice. Students will be taughttopics such as contact lens optics, design ofsoft and rigid gas permeable lenses and fittingand management of contact lens practice.CP3040Contact Lens ComplicationsAims to equip student with the skills neededto improve and maintain the ocular health andvision of the contact lens-wearing patient.Students will be taught how to accuratelydiagnose and prevent complications that mayarise as a result of contact lens wear. Emphasisis placed on the possible mechanisms, bywhich the complications occur, so thatthe appropriate management strategy canbe employed.CP3041Ocular Pathology 1Covers topics on detection, diagnosis,referral and management of ocular diseases.Students will learn how to detect, diagnose,refer and manage patients with congenitalocular conditions, inflammatory and infectivediseases, tumours and injuries to the eyes.CP3042Ocular Pathology 2Covers topics on detection, diagnosis, referraland management of ocular diseases. Topicsinclude the detection, diagnosis, referraland management of ocular manifestationsof systemic diseases such as diabetesand glaucoma.CP3043Introductory PathologyIntroduces the basic concept of diseases asabnormalities of cell function arising fromgenetic, environmental and other causes.Topics covered include the causes of disease,inflammation, pathogenicity, tumour cellgrowth and healing process.CP3044Introduction to OpticsCovers the study of geometrical opticsand physical optics. It also provides a basicunderstanding of the interaction oflight with matter, prisms, thin lenses andlens systems.CP3045Basic Pharmacology of the EyeIntroduces students to the basic conceptsof pharmacology and ocular drugs. Oculardiagnostic and therapeutic drugs such asmydriatic, miotic, cycloplegic and glaucomadrugs are covered. Students are given abasic understanding of ocular and systemicside effects of some commonly seenophthalmic drugs.CP3046Introductory Ophthalmic OpticsCovers the manufacture, measurement andindustry standards for frames and lenses(both plastics and glass materials). Thebasic principles of single vision, bifocals andprogressive lenses are introduced.CP321ZProjectEnables students to work in small groupsand learn independently through critical andanalytical approaches of doing research.Students are expected to present a finalproject report at the end of the module.CP3201Advanced Diagnostic TechniquesProvides students with knowledge onadvanced clinical techniques to assessthe anterior and posterior segments ofthe ocular health, so as to provide moreeffective and accurate diagnosis of the ocularanomalies. The techniques include externaleye examination, slit lamp biomicroscopyand gonioscopy, interpretation of visualfield, the use of ultrasonography andcontact tonometry that would provide amore effective and accurate diagnosis of theocular anomalies.CP3202Pharmacology of the EyeProvides an understanding of the principlesof drug action. Emphasis will be placedspecifically on drugs used in the field ofoptometry and drugs that have specificeffects on the eye. The tutorials will reinforcethe lectures and provide an opportunity forwider discussion.CP3203Advanced Clinical Optometry 1Teaches students detection, diagnosis, referraland management of ocular disease, especiallywith regards to the nature, aetiology andmanagement of congenital, hereditary,acquired and degenerative anomalies ofthe anterior and posterior eye and adnexa.Emphasis will be placed on congenital oculardiseases, inflammation and infection of theocular conditions, ocular tumours and eyeinjuries. Students are further expected to beconversant with the various advanced clinicaltechniques necessary for the clinical detectionand evaluation of the functional status ofthe visual system. Students will gain clinicalexperience in patient examination, caseanalysis, prescribing care and treatment undersupervision on clinic rotation.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 259

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP3204Paediatric OptometryTeaches students the knowledge andtechniques of eye examination for childrenseen in their clinical practices. It will enhancetheir overall clinical skills on young patients.CP3205Advanced Clinical Optometry 2This is a continuation of the Advanced ClinicalOptometry I module. Students are expected towork independently on patient examination,case analysis, prescribing care and treatment.Students are expected to integrate andapply the knowledge and skills learnedin previous modules in basic sciences andclinical optometry.CP3206Contact Lens Study 1Covers new clinical techniques to assess thetopography of the cornea. The students willalso learn how to design and customise RGPtoric contact lenses to wearers.CP3208Contact Lens Study 2Introduces properties of the materials anddesigns of contact lenses used to improvethe vision of those with unusual and peculiarcorneal shapes.CP3209Low VisionTeaches students to identify patients whomay benefit from low vision assessmenttechniques, and to assess and managethe visual needs of low vision patients.This module also enables students togain an insight into the functional andsocial consequences of low vision, and toappreciate the multidisciplinary nature thatmay be required in the care of patients withlow vision.CP3210Clinical Management TechniquesStudents will be taught through clinical cases,and discussion on how to identify, diagnoseand manage different ocular problems.Clinical cases include patients with oculardiseases, binocular abnormalities, systemicdiseases, contact lens complications, ocularinjuries and low vision.CP431ZProjectAllows students to apply the knowledge andskills gained to solve practical problems, suchas product design, development or analysis.Students work in small groups of two orthree under the supervision of a lecturer.Assessment is by in course assessment andproject seminar.CP4001Analytical & Physical ChemistryProvides students with the fundamentals inAnalytical and Physical Chemistry. Studentswill learn the basic concepts of moles,concentrations in different units, redoxreactions and equilibrium. Students alsoacquire the basic practical skills to analyse arange of substances quantitatively throughcarrying out experiments using simplevolumetric analytical procedures.CP4006Inorganic & Organic ChemistryProvides students with the essentialknowledge and understanding of thefundamental principles of Inorganic andOrganic Chemistry. It enables students tounderstand the theoretical basis of physicaland chemical properties of molecules.Students will also have a broad understandingof the chemical reactions of the variousfunctional groups of organic compounds.CP4008Applied Electricity & ElectronicsAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the basic concepts inelectricity and electronics, with emphasis inareas relevant to the chemical manufacturingand service industries. The design andapplications of resistive networks, motors,transformers and power supply circuits arestudied. Students also learn the importance ofelectrical safety in the workplace.CP4009Basic Instrumental AnalysisProvides basic practical laboratory skillsand theoretical knowledge to analyse thechemical contents of chemicals. In particular,the subject examines sampling, UV-visiblespectrometry, flame atomic absorption,solvent extraction and chromatography. Itis a useful introduction to many forms ofchemical analysis.CP4010Environmental Studies AProvides students with theoretical knowledgeof environmental chemistry and environmentalmanagement. It aims to enhance a growingenvironmental awareness towardsresource optimisation, waste minimisation,environmental impact assessment andindustrial health and safety. Encouragesstudents to develop problem-solving skills andto think as well as learn independently.CP4011Process InstrumentationCovers measurement of process variableslike flow, level, temperature and pressure aswell as common types of valves and safetyinstruments. Emphasis is on instrumentfunction and selection complete with handson experience in a chemical engineeringworkshop which houses pilot plantsembedded with transducers, sensors,transmitters, signal selectors, controllers andcontrol valves.CP4014Polymer ScienceGives a general understanding ofpolymerisation, transition temperatures,structure/properties relationship andmolecular weight determination methods.CP4016Chemical Engineering PrinciplesCovers topics on flow of fluids in pipes andfittings, pump performance and heat transferapplications to heat exchangers. It includesextensive practical work.CP4027Materials ScienceCovers the structure, properties andapplications of important metals, alloys,and ceramics. Students will be taught phaseequilibrium, phase rule and solid solutions.CP4028Environmental Studies BProvides students with the practical andtheoretical knowledge on environmentaltechnology. It provides students with anawareness of environmental protectionand pollution control. Students learn tothink independently, solve problems eitherindividually or as a team and communicateeffectively with colleagues.CP4030Corrosion ScienceCovers the basic electrochemical conceptsunderlying corrosion, types of corrosion,methods of protection, includingelectroplating, organic and inorganiccoatings. An extensive practical programmecomplements the lectures.CP4036Quality Assurance & StatisticsProvides an understanding of the importantconcepts on Quality Assurance, StatisticalAnalysis and Experimental Design in thechemical manufacturing industry. Topicscovered include statistical tools used forquality assurance, hypothesis testing, analysis260 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>of variance, factorial design of experimentsand acceptance sampling plan.CP4041Process ControlCovers the basic concepts in process control,its importance and application to the chemicalindustry. Students learn about classicaland advanced strategies in control loopimplementation followed by an introductionto Distributed Control Systems (DCS) andPlant Information Management System(PIMS). Emphasis is on closed-loop continuouscontrol and controller tuning based on thePID algorithm. An operational approachis adopted which is supported by handsonsessions with process simulators andpilot plants.CP4048Advanced Instrumental& Laboratory TechniquesBuilds on the second-year instrumentaltechniques course. Module covers advancedtechniques such as GC-MS, LC, fluorimetry,ICP-OES, FTIR and flameless atomic absorptionspectrometry. Hands on experience withselected instruments is emphasised.CP4050Industrial Chemicals & ProcessesGives an overview of the manufacture anduses of commodity chemicals, e.g. acidsand alkalis, industrial gases, petrochemicals,paints and surface coatings. Common physicaloperations, e.g. distillation and drying, arecovered qualitatively.CP4053Trace & Transition Elements& ComplexesTeaches the chemistry and applications ofthe transition elements and their complexes.The biological and health effects of transitionelements are also covered.CP4055Pharmaceuticals &Pharmaceutical ChemistryProvides an overview of the pharmaceuticalindustry, the synthesis, analysis, chemistry andmode of action of selected pharmaceuticals,good manufacturing practices andwaste disposal.CP4057Fragrance ChemistryProvides an overview of the fragrance industry,application of fragrances, their chemistry,analysis, synthesis and characteristics.CP4062Organic Synthesis &Reaction MechanismsAims to give students the fundamentalconcepts of Organic Synthesis and ReactionMechanisms. Laboratory sessions oncarrying out organic syntheses and kineticmeasurements are arranged in such away as to reinforce the concepts taughtin the lectures. This will provide studentswith the capability to understand andrationalise the products obtained in terms ofreaction pathways.CP4069Plastics Materials & Additives ICovers the manufacture, properties andapplications of polyolefins, styrene-basedpolymers, vinyl chloride polymers, acrylics,and formaldehyde-based plastics. Othertopics included are additives such as heatstabilisers, plasticisers, lubricants, fillers,impact modifiers, blowing agents andpigments. Common tests for plastics such asphysical, thermal, chemical, electrical, optical,flammability and melt flow are also included.CP4070Plastics Materials & Additives IICovers the properties, structure,processing and applications of engineeringthermoplastics and thermosets such aspolyamides, polyacetals, polycarbonates,polyesters, modified polyphenylene oxides,polysulphones and polyphenylene sulphides,unsaturated polyesters, epoxy resins,polyurethanes and silicones. Additives suchas antioxidants, UV stabilisers, glass fibres,mineral fillers, flame-retardants, nucleatingagents and conductive fillers are also included.CP4071Polymer Processing ICovers the injection moulding processes.Topics covered include processing parameters,moulding faults and remedies, mould designand quality plan. Includes practical trainingin mould set-up, process optimisation, flowsimulation, gas injection and CD moulding.CP4072Polymer Processing IIAims to impart principles and technologyof plastics processing. It allows students toacquire hands-on experience with the stateof-arttechnology and machinery. This subjectencompasses all forms of polymer conversionprocess except injection moulding.CP4073Materials Characterisation& Failure AnalysisProvides students with an overview ofthe common characterisation techniques,including infra-red spectroscopy, thermalanalysis, chromatography and microscopy.Other topics included are types and causesof plastics failure and failure analysiscase studies.CP4074Product DesignAims to provide students with knowledgeof the fundamentals of product design,development and commercialisation,specialising in plastics parts. It will also givethem practice in using appropriate methodsand techniques in product modelling. Thesubject also supports the overall courseaim of developing problem-solving skillsand encouraging students to think andlearn independently.CP4076Composites TechnologyProvides students the knowledge,comprehension and basic skills in the fieldof composites technology. Students willunderstand the factors that affect thestrength and performance of compositematerials, the selection of additives, thedifferent fabrication and compoundingmethods for composites, the design ofcomposites for various applications, andthe knowledge in quality inspection of theproducts. Students will be trained on practicallaboratory skills on the manufacturing,testing, inspection, and safety of compositematerials.CP4078Coatings & Adhesives TechnologyProvides students with an overview of thescience and technology of surface coatings,adhesives and inks. Topics include chemistryand applications of organic film formers,solubility principles, methods of filmapplication, properties and applications ofsolvent-release, hot melt, pressure-sensitiveand chemically reactive adhesives.CP4079Strength & Properties of MaterialsCovers normal stress and strain, Hooke’slaw, Poisson’s Ratio, thermal strain, shearstress and strain, moments of inertia, parallelaxis, theorem, perpendicular axis theory,bending of beams, centroid, neutral axis,neutral plane, radius of curvature, Young’smodulus, bending moment and torsion. Other<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 261

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>topics covered include mechanical testingof materials which include tensile, flexural,impact, hardness and creep.CP4086Laboratory ManagementProvides students with the theoreticalknowledge and practical skills in laboratoryquality control and management techniquesfor effective work in a chemical laboratory.Case studies of laboratory audits will beused to enhance students’ understandingof the operation of an ISO17025accredited laboratory.CP4087Water-Soluble PolymersProvides students with knowledge of thetypes, properties, characterisation andapplications of common industrialwater-soluble polymers.CP4088Materials in PracticeCovers material properties and test methods.Students are also given broad-basedknowledge on traditional materials likemetals, ceramics, polymers and compositesand their applications.CP4094The Art & Science of ColoursProvides students with basic knowledge inthe science and technology of colours withan appreciation of psychology and physiologyof colours.CP4095Personal Care &Cosmetics ChemistryProvides an overview of the cosmeticsindustry, the different types of cosmeticproducts, their chemistry, applications,formulations, safety and legislation, andmethods of analysis and quality assurance.CP4096Microelectronics ChemistryProvides essential knowledge on superclean room, vacuum/thin film depositiontechnology, production of ultra-pure water/solvents/gases, ultra-pure reagent analysistechniques, and surface micro-contamination/corrosion studies. It also gives an overviewof wafer fabrication process. Specialisedlaboratory provides students with theopportunities to operate/maintain a superclean room and to handle sophisticatedequipment that are used to generate,analyse and monitor ultra-pure substances.This will provide students a mind-set anddiscipline that will be required for workingunder more stringent working conditionsand environment.CP4098Forensic ChemistryProvides students with laboratory skillsand theoretical knowledge of forensicchemistry. Also provides students with thecapability for developing problem-solvingskills and encouraging students to think andlearn independently.CP4099Display Technology& NanoscienceProvides students with the essentialknowledge and basic understanding ofadvanced flat panel display technology.Includes operating principles of liquidcrystal displaying colours, structures andmanufacturing process of colour thin filmtransistor liquid crystal display, carbon nanotube-field emission displays, organic lightsemitting diodes and plasma display panelsand the properties of the materials of thecomponents which make up the flat paneldisplays. It equips students with the scientificand technical foundation for nanoscience.CP4100NanomaterialsProvides a basic understanding ofnanotechnology, the current and potentialuses of nanomaterials and their impact onour society. Students will be introduced tothe different types of nanomaterials theirpreparation, characterisation and applications.CP4101Graphics & Mould DesignDevelops the student’s ability to create andinterpret engineering drawings through theuse of computer graphics and sketchingas well as to provide students with theknowledge of plastic injection mould design.CP4102Advanced Physical ChemistryAims to expand on the student’s knowledgeand understanding of the states of matterand phase diagrams, electrochemistry andelectrolysis, chemical thermodynamics,equilibrium systems comprising chemical,solubility and phase equilibria, andphysicochemical principles relating to modernspectroscopic methods of analysis.CP4103Advanced Organic ChemistryProvides students with knowledgeof functional group transformation;disconnection approach to synthesis;stereochemistry and reaction mechanisms;basic theory and applications of spectroscopicmethods in organic chemistry, such as IR, MSand NMR. It aims to strengthen students’fundamental knowledge in organic chemistryso that students are able to explain importantreaction pathways, devise organic synthesesand elucidate organic compounds withacquired advanced instrumental data.CP4105Specialty Chemicals & BiodevicesProvides students with the essentialknowledge on clean room technology,the fabrication of silicon and biodevices,their applications in microactuators anddrug delivery, the production of ultra-purewater/specialty chemicals/specialty gases,ultra-pure reagent analysis techniques, andsurface micro-contamination studies. It alsoprovides students with an awareness of theneed for ultra-high purity in the productionprocess. Students have opportunities tooperate/maintain a clean room and to handlesophisticated equipment. They will have amind-set and discipline that will be requiredfor working under more stringent workingconditions and environment.CP4106BiomaterialsProvides students with fundamentalknowledge on the types, properties andapplications of biomaterials in the medicalindustry with emphasis on implants,hydrogels, drug delivery systems andbiocompatibility of biomaterials used in thehuman body.CP4107ElastomersProvides students with basic knowledgeof conventional rubbers, thermoplasticelastomers and elastomeric alloys used inautomobile, electronic medical applications.Topics include the choice of elastomers,rubber additives, testing methods and rubbercompound design.CP4108Basic Mould DesignProvides students with practical andtheoretical knowledge on key concepts andprinciples on basic plastic injection moulddesign. Tutorials will focus on sketching ofvarious types of moulds in the lab to guidestudents in understanding the application ofdesign concepts.262 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP4109Fuel Cells & Biomass SystemsFamiliarise students with technology ofhydrogen fuel cells and other energy storagemeans. Students will learn the principles offuel cells and operation of five typical cellssuch as alkaline proton exchange membranefuel cell, direct methanol fuel cell, phosphoricacid fuel cell, molten carbonate fuel cell andsolid oxide fuel cell. The applications of fuelcells in a clean energy system will bediscussed. Students will be also providedwith an overview of organic chemistryto understand biomass sources and theircontent. Types of biomass and methods ofenergy extraction from biomass sourceswill be addressed. Use of biomass and theenvironmental issues will be also discussed.CP4111Basic NanotechnologyProvides a basic understanding ofnanotechnology, the current and potentialuses of nanomaterials and their impact inour society. Students will be introduced tothe different types of nanomaterials, theirpreparation, characterisation and applications.Case studies will focus on current researchactivities and avenues for new areas ofapplications.CP511ZProduct Design & DevelopmentProvides students with the essential skillsand techniques in ideation and prototypedevelopment conducted at the conceptualphase of product design using chemicalengineering principles.CP512ZProjectEnables application and integration of theknowledge and skills acquired throughout thecourse to solve practical problems involvingplant and equipment design, experimentalanalysis, process simulation or applied R&D.Students work in small groups under thesupervision of a lecturer. Assessment is by incourseassessment and project seminar.CP5006Environmental EngineeringProvides students with an understandingof the fundamentals of air, land and waterpollution as well as the technology forcontrol. Noise pollution and the treatment ofhazardous waste are also covered alongsidean introduction to local environmentallegislation and the ISO14001 environmentalmanagement system.CP5007Fluid Mechanics ACovers the fundamental concepts of fluidflow. Starting from a discussion of Newtonianand non-Newtonian fluids, continuityequation and mass/energy balances, studentsare gradually introduced to the use ofBernoulli’s and Darcy’s equations to solvingfluid flow problems. Subsequently, they areintroduced to concepts of losses caused byskin and form friction. Students are alsoexposed to sizing series and parallel pipesnetworks. Extensive laboratory practices areintroduced to reinforce and enhance theirunderstanding in lectures and tutorials.CP5008Heat Transfer & EquipmentProvides students with fundamental principlesof heat transfer by conduction, convectionand radiation, including various phenomenalike evaporation, condensation and boiling.Several industrial applications are introducedwith particular emphasis on evaporators andshell-and-tube heat exchangers. Studentslearn about equipment selection, sizing andoperation through tutorial exercises andextensive laboratory work.CP5009Chemical Reaction EngineeringProvides students with fundamentals ofchemical kinetics and reactor design. Inchemical kinetics, factors affecting therate of reaction and the determinationof rate equation are discussed. In reactordesign, various types of industrial reactorsare introduced and the development ofdesign equations and sizing of reactors arecovered. This is complemented by extensivepractical work.CP5010Fluid Mechanics BProvides students with a fundamentalunderstanding of the operating principles,design and specification of fluid transferequipment with emphasis on problemsolving and practical applications. The topicsinclude pumps and compressors, mixers andsteam turbines.CP5015Mass Transfer in Unit Operations AProvides students with an understandingof the principles of distillation and gasabsorption. The module strives to inculcate instudents a logical approach to column design,column operations and problem solving. Italso serves as a foundation for advancedcolumn design via computer simulation. Topicscovered include vapour-liquid equilibrium,simple distillation, design of batch andcontinuous distillation units using McCabe-Thiele method, and the design of tray andpacked columns for gas absorption.CP5017Mass Transfer in Unit Operations BProvides students with an in-depthunderstanding of some important masstransfer operations such as crystallisation,drying of solids, liquid-liquid extraction andleaching. The module also allows students toanalyse and design mass transfer equipmentand to have hands-on experience in operatingvarious pilot plants.CP5018Corrosion & Materials SelectionProvides students with understanding onchemical principles, causes, and preventivemethods of corrosion for metals. Materialsselection for process equipment used indifferent process industries is also discussed.CP5021Polymer Materials EngineeringGives students a good understanding ofthe structure, properties and applicationsof common polymer materials used in theprocess industries. Topics covered includepolymer characterisation and testing,various shaping processes and principlesof good plastic product design. Practicalsreinforce lectures.CP5023ThermodynamicsProvides students with an understanding ofthe thermodynamic principles of physicalprocesses and applications in chemical andpharmaceutical industries. It covers thebasic concepts of thermodynamics andthe application of First and Second Law ofthermodynamics. Cyclic processes such asCarnot cycle and Rankine cycle are discussed.The basic concept of Phase Equilibriumand Chemical Reaction Equilibrium are alsoincluded to enhance students’ understandingof the relationship among variables describingsystems at equilibrium.CP5027Pharmaceutical PackagingProvides students with the principles andconcepts of pharmaceutical packagingtechnology. It includes packaging of drugs,packaging types and materials, spoilagemechanism, sterilization of packages,packaging lines operations, printing, labeling,bar-coding, child resistance and tamperevidence packaging, package testing andcGMP. The laboratory sessions will enable<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 263

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>students to integrate theories with practicalskills in packaging machinery operations,selection of packaging materials andpackage testing.CP5031Membrane Science & TechnologyProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic concepts of synthetic membranesand their characterisation, as well as theirapplications and operational considerationsin the chemical process industries in variousareas such as gas separation, water treatment,pollution control as well as applications in thelife sciences.CP5033Plant Safety & Loss PreventionProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic principles and application of safetyanalysis techniques used in the chemicalindustry with particular emphasis on processhazard identification, evaluation & control.Topics covered include: safety legislation,safety management for loss prevention,hazard analysis techniques (in particular,hazard & operability study and fault treeanalysis), prevention and control of fires andexplosions, and pressure relief system design.Accident case histories are used extensively tobring important concepts to life.CP5034Chemical Process Principles AProvides students with basic concepts ofchemical engineering. Students will learnabout units and unit conversion, basicengineering measurements, plus materialbalances with and without chemical reaction.In addition, students will visit a productionplant to gain an appreciation of the variousprocesses in the manufacturing industry.CP5035Chemical Process Principles BProvides students with basic concepts ofchemical engineering. Students will learngas and solution laws, the concepts ofthermodynamics and material and energybalances. It also provides an overview ofvarious unit operations, its principles andapplications in chemical process industries.In addition, students will visit productionplant where they will gain an appreciation ofvarious processes in the industries.CP5036current Good ManufacturingPractice (cGMP)Provides students with the fundamentalprinciples and concepts of cGMP. It describesthe various guidelines and requirements fordifferent industries; pharmaceuticals, medicaldevices, biologics, food, cosmetics andfragrances. This module will prepare studentswith the knowledge and awareness whenthey join such industries.CP5037Pharmaceutical ManufacturingProvides students with the basic knowledgeof pharmaceutical manufacturing processesand drug development processes. It describesthe major unit operations adopted in primarymanufacturing of active pharmaceuticalingredients and secondary manufacturing,including equipment cleaning, solidcontainment and utility systems.CP5038Industrial Waste ManagementProvides students with working knowledge ofproper treatment and management of varioustypes of industrial wastes (including biowaste)generated from various industries such as thepetroleum, petrochemical, pharmaceutical,semiconductor and food manufacturingsectors, etc. Case studies are used toshowcase how environmental management iscarried out in <strong>Singapore</strong> and other countries.CP5039Petroleum Refining TechnologyProvides students with the knowledge ofthe processes used in the production andrefining of crude oil and upgrading of heavypetroleum fractions. Students will alsolearn to analyse and trouble-shoot simpleplant problems.CP5040Chemical Plant Layout ModellingProvides students with the basicunderstanding of piping and equipmentlayout for a chemical plant and to familiarisethe students with three dimensional (3-D)plant modelling software relevant for thedevelopment of equipment arrangement andpiping layouts.CP5041Bioprocess Engineering PrinciplesProvides students with basic knowledgeand skills required for bioprocess operationsand developments. Topics covered includebiomolecules, basic genomic techniques,fermentation and protein purificationprinciples, and relevant bioprocess unitoperations. This module provides studentswith hands-on experience in the productionof recombinant proteins.CP5042BioanalyticsProvides students with basic knowledgeand skills required for performing laboratoryanalyses on bio-organisms and biomolecules.Beginning with an overview of biomoleculesand their applications as biopharmaceuticals,this module proceeds to cover the importantrole of bioanalytics in biopharmaceuticalindustry and the various current analyticaltechniques. Hands-on opportunities would beprovided for students to apply the knowledgegained during tutorials and lectures.CP5043Membrane Separation ProcessesProvides students with basic knowledge inpolymeric membrane properties and theircharacterisations, followed by application ofmembranes in various separation processes,including water treatment and desalination.This module covers the basics of membranescience, membrane properties and theircharacterisation, and applications in variousseparation processes such as ultrafiltration,reverse osmosis, pervaporation and electrodeionization.Various operational parametersfor each of the separation processes will alsobe covered.CP5044current Good ManufacturingPractices (cGMP)Provides students with the fundamentalprinciples and concepts of cGMP. It describesthe various guidelines and the requirementsfor the manufacture of different products:active pharmaceutical ingredients, sterile andbiological medicinal products, and cosmeticand fragrances. This course will preparestudents with the knowledge and awarenesswhen they join such industries.CP5045Introduction toChemical EngineeringProvides students with basic understandingof the concept of units and dimensions andbasic measurement in engineering. This is toprepare students for the engineering topicsin the senior years. This module also teachesstudents about the tasks and responsibilitiesof a chemical engineer through experientiallearning in problem solving, product andsystem building.CP5046Chemical Engineering Principles AProvides students with basic understandingof chemical engineering concepts suchas gas and solution laws, First Law ofthermodynamics, and energy balances264 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>in the chemical, pharmaceutical andrelated industries.CP5047Chemical Engineering Principles BProvides students with basic understandingof material balance and heat of reactions,and various unit operations in the chemical,pharmaceutical and related industries. Themodule also covers various plant utilitiessuch as fuel systems, steam generation, gassystems, water systems and refrigerationsystems in chemical plants in these industries.CP5048Introduction to Plant Design& SimulationProvides students with basic understandingof process flowsheeting, various engineeringdrawings, design and simulation in thechemical and pharmaceutical plants andrelated industries. Students will learnappropriate plant simulation software toprepare themselves for more advanced andextensive plant design and simulation projectin senior years.CP5049Quality Management & StatisticsProvides students with the basic knowledgeof the management and organisational theorysuch as how a typical organisation functions,how resources are effectively managedusing the management functions and howproductivity can be raised through properplanning. The module also provides studentswith an understanding of the importantconcepts on Quality Assurance, StatisticalAnalysis and Experimental Design in thechemical manufacturing industry.CP5050/CP5051Plant Design & Simulation A & BEnables students to carry modelling andsimulation of various unit operations inchemical engineering using a selectedchemical process plant or pharmaceuticalplant. Students will develop a preliminaryP&ID for their design, and also include processinstrumentation and perform safety studiesfor their design.CP5052/CP5053Plant Design, Economics &Management A & BEnables students to apply and integrate theirknowledge of chemical engineering principlesto complete the design of a selected chemicalprocess plant or pharmaceutical plant and todemonstrate critical powers in making choicesand decisions in some areas of uncertainty.The students will work on the viability of thedesign project through rigorous project costestimation and project evaluation.CP6001Introductory Food ScienceProvides students with an overview offood science and technology and handsonexperience in food processing and theapplications of food materials. Studentswill be challenged to identify the foodconstituents present in the product andunderstand food processing aids and additivesused in the manufacture of the food.Concepts of food spoilage and preservationand an understanding of the importance offood safety and quality in food industry willalso be covered.CP6002Introduction to MicrobiologyProvides students with an overviewand appreciation of the biology ofmicroorganisms. The module willemphasise, with some relevant examples,on the importance of microorganismsto man and the environment. Studentswill have practical experience on somemicrobiological techniques.CP6003Introduction to BiochemistryProvides students with basic understanding ofbiochemistry. The topics includes introductionto biochemistry, nucleic acids, proteins,enzymes, vitamins and trace elements,carbohydrates, lipids and energy production.Students will be able to appreciatebiochemical molecular structures and activitiesin the human body and how they are beingregulated to function effectively.CP6004Food ChemistryProvides a unified picture of foods from achemical standpoint. The primary emphasis ison the composition of foods and the changeswhen they are subjected to processing. Atthe end of the course, the student will havecompetence to comprehension level in basicfood biochemistry viz. water, carbohydrates,lipids, proteins and enzymes sufficient forthem to tackle other subjects in Food Science& Technology in the subsequent modules.CP6005Food PreservationGives students a good understanding of foodpreservation techniques by heat, dehydration,freezing, irradiation, fermentation anduse of chemicals. Laboratory practicalsprovide hands-on experience in foodpreservation techniques.CP6006Food MicrobiologyBuilds on the first-year Introduction toMicrobiology module and covers the isolation,cultivation, enumeration and identificationof microorganisms, their importance in foodproduction and spoilage; rapid microbiologicalmethods are included. Laboratory workis extensive.CP6007NutritionProvides students with a basic understandingof the science of nutrition and the importanceof nutritional adequacy and balance foroptimal growth and health. The dietarysources of the major nutrients, their digestion,absorption, and metabolism in the humanwill be covered. The students will learn thefunctions of nutrients, deficiencies andexcesses and their effects on health. They willalso perform nutritional analysis of foods.CP6008Food Materials & ProcessesCovers the science and processing technologyof meat, milk, cereals, fats and oils and theirproducts, with emphasis on the local industry.Complemented by laboratory work.CP6009Food Product Design &DevelopmentCovers food product development,experimental designs and sensory evaluation.Various statistical methods will be taught andapplied in sensory evaluation. Lectures will becomplemented by laboratory work.CP6010Food Engineering OperationsProvides a good understanding of theprinciples of preliminary operations infood processing such as cleaning, sortingand grading; conversion operations suchas leaching, evaporation, distillation,centrifugation, mixing, emulsification andcrystallisation. Students are given exposure onpilot plant operations in the laboratory.CP6011Food BiotechnologyProvides students with knowledge in theregulation of microbial metabolites, microbialgenetics, gene manipulation, geneticallymodifiedfoods, protein purification, enzymetechnology and fermentation. Laboratorywork on fermentation and enzyme technologyis provided.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 265

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CP6012Food FlavoursProvides students with knowledge andunderstanding of the principles involvedin flavour technology and enables them togain exposure and training in the areas offlavour creation, production, applicationof flavourings in food processing andquality control.CP6013Food Packaging & DesignProvides the principles, concepts andtechniques of food packaging viz., foodpackaging materials, package closures,adhesives application, packaging techniques,package printing, decoration, bar-coding andpackaging development and design. Lecturesare complemented by laboratory work.CP6014Industrial & EnvironmentalManagementProvides students with theoretical knowledgeof industrial and environmental management.It aims to enhance a growing environmentalawareness towards industrial safety andhealth, environmental, water and solidwaste management system and the impactof food industry on the environment at theglobal scale.CP6015Applied NutritionProvides students with knowledge andunderstanding of the applications of nutrition,nutrition throughout the human life cycle, theconcept of preventive nutrition and techniquesin performing nutritional assessment.CP6016Food Process EngineeringProvides students with emerging technologies,principles and engineering concepts of foodprocessing techniques, viz. hurdle technology,supercritical fluid extraction, ohmic heating,microwave pasteurisation and sterilisation,high pressure technology, shelf life evaluationand integral operations in noodle, surimiand fruit juice processing. Principles of planthygiene including layout, design, cleaning andsanitising are also taught.CP6017Food Analysis & LegislationEmphasises the importance of compliancewith food laws and regulations, and foodanalysis. Hands-on practice on food analysistechniques is emphasised.CP6018Food Safety & QualityManagementProvides students with knowledge offood safety, quality and quality systems asimportant means to ensure successful productquality and customer satisfaction. Foodsafety programmes such as Principles of FoodHygiene, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP) and ISO9000 will be covered.CP6019Food Operations ManagementProvides students with an insight intofunctions relating to food operations.Students will learn to evaluate and applymanagement and problem-solving skills inrelation to setting up and managing a foodbusiness. Evaluation and application ofknowledge on supply chain management,store control to increase the efficiency andprofitability of business operations will alsobe covered.CP601ZProjectEnables application and integration of theknowledge and skills acquired throughout thecourse to solve practical problems involvingfood product design and development,shelf life study, food analysis, packagingand food processing. Students work in smallgroups under the supervision of a lecturer.Assessment is by in-course assessment andproject seminar.CP9010Productivity &Quality ManagementProvides students with the knowledge ofthe working society. This includes topics onhow a typical organisation functions, howresources are effectively managed using themanagement functions and how productivitycan be raised through proper planning.A number of role-model companies and reallifecase studies are used to allow students toapply the concepts learnt.CP9012Life Science BBuilds on the information learned in LifeSciences A. Students will learn the impact ofgenetic engineering on agriculture, medicine,pharmaceuticals, the environment, intellectualproperty and bioethics. They will also learnmore about the specific applications ofgenetic engineering on the developmentof industries related to bioinformatics,biosensors, biochips, tissue engineering,biomaterials and biobusiness. Both modules Aand B are fully online.CP9013current Good ManufacturingPractice (cGMP)Provides students with the fundamentalprinciples and concepts of cGMP. It describesthe various guidelines and requirements fordifferent industries; pharmaceuticals, medicaldevices, biologics, food, cosmetics andfragrances. This module will prepare studentswith the knowledge and awareness whenthey join such industries.CT001ZClinical AttachmentAllows students to gain experience in a widerange of cardiology techniques in a hospitalor healthcare environment. Professionalism,basic patient care, safety techniques andemergency procedures are emphasised inthis attachment.CT0012Applied CardiacAnatomy & PhysiologyAims to provide students with basicunderstanding of anatomy and physiologyof the heart, and the clinical relevance ofthis knowledge.CT0013General CardiacAnatomy & Physiology 1Aims to provide students with definitions,etiologic evaluations, pathophysiology,clinical manifestation, risk factors, treatment,management and complications of variousheart diseases.CT0014ECG, Stress Tests &Rhythm DisordersAims to provide students with fundamentalconcepts of interpreting & monitoring ECG,as related to diagnosing heart diseases &abnormalities. Also provide understanding forthe various rhythm abnormalities commonlyencountered in clinical practice.CT0015Diagnostic & InterventionalCardiac CatheterizationAims to provide students an overview ofdiagnostic and interventional applications ofcardiac catheterization. It looks at history,principles, indications, instrumentationtechniques, equipment use, and newdevelopments of percutaneous coronaryintervention and valvuloplasty.266 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>CT0016General Cardiology &Cardiac Disorders 2Covers definitions, etiological evaluations,pathophysiology, clinical manifestation,risk factors, treatment, management andcomplications of various heart diseases.CT0017EchocardiographyCovers information on Conventional &Doppler Echocardiography imaging techniquesand illustrations of how they are used in thediagnosis of selected diseases of the heart.CT0018Electrophysiology & PacemakersCovers basic knowledge in identifyingarrhythmias, the fundamental concepts ofelectrophysiology studies and pacing.CT0019Cardiac Pharmacology,Nuclear Cardiology & OthersAims to provide students with understandingof various medications commonly used totreat cardiac disorders. The module alsoprovides an understanding of the basicprinciples and concepts of nuclear cardiologystudies that use non-invasive techniques toassess myocardial blood flow and pumpingfunctions of the heart. Aspect of chest x-ray relevant to cardiology is also taught inthis module.CT1004Cervical Cytology AAims to introduce the theoretical basis ofdiagnostic cytology, with emphasis on thepractice of gynaecological cytology andquality assurance.CT1005Cervical Cytology BBuilds on the Cervical Cytology A module,and introduces students to cervical pathology.Students learn to combine laboratory skills(acquired in practice) with theory to formulatedifferential diagnosis and solve complexproblems encountered in clinical situations.DE001ADesign AppreciationIntroduces students towards an appreciationof the creative process of design and itsvarious manifestations. Through somebasic readings in the history of ideas, artand architecture, students would start torecognise how design thinking has historicallyevolved to its present state in the 21st century.Following this, there will be a focus on howdesign affects the modern and post-modernconsciousness, especially in the shaping ofour lifestyles and daily experiences in thecontemporary world. Case studies of selectedphilosophers, artists, architects, writers, filmmakersand engineers would be mediated inthe course of the program to augment theplace design has in our lives.DE002AThe Revealing Eye in DigitalPhotographyIntroduces a creative approach in digitalphotography that offers a socio/culturaldimension in the (re) interpretation of visualaesthetics and compositional possibilities.A project-based learning approach will beused and this involves dissecting, (re) framingand juxta-positioning of the main theme orobject of interest. Students will also learnto do design presentation. All students arerequired to bring their own digital cameraduring tutorials.DE100ZArchitectural Design Studio IFacilitates the development of criticaland creative thinking, visualisation anddocumentation skills. Students are introducedto sketching, visual presentation andorthographic techniques and model makingin a design studio learning environment.They also learn to formulate architecturaldesign ideas and to create forms and spatialenvironment of a living habitat in response todesign theory, ergonomics, anthropometrics,and environmental and technical requirementsin an actual context.DE101ZHistory & Theory of Architecture IIntroduces the principles of design, andan overview of the relevance of theoryand design language of the architecturalintention in the early Western History and itsparallel development in Asia. It provides thefundamental understanding of the beginningof architectural thought and its effect oncontemporary architectural design, towardscritical and generative design strategies.Students are required to express theirthought in writings and to articulate theirinterpretation of their own thought in theirindividual design project.DE102ZMaterials &Architectural Technology IProvides students with the fundamentalknowledge of building technology, andarchitectural detailing using naturalmaterials, masonry and reinforced concrete.Students explore and discover the designpotential of these materials in response tothe structural and environmental forces.They learn to appreciate the concepts andbehaviour of simple building structures and itscomponents. Students are required to applytheir knowledge through the analysis of thestructural requirements and detailing of thearchitectural elements and finishes of theirdesign project.DE103ZEnvironmental Science IIntroduces the fundamentals of ecologyand its impact on global warming andsustainability. It examines and explores thepotential of passive environmental approaches(using natural means) to minimise dependenceon artificial or mechanical means. Studentsare taught the concepts of human comfortin the tropics and other climates. Relevantcodes and practices pertaining to drainage(sewerage and surface water) day lighting,and natural ventilation, are referred to developan appreciation for ecological design and toapply on their design project.DE104ZComputer-Aided Design& PresentationProvides students with the knowledge andskills to use 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional(modelling) software for architectural,documentation and presentation. Students areintroduced to the CAD standards pertainingto architectural symbols, drawing conventions,line colour and layering system. They are alsoexposed to digital presentation software todevelop skills in visual composition. For theirdesign project, students have to apply theirknowledge and skills to render, document andpresent their design.DE105ZArchitectural Design Studio IIFacilitates students to apply and integratetheir knowledge and skills on a project fromdesign formulation to design development incontext and with reference to local code ofpractices. Students have to develop designstrategies (with considerations for socioculturaland economic influences), documenttheir design process in a journal and preparedocumentation of drawings for the purposeof architectural design presentation, statutorysubmission and detailing of a medium-riseresidential development.DE106ZHistory & Theory of Architecture IIExamines the philosophy, and evolution ofthe design language of the architecturalintention of the 19th Century to the presentand its parallel development in Asia. Itprovides students with the knowledge andunderstanding, towards critical and generative<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 267

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>design strategies. Students are requiredto express their thought in writings andarticulate their interpretation of their ownthought in their project design.DE107ZMaterials & ArchitecturalTechnology IIStudents learn about design buildability, withreference to precast concrete technology andthe concept of pre-fabrication, using naturaland processed materials with emphasis onsustainability to create architecture anddetailing with considerations for joints andwater-proofing. Besides reinforced concreteframed structures, they also learn thefundamentals of various reinforced concretestructures and construction (such as flatslab, waffle-slab, portal frame and shell).Students are required to demonstrate theirunderstanding in their project.DE108ZEnvironmental Science IIThis module further develops students’understanding of ecological design conceptswith emphasis on building orientation,resources and waste management. Waterrecycle and waste segregation disposalsystems are examined. Students have to knowthe local codes and practices for domesticwater supply, substation and electrical supplyvertical transportation, drainage (sewerage,surface and roof for multiple storeys) and theirimpact and implications on spatial and façadedesign as well as site planning. Students arerequired to demonstrate their understandingin their project.DE109ZArchitectural Design Studio IIIProvides students with the knowledgefor a comprehensive practice-orienteddesign process, with synthesis of multiplecompetencies. Students experience therigors of the design process from designconceptualisation to design developmentfrom macro to micro including documentationfor statutory submissions. The emphasis willbe on the exploration of technology in theconceptualisation and the development of thearchitectural forms and detailing. Students arerequired to demonstrate their application andintegration of multi-discipline knowledge intotheir projectDE110ZMaterials & ArchitecturalTechnology IIIProvides students with the knowledge ofadvanced building materials and constructiontechnologies (such as steel and glasstechnologies) and detailing for high-risebuildings. Students explore the design anddetailing potential of the building materialsand analyse their impact to the architecturaldesign. They also learn to appreciate thedesign and the use of various buildingproprietary systems. Students are requiredto demonstrate their understanding ontheir project.DE111ZEnvironmental Science IIIThe module further addresses issues relatedto environmental and resources management,and the integration of advanced buildingsystems (such as air-conditioning, mechanicalventilation, fire-fighting equipment andsystems and information technologiesetc) and their impact on the architectureand environment. Students are requiredto demonstrate their understanding intheir project.DE112ZArchitectural PracticeIntroduces students to the concepts ofproductivity and quality management andthe fundamentals of ISO and other qualitysystems that are relevant to architecturalpractice. It develops competency in studentsto complete relevant statutory forms anddocuments for the purpose of architecturalstatutory submissions. Students are taughtPre-Contract, Contract and Post-Contractadministration procedures of a buildingproject, and they are required to demonstratetheir understanding in their project.DE210ZElementary ConstructionTechnology & Practice(Year-Long Module)Gives students an understanding of theconstruction of simple buildings. It includesan introduction to the construction industry,a building, its elements and their functions. Itcovers framed & load bearing wall structures,their foundations, external walls, partitions,floors, roofs with coverings, wall, floor &ceiling finishes, doors, windows, stairs andsuspended ceilings. Supervision & qualitycontrol requirements for concrete work,bricklaying, plastering & tiling, carpentry &joinery, painting, glazing and metalwork willbe covered.DE211ZLaw of Contract & Tort(Year-Long Module)Gives an appreciation of the nature, sourcesof law and the structure and hierarchy ofcourts in <strong>Singapore</strong>. It also covers legislationrelating to the property industry, including theEmployment Act, Workmen’s CompensationAct and the Building Control Act. It also givesstudents an understanding of the generalprinciples of the law of contract and tort andtheir application to the construction industry.DE220ZConstruction Technology(Year-Long Module)Gives students an understanding of theconstruction of more complex buildingstructures. It covers superstructurecomponents such as steel frames, in situ& precast floors, steel truss & girder roofs,precast stairs, infill panel walls, facings,cladding & curtain walling, special doors &aluminium windows. Students are also taughtthe construction of substructure work ofbuildings, including deep trench & basementexcavation & support, pile & raft foundations,basements & retaining wall construction,soil & site investigation & control of groundwater. It also develops students’ ability toread & interpret building drawings including,architectural, structural & services drawings.DE230ZAdvanced Construction & Quality(Year-Long Module)Gives students an understanding oftemporary works such as shoring, scaffolding,hoardings, gantries & underpinning andmore complex construction work including,demolition, specialist formwork, prestressing,prefabrication, wide span roofs, sun shadingdevices, demountable partitions, automationand simple external works such as turfing andlandscaping, surface water drainage, driveway& roads, boundary walls and fencing. Italso introduces buildability & quality controlmethods including CONQUAS & ISO 9000.DE231ZAdvanced Measurement(Year-Long Module)Gives an understanding of and the abilityto measure in detail, bulk excavation &earthworks, basement construction &waterproofing, piling, diaphragm walling &underpinning, site clearance, spot items &demolition & alteration works in accordancewith standard rules. Students are also taughthow to measure plumbing & drainage work,metal windows &doors, structural steelwork,precast and prestressed concrete works,external claddings, curtain walling, systemceilings and external works.268 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>DE233ZIntegrated Project(Year-Long Module)Aims to develop initiative, self-relianceand organisational abilities by makingstudents work independently in a simulatedwork situation. It consists of an in-depthstudy, under the guidance of a tutor, of atopic related to actual practice in quantitysurveying, construction project management,and property & facilities management. Theproject could simulate the preparation of aBill of Quantities by measurement, a studyof some building components or aspect ofproperty management and maintenancework. It draws upon the various aspects of thecourse content and may require a thoroughliterature search & field-work and the writingof a report, model making or video or CDproduction or the writing of applicationsoftware. An element of creativity, innovationand enterprise, (CIE), is also required.DE2103Building ScienceProvides students with an understandingof the factors related to the internalenvironmental conditions of buildingsand spaces. Particular emphasis is placedon ventilation, thermal condition andbuilding acoustics.DE2104Design & DrawingGives students the ability to manually draftsimple design details in sketch or scaledrawing form. Students are also introducedto reading and interpreting simple buildingdrawings. An appreciation is also given, ofdesign & its importance and of the designprocess as applied to building design anddetailing of components.DE2105CADDProvides basic training for student in thepreparation of drawings using CADDapplication. It trains students to preparedrawings in 2-Dimension as well as 3-Dimension. This is a “hands-on” module andwill concentrate on building drawing & will beconducted in computer laboratories.DE2106Building Services IProvides students with an understanding ofthe installation of mechanical and electricalservices in small residential buildings.DE2107IT for the Property IndustryDevelops the students’ knowledge ofthe use of IT in the property industry. Itfocuses on application of IT as an enablerfor gathering, organising and managinginformation for decision making and reports.Students are given an understanding ofthe World Wide Web, networking andthe Internet. It also introduces the generalprinciples and strategies of developingproperty database applications and simplestatistical concepts and analysis. Knowledgeof word and spreadsheet processing will bereinforced to manage construction and realestate information.DE2108Building Materials ApplicationProvides students with an understandingof the properties of common buildingmaterials and their uses in the constructionindustry. Emphasis is placed on fieldstudies of materials, laboratory work andon their selection & use and application inappropriate situations.DE2203StructuresGives students an appreciation of the forcesacting on a building structure & ensuringstructural strength & safety of buildings.Students are given an appreciation of howstructures behave under load, why they fail& how they should be designed and erectedto prevent structural failure. It covers theconcept of forces, bending moments, stresses,strain and elasticity and the design of simplereinforced concrete structures.DE2204EconomicsGives students an understanding of theworking of economic principles in a propertyindustry environment. It covers market theoryof supply and demand and their elasticityin the case of land, housing, labour andmaterials. It includes theory of the firm in thebuilt environment & the structure and natureof the property industry, macro-economy andgovernment policy.DE2205Property MaintenanceManagementGives students an understanding of theplanning, organising, control and executionof maintenance work in both public andprivate housing estates. The objectives ofmaintenance work, with an emphasis oneconomic sustainability of the buildingstock, inspection systems & procedures,work control and records will be taught. Inaddition, the legal aspects and requirementsfor maintenance management including therequirements under the Town Council Act willbe covered.DE2206Accounts & FinanceGives students an understanding of basicbook-keeping principles, balance sheet, profit& loss statement and ratio analysis. Sourcesof finance and cash flow analysis will alsobe taught.DE2207Building Maintenance TechnologyGives students an understanding of thecauses of structural & architectural defectsin the building fabric, the ability to diagnosedefects and recommend solutions for repair,replacement & improvements to the building.DE2209Building Services IIGives students an understanding of theinstallation of mechanical and electricalservice to large buildings.DE2210Project Management IGives students an understanding of generalmanagement principles that apply in buildingprojects. General management principles ofstructure & relationships in an organisation,the management processes of planning,organising, control & motivation are coveredfollowed by Project Management processesincluding planning scheduling & controllingresources to achieve higher productivity andquality from inception to completion.DE2211Contract ProcurementGives students an understanding of thepreparation of tender documents andthe ability to write simple specificationsfor building work. It also covers thedifferent procurement methods includingtraditional lump sum, re-measurement, costreimbursement and term contracts, the designand build system & management contracting& the associated tendering procedures.DE2212Measurement of BuildingWorks (Architecture)Gives students an understanding of andthe ability to measure, in accordancewith standard rules, simple architecturalwork including internal floor, wall andceiling finishes, roof and finishes, doorsand windows.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 269

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>DE2213Measurement of BuildingWorks (Structure)Gives students an understanding of andthe ability to measure, in accordance withstandard rules, simple structural work inbuildings, including load-bearing wall andreinforced concrete framed structures.Brickwork and blockwork, and reinforcedconcrete, sub-structure and super-structureworks are covered in detail.DE2303Building EconomicsGives students an understanding of theeconomics of property development andthe costs involved. It covers developersbudgeting and feasibility studies, design costrelationship, cost analysis and planning, lifecycle costs & value engineering.DE2304Contract AdministrationGives an understanding of the standard formsof building contracts and subcontracts, andthe roles and relationships of the contractingparties. It gives a simple understanding ofcontract administration procedures includingprocedures for payment, communication,quality control, variations, extension of timeand liquidated damages, final accounts,subcontracting and insurance.DE2305IT Applications for QSGives students the ability in IT applicationsrelevant to Quantity Surveying work. Itfocuses on applications such as ElectronicMeasurement System, Estimating, ProjectManagement, including ‘E-Collaboration’,and other Electronic Transactions such asE-Tendering, E-Procurement, E-Bidding andE-Submission.DE2306IT Applications for PFMGives students the ability in IT applicationsrelevant to Property & Facilities Management.It also focuses on applications such asE-business, E-Procurement and other webservices that are used in property & facilitiesmanagement. It introduces students tothe general principles and strategies fordeveloping an IT enabled building.DE2307Estimating & CostingGives an understanding of estimating and theability to work as an estimator. It covers theprocedures involved in estimating, analysingand building up prices and rates for differentitems of work in the traditional buildingtrades. It also gives an understanding ofpreliminary costs and approximate estimating.DE2308Project Management IIGives students an understanding of theprinciples of managing a developmentproject. It covers the planning, scheduling andbudgeting of the work, monitoring & controlof development projects from the perspectiveof developers. It also covers the preparationof a design brief, selection and appointmentof consultants and the commissioning ofprojects, the coordination of design, tenderingand award and the management of theconstruction process including the site layout,planning and scheduling of the resources andwork etc.DE2309Building Services IIIProvides students with an understandingof lighting systems, vertical transportationsystems, testing and commissioningof building services systems and themeasurement of building services.DE2310Facilities MaintenanceGives students an understanding of defectsdiagnosis and remedial measures forreinforced concrete, the maintenance of allfacilities in an estate including clubhouses,swimming pools, tennis courts, groundsincluding play equipment & car parks.Cleaning, security, pest control and otherservicing arrangements for the maintenanceof all facilities will also be covered.DE2311Property & Facilities ManagementGives an appreciation of the definition &wide scope and importance of facilitiesmanagement, an understanding of thelegislation that governs the managementof residential, commercial & industrial andrecreational developments. Emphasis willbe given to an understanding of the needfor good management of the existingfacilities, regular evaluation & optimisationof the property & facilities with changes intechnology, standards &legislation, budgetaryconstraints & requirements of the business.DE2312Land Planning & DevelopmentGives students an understanding ofland planning and the planning systemin <strong>Singapore</strong>, including developmentcontrol and planning approvals. It willalso cover the requirements including theplanning parameters and guidelines forproperty development.DE2313Maintenance of Building ServicesProvides students with an understanding ofthe operation and maintenance of buildingservice systems including lifts, electrical& lighting, air conditioning, fire fighting,plumbing and sanitation. An understandingof energy conservation in buildings will alsobe covered.DE2314Space & Event ManagementGives students an understanding of theimportance of maximising the asset value ofspace owned and rented by an organisation,planning for space utilisation & layout tomaximise returns, functionality and operatingand maintenance efficacy. Students arealso given an appreciation of planning,organising, coordinating and managingevents for organisations including the settingup of facilities and other logistics involved.Events include conferences and seminars,exhibitions and office functions and otheractivities of management corporations andproperty owners.DE2315Property LawEquips students with the general principlesof land law, and practical knowledge ofstatutes, regulations, rules and other legalrequirements in relation to property.DE2316Contract Administration & CostingGives students an understanding of contractadministration procedures in relation to theSIA Form of Contract. It includes proceduresfor payment, communication and qualitycontrol, variations, extension of timeand liquidated damages, final accounts,subcontracting and insurance. Students arealso given an understanding of term contractconditions and administration procedures andmeasuring and pricing simple work.DE2318Estate Agency & MarketingGives students knowledge & understandingof <strong>Singapore</strong>’s property market, marketingresearch & strategies and the practical aspectsof agency work. Areas covered includenegotiations in property transactions and thepractice of estate agency.DE2319ValuationEquips students with practical knowledgeof valuation of different types of properties,an overview of the real estate market andtaxation. Economic factors affecting the270 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>supply and demand of properties and theirprice determination, methods of valuation andproperty taxation will also be covered.DE500ZLandscape Design Studio IProvides students with the fundamentalknowledge and skills in visualisation andcommunication for landscape design. Themodule will introduce students to thelandscape design presentation techniques(both 2D and 3D drawings, models and digitalpresentation). Students also learn to applyand integrate concepts and fundamentals oflandscape design, technology and ecology insmall-scale projects.DE501ZPlants & Landscape TechnologyDevelops in students with the sensitivitiesof aesthetics and visualisation in usingplant materials from the tropics. It alsodevelops students’ understanding of thebasic botanical science concerning plants’character of growth, planting, maintenanceand propagation techniques. Students alsolearn the basics of construction, drainage andearthworks involved in landscaping structuresand works.DE502ZHistory & Theory ofLandscape Design IDevelops students’ understanding of designprinciples, appreciation towards humanphysical and mental responses to the naturalenvironment. It introduces the historical,socio cultural background and theories oflandscape architecture in South East Asia andAsia with emphasis from vernacular to themodern adaptation.DE503ZEnvironmental System & ProcessIntroduces students to the role ofenvironmental processes in shaping thepatterns of the physical environment and theoperation of global environment systems.There will be emphasis on the need forsustainable interactions of humans with theirenvironment and for control of environmentalcrisis such as global warming and depletion ofnatural resources.DE504ZLandscape Design Studio IIFacilitates students to explore and discoversolutions appropriate for vertical garden andgreen façade designs as well as site planningfor residential and community based projects.In the design process, student further developskills to resolve and integrate a complexity ofmulti-disciplinary information and constraints.DE505ZPlants & Sky-Rise TechnologyDevelops in students a good understandingof the importance of natural elements inarchitecture with emphasis on water, rocksetc. for aesthetic and spatial qualities.Students also develop an appreciation of therelationship between plants and water withtheir environments, habitats, communitiesand life cycles. There is an emphasis onthe construction of waterscape and roofgardens with considerations for drainage,water management and external lighting.Finally students are introduced to the relevantlocal codes.DE506ZHistory & Theory ofLandscape Design IIDevelops students’ appreciation forthe adaptive use of art elements andmethodologies in formal landscape planningassociated with the Western landscapearchitecture from renaissance to the presentday adaptation.DE507ZComputer-AidedDesign & PresentationStudents learn to use software and digitaltechniques for design, presentation anddocumentation of landscape design. This iscomplementary to study models and othermedia of communications.DE508ZLandscape Design Studio IIIEnables students to experience the designprocess of urban open space planningand landform designs. It involves furtherdevelopment of critical thinking and problemsolving skills to strategise and make decisions.It facilitates students’ developing skills inthe integration of natural with built formsin the creation of an urban landscape. It isa holistic approach to create a relationshipfor sustainability.DE509ZPlants & Site PlanningDevelops in students, abilities to createlandforms design and site planning withconsiderations to local policies and codes.An appreciation for GIS and ability to translatethe information for site planning is targeted.In addition, the appropriate plants, plantingand management techniques for urban sitesand large tracts of land are studied.DE510ZUrban Environment & SocietyExamines the sustainable and sociologicalissues and techniques for a goodunderstanding of specific user grouprequirements in the design of public openspaces and landscapes with emphasis tolocal context. The political and economiclandscapes are studied to understand theimpact and implications on the peoplelifestyles and well-being. They also learn theprinciples and guidelines in conservationand preservation of natural sites especiallypertaining to <strong>Singapore</strong>.DE511ZProject Management inLandscape ArchitectureIntroduces the principles of qualitymanagement in a design office as well as thefundamentals of project management for alandscaping project including cost estimation,specifications and contracts administration.EC1166Design & Fabrication ProjectEquips Mechatronics students with theessential human and practical skills andprepares them for their final year projectwork. Students will go through thedesign and fabrication process to build anelectromechanical project. Students will learnto prepare their design, produce engineeringdrawing, fabricate mechanical parts (milling,turning and fitting), make printed circuitboard, test and troubleshoot electronic circuitand integrate mechanical and electronic parts.EC1233CAD (Electronics)Aims at introducing students to the use ofcomputers in industrial environment forcomputer-aided design of electronic circuits,simulation and printed circuit boards, andprovides them the hands-on experience inusing Electronic Design Automation systemsfor design of electronic circuits.EC1403ElectronicsProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts of digital electronicdevices and analogue devices. Topics coveredinclude logic gates, flip-flops, counters, shiftregisters, decoders, encoders, multiplexers,demultiplexers, functional diagrams ofmicroprocessors, diodes and transistors.It aims to provide students with thefundamental in digital and analogue devices,circuits and applications.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 271

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>EC1405Electronic DevicesProvides Mechatronics students with anappreciation of analogue and digital electronicdevices, circuits and applications as used inthe Mechatronics area. The module preparesstudents for the third year of the course.EC1406Circuit TheoryBuilds on the fundamentals covered in theElectrical Technology module and aims toprovide students with the understanding andapplication of advanced theorems to solvecomplex electrical circuits efficiently. Basics onthree-phase systems are also covered as anintroduction to the third-year course.EC1407Microcontroller forMechatronics SystemTeaches the basic concepts of microcomputerand the programming and application ofmicrocontroller. Upon completing the module,students should be able to use microcontrollerto perform simple control functions of a realworld system.EC1408Electromechanical DevicesIntroduces electric motors used to convertelectrical power into mechanical power.Covers concepts of electromagnetism,ac power, power triangle, significance ofpower factor and power factor correction.Discuss operation principles of commontypes of stepper, dc and ac motors. Outlinemeasurement concepts of ac electrical power,dc electrical power and mechanical power.EE3115Electrical TechnologyProvides students with an understanding onbasic electrical principles. Students can usethis knowledge in their practical work; relatethe use of electricity to electrical equipmentand machines and the proper use of theinstruments for measurements.EE9118Dynamics & ControlAims to provide an understanding ofprinciples of control engineering and itsapplications. Topics include mathematicalmodelling, transient analysis, stability analysis,s-plane analysis, frequency response analysis,compensation techniques and PID controllertuning methods. Digital control and Z-transform techniques will also be covered.EE9119Engineering ManagementProvides students with an introduction to theengineering economy in relation to the timevalue of money. Teaches the significance ofeconomic aspects of engineering, how toevaluate the feasibility of new engineeringproject and replacement projects in terms ofcost and benefit using the different measureof worth namely Present Worth, FutureWorth, Annual Worth, Payback analysisand Rate of Return. Components of Cost ofCapital and Capital budgeting will be taught.Differences in private and public projectsand buy versus lease options are discussed.Case studies will be used to help studentsunderstand and grasp these concepts.Students will learn to use the spreadsheet toperform the financial calculations.ES8001Needs Analysis & PlanningStudents will learn the techniques andmethods of conducting a performance gapand learning needs analysis to determine thetype of training solutions required. They willlearn the factors suitable for implementing e-learning solutions and evaluate organizationalreadiness for e-learning. They will also selectappropriate training solutions and learn basicproject management skills for planning andimplementing a training solution.ES8002e-Learning DesignStudents will learn to design an effectiveblended lesson. To accomplish this, theywill learn how to articulate goals andobjectives, map learning strategies toobjectives, sequence the selected strategiesappropriately, prescribe facilitation instructionsbased on various learning environments, andfinally complete the process by designing validand reliable assessment items to ascertaincompetency. To fulfil the above, the studentswill develop a complete design blueprint anda storyboard. These documents should bespecific enough to be passed on as a guide toother facilitators, or passed to a developer forproduction purposes.ES8003e-Learning DevelopmentStudents will learn the application oftechnologies required to deliver their coursesover the Internet. They will be able to applythe Rapid E-Learning (REL) Developmenttechnique to develop a module prototype. Inaddition, they will learn the setting of policy inpicking tools and technologies in conformancewith e-learning standards.ES8004e-LearningImplementation & DeliveryStudents will be able to evaluate and selectthe appropriate Learning Management Systemto deliver their e-learning solution. They willlearn to manage an e-learning platform andbe familiar with the common features andfunctions of learning systems. They will alsodevelop effective strategies and identify thecritical success factors of implementing ane-learning programme.ES8005e-Learning EvaluationThe module provides students with a rangeof strategies, methods and tools to evaluatean e-learning programme. Students willlearn how to assess the learning outcomes,measure the benefits of training and establishmeasurement criteria and rubrics to evaluatethe effectiveness of e-learning. They willcarry out research of evaluation strategiesand critically analyse case studies of e-learning programmes.ES8006e-Learning PracticumStudents will undertake a practical project todesign, develop and implement an e-learningsolution for their institution or organisation. Inthis practicum, participants will be required tosubmit the following:1. A learning need analysis proposal forhis/her organisation or institution.2. A Course Design Specification (CDS)document, based on the needsanalysis proposal.3. A prototype module using the rapidprototyping technique.4. A LMS strategy report detailing selectionand implementation.5. A final report on the pilot test andthrough evaluation of the overallsolution.ET0001Networking EssentialsPrepares students to meet the needs ofindustry by providing a general overviewof computer networking. It also providesstudents with an overview of the differentnetwork cabling, hardware, devices,functionality, topologies, client-serverconcepts and standards required forcomputer networking. This is an introductorymodule, giving the students an overview ofnetworking using a “hands-on” approach.272 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0010Computer NetworkingProvides an understanding of computernetwork routing principles. Students willlearn the difference between routingand routed protocols, the setup andconfiguration of routers, routing protocolsand how to implement access lists forrouting. Students will also be equipped withnetwork troubleshooting skills and be able todiscuss LAN design issues involving multiplerouter networks.ET0011Computer InterfacingDemonstrates how a personal computer canbe used in interfacing applications using itsinternal ports (i.e. Centronics and RS-232) aswell as external ports using interface cards.Students are introduced to parallel and serialdata transfer and taught how to controlelectronic devices and gather informationfrom the real world.ET0012Network InfrastructureTeaches students how to physically implementan enterprise wide network for academicor commercial organisations. The networkwill include Local Area Networks (LANs) ateach site and Wide Area Network (WAN) toprovide data connectivity between all sites ofthe organisations. The module covers design,installation and testing of structured cablingsystem and provides an overview of LANs andWANs technology, devices, network designcomponents and methodology.ET0015Server ManagementIntroduces students to the principles, conceptsand techniques in managing servers. Uponsuccessful completion of this module, studentsshould be able to understand how to installservers, manage users over a network, howto avoid problems through fault tolerance,and how to recover from problems throughdisaster recovery and how to troubleshootnetwork/server problems. Students should beable to evaluate and select the appropriatetools to manage the network with emphasison server management and administration.ET0019Wireless NetworkingProvides students a complete foundationof knowledge in Wireless Networking.It covers from basic RF theory, hardwareinstallation, configuration and management,to troubleshooting, security and sitesurveying. Other mobile communicationtechnologies will also be discussed.ET0023Operating SystemsIntroduces students to the inner workingsof Operating Systems for computers. Itprovides a clear description of the conceptsthat underlie operation systems. At the endof this module, students will have a goodunderstanding of the OS’s managementsystem such as processes, memory, storage,I/O devices and security issues.ET0026Network ManagementTeaches students the essentials of networkmanagement including network managementfunctions, protocol and standards. It explainshow network management functions areachieved through a practical approach. It givesstudent an overview of network managementtools currently available so that students canrelate to them as they are deployed in anorganisation. This module also covers waysto optimise network performance throughtraffic distribution and introduces studentto concept of quality of service and networkstorage solutions.ET0030TCP/IPThe Transmission Control Protocol/InternetProtocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite is the enginefor the Internet and networks worldwide.This module provides the students with anunderstanding of the underlying conceptsessential to the protocols of the TCP/IPprotocol suite. It also covers popular TCP/IPapplication protocols (such as HTTP, FTP,SMTP, DNS etc.) and introduces studentsto the latest IP addressing standards usedin networking.ET0048Systems & ControlProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic concepts of control theory in bothtime and frequency domains. This moduleserves as the foundation for more advancedmodules introduced later in the course. Topicsto be covered include systems characteristics,modelling transient response analysis,frequency response analysis, s-plane analysis,modes of control and stability analysis.ET0049Sensors & InstrumentationAims to provide students with an adequateknowledge and basic foundation in theunderstanding of various sensors and actuatordevices used in measurement and control.This module covers topics on the principlesof different types of sensors, actuatorelements, data acquisition, calibration,aspects, programmable logic fundamentalsand data communication in instrumentationand control.ET0050Electrical Installation DesignCovers the basic knowledge and practicalskills in the application and safe use ofelectrical energy and services in domestic,commercial and industrial buildings. The maintopics to be covered include an overviewof the power generation, transmission anddistribution system, types of energy sources,electrical safety and protection principlesbased on the relevant codes of practices,control circuit design using relays, and theprinciples on the testing and troubleshootingof electrical installation circuits. Newtechnology in electrical installation, such asthe EIB system, will also be covered.ET0052Electromagnetic DevicesIntroduces the operation and applications ofconventional and special electrical machinescommonly used in the industry. Conventionalmachines include dc generators /motors,transformers, three-phase and single-phaseinduction motors. Special machines coveredare servomotors, stepper motors, permanentmagnet dc motors, brushless DC motors andtheir applications.ET0053Circuit Theory & AnalysisProvides students with an understandingof circuit theory, which includes meshanalysis, nodal analysis, circuit theoremsand applications. The student will also beintroduced to three-phase circuits, coveringthree-phase supply and loads. This moduleprovides the basic foundation leading to finalyear subjects – Power Distribution & ElectricalServices and Power System Analysis.ET0055Power Distribution &Electrical ServicesProvides students with knowledge andunderstanding of main equipment such ascables, transformers, circuit breakers andassociated protective devices involved in thedistribution of electrical energy. Importanceand requirements for effective delivery ofelectrical energy through HV & LV distributionnetworks for various types of industrialconsumers and associated testing will beemphasised. Principles, characteristics andapplications of various types of protectiverelays will also be covered. Students willalso learn the technical knowledge and skillsin designing various electrical services for<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 273

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>high-rise residential/commercial buildings andindustrial buildings. Students are trained tocarry out design calculation, system designand equipment selection in accordance withgood engineering practices as required bythe Codes.ET0056Power System AnalysisEquips students with the ability to analyseand solve problems commonly encounteredin electrical power systems. The main topicsinclude harmonics and power quality issues,symmetrical components theory and theknowledge of using computer techniques inthe understanding and solution of load flow,fault analysis and stability problems.ET0058Computer NetworksPrepares students to meet the needsof the industry by providing a generaloverview of computer networking. It alsoprovides students with an overview ofthe different network cabling hardware,devices, functionality, topologies, clientserverconcepts and standards required forcomputer networking.ET0059Computer Control SystemsProvides students with the knowledgeand practical experiences in intelligentinstruments and systems that are employedin the instrumentation and control fields.This module aims at providing an integratedsystem approach to the understandingof computer control systems and theirapplications in process control. Afterunderstanding the concepts of digital controland process control behaviour, students willthen proceed to study computer controlsystems such as the DCS and fieldbus systems.ET0060Power Generation & TransmissionProvides students with the knowledge ofpower generation, power system operation,voltage and frequency control of powersystem, as well as power transmission andprotection. Students will learn the basicconcepts of Supervisory Control and DataAcquisition (SCADA) system and digital relaysfor solving quality, control and protectionrelated issues. A topic on clean energy isalso included to give students some basicknowledge of stand-alone and gridconnected solar power systems and windenergy systems.ET0061Intelligent SystemsCovers the use of modern digitalcommunication networks for integratedcontrol in industries. This module aimsto provide students with a theoreticaland practical knowledge of the design ofcomputer-based monitoring and controlsystems. Students will learn about the useof networked smart devices for providinginformation to create an intelligent system.It covers different industrial applications;ranging from industrial, process tobuilding automation.ET0064Power Electronics & DrivesIntroduces students to control and conversionof electric power for applications in variablespeed drives. The topics include thecharacteristics and applications of powersemiconductor devices, various powerconverters such as AC controllers, phasecontrolled rectifiers, choppers and inverters.The student will then be introduced to theprinciples of operation of AC drives, DCdrives, variable speed drive systems andtheir applications.ET0068Final Year Project (EO)Designed for part-time students of theDiploma Course in lieu of final year (openended)projects for full-time students andas an extension to the Project module. Itprovides the opportunity for implementingtheories and ideas in mini-projects. Valuablepractical skills and teamwork will be acquiredin the process. The project areas includeanalog, digital, microcontroller applicationsand power electronics.ET0069Circuit SimulationStudents will receive hands-on training inusing Windows-based Electronic DesignAutomation (EDA) software for circuitsimulation and printed circuit board design.ET0083Structured ProgrammingTeaches students to write programs ina structured way. It emphasises goodprogramming techniques and covers topicson simple data types, input/output, selectioncontrol and loop constructs, functions andbasic data structures such as arrays.ET0085CADDEquips students with the knowledge ofdrawing office practice, ISO drawingstandards and acquiring of drawing skills usinglatest AutoCAD software. It aims to teachstudents the ability to read and produce goodtechnical sketches and projection drawingsas a form of engineering communication.The module will cover basic 2D drawings,isometrics and orthogonal projections, andthe use of workstation based CAD/CAMsoftware for computer-aided drafting.ET0087Analog Communication SystemsIntroduces the principles and techniques usedin analog communication systems. A systemapproach is used, with the main emphasisbeing on the understanding of principles.Topics include signals and their spectrums,filters, band-limiting, noise sources, SNR,radiated and conducted interference, need forEMC compliance, noise reduction, necessity ofmodulation, AM, DSBSC, SSB, FM and basicoperation of superhet radio receivers.ET0088Circuit AnalysisProvides students with the principles ofnetwork analysis and the basic concepts ofcontrol theory in both time and frequencydomains. Topics covered include Mesh &Nodal Analysis, RLC Circuits (Transients),Network Functions (s-domain), Filter Design(RC, Butterworth, Chebyshev and BesselCharacteristics), Basic Control Systems,Frequency response plots and Decibels.ET0091Analog SystemsCovers transistor basics and the analysis oftransistor circuits. Topics include NetworkTheorems (Thevenin and Norton), maximumpower transfer theorem, Bipolar Transistors,BJT Amplifiers, Power Amplifiers (Class A, B,AB) and Practical Op Amp Characteristics.ET0092Logic DesignIntroduces an important area of digital circuits– the design of synchronous sequential circuitwith emphasis on the finite state machinedesign approach. To further their knowledgeon the design methodology, students willundertake a mini-project towards the end ofthe course using Programmable Logic Devices.ET0094Project 2Provides a structured practical experiencein project construction. Work includes PCBfabrication and assembly, testing and troubleshootingof assembled systems and reportwriting. Circuit chosen for project will berelated to what is taught in DEC 1FT modulesand DEC 2FT Stage 2B modules.274 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0096Digital Signal ProcessingProvides students with an understandingof digital processing of signals and theirimplementation in basic digital signalprocessing systems. Topics covered includesampling & quantization, impulse response,discrete linear convolution, analysis usingz-transform, design of FIR digital filters,discrete Fourier transform & fast Fouriertransform, practical implementation of digitalsignal processors.ET0097Digital CommunicationsTeaches the principles and techniques usedin digital communication systems. Topicscovered include signal analysis, digital pulsemodulation (PCM, DPCM), digital modulation(ASK, FSK, PSK), transmission problems suchas ISI, AWGN, BER & eye diagram, detectiontechniques, information theory and coding.ET0099IC TestingProvides an understanding of automatedtest equipment used in industry to verify thecorrect operation of digital integrated circuits.Topics covered include the importance oftesting, hardware modules of a test system,digital test methodologies (AC, DC parametricand functional tests) and memories testing.ET0100Quality & ReliabilityProvides the fundamentals of two veryimportant fields in the area of product designand manufacture. These refer to quality andreliability. Topics include SQC, SPC, controlcharts, reliability concepts, accelerated testingand system reliability. There will also beassignments on TQM, ISO9000, SPC, DOE,COQ and environmental stress testing.ET0101IC DesignProvides a basic knowledge of integratedcircuit design. Students will learn thedesign of digital system adopting the flowfrom behavioural synthesis to layout andverification. Topics include Verilog HardwareDescription Language (HDL) design, synthesis,operation and characteristic of MOS devices,different design methodology such as, fullcustomIC design, semi-custom IC design.Simulation techniques and design verificationwill be included.ET0102Wafer FabricationProvides knowledge on the various processesinvolved in the fabrication of semiconductor.Topics include semiconductor physics,wafer fabrication processes, integratedcircuit devices, clean room management,ultra pure water production and vacuumsystems technology.ET0103Client-Server SystemsProvides an understanding of Client-Serverarchitectures in LAN, Internet and mobileplatforms. Topics covered include databasedesign and modelling techniques, SQL,transaction processing, XML concepts andweb application development.ET0104Embedded Computer SystemsProvides an understanding of low costand small size, but powerful embeddedprocessors, used commonly for industrial andhome devices. Students will learn to developsmart devices with remote control andmonitoring functions. Topics covered includeparallel input/output, serial communications,timing functions, communication protocol/HTTP and troubleshooting equipment.ET0112Biomedical MicrodevicesProvides students with knowledge andunderstanding in the fabrication, applications,design and testing of Biomedical Microdevices(Biosensors and BioMEMS).ET0118Project 3Designed for part-time students of theDiploma Course in lieu of final year (openended)projects for full-time students andas an extension to the Project 2 module. Itprovides the opportunity for implementingtheories and ideas in mini-projects. Valuablepractical skills and teamwork will be acquiredin the process.ET0130Networks & ProtocolsCovers the introduction of network protocolsusing TCP/IP, routing, bridging and acquiringan understanding of router components androuting protocols. Students will be taughthow to configure access lists and packetfiltering using IOS software.ET0141Broadband CommunicationsProvides students a fundamentalunderstanding of various broadbandnetworks and services. Topics includeATM, Gigabit Ethernet, SONET, Broadbandaccess technologies and other emergingbroadband technologies.ET0150Embedded SystemsIntroduces embedded systems as theintelligent building blocks of most electronicdevices and complex machines and includesembedded internet as the connectivitysolution. The course material progresses fromthe most common components of embeddedsystems to connectivity of appliances directlythrough internet via Ethernet; remotecommunication and monitoring of appliances.At the end of the course, students shouldhave the knowledge and experience to designand integrate embedded systems from readilyavailable commercial components.ET0152RF Fundamentals & MeasurementsProvides fundamental knowledge of circuitsoperating at radio frequencies (RF) andmeasurements at these frequencies. Topicscovered include signal reflection, characteristicimpedance, S-parameter, use of Smithchart, impedance matching, behaviour ofcomponents at RF, basics of RF measurementand measurement uncertainty. Usage ofcommon RF equipment such as spectrumanalyser, noise measurement, power meter,vector network analyser and impedanceanalyser are included in the practical.ET0153Satellite & Optical CommunicationCovers both theoretical and practical aspectsof optical and satellite communications. Topicscovered in Optical Communication includelight-wave propagation in optical fibres, maindevices used in optical communication link(lasers, LED, EDFA, coupler and WDM devices),and link budget analysis.Topics covered in Satellite Communicationinclude subsystems in Satellite and Earthstations, satellite communication applicationsand system budgeting.ET0156IP TelephonyProvides students with the fundamentalconcepts of IP Telephony architectures andcomponents used in IP Telephony solution.Students will learn to install, configure andmaintain Enterprise IP Telephony network.Service provider VoIP solutions will alsobe covered.ET0161Biomedical ElectronicsIntroduces the principles and concepts ofbiomedical electronics. Theory and applicationof sensors, biosensors, biopotentialelectrodes, measurements of biopotentialsignals including electrocardiogram (ECG),<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 275

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram(EMG) will be taught. Use of operationalamplifiers, instrumentation amplifiersand filters in the context of biomedicalinstruments will be discussed. Principles ofoperation of common medical and clinicalequipment will be introduced. Students willbe introduced to computerised biomedicalinstruments. Medical safety standards andmedical equipment certification regulationswill also be covered in this module.ET0162Power Electronics & DrivesIntroduces students to control andconversion of electrical power for applicationsin variable speed drives. The topics includethe characteristics and applications of powersemiconductor devices, various powerconverters such as AC controllers, phasecontrolledrectifiers, choppers and inverters.The students are then introduced to theprinciple of operation of AC drives, DCdrives, variable speed drive systems andtheir applications.ET0163Systems & ControlProvides students with an understanding ofthe basic concepts of control theory in bothtime domain and frequency domain. Topicsto be covered include systems characteristics,modelling, transient and frequency responseanalysis, s-plane analysis, modes of controland system stability analysis.ET0164Avionic SystemsA third-year module taught in the Diplomain Aeronautical Engineering (DARE) program.It is based on <strong>Singapore</strong> AirworthinessRequirements (SAR) 66. Topics taught includemodern aircraft instruments and displays;computer controlled, monitoring, detectionand warning systems; voice and flightrecordings; radio and satellite communicationand navigation systems. The practical sessionstrain the students to be technically soundwith their hand skills. The assignments aredesigned to instil the importance of goodcommunication; independence; creativity;team spirit; life-long learning as well as theapplications of the knowledge and skills theyhave learned in this and other modules.ET0166Microdevices & MaterialsProvides the students with the knowledgeand understanding of electronic materials,integrated circuits fabrication technology,Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) anddisplay technology. Students are exposedto the practical applications of electronicmaterials in processing of micro devices in theSP Technology Centre for Nanofabrication andMaterial. Various fabrication processes suchas sputtering, RIE, photolithography and CVDare carried out in laboratory to reinforce thetheoretical concepts taught in the classroom.ET0167Microdevices & MaterialsProvides students with the knowledgeand understanding of electronic materials,integrated circuits fabrication technology andMicroelectromechanical Systems (MEMS). Themodule will cover semiconductor materialproperties, silicon wafer manufacturingtechniques, electronic components structures,wafer fabrication processes, MOS technologyand MEMS manufacturing methodologyand technology. Hands on laboratoryexperiments will be conducted in theCentre for Nanofabrication and Materials tounderstand the high technology processes likePhotolithography, Plasma Etching, Sputteringand PECVD (Plasma Enhanced ChemicalVapour Deposition).ET0168Electrical TechnologyRefer to EE3115.ET0169ElectronicsRefer to EC1403.ET0170Avionic SystemsRefer to ET0164ET0172Interaction Design Technology 1This module will equip students with theunderstanding and ability to prototypeGraphical User Interfaces that include simpleprogramming logic inside them. Studentswill learn how to use a graphical scriptingbased software development tool (e.g.Macromedia Flash/ActionScript) to designand develop simple interactive applications.Knowledge and skills acquired will supportand be applied in the Design studio projects.Students who master this module will be ableto prototype simple interactive applicationssuch as interactive greeting cards and simplepuzzle games, on the personal computer thatoperate using standard I/O devices (mouse,keyboard and monitor).ET0173Interaction Design Technology 2The aim of this module is to equip studentswith the understanding and ability toprototype simple solutions that enablepersonal interactions with stand-alonedevices, i.e. interface building between asingle user and an existing device.Students will learn how to develop GUI-basedprograms using a structured programminglanguage (e.g. Java, Visual Basic .NET), andhow to program a computer system tointerface to the physical world via sensors andeffectors using tools (e.g. Lego Mindstorms,National Instruments LabView).Knowledge and skills acquired will supportand be applied in the Design studio projects.Students who master this module will beable to prototype stand-alone interactiveapplications such as interactive digitalmuseum/art exhibit, and simple stand-alonerobots that interface to the physical world viainput and output technologies such as sensorsand motors.ET0174Interaction Design Technology 3The aim of this module is to equip studentswith the understanding and ability toprototype solutions that enable interactionswith complex and networked systems/environments, i.e. interface building betweena single user or group of users and newdevices/environments.Students will learn how to architect simpleconnected systems, and implement them tooperate correctly as a whole (via a network,Internet). They will be exposed to relevantwireless technologies (e.g. handphones,SMS, Wi-Fi) and wired technologies (e.g.Ethernet, ADSL) that can be used to provideconnectivity to their solutions. Knowledgeand skills acquired will support and be appliedin the Design studio projects. Studentswho master this module will be able toprototype fairly complex connected interactiveapplications such as SMS alert for queuenumber at polyclinics and simple innovativemulti-player games using Wi-Fi.ET0175BioinstrumentationIntroduces the principles and conceptsof biomedical instrumentation. Theoryand application of sensors, biosensors,transducers, biopotential electrodes,measurements of biopotential signalsincluding electrocardiogram (ECG),electroencephalogram (EEG) andelectromyogram (EMG) are taught.Other topics covered include basic circuit laws,use of operational amplifiers, instrumentationamplifiers and filters in biomedical instrumentsand principles of various monitoring systems.276 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0201Network Server AdministrationTeaches the installation, configuration,application and use of Network ServerOperating Systems. Students are taught howto install, configure and manage users andcomputers over a network. Topics coveredinclude server installation, configuration,management of accounts and resources,troubleshooting and network security.ET0202Computer CommunicationsProvides the basic concepts in datacommunication. It covers the necessaryunderstanding of essential Networkingequipment and techniques used in theimplementation of data communicationsystems. In addition, examples of applicationsof data communication in the industry are alsoincluded with extensive hands-on operationsusing data communication equipment.ET0203Computer NetworkingCovers the introduction of network protocolsusing TCP/IP, routing, bridging and acquiringan understanding of router components androuting protocols. Topics include routingprotocols, configuration and management ofaccess lists and packet filtering.ET0204InternetworkingCovers LAN switching and design, the conceptof VLANs, Wide Area Network technologiesand design, protocols used to transport voiceand data over wide areas. Students are alsotaught Network planning, managing, networkload sharing and network security techniques.ET0207Biomedical Signals & SystemsTeaches students the fundamentals ofdigital signal processing. In order to extractdiagnostic information from vivo-signals,the students will know about acquisition,digital processing, transformation and featuredetection and classification techniques. EEG,ECG, EMG, respiratory and cardiovascularsignals will be explained and used asexamples. Handling biological, medicaland biotechnological information usingcomputerized and automated systems will bediscussed briefly.ET0208Biomedical InstrumentationIntroduces interdisciplinary approachesof the engineering and design aspectsof detection, acquisition, processing anddisplaying the biosignals in living systems.Theory and application of sensors,biosensors, biopotential electrodes,measurements of biopotential signalsincluding electrocardiogram (ECG),electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram(EMG) will be discussed. Use of operationalamplifiers, instrumentation amplifiersand filters in the context of biomedicalinstruments will be discussed. Principles ofoperation of common medical and clinicalequipment will be introduced. Students willbe introduced to computerised biomedicalinstruments. Medical safety standards andmedical equipment certification regulationswill be covered.ET0209PhysiologyProvides students with knowledge in structureand function of the human body. The grossanatomy and physiological processes of majororgans will be taught in order for students tocorrelate structure with function. This modulewill cover the functional aspects and thevarious vivo signals generated from skeletal &muscular, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratoryand urinary systems. Heat generation in thehuman body system is also covered. Histologyof different type of tissues viz muscle,connective, nerve and epithelial tissue areincluded in the practical.ET0210Project/Dissertation (year-long)Enables student to apply the knowledge andskills to solve practical problems or researchon a current and emerging related topic.Students will be given an opportunity to planand design a project on related biomedicalengineering applications. The project canbe one proposed by a staff member or asponsored project (approved by the coursecoordinator) from their work place. Studentsmay also select to do a detailed study andsubmit a dissertation on a current or emergingtopic approved by the course coordinator.ET0211BroadbandCommunication NetworksProvides students with a fundamentalunderstanding of various broadbandnetworks and services. Topics include ATM,Gigabit Ethernet, SONET, Broadband accesstechnologies and other emerging broadbandtechnologies.ET0212Fiber Optic CommunicationsCovers both theoretical and practicalaspects of optical fiber communications.Topics covered in the module include lightwave propagation in optical fibers, maindevices used in optical communication linkincluding the working principle of lasersand wavelength division multiplexers, andsystem budgeting.ET0213CommunicationArchitecture & ProtocolsCovers network protocols using TCP/IP, routing, bridging and acquiring anunderstanding of router components androuter protocols. Topics include routingprotocols, configuration and management ofaccess lists and packet filteringET0214Optical NetworksIntroduces the basics of the optical networks.Wavelength division multiplexing, single andmultihop networks, network topologies andoptical routers are some of the topics coveredin the module.ET0215Enterprise NetworksCovers topics such as company networks,PBXs, virtual networks, data securityand privacy.ET0216Multimedia CommunicationsCovers audio and video coding techniques.Topics include multimedia signal compression,introduction to multimedia communications,multimedia information representation, andstandards for multimedia communications.ET0217Voice over IPCovers topics such as protocols for voiceover IP, interactive applications and basiccall control for voice telephony.ET0218Cellular CommunicationsDeals with the basics of cellularcommunications. Topics covered includefrequency reuse concepts, cell configurations,cluster size and interferences.ET0219Mobile Communication Systems IIntroduces the architecture and the basicoperation of GSM, GPRS and CDMA systems.ET0220Mobile Communication Systems IICovers some of the emerging systems such as3G, Bluetooth, WAP, WLAN and WLL.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 277

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0221RF Circuit DesignCovers the fundamentals of RF Circuit Design.It focuses on the practical aspect of RF circuitdesign with use of CAE and simulationtools to reduce design cycle and to ensuremanufacturability of designed circuits.ET0222Wireless Data NetworksCovers the characteristics of the wireless datanetworks, public terrestrial packet & circuitswitched networks, hybrid networks, CDPDand ARDIS.ET0223Disk Drive TechnologyProvides a general overview of the HardDisk Drive Technology covering from thefundamentals knowledge of magnetism tothe most recent advances in the magnetichard disk technology. Students learn whatis happening inside the hard drive, how themedia and head work together with othercomponents in a disk drive.ET0224Magnetic Head &Head Disk InterfaceProvides a comprehensive understanding ofthe head related technology. This modulecovers the basic magnetic recording principlesand technology, the MR technology, GMRconcept and GMR Head design. It provides afundamental knowledge on Tribology and itsmechanics, disk tribology, basics of the HDI,flying height and media surface texturing.It also covers the surface characterisationtechniques, the friction and wear behaviourin the disk-drive environment, the surfacemeasurements and few types of themicroscope generally used in the industry.ET0225Disk MediaManufacturing TechnologyProvides the basic hard disk media structureand the media manufacturing process.Explanation on media manufacturingprocesses from substrate preparationto finished product will be given. Thismodule discusses the equipment,production problems, quality issues andcritical parameters involved in disk mediamanufacturing. Related vacuum technologyand disposition techniques will be discussed.Emphasis is given to the current diskmedia manufacturing industrial practiceand technology.ET0226Chemical Process andSurface Analysis TechniquesProvides students with a good understandingof principles and laboratory skills in variouschemical & surface analytical techniquesused for failure analysis works as well as usedfor quality control in disk media industry.Surface imaging techniques includingscanning electron microscopy and atomicforce microscopy will be covered. Hands-onexperience in analysing the chemical contentsof chemicals, ultra-pure reagents analysis andsurface micro-contamination/corrosion studiesis emphasised.ET0227Project/DissertationProvides an opportunity to plan anddesign a project based on the disk mediamanufacturing process. This project will bebased on the knowledge and skills learnt fromtheir module of study. Students will be able tointegrate their knowledge from their modulesinto a practical application in disk mediamanufacturing industry.ET0235Integrated Building ManagementSystems for Energy EfficiencyProvides an integrated system approach tounderstanding Building Automation andfacility management Systems and theirapplications to energy efficiency for buildingservices. It covers the system architectures,hardware and software integration,digression, communication methods, andapplication software of modern buildingautomation systems. It also provides a goodworking knowledge of how to specify, design,install, commission, operate, and maintainan Integrated Building Management System.Application areas will include air-conditioningsystems, fire detection and alarm systems,security systems and other essential buildingservices like sanitary and domestic watersystems, as well as to understand the codesof practice for various system integration inbuilding services. Hands-on training sessions,case studies and mini-projects for energyefficiency in building carried out throughIBMS will also be conducted extensively.ET0236Power Quality & Energy SystemParticipants will learn about causes of powerquality issues, voltage dips and their effectson sensitive process and facilities, harmonicsdistortion and its effects on power systemequipment, mitigation methods and powerquality monitoring. Participants will learn theprinciples of different energy resources, howto design and harness the renewable energyresources, including stand-alone and gridconnected system and how to implement fuelcell technology in a variety of applications.The module also covers lighting technologyprinciples and efficient lighting practices. Theworking principles/ configurations of DC, ACand Chopper drives, and various applicationareas of electrical drives will be covered.Energy efficient drives, soft starters for ACmotors and harmonics effect on drives willbe highlighted.ET0237Energy Management & AuditingProvides students with the knowledge ofthe main features of energy management &Auditing techniques in order to know howto make use of our present & future energyresources. This module will identify themain energy intensive areas within a facilityresulting from air-conditioning, water heating,and lighting, and the appropriate energymanagement technologies and systems toreduce the operating cost of the facility andimprove efficiency. This module will alsoaddress the impact of the New ElectricityMarket (NEM) in <strong>Singapore</strong> on facilities.The various ways to reduce energy cost ofthe facility, understanding & assessing thehistorical energy usage pattern, and types ofaudit tools instrument used will be outlined.Additionally studies will focus on techniquesto estimate the economics of audit (e.g.annual savings, payback period, rate of returnetc) and develop an appreciation of theenvironmental impact of a facility.ET0244Biomedical Equipment& PracticesFamiliarizes the students with medicaltools and equipment used in medical andrehabilitation engineering departments.Some equipment used in ‘Operating Room’,‘Intensive Care Unit’, ‘Radiotherapy’,‘Cardiology’, ‘Neurology’ sections,physiotherapy and rehabilitation departmentswill be covered. A brief overview of laboratoryequipment will also be given. In this module,the students will learn the nature of biologicalinformation measured by these systems. Abrief explanation on circuits, mechanicaland biochemical parameters involved in themeasurements will be provided. The commonmedical equipment characteristics, the natureof data measured and the general concept ofequipment design will be discussed.278 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0245Network SecurityProvides students with the fundamentalconcepts on the need for Network security.Students will be able to identify the threatsand vulnerabilities of computer systems andnetworks and recommend the appropriateactions to be taken to counter-actsuch activities.ET0246Wireless Network & SecurityProvides students with a complete foundationof knowledge in Wireless Networking.It covers from basic RF theory, hardwareinstallation, configuration and management,to troubleshooting, security and sitesurveying. In addition, the students will betaught the concept of wireless security andhow to prevent undesirable users accessingthe access point.ET0247Firewall & Intrusion PreventionProvides the students with a guide tothe most popular firewall technologyimplementations. In addition, with theknowledge gained from this module, studentswould be able to recommend and implementthe necessary security solutions.ET0248Network Analysis & ForensicsThis module teaches the use of NetworkAnalysis and Packet Capture tools to analysedata flowing through a network. Studentswill learn how to use analysis tools to performforensic tests to determine the nature ofsecurity breaches and exploits. The modulewill also use case studies to determine thenature of different exploits used by hackers onthe Internet.ET0249ProjectStudents will be given an opportunity to planand design a network. This project will bebased on the knowledge and skills gainedfrom their course of study. Students will learnhow to integrate the knowledge from theircourse into a practical application in ensuringthe security of the network.ET0301Computer Programmingwith ApplicationsProvides students with the skills andknowledge to develop and implement wellstructuredand robust programs using a visualprogramming language. Students will learnthe concepts of objects, object propertiesand object methods in an event drivenprogramming environment. Case studies andpractical examples covering a wide range ofapplications in computer interfacing, internetinteractivity, office automation enhancements,data and network communications willbe used to add interest and context forprogramming in the real world.ET0302Microdevices FabricationCovers the fabrication processes ofmicrodevices such as integrated circuits andMEMS. The varying material properties usedin the fabrication of microdevices are alsocovered and the understanding of fabricationprocesses is reinforced through laboratorysessions on state-of-the-art equipment in theCentre of Nanofabrication and Materials.ET0303IC DesignProvides a basic knowledge of integratedcircuit design. Students will learn thedesign of digital systems adopting the flowfrom behavioural synthesis to layout andverification. Topics include Verilog HardwareDescription Language (HDL) design, synthesis,operation and characteristic of MOS devices,different design methodology such as, fullcustomIC design, semi-custom IC design.Simulation techniques and design verificationwill be included.ET0304Broadband CommunicationsCovers the various aspects of broadbandcommunications. The topics coveredinclude ATM, Frame relay, Gigabittechnologies, broadband access andother emerging broadband technologies.The module also introduces the basics ofoptical communications.ET0305MEMS & MicrosystemsProvides an overview of the variousapplications of MEMS and Microsystems. Thedesigning and fabrication of MEMS productsare included with hands-on provided withstate-of-the art equipment in the TechnologyCentre for Nanofabrication and Materials.ET0306IC TestingProvides students with a basic knowledgeof the modules and functions of a generalpurpose component tester, the concepts andtest methodologies of testing digital logic,analog and mixed signal devices.ET0307Digital Signal ProcessingStarts with the recap of basics of signals& systems covering topics such as periodicsignals and Fourier series. Module coversbroadly two areas: Fundamental theory ofdigital signal processing and the applicationsof digital signal processing. Under thefundamental theory of digital signalprocessing topics covered include digitalfilter design, discrete Fourier Transform, FastFourier Transform, finite word length effects,random signal processing and multirate digitalsignal processing. In the application aspects,emphasis is given to digital speech andimage coding.ET0308Digital CommunicationsCovers the broad topics associated withdigital communications such as sourcecoding, channel coding, digital modulationsand demodulations. Sampling, quantisation,PCM, block coding, convolution coding, FSK,PSK, DPSK, spread spectrum are some of thesections covered in the module.ET0309Wireless CommunicationsIntroduces the various wireless communicationsystems such as mobile communicationsystems, satellite communications andmicrowave systems. Topics covering 2G, 3G,WLAN, basics of satellite communications andmicrowaves are covered.ET030ZProject or Dissertation (year-long)Enables each student to apply his knowledgeto solve practical problems. Studentssponsored by companies are encouraged toseek industry-sponsored projects related toproblems found in their working environment.A report must also be submitted. Alternativelystudents can choose to write a dissertationon a topic or subject approved by the coursecoordinator. (Project Management tools willbe included as e-learning component)ET0310Power Distribution Systemin BuildingsProvides students with working and in-depthknowledge on the planning, design andcommissioning of high and low voltages(230V - 22 kV) electrical installation anddistribution systems in commercial, residentialand industrial buildings. Relevant Acts andRegulations, Code of Practices and Standardstogether with the operation, selectionand sizing of various system componentssuch as standby generator, switchgearand transformer will also be included inthis module.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 279

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0311Building Automation SystemsProvides an integrated system approach tounderstanding Building Automation Systemsand their applications to building services.It covers the architecture, communicationmethods, and application software of modernbuilding automation systems, and providesgood working knowledge of how to specify,design, install, commission, operate, andmaintain a Building Automation System.Application areas will include air-conditioningsystems, fire detection and alarm systems,security systems and other essential buildingservices. The lectures will be complementedby hands-on training sessions in the BuildingAutomation System Application Centre.ET0312Electrical Services DesignProvides students with an in-depthunderstanding and design methodology ofthe various electrical building services. Inparticular, the module will cover the design,specifications and selection of electricalinstallation, EIB system, lighting system andlightning protection system. Relevant Actsand Regulations governing the design ofthese various electrical services will also bediscussed in detail in the module.ET0313Intelligent Instrumentation& Measurement SystemsProvides students with a comprehensivecoverage on the area of instrumentation andmeasurement systems, with an emphasis oncomputer based modern instrumentationsystems. In addition to the traditionalareas of instrumentation like sensors andtransducers, controllers and control valves,signal conditioning and recorders, this modulewill also cover some major developmentsin intelligent instrumentation includingGPIB interfaced instruments, discrete signalconditioning and data conversion board andbus based instruments.ET0314Automation & ProgrammableController ApplicationsIntroduces the basic concepts and latestdevelopment in programmable controllertechnologies used in automation applications.Topics include structure of PLC, ladderdiagram programming, control system design,advanced instruction sets, intelligent I/Omodules, local area networks, supervisorycontrol and data acquisition in PLC systems.ET0315Digital & Advanced ControlTeaches modern control theories and therole of digital computers in process controlsystems. Topics include sampled-data control,direct digital control, supervisory control,distributed control, state-space method,multivariable, optimal, stochastic andadaptive systems.ET0316Process Control EngineeringProvides an integrated system approach to theunderstanding of behaviour of process controlsystems. Operation and behaviour of practicalprocess control systems are emphasised.Topics include controller characteristics,dynamic behaviour of process control loops,multi-loop control and non-linear system.ET0317Power Transmission & DistributionProvides students with an insight into theareas of designs and roles of electricitytransmission and distribution. Also enablesthem to understand the principles ofoperation of various types of bus bararrangements, network configurationsand high voltage equipment includingswitchgears, cables and reactive power andvoltage compensation devices. Over voltagesand voltage transients in power systems andthe concept of insulation coordination forhigh voltage equipment are introduced. Theapplication of computer and CAD softwarepackages to carry out electrical design anddrafting will also be included.ET0318Computer Methods forPower System AnalysisStudents will learn techniques and algorithmsfor the formulation of network matrices forpower system analysis such as power systemfault studies for symmetrical and unsymmetricalfaults, load flow studies and transient stabilityanalysis. Emphasis is on the application ofcomputer methods for solution of theseproblems. Interpretation and use of resultsto specify circuit breaker ratings and relayingsystems, methods of reinforcing and improvingsystem security and stability will be included.ET0319Power System ProtectionStudents will learn the principles of relayoperation and their applications to theprotection of specific system elements. Overcurrent, directional, differential, pilot anddistance protective relays will be described.Calculation of relay settings for the differenttypes of relays will be explained. Also includedare the principles of digital/numerical relayingand their applications. Application practices,and methods of testing and commissioningprotective schemes are also covered.ET0320Power System Planning & ControlAn introduction to the engineering andeconomic factors involved in planning,operating and controlling power systems.Topics include planning procedures forlarge utilities and industrial power systems,reliability and contingency analysis,economic studies and financial analysis andcomputerised Supervisory Control and DataAcquisition (SCADA) systems. Developingtrends and the use of Artificial Intelligencein a computerised power system will alsobe discussed.ET0321Power Semiconductor Devices& Converter TechnologyIntroduces students to the overview of themain characteristics, protection and drivecircuit concepts for power semiconductordevices such as power diodes, thyristors, BJT,power MOSFET and IGBT. The students willalso learn advanced concepts of naturally andself-commutated converters such as phasecontrolled on verters, choppers and inverters.ET0322Power SupplyApplications of ConvertersIntroduces students to the various typesof power supplies for industrial and utilityapplications. Optimising of the interface withpower electronic systems will also be covered.ET0323Industrial Drives & Motion ControlProvides knowledge to students on thepractical aspects of industrial drives. Thetopics cover DC Drives, AC Drives, Step MotorDrives and their applications, Motor sizing,protection and drive system installation.ET0324Digital Control of DrivesGives students a good background knowledgeof microprocessor systems used to controlac industrial drives. The module will describebasic digital control algorithms used in acdrive systems. The various stages in the designof digitally controlled drives will be explained.The topics will cover the basic principles ofdigital control systems, Z- transforms, digitalcontrol systems hardware and microprocessorbasedac drive.280 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0326Signals & SystemsIntroduces the concepts of signals andsystems, both continuous and discrete-time,and to develop an analysis framework using anumber of important mathematical operationsand transformations. The students will learnthe detailed concepts of signal representationand their characteristics. Various tools forsignal transformation and analysis willbe presented.ET0327CommunicationsIntroduces the key concepts associated withthe processes of transmission and receptionof information carrying signals within acommunication network. Students willlearn about different transmission channels,their parameters, examples of differentnetworks and traffic types. Details of variousmodulation techniques, their performancecharacteristics followed by details ofmultiplexing will be presented.ET0328Data CommunicationsIntroduces the key concepts associatedwith the transport of digital informationover communication channels. The roleand characteristics of such communicationchannels will be presented with the discussionon the types of data communication networksavailable (wide and local area, fixed andwireless). The challenges associated withconveying information over channels subjectto a variety of channel effects, the exactnature of digital information (data) and thedemands it places upon any communicationchannel, the key characterising parametersof a generic digital communication channel,and the principles behind important source,channel and line coding techniques will alsobe presented.ET0329Interfacing TechniquesAllows students to gain practical design,implementation and test experience of thetechniques required to create combinedhardware/software systems; to build studentawareness of the economic and time-tomarketaspects of embedded system designand to develop group-working skills.ET0330VHDLPrepares students for a new era in electronicdesign where more functionality is requiredon a single integrated circuit (IC). Reusablevirtual components or intellectual property(IP) cores described by a hardware descriptionlanguage (HDL) such as VHDL, which areessential to design success as the industrymoves towards complete systems-on-chip(SOC), will also be presented.ET0331Electronics CAD ProjectEquips students with the skills to carry outelectronic state machine design. The modulehas a strong practical element. Basic reviewof various logic methods will be presentedfollowed by analysis of state machines withpractical simulations. The students will learnthe state machine designs and review ofcommon hazards and pitfalls in design.ET0332Integrating StudiesReinforces students’ working knowledgeand conceptual understanding of the lecturematerial of all modules through experimentalinvestigation; to provide opportunities toapply their knowledge to design tasks and tosolving practical problems through more openended project work and to further developtheir management and communications skillsthrough small group working.ET0333Analogue ElectronicsIntroduces the principles of amplifier design.The students will learn high-frequencymodelling of devices, equivalent circuits, andautomatic gain control with examples of RFand video amplifiers. They will also learnabout the noise sources in electronic systems,their equivalent circuits, noise models ofdevices, noise figures and practical guidelinesfor low noise design.ET0334ElectromagneticsIntroduces propagation and transmission of(a) electrical signals on bounded transmissionsystems and (b) electromagnetic waves infree space and in insulating and conductingmaterials, and to promote understandingof the fundamentals involved in manyengineering applications – ranging from DC tooptical frequencies and as used in power andelectronic systems.ET0335Measurement & Feedback SystemsAims to develop techniques for systemmodelling based on block diagrams andtransfer functions and to use such techniquesin the context of analysis and design; tointroduce students to instrumentationand measurement as an interdisciplinaryengineering activity and to be able toexplain the basic principles of feedback andcontrol systems.ET0416EMI/EMCProvides students with knowledge ofelectromagnetic interference (EMI) andelectromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Itprovides a sound basis for the applicationof design procedures to achieve EMCcompliance in electronic products. Topicscovered include capacitive coupling, inductivecoupling, common impedance coupling,grounding, characteristics of practical passivecomponents, filtering, digital circuit emissioncontrol and electrostatic discharge. Someimportant EMI/EMC standards and relatedtest procedures will be covered.ET0420Quality & ReliabilityProvides the fundamental of two veryimportant fields in the area of product designand manufacture. These refer to quality andreliability. Topics include SQC, SPC, controlcharts, reliability concepts, accelerated testingand system reliability. There will also beassignments on TQM, ISO9000, SPC, DOE,COQ and environmental stress testing.ET0421Aircraft Materials &Maintenance PracticesStudents will learn how to read wiringdiagram manuals, interconnection charts andschematic diagrams for aircraft equipmentinstallation. The skills of using aircraftmaintenance and measuring tools will beimparted. Students will also learn aboutthe different types of aircraft materials,corrosion, fasteners, pipes and unions,springs, bearings, transmissions, controlcables, electrical cables and connectors. Thecorrect usage of common aircraft parts suchas fasteners, washers, rigid/flexible pipes,adhesives and greases with safety precautionswill be practised in the workshop. Aircraftmaintenance practices like torque loading,earthing and bonding of aircraft electricalsystems, crimping, making of cable loomsand harnesses will be part of students’workshop training.ET0422PhysicsProvides students with a fundamentalknowledge of Physics required to understandthe principles behind aircraft mechanics andengines. Topics covered include the Theory ofMatter, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Opticsand Wave Motion & Sound. This module willprovide the foundation for the AeronauticalEngineering Science module.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 281

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0423Aircraft Electrical FundamentalsStudents will learn the fundamentals ofgeneration of electricity, different kinds of DCsources, in particular, primary and secondarycells of aircraft batteries such as lead acidbatteries and nickel cadmium batteries. DCmotor and generator constructions andoperation principles will also be covered.Topics on 3-phase AC principles, autotransformer, transformer construction, powertransfer, efficiency and its principles ofoperations under load and no-load conditionswill be taught.ET0424Aircraft Radio &Optical CommunicationsProvides a good engineering foundation tothe students in radio theory, covering topicson propagation of radio wave, polarisation,radiation pattern, transmitter, receiver,modulator, RF power amplifier, filter andtuned circuits. The principles and methodsused to minimise the effect of conductedand radiated electromagnetic interference,methods used to minimise the effects oflightning strikes and static on aerials and typeof aerials and feeders will be taught. Basicsof fibre optic data transmission, multiplexingcircuits and audio systems are also covered.ET0425Aircraft Instrument SystemsGives students a good understanding ofterminology and basic concepts of aircraftinstrument devices and systems suchas altimeters, vertical speed indicators,machmeters and other measuring andindicating systems. The module will also coverthe working principles of aircraft systemslike pitot-static systems, gyroscopic systems,compass systems, air-data systems andelectronic display systems such as EICAS andECAM. The operation of digital data busesin aircraft systems such as ARINC and otherspecifications will also be covered.ET0426Aircraft Communication& Navigation SystemsCovers topics relevant to the aerospaceindustry, in particular, aircraft emergencylocator transmitter, VHF/HF communicationssystems, VOR/ILS systems, doppler navigationsystem, microwave landing system, automaticdirection finding system, area navigation,global position system (GPS), globalnavigation satellite system, traffic alert andcollision avoidance system (TCAS), flightmanagement systems, weather avoidanceradar and radio altimeter.ET0427Aircraft Automatic Flight& Electronic SystemsStudents will be taught the working principlesand functions of automatic flight controlsystems, autopilot navigations, automaticlanding systems, inertial navigation systems,as well as safety and warning systems suchas ground proximity warning systems andinstrument warning systems. Other areasinclude on board maintenance systems, fuelquantity, temperature, vibration measurementsystems and engine indicating systems.ET0428Aircraft Electrical SystemsCovers the construction and principles ofoperation of AC single phase and threephase generation and various type of ACmotors and speed control. Students willalso learn aircraft electrical power systems,electrical distributions, battery supply,DC/AC generators and their associated circuitprotections, control and operation of aircraftflight surfaces, fly by wire systems as well asaircraft internal and external lightings. Ice andrain protection systems, fire protection as wellas lightning strike protection and electricalbonding will also be covered.ET0429Aircraft Servomechanisms& ElectronicsCovers the working principles of aircraftdevices; synchros, resolvers, E andI transformers, inductive/capacitivetransmitters. The concept of using errorsignal to sense rate of movement, positionand control of system will be introduced. Thismodule also helps students to understandsignal processing devices such as integrators,differentiator, modulators and demodulators.Topics like the working principles andcharacteristics of various control systems,semiconductor devices operation, functionsand application, electronic circuits on asvarious applications of operational amplifiersand digital test and equipment will be taught.ET0511Fundamental ElectronicsCovers the basic concepts of analogue anddigital circuits. Students are introduced toanalogue devices and their uses. The moduleincludes basic electronic circuitry and AC/DCpower systems. Students will learn aboutNumber systems, basic boolean algebra,logic gates and logic circuit design. Uponcompletion of this module, students should beable to apply analogue and digital techniquesin a circuit design and analysis.ET0512Computer Hardware &System OperationAims at providing students with thefundamental knowledge to understand andassemble a modern day computer. Studentswill be introduced to the basic hardware ofa computer including: CPUs, motherboards,chipset circuitry, memory, mass storage, I/Odevices, bus interface and their connection toother devices. The module will also providestudents with the basic knowledge ofoperating systems to enable them to install,configure and troubleshoot a computer.ET0513Data Communication SystemsProvides an introduction to Datacommunications and the understandingof concepts and techniques used in thetransfer of information. Topics includedata transmission basics, synchronous andasynchronous transmission, transmissionmedia, data communication systems anddevices and an introduction to networks.ET0521Network Vulnerabilities& Security ToolsIdentifies and explains the major types ofnetwork vulnerabilities that commonly affectthe confidentiality, integrity and availabilityof computer networks. Countermeasures,disaster recovery plans, intrusion detectionsystem, best practices used to mitigate theeffect of attacks and malicious codes willbe introduced.ET0522Network Security SystemsAims to introduce the various securityprotocols used in various network systems.Topics covered would include authenticationprotocols, cryptography techniques, wirelessLAN security, and Internet security.ET0523Wireless TechnologiesProvides in-depth understanding of variouscommonly used wireless technologies suchas Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, Bluetooth, RFID and otheremerging wireless technologies. Applicationof the various wireless technologies will alsobe covered in this module.ET0524Mobile Communication SystemsThe first half of this module covers topics suchas propagation of waves, multi-path fading,antennas, and cellular network concepts. Inthe later half, the second and third generation282 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>systems like GSM, CDMA are dealt with.Advanced topics like WAP, GPRS, and Bluetoothtechnology are also introduced inthe module.ET0525Mobile Application DevelopmentWith the improvement in wireless mobiledevices technology (such as mobile phonesand PDAs), users are now able to writeprograms (e.g. commercial transactionapplication, games etc.) for their owndevices. This module is about writing suchsoftware. Students will learn to developand test software applications for wirelessmobile devices. Topics include user interfacedevelopment, persistent storage andnetworking of mobile applications.ET0531Firewall TechnologiesProvides students with a basic understandingof a secure network design and thetechnologies deployed to secure the perimeterof a network. Topics will include configurationof firewall, De-Militarised Zone and VirtualPrivate Network.ET053ZFinal Year ProjectStudents work in groups of 2 to 4 on a majorpractical or industry project where theyprogress from feasibility study, to design, andthen to realisation of the project.ET0603Biomedical InstrumentationTeaches the principles of biomedicalinstrumentation. Theory and applicationof biosensors, transducers, biopotentialelectrodes, measurements of biopotentialsignals including electrocardiogram(ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG) andelectromyogram (EMG) are taught. Othertopics covered include use of operationalamplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers andfilters in biomedical instruments; principlesof various monitoring systems such asrespiration, cardiovascular and skeletal &muscular systems; medical safety standardsand medical devices certification regulations.ET0604Anatomy & PhysiologyProvides students with knowledge of thestructural levels in the human body and thephysiological processes of the major organsystems. The gross anatomy of major organs istaught so that students can correlate structurewith function. The physiology of major organsis taught in order for students to appreciatethe biomedical engineering applications.This module provides a foundation for thebiomedical applications of clinical, histologicaland pathological conditions. The students willexperiment with vivo signals of major organsystems to understand the diagnostic andtherapeutic features.ET0606Introduction toBiomedical EngineeringProvides the students with the broadunderstanding and appreciation ofBiomedical Engineering discipline. Topicswill cover pharmaceutical engineering,biotechnology, genomics, biomaterials,bio-implants, assistive technology, roboticsin medicine, tissue engineering, biosensors,bio-photonics and latest trends in biomedicalengineering. This module will also cover thebio safety and electrical safety standardsand ethical issues. In the practical sessionstudents will learn computer application ofbiomedical instruments.ET0607Anatomy & PhysiologyRefer to ET0604.ET0608Biomedical InstrumentationDesign & ApplicationsCovers the design and application ofbiomedical instrumentation. Students will betaught the applications of various sensorsin biomedical instrumentation and themeasurement of biomedical signals. Basicelectronic circuits, amplifiers and filtersfor use in biomedical instruments will alsobe introduced. Students will apply theirknowledge to conceptualise, design andimplement biomedical applications throughproject work.ET0609Biomedical SignalProcessing & AnalysisProvides an understanding of signalprocessing and analysis used in biomedicalapplications. Topics will cover data acquisitionand digital signal processing (DSP) principlessuch as sampling, quantisation coding, Z-transform, FIR filtering and DFT are taught.Practical experiments will include digitizing,processing, analysing and presentingbiosignals such as ECG, EEG, EMG and EOG,and other in vivo signals.ET0610Biomedical Equipment& Engineering PracticesThe objective of this module is to familiarizestudents with equipment used in ‘OperatingRoom’, ‘Intensive Care Unit’, ‘Radiotherapy’,‘Cardiology’, ‘Neurology’, Physiotherapy,Rehabilitation departments and ClinicalLaboratory. A brief explanation of the circuitsas well as the mechanical and biochemicalparameters involved in the measurementsare included. Students will learn medicalequipment characteristics, the nature ofdata measured and the general conceptof equipment design and good equipmenthandling practices. Commissioning,installation, preventive maintenance, andtesting of biomedical equipment will becovered in the practical sessions.ET0612Medical Informatics& TelemedicineProvides students with the knowledge ofinformation systems in the field of medicine,particularly in the hospital environment.Topics include the basic concepts of electronicmedical records, information systems inhospitals, central patient care and monitoringsystems, and telemedicine systems. Studentsalso learn how to implement an enterprisewidenetwork for a hospital.ET0614Medical Imaging &Image ProcessingFundamentals of medical imaging anddifferent imaging modalities will be explained.Acquisition, processing, reconstruction andarchiving of medical and radiological imagesrequire understanding of the conceptsand knowledge of the systems operation.Principles of X-ray, Tomography, ultrasound,magnetic resonance and other new imagingmodalities will be covered. Student will learnabout the fundamental of image processingand how to enhance the diagnostic featuresin those images. Students will also learn 3Dmodelling using CT, MRI images and to createprototypes using Rapid Prototyping tool tomake models that will be used by surgeonsand clinicians.ET0700Program DesignIntroduces students to basic algorithmicconcepts and constructs apart from anyexecutable programming language. Themodule requires the student to reasonabout and explain the algorithms theyconstruct using sequence, conditionals andloops. Students will also learn the basics ofstructured program development and applythem in simple projects.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 283

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET0701Data StructuresUses C/C++ to teach the concepts ofData Structures to programmers. This 2ndlevel programming course covers arrays,records, dynamic data structures, linkedlists, trees and hash tables. It comparesand contrasts each data structure, lookingat the requirements and uses of each inprogramming applications.ET0704Computer GraphicsIntroduces the fundamentals of interactivecomputer graphics and their relatedapplications. Students will learn how toprogram and create graphics applications andscenarios using standard graphics APIs as wellas commercial graphics application programs.ET0705Computer AnimationAims to provide students with basicknowledge of techniques and tools forcreating computer animation. Students willuse computer graphics tools and applicationsto create animation clips as part of theirproject submission.ET0706Object Oriented ProgrammingEquips students with the knowledge of basicobject-oriented programming conceptsthrough the use of the Java programminglanguage. Topics include objects and classes,encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism,object development environments, eventdrivenprogramming, and graphicaluser interfaces.ET0707Advanced ProgrammingStudents are taught how to write and developprograms in Assembly Language. Conceptsinclude assembly and linking, developmentof modular programs, passing of parameters,system timing, interrupt service routines andsystems programming. Students are alsotaught how to interface assembly languageprograms with high level language programsand how to develop program libraries.ET0708MicroprocessorSystems & ProgrammingProvides students with knowledge ofhow microprocessors work and operate.Topics include computer architecture,memory interfacing, device interfacing,peripheral support and development ofmicroprocessor systems.ET0709Network Analysis & ForensicsTeaches the use of Network Analysis andPacket Capture tools to analyse data flowingthrough a network. Students will learn how touse analysis tools to perform forensic tests todetermine the nature of any security breachesand exploits. The module will also use casestudies to determine the nature of differentexploits used by hackers on the Internet.ET0710Computer Gaming SystemsCovers the concepts of game programmingand its importance in the marketplace. Gamesdevelopment gives students an overview of,and compares the techniques of computergame programming. Students will alsobe introduced to game engines and thedevelopment of simple storyboard techniques.ET0711Mobile Game DevelopmentWith the improvement in wireless mobiledevices technology (such as mobile phonesand PDAs), users are now able to writeprograms (e.g. commercial transactionapplication, games etc.) for their owndevices. This module is about writing suchsoftware. Students will learn to developand test software applications for wirelessmobile devices. Topics include User interfacedevelopment, persistent storage andnetworking of mobile applications.ET0712Multimedia TechnologiesIntroduces text, images, graphics, sound,animation and video to the students in amultimedia context, such that high-levelauthoring techniques and tools could beused to prepare and integrate them into theproduction of a multimedia application. Boththe hardware and software requirementsof a multimedia system will be discussed.Extensions to the Internet on multimedia webpublishing will also be introduced.ET0713AlgorithmsUses C/C++ to look at how programs can beused to solve problems. The module coverspointers, files, floating point analysis anda variety of commonly used algorithms inengineering applications.ET080ZPrinciples of Electrical &Electronic EngineeringProvides students with an integratedknowledge of electrical and electronicengineering fundamentals. The topics coveredare electrical quantities, electrical signals(waveform types, peak, peak to peak voltage,frequency and period), resistors, ohm’s Law,capacitors, series/parallel R & C, voltage/current source, voltage/current divider, KCL,KVL, Superposition, Junction Diode, ZenerDiode, power in dc and ac circuits, LED, use ofBipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) as electronicswitch, Rectification (with smoothingcapacitor), transistor switch, magneticcircuits, inductors, impedance, transformers(step up/down), ideal operational amplifierscharacteristics and & some applications, useof Voltage Regulators ICs.ET081ZDigital ElectronicsIntroduces the basics of digital electronics to alevel such that with the acquired knowledge,understanding and techniques necessary,the students are able to design simplecombinational and sequential circuits usingcommercial SSI and MSI integrated circuits.Topics covered in the module include: numbersystems and codes, Boolean algebra, logicgates, combinational logic circuits, flip-flops,counters, shift registers, MSI logic circuit ICs,and Logic families.ET0900Design & Innovation ProjectProvides students with hands-on practicalexperience in project construction wherethe project is innovative in nature. Theproject comprises design elements and hasthe potential for commercialisation whencompleted. The practical experience and skillsgained through designing and building theopen-ended project from conception to actualimplementation and final testing would lay agood foundation for the students in their finalyear project work.ET0901Design Techniques & SkillsTrains students in the essential skills andtechniques in ideation and the developmentof a prototype. Skills gleaned in this modulesupport the prototype development in theProduct Design and Development module.Skills and techniques to be covered includethe following:• Principles of aesthetics and theirimplications in design• Ergonomics and user centred design• Illustration & Rendering• Design History & Society• Design Thinking Skills• Colour and Communication• Prototyping for Design• Design Modelling and Simulation284 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>• Packaging Design• Ideation methods such as TRIZ,inspiration from natureET0902Product Design & Development IThis project-based module challengesstudents to design a new product. It coversmodern tools and methods for product designand development. Topics include identifyingcustomer needs, concept generation, productarchitecture and industrial design. The focusof Product Design and Development is theintegration of marketing, design, andmanufacturing functions of the firm increating a new product.ET0903Product Design & Development IIA continuation from ET0902, students areexpected to continue with the developmentof the prototype after completing the initialphases of ET0902. Besides working on rapidprototyping tools and building of electroniccircuits, students are also expected to considerthe marketing issues.ET0904Productisation ProjectStudents from different diplomas will form amulti-disciplinary team to produce a prototypeof a new product. The development of theproduct shall take into account aesthetics,ergonomics and other factors. Students arealso expected to produce a business plan tomarket the product.ET0905Object Oriented ProgrammingEquips students with the knowledge of basicorientedprogramming concepts throughthe use of the C++programming language.They will understand the VC++ developmentenvironment; its features and learn how tobuild object-oriented applications.ET0906Microcontroller TechnologyCovers the basic concepts and applications ofmicrocontroller & microprocessors systems.Students will learn software and hardwaredevelopment on microcontroller developmentsystems and understand how to interfacethem to microprocessor-based applicationsand projects. Development of input/outputinterfacing solutions will be taught using ahigh level language such as C.ET0907Network Control ApplicationsProvides students with up-to-date skillsrequired to design a control system overIP (Internet Protocol) by using variousautomation and instrumentation technologiesincluding DeviceNet, WLAN, Ethernet, basicrouting/switching and PLC with devicecontrol. This is a project-based learningmodule and students are expected to learnhow to integrate control devices into anexisting network infrastructure to extend thecontrollability and accessibility over WAN bypresenting a control application.ET1000Introduction to Engineering IProvides a platform where students canput what they learn in first year technicalmodules like PEEE and DE into practice.Students design, test and build severalpractical and interesting projects and inthe process learn essential skills like circuitsimulation, stripboard fabrication, soldering,circuit assembly and troubleshooting.Projects are designed to integrate theorylearnt from different modules. To supportthe CDIO initiative, teamwork, creative &critical thinking and presentation skills areemphasised in this module.ET1001Introduction to Engineering IIThis module provides a platform wherestudents can put what they learn in firstyear technical modules like PEEE and DE intopractice. Students design, test and buildseveral practical and interesting projectsand in the process learn essential skills likecircuit simulation, PCB layout planning &fabrication, stripboard fabrication, soldering,circuit assembly and troubleshooting. Projectsare designed to integrate theory learntfrom different modules. To support theCDIO initiative, teamwork, creative & criticalthinking and presentation skills areemphasised in this module.ET100ZFinal Year ProjectProvides students with the opportunity andresponsibility to be innovative/creative, findingor selecting, formulating, planning, carryingout and reporting on a challenging pieceof work that can provide a solution to theengineering problem. The module also aimsto provide students with the opportunity touse, develop and integrate their knowledgeand skills.ET101ZIntroduction to EngineeringRefer to ET1001.ET110ZApplications of Clean EnergyDesigned as a project based learning (PBL)module that provides students with a chanceto implement their knowledge of cleanenergy in a practical application. Studentswill brainstorm to select their projects andthen work on the projects by implementingintegrated knowledge in the areas ofelectrical, electronic, mechanic and computerengineering. Some of the examples ofprojects may include “Design of A Solar/Fuel Cell Car”, “Design of A Sun Tracker”,“Design of A Battery Charger” and “Designof A DC/AC Inverter”, “Design of A PortableRenewable/clean Energy Source”, “Designof MPPT Circuit for Solar and Wind EnergySystem”, “Design of a Small Wind Generator”and “Eco-house”.ET1100Sustainable & Clean EnergyProvides an introduction into such issueslike sustainable and clean energy, includingenvironmental impact, basic engineeringeconomic analysis, energy payback time,embodied energy and the context of energysystems within a social framework. Included inthe module is an overview of existing energysystems and sustainability issues associatedwith these systems. The module will examineclean energy sources such as solar, wind,biomass, wave and tidal power.ET1101Photovoltaic Principles & MaterialsProvides students with the knowledge tounderstand the photovoltaic principlesand basic structure and characteristics ofphotovoltaic materials. The module will coverthe semiconductors for photovoltaic, theoryof P-N junction, the behaviour of differentsolar cells, cell properties, cell modellingand testing. Although the module is mainlyfocused on semiconductor PV cells includingboth silicon cells and non-silicon cells, othertype of photovoltaic technologies like organicphotovoltaic, dye-cell photovoltaic and nanophotovoltaicare also introduced.ET1103PhysicsProvides students with the fundamentaltheory of physics that is of vital importancein development of a renewable/clean energysystem. The topics include linear vectors,kinematics, particle dynamics, work andenergy, conservation of energy, conservationof linear momentum, rotational kinematicsand dynamics, and gravitation. Studentswill also learn about ferromagnetism andelectromagnetic induction.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 285

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ET1104Wind Energy SystemsProvides students with the knowledge ofwind energy system. They will learn a windconversion system that covers evaluationof wind energy resource, structure of ahorizontal/vertical wind turbine, aerodynamicsof a wind turbine, installation of windgeneration system, control and operationof a wind generation system and the effectof wind profile on the conversion efficiency.The impact of wind conversion system on theenvironment is also discussed.ET1107Solar Photovoltaic System DesignProvides students with the knowledge ofdesigning, installing and maintaining astandalone or a grid-tied PV system. Studentswill be introduced to the different typesof PV modules including monocrystalline,polycrystalline and thin film modules. Themodule will cover issues of load calculation,battery selection, calculation of PV capacity,charger controller and inverter selection, siteselection, system installation, monitoring andanalysing PV system performance, estimatingoutput from PV system and environmentalimpacts. Building Integrated Photovoltaic(BIPV) will be also introduced.ET1108PhotovoltaicManufacturing ProcessEquips students with the knowledge ofstructures and fabrication processes of variousgeneration silicon and non-silicon based PVcells & modules for preparing them to workin PV manufacturing industry. Utility support,handling of processing chemicals & gases willbe covered. The impact of various processingand device parameters on performance,yields and reliability will be introduced. Insightinto the strengths and weaknesses of thedominant commercial cell technologies willbe given. Methods to produce silicon wafer aswell as common thin film coating techniqueswill be also covered. Students will be providedwith the opportunity to make basic PV cells& modules by operating equipment andadjusting processing parameters on mini-pilotplant line during laboratory classes. Otherlaboratory work will include measurement andfailure diagnosis of PV cells, and analysis ofchemicals & materialsET1109Integration of Clean EnergyProvides students with the concepts of powersystem fundamentals and the knowledgeof utility interactive clean energy systems.Students will learn the basic principles ofpower electronics & drives and its applicationsin the operation and control of chargecontroller and inverter. Two types of utilityinteractive clean energy systems will beintroduced, one centralised large-scale systemand another distributed systems in unitslocated directly at the customer’s premises.The impact of integration of clean energysystems on the operation of a power gridwill be discussed. Students will learn theprinciples and operation of a chargercontroller and a grid-tied inverter. Othertechnical issues like system maintenance,safety will also be covered.IS1007InternshipStudents will be attached to selected localor overseas organisations in the broadbandinfrastructure and information communicationindustry. The attachment programmewill enable students to further developtechnical skills and knowledge in areas suchas broadband / wireless networks, networksecurity systems, server system administrationand web services development. Student canbe given opportunity to contributeto organisations by applying knowledgeacquired in the course.LC0103Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Aims to help students acquire the skillsnecessary to prepare and write reports andto make oral presentations to an audience.Students will learn to appreciate the purposeof their report as well as the expectations oftheir intended reader. In putting together thereport, students will learn to organise theirinformation in a reader-friendly way and writethem in good Standard English. For reportpresentation, areas stressed include verbal andnon-verbal language, audience awareness,voice quality and use of visual aids.LC0106Oral Communication (OC)Aims to help students acquire oralpresentation skills needed for their studies atthe <strong>Polytechnic</strong> and for functioning effectivelyin the workplace. Students learn how tostructure and deliver presentations usingappropriate verbal and non-verbal languageas well as visual aids (eg PowerPoint slides) inorder to deliver effective individual and grouppresentations. They also learn to handle theaccompanying question and answer sessionusing correct techniques when responding tothe different types of questions asked.LC0114Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW)Aims to equip students with the oral andwriting skills needed for work. They learnhow to write e-mail messages, participate inmeetings, prepare agendas, record minutes ofmeetings and handle business calls effectively.A variety of media is used, with practice andlearning taking place in situations simulatingthose at work.LC0118Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Emphasises the process of crafting astructured, coherent argument. Students learnto critically examine issues across disciplines,and apply various thinking strategies, interpretand analyse facts, evaluate arguments andopinions and arrive at a balanced viewpointexpressed in speech and writing.LC0125Event ManagementCommunication (EMC)Aims to equip students with essentialcommunication and interpersonal skillsnecessary for a career in events and projectmanagement. At the end of the module,students will be able to write convincingproposals, effective business massages andcreate persuasive promotional brochures.They will also be able to make powerfulpresentations and network effectively.LC0202Effective InterpersonalCommunication (EIC)Aims to improve students’ ability to interactand communicate effectively with peoplethey live and work with. Students are taughtconflict resolution strategies and made awareof the importance of emotional intelligencein their interaction with others. They learnabout self-awareness, management ofemotions and empathy as building blocks tohealthy relationships. The practice of effectiveverbal, non-verbal and listening skills is fullyintegrated in the module.LC0203Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Refer to LC0103.LC0206Oral Communication (OC)Refer to LC0106.286 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC0209Communication Skills forHealth Professionals (CSH)Aims to develop students’ ability tocommunicate effectively with patients andthe health-related community. Students learnto handle telephone communication whensoliciting and giving information to patients,present health/medically-related information/instructions to laymen and to apply EQ andconflict management skills in dealing withcolleagues or with patients and their relations.LC0214Communication Skills forWork (CSW)Refer to LC0114LC0218Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118LC0220Writing Skills forEntrepreneurs (WSE)Aims to teach students essential andeffective writing skills to jump-start theirbusinesses when they turn entrepreneursin the future. They are taught to applyappropriate strategies to develop strongbrand identity systems, create powerfulpromotional brochures and write effectivebusiness messages to promote theircompanies, products and/or services to theirtarget audiences.LC0221Communication Skillsfor Entrepreneurs (CSE)Aims to equip students with the importantcommunication skills that entrepreneurs need.Students will be taught to make powerfulpresentations, negotiate effectively andnetwork extensively. Role-playing is includedto facilitate the teaching of these essentialskills, allowing students to learn in a “handson”manner.LC0224Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW) (DOPT)Aims to equip students with the oral andwriting skills needed for work. They learnhow to engage the patient effectively in anoptometrist-patient consultation, write lettersand e-mail messages and handle business callseffectively. A variety of media is used, withpractice and learning taking place in situationssimulating those at work.LC0303Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Refer to LC0103.LC0306Oral Communication (OC)Refer to LC 0106.LC0314Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW)Refer to LC0114.LC0318Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC0321Communication Skillsfor Entrepreneurs (CSE)Refer to LC0221LC0322Communication Skills for Sales &Marketing (CSM)Aims to equip students with the necessaryoral communication skills (inter-personal,networking and negotiation) for effectivesales pitch and presentations. They will alsolearn to write effective sales proposals andsales letters. Skills will be taught through roleplays,projects and cases which simulate salesand marketing situations.LC0334Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW) (DICT)Aims at equipping students with thecommunication skills necessary for work.Students will learn how to participateeffectively in meetings, write effectivebusiness correspondence, handle telephonecalls professionally, write purposeful jobapplication letters, prepare effective resumesand attend successful job interviews.LC0503Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Refer to LC0103.LC0506Oral Communication (OC)Refer to LC0106.LC0514Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW)Refer to LC0114.LC0518Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC0520Writing Skillsfor Entrepreneurs (WSE)Refer to LC0220.LC0521Communication Skillsfor Entrepreneurs (CSE)Refer to LC0221.LC0603Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Refer to LC0103.LC0614Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW)Refer to LC0114.LC0618Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC0712Report Writing &Presentation Skills (RWPS)Aims to equip students with knowledgeand skills required for report writing.Students will be required to conceptualisepotential business ideas and collect thenecessary information to put into a simplebusiness proposal. The module also includesthe teaching of questionnaire designskills. Students design and administer thequestionnaire, and evaluate the collected datafor their purpose. Students also make an oralpresentation of their business proposal totheir intended audience.LC0713Communication Skillsfor Business (CSB)Aims to equip students with the writing andoral skills needed for work and business.Students are taught to write, listen andspeak effectively and appropriately for thetarget audience. Areas covered include jobapplication, general business correspondenceand business meetings. The principlesand skills are taught through case studiesor situations simulating those in businessand work. Students learn how to conductthemselves at job interviews and meetingsthrough role-playing situations similar to thoseat the workplace.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 287

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC0716Issues & Viewpoints (IVP)Aims to raise student awareness and interestin current and perennial issues, and howthese issues affect them as individuals andsociety as a whole. Students learn to criticallyinterpret and analyse information they hearand read about from various sources. They areencouraged to give objective comments onissues and to express their views effectively inspeech and in writing.LC0718Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC0722Report Writing & PresentationSkills for the Diploma in BusinessAdministration (RWPS)Aims to equip students with the knowledgeand skills required for report writing.This module leverages on the MarketingResearching module to help students usedata collected to plan and structure a reportthat can effectively meet the expectations oftheir target reader. The key focuses of logicalstructure, appropriate use of language andregister, and effective delivery of relevantcontent will help students recognise theimportance of writing clearly with theirpurpose in mind. This is complemented by theteaching of key oral presentation principles,culminating in students making formalpresentations of the project reports done inthe module.LC0726Oral Communication (OC)Refer to LC0106.LC0729Effective Communication (EC)Aims to equip students with soundfoundational language and communicationskills to support their academic studies atthe polytechnic. It builds greater languageawareness through the emphasis onusing Standard English and keeping thepurpose and audience in mind in writtenand oral communication. Lessons areinteractive and student-centered andstudents are exposed to a wide variety ofauthentic listening and written texts in classactivities and assignments.LC0730Introduction toMedia Writing (IMW)Aims to introduce students to the differentforms of media writing, such as writingfor the print media, for broadcast and forpromotional purposes and to give studentshands-on practice so as to enable them towrite effectively and creatively for this genreof communication.LC0806Oral Communication (OC)Refer to LC0106.LC0818Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC0912Report Writing & PresentationSkills for the Diploma inBusiness IT (RWPS)Aims to equip students with the knowledgeand skills required for report writing. Thismodule trains students to think about writingreports based on an appreciation of theirpurpose of writing as well as the expectationsof their intended reader. eBusiness Technologyoption students write reports with a moretechnical slant while eBusiness Managementoption students will be required to writebusiness proposal, incorporating datacollected from surveys. In the case of thelatter, questionnaire design principles will betaught. At the end of the module, studentswill be required to make formal presentationsbased on the report that they have written.LC0913Communication Skillsfor Business (CSB)Refer to LC0713.LC0914Writing for E-Commerce (WEC)Aims to teach students how to write effectivee-Commerce websites. The primary focus ison enhancing web usability so as to reduceuser errors at the web site and to improveuser satisfaction. Students learn what userslook for in a website, how web writing differsfrom print writing and what the key languageand communication principles of effectiveweb writing are.LC0917Effective Language Skills (ELS)Aims to improve the standard of English ofstudents to enable them to communicateclearly and effectively. It builds greaterlanguage awareness through developmentof students’ writing and speaking skills. Theapproach used encourages independentlanguage learning. The lessons are taughtthrough individual and group assignments,both oral and written, through discussionsand peer-teacher feedback.LC0918Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118.LC1003Communication Skillsfor DPFM (CS)Aims to develop students’ ability to writecirculars and formal reports, deliverpresentations and apply listening andconflict resolution skills necessary to functioneffectively in the property development andfacilities management industry. Studentswill learn through problem-based casestudies, video-clips, Internet search enginesand role- plays.LC1006Oral CommunicationAims to help students acquire oralpresentation skills needed for their studies atthe <strong>Polytechnic</strong> and for functioning effectivelyin the workplace. Students learn how tomake individual and group presentationsthat are persuasive and informative usingappropriate verbal and non-verbal languageas well as visual aids (e.g PowerPoint slides).They also learn how to handle question andanswer sessions.LC1013Report Writing &Presentation (RWP)Refer to LC0103LC1014Communication Skillsfor Work (CSW)Refer to LC0114LC1015Creative Communication (CC)Aims to expose students to texts from a widevariety of media to encourage more creativityin writing, while training them to write usinga variety of styles suitable for public relations/advertising/media practitioners. Studentspractise analysing print media for creativeconcepts and strategies, language use andother relevant features. They learn to developtheir own creative ideas, through writing inprose, skits and even poetry.LC1018Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118288 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC1030Scriptwriting forGames Design (SGD)Aims to equip students with good scriptwritingskills, to develop products for a variety ofaudiences. Students learn to create charactersand place them in a world. They also learnto write scenes and develop story lines thatwill showcase their characters’ abilities andtraits. They will also be taught the impact ofsponsorship and commercials on production.LC131ZTeamwork &Communication Skills (TCS)Aims to equip students with the necessaryteamwork and communication skills relevantto the efficient and successful completionof engineering projects. Through integratedtasks and within a multi-disciplinary context,students will practise and demonstratethe skills of team-building and formation,participation in and management of teams,appropriate communication strategy designand effective written and oral communication.LC1118Critical Reasoning Skills (CRS)Refer to LC0118LC2012Business ChineseAims at selected students who haveChinese Language proficiency at “O” Leveland who want to further develop theirlanguage skills to prepare them for work in aChinese- speaking environment.LC2013, LC2014, LC2015FrenchAims to develop students’ listening andspeaking ability, to enable them to use simpleFrench to communicate in everyday lifesituations. Although the course emphasisesoral communication, some basic reading andwriting skills are taught too.LC2016GermanAims to introduce students to the Germanlanguage and way of life. Emphasis is given todeveloping students’ speaking and listeningskills to enable them to use simple German tocommunicate in everyday situations. Studentsalso learn to read elementary German textsand write short notes and letters.LC2019ThaiAims to introduce students to the Thailanguage and way of life. Emphasis is given todeveloping students’ speaking and listeningskills to enable them to use simple Thai tocommunicate in everyday situations. Studentsalso learn to read elementary Thai texts andwrite short notes and letters.LC2021, LC2022, LC2023JapaneseAims to introduce students to the Japaneselanguage and its use in everyday situations.Emphasis is given to developing students’speaking and listening skills to enablethem to communicate in simple Japanese.Students will be able to identify the differentsystems in Japanese writing, read elementaryJapanese texts and write short notes andletters. Students who complete 180 hoursof the programme and who are interestedto take an external public examination, aregiven coaching in the Japanese LanguageProficiency Test (JLPT) Level 4 examination.LC2025VietnameseAims to introduce students to the Vietnameselanguage and way of life. Emphasis is given todeveloping students’ speaking and listeningskills to enable them to use simple Vietnameseto communicate in everyday situations.Students also learn to read elementaryVietnamese texts and write short notesand letters.LC2026MalayAims to introduce students to the Malaylanguage and culture. It focuses on speakingand listening skills to enable them tocommunicate in everyday situations.LC2027ChineseAims to introduce non-Chinese-speakingstudents to the Chinese language andculture. While emphasis is given to oral skills,recognition of the Chinese script will also betaught. The course will enable students tocommunicate in everyday situations, and toread and write simple texts.LC2029Hanyu Shuiping KaoshiAims to prepare students for theinternationally-recognised Hanyu ShuipingKaoshi (HSK) scheduled around Apriland September.LC2030Japanese Language ProficiencyTest Level 3Aims to prepare students for theinternationally-recognised Japanese LanguageProficiency Test Level 3 held in December.LC2034KoreanAims to introduce students to the Koreanlanguage and culture. It focuses on speakingand listening skills to enable students tocommunicate in everyday situations. Studentsalso learn the Korean writing system whichwill enable them to read and write in Koreanat the elementary level.LC2035SpanishAims to introduce students to the Spanishlanguage and way of life. The moduledevelops students’ speaking and listeningskills to enable them to use Spanish tocommunicate in everyday situations. Studentsalso learn to read and understand elementarySpanish texts and write short notes.LC2036Introduction to ArabicAims to introduce students to the Arabiclanguage and the Arabic culture. Emphasiswill be given to developing students’vocabulary to enable them to converse ineveryday situations. They will also learn theArabic alphabet to enable them to readcommon signages. Completing the 30-hourintroductory module will enable seriousstudents of Arabic to go to the next level.LC2300The Living Language – Evolution &Use of the Malay LanguageAims to offer students an introduction to thenature of the language and the uniquenessof language to the human species. Studentslearn the history and evolution of the Malaylanguage and the emergence of StandardMalay (Bahasa Buku). They also examine thedifference in how the Malay language is usedin literary works and popular culture throughtext analysis and observations made on theuse of Malay in different contexts such asradio boardcast, plays and daily conversations.LC2301Of Pages & Stages –Malay Literature & DramaAims to focus on the way in which Malayliterature can be best appreciated through themedium of artistic expressions. Students learnabout the development as well as the aural,oral and dramatic elements in Malay literature.They are exposed to significant literary piecesand given a chance to rework them into anydramatic or artistic form they see fit. Theywill also appreciate literary and dramaticexperiences better by being introduced toMalay theatre groups in <strong>Singapore</strong>.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 289

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC300AEffective Speaking Skills (ESS)Aims to equip students with practical skills tospeak clearly and effectively so as to be ableto hold conversations/discussions in differentwork and social settings. Essential skillslearnt include correct pronunciation, cleararticulation and the effective use of the voice.LC301ADrama Appreciation (DA)Exposes students to the exciting world ofdrama and drama production. They willexplore the basics of drama performance,learn how to improvise roleplays, criticallyappreciate and critique performance, createtheir own piece theatre and even perform itin groups.LC302AGoal Setting &Decision-making (GSD)Aims to help students identify their goalsin life and develop essential intrapersonalskills to achieve them. Students will beempowered to overcome the ‘I-can’t’ barrierto get what they want and learn to thinkout of the box to handle setbacks. They willlearn self-evaluation techniques that willhelp them make decisions to maximise theirpersonal effectiveness.LC303AEffective Negotiation Skills (ENS)Aims to equip students with basic negotiationskills, including an understanding andapplication of basic principles of negotiation,the negotiation process and strategies andtactics in negotiation. Students will thusdevelop some analytical and social interactionskills to help them become effectivenegotiators in work and life.LC304AFilm Appreciation (FA)Aims to expose students to different filmgenres and develop an appreciation offilm and its place in society. Students learnskills to analyse and critique a film in orderto see how films reflect issues of the realworld. In addition, they will learn aboutdifferent aspects of film production, fromcharacterisation to cinematography, to gaininsights into how films are made.LC309ABetter Pronunciationfor Better Speech (BPS)Aims to equip students with the skills toenhance speech clarity so that they can beeffective in their studies and the workplace.In this module, students will learn to producecorrect word and letter sounds so as toimprove their pronunciation and articulation.Through practical exercises and handsonactivities, they will learn techniques toenhance their fluency and intonation to bebetter speakers of English.LC310AEffective Use ofLogic in Argument (EUL)Aims to equip students with the skillsto identify and correct a wide range ofcommon errors of thought and logic in theirown arguments as well as those of others.Students will also learn about the use andabuse of language in persuasion. They willapply what they have learnt by analysing andresponding to written and verbal argumentsfound in real-life contexts. This will help themto become more independent and rigorous intheir thinking, thereby enabling them to makesound judgements and decisions related towork and life.LC312ACross Cultural Communication:Accents & Slang (CCC)Equips students to become bettercommunicators when they travel abroadfor studies, work or leisure. Throughpractical exercises, role play and fieldwork,students will understand the differencesin pronunciation and usage of the majorvarieties of English such as British English,American English and Australian English.This module also looks at Singlish and otherdialects of English and their implications incross cultural communication.LC313AEffective InterpersonalCommunication (EIC)Aims to improve students’ ability to interactand communicate effectively with peoplethey live and work with. Students are taughtconflict resolution strategies and made awareof the importance of emotional intelligencein their interaction with others. They learnabout self-awareness, management ofemotions and empathy as building blocks tohealthy relationships. The practice of effectiveverbal, non-verbal and listening skills is fullyintegrated in the module.LC314AActive Citizenry: ‘BeyondKopi Tiam Banter’ (AC)Aims to equip students with knowledgeof <strong>Singapore</strong> in terms of its unique history,development and its future. The module looksat the people, the culture, the government,the economy, the education system, etc. Itanalyses the challenges faced by <strong>Singapore</strong>and <strong>Singapore</strong>ans, looks at how changeshave affected the country and the proactiveactions taken to counter or ride the changes.The module explores the identity, values andcommon goals of the people in order forstudents to appreciate their role in making thenation home.LC4100Acting (ACT)Aims to introduce the craft of acting andcharacter creation. All learning is rootedwith reference to scripts and plays spanningdifferent genres and eras. Working withteacher-directors, students learn groupdynamics, voice craft, body awareness,characterisation, script analysis and directing.This module culminates in a variety showwhere all students will be required to selectand perform a solo or two-hander piece.LC4101Theatre in Education (TIE)Aims to explore the methodology, ethicsand principles underpinning the practices ofTheatre in Education and its impact on societyand education. Students learn improvisationand devising, together with basic stage andproduction management, set and costumedesign. This module will require studentsto present a devised piece, complete withrationale and pre- and post- performancepackages for an intended audience.LC4102Theatre Production (TP)Aims to equip students with theunderstanding and skills of the variousbehind-the-scenes job responsibilities in atheatre production. They will learn aboutproduction (set, props, costume, light andsound design), direction and management(stage, finance, marketing and publicity).This module integrates and applies allthat have been learnt in the previoustwo modules and culminates into a semiprofessionalproduction.LC5000Applied Drama (ADI)Aims to introduce students to the forms,methodologies and uses of Applied Drama.Students will learn about the history ofsuch practices and their development bothabroad and locally. Topics include majorpractitioners and the ideologies underpinningtheir practices.290 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC5001Devised Drama (DDI)Aims to equip students with a theoreticaland practical knowledge of dramatic formsand styles. Students will develop a range ofperformance skills as they work in the formsof improvisation, role play, story telling andplaybuilding. They actively explore ideasthrough exercises and projects to createoriginal works.LC5002Introduction to Voice (IV)Aims to introduce to students the vocalperformance of text and to teach posture,breath and speech and how they are appliedto text and movement. Students will learnpace, pitch, breath control, rhythm, wordcolour, projection, articulation and basic voicecare techniques to enhance public speakingand acting.LC5003Pedagogy & ClassroomManagement (PCM)Aims to focus on drama education and theworks of Jonathan Neelands, Juliana Saxtonand John O’Toole. Students will examineinternational trends in drama pedagogy andanalyse the influence it has on local dramaeducation within the classroom and acrossthe different age groups and curriculum.They will study the current research oneffective classroom management and applythese management strategies in microteachingsessions.LC5004Introduction to Psychology (IP)Aims to offer an introduction to psychologyas a whole, examining the main approachesto thinking about and researching humanbehaviour. It explores how psychologyis applied in everyday life such as in thecommunity, education and health settings.LC5005Fundamental BehaviouralStatistics (FBS)Aims to introduce to students the basicconcepts, logic, and issues involved instatistical reasoning. Major topics includeexploratory data analysis, basic descriptivestatistics, an introduction to researchmethods, probability, and statistical inference.The objectives of this module is to givestudents confidence in manipulating anddrawing conclusions from data and providethem with a critical framework for evaluatingstudy designs and results.LC5006Introduction toSocial Psychology (ISP)Aims to introduce students to the effect ofsocial conditions on human beings. Studentswill study how society affects individualbehaviours and the role of the individual ina social world. Students will explore forceswithin the individual and within the situationthat motivates the actions of people. Thesetopics include studying personality traits,personal attitudes, personal goals, socialnorms and social incentives.LC5007Group & Social Dynamics (GSD)Aims to explore social influences, persuasionand the theories behind the motivation ofhumans to form groups. Students will studygroup structure, cohesion and norms such asthe relationships between people, how theycommunicate in groups and the differentroles that they play, as leaders and followers.Case studies of group relationships in theclassroom, at home, at work and in socialsituations will be analysed.LC5008Creative Communication (CC)Aims to expose students to texts from a widevariety of media to encourage creativity inwriting. Students analyse print media forcreative concepts and strategies, languageuse and other relevant features. They developtheir own creative ideas to write pressreleases, programmes and publicity materialsusing different styles.LC5009Educational Drama I (EDI)Aims to examine story telling through ProcessDrama, Story Drama and Puppetry. Throughpractical sessions and projects, students willexplore working in and out of role as bothparticipants and facilitators. Using stories,they will explore a problem, situation, themeor stories through the use of the artisticmedium of unscripted drama.LC5010Devised Drama II (DDII)Aims to further enhance skills in performanceand facilitation through improvisation, theatregames and audience-interaction. Topics ofstudy include the works of improvisationpractitioners such as Viola Spolin and KeithJohnstone. Students will apply these devisingskills in an integrated project.LC5011Ethical Study ofApplied Drama (ESAD)Aims to examine the ethics and practices ofdifferent genres of Applied Drama. Throughcase studies, it explores the work of AppliedDrama companies or groups and the effectsof their ethical practices. Students will adaptand apply these ethical models to the projectwork they have designed.LC5012Community Servicesin <strong>Singapore</strong> (CSS)Aims to introduce to students thedifferent community services in <strong>Singapore</strong>.Students will study the different aims andresponsibilities of these community servicesand the importance of the roles they play inthe local society. Students will examine thesocial services catering to children, youth,elderly, family and people with disabilities andspecial needs, and the agencies and voluntaryorganisations that manage them.LC5013Research Methods I (RMI)Aims to introduce students to quantitativeresearch methods used in the social sciences.Topics include survey results, observationaland experimental methods. Students willengage in individual and group projectsreading, interpreting and reflecting criticallyon quantitative research. In the process theylearn to design and conduct their own researchand apply the instruments to collect data.LC5014Introduction toLifespan Psychology (ILP)Aims to introduce students to psychologicalconcepts, theories and application. Studentswill explore the factors that affect usthroughout our lives by looking at theexperiences that are common to the humanbeing. Students will track the developments inthe biological processes, the socio-emotionalprocesses and the cognitive processes inchildren, youths, adults and the elderly.LC5015Report Writing& Presentation (RWP)Aims to equip students with the skillsnecessary to write reports and present thefindings to an audience. Students will learnabout collection, analysis and evaluation ofdata, citations, referencing and writing fordifferent audiences and contexts. For reportpresentation, areas stressed include verbal andnon-verbal language, audience awareness,voice quality and use of visual aids.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 291

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC5016Introduction to Theatrefor Intervention (ITI)Aims to build on Applied Drama by exploringhow drama is used as an interactive vehiclefor community building, self-identify, socialand political change. Students will studythe main forms of intervention drama likestreet theatre, playback theatre and forumtheatre. They will also learn to use Theatre forIntervention as a responsible tool to facilitatethought and action.LC5017Drama in Education (DIE)Aims to provide a broad overview of Dramaas it is used in the educational system in<strong>Singapore</strong> and introduces students to currenteducational practices. Works of DorothyHeathcote, Gavin Bolton, Jonathan Neelands,Brad Haseman and John O’Toole will formthe core studies of this module. Students willexamine how these practitioners use drama topromote holistic learning in the classroom andacross the curriculum. Through independentwork, students will plan, write and conductlessons that use drama as pedagogy.LC5018Introduction toCurriculum Design (ICD)Aims to examine curriculum models andequips students with fundamental knowledgein basic curriculum design. Students willlearn about curriculum organisation, syllabusdesign and how they are related to teachingmethods, assessment and evaluation. Thefocus of the module will be on curriculumand pedagogical knowledge with a strongpractical component on lesson planning.LC5019Counselling Approaches& Processes (CAP)Aims to introduce students to thefundamentals of the counselling process andexamines how psychological theories andresearch have been applied to the world ofthe counsellor. Topics covered include majortheories and approaches of counselling. Thiswill enable students to develop a theoreticaland ethical framework as well as basiccounselling skills.LC5020Introduction toEducational Psychology (IEP)Aims to explore the social and psychologicalcontext of learning. It provides thefoundation for understanding learnersand their development. Key areas includeunderstanding the different aspects of childto adolescent development, and how theseinfluence the teaching and learning processes.Students will learn how to apply psychologicalprinciples and learning theories to classroomlearning. In addition, they will learn thecharacteristics and needs of diverse learners toprovide optimal learning.LC5021Introduction toHealth Psychology (IHP)Aims to look into how biological,psychological and social factors affecthealth and illness. It examines communityhealth and wellness and the common healthissues that affect the elderly and the youthof today. Topics include behavioural riskfactors, health promoting behaviours andstress management.LC5022Arts & CommunityServices Management (ACSM)Aims to provide students with the knowledgeof managing an arts and/or communityservices projects in <strong>Singapore</strong>. Topicsinclude funding, planning, hiring practices,the National Arts Council’s role in the artsindustry and the Ministry of CommunityYouth and Sports’ role in Community Services.Students will be exposed to the processof organising and planning projects fororganisations with limitations.LC5023Entrepreneurship (ENT)Aims to introduce the concept ofentrepreneurship and the business strategiesused by small enterprises to create asustainable competitive advantage in thedynamic business environment. It provides anopportunity for students to start and run theirown businesses and manage uncertaintiesand risks. Students will have to sourcefor funds from investors, negotiate withsuppliers, meet and make presentations toprospective customers, and manage resourcesand funds effectively.LC5024Theatre in Education (TIE)Aims to examine the methodology of Theatre-In-Education (TIE) and its context in societytoday. Students will explore the ethics andprinciples underpinning the practices of TIEand its impact on society and educationthrough project work. This hands-on modulewill require students to devise and stage ashort performance for a specific purposeand audience.LC5025Educational Drama II (EDII)Aims to examine physical theatre specificallythrough Mime and Masks in educationalsettings. Students will use masks and mime todirect and stage a performance for childrenand youths of different age groups.LC5026Negotiation & ConflictResolution (NCR)Aims to introduce students to the basicprinciples of negotiation and conflictresolution. They will be equipped with anunderstanding and application of basicprinciples of negotiation, conflict resolutionand facilitation skills. With the use of casestudies and role-play, this hands-on modulewill allow students to apply these principlesand skills to different contexts.LC5027Research Methods II (RMII)Aims to introduce students to qualitativeresearch. It will provide an introduction to thephilosophical, conceptual and methodologicalfeatures in qualitative research methods.Topics include case study, action research,ethnography, narrative enquiry, participantobservation and interviews. This handsonmodule will allow students to designand write proposals for their qualitativeresearch projects.LC5028Cultural Diversity (CDI)Aims to introduce students to the differentcultures, races and religions in <strong>Singapore</strong>and how traditions and customs influenceand shape behaviours. Students will learnabout different cultures, cultural changes,intercultural relations, cultural awareness andtolerance, social behaviour and modernisationfrom a local and global perspective. Themodule will also examine theoretical,methodological and ethical issues in thecontemporary world of today.LC5029Fundamentals of Accounting (FA)Aims to provide students with anunderstanding of the basic concepts andprinciples of accounting. Significant areas aredouble entry concept, the accounting process,financial statements of firms, basic costingconcepts, cash flow statement appreciation,cost volume profit analysis and budgeting.292 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC5030Events Management &Fund-Raising (EMFR)Aims to introduce students to the natureand business of events management andfund-raising. Students will learn aboutthe fundamentals of managing an event- conceptualising, planning, sourcing for andraising funds, marketing and implementingsmall scale events.LC5031Introduction to Legal Issues (ILI)Aims to equip students with a workingknowledge of the salient laws andpolicies affecting the arts and communitydevelopment sectors. The topics coveredinclude contract law, marketing laws, labourlaws, intellectual copyright, health and safetyand risk assessment, and legal and ethicalmanagement of data.LC5032Graduation Project (GP)Aims to enable students to integrate skills,knowledge and practices of Applied Dramaand Psychology. Students are expected toapply psychological principles to social issuessuch as child abuse, homelessness, bullying,racism, crime, and chemical dependency.They will research, facilitate and devise arelevant programme for children or youths.The project may consist of a performance orpresentation, research paper, progress reportand educational / marketing materials.LC5033Understanding Disabilities& Special Needs (UDSN)Aims to examine the various types ofdisabilities affecting both young and old.Students will learn about how persons withspecial needs can affect families, friendsand others. Topics include developmentaldelays and social, emotional and behaviouraldifficulties. Learning disorders such as Autism,Down syndrome and attention deficithyperactivitydisorder are specially highlighted.LC5034Research Project (RP)Requires students to research and evaluate anApplied Drama programme conducted with aSocial Service Agency. The research findingswill be presented in the forms of a writtenreport and an oral presentation.LC5035Fundamentals ofBusiness Management (FBM)Aims to give students some generalbackground and insight into the financial,legal and human aspects of commercialbusiness and non-profit organisations.Business operations, partnerships, statutoryboards and voluntary organisations will beconsidered. Students will learn about the mainfinancial documents, business indicators andsources of finance.LC5036Essentials of Marketing (EM)Aims to explore basic marketing theories andconcepts that underpin market research, aswell as the organisational/business contextsof marketing principles. Through projects,presentations and case studies, studentswill appreciate the interaction of marketingvariables and their impact on marketingdecisions. They will have the opportunityto learn and apply marketing concepts in acreative way especially for the community andarts sectors.LC5037Business CommunicationSkills (BCS)Aims to equip students with the skills tocommunicate effectively in the arts andcommunity services industries. Studentswill learn to write business correspondenceand proposals for external funding, awardsor approval of a new programme or event.They will also acquire oral presentation andtelephone skills needed for liaising withdifferent groups of people, including clientsand suppliers.LC5038Professional CareerPreparation (PCP)Aims to equip students with networkingand job search skills to identify suitablejob opportunities. Students learn how toinitiate the necessary action to attain theircareer goals. These include maintaining acareer portfolio as a testimony of their skillsand experience, and marketing themselvessuccessfully through resumes, job interviewsand networking meetings.LC6001Introduction to English LanguageAims to introduce students to thephonological, lexical and syntactic featuresof the English language, the ways in whichlanguage varies in different contexts andthe basic approaches to the descriptionof language. Students learn the principalconcepts and terminology of both thelinguistic and phonological structure ofEnglish including, the differences between thevarieties of English in the global context.LC6002Language Teaching MethodologyAims to show students how to use awide range of current approaches andstrategies for teaching the four skills. Italso focuses on strategies for teaching ofreading, writing, listening and speaking.Students also would be able to select theappropriate teaching approach and designlesson plans taking into account differentlearning styles and preferences as well asdeveloping multiple intelligences. Classroommanagement strategies would be taughtas a tool to enhance effective teaching andlearning activities.LC6003Materials Design, Development &AssessmentAims to teach students how to select,evaluate, design, use and adapt appropriateteaching materials (videos, visual aides,television, IT) and how to use authenticresources for different levels of learners frombeginning to advanced learners of Englishwhich would include local and foreign pupils.They also learn how to design traditionaland alternative assessment modes in orderto evaluate and obtain formal feedback ondesired learning outcomes.LC6004Teaching PracticumTeaching practicum enables students toobserve and develop a wide range ofteaching techniques, learn how to plan anddeliver lessons, put into practice basic TESOLmethodologies, taking into consideration thecourse aims and learning objectives. Studentswill be observed and given feedback at theirweekly practicum sessions. Students are alsoexpected to reflect on their micro-teachingsessions to be competent in the classroomwhich would be videotaped regularly.LC6005Language & SocietyAims to offer an introduction toSociolinguistics. It is designed to providestudents with an appreciation of therelationship between language and society,and language and culture. Students willlearn about a variety of topics dealing withthe general theme of language in its socialcontext. Students will also be exposed to thecurrent trends in the <strong>Singapore</strong> EducationSystem and its impact on the multilingual andmulticultural society.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 293

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>LC6006ProjectStudents are required to complete a projectbased on small-scale investigation of areasdirectly related to English Language Teaching.It should be related to the teaching theyexpect to undertake in the future. This projectprovides students with an opportunity to doindependent research to apply and integratewhat they have learnt in the other modules.LC6007Teaching of English to YoungLearnersAims to focus on the issues, theories andresearch underlying the teaching of English toyoung learners. One of the key developmentsis in the area of emergent literacy. It enablesstudents to apply and integrate skills learntin syllabus design, materials writing andproduction assessment for English for younglearners. A variety of techniques to introducelanguage acquisition would be introduced forstudents to apply.LC6008Teaching of English to ForeignLearnersAims to introduce students to the motivationand experiences of the foreign learnerin language acquisition. Students will beexposed to an in-depth communicativeapproach to be employed in teaching generalEnglish for pupils who are at different abilitylevels. They will apply a variety of techniquesin teaching the four skill areas of reading,writing listening and speaking.LC6009Drama in EducationAims to provides a broad overview of Dramaas it is used in the educational systemin <strong>Singapore</strong> and introduces students tocurrent educational practices. Students willexamine how to use drama to promotelanguage learning in the classroom. Throughindependent work, students will plan, writeand conduct lessons that use drama in anEFL/ESL classroom.LC6010Facilitation Skills for AdultsLearnersAims to introduce students to the principlesof facilitation, and how facilitation skills canbe used in teaching adult learners the EnglishLanguage. Students would be introducedto problem based and case based learningmaterial to promote full participation andindependent learning.LC6011Teaching Children with SpecialNeeds (Dyslexia)Aims to introduce students to a spectrumof children with special needs with focus ondyslexic children. Students will learn how todifferentiate the English language curriculumand involve practical applications of teachingstrategies and management of these learners.MA002SUnderstanding WeatherProvides students with a basic knowledge ofmeteorology. Topics covered in the syllabuswill include the study of weather, weatherpatterns and their causes, environmentalweather conditions, winds, the formationof moisture in the air and their dew points,meteorological phenomena including haze,fog, and snow. Other topics include physicalmeteorology, basic synoptic meteorology andweather observation.MA003SIntroduction to Seamanshipand Boating TheoryIntroduces student to basic boating andnautical terms, and theoretical seamanshipincluding watch keeping and look out dutieson boats, Rules of the Road, basic boatingtheory and principles of boat handling. Othertopics covered will also include boatingsafety and precautions, their hazards andemergencies, and an introduction to thePowered Pleasure Craft Driving License.MA005SIntroduction to Astro-NavigationProvides students with an appreciation of theuse of astronomical bodies and navigationalsatellites for celestial navigation. Studentswill be introduced to celestial phenomena,basic navigation terminology, concepts andlimitations using the stars and satellitesfor astro-position fixing, and to serve as afoundation for students to explore astronavigationin greater detail and depth.MA0024ProjectThis is a group project. Each group consistsof four to five students and is assigned asupervisor. This year-long project aims atinculcating in students the ability to workindependently and also in a team. Studentslearn to research on their own and to solveproblems on a topic or area of interestwhich is relevant to their course of study.The department will endeavour to obtainclient-based projects from organisations in themaritime and logistics arena.MA0059Maritime EconomicsProvides students with an understanding ofthe economic and commercial environmentin which the shipping industry operates,including the factors that influence the supplyand demand of shipping services. Topicsinclude international trade, demand, supplyand cost of sea transport, freight rates,economies of scale in shipping and protectionof trade and shipping.MA0070Ship Chartering PracticesProvides students with an understanding ofstandard voyage and time charter partiesused in bulk liquid and dry cargo trades, apractitioner’s approach to chartering of ships,freight and hire calculation and paymentmethods, and settlement of disputes.MA0072Ship Sale & PurchaseProvides students with an understanding ofthe memorandum of agreement, detailedstudy of sale forms and the purpose of theirclauses, different types of contract for newbuildings, second-hand and demolition, saledocumentation, particular aspects of law inrelation to sale and purchase transactions,dispute resolution, different markets in theworld, ship valuation and financing.MA0076Transport ModellingProvides students with an understanding ofthe use of mathematical models in transportanalysis. The objectives are to understandthe use of models in transport, be capable ofmaking decisions on the suitability of modelsfor the transport, know the problem athand, know how to use computer packagesin model development and be able to usecase studies to demonstrate real industrialapplications of logistical models.MA0077Port AgencyProvides students with an understanding ofthe different types of port agencies and aport agent’s role, with particular referenceto operations in <strong>Singapore</strong>. Topics includeship documentation, cargo documentation,disbursements and office organisation.MA00796 month’s Internship Programme(ITP) and Mini–ProjectDuring this phase students will be attachedto a relevant maritime related / logisticsorganisation. They will be expected to putinto practice the knowledge and skills that294 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>they have acquired in the <strong>Polytechnic</strong>. Theirprogress will be closely monitored by thein house company supervisor and also bya liaison officer (staff of the <strong>Polytechnic</strong>).During this period they are expected tocomplete their Project Log Book and alsoan individual Mini-Project. This project willincorporate aspects and suggestions for workimprovement in the organisation where thestudent is placed.MA0080Ship Knowledge & SeamanshipThis module trains students how to prepare,embark and launch survival crafts. They willbe taught the use of all survival equipmentcarried on board merchant navy ships.Additionally they will be provided with a basicknowledge the construction of various typesof merchant navy vessels.MA0082Freight Transport & LogisticsStudents will be able to demonstrateknowledge of the physical and othercomponents of transport systems, anunderstanding of the significance of freighttransport in a modern economy and theapplication of intermodal concepts. Theywill be able to analyse the employment,organisational and institutional structures inthe freight transport industry in <strong>Singapore</strong>.They will be able to appreciate the value of alogistics approach to delivery of goods.MA0083Financial Accounting in ShippingProvides students with an understandingof the basic concepts and principles ofaccounting. It also provides them withan understanding of financial accountingcovering company and group accounts, cashflow statements and financial ratios. Theywill learn to read and understand publishedshipping accounts, and to analyse andinterpret financial statements of maritimerelated organisations.MA0084Shipping PracticeProvides students with an understandingof commercial geography, the basics inshipbroking and international trade practices,and classification societies.MA0085Ports & TerminalsStudents will understand the role of portsand terminals in industrial development,multipurpose terminals, specialised terminalsand free ports. Visits will be arranged tocontainer, bulk and tanker terminals. Theywill understand features of transit sheds,warehouses, ICD for breakbulk, LCL andFCL operations, stockpile arrangements fordry and liquid bulk commodities, specialisedfacilities for hazardous goods and chemicals.MA0087Navigational SafetyProvides students with an appreciation ofbridge watchkeeping and basic familiarisationof navigational equipment. It also gives thema basic understanding of the national andinternational regulatory framework withreference to safe navigation of ships. Basicchartwork will be taught in this module.Effective use of the navigation simulatorand the floating laboratory will be made inteaching this module.MA0090Financial Management in ShippingIntroduces students to the financialobjectives and financial environment of amaritime- related organisation. It dealswith basic concepts such as the relationshipof risk and return, and the time value ofmoney. Other areas include financial analysis,forecasting and short-term financial planningof a shipping organisation.MA0093Marketing of Shipping ServicesAssists students to identify the characteristicsof services and their marketing implicationsfor strategy development and execution.It enables potential shipping professionalsto be market-oriented in their approach tothe shipping business with an awareness oftechniques inherent in a marketing outlookfor shipping and logistics services.MA0097Electronic Commerce &Logistics Information SystemProvides students with the basic concepts,implementation and operation of informationsystems development, with particularreference to information systems used inthe shipping and transportation business.GMDSS, VTIS, Portnet, Tradenet and otherworkflow systems will be covered in thismodule. Students will be able to demonstratean understanding in the use of analyticmodels for inventory management andqueuing systems. They will understand therelevance of analytic and software techniquesin the context of logistics managementdecision making and be competent in theuse of appropriate software for analysis ofinventory management systems, queuingsystems, optimal decision making in logisticsmanagement and statistics relevant tologistics management.MA0099Law of Maritime Carriage ofGoods & InsuranceProvides students with an understandingof the law relating to the carriage of goodsby sea and its underlying principles. Topicsinclude sources and application of law, basicfeatures of the <strong>Singapore</strong> legal system,general principles of the law of contractrelating to shipping, agency law, differenttypes of tortuous liability relating to shipping,basic features and main legal aspects of thedifferent charter parties and bills of lading andcarriage of goods by sea acts. Also providesstudents with an understanding of marineinsurance and how different aspects of marineinsurance play a role in shipping. Topicscovered include functions of marine insurancein shipping, organisations of insurancemarket and companies, Institute Clauses andCommon covers for ships, General Averageclaims, P & I Club, and marine pollutionprotection schemes.MA0100Marine Engineering KnowledgeProvides students with the basic knowledgeand understanding of the working andconstructional features of shipboardmachinery and systems.MA0101Cargo HandlingProvides students with the knowledge ofhandling, stowage and carriage on boardships, of various types of cargo includingcontainer, solid and liquid bulk andspecialised cargoes.MA0102Safety & EnvironmentalManagement in ShippingAims to provide students with anunderstanding of marine safety concepts andpolicy issues relating to marine safety ininternational regulations. They will also betaught the basic concepts of ISO 9000 Qualitystandards and an understanding and applicationof the International Safety Management (ISM)Code. They will also do practical hands-ontraining in the Safety Centre.MA0103Maritime Personnel ManagementProvides students with an understanding ofthe importance of human element in shippingbusiness management. The role of humanas an individual or as a member of a groupin achieving shipping business objectiveswithin the context of the organisation andthe cultural, socio-political and economicenvironment is discussed.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 295

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA0104Maritime LawProvides students with an understandingof the law affecting the various aspectsof shipping business. Topics includeownership structure, registration of ships,role, responsibilities and legal obligationsof the ship’s master pertaining to the safetyof the crew, ship and cargo, internationalconventions relating to the carriage ofpassengers on board ships, maritimearbitration, collision law, salvage andlimitation of liability.MA0105Ship ManagementProvides students with a thorough knowledgeand understanding of the business ofship management, local and internationalregulations including ISMA recommendations,crew management, technical management,commercial management, cost associatedwith shipping, voyage estimates and thegeneral planning and operational functions ofa ship manager.MA0106Intermodal TransportIntroduces the concept of intermodaltransportation, consortia and joint services,inland clearance depots and containerleasing operations. It also looks at the coststructure and problems of cost allocationin intermodal transport. It provides themwith an understanding of internationaltransport conventions, customs and healthregulations, local and international regulationsrelating to freight transport and freightforwarding practice.MA0107Port Planning & OperationsProvides students with an overview of thepolicy, planning, operations and managementof a port with particular reference to thePort of <strong>Singapore</strong>. Emphasis is on efficientplanning and organisation of resources inorder to achieve optimum performance.MA0108Bunkering PracticesProvides students with an understandingof how to deal with bunker suppliers andbunker brokers, checking quality and quantityof bunker supplies, local and internationalregulations relating to bunkering practicesand choice of bunkering port as part ofvoyage planning.MA0109Supply Chain ManagementProvides students with an understandingof how supply chain management anddistribution channels play integral rolesin a firm’s marketing strategy. Studentswill be taught the concept of supply chainmanagement and the types of channelstructures. They will also learn the factors thatinfluence channel design, development andperformance as well as the role of logistics insupply chain management.MA0525Ship OperationsProvides students with knowledge of thesafety aspects of shipboard operations withemphasis on the rules and regulations.Also provides knowledge and guidance inseamanship and safety practices aboardships to enable them to keep an independentwatch and assist the senior officers inshipboard emergencies.MA0527Maritime CommunicationsProvides students with knowledge andskills in maritime communication. Thismodule is geared towards the GeneralOperator Certificate (Global MaritimeDistress and Safety System) issued by theTelecommunication Authority of <strong>Singapore</strong>.The proper use of communication equipmentis emphasised by hands-on simulation.Provides students with knowledge andskills of traditional and modern methodsof communications aboard ships. Flags andMorse will also be covered.MA0532Tanker FamiliarisationProvides students with knowledge ofoperations in oil, chemical and gas tankers.The potential dangers posed by thesehazardous cargoes to personnel and theenvironment are emphasised. Prevention ofpollution to the environment is also covered.MA0534Advanced Fire-FightingProvides students with an understandingof shipboard fires, their hazards, and themethods and strategies used on board ship tocontrol and combat these hazards. Particularemphasis will be placed on the organisation,control and command of fire parties designedto deal with fires effectively.MA0541Electronic Navigation SystemsProvides students with an understandingand a working knowledge of variouselectronic navigational systems/equipmentfound onboard merchant ships. The syllabusincludes an in depth knowledge of radar andautomatic plotting aids and training includeshands-on simulation incorporating bridgewatch keepingand ROR scenarios.MA0536Introduction to NavigationProvides students with a foundation innavigation and chart work. Students will beintroduced to navigation terminology anddefinitions, navigational calculations and thedetermination of the ship’s position usingcelestial and terrestrial bodies, and othernavigational aids. The syllabus includes theprinciples of tides and currents, and basicnavigational instruments including themagnetic compass, the gyroscope compass,the echo sounder and the sextant.MA0537Elementary Ship KnowledgeIntroduces students to basic nautical andmaritime terminology, basic ship construction,basic ship stability and cargo work to enablethem to assist in shipboard tasks and cargowatch duties. Students will also be introducedto steering and engine movement orders, theInternational Regulations for the Preventionof Collision at Sea, weather observations andbasic maritime communication to enable themto assist in bridge watch keeping duties at sea.MA0538Basic Safety TrainingProvides students with a sound knowledgeof shipboard safety and to equip them withthe necessary skills to take appropriatemeasures to safeguard the safety of personneland ship. Students will be taught personalsafety and social responsibility, survival-atseatechniques, shipboard fire preventionand fire fighting, and elementary first aid inaccordance with STCW 95 requirements forthe Basic Safety Training certificate. Studentswill also be introduced to the concept of aship quality system and the ISM Code.MA0539Principles of NavigationProvides a foundation for the study of moreadvanced topics in navigation. The syllabuscovers the solar system as used for navigation,the principles and concepts of celestial andocean navigation, position determinationusing these principles and concepts, andan understanding of chart projections usedin navigation. This module supports themodule Practical Navigation taught at thePhase 3 stage.296 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA0540Ship KnowledgeProvides students with an in-depthknowledge of ship stability, tankerknowledge and meteorology. Studentsare taught the principles of hydrostatics,form co-efficient, TPC, the effect ofdensity, loadlines, transverse statisticalstability, inclining experiment and the useof stability information carried onboardships. Tanker knowledge will incorporatetanker construction, tanker operations andtheir precautions, and cargo management.In meteorology, students are taught aboutthe weather, weather patterns and theircauses, taking and recording weatherobservations, and an appreciation of theplanetary system of wind and pressure onthe surface of the Earth.MA0541Electronic Navigation SystemsProvides students with knowledge andunderstanding of various electronicnavigational systems used on board merchantships. Students will be taught the concepts,limitations and advantages of the equipmentand systems. The module also includesknowledge on the precautions to take in theuse and siting of equipment. The students willbe familiarised with a variety of navigationalequipment including the radar, ARPA, relevanthyperbolic navigation systems, Loran-C,Global Positioning Systems, speed anddistance measuring devices, gyro compass,autopilot, AIS and ECDIS.MA0542Practical NavigationProvides students with comprehensivehands-on application of terrestrial, celestialand ocean navigation principles that areessential skills for keeping an independentbridge watch at sea. This module appliesthe principles and concepts studied by thestudents throughout the course includingPrinciples of Navigation taught in Phase1B, and forms an integral component ofthe syllabus of the International MaritimeOrganisation (IMO) for an officer in charge ofa navigational watch.MA0543Coastal NavigationProvides students with an in depth knowledgeof coastal navigation, and the practical skillsto enable them to perform the duties of anindependent bridge watch keeping officer.Students will undertake a more in depthstudy of tide predictions and calculations onsecondary ports, and basic principles and skillson passage-planning. Areas of study includethe work and duties of a junior navigatingofficer with respect to preparation of thechart folios, correction of charts and thevarious publications for the intended voyage.MA0544General Ship KnowledgeProvides students with a sound workingknowledge of ship stability to monitor shipsunder their charge and determine ship safetyat all times. Particular emphasis will be placedon cargo distribution, its effects on shipconstruction and their stresses, the stabilityof the ship both at rest and in a seawayenvironment. Areas of study include workand duties of the watch keeping cargo officer,and basic concepts and principles of themandatory International Safety ManagementCode as enforced by the IMO.MA0545MeteorologyProvides students with a working knowledgeof maritime meteorology required for juniordeck officers serving on board ships. Topicscovered in the syllabus will include the studyof environmental weather conditions includingthe formation of moisture in the air and theirdew points, the formation of icebergs andtheir movements, meteorological phenomenaincluding haze, fog, and snow. Other topicsinclude physical meteorology, basic synopticmeteorology, weather observation, andreport coding.MA0546Watch Keeping & InstrumentsProvides students with practical trainingon various navigation instruments andequipment used on the bridge with the aidof the navigation simulator. Training willfocus on hands-on simulation scenarios toallow the students to integrate and synergisethe knowledge and wide range of skills theyhave acquired over the two semesters. At theend of the module, the students will havethe confidence and foundation to take onthe role of understudying the bridge watchkeeping officer.MA0547Shipping Practice & Maritime LawProvides students with an understanding ofcommercial geography, the basics of tradepractices, ship broking, ship chartering,national and international regulatory bodiesincluding classification societies in shipping.The module will also incorporate a foundationon the various aspects of shipping lawsincluding ownership, registration of ships,maritime arbitration, collision law, salvage andlimitation of liability.MA0548Chartering & BrokerageProvides students with an introductoryknowledge of the nature of chartering,chartering terms and types of charter partiesincluding the standard voyage and timecharter parties used in bulk liquid and drycargo trades. There will be an emphasis onthe operational aspects of chartering, the roleand obligation of the ship with respect to theproper execution of the terms of the charterparties, liabilities and disputes.MA0549Marine SurveyingProvides students with an understanding ofmarine surveying and some common types ofmarine surveys, including container, generalcargo, dry bulk, bulk oil, bunker and draftsurveys. The module will also cover the workof the marine surveyor, his/her role in thecontext of sea transport, his/her obligationsunder COGSA, legal and statutory liabilities.MA0550Ports & TerminalsProvides students with an understanding ofthe role of ports and terminals in industrialdevelopment, multipurpose terminals,specialised terminals and free ports. Themodule will also cover the operationalaspects of transit sheds, warehousing, ICDfor break bulk, LCL and FCL operations,stockpile arrangements for dry and liquidbulk commodities, specialised facilities forhazardous goods and chemicals.MA1051Project WorkProvides students with an understandingof the methodology used in carrying out aproject in which multi-disciplinary skills andknowledge are integrated and applied in aproblem solving environment.MA1058Applied MechanicsIntroduces students to the fundamentalsof mechanics of bodies and systems andalso provides them with the basic tools foranalysing the static and dynamic behavioursof bodies and systems encounteredthroughout the course. It also teaches thebasic concepts of strength of materials toassess the stress and strain on structural andengineering components.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 297

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA1061Workshop Practice 1Provides students with basic practical skillsand knowledge in Bench-fitting and CentreLathe machine operation. The subject alsoaims to develop safety consciousness andproper work attitudes in the students. Withthe knowledge and practical skills gainedstudents will be able to use workshop toolsand carry out basic machining.MA1063Engineering DrawingProvides students with the knowledge andunderstanding of Engineering DrawingPrinciples. They are required to produceisometric sketches, and assembly drawings ofmarine engineering parts.MA1064Workshop Practice 2Provides students with basic knowledgeand practical skills in Gas and Arc Welding.The module also aims to develop safetyconsciousness and proper work attitudesin students. With the knowledge and skillsgained students will be able to perform simplewelding jobs on board a ship.MA1065Engineering MechanicsBuilds on previous work done in AppliedMechanics. It introduces the principles ofStrength of Materials which is applied toanalyse the effects of bending and torsionon structures and engineering materials. Thismodule also studies the flow characteristicsof fluid in pumps and pumping systems.In addition, it deals with the dynamics ofrunning machinery under load and theinfluence of mechanical vibration commonlyencountered in engineering systems.MA1067Integrated Workshop PracticeProvides students with the knowledgeand skills in carrying out various workshopprocesses to fabricate sheet metal items,and overhaul and repair simple machineryparts. This module reinforces the basicskills and knowledge acquired in WorkshopPractice I and II.MA1069Marine Engineering Knowledge 2Provides students with further knowledge andunderstanding of the marine diesel engineand its auxiliary systems.MA1071InstrumentationProvides students with a knowledge andunderstanding of different types of measuringinstruments and transducers used in industryfor automation and control. They will beintroduced to simple industrial pneumatic andhydraulic systems, and the basic componentsfound them.MA1073CADProvides students with the knowledge andskills to produce engineering drawings using acomputerised-aided drafting system.MA1076IC Engines & BoilersProvides students with the knowledge andunderstanding of the working principles,the constructional features and the safeoperational practices of marine diesel engines,and marine steam boilers and turbines.MA1077Marine Workshop PracticeStudents develop skills and confidence inoverhauling marine machinery through aseries of practical hands-on exercises in themarine workshop. With this knowledge andskills, the students will be able to carry outsimple routine maintenance and basic repairson ships’ machinery. Safety at the workplaceis also inculcated in the students.MA1080Auxiliary MachineryProvides students with an understanding ofthe construction and operating principlesof various auxiliary machinery used in ships.Students learn to appreciate the integrationof different equipment and auxiliaries to forma system. The management aspect of thesystem is also covered.MA1082Integrated ControlProvides knowledge and understanding ofshipboard process controls. Basic controltheory is introduced to allow essentialdetails in control systems to be analysedand understood.MA1083Shipboard DrawingsProvides students with the understandingand skills to read shipboard diagrams. Theseare diagrams – electrical, hull, piping systems,and equipment manuals – which provideengineers with a thorough knowledge of theship, equipment and systems that they have tooperate and maintain.MA1084Shipping BusinessProvides students with an understanding ofthe economics of shipping business and itsoperation and practices. Financial accountingin a shipping environment is also covered.MA1086Marine Engineering Knowledge 1Provides students with the basic knowledgeand understanding of the marine dieselengine, auxiliary boilers, and someancillary equipment.MA1087Basic Safety Training 1Personal Safety and Social Responsibility- Familiarises students with the code ofsafe working practices on board ship. Theaspects covered include fire precaution, FirePrevention and Fire Fighting - Provides trainingto a student so that he can react in a correctmanner in the event of an outbreak of fire,to take appropriate measures for the safetyof personnel and of the ship, and to use fireappliances correctly.MA1088Basic Safety Training 2Personal Survival Technique - Providesstudents with the essential knowledgeof types and handling of survival crafts,principles of survival and rescue techniques.MA1089Tanker FamiliarisationInculcates safety awareness essential forworking aboard ships. This module fulfils theSTCW 95 minimum mandatory training inTanker Familiarisation.MA1090Electric CircuitsProvides students with a sound knowledgeof the fundamental principles of ElectricalTechnology. It supports further work inthe course.MA1091Basic ThermodynamicsThis is a foundation course on basicengineering principle of thermodynamics andprovides an understanding of the First andSecond Laws of Thermodynamics.MA1092ElectronicsIntroduces students to basic analogueelectronic devices with regards totheir operation and applications. Thisknowledge will familiarise students withcomponents used in control circuits ofvarious systems used on board a ship.298 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA1093Applied ThermodynamicsProvides students with the understandingto apply the knowledge of thermodynamiclaws and cycles, and heat transfer inpiston air compressors, refrigeratingand air conditioning plants, andcombustion processes.MA1094Electric Machines & SystemsProvides students with the knowledgeand understanding of shipboard electricalmachines and distribution systems. This willenable them to effectively contribute to therunning, maintenance and fault diagnosis ofelectrical equipment.MA1095Organisational Behaviour& ManagementProvides students with the basic conceptsand principles of organisational operations,work quality and managing human resource.In addition, students are fortified withstress management techniques for use in awork environment.MA1096Engineering DesignProvides students with knowledgeand understanding of the design ofmachine components and systems formarine engineering applications. Designfundamentals include the total design process,methodology, basic energy relationships,load analysis, material properties andselection, stress analysis, elastic deflectionsand materials failure and prevention. Thisis followed by design applications involvingshafts and associated parts, fastenersand connections, lubrication and journalbearings, rolling-element bearings and variouspower transmission elements (belts, chainsand gears).MA1097Plant DiagnosticsProvides students with the knowledge andskills to monitor the health of shipboardmachinery using condition-monitoringtechniques, lubricating oil testing, fueloil testing, boiler water testing, andnon-destructive testing procedures.MA1098Naval Architecture 1This module provides an understanding of themaintenance of the stability of a ship undervarious conditions of loading and in a seaway.MA1099Computer ControlThis module provides students with anunderstanding of the use of personalcomputers for data acquisition, processing ofdigital and analogue signals and the control ofexternal devices. The programming languageused is C++.MA1100Floating Production TechnologyThis module provides students withknowledge and understanding of explorationand production to replace depleting energysources, and building and convertingcomplicated facilities such as mobile offshoredrilling rigs and floating production units.Students will also gain knowledge andunderstanding of the technology, processesand vehicles associated with the offshoreextraction of oil and gas. They will study aselected production unit in depth.MA1101Ship Design SoftwareThis module provides students with the basicknowledge and concepts in ship designand production with the aid of a navalarchitectural software application package.Students will learn to use the software togenerate ship hull form in preliminary designand for full production fairing, to computeship hydrostatics, to assess stability of a shipunder different loading conditions, to modelship structures in 3D as well as to generate2D drawings and other relevant data from themodel database for ship production.MA1102Naval Architecture 1This module provides students withan understanding of the design andconstructional aspects of a ship with aview to its effective and safe managementand maintenance. It also provides studentswith an understanding of ship powerrequirements, construction materials,statutory requirements, dynamic stability,fuel consumption theory and shipmaintenance techniques.MA1103Advanced Marine EngineeringSimulationThis continuously-assessed module providesstudents with the hands-on skills andengineering knowledge needed to confidentlyand safely carry out watch-keeping duties inport and at sea as a junior marine engineer.The training focuses on starting up the vesselfrom cold regularly until the required levelof confidence and competence is achieved.Simple common faults will be applied duringwatch-keeping to train students in the correctresponse and fault diagnostics so as tomaintain and keep a safe engineering watch.MA1104Basic Marine Dynamics &HydrodynamicsThis module introduces the use offundamental vibration theory for modellingdynamic responses of ship motions tofluctuating forces, vibration modes,resonance, frequency calculations, vibrationcauses, detrimental effects and preventivemeasures. The module also introduces theuse of fluid mechanics concepts for modellinghydrodynamic flow around a ship’s hull,boundary layers, skin friction, and differentialanalysis of fluid flow.MA2018Distribution &Transportation ManagementAims to provide students with knowledgeon the activities involved in the movementof goods and provides a basic understandingon the technologies and practices intransportation management. Topics coveredinclude roles of transportation in supplychain, distribution resource planning,channels in distribution, protective packagingtechnology, unit loads, containers, and carriercompatibility, economics in transportation,transportation and customer service levels,and transportation infrastructure. Hands-onpractice on Transportation Management isincorporated using ERP software packagesuch as SAP.MA4000Advanced Safety ManagementAims to provide students with anunderstanding of good and effective safetymanagement. Students will learn how toapply these principles at their work-sites.MA4001Safety AuditingProvides students with an understandingof the statutory requirements that affectoccupational safety and health at factoriesand enable them to acquire the knowledgeof the principles and methodology ofsafety auditing.MA4002Communication StudiesHelps students to understand the psychologyof human behaviour and use these qualities tohelp them in work relationships and promotea safety culture in their organisations.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 299

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA4003Advanced Health ManagementIntroduces students to the concepts ofhealth as applied to disease investigationsand surveillance, for the prevention ofoccupational and industrial diseases.MA4004Behavioural SafetyLooks into how people approach tosafety behaviourally and how to employthis knowledge to increase safety at theworkplace. The module also includes the topicof neurolinguistic programming (NLP).MA4005Project WorkIn this module, students will carry out a‘live’ safety audit in a company. The projectwork follows closely the curriculum taught inSafety Auditing (MT4001). Students need tounderstand the requirements of the SMS andshould learn a great deal about managementinvolvement and commitment by examiningthe results and actions from the managementreview process.MA4006Petroleum/Chemical SafetyThis module incorporates the following:local legislation on safety and health, lossprevention techniques, safety managementsystems, fire, explosion and reaction hazards:and pressure relief and venting. The aimof this module is to provide knowledge ofvarious environmental health, chemical andsafety hazards that employees in a petroleum/chemical plant should be aware of in order tooperate the plant safely.MA4007Construction SafetyProvides students with an understanding of thestatutory requirements affecting occupationalsafety and health at construction sites andenable them to acquire the knowledge ofthe causes and preventive measures for thedifferent hazards at the construction site.MA4008Food Manufacturing& Service IndustryProvides students with the principles andsafety concepts of food manufacturing andservices industries, viz. Food microbiology,food borne diseases, food spoilage &prevention, current good manufacturingpractices, hazard analysis critical control point(HACCP), food packaging interactions, foodsafety and hygiene legislation. The laboratorysessions enable students to integratetheoretical knowledge with practical skills.MA4009Wafer Plant SafetyIntroduces students to the safety and healthissues in the wafer fabrication industries.The objectives of this module are to teachstudents the properties of physical andchemical processes in the wafer fabricationindustries and the equipment and procedureto respond to emergency situations.MA4010Maritime SafetyFocuses specifically on hazards related to themaritime sector. Students will also understandmore about the International SafetyManagement Code (ISM).MA4011Fire Safety ManagerTrains participants on various fire safetyrequirements and measures to enable them toundertake the role of Fire Safety Manager intheir organisations.MA5001Financial Management in ShippingAims to provide a broad knowledge offinancial management that may be appliedto shipping companies. A fundamentalunderstanding of the financial tools andtechniques used in shipping investmentswill also be discussed.MA5002IT in Shipping BusinessThis module is designed to provide acomprehensive and in-depth workingknowledge of information technology and itsrole in shipping business.MA5003Supply Chain ManagementAims to provide an understanding of howsupply chain management and distributionchannels play an integral role in a firm’smarketing strategy. It also discusses the basicconcept of supply chain management, thetypes of channel structures and the factorsthat influence channel designs, developmentand performance.MA5004Marketing of Shipping ServicesAims to provide a basic knowledge ofmarketing, its role and its application in theshipping industry. Particular emphasis willbe given to the characteristics of shippingservices and their marketing implications forstrategy development and implementation.MA5005Shipping Law/Contract & DisputesThis module is designed to provide a basicunderstanding of shipping law and anappreciation of dispute resolution. It alsopresents an outline of the general principles oflaw and the basic legal concepts and notionsof law.MA5006Port AgencyAims to develop a sound understanding ofthe basic elements of port agency and a basicknowledge of its operations. It includes basicunderstanding of shipping documentations,practices, disbursements and maritime fraud.MA5007Port Planning & Liner OperationsThis module is designed to provide anoverview of the policy, planning andmanagement of a port with particularreference to the Port of <strong>Singapore</strong>. Emphasis isplaced on efficient planning and organisationof resources in a modern container port inorder to achieve optimum performance. Itincludes an appreciation of the operationalactivities related to liner shipping.MA5008Container Management& Dangerous GoodsAims to provide an overview ofcontainerisation and its management.Emphasis is placed on the regulationspertaining to the safe carriage ofdangerous goods.MA5009Maritime EconomicsAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the economic andcommercial environment in which theshipping industry operates, includingthe factors that influence the supply anddemand of shipping services. Topics includeinternational trade, demand, supply and costof sea transport, freight rates, economies ofscale in shipping, documentary credit, and theprotection of trade & shipping.MA5010Shipbroking, Chartering &Ship Sale & PurchaseProvides participants with an overview ofshipbroking, chartering practices and anunderstanding of the sale & purchase of ships.This includes the related documentation, lawand valuation of ships.300 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA5011Port Planning & Bulk OperationsThis module is designed to provide anoverview of the policy, planning andmanagement of a bulk terminal, withspecial emphasis on efficient planning andorganisation of resources. It provides a broadknowledge of the handling, stowage andcarriage of bulk cargoes. This covers bothdry & liquid bulk cargoes including the safepractices for carriage.MA5012Marine Insurance &Environmental ManagementThis module is designed to provide a workingknowledge of the Marine Insurance Act 1906and an understanding of environmentalmanagement and practices.MA5013Ship Management & ISMAims to provide a thorough knowledgeand understanding of the business ofship management, local and internationalregulations including ISMA recommendations,recruitment of officers and ratings, operatingcosts, port disbursements, voyage estimatesand the general planning and operationalfunctions of a ship manager/ship’s husband.An appreciation of the application of ISM iscovered in this module.MA5016Ship & Bunker SurveyingThis module is designed to provide studentswith the concept of surveys to include thevarious types of surveys related to shipsincluding bunker surveys. The commercialaspects of on/off hire and bunker surveys willalso be discussed.MA6011Marine ThermofluidsAims to enable students to understandthe principles and applications of thermofluidsincluding thermal system, cyclesenergy conversion, fluid flow in pipes andsystems. The knowledge is important forthe studies and design of heat engines, heatexchangers, pumps and associated pipework.Upon successful completion of this module,students will be able to understand:i. the thermo-fluid principles of systemsand componentsii. thermodynamic cycles, systems, heatengines and heat exchangersiii. the energy transfers within aflowing fluidiv. the operation of rotodynamic & positivedisplacement machineMA6012Naval ArchitectureAims to elaborate the basic principles ofnaval architecture. Numerical integrationwill be developed as a tool to calculate theproperties of ship hull forms. The concept ofintact stability, damaged stability and stabilitycriteria will be introduced and developed.MA6013Marine StructuresSimple dynamic models will be used tostudy the structural loading and responseof marine vehicles and structures. Basicstructural properties of materials, such asstrain, bending, elasticity, buckling andfatigue, will be discussed in the context ofbeams and plates; practical examples relevantto ships and offshore structures will beused to demonstrate both the applicationof the underlying theory and the selectionof materials.MA6014Composites & Marine CorrosionIntroduces students to the distinguishingfeatures, strengthening mechanisms andproperties of particle-reinforced composites,fibre-reinforced composites and structuralcomposites, as well as candidate marineapplications of composite materials. It alsocovers the significance of marine corrosion,corrosion rate, and various types of marinecorrosion, their causes, features, mechanismsand preventive measures as well as gooddesign practices for corrosion control.MA6015Resistance & PropulsionA basic understanding of fluid mechanicstogether with the technical requirements ofships will be described so that the resistanceof a ship hull can be predicted; from this thepowering requirements will be considered,and the choices of propulsion systemevaluated. The concept of similitude and thebasic need for model testing will be described.The propulsion and propeller lectures aim toprovide fundamental knowledge of propellerdesign using series charts and provenempirical methods, as well as an illustration ofmodern computational capabilities.MA6016Marine HydrodynamicsAims to illustrate how the basic laws offluid mechanics apply in the context of thehydrodynamic modelling and performanceassessment of marine vehicles. Afterdiscussing the basic physical properties ofwater, these are formulated in mathematicalterms; the fundamental roles of the streamfunction and velocity potential are introducedand developed to compute the hydrodynamicpressure. The complicated nature of freesurfaceand viscous effects is split into simplersub-problems. The module then considersthe characteristics of water waves and thetechniques required to model a realistic seastate. Although the emphasis is on waterwaves, the effects of currents and the windare also noted.MA6017Marine EngineeringSystems PerformanceThis course will be designed based on marineengineering knowledge students have gainedin previous studies and work experience,concentrating on calculation, design andenvironmental impacts of some majormarine systems.MA6018Ship Design & Marine ProductionProvides a general understanding on theelements of ship design and on how a shipdesign project is initiated. It also provides ageneral understanding of the shipbuildingproduction process. The topics include thelayouts of modern shipyards/rig buildingyards, their facilities and equipment as wellas design and engineering, CAD/CAMproduction technologies, methods, etc. usedin present day ship and rig building.MA6019Marine BusinessThe business nature of the marine industrywill be outlined: the enormous range ofactivities and the complex inter-relationshipbetween technical, financial and sociopoliticalissues. Investment opportunities willbe discussed, including ways of assessing theiroverall success. Group exercises will be usedto simulate working in practice: students willrepresent different marine companies andprepare a business plan for a proposed newventure. A presentation will be made to apanel drawn from industry.MA6020DynamicsIntroduces students to fundamental vibrationtheory, modes of vibration that can occur ina ship’s structure, sources of hull vibration,e.g. that induced by slamming or caused byrunning propeller(s) and shipboard machinery,localised vibration problems in ships, fatiguefailure resulting from undesirable, longtermvibration in ships and various vibrationcontrol techniques.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 301

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MA6021ProjectComprises two distinct elements. In the first,students are set a design project, aimed atintegrating knowledge gained from otherclasses into a realistic naval architecture andmarine engineering context. The second partsets the foundation for individual projectstudy: students select a topic of personalinterest and develop a programme of work,including literature searching and setting ofaims, methodology and deliverables; for thosewho continue to the degree year, this exerciseforms the basis of a major component ofinvestigative project work.MA6022Ship Design SoftwareIntroduces students to a ship design/production application software usedin the marine industries for ship designand production.MM0233Biomechanics & RehabilitationEngineeringAims to develop a basic understanding ofapplied mechanics in biological systems andhuman locomotion. It includes the studyof the function and physical propertiesof the musculoskeletal system, as wellas biomechanical modelling to analysemechanics and human locomotion. Thiswill cover strength of materials, statics anddynamics of biomechanics. Students will learnthe application of engineering approaches tomanage neuromuscular disorders, congenitalorthopaedic disorders, traumatic injuries,amputation, prosthetic devices and the fieldof rehabilitation engineering.MM0251Aeronautical Engineering ScienceIntroduces the basic principles of flightgoverning heavier than air flying machines,namely development of aerodynamic forcesand pitching moments, items of aircraftperformance, and fundamentals of highspeedflight. Also covered are the conceptsfor aircraft design and construction andthe various systems for the operation oflanding gears and flight controls, cabinair conditioning and pressurisation,and fire protection.MM0840Human FactorsMM3840Human FactorsImparts the concepts and understandingof the human factors that affect theperformance in aviation and aircraftmaintenance, as well as the reduction ofhuman errors in maintenance tasks. Uponcompletion of this module, students should beable to apply error management techniques toreduce the potential for human error mishaps.MM0411Mechanical SystemsDesign & OperationProvides students with a working knowledgeof the design, selection, operation andmaintenance of various Mechanical Systemssuch as steam boilers, heat exchangers, aircompressors, centrifugal pumps, fans andDiesel engine. Relevant acts coverings theoperation and maintenance of steam boilersand air compressors are also covered.MM0600Air-conditioning SystemsDesign & OperationProvides students with a working knowledgeof the design principles and the operationof air-conditioning systems as used in both,commercial and industrial buildings. Particularemphasis is placed on the operation andmaintenance of such systems. Routineoperation and maintenance procedures ofsuch systems are also covered.MM1028Introduction to EngineeringPromotes interest in students and preparethem for their studies in engineering throughengaging them in practice and application ofskills and knowledge with simple exercises.On completion of this module, the studentswill acquire an attitude for generatingideas in engineering, implementingthem through team project activities andpresenting and defending their projectsin oral and written form.MM1108Mechanics IMM8111Mechanics IProvides students with an introduction to thebasic concepts of engineering mechanics;namely the units and dimensions, equilibriumconditions, friction, kinematics andNewton’s laws of motion.MM1208Computer-aided-DraftingMM8121Computer-aided-DraftingIntroduces students to the use of computeraideddrafting (CAD) software for thepreparation of mechanical engineeringdrawings. The module provides students withfundamental knowledge in blue print reading,orthographic projection, sectioning, assemblydrawing and basic solid modelling.MM1305Engineering Materials IMM8131Engineering Materials IProvides students with an introduction tothe basic properties and applications ofcommon engineering materials such as steels,cast irons, aluminium, copper, plastics andelastomers. Also students will be taughtthe knowledge of processes such as heattreatment process and casting processes.MM1401Thermofluids IMM8241Thermofluids IProvides students with an introductionto the fundamentals of thermodynamics;namely heat, work, perfect gas laws and the1st law of thermodynamics. Use of steamtables, basics of pressure and flow rate influid mechanics and their units and the massconservation law, (continuity) are also covered.MM2011Advanced Machining & InspectionMM8301Advanced Machining & InspectionProvides students with the basic knowledgeand hands-on experience in various typesof Advanced Machining equipment used inmanufacturing. This includes CNC lathes,EDM and wire cutting processes. Studentsare also taught the inspection techniquesused in industry.MM2012Computer-aided-MachiningMM8302Computer-aided-MachiningAims to provide students with a workingknowledge on programming, operating,as well as the capabilities and limitationsof various computer controlled machiningprocesses. These include CNC milling, CNCturning and electrical discharge machining.Students are encouraged to use their owninitiative to research into the respective areaand keep up with the latest technology.MM2021Computer-aidedMachining & MetrologyMM8340Computer-aidedMachining & MetrologyProvides students with a basic knowledge ofmetrology and computer-aided machining302 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>methods used in aeronautical servicingindustries. This module has two parts;basic metrology which includes inspection,and CNC machine programming. Labassignmentswill be given to all students topractise on various inspection methods usingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM),small tools and other measuring equipment.Basic CNC machine programming will betaught with some hands on exercises usingMTS CNC Simulator.MM2022Aircraft Maintenance PracticesMM8341Aircraft Maintenance PracticesAims to impart to students the hands-on skillsand working knowledge needed to properlycarry out maintenance practices according tothe requirements and procedures stipulatedby the Civil Aviation authority of <strong>Singapore</strong>.Topics include sheet metal construction andrepair, bonded structures, fastening devices,joining methods, control cables, pipes andhoses and safety precautions.MM2105Mechanics IIMM8311Mechanics IIThis module is a continuation of Mechanics I.It introduces to students the applicationsof basic ideas in solid mechanics to simpleengineering problems and the fundamentalsof machine components.MM2206Engineering DesignMM8221Engineering DesignProvides students with the basic knowledgeof engineering components and powertransmission elements and their use. Theyare also taught how to use the ISO and BSstandards and commercial catalogues for theirselection and design. In addition, machiningsymbols, linear & geometrical tolerance andengineering systems design are also taught.MM2207Computer-aided DesignMM8222Computer-aided DesignProvides students with a working knowledgeof solid modelling design. Topics coveredinclude parametric solid modelling, editingof models and model trees, creatingof 2D engineering drawings and 3Dassembly modelling.MM2208Computer-aided Design (DARE)MM8223Computer-aided Design (DARE)CATIA is the de-facto CAD software in theaerospace industries. This module aims toimpart aeronautical students with CADskills using CATIA. The module is designedto impart fundamentals of solid modelling,surface modelling and Sheet metal design inthe context of Aerospace. Generation of 2DEngineering drawings and assembly drawingsare also covered.MM2308Engineering Materials IIMM8331Engineering Materials IIThis module is a continuation of EngineeringMaterials 1. Topics covered include failure ofmetals, corrosion, non-destructive testing,electronic materials, ceramic and compositematerials, surface technology and mouldingtechnology. Materials selection using materialsselector software will also be taught.MM2406Thermofluids IIMM8441Thermofluids IIProvides students with further knowledge onthermodynamics and fluid mechanics withparticular applications to air compressors, gasand vapour cycles.MM2420Aircraft Power Plants IMM8483Aircraft Power Plants IProvides students with the knowledge of the2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, Ottoand Brayton cycles with power calculations. Itmoves on to the working principles of internalcombustion engines with particular emphasison aircraft engines. Constructional details:mechanical parts, induction systems, coolingsystem, oil & oil systems, fuel & fuel system,fuel metering systems, ignition systems andstarting systems. It also covers the groundoperation of aircraft piston engines.MM2504Fundamentals of FlightMM8481Fundamentals of FlightIntroduces the principles of flight governingheavier than air flying machines, namely;properties of the atmosphere, developmentof aerodynamic forces and pitching momentsfollowed by wing and plan form effects. Basicitems of aircraft performance, stability andcontrol, and fundamentals of high speed &rotary wing flight are also taught.MM2514Aircraft Structures & RepairMM8482Aircraft Structures & RepairAims to provide students with a basicknowledge of aircraft design andconstruction, beginning with an introductionof the different types of fuselage constructionand thence the main sections such as wings,empennage, flight controls, landing gear, etc.MM2603Industrial AutomationMM8461Industrial AutomationProvides students with a fundamentalknowledge of automated control operationsrelevant to the local manufacturing industries.Topics covered include pneumatics, relaycontrol system, programmable logic controller,actuators and sensors.MM2620Aircraft Electrical &Instrument SystemsMM8484Aircraft Electrical &Instrument SystemsProvides students with the knowledge ofcommon electrical items used in aircraftapplications. It then goes on provide anoverview of electrical systems, the variousairframe and engine instruments in use andtheir operating principles and of common testequipment and methods of testing.MM2700Product Design & Development IProduct Design & Development I is a projectbasedmodule, which challenges studentsto analyse consumer needs and to creativelyevolve a new design that will meet thoseneeds. They will then express their designs bycreating a virtual model in 3D. This moduleleads students through the various stagesof the design process and trains them touse computer aided industrial design tools,graphic and game development tools tovisualise their designs in three dimensionsspace. The cornerstone is a project in whichteams of multidisciplinary students conceive,design, and create a virtual model that realisesthe consumers’ needs. Topics taught includeidentifying customers’ needs, generatingproduct storyboards, developing designconcepts and creating realistic, fully-rendered,three dimensional models.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 303

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MM2701Product Design & Development IIThis module is a continuation of moduleMM2700 where product design &development methodologies arefurther enhanced.MM2702Design Techniques & SkillsAims to provide students with the essentialskills and techniques in ideation and prototypedevelopment conducted at the conceptualphase of product design. Techniques for thegeneration of new ideas, creative ideation andinnovation will be introduced. Skills gleaned inthis module will support topics to be coveredin the Product Design and Developmentmodules I and II.MM2710Design of Biomedical DevicesAims to equip students with a basic designand development knowledge of biomedicaldevices. The topics covered include design anddevelopment process, safety, ergonomics anddesign compliance to international standardssuch as those set by the Food & DrugAdministration (USA) and the Health SciencesAuthority (<strong>Singapore</strong>).MM2809Industrial EngineeringMM8473Industrial EngineeringAims to provide students with sufficientknowledge and skills in the basic techniquesof Industrial Engineering. Topics coveredinclude Work Study, Enterprise ResourcePlanning, scheduling techniques andergonomics. The concepts and techniques willbe introduced through lectures and practical.The practical sessions will allow students tohave hands-on experience in applying thetechniques learned.MM2900Safety in ResortsExamines the key safety parameters in whichthe resorts operations technology managerfunctions. Focus is on the management ofsafety as part of operations. Case studieswill demonstrate to the student that safetyissues are critical in planning, operation andmaintenance for all the activities conductedin resorts. The organisation of a safetymanagement system is also taught and willinclude introduction to occupational riskmanagement, chemical/hazardous substancemanagement, hazard management planning,incident reporting, incident investigation,safety representation, committees, strategicplanning and safety training for staff team.MM2910Resort MechanicalFacilities & ServicesAll activities and ‘thrill experiences’ conductedin resorts are examined in this module. Themechanical principles involved are analysed.Services in resorts that are taught are typicallytransportation services within resorts,entertainment devices, fire-fighting, rescuesystems, instrumentation, air-conditioning,heating, plumbing and sanitation.MM305Y/ZProjectProvides students with an opportunity to workin small groups to apply the knowledge andexperience gained in their foundation stagesto design, fabricate, test and commissiona project of their choice. (This is a yearlongmodule.)MM3027ManufacturingEngineering TechnologyMM8471ManufacturingEngineering TechnologyProvides students with an understandingof the various processes involved in themanufacturing of a product. It includes theuse of the latest manufacturing technologylike rapid prototyping and precisionmachining. Knowledge on manufacture ofmicro-electronic devices will also be covered.MM3033Stamping Die DesignProvides students with a basic knowledgemetal stamping processes and principles inof stamping die design. Trouble shooting(and problem solving ability) in stampingoperations and stamping dies will be covered.Students will acquire the skills for stampingdie design using the CAD/CAE software.MM3034CAD/CAE forInjection Mould DesignProvides students with design concepts andprinciples for designing Injection Moulds.Proven practical ideas and methodology usedin design will be emphasised. Students willacquire skill in designing moulds systematicallyusing CAD/CAE software and be exposedto tool fabrication techniques and injectionmoulding process to enable them to solveproblems associated with mould, process andpart design.MM3105Mechanics IIIMM8411Mechanics IIIProvides students with a basic understandingof material strength and basic concept ofdynamics. This module also supports thedesign stage of the final-year project.MM3106Machine DynamicsIntroduces some applications of basic machinetheory: use and control of mechanicalvibration, and power transmission in commonmechanisms. The module supports the designstage of the final-year project.MM3206Product DesignAims to provide students with anunderstanding of product design conceptsbeginning with history, creative thinking,ergonomics, aesthetics, packaging, productinnovation and redesign leading up to productmarketing and patent. Students are alsotaught the use of CAD for product designrealisation and presentation.MM3207Quality for Product RealisationTeaches basic quality concepts and costs,system for managing quality as well as toolsand techniques for quality improvement.Upon completion of this module, studentshave basic understanding on qualitymanagement, requirements in ISO 9001:2000,auditing and tools & techniques deployed forimproving quality.MM3315Aerospace MaterialsMM8581Aerospace MaterialsProvides students with an understanding offactors governing the selection of materialsfor the various aircraft structural members andengine components. Extraction, productionand fabrication of advanced materials such asaluminium alloy; titanium alloys; super alloys;special steels like PH stainless steels, maragingsteels; and ceramics are all taught.MM3330BiomechanicsAims to develop a basic understanding ofapplied mechanics in biological systems andhuman locomotion. It includes the studyof the function and physical propertiesof the musculo-skeletal system, as wellas biomechanical modelling to analyse304 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>mechanics and human locomotion. The topicscovered include strength of materials, staticsand dynamics.MM3331BiomaterialsAims to develop an understanding of thematerials used in a medical environment.Topics covered include materials forimplants and tissues, the processing andcharacterisation of the materials and itscompatibility to human bodies.MM3340Medical Rapid PrototypingAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the theoretical and practicalapplications of rapid prototyping technologyand reverse engineering in medical andtissue engineering arena. Topics taughtinclude various solid, liquid and powderbasedRP systems, rapid tooling techniquesfor production of medical devices, photopolymerisationand data format for medicaland rapid prototyping.MM3341Rapid Prototyping forBiomedical ApplicationsIntroduces the principles and conceptsof rapid prototyping and manufacturingtechnology and its applications in medicine,surgery, rehabilitation and medical modelproduction for clinical diagnosis and treatmentplanning in surgical operations. The modulewill also cover the process of using rapidtooling technique for commercial productionof synthetic prostheses and implants, aswell as tissue engineering. This will befollowed by description of the functionsof cells and tissues in the body, and howcells and can be engineered to differentiateand grow into tissues required for tissuereplacement or repair.MM3405Engineering ThermodynamicsMM8542Engineering ThermodynamicsAims to provide students with a furtherknowledge of steam cycles and gas turbinecycles, steam nozzles and heat transfer.MM3425Refrigeration & Air-conditioningMM8543Refrigeration & Air-conditioningAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the theoretical and practicalrefrigeration cycles and air-conditioningsystems and a working knowledge of thevarious components, flow and cyclingcontrols and accessories of such systems.Topics covered include heat load estimation,psychometrics, duct sizing and fan systems.MM3441Cleanroom TechnologyMM8541Cleanroom TechnologyAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the theoretical and practicalrefrigeration cycles, psychometrics and fansand the classification according to the FederalStandards 209E. Topics covered includethe design considerations and equipmentused, the construction protocol, testingand commissioning and maintenance ofthe Cleanroom.MM3445Contamination Control& Cleanroom TechnologyProvides students with the general andbasic knowledge of contamination controland cleanroom technology. It describes thedifferent cleanroom classification standards:IS0 146446-1, Federal Standard 209E and thepharmaceutical cleanroom classification. Inaddition, basic design of various cleanlinessclasses of cleanroom, cleanroom pressuredifferential relative to adjacent less criticalareas, airlocks, cleanroom entry and existprotocol, and guidelines of sterile drugproducts produced by aseptic processing willbe covered in the lectures.MM3450Aircraft Power Plants IIMM8584Aircraft Power Plants IIProvides students with knowledge of theprinciples of jet propulsion; namely heatengine cycles, turbine power extraction,effects of atmospheric variations, aspects ofconstructional arrangements, fuel systems andwater injection, ignition and starting, and anoverview of engine instruments.MM3505Fluid MechanicsMM8552Fluid MechanicsTopics taught include fluid flow and pipingsystems, centrifugal and positive displacementpumps as well as industrial hydraulics.MM3650Sports Injury ManagementPrepares students to evaluate, prevent,manage, and understand the correcttreatment due to various types of sportsinjury. The students will understand theintervention needed to treat muscular,orthopaedic and exercise induced injuries.MM3651Sports PsychologyCovers the psychological componentof physical problems. It deals with thepsychological problems that the human mayexperience during interaction with the sportequipment or with the environment. It willalso incorporate the adaptations neededduring exercise and sport activities to allowthe human to perform better.MM3652Exercise PhysiologyThe study of the physiological responses andadaptations to exercise in terms of how theyrelate to human performance limitations,training effects and health related benefits.Exercise metabolism and nutrition will becovered.MM3660Prosthetics & OrthoticsTeaches the students to identify functionaldeficits that result from limb loss andfollowing amputation. Students will learnprescriptive considerations, materials andcomponents and fabrication and fittingtechniques for amputated limbs. They will alsolearn to use the principles in biomechanics toanalyse gaits and design or fit braces on ankleand foot due to associated pathologies.MM3661Physiotherapy &Occupational TherapyCovers the practices involved in physiotherapyand occupational therapy. The students wouldbe taught to understand therapy involvingsports injury, inherent physical disabilities aswell as work related and disability involvingthe aged. Students would be taughtvarious interventions to help rehabilitation.Therapeutic exercise would also be covered tohelp student gain wider understanding of thevarious method of intervention.MM3804Management of Sports FacilitiesCovers the principles and skills needed tomanage sport facilities, like sports centres,stadiums, swimming pools and golf courses.Students will cover some of the mechanicaland electromechanical facilities, propertymaintenance and risk assessment.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 305

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MM3520Airframe SystemsMM8584Airframe SystemsProvides students with a full understandingand working knowledge of the principles offluid power, respective pumps/compressorsand components, building up of basic aircrafthydraulic and pneumatic systems. The modulealso provides students with the knowledgeon the landing-gear/brake systems and flightcontrol systems.MM3530Aircraft SystemsMM8585Aircraft SystemsProvides students with a basic knowledgeof air conditioning and pressurisationsystems; namely their working principlesand terminology, air supply systems,temperature, pressure & humiditycontrol. Fire protection, oxygen, ice andrain protection, fuel systems as well aswater and waste systems are also covered.MM3605Instrumentation & ControlMM8561Instrumentation & ControlMM9303Instrumentation & ControlProvides students with a fundamentalknowledge of instrumentation, controltheory and practical knowledge of controlapplications relevant to the local industries. Atthe end of the course, students will be able toinstall and calibrate control instrumentation.MM3628Programmable Logic ControllerProvides students with fundamentalconcepts and examples to understand theoperation and capabilities of programmablelogic controllers as an important tool forfactory automation. Students will be able toimplement simple control strategies usingladder diagram.MM3630Pharmaceutical Process ControlProvides students with the knowledgeof control systems used in the secondaryoperations of the pharmaceutical industry.It will cover the operating principles andapplications of components and devicesused in the control system and the varioustechniques of monitoring and controllingpharmaceutical manufacturing processes.MM3705Plant Maintenance EngineeringMM8551Plant Maintenance EngineeringProvides students with a generalknowledge in the following two mainareas: Maintenance management conceptscomprising of maintenance managementand documentation, availability calculation,engineering economy analysis, materialsmanagement and project management.General plant maintenance on pipe workinstallation, operation and maintenance;selection and application of valves and testingof safety valves; general operation andmaintenance of reciprocating air compressorsand centrifugal pumps; basic industrial noisecontrol and the new Workplace Safety &Health Act requirements.MM3824Quality Engineering& ManagementMM8474Quality Engineering& ManagementAims to impart to students the basic conceptsof quality management and system standards,including quality tools and techniques. Topicstaught include quality management, ISO 9000Standards, quality systems documentationand implementation, quality audit and qualitytools & techniques.MM3826Organisational ManagementTeaches the basic concepts of the structureand management of an organisation and theconsiderations for enhancing its productivityand business performance. Topics taughtinclude the structure and development ofan organisation, the role of a supervisor,leadership and communication skills, groupdynamics, etc. And the relationships betweenthe organisation and business environmentare also exploredMM3841Human Factors EngineeringAims to study human behaviour and itsinteraction to devices involving work andsports. Topics would cover human factorsand risk assessment and the mechanics andphysiological behaviour of the human asit relates to work and sports. It will teachstudents how to design devices and facilitiesbased on the physical abilities of the human,including those for the aged and the disabled.MM3861BiofluidsIntroduces the functions and the applicationof fluid mechanics to the circulatory (bloodvessels and heart) and respiratory systems(airway and lung) of the body. Life supportsystems, such as artificial heart and lung, aswell as are also included.MM3862Assistive Technology &Rehabilitation EngineeringAims to relate how engineering is appliedto the design and development of assistivedevices and methods of rehabilitation forpeople with disability and injury. It alsoincludes description and treatment of injuriesand disabilities, as well as gait analysisand biomechanics.MM3872SimulationProvides students with the knowledge andskills of applying computer simulation,modeling and analysis to support concurrentengineering for product or componentsdevelopments and manufacturing. It coversthe topics on discrete event simulation ofdynamic systems with stochastic behaviourand Computer-aided Engineering Analysisusing Finite Element Analysis techniquefor analysing the mechanical behaviourof a component under certain boundaryconditions and loadings.MM3881Pharmaceutical Primary& Secondary OperationsTeaches students the important primary andsecondary unit operations in the productionof pharmaceutical products. It will cover thetheories, operating principles and equipmentused for the different operations as well asthe requirements for process utility systems,production and batch documentation.MM3882PharmaceuticalManufacturing Overview & cGMPProvides students with backgroundinformation on the pharmaceutical industryand its practices. It also teaches studentswith fundamental principles and conceptsof cGMP, its guidelines and implementationin the pharmaceutical industry. This modulealso discusses the validation of processesand facilities.MM3883Regulatory Issues & cGMPIntroduces the practices, operations andregulatory issues related to design and306 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>manufacturing of medical devices andpharmaceuticals, including an intro tointellectual property law and patent filing.The students will learn the FDA regulatoryguidelines governing medical devices andpharmaceutical manufacturing in currentGood Manufacturing Practice (cGMP), andother related regulatory guidelines enforcedby national regulatory agencies. Majoremphasis is towards an understanding of thecGMP principles and the wider implication ofnon-compliance.MM3900Project ManagementProvides an understanding of the principlesof managing an existing activity or planninga new development project in resorts andtheme parks. Students will learn aboutproject management cycle, planning,scheduling, resource deployment, critical pathanalysis, controlling, costing and budgeting,implementation, optimisation and evaluation.Adequate problem solving skills and troubleshooting techniques are taught to managethese real life projects.MM3910Resort MaintenanceEngineering & ServicesProvides the student with information onthe engineering and maintenance disciplinein resort facilities. Management andadministrative practices, life-safety concepts,energy monitoring and computer applicationswill be taught. Maintenance engineeringbest practices in areas encompassing FacilityMaintenance Services, Rides Maintenanceand Transportation Services. Managingexternal contract maintenance services willalso be covered. In addition, students willlearn energy conservation practices andkey features of standards in quality, theenvironment. Key principles on ISO 14000compliance will be emphasised.MM3920Thermofluids IIIAims to provide students with a furtherknowledge of thermodynamic cycles, steamnozzles and heat transfer. Fluid mechanicstopic would include fluid flow and pipingsystems, centrifugal and positive displacementpumps as well as industrial hydraulics.MM3930Space & Event ManagementStudents will be taught of the importance ofmaximising the asset value of resort spaceand the planning for space utilisation andlayout to maximise returns on investment,functionality and operating and managementeffectiveness. Learning will also includeplanning, organisation coordination andmanagement of special events and activitiesheld in resorts. Risk management planningfor public and private events namely, preeventplanning for categories of risk such astechnical, safety, contractual, environmentaland resources will also be covered.MM3940Fire Engineering & ManagementCovers a systematic engineering approachin the design of fire safety and protectionof resort facilities. It will provide scientificunderstanding of the fundamental aspectsof fire initiation, growth and spread inbuildings, and the response of materials,structures and people to the effects of fire.Testing, inspection, training and maintenancerequirements all fire fighting equipment willalso be emphasised.MM4404Process Modelling & SimulationProvides a broad overview on the businessprocess flow and simulation in the area ofsupply chain and logistics. Students learn themethodology of business process modellingfor ERP, manufacturing systems, outsourcing,logistics and supply chain processes. Practicaltraining on discrete event simulation using PCbasedsimulation package provide beginnerswith the basic skills of a simulation processstarting from model building, experimentalleading to results analysis. Topics coveredinclude, introduction to business modellingand simulation, computer simulation, settingup a simulation study, and basic statisticsin simulation.MM470Y/ZProject (AAEM)Allows students to apply the knowledgeand skills gained to solve practical problemsin their own companies using tools andtechniques gained from this course. Studentsare required to submit a formal report andundergo a project viva.MM4702Aircraft Structures & SystemsThis module is divided in two parts. The 1stpart delves into different types of aircraftstructures, the design requirements, basicinspection techniques and the use ofcomposite materials. The 2nd part delves intothe various onboard systems such as flightcontrol, landing gear control and indication,bleed air and fire protection system.MM4704Reliability EngineeringProvides students with a working knowledgeof probability and other mathematical toolsfor reliability estimating. Discrete probabilitydistribution and continuous probabilitydistribution and their applications are amongthe topics covered.MM4706Failure Investigation & AnalysisProvides students with the fundamentalconcepts and basic understanding of ductile,brittle material, fatigue, creep and wearsfailure. Particular emphasis will be placed onfracture mechanism, linear elastic fracturemechanics and its use, fracture characteristics,influencing factors and preventive measuresto minimise materials failure. Investigationprocedures on failure analysis and case studieson aircraft components are also included.Aspects of electrical systems failure arealso covered.MM4707Reliability Centred MaintenanceProvides students with an understandingof the philosophy behind RCM approachto maintenance programmes and thedevelopment of same using the MaintenanceSteering Group-3 (MSG-3) analysis procedure.At the end of the module, students wouldbe able to consider failure characteristics,reliability and maintainability when designingmaintenance programmes.MM4708Quality ManagementCovers basic quality concepts and costs,system for managing quality as well as basictools and techniques for quality improvement.Upon completion of this module, studentsshould have basic understanding on qualitymanagement, requirements in ISO 9001:2000QMS, auditing quality management systemand tools and techniques deployed formanaging quality.MM4709Organisational ManagementImparts the concepts and understandingof the structure and management oforganisation, and the considerations neededfor enhancing business performanceand productivity. Topics covers includeStructure and Development of Organisation,Functions of Supervisor such as coaching forperformance and development, MotivatingPeople, Leadership and CommunicationSkills etc.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 307

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MM4710Human FactorsImparts the concepts and understandingof the human factors that affect theperformance in aviation and aircraftmaintenance, as well as the reduction ofhuman errors in maintenance tasks. Uponcompletion of this module, students should beable to apply error management techniques toreduce the potential for human error mishaps.MM4711AerodynamicsStarts with a revision of the fundamentalsof flight and moves on to variable geometrywings, mechanics of tilt wing flight, weightand balance, stability and control, high speedflight and problems associated with highspeed flight such as flutter, aerodynamicheating, etc. Fundamentals of helicopter flightdynamics are also covered.MM4712Aircraft Power PlantsProvides students with an understanding ofthe principles of gas turbine fundamentalsand performance. Covers the basic featuresof aircraft propulsion and provides a goodgeneral understanding of turbine-enginetheory and nomenclature with informationon turbine-engine fuel, lubrication, air, fireprotection, engine control, de-icing, startingand ignition systems.MM4713Aircraft Electrical &Instrument SystemsAims to provide a good working knowledgeof the working principles of the variouselectrical devices and systems. The modulealso covers electrical load analysis, powercontrol and utilisation devices and systems,measuring instruments and warningindication systems.MM4715Avionic SystemsPresents an overview of the main aircraftavionics systems in use including in-flight datarecorders, navigational and communicationssystems, etc. The basic concepts andapplication of the different types of radarsystems are also covered.MM4731UAV Systems &Emerging TechnologiesProvides an overview on UAV Systemtechnologies. Topics covered include, UAVflight manoeuvre & architecture, EO/IR systemperformance & tracking analysis, link budgetanalysis, error detection & correction codes,mono pulse tracking, scanning overviewOSI, TCP/IP, image processing technique andvarious takeoff and landing systems. Someemerging defence technologies will alsobe discussed.MM4732Enterprise Resource PlanningAims to provide students with anunderstanding of material requirementsplanning, inventory management andpurchasing. The concept of integratedsupply chain will also be introduced andstudents will also get an opportunity to usethe ERP software.MM6020Principles of SupplyChain ManagementGives a broad overview of the impact ofInformation Technology on Supply ChainManagement in business operation with acomprehensive view in challenges faced byenterprises in the global market. The topicscovered include principles of Supply ChainManagement, managing Supply Chain tostay competitive, Information Technologyin Logistics, the integration of logistics andbusiness strategy, organisation change inbusiness market, SCOR model (Supply ChainOperation Reference), implementation andCustomer Relationship Management.(CRM),Strategic Planning, Activity Based Costingand Quality Measurement in Supply Chain,the importance and business benefits ofE-commerce in Supply Chain, include thestrategic importance of E-commerce, types ofE-commerce, B-B, B-C and C-C and the keyconsiderations and componentsin E-commerce.MM6021Materials ManagementProvides students with an understandingof basic concepts in managing the flow ofmaterials from supplier to store. The topicscovered include inventory management,vendor management inventory, e-procurement and international purchasing,demand management, ERP concept andimplementation, manufacturing resourcesplanning techniques and hands-onapplications using Enterprise ResourcePlanning software package such as SAP.MM6030Warehouse Planning & OperationsAims to provide students with a basic conceptin the warehousing planning and operations.The areas covered are roles of warehousingin the supply chain, storage functionality andprinciples, goods identification technology,plant layout in warehousing, automaticwarehousing and materials handling systems,vendor management inventory. This modulealso incorporates hands-on practice onWarehouse Management System using ERPsoftware package such as SAP.MM6043Project Managementin Supply ChainProvides students with a comprehensiveunderstanding of the project management inSupply Chain. Implementation process usingtechniques applied in scheduling and analysisand maintenance of the programme. Itprovides problem-solving skills and techniquesin designing, developing and managingprojects in the Supply Chain. Topics coveredinclude project planning, project scheduling,project controlling, critical path analysis, valueengineering, concurrent projects optimisationand project evaluation techniques, strategicimportance in project management such asinternational project management. Miniprojectswill be incorporated to enhance thetheoretical concepts.MM6073Air-Conditioning &Compressed Air SystemProvides students with a working knowledgeof the design principles and operation ofair-conditioning systems used in commercialand industrial buildings. In addition, theknowledge of the compressed air systemincluding techniques of energy auditing andthe performance improvement potential willbe covered.MM8101Workshop PracticeProvides students with basic knowledgeand practical skill in conventional machiningprocesses; namely turning, grinding, milling,fabrication and assembly. Students are alsotaught the common inspection techniquesused in industry.MM9302Industrial VentilationTeaches the basic concepts of industrialventilation systems used in industries forthe protection of the employee health. Themodule covers the basic design of effectiveventilation systems, types of hoods, ducting,air filters, Safety cabinets, fans, and exhausts.Upon completion of this module, studentsshould be able to apply the theoreticalconcepts they learned in their lectures andtutorials to analyse a simple ventilation systemand predict the pressure losses in the simpleventilation system.308 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MS0105MathematicsProvides students with knowledge inmathematics and statistics to solve problemsencountered in their course of study. Topicsinclude set theory, function, Booleanalgebra, computer arithmetic, matrix algebra,geometric transformations, probabilityand statistics.MS1381Mathematics for BusinessIntroduces the students to basic concepts ofAlgebra and Calculus and how these are usedto solve problems in business and economicapplications. This module is for studentswho do not have “O” level AdditionalMathematics background.MS1513Information TechnologyApplications in Business I (ITAB I)Introduces students to various aspects ofinformation technology. The highlightsof this module are electronic worksheets,electronic word processing, slide presentationand workgroup computing, with particularreference to their applications in business.MS1514Information TechnologyApplications in Business II (ITAB II)Introduces students to various aspects ofinformation technology. The highlights of thismodule are database management system,Internet, image composition and webpagecreation, with particular reference to theirapplications in business.MS1515Information Technologyfor Business (ITB)Introduces students to various aspects ofinformation technology. The highlights of thismodule are computing systems and functions,word processing, multimedia presentation,electronic spreadsheet and workgroupcomputing, with particular reference to theirapplications in business.MS1516Information TechnologyApplications in Business I (ITAB I)Aims to equip students with the essentialtools of information technology. The modulehighlights the use of workgroup computing,word processing and electronic spreadsheetwith particular reference to their applicationsin business.MS1517Information TechnologyApplications in Business II (ITAB II)Aims to equip students with the essentialtools of information technology. The modulehighlights the use of multimedia presentation,webpage creation, and database managementsystem with particular reference to theirapplications in business.MS1518Information Technologyfor BusinessEquips students with relevant knowledge ofthe various aspects of information technology.Students will learn and acquire the practicalskills in industrial standard applicationsoftware such as electronic spreadsheet,multimedia presentation and web site designand creation. It will also introduce the basicsof workgroup computing.MS1530Fundamentals ofFinancial ModellingAims to equip students with the essentialsof VBA (Visual Basic for Application)programming concepts in spreadsheets, andits applications in financial modelling.MS1531Fundamentals of SpreadsheetProgramming (FSP)Aims to equip students with theessentials of VBA (Visual Basic forApplication) programming concepts inspreadsheets, and its application to supportspreadsheet development.MS2101Mathematics AProvides students with an adequateknowledge of mathematics and analyticalskills to handle the problems encounteredin their course of studies. The topicsinclude algebra, statistics and theirapplications. Students also learn how to usemathematical software.MS2103Mathematics BEquips students with an adequate knowledgeof mathematics and analytical skills to handlethe problems encountered in their course ofstudies. The topics include differentiation,partial differentiation, integration, numericalmethods, first-order differential equations andtheir applications. Students also learn how touse mathematical software.MS2104MathematicsProvides students with an adequateknowledge of mathematics and analyticalskills to handle the problems encounteredin their course of studies. The topics includealgebra and descriptive statistics. Studentsalso learn how to use spreadsheet software.MS2125Basic MathematicsEquips students with basic mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra,trigonometry and calculus to enable them tounderstand and solve engineering problemsencountered in their course of studies. Italso serves as a foundation for subsequentmathematics modules.MS2126Engineering Mathematics IEquips students with an adequate knowledgeof mathematics to enable them to understandand solve problems encountered in theircourse of studies. The topics includestrength of materials, basic mechanics,Newton-Raphson numerical method,differentiation, partial differentiation and theirapplications. Students also learn how to usemathematical software.MS2201Quantitative AnalysisEquips students with basic statistical conceptsand methods relevant to data miningtechniques. Topics taught include probabilitydistributions, hypothesis testing, ANOVA,regression analysis and basic multivariateanalysis (factor, discriminant and clusteranalysis). Students also learn how to usestatistical software.MS2223Engineering Mathematics IIAEquips students with further mathematicalknowledge and skills so as to strengthentheir capability in analysing and solvingtheir engineering problems. The topicsinclude integration, Simpson’s rule, first andsecond-order differential equations, Laplacetransforms and their applications. Studentsalso learn how to use mathematical software.MS2224Engineering Mathematics IIBEquips students with further knowledge ofmathematics and analytical skills to solverelevant engineering problems encounteredin their course of studies. It also providesstudents with some basic knowledgeof statistics. Other topics covered arematrices, complex numbers, and theirapplications. Students also learn how to usemathematical software.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 309

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MS2227Engineering Mathematics IIEquips students with an adequatemathematical knowledge and skills inintegration, and solving first and second orderdifferential equations. Students also learn howto use mathematical software.MS2231BioStatisticsProvides students with the basic conceptsof statistics in the area of probability andstatistical inference. Topics covered includeintroduction to statistics, uncertainty inmeasurement, elementary probability,probability distributions, samplingdistributions and statistical inference onquantitative and qualitative variables usingparametric and nonparametric tests.MS2301Engineering MathematicsAims to provide students with knowledgeof mathematics to solve common polymerscience and engineering problems. Topicsinclude directional derivatives, ordinaryand partial differential equations andtheir applications.MS2524Application Software– SpreadsheetAims to get students acquainted with the useof an electronic spreadsheet. They will haveplenty of hands-on practical exercises. Oncompletion of this module, students shouldhave gained enough knowledge, experienceand confidence to explore further into thisapplication software.MS3123Basic MathematicsEquips students with basic mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra,trigonometry and calculus to enable them tounderstand and solve engineering problemsencountered in their course of studies. Italso serves as a foundation for subsequentmathematics modules.MS3126Engineering Mathematics 1Equips students with further mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra, matrices,trigonometry, differentiation and integrationto enable them to understand and solveengineering problems encountered intheir course of studies. It also serves as afoundation for subsequent mathematicsmodules. Students also learn how to usemathematical software.MS3128Engineering Mathematics 1Equips students with mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra, matrices,trigonometry, differentiation and integrationto enable them to understand and solveengineering problems encountered in theircourse of studies. Students also learn how touse spreadsheet software.MS322ZEngineering Mathematics 2Builds upon the mathematical knowledge andskills acquired in the first year of study. Topicscovered are statistics, partial differentiation,curve-fitting, applications of integration toarea, volume, arc length, centroid, and firstand second-order differential equations andtheir applications to deflection of beamsand columns. Students also learn how to usespreadsheet and mathematical software.MS3228Engineering Mathematics 2Equips students with good knowledgeof statistics. Topics include descriptivestatistics, probability, normal distribution,hypothesis testing, correlation andregression, with emphasis on applicationsof statistics to environmental and watertechnology. Students also learn how to usestatistical software.MS3320Further EngineeringMathematics (Elective)Provides students with mathematicalknowledge that will help them to pursuefurther studies in institutions of higherlearning. Topics covered are further calculus,vector and linear algebra, complex numbers,parametric equations and polar coordinates.MS3440Foundation PhysicsAims to provide students with basicknowledge of physics necessary for pursuinga course in Civil Engineering. Topics includephysical quantities, mechanics, properties ofmatter and practical electricity.MS410ZEngineering Mathematics IEquips students with adequate knowledge ofmathematics to solve electrical engineeringproblems encountered in the first year of thecourse. It also serves as a foundation for moreadvanced mathematics in the second year.Topics include algebra, trigonometry, complexnumbers, determinants, matrices and calculus.MS418ZEngineering Mathematics IEquips students with adequate knowledge ofmathematics to solve electrical engineeringproblems encountered in the first year of thecourse. It also serves as a foundation for moreadvanced mathematics in the second year.Topics include algebra, trigonometry, complexnumbers, determinants, matrices and calculus.MS4205Engineering Mathematics II (A)Provides students with further knowledgein mathematics and analytical skills to solveengineering problems encountered in theirstudies. Among the topics covered are Laplacetransforms and statistics.MS4206Engineering Mathematics II (B)Provides students with further knowledgein mathematics and analytical skills tosolve engineering problems encounteredin their studies. Among the topics coveredare methods of integration, infinite series,Fourier series, differential equations andvector algebra.MS4231BioStatisticsProvides students with the basic conceptsof statistics in the areas of probability andstatistical inference. Students will learnthrough lectures, tutorials and make useof computer software to help them betterunderstand concepts and to performcomputational tasks. The module coversan introduction to statistics, uncertaintyin measurement, elementary probability,probability distributions, samplingdistributions, and statistical inference onquantitative and qualitative variables usingparametric and nonparametric tests.MS4285Engineering Mathematics II (A)Provides students with further knowledgein mathematics and analytical skills to solveengineering problems encountered in theirstudies. Among the topics covered are Laplacetransforms and statistics.MS4286Engineering Mathematics II (B)Provides students with further knowledgein mathematics and analytical skills tosolve engineering problems encounteredin their studies. Among the topics coveredare methods of integration, infinite series,Fourier series, differential equations andvector algebra.310 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MS460ZEngineering Mathematics I (A)Provides electrical engineering students withfurther mathematical knowledge and skills inalgebra, complex numbers and trigonometryto solve engineering problems encountered inthe first year of their course. It also serves asa foundation for further mathematics in thesubsequent modules.MS4707Engineering Mathematics I (B)Provides electrical engineering students withfurther mathematical knowledge and skills inalgebra, trigonometry and calculus to solveengineering problems encountered in thefirst year of their course. It also serves as afoundation for further mathematics in thesubsequent modules.MS4940Engineering MathematicsProvides students with essential mathematicaltechniques for solving problems in electricalengineering. Emphasis is placed onnumerical methods, practical applicationsand adaptability to computer usage. Topicscovered include various transform methods,matrices, vector algebra, numerical methodsof solving differential equationsand difference equations.MS510ZEngineering Mathematics IEquips students with adequate knowledgeof mathematics to solve electroniccommunication engineering problemsencountered in the first year of the course.It also serves as a foundation for moreadvanced mathematics in the second year.Topics include algebra, trigonometry, complexnumbers, determinants, matrices and calculus.MS5125Mathematics I (A)Provides students with knowledge inmathematics and descriptive statisticsto solve problems encountered in theircourse of study. Topics include set theory,functions, determinants, matrix algebra andgeometric transformations, probability anddescriptive statistics.MS5126Mathematics I (B)Provides students with adequate knowledgeof mathematics and analytical skills to handleproblems encountered in the course of study.It also serves as foundation for more advancedmathematics in the second year. Topicsinclude algebra, basic trigonometry, complexnumbers and calculus.MS5145Mathematics I (A)Provides students with knowledge inmathematics and descriptive statisticsto solve problems encountered in theircourse of study. Topics include set theory,functions, determinants, matrix algebra andgeometric transformations, probability anddescriptive statistics.MS5146Mathematics I (B)Provides students with adequate knowledgeof mathematics and analytical skills to handleproblems encountered in the course of study.It also serves as foundation for more advancedmathematics in the second year. Topicsinclude algebra, basic trigonometry, complexnumbers and calculus.MS516ZEngineering Mathematics IEquips students with adequate knowledgeof mathematics to solve communicationengineering problems encountered in thefirst year of the course. It also serves as afoundation for more advanced mathematicsin the second year. Topics includealgebra, trigonometry, complex numbers,determinants, matrices and calculus.MS5205Mathematics II (A)Provides students with further knowledge tohandle engineering problems encounteredin the course of their studies. It also providesstudents with some basic knowledge ofstatistics. Topics covered include LaplaceTransform and statistics.MS5206Mathematics II (B)Equips students with further mathematicalknowledge to solve engineering problemsencountered in the course of their studies.Topics covered include methods ofntegration, differential equations, infiniteseries and Fourier series, Fourier series andFourier transform.MS5225Mathematics II (A)Provides students with an adequateknowledge to handle engineering problemsencountered in the course of study. It alsoprovides students with some basic knowledgeof statistics. Among the topics covered arevector algebra, systems of linear equations,basic graph theory and statistics.MS5226Mathematics II (B)Provides students with an adequateknowledge of mathematics to solveengineering problems encountered in theirstudies. Among the topics covered aretrigonometry, methods of integration, infiniteseries, first order differential equations andLaplace transforms.MS5245Mathematics II (A)Provides students with an adequateknowledge to handle engineering problemsencountered in the course of study. It alsoprovides students with some basic knowledgeof statistics. Among the topics covered arevector algebra, systems of linear equations,basic graph theory and statistics.MS5246Mathematics II (B)Provides students with an adequateknowledge of mathematics to solveengineering problems encountered in theirstudies. Among the topics covered aretrigonometry, methods of integration, infiniteseries, first order differential equations andLaplace transforms.MS5265Engineering Mathematics II (A)Provides students with further knowledge tohandle engineering problems encounteredin the course of their studies. It also providesstudents with some basic knowledge ofstatistics. Topics covered include LaplaceTransform and statistics.MS5266Engineering Mathematics II (B)Equips students with further mathematicalknowledge to solve engineering problemsencountered in the course of their studies.Topics covered include methods of integration,differential equations, infinite series andFourier series and Fourier transform.MS5301Higher Engineering MathematicsProvides students with mathematicalknowledge that will help them to pursuefurther studies in engineering in institutions ofhigher learning. Among the topics covered arehigher calculus, vector analysis, linear algebraand z-transforms.MS5380Higher MathematicsProvides students with mathematicalknowledge that will help them to pursuefurther studies in engineering in institutions ofhigher learning. Among the topics covered are<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 311

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>higher calculus, vector algebra, linear algebra,Fourier series and Fourier transform.MS5580Data Analysis &Software Tools (Elective)Provides students with an adequateknowledge and skills in statistical and researchmethods using suitable software tools.The module is suitable for students whoseproject and other practical work involves thecollection of large amounts of data. It willhelp students make better decision throughdata analysis. Students will also be taughthow to use tools like Excel, SPSS and others.MS560ZEngineering Mathematics I (A)Aims to equip students with adequateknowledge in mathematics to solve electronicand communication engineering problemsencountered in the first year of the course.It also serves as a foundation for moreadvanced mathematics in the second year.Topics include algebra, complex numbersand trigonometry.MS5707Engineering Mathematics I (B)Provides students with further mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra, trigonometry,determinants, matrices and calculus to solveelectronic and communication engineeringproblems encountered in their studies.It also serves as a foundation for furthermathematics in the subsequent modules.MS5901Engineering MathematicsAims to provide students with mathematicalknowledge required for solving engineeringproblems encountered in the AETEadvanced diploma course. Topics includesolving differential equations using Laplacetransforms, vector calculus, probabilityand statistics.MS6120/MS6125Fundamental MathematicsEquips students with the necessarymathematical knowledge and skills inalgebra, exponential, logarithmic andtrigonometric functions. Binomial theoremand determination of laws are included. Italso serves as a foundation for further work inmathematics in subsequent modules.MS6121/MS6126Engineering Mathematics IEquips students with the necessarymathematical knowledge and skills tohandle problems encountered in theircourse of study. Among the topics dealtwith are complex numbers, differentiationand integration of algebraic, exponential,logarithmic and trigonometric functionsfollowed by applications of derivatives anddefinite integrals.MS6203/MS6205StatisticsAims to provide students with a goodfoundation in statistics with specific emphasison preparing them to do quality assurance.Topics covered include data organisationand presentation, measures of location andvariation, probability, discrete and continuousprobability distributions, and estimation.MS6220/MS6225Engineering Mathematics IIBuilds upon and extends the basic skillsof calculus required in solving commonengineering problems. This module is acontinuation of Engineering MathematicsI (MS6121). It serves as a foundationfor further work in the next module- Engineering Mathematics III (MS6221).Topics include sinusoidal waveforms,trigonometric equations, differentiation ofinverse trigonometric functions, applicationof definite integrals, conics, matrices andNewton’s method.MS6221/MS6226Engineering Mathematics IIIProvides students with further knowledge inmathematics to handle engineering problemsencountered in their course of study. Amongthe topics covered is integration leadingto inverse trigonometric and logarithmicfunctions, methods of integration, Simpson’sRule, partial differentiation and differentialequations. This module is a continuation ofEngineering Mathematics II (MS6220).MS6222Bridging MathematicsAims to provide ITE direct entry students withthe necessary mathematical knowledge andskills in algebra, trigonometry, exponential,logarithmic functions, differentiation andsimple integration. It serves as a bridgingmodule to the 2nd year mathematics in Schoolof Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.MS6223Bridging Mathematics IIProvides ITE direct entry students with thenecessary basic mathematical knowledge andskills in algebra, trigonometry, exponentialand logarithmic functions. Determinationof laws is also included. It serves as abridging module to the first year EngineeringMathematics I in School of Mechanical &Manufacturing Engineering.MS6224Bridging Mathematics IIIAims to provide ITE direct entry studentswith the necessary mathematical knowledgeand skills in algebra, trigonometry, inversetrigonometry, exponential, logarithmicfunctions, differentiation and simpleintegration. It serves as a bridging moduleto the 3rd year mathematics in School ofMechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.MS6231BioStatisticsAims to provide students with the basicconcepts of statistics in the areas ofprobability and statistical inference. Themodule covers an introduction to statistics,uncertainty in measurement, elementaryprobability, probability distributions, samplingdistributions, and statistical inference onquantitative and qualitative variables usingparametric and nonparametric tests.MS6250Engineering Mathematics II (A)Equips students with necessary mathematicalskills and knowledge to solve electronicand mechanical engineering problemsencountered in their studies. Topics coveredare determinants, matrices, complexnumbers, Laplace Transforms and 2nd orderdifferential equations.MS6251Engineering Mathematics II (B)Provides students with further knowledgein mathematics and analytical skills to solveelectronic and mechanical engineeringproblems encountered in their studies.Topics covered are sinusoidal waveforms,trigonometric equations, differentiation andintegration involving inverse trigonometricfunctions, application of definite integrals,Simpson’s rule, methods of integration, 1storder differential equations, limits and series.MS6320Higher MathematicsAims to provide students with fundamentalmathematical knowledge for further studies inengineering. Topics covered include absolutevalue functions, hyperbolic and inversehyperbolic functions, limits and continuity,definite integrals and their applications,indeterminate forms and improper integrals,infinite series, power series, complex numbers,parametric equations, polar co-ordinates, 3Dspace coordinates and graphs, and vectors.312 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>MS6505Computer ProgrammingThis syllabus is similar to MS6506. It is forpart-time students.MS6506Computer ProgrammingTeaches students how to write structuredprograms in C. Among the topics coveredare simple data types, input/output, controland loop structures and arrays. Programmingassignments and hands-on training in thecomputer laboratory will be emphasised.MS6941Operations ResearchProvides students with an introduction tosome well-known mathematical modelsused as aids or tools in decision makingand analysis. Topics covered include linearprogramming, transportation models,network analysis, simulation models, decisiontheory, inventory models and queuing theory.MS7102Basic MathematicsEquips students with basic mathematicalknowledge and skills in algebra, trigonometryand calculus to solve engineering problemsencountered in their course of studies.It also serves as a foundation for furthermathematics in the subsequent modules.MS7123Statistics for Shipping Business 1Adopts a practical approach with emphasisin handling and interpreting data. Topicscovered include organisation of data, graphs,central tendency, variability, correlation andregression, empirical probability and discretedistributions. A statistical package would beused to handle the many real-life data used.MS7141Mathematics 1Provides student with mathematical skills,knowledge and understanding requiredfor their present course of study. Topicscovered include basic algebra, geometry,trigonometry, plane and spherical trianglesand their applications.MS7202Engineering Mathematics IBuilds on the foundation laid in MS7102. Itequips students with more mathematicalskills and knowledge to handle engineeringproblems encountered in their course ofstudies. Among the topics covered arecomplex numbers, trigonometry andapplications of differentiation and integration.The module also serves as a foundation forfurther work in the subsequent module,Engineering Mathematics II (MS7302).MS7223Statistics for Shipping Business IIAims to give students the tools for makingbetter decisions and judgment from availabledata. Topics include normal distribution,hypothesis testing, price indices and basicforecasting techniques. As in MS7123, astatistical package would also be used.MS7302Engineering Mathematics IIProvides students with more knowledge andskills in mathematics. Topics covered includeadvanced methods of integration, differentialequations, statistics and probability whichsupport the analytical requirements of othermodules in the course.MS7341Mathematics 2Gives students a good grounding in themathematics necessary for obtaining aClass 3 Certificate of Competency. Topicscovered include mensurations, logarithms,graphical methods and plane andspherical trigonometry.MS7442Science 1Provides students in nautical studies withbasic knowledge and problem-solving skillsin mechanics, hydrostatics and propertiesof matter. Topics include vectors, moments,energy, work, power, principle of floatationand strength of materials.MS7452Applied ScienceProvides students with knowledge inapplied science necessary for deck officers.Application of knowledge and problemsolving skills form a major part of thismodule. Topics covered include heat, sound,electricity, electromagnetism, magnetism andcorrosion prevention.MS7503Software Applications& ProgrammingEquips students with the practical skillsin using personal computers to performinformation processing applications,systematic problem solving and logicalanalysis in computer programming. Inparticular, students will learn to use a popularelectronic spreadsheet and a programminglanguage to solve problems.MS7522IT for BusinessAims to equip students with a good workingknowledge and essential skills in the coreareas of information technology for shippingbusiness. Students will obtain practical skillsin industry standard application software forelectronic spreadsheet, database application,graphics and internet web page creation.Students will have plenty of hands-onexercises and opportunities to apply theircreative talents through assignments andmini-projects.MS7542Software ApplicationsProvides students with a good understandingof the use of microcomputers. Students willlearn and have sufficient hands-on practicalexercises in industry standard applicationsoftware for word processing, spreadsheetand database management. On completionof this module, students should havegained enough knowledge, experience andconfidence to explore other applicationsoftware on their own.MS7581Multimedia in I.T. ApplicationsIntroduces students to some basic aspectsof multimedia in the IT environment. Thehighlights of this module are graphics,animation and webpage creation, withparticular reference to their applications inshipping business.MS7582Computer ProgrammingTeaches students how to write structuredprograms in C++. Topics coveredinclude input/output operations, flowof control constructs, functions, arrays,numbering systems and the use of simplegraphic features.MS7923Mathematics IAims to provide polytechnic graduateswith fundamental Mathematics knowledgefor further studies in engineering. Topicscovered include a quick review of functionsand derivatives, complex numbers, vectors,partial derivatives, double integrals, ordinarydifferential equations and introduction toprobability and statistics.MS7924Mathematics IIBuilds on the foundation laid in MS7923,this module aims to provide polytechnicgraduates with fundamental Mathematicsknowledge for further studies in engineering.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 313

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>Topics covered include linear algebra, linearordinary differential equations with variablecoefficients, Taylor and Maclaurin series,vector calculus and Fourier series.MS7950C++ ProgrammingCovers the fundamental aspects of computerprogramming with the C++ language.The topics included are the C++ primitivedata types, expressions, flow-control,looping, build-in functions and user-definedfunctions. The rudiments of object-orientedprogramming are also covered. A practicalintroduction to the concept of encapsulationand data hiding using class are also included.MS8106Probability & StatisticsProvides polytechnic graduates with anintroduction to elementary probabilitytheory and inferential statistics withapplications in the engineering sciences atuniversity level. Topics include basic conceptsof probability, independence, randomvariables, joint and marginal distributions,mean and variance, some common discreteand continuous probability distributions,sampling distributions, estimation andhypothesis testing.MS8107Calculus IAims to provide polytechnic graduates witha sound foundation in Calculus essential forstudies in engineering courses at universitylevel. Topics include functions and theirgraphs, limits and continuity of functions,differentiation, indeterminate forms,analytic geometry, polar coordinates andparametric equations.MS8110Differential EquationsAims to equip polytechnic graduates witha basic knowledge of differential equationsconsidered essential for studies in engineeringcourses at university level. Topics includeordinary differential equations (1st order& 2nd order), Laplace transforms & itsapplication in initial value problems, Fourierseries and its application to boundaryvalue problems.MS8111Calculus IIAims to provide polytechnic graduates withfurther knowledge in Calculus essentialfor studies in engineering courses atuniversity level. Topics in the module includemathematical induction, complex numbers,integration and its geometrical applications,improper integrals, multiple integrals, partialderivatives and their geometric significanceand applications, sequences, infinite seriesand power series.MS8112Linear Algebra & VectorsProvides polytechnic graduates with a basicknowledge in linear algebra essential forstudies in engineering courses at universitylevel. Topics include matrices, determinants,systems of linear equations, eigenvalues andeigenvectors, operations on vectors, lines andplanes in space and vector-valued functions.MS8301Statistical Methods ICovers basic probability and statisticalconcepts and principles that lay thefoundation for students to understand andlearn the statistical procedures and methodsin the subsequent module. Topics include thefollowing: data exploration and summary,elementary probability theory, functions ofrandom variables, discrete and continuousprobability distributions, sampling andsampling distributions, point and intervalestimation and hypothesis testing.MS8302Statistical Methods IICovers the statistical procedures and methodscommonly used in analysis of information anddata in industry. Topics include the following:ANOVA, linear regression, correlation andmultivariate statistical analysis.MS8303Data MiningProvides students with the basic backgroundin data mining. Data preparation, modelbuilding and data mining techniques such asclustering, decision trees and neural networkswill be discussed and selected techniques willbe applied to case studies using suitable datamining software.MS8305ProjectProvides students with an opportunity tointegrate the knowledge and skills acquiredin their course of study and apply them tosolve “real world” problems in an industrybasedproject.MS8306Applied Data Mining & AnalysisCovers applications of selected data miningmethods and statistical analysis. In datamining, students will work on real data-setsusing methods such as association analysis,market basket analysis, decision trees, andneural networks. In statistics, students willgain practical experience applying methodssuch as logistic regression, generalised linearmodels, and survival analysis.MS8502Spreadsheet with ProgrammingAims to equip students with the essenceof spreadsheet applications using MSExcel. It introduces the various features ofthe software to support data analysis andstatistical based applications. VBA will be usedfor Excel programming to provide graphicaluser interface for application development.MS8503C# ProgrammingCovers the fundamental aspects of computerprogramming using the C# programminglanguage in the NET framework. Studentswill be taught the various constructs of thelanguage such as data types, input/output,control and loop structures, functions arraysand string handling. On completion of thismodule, students will have gained adequateknowledge to use the language for objectorientedprogram development.MS8504Database ManagementAims to equip students with theunderstanding of database concepts andthe use of MS Access to develop databaseapplications. It includes topics such as tables,queries, form design, report generation,macro, switchboard manager and SQL.MS8505Object-Oriented DevelopmentIntroduces the concepts of class designand equips students with fundamentalobject-oriented development skills. The C#Programming language is used as a vehicleto demonstrate encapsulation, inheritance,polymorphism and interfaces using the objectorientedparadigmMS8506.NET ApplicationsPrepares students to do client serverdevelopment in the .NET framework. It coversessential development details with regardsto graphical user interface developmentand accessing database using ADO.NET. Italso provides a brief introduction to Internetapplication development using ASP.NET.MS8507Spreadsheet withProgramming (with DLT)Aims to equip students with the essence314 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>of spreadsheet applications using MSExcel. It introduces the various features ofthe software to support data analysis andstatistical based applications. VBA will be usedfor Excel programming to provide graphicaluser interface for application development.MS8508Database Management (with DLT)Aims to equip students with theunderstanding of database concepts andthe use of MS Access to develop databaseapplications. It includes topics such as tables,queries, form design, report generation,macro, switchboard manager and SQL.MS8509C# Programming (with DLT)Covers the fundamental aspects of computerprogramming using the C# programminglanguage in the.NET framework. Studentswill be taught the various constructs of thelanguage such as data types, input/output,control and loop structures, functions arraysand string handling. On completion of thismodule, students will have gained adequateknowledge to use the language for objectorientedprogram development.MS 8701Introduction toOperations ResearchIntroduces students to basic operationsresearch concepts and principles that willbe used for optimisation modelling insubsequent modules. Real-world applicationswill be introduced to strengthen students’understanding of various fields in operationsresearch. Topics covered in this moduleinclude Linear Programming, Networks,Integer Programming, Inventory Managementand Queuing Models.MS8702C++ & Optimisation ModellingEquips students with techniques used inoperations research. Students will learn howto represent real-life optimisation problemsas mathematical models and solve theseproblems using sophisticated modelling tools.Modelling of various typical optimisationproblems, including planning and scheduling,vehicle routing, inventory management, andfactory planning, will be presented usingILOG Concert. C++, the main programminglanguage used in this course, will be taughtat the beginning of the module so thatstudents will be able to use it to developmodels in ILOG.MS8703OptimisationApplication DevelopmentProvides students with fundamental skillsneeded to develop basic optimisationapplications using sophisticated optimisationsoftware packages: ILOG Solver, ILOGScheduler, ILOG Dispatcher and ILOG Concert.Heuristic algorithms, as alternatives to exactalgorithms, will also be introduced for solvingvarious real-life problems.MS8704Optimisation LaboratoryProvides students with sufficient laboratorytime to practice the optimisation modellingand programming techniques they learnedfrom the above modules on well-knownbenchmark problems and real-life problemsrelated to their work experience.MS8705Project (Industry Based)Provides students with an opportunity tointegrate the knowledge and skills acquiredin their course of study, and to apply them insolving real-world problems. The project topiccould be predetermined by the lecturer or areal-world problem proposed by the students.SD101ZDesign Studio IStudents are introduced to the culture oflearning in design-studio environment anddevelop skills in visualization, interpretativetechniques and critical thinking through aseries of explorative primers. They are alsotaught the techniques of sketching, rendering,model making and graphical presentationto communicate ideas. In order to developsensitivities in creating experiential interiorspaces students are taught to map andstudy social, cultural and poetical needsin the process of designing spaces forhuman habitation.SD102ZInterior Technology IThe fundamentals of frame structure andconstruction are introduced. The study ofnatural materials as finishes will be the focuswith considerations towards the designing ofdetails. A basic understanding of the buildingcodes and standards and its applicationsto interior design will also be introduced.In conjunction with their design project,students will explore and apply the craft ofdesigning and detailing spatial elements,finishes and fixtures for living.SD103ZTheory of Design IIntroduces the principles of design, andan overview of the relevance of designlanguage in interior design. It provides thestudent with a fundamental understandingof art and design thought and their relevancefor developing critical and generative designstrategies. Students are required to study builtand theoretical works of major architectsand designers using case studies as part oftheir research for the design project. Withan emphasis on the Asian culture, studentswould explore the rich tradition of the ritualsof dwelling. Students would articulate theirvarious studies in seminars, writings and in thepresentation of their design proposals.SD104ZComputer-Aided Design& PresentationDevelops understanding concepts ofcomputer-aided 2- dimensional and 3-dimensional drawings through constructinggeometric shapes, orthographic projectionsand digital models with understandingin drawing symbols and conventions,line hierarchy, layering system and digitalrendering techniques. They are also exposedto a digital presentation software to developskills in visual composition and designcommunication. Students will use these CADDskills for presentation and documentation oftheir design projects.SD105ZDesign Studio IIInvestigates the issues of spatial experiencesand sequences, in response to a specificcontext e.g. for residential and consumerspaces. Students are required to understandthe ‘Client’ brief and do a contextual mappingand analysis to understand the existingphysical constraints (including the buildingstructures and design) socio- cultural andeconomic patterns. In addition, students alsostudy concepts of branding and marketing,their strategies and understand their effectson design.SD106ZInterior Technology IIFocuses on processed/ synthetic materialsas finishes for interior surfaces (floor, wall,ceiling and fixtures) as well as furniture andfurnishings. Students explore and discoverthe effect of design poetics of materials inthe conditioning of spaces. They also learnconstruction and detailing techniques towardsenhancing consumer experiences in residentialand retail spaces.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 315

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>SD107ZTheory of Design IIExamines Western architectural intentions andthe development of parallel critical thoughtfrom the early treatises right up to the 20thcentury. Students are also introduced tophilosophical ideas related to the relevance ofethical and poetic making of design. Studentsare required to study built and theoreticalworks of major architects and designers usingcase studies as part of their research for thedesign project. Students would articulate theirvarious studies in seminars, writings and in thepresentation of their design projectSD108ZDesign Studio IIIExamines the issues and challenges ofinterior design within the context of civic andcultural environment such as work-spheres,restaurants, library, galleries etc. Thisespecially as a response to the demandsof a highly global and technological world.Students demonstrate their knowledgeand skills in their final-year designs fromconceptualisation to documentationfor construction.SD109ZInterior Technology IIIThis module further develops the knowledgeand skills of using materials and detailingtechniques in interior design to respond tothe complexities of new architectural designsand technologies. At the same time, studentsare also exposed to the importance ofenvironment management and sustainabilityand they learn to refine their design anddetailing skills. The advancement in lightingtechnology is studied and students learn theirimportant effects on interior design. Therelevant building codes and standards are alsointroduced when students are applying theirknowledge in their design project.SD110ZTheory of Design IIIExamines issues in modern and post-modernexpressions in art, architecture, design andphilosophies. Students also study worksof contemporary architects, designers andthinkers, who have contributed to the critiqueof design theories and practice. They arerequired to reflect their studies and expresstheir thought in writings and design oftheir project.SD111ZProductivity &Quality Management inInterior Design PracticeThis module provides practice-orientedinterior design training that developsstudents with the relevant discipline, skillsand knowledge to apply into their projects.Students are exposed to productivity conceptand applications with emphasis on theoperations and functions of interior designpractice. Pre- and post-contract administrationprocedures are also introduced to students forthe understanding of the quality managementexpected in an interior design office.SD201ZVisual Design StudioIntroduces the function of various designelements, and identifies how the principlesof design influence the creative processesinvolved in design decisions. Through theanalysis of solutions to communicationsproblems, students will explore crucial designperspectives in the following topics:• Visual Design offers a basic disciplined,systematic approach to conceptdevelopment applied to graphic design.Students will learn the function ofvarious design elements, and identifyhow the principles of design influenceeach decision they make when creatinga design. They will explore the creativeprocess of making images that can moveideas and information to the minds of anaudience. Abstraction, imagery,layout, and sequencing are studiedthrough assignments and critiques.• Digital Imaging aims to provide studentswith the basic knowledge of techniquesand tools for illustration and imageprocessing in graphic design. Studentswill learn the techniques in imageprocessing for graphic design. This topicwill cover the techniques of computerbased illustration. In addition, studentswill be trained on the use of imageprocessing and illustration tools forgraphic design.• Typography will introduce the basicconcepts and anatomy of good type,the principles of typographic design andtypesetting. Students will learn thetechniques for working with typefundamentals and to use type effectivelyas a basic element of graphiccommunication. Projects allow studentsto explore issues of form and meaning,hierarchy, legibility and readability,structure and composition, and thedesign process.• Colour and Communication introducescrucial topics like colour theory, colourperception, colour matching, colourmodels and colour design considerations.Beginning with a perceptualunderstanding of colour, this topic willguide students in exploring the manyways that colour communicates. Studentswill study how light modulates ourperception of volume and colour. Theywill learn to employ a variety of mediato explore sensory and emotional, as wellas aesthetic concepts.• Introduction to Photography focuses onthe use of Photography as a multipurposedesign tool. The basic technicalskills cover the operation of the camera,indoor and outdoor shooting. Lessonsinclude discussions, slide shows, andvisits to photography exhibitions.Major emphasis is placed on thelanguage of the photographicmedium and how it communicatesgraphic information. By the end of themodule, students would have embarkedon an integrated design project that fullyincorporates and applies their knowledgegained in this module.SD202ZDesign Thinking 1Aims to equip with a robust toolkit ofcreativity techniques and innovation-focusedresources for their personal and professionallives. This module will consider the centralrole of human cognition and creativity inthe design process, exploring the designerresponse to human needs and issues ofvalue, and the thinking strategies requiredfor achieving breakthrough designs. Themodule introduces the basic principles andmethods for assembling, developing, andanalysing information in the task of design,and discusses the scope of design in ourpersonal, social, and cultural environment,observing how thoroughly design haspermeated our lives through images,physical objects, services, and environmentalsystems, and what implications this has onthe design process. Techniques of creativeideation and innovation are discussed andpractised through the use of visual materials,workshops, group activities, case studies,discussions, critique and presentations.SD203ZDrawing StudioProvides students with the opportunity towork with a variety of drawing media such ascharcoal, ink, oil pastel to develop line, shapeand tone to arrive at an integrated image.Through drawing exercises that cover areaslike texture and volume, space relationships,316 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>perspective drawing, human figure drawingand composition, students will learn bothanalytical and inventive components of thedrawing process. Concepts and techniques ofvisual thinking, problem-solving and nonverbalcommunication will be introduced inillustration classes combining drawing practiceand critiques. Students will develop skills inany medium or style they choose, includingcomputer illustrations, and will finish the classwith a comprehensive portfolio of drawingsand illustrations.SD204ZHuman Centred DesignExplores the evolution of design and itshistorical impact on social patterns, culturalvalues and economics, leading to a criticalunderstanding of the importance of humanfactors in design endeavours. Studentswill examine and critique key milestones,personalities and works in the field, whilelearning to apply cognitive, social, culturaland physical human factors in design. Topicson ergonomic and cognitive efficiency inthe design of information, products andenvironments will help students understandkey issues on the use and reception of design,and their dynamic interactions on groupand user behaviour shaped by prevailingcultural values.SD205ZBranding Design StudioProvides students with an overview ofapplied design within real world commercialcontexts, focusing on branding and marketingessentials that empower existing products andservices. Subject clusters focus on diverse butimportant areas as the following:• Marketing and Branding Essentialsprovides students with the basicknowledge of marketing and brandingin order to fully appreciate the roleof design in an integrated marketingcommunications environment. Conceptscovered include marketing principles,segmentation, targeting and positioning;mass media and direct responseadvertising; and brand strategies in themarketing context.• Packaging Design is an extremely viablefield that combines marketing, graphics,and three-dimensional design. This topicintroduces the fundamentals ofdimensional construction whileintegrating design disciplines andprinciples. Emphasis is on the applicationof graphic design elements to varioustypes of products. Packages are analysedand positioned from a marketing pointof view. Typical assignments includefashion, food, pharmaceutical, andmass marketed products.• Visual Identity is the use of designto project a memorable graphic imageof corporations, institutions, or otherorganisations. In this topic, studentswill learn how to design or redesigncorporate identities for both existingcompanies and newly establishedbusinesses. They will explore throughvarious case studies the essential skillsrequired to design logos, marketingmaterials and advertising programmesto establish and promote a corporateidentity effectively.• Advertising & Publication Design focuseson the design of advertising andpublication with in-depth study oflayout, text, imagery and techniques thatrelate to the design of print.It emphasises the strategy, conceptformation and design direction. Studentswill create advertisements and pagelayout with visual and text component.Formats include magazines, newspapers,books, brochures, and web sitesThroughout this module studentsengage in case studies and practicaldesign assignments as appropriateto the subject matter, and createa showcase portfolio of assignmentsculminating in a final groupdesign project.SD206ZDesign Thinking 2Building upon the foundations of DesignThinking 1, this module aims to equipstudents with the necessary mind-skills tomake the transition from a personal-baseddesign orientation to that of a collaborativeand professionally oriented activity situatedwithin the larger socio-economic contextof a market-driven information economy.Students will be introduced to conceptssuch as product, client, community of use,function, form, material, style, craft, and massproduction, as they are understood and usedby designers. They will explore promotiondecisions, including personal selling andpublicity, and be given practical strategiesof successfully pitching and marketing theirworks to potential clients through interviewsor through the Internet. Students will learnhow to analyse target markets and conductmarket research.SD2301Experimental Design StudioPresents the students with an opportunityto discover and express their personal designvision through an independent project thatis unconstrained by the requirements of atraditional design project. The independentdesign project will serve not only as anavenue to exhibit their visual communicationsskills learned through earlier modules, butto discover, amplify, or transform ideas thatchallenge design boundaries. Students workclosely with tutors to come up with the designbrief for a project idea that is experimental orexplorative in nature while at the same timegenerating value, possessing a clear message,and exhibit clear thinking that supports astrong intellectual foundation.SD2302Integrated Design StudioRequires students to integrate the skills andknowledge gained throughout the entiredesign program, based on consultation withand approval by tutor and advisors. As appliedprojects for external clients are encouraged,students will be able to test their skills andunderstanding of client-designer interaction inrealistic settings.SD2303Portfolio Design & PresentationProvides students with the opportunity toconduct an intensive investigation of thedesign of a completed portfolio designedto best present their work in a highlyprofessional and visually interesting manner.At the end of the module, a final portfolioreview will be conducted by professionals inthe design field to assess students’ work.SD301ZGames Design &Development Studio 1Students are introduced to the basic skillsand vocabulary of the design process- imagination, forms, space, tectonics,structure, relationships and narrative.They are given the opportunity to developnarratives, explore notions of space andform, free associate relationships, extendtheir consciousness into the imaginarylandscape and construct abstractions inconceptual and material manifestations.Studio problems will challenge their existingpreconceptions on games – their designs,gameplay, expectations, content, structures,etc in order for them to undermine what theyalready know, and to test their creative skillsin content design with skill development andapplication in areas of sketching and drawing,visual studies and digital communication,model-making, and presentation techniques.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 317

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>SD302ZGames Design PrinciplesGames History, Principles, Narrative andStorytelling Introduces students to the fieldof game design and development, startingwith the history, typology and principles ofgames and its structures. Students learn thedifferent categories of games and platformsavailable, review different games across timeand cultures, developing their critical skills inthe process in game analysis and evaluationand are introduced to the basic structuresand rules of how games are organised,how they are conceptualised, designed,developed and tested. Students will developtheir understanding in game narratives andstorytelling, drawing from existing gameenvironments as well as sources studied inHistory and Theory of Ideas 1 and assemblesthese ideas in the form of stories.SD303ZHistory & Theory of Ideas 1The History and Theory of Ideas I moduleseeks to inform students of understandingpotential strategies for design from premodernhistory, myths, cosmologies, the artsand philosophies. This module is structured tooffer students critical strategies in conceivingand articulating design ideas complementingtheir various design studio projects. Lecturesand seminars also cover issues dealingwith research, essay writing techniquesand referencing methodologies. Studentsarticulate their design ideas and how it mayhave relevance to the issues covered in one ora selected few topics in the lectures / seminarsin a form of essay in the second semester.SD304ZGames Design &Development Studio 2Students will continue the task of formulatinggame design strategies and content of greatercomplexity and sophistication within a givenconceptual framework. Students will honetheir design thought process and internalisea culture of critical thinking and incessantquery in their design process that is basedon empirical research, necessary fictions andintuitive postulations. Focus will also be ondeveloping their range of tectonic, formal andspatial skills developed in Year 1 and applyingthat to the development of 3-dimensionalgame projects.SD305ZGames ProductionGames Production, Business and SocietyThis module describes some of therelationships involved in game developmentand production from team make- up,management, group dynamics &responsibilities, scheduling within the variousphases of game development. Emphasis willbe given to social games and their effects,addictions, interactivity, demographics,cultures, benefits and ills. Students are alsointroduced to game economics and to thelarger industry that affect the game designerand developer’s professions. Basics suchas marketing and sales, audience and agematurity, consumer behaviour and psychology,and the relationships between members ofthe game industry are discussed.SD306ZHistory & Theory of Ideas 2Students will be introduced to the role ofmedia, society and culture in the design anddevelopment of games. The module alsoseeks to develop in students an awarenessof modern and post modern issues inphilosophies and design. In the secondsemester, students will develop a study of aconcept based on a hypothesis and develop atheoretical game design around it.SD307ZGames Design &Development Studio 3Students engage a Final Year Project (FYP)that requires them to formulate a designproposal in the form of a hypothesis,accumulate the relevant research, structurethe narrative and game - play, design thecharacters and environments, develop thegame, test it and finally document the entireprocess. The FYP module will still be theprimary point of testing for the hypothesis,using the intellectual tools and practical skillsaccumulated and developed from all the othermodules up to this point in time, strive for aholistic integration of all the students’ skillsand understanding.SD3101Human-Computer InteractionThis module aims to equip students withthe knowledge and skills required todesign, implement and evaluate the humancomputer interface aspect of interactivesystems, with special emphasis on digitalgames and entertainment. Students will learnplayer interface design conventions and theeffects of platform, genre, and design goalsrelated to electronic games. Students willexplore everything from the history of gameinterface design and basic design theoriesto practical strategies for creating a winninginteractive interface.SD401ZExperience Design Studio 1This modules aims to introduce experiencedesign is a meta-concept or philosophy thatprovides direction, vocabulary, and techniquethat can enable multiple disciplines to worktogether in a unified manner. Students willbegin by learning to differentiate betweendesigning objects and designing experiences.They will learn the principles that define ordrive the orchestration of the organisationsproducts, behaviours, communications,and environments across multiple tasks/activities contexts.The Design Studio 1 aims to develop anunderstanding of the design process, andto develop sensitivity to its relationshipwith people, socio-cultural factors,materials, business, and technology. Topicson ergonomic and cognitive efficiency inthe design of information, products andenvironments will help students understandkey issues on the use and reception of design,and their dynamic interactions on groupand user behaviour shaped by prevailingcultural values.The first year studio projects will be at anintroductory level, and will allow students tobe conversant with designing on a range ofscales for the human body, objects, spatialenvironments, and services. The projects willprogressively apply the skills and knowledgeacquired through modules on visualisation &communication, basic materials & productionmethods, and history and theory of ideas.SD402ZVisualisation & Communication 1The ability to visualise information/products/services and the interaction/experience that consumers have withthem; and represent them for the purposeof communication, is an essential skillany experience designer should possess.The students will be trained in the following:• Freehand drawing andsketching methods.• 2-dimensional technical drawingfor product, mechanical and spatialdesign applications.• Basic Computer-Aided Design & Drawingskills in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional forms and representation.• Basic Computer-Aided visualisation andpresentation skills in a variety ofmultimedia mediums and formats(e.g. image, animation, video & audio).318 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>SD403ZMaterials & Processes 1Students will be trained to have a broadunderstanding of materials and manufacturingprocesses and so as to be able to apply suchknowledge in the design of products andenvironments. Students will be taught toidentify and analyse properties, processingmethods, and finishing of organic and naturalmaterials such as wood, ceramics, naturalrubbers, glass, and metals.SD404ZExperience Design Methods 1This module incorporates and expandsupon the institution-wide IDEA (Innovation,Design & Enterprise in Action). While theone-semester, 30-hour long, first year IDEAmodule aims to develop an attitude for, andthe literacy and skills in basic design creativitythrough an understanding of the designprocess for students from all disciplines, theXDM (Experience Design Methods) modulesover two years aims to gradually and in depth,build a wide repertoire of experience designmethods which will be a core competency forDXDIP students. XDM1 will enable studentswill learn how to observe, analyse andunderstand the consumers as social beinginteracting with spaces, objects and time.SD405ZExperience Design Studio 2This module will introduce the conceptof interaction design, its background,applications and technology. It willdevelop an understanding of design in anincreasingly complex and technologicallymediated consumer landscape. Students willgain knowledge of how people perceive,understand, use and experience interactiveobjects. They will learn and apply amethodology and process of designinginteractive products, services and experiencesin the design studio projects.The students will be introduced toethnography as a major tool forunderstanding, analysing and definingexperience design problems. They will beintroduced to a array of other user researchtechniques such as gathering user datathrough contextual inquiry, research surveys,focus groups, interviews, interpretinginterviews, task analysis, creating work models(flow, sequence, culture, physical, artefactetc.), consolidating data across users, buildingaffinity diagrams, using data in the designprocess etc. Focus will be on comparisonof different tools for different contexts sothat students become adept at applying theappropriate tool(s) for their design needs.The second year design studio will beginto focus on product & interaction designwith the aim to enable students to createcompelling and meaningful integratedinteraction systems based on products,services and experiences. The studio projectswill explore and engage with areas of designwithin the contexts of living and workingenvironments. The projects will be at anintermediate level, and will allow for a greaterintegration of components of interactionsystems. The projects will progressively applythe skills and knowledge acquired throughmodules on interactive design technologies,advanced materials & production methods,and history and theory of ideas.SD406ZVisualisation & Communication 2The Visualisation & Communication 2 modulewill build upon the first year V&C module tointroduce product design specific visualisation,modelling and detailing CAD-CAID softwarepackages such as Rhino, Solidworks, AutocadStudio Tools or Alias.SD407ZMaterials & Processes 2The advanced materials and productionmethods module will build upon the firstyear basic materials and production methodsmodule. Students will be trained to have amore focussed and specialised understandingof materials and manufacturing processesso as to be able to apply such knowledge inthe design of products and environments.Students will be taught to identify andanalyse properties, processing methods,and finishing of synthetic materials such asplastics, synthetic rubbers, elastomers,and composites.SD408ZExperience Design Methods 2This module builds and expands upon thefoundations of the first year methods module.Students will learn and practice a full suit ofuser research and experience design methodsin this year-long module. The application/practice of methods will be tied to theExperience Design Studio projects.SD409ZExperience Design Studio 3The third year design studio will equipstudents with design methodologies forcomplex products, services and events suchas design of integrated systems, products forfuture use, products to be used in groups,devices used in public places, design ofmulti-modal interfaces, expressive interfaces,and products that enrich user experience.Students will be introduced to a repertoireof design principles and strategies will bedrawn from multi--disciplines such as productdesign, visual communication, informationarchitecture, cognitive psychology andcomputer science.Students will be introduced to a rangeof advanced design techniques such asscenario building, personas, body storming,storyboarding, prototyping etc. Prototypingtechniques will include rapid prototyping,video prototyping, constructing models and2D/3D mock-ups, paper, theatre, electrical/mechanical devices integrated with power,sensor, wireless, and ICT components.The final year studio projects will strivefor holistic integration of components ofinteraction system and design that result intotal experiences.SD410ZVisualisation & Communication 3In the Visualisation & Communication 3module, students will learn and practiceadvanced visualisation techniques andsophisticated communication methods tocommunication their designed experiences.After having constructed the appropriateprototype in the Design Studio, studentswill learn to stage the experiences byorchestrating consumer behaviours on/withthem to understand or demonstrate howthey work.SPXX01Character DevelopmentThis 30-hour institutional module aims to instilin our students attitudes important for theirdevelopment as active citizens with a strongsense of responsibility towards the communityand nation. It also aims to impart the SP COREvalues, which are: Self-discipline, PersonalIntegrity, Care and Concern, Openness,Responsibility, and Excellence. Students will begiven the opportunity to propose and evaluatepossible responses to situations throughin-depth discussion of cases depicting real orrealistic characters in moral dilemmas. Theywill also participate in community serviceprojects through a process of planning,implementation and reflection.SPXX02Innovation, Design &Enterprise in Action (IDEA)The main objective of this module is todevelop in our students an attitude forbasic creativity, design literacy, innovation& enterprise, through an understanding ofthe design process. This experiential projectbasedlearning module will enable students<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 319

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>to question their preconceptions, see thingsfrom multiple perspectives, generate newideas, and make these new ideas work,develop visual and verbal presentation tosell their new ideas to others to create newuses and lifestyles. Students will be assessedthrough critiques sessions on their ability todesign, make, and develop visual and verbalpresentation to sell their ideas and projects.SP9051Project (Industry based)Gives students the opportunity to work inmultidisciplinary teams, similar to industrialsettings, to design and develop their final yearprojects. Students work on their projects in a“modular design office” over the whole termto bring their projects from initial conceptsto eventual products. They will also have thechance to take on industry projects which willprovide them the added exposure of workingon real-world projects.ST003SPrinciples of Web DesignProvides an introduction to effective Webpages development. Students will learnthe Development processes, which includeidentifying the goal and objectives, buildinga theme, designing the interface, completingproduction, testing and schedulingmaintenance. They will also learn basic designprinciples that distinguish successful sites fromthose unsuccessful ones.ST004BBasic Principles of IT LawCovers issues like copyright and plagiarism,privacy, software ownership and intellectualproperty misuse of computers etc. Pertinentissues in the Copyright Law, ComputerMisuse Act and Electronic Transactions Act in<strong>Singapore</strong> will be discussed to raise students’awareness of the ethics and legal environmentaffecting IT professionals.ST005ADiscovering MusicAims to introduce students to (a) the terms,forms, instruments, and composers fromthe fine arts musical traditions, (b) basicvocabulary that can be used to describe musicof all kinds, and (c) a basic understandingof the cultural and historical backgroundof the selected styles of music. These willbe achieved largely through the process ofcritical listening and commentary. Above all,this module aims to cultivate in students theenthusiasm to listen, enjoy, and discover musicof all kinds.ST006SDesigning Cartoons &Animation for GamesAims to introduce students to the designprinciples of cartoons and animations for 2-Dgames. The module starts with analysing thesuccessful usage of cartoons and animationsto produce engaging games over the lastdecade. Students will learn how to draftcartoons as well as how to use varioussoftware tools to re-produce these cartoons indigital form. Students will learn the principlesof 2-D sprite animation and will be given anopportunity to load these animations in prepreparedgames as to test and optimize them.ST008SPsychology & CounsellingAims to provide a basic understanding ofpsychology and counselling. Understandingpeople’s personality goes a long way to whythey behave in certain ways. Why do somepeople tend to focus on obstacles? Why aresome people timid? There are four basicpersonal traits which cause one to reactor behave accordingly. These are ‘choleric,sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic’.The module will also attempt to showyou how to be resilient by utilising certainskills: e.g. identify non-resilient thoughtsand analyse their impact on our behaviour,detect our thinking errors, uncover the basicroot cause/ beliefs, etc.ST010BCustomer Service – TheCompetitive AdvantageAims to provide students the skills required toprovide excellent customer service. Customerservice is a relative small area in a businessorganization. It is relatively easy to completeon product and price but the most difficultthing is to complete on service. How customerfocus organizations differentiate itself fromtheir competitors? Students will be introducedto topics such as Service Attitude, Listeningto Customers, Handling UncomfortableSituations, Measuring Customer Satisfaction,Engineering the Customer Experience.ST011SMobile InternetIntroduces students to the issues, technology,and future trends related to accessing theinternet on mobile phones and handhelds.Topics to be included are ‘how to getconnected to the mobileinternet’,1G, 2G, and 3G networks, Wirelessapplication protocol (WAP), internetenabledmobile devices, future trends ofthe mobile internet.ST012BOnline EntrepreneurshipAims to provide students with anunderstanding of the fundamental conceptsof selling on the web. Students will beintroduced to the web technology, webarchitecture, different revenue models, website usability concepts, electronic payment andsecurity issues pertaining to online business.Students will be challenged to identifybusiness opportunities that can be exploitedusing the web technology.ST013AKnow Your Temperament BlendsAims to provide students with anunderstanding of temperament blendsand tells how you can improve yourself byidentifying your strengths and weaknesses.Learning why you act the way you do will:1. Advance you in your job and career2. Enable you to deal with depressionand anger3. Improve your relationship with peoplearound you.ST014SCreating Your Own MobileApplications for Handphone/PDAAims to familiarise students with the mobilecomputing world. It introduces conceptsand features of mobile devices and in-trendprogramming techniques used to buildapplications running on mobile devices.The module shows them, through a handsonapproach, how to create their first mobileapplication using programming tools formobile devices as well as simple animatedGIFs / expressions for their mobile devices.ST015SCreative Game DesignAims to foster awareness and appreciation forthe innovation processes behind successfulgame design. Students will learn the completegame design cycle from conceptualization togame prototyping and playtesting. They willwork in teams to come up with an originalgame concept, and be provided with theopportunity to get hands-on experience ondifferent aspects of game design using agame engine.ST018AHow to Play the Classical GuitarIn this module, you will learn to play theguitar in the classical style. Like manymeaningful endeavours, learning to playa musical instrument is a life-long skill. Nopre-requisite is assumed but you must owna guitar and develop a practice regime tobenefit from the programme. You will beginwith the fundamentals, from sitting posture,320 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>fingerings, types of strokes, tuning, to thevarious techniques like barre, slurs, glissando,tremolo, harmonics, and higher positionsplaying. You will also learn to read musicscores and identify chords pattern.ST0104Networking FundamentalsIntroduces students to the underlyingconcepts of data communications,telecommunications and networking. Providesa conceptual view of networking and bringstogether the acronyms, protocols, andcomponents used in today’s networks.ST0109Technical & BusinessCommunicationEquips students with oral and writtencommunication skills required by anInformation Technology professional. Keytopics include technical report writing,letter writing, memo writing, interviewingtechniques, oral presentations and nonverbalskills.ST0110Visual Basic ProgrammingAims to teach students to write eventdrivenand object-oriented code in VisualBasic. Introduces the usefulness, popularityand capabilities of Visual Basic in creatingprograms with powerful interactive graphicaluser interfaces. Provides knowledge in VisualBasic up to the intermediate level, coveringtopics on VB controls, error handling, multiplewindows handling, file handling, multimediacontrols, object link embedding, graphicsand animations.ST0113Object-Oriented ProgrammingTeaches students object-orientedprogramming and problem-solving usingthe Java Programming Language. Introducesstudents to the concept of objects in Javaprograms. Equips students to be competentin developing comprehensive Java appletsand Java applications through intensivepractical exercises.ST0114Database Management SystemsIntroduces the fundamentals of the relationaldatabase model. Covers topics in informationmodelling, normalisation, database design,database implementation, data security,data integrity, recovery, backup anddatabase concurrency. Provides hands-onexperience with SQL, and introduces theidea of object databases, hypermedia anddistributed databases.ST0116Computers & Operating SystemsAims to provide students with fundamentalknowledge of hardware components foundin today’s computers. Covers basic concepts,functions and goals of operating systems.Provides students with hands-on usageexperience of two popular operating systems,Microsoft Windows and UNIX/LINUX.ST0207Ethics & Law of ITCovers issues like copyright and plagiarism,privacy, software ownership and intellectualproperty, misuse of computers, securitypolicies and rights of administrators, freedomof speech and objectionable materials,disclosure of confidential information,responsibility and accountability, and the needto uphold the image of the IT profession.Pertinent issues in the Copyright Law(<strong>Singapore</strong>), Computer Misuse Act (<strong>Singapore</strong>)& Electronic Transactions Act (<strong>Singapore</strong>) willbe discussed to raise students’ awareness ofthe ethics and legal environment affectingIT professionals. Case studies will be used tohelp students reflect upon the multi-facetedethical & legal dilemma that are emerging inthe information age.ST0210Systems Development TechniquesIntroduces the phases, and the techniquesused in each phase, in a system developmentlife cycle. Covers key topics including projectplanning, requirements gathering, analysisand design using the object-orientedand structured approach, as well as theUML methodology for object-orientedapproach. Software testing and rapidapplication development techniques willalso be introduced.ST0211Business Operations ManagementEquips students with business operationsknowledge so that they are employmentreadyupon graduation. Covers topics in coreoperations functions including new productdesign, service process design, exploitingtechnology, supply chain management,project scheduling, and inventorymanagement. Students will analyse operationsproblems in business organisations andformulate IT solutions to solve these problems.Case studies of various companies will alsobe used extensively to stimulate discussion onoperations management issues.ST0215Network Management& AdministrationIntroduces students to the principles, conceptsand techniques in managing networksand servers. Students will be taught howto manage users over a network, how tomonitor the server and network performanceand how to troubleshoot the server andnetwork problems. Students will be able toevaluate and select the appropriate tools tomanage the network with emphasis on servermanagement and administration.ST0217Web Applications DevelopmentEquips students with the knowledge of anintegrated development environment (IDE)that supports web applications development.Students will be able to use the IDE to createdynamic web applications with advanced webelements, VBScripts, ActiveX controls, ActiveServer Pages and data bound web forms onthe Internet.ST0218Data Structures & AlgorithmsProvides a practical approach to thedevelopment of commonly used datastructures and algorithms. The intensivepractical sessions focus on the creationand manipulation of various types of datastructures using the Java programminglanguage. Covers topics including stacks,queues, abstract data types, and the varioussorting algorithms.ST0220Multi-Tier DistributedApplications DevelopmentProvides practical introduction to multitierdistributed architecture. Covers topicsfrom design to implementation of multi-tierdistributed applications using XML webservicesand server components via mobileweb devices. Students will be taught the skillsrequired to design, code and implement multitierapplications using the .NET Frameworkand database server.ST0222Interactive Computer GraphicsIntroduces the fundamentals of interactivecomputer graphics. Students will learnhow to use a 3D graphics API to performgeometric transformations, model 3Dobjects and to create interactive computergraphics applications. Part of this modulewill be dedicated to migrate students fromJava to C++.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 321

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST02233D Modeling &Animation for GamesAims to equip students with the basicknowledge of modelling and animating 3Dcontent for games. Students will learn tocreate and animate optimized low polygon3D models for usage in games, real-time3D visualization and other emerging formsof digital new media, as well as the processof creating and applying optimized texturesonto 3D models.ST02243D Game DevelopmentAims to teach students the completeproduction cycle of building a 3D actiongame, starting with how to developcompelling 3D games utilising either gameAPI’s or a game engine. Students will betrained in principles of high-speed 3D gamegraphics, optimised interaction with inputdevices, 3D sound and audio as well as multiplayer functionality.ST0227Principles ofCreative Game DesignAims to foster an awareness and appreciationfor all those innovative and creativeprocesses that lay behind successful gamedesign. Student will learn more aboutthe complete game design cycle, rangingfrom conceptualisation, drafting, and storyboarding to game prototyping. To unlock amindset that can look beyond the obvious,a historical overview of past and currentsuccessful game genres will be provided. Alsothis module will discuss potential future trendsand directions within game design. Studentsare expected to work in teams to come upwith an original and creative game concept.This game concept may be either presented inthe form of a design report or even better acomplete game prototype.ST0228Artificial Intelligence for GamesProvides an up to date overview of artificialintelligence as it is commonly applied ingame design. Students will learn how todevelop autonomous and intelligent actinggame objects as opposed to user controlledgame objects.ST0229Simulation & PhysicsAims to equip students with the knowledgeand skills to enrich game content with physicsbased realism. Students will learn how toapply laws of physics to moving objectsin the game. The module will cover basicconcepts such as kinematics, force, kineticsand collisions. Case studies will illustrate howthese concepts can be applied on typicalgame objects.ST0232Perl for BioinformaticsIntroduces students to modern concepts ofsoftware construction, algorithms used inbiocomputing, and elementary principles ofsoftware design through the use of the Perlprogramming language. Students will learnthe fundamentals of Perl (e.g. scalars, hashes,lists, regular expression, etc.) as well as someadvanced topics like object-oriented Perl,using CGI and DBI modules and resourcesdeveloped by the Bioperl Project.ST0234Applied Statistics in BioinformaticsProvides students with the generalbackground in statistics required to addressproblems in bioinformatics. The course willfollow the same organizational as a generalcourse of statistics, but all examples willbe drawn from the field of bioinformatics.Specialised techniques will be introduced,selected for their practical importance inbiological applications.ST0235Smart ApplicationsProvide students with the knowledge ofsmart applications and components that areadaptive in various platforms such as desktop,PDA and mobile devices. Teaches studentshow to create a rich user experience for bothconnected and disconnected data sources.Equip students, through intensive practicalexercises, to design, code, implement,manage and deploy smart applications thatuses advanced technologies and servercomponents using theMicrosoft.NET framework.ST0236Java Server ProgrammingAims to teach students the basic features ofserver side programming (servlets and JSP)and its application to the Internet. Studentswill learn to develop a mini Java client/serverproject over the Web. Covers topics includingDatabase Access, Introduction to Servletsand JavaServer Pages, Servlet Technology,Cookie and Session Objects, JavaServer Pages,Integration of Servlets and JSP.ST0237Introduction to2D Game DevelopmentThis module provides students with thefundamental knowledge of drawingfor games. Students will learn the basictechniques of storyboarding, drawing gameenvironments and characters. The module alsoprovides students with the basic knowledgeof tools and techniques to reproduce theirdrawings in 2D digital form. Students willlearn the production cycle of designing andimplementing 2D games. Students will betrained to develop compelling 2D gamesutilising a 2D game engine.ST0238Level Design for GamesThis module teaches students how to create3D game spaces end environments utilisinga game engine or level editor. Students willlearn how to model and arrange architecturalelements; import 3D objects and apply textureand lighting to create compelling gameexperiences.ST0239Mobile Game DevelopmentIntroduces the complete cycle of buildinggames for mobile phones and other handhelddevices. Students will learn how todevelop compelling mobile games usingAPI’s or game engine, and be trained in theprinciples of game graphics, user input, soundand audio for mobile phones as well as themulti player functionality in this platform.ST0240Advanced Internet TechnologiesCovers commonly used Internet technologieswith a view to understanding how theywork, in particular: internetworking, socketprogramming, implementing networkservices and clients, Domain Name Servers,network applications, web based databaseapplications, web site architecture, andsecurity concepts like firewalls, protocols,scale and availability.ST0241Advanced DBMSProvide students with an understanding ofthe issues involved in the design of databasemanagement systems. Covers topics includingdata storage, indexing, query processing,transaction management, concurrencycontrol, security and recovery, distributeddatabase systems and an examination of newdatabase technologies.ST0242Infocomm SecurityThis module provides an understandingof infocomm security concepts and issues.It focuses on security controls to securecomputer systems, network and electronictransactions. Students will be able to identify322 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>different infocomm security risks, threatsand vulnerabilities and learn how to defendagainst security breaches by identifyingeffective countermeasures to be taken againstidentified vulnerabilities.ST0250Introduction to Hospitality &TourismProvides an overview of the hospitality andtourism industries which include lodging, F&B,travel, MICE, gaming, retail and the integratedresorts. The issues, challenges and trends inthese sectors will be discussed.ST0251Hospitality & TourismOperations ManagementCovers the operational aspects of thehospitality and tourism industries. Studentswill learn the various terminologies andpractices in the industries. The IT systems andbusiness processes associated with a hotel,resort, and the travel industry will be covered.The technologies available to provide andenhance the services in tourism and hospitalitywill also be discussed.ST0252CustomerRelationship ManagementAims to provide students with an in-depthunderstanding of concepts in managingcustomer relationships and how IT canbe used to enhance and manage suchrelationships. Students will learn theimportance of managing relationships toenhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.It also covers the lifecycle of managing acustomer, from customer acquisition, tocustomer retention and development.ST0253Electronic CommerceCovers the e-business concepts andstrategies from the business and technologyperspectives. From the technologyperspective, technologies such as e-paymentsand securities will be discussed. From thebusiness perspective, the strategies for e-business and the various e-business modelssuch as B2C, B2B and new business modelsassociated with m-commerce will be discussedST0265MobileCommunications TechnologyIntroduces the operational concepts ofmobile communications systems. Includes anoverview of mobile and wireless applications,wireless transmission concepts, radio systemcomponents, IEEE 802.11 standards, infraredsystems, Bluetooth, wireless LANs, digitalcellular telephony, fixed broadband wirelesstransmission and satellite systems.ST0266Wireless LANIntroduces students to a broad range of skillsand knowledge for administering wirelessLANs. This module provides the informationstudents need to successfully install, configureand maintain wireless LANs. This includes:Wireless LAN Organisations and Standards,RF fundamentals, Wireless LAN infrastructuredevices, Wireless LAN security, RF sitesurvey fundamentals and 802.11 NetworkArchitecture. Students will be involved in theinstallation, configuration and managementof WLAN using suitable hardware & softwaresuch as the 3Com Airconnect or/andCisco Aironet.ST0267Mobile Internet ProgrammingTeach students how to develop mobileapplications that can be readily deployedto mobile devices like mobile handset andPDA. Students will learn to quickly developdifferent levels of user interface componentsthat run on resource-limited mobile devices,by using APIs and mobile class libraries foundin the Mobile Device Toolkit and SoftwareDevelopment Kit (SDK) in an IntegratedDevelopment Environment (IDE). Studentswill also learn to use different mobile handsetand PDA emulators to test their applicationsduring the development process beforedeploying their completed mobile applicationsto real mobile devices.ST0268Mobile CommerceIntroduces students to the value chainand building blocks of mobile commerceapplications. Students will learn to identifybusiness models (e.g. pricing: transactionbaseor time-based; market orientation:mass market or corporate market; revenuemodel: sharing or walled garden), mobileelectronic billing / payment in a client-servercontext, technologies and processes relatingto mobile commerce, and conceptualise thecommerce framework for anytime, anywhereB2B and B2C.ST0289Internet TechnologiesFamiliarise students with the functionsand operations of the Internet. Introducesthe underlying components and protocolsthat make up the Internet as well as theservices provided by the Internet. Illustrateconcepts through the use of Internet tools.Provide students with concepts necessaryfor establishing and maintaining Internetconnectivity. Study the tools used to navigateand access information on the Internet.ST0301IS Development ProjectStudents develop a small-scale informationsystem incorporating the different stagesof system development from analysisthrough implementation, applying theirpreviously acquired knowledge on systemsdevelopment and programming. The projectcan be based on any IT application area,subject to the approval of the School, andcan be implemented using any software andhardware platform available in the School.ST0307InternshipStudents are attached to selectedorganizations to participate in InformationTechnology (IT) applications development,further developing their functional andtechnical skills and knowledge throughworking on real-life IT projects in areas suchas Information Systems, Electronic Commerce,Mobile Applications, Networking, Hospitalityand Tourism, Bioinformatics and Multimedia.Students contribute to the organisations byapplying what they have learnt, while alsolearning and gaining experience from a reallifeIT working environment.ST0309Wireless ProgrammingTeaches students the techniques in creatingapplications for Java-enabled wirelessdevices with the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME)standard. Familiarises students with the CLDC(Connected Limited Device Configuration) andMIDP (Mobile Information DeviceProfile) API in programming the wirelessdevices. Students will learn to develop bothtext and graphical applications for typicalwireless devices such as cellular phonesand PDAs.ST0311Data Mining & Data WarehousingIntroduces students to designing andbuilding an enterprise-wide data warehouse.It includes the process of extracting,transforming, cleansing and loading data intoa data warehouse. Students will be taughthow to apply the data mining techniques todiscover hidden data and unexpected patternsand rules in large databases. The differenttypes of data exploration tools such asOLAP, statistical analysis and query tools willbe introduced.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 323

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST0312Building Reusable ComponentsEquips students with the skills for buildingcomponent-based applications usingMicrosoft’s .NET Framework. Studentswill learn to design reusable componentsthrough the encapsulation of business logicfor windows, web and mobile applicationsusing object-oriented analysis techniques.Emphasis is placed on the implementation ofthe different layers in object-oriented designto the actual development and consumptionof these components.ST0313Essential Linux SystemAdministrationTeaches Linux administration essentials, whichalong with the skills learnt in the advancedSUSE Linux administration module, preparesstudents for the Novell Certified LinuxProfessional (NCLP) certification PracticumExam. Covers using the Linux desktop andthe Yast management utility, viewing andunderstanding processes in the Linux system,managing network configuration, monitoringand updating an SLES 9 server, remotelyaccessing an SLES 9 server, managing usersand groups, providing basic system security,managing system initialization (processes, andservices), and providing basic network services(such as printing and web access).ST0314Symbian MobileApplications DevelopmentFocuses on advanced APIs available for usein mobile devices based on the SymbianOperating System (OS). Students will learnto access the Symbian OS API using C++and the Symbian OS SDK, and createSymbian OS based applications using theSymbian OS toolchain.ST0315Console Game DevelopmentIntroduces the complete production cycle ofbuilding a Console Game. Students will learnhow to develop compelling Console gamesutilising either game API’s or a game engine.ST0320Game Development PortfolioProvides opportunities for students to workin teams on game projects of reasonable sizeand to build up their portfolio as well. Projectsmay be chosen from a spectrum of gametypes ranging from Internet games, mobilegames, PC action games and online multiplayer games.ST0321Games Development forEducation & TrainingExplores the concept of games based learningwhich advocates that learning can be mademore effective through the process of gameplay.Students will be taught why games canteach and how games can teach. The studentswill be exposed to case studies of game-basedlearning and the different areas where gamesbasedlearning can be applied. Through thismodule, they will learn the psychologicalfactors and fundamental design principles ofcreating effective and engaging games.ST0322Multi-Player Online GamesAims to introduce the essential elements ofmultiplayer game design and basic networkprogramming techniques. Students will learnhow to use network sockets, Windows andgame APIs to develop interactive onlinemultiplayer game applications based on aclient-server architecture. Students will alsolearn about the design and implementationissues associated with a MassivelyMultiplayer Online Role Playing Game(MMORPG) application.ST0330BioinformaticsDevelopment ProjectAims to apply the students’ computing skillsinto the development of biological research toretrieve, analyse and interpret the biologicaldata and information stored in the geneand protein databanks. Suitable projectswould be identified so that both IT andbiotechnology could converge in one process.ST0332Genomics & Proteomics AnalysisTrains students in the thought process andtechniques involved in genomics and postgenomics.Emphasis is given to both thetechnological advances in genome researchand the novel insights derived from large-scalegenomic sequencing projects. Students willlearn functional genomics approaches such asadvanced genetic mapping of complex traits,transcript profiling and proteomics. The mostrelevant industrial applications from large-salegenomics research will be reviewed.ST0351Hospitality & TourismSystems Development ProjectProvides the opportunity for students to applytheir knowledge on systems development,programming as well as domain knowledge todevelop a small scale application targeted atthe Hospitality and Tourism industries.ST0352Independent StudyThis module provides opportunities forstudents to pursue independent research ina specific field of study. Students will identifya topic which could involve the use of IT in aspecific industry, latest developments in IT,or the use of IT to solve a specific problem.Students will demonstrate their knowledge,skills and competencies in the chosen fieldof study through various means such as casestudy reports, prototypes, presentations ornational level competitions.ST0360Mobile Computing ProjectStudents develop small-scale mobilecomputing and wireless related applicationsystems while experiencing problem solvingand communication working in small teams ofabout four persons. Examples of mobile andwireless projects are Messaging (VideoMail,Mobile eMail); Personalisation; Locationbasedservices (nearest ATM, McDonald, GPS),Pulltype services (maps, financial information),and mobile business applications (banking,m-commerce).ST0363Web Services DevelopmentTeach students how to build, deploy, locateand consume Web Services. Covers thearchitecture, roles, protocols, technologies,methods and properties of Web Services,including how web services are published,documented and consumed in applications.ST2101Visual Basic ProgrammingEnables students to write event-driven andobject oriented code in Visual Basic. Studentswill appreciate the usefulness, popularity andpower of Visual Basic in creating programswith powerful interactive graphical userinterfaces. This module provides knowledgein Visual Basic up to an intermediate level. Itcovers topics on VB controls, error handling,multiple Windows handling, file handling,multimedia controls, object link embedding,graphics and animations.ST2102Java ProgrammingTeaches students programming fundamentalsusing JAVA as the programming language.It also introduces essential objectorientationconcepts including class,instance and encapsulation.ST2103IT & Office SoftwareProvides an introduction to informationtechnology and the use of business office324 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>software. The highlight of the moduleincludes the usage of electronic spreadsheetand PC database management system forbusiness applications.ST2104Web Client DevelopmentTeaches techniques and skills required forWeb site construction. Students will learn todevelop effective Web pages using HTMLand CSS and to use Java scripts for client-sidedevelopment. The module also covers topicson planning and design methodology ofWeb pages.ST2204Multimedia Web DesignProvides students with the knowledge andskills in developing effective web pageswith multimedia content. Introduces variousprinciples and guidelines of good multimediaweb design. Students will learn to use varioussoftware tools to produce multimedia content,including animations, for use in web pages.ST2208Server Applications DevelopmentTeaches techniques and technologies forbuilding web-based business applications. Themodule covers techniques such as JavaServerPages, JavaBeans, JavaServer Pages Tag Library(JSTL) and its integration with database.ST2209Web Services DevelopmentProvides students with knowledge and skillsrequired to develop web services for newavenues of business. Students will also learnto plan, implement and incorporate XML webservices into existing online services.ST2210Smart Card TechnologyEquips students with the ability to design andimplement simple smart card applications. Itcovers the basic concepts of smart card datafile architecture in memory and processorbasedcards. Students will also learn howto program smart card reader. Smart cardsecurities issues in applications such aselectronic purse will also be discussed. Thetools used in this module are Java, a GUIlanguage (e.g. Java), smart cards, and smartcard readers.ST2212Visual Basic ProgrammingAims to equip students with the necessaryskills to develop well structured, GUI VisualBasic application programs, incorporatingwindows forms controls, animation,multimedia and graphics features. Studentsare taught the fundamental concepts ofobjects, object properties, object events andobject methods. The module also covers thedeclaration of data types, various windowsforms controls, built-in functions, user-definedsub-procedures and functions, control flow,arrays, animation, multimedia and graphics.ST2213Visual Design for the Web 1Provides students with the knowledge,techniques and skills to develop well-designedWeb sites that combine effective navigationand web writing with the judicious use ofgraphics, text and colour. It also equipsstudents with fundamental storyboardingskills for multimedia applications.ST2214Visual Design for the Web 2Teaches the process of design in an interactivemultimedia format incorporating text,animation and images. Students will learn touse authoring programs commonly used formultimedia presentations. Emphasis will beplaced on development of interface usability,intermediate authoring techniques andmultimedia design skills. Students will developan interactive project from the beginningconcept stages to completed product fortheir portfolios.ST2305Computer ForensicsTeaches the fundamental concepts ofcomputer forensics and it covers both thelegal and technical issues of computerinvestigation. Students will learn how topreserve, acquire, analyse and presentcomputer data as evidence in the Court oflaw. Students will also be introduced to therole of the various enforcement agencies andlearn how the criminal legal process canplay an important role in fighting cybercrime in <strong>Singapore</strong>.ST2306Electronic Business ProjectProvides students an opportunity to integratetechnical skills and knowledge they haveacquired from the course and experienceproblem solving, communication and workingas a team to develop e-business applications.In the project, the students are expected toapply technologies they acquired throughoutthe course such as UML, JSP, XML, SQL Serverand payment technologies.ST2307Project ManagementProvides an understanding of the principlesand techniques of managing an IT project.In particular, it will cover the planning,scheduling and development budget of thework, monitoring and control of IT projectsfrom the perspective of project managers.ST2308E-Services PlanningProvides the students with the knowledge ofanalysing market opportunities, identificationand planning of e-Services. It will cover thedevelopment of effective strategies to marketand sell e-Services as well as effective businessplans and raising finance. This module coverswide ranging topics from principles andprocesses of business planning and cash flowprojections to evaluation and testing of thebusiness plan of an e-Service.ST2309Security Management PracticesTeaches the basics of building the foundationof an organisation’s security program.The topics include the principles of securitymanagement, risk management, settingsecurity policies and guidelines, and securitybest practices. The students will be introducedto ISO-17799, the international standard forinformation security.ST2310Independent StudyDevelops the students’ critical understandingof a field of study and their capacity to pursueindependent research, culminating in theresearch assignment that will demonstratetheir knowledge and competence in thechosen field of specialization.ST2311Mobile CommerceIntroduces students to the technologies,applications, services and new businessmodels associated with m-Commerce. Topicsto be discussed include developing servicesfor mobile users, mobile information systems,mobile billing and payment options, andfuture technologies and services.ST2401IT Security Essentials IIntroduces students to the fundamentalsconcepts of IT security and provides thegrounding to prepare students for morein-depth study of IT security topics. This is a2-part broad-based module where studentswill learn about Internet and system risks,threats and vulnerabilities. In part 1, studentswill be introduced to the basic principles ofidentification, authentication, authorisation,integrity and confidentiality. They will betaught the various mechanisms available toaddress the basic principles. The module will<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 325

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>also discuss the vulnerabilities and threatsof computer systems and Internet, and thecountermeasures available to contain them.ST2402IT Security Essentials IIIntroduces students to the fundamentalsconcepts of IT security and provides thegrounding to prepare students for morein-depth study of IT security topics. This is a2-part broad-based module where studentswill learn about Internet and system risks,threats and vulnerabilities. In part 2, themodule will give an overview of securityissues in 10 domains identified in CISSPcertification programme. Topics includebiometrics, physical security, applicationsecurity, personnel security, security models,management practices, etc. The overview isaimed at laying the foundation for subsequentmodules in Year 2.ST2403Java ProgrammingAims to teach students fundamentals ofcomputer programming and problem solvingusing Java Language as the programming tool.ST2501Network SecurityProvides students with a foundation onnetworking protocols, network security,and intrusion detection, hence securing theorganisation’s wired and wireless networkinfrastructure. The topics to be coveredwill include understanding of commoncommunication protocols on the Internet likeTCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, as well as securityprotocols like SSL, and IPSEC. It will alsodiscuss network security threats and attacks,designing resilient networks, configuring ofnetwork components like firewall, setting upVirtual Private Network (VPN) and securedwireless connections.ST2502Computer Law & InvestigationExamines the criminal trial process andcases involving computer hacking, denialof service, modification of data, distortionand fabrication of information. Students willexamine the Computer Misuse Act, EvidenceAct and the Criminal Procedure Code whendealing with the various cyber threats issues.ST2503Database Security & ManagementTeaches students the security features andthe administration aspects of databases.Topics include managing user accountsand logins which allow the assignment ofdifferent levels of security to different users orgroups of users; database encryption; lockingmechanism for locking database objects atdifferent levels (such as table, record or fieldlevel). Students will also learn how to managedisaster discovery or loss of data in the caseof a successful attack by hackers or viruses orwhen the database is down. The advancedSQL commands related to the above willbe taught.ST2504Applied CryptographyTeaches students the principles andapplication of cryptography to secure dataand network. Different encryption algorithmsand techniques will be introduced, includingconventional and public-key cryptography,authentication and digital signatures.Students will learn to apply these conceptsto secure and authenticate electronic mailsand messages. Key management, digitalcertificates and public-key infrastructure willbe discussed to understand the deployment ofpublic-key cryptography.ST2505Ethical HackingAims to introduce students to penetrationtesting as a form of preventive measures toprotect important assets against hackers.Vulnerability testing, penetration tools andmethods will be examined. The studentswill learn how to secure systems fromsuch attacks.ST2506Operations SecurityProvides the students with an understandingof the concepts and issues of operationalsecurity in a data center. This includesthe configuration management, changemanagement and problem management indata center. Students will learn the generalpractice in using environmental control systemto manage the physical security of a datacenter, learn how to manage computer systemon security patching and monitoring securitybreaches. In addition, students will also learnabout managing secured backup operation inthe data center.ST2507Web Server & NetworkAdministrationIntroduces students to network theory,TCP/IP, domain name service (DNS), and theadministration of a Microsoft Windows server.In addition, they will learn how to configure,secure, and administer Internet applicationsusing Internet Information Services (IIS).ST260IT Security ProjectAims to provide students an opportunity tointegrate security technologies and conceptsthey have acquired from the course andexperience problem solving, communicationand working as a team to implementsecure IT solutions. The project could coversecured applications development, networkinfrastructure design, system integration ofsecurity solutions, network and data securityimplementation, and security administrationand management.ST2602Computer ForensicsAims to equip students with the fundamentalconcepts and techniques of computerforensics. Students will learn to preserve,acquire, analyse and present computer dataas evidence. The module will cover toolsand techniques of computer forensics, filestructures, data recovery, imaging and storageof electronic evidence.ST2603IT Security Policies & AuditingTeaches students the principles and practicesof IT auditing and the use of computerassisted auditing techniques (CAATs). Thismodule will enable students to identify andevaluate risks in different IT environment andto recommend controls to minimise thoserisks. Students will also learn the essentials ofsecurity policy development, risk assessmentsand security models.ST2604Application SecurityCovers the security issues in applicationdevelopment. It aims to give studentsan understanding of writing a securedapplication. Security models of programmingplatform like Java will be discussed. It willalso include topics on building secureapplications, eCommerce and web-basedapplication security, XML standards and webservices security.ST2605Disaster Recovery &Business Continuity PlanningProvides students with an understanding ofDisaster Recovery and Business ContinuityPlanning in the real world in particularwhere the business is dependent on Info-Communications Technology. The conceptsand issues of Disaster Recovery and BusinessContinuity Planning would also be covered.Students will be able to carry out the basicsteps in developing Disaster Recovery and326 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>Business Continuity Plans and to preparefor emergencies.ST2606Principles of Infocomm LawIntroduces the various infocomm lawsincluding the formation of online contractsand the potential security problems that mayarise in the infocomm industry. The ethicalissues and regulatory framework relatingto online transactions, data protection andprivacy will also be covered, with particularemphasis on the Electronic TransactionsAct, infocomm regulations and intellectualproperty laws.ST2607Project ManagementProvides students with a comprehensive viewof a project, with phases of a project cyclewhich range from the initiation stage to theactual implementation. It also introducesmonitoring of the project, critical path analysisas well as motivation issues. Students willlearn to apply these concepts through acomputerized project management system.ST2611Advanced Java ProgrammingContinues the introduction to programmingbegun in the module “Programmingusing Java” with an emphasis on Objectorientedprogramming methodology.Topics covered include: classes, subclassingand inheritance, interfaces, packages inJava, exception handling, use of APIs andclass libraries, introduction to Java eventdrivenprogramming, introduction todatabase programming.ST2612Securing Microsoft WindowsAims at equipping the students with handsonknowledge in securing and hardeninga Windows operating system. The coursewill cover the security mechanism used inthe operating system, configuring differentlevels of security measures, best practices andsecurity related tools and utilities.ST2613Securing LinuxAims at equipping the students with handsonknowledge in securing and hardening aLinux operating system. The course will coverthe security mechanism used in the operatingsystem, configuring different levels of securitymeasures, best practices and security relatedtools and utilities.ST2701Business Data Analysis using ExcelTeaches students the use of spreadsheetsoftware- Excel. Students will learn thefeatures of the software to collect, manipulateand analyse data of business applications.ST2801Business Process ManagementIntroduces the importance of businessprocesses and the main types of businessprocesses. It covers the evolution of businessprocess management and business processoutsourcing. It also include topics such asbusiness process re-engineering, businessprocess redesign, technology enabled businessprocesses and automated workflow.ST2901Accounting Information SystemsCovers the use of computers as tools forthe collection, organization, analysis, andreporting of accounting data. It focuseson the integration of business functions(sales, purchasing, inventory, production,personnel and financial management) inthe accounting process. The module alsoincludes advanced spreadsheet techniques foraccounting analysis.ST2902Computer Forensic for AccountingThis module teaches the fundamentalconcepts and techniques of computer forensicfor accounting. Students will learn how topreserve, acquire, analyse and uncover digitalevidence for fraud investigations. The modulewill cover tools and techniques of computerforensics, file systems, data recovery, imaging,and handling of electronic evidence.ST2903Accounting Informatics ProjectWorks in groups on a major financial/accounting informatics project wherestudents will have the opportunities tointegrate the financial/ accounting knowledgeand IT technical skills acquired from thecourse to develop financial/accounting or ITapplications. Students will experience problemsolving, communication and team work inthe project.ST3103Java ProgrammingTeaches students programming fundamentalsusing JAVA as the programming language.It also introduces essential objectorientationconcepts including class,instance and encapsulation.ST3104Web PublishingAims to provide the students with theknowledge and skills in developing effectiveWeb pages using HTML and publishing tools.They will learn how to use basic features inInternet and World Wide Web. The modulealso covers topics on planning and designmethodology in Web pages.ST3231Network Server ManagementIntroduces the principles, concepts andtechniques in managing network and serversincluding Web Servers. Students will betaught how to manage users over a network,how to monitor the server and networkperformance and how to troubleshoot theserver and network problems. Students willbe able to evaluate and select the appropriatetools to manage the network with emphasison server management and administration.ST3233Database Management SystemsAims to teach data modelling and dataorganisation using Entity-Relationship andNormalisation. Structured Query language(SQL) will be taught. Topics on the databaseserver such as database administration,concurrency control, security aspects,backup/ recovery will also be covered.ST3235Server Side DevelopmentAims to teach students the basic features ofthe server side programming (Servlet and JSP)and its application to Internet by means ofusing a personal web server. Students will begiven an interactive experience of developinga mini Java client/server project over the Web.ST3236Game Development for WWWAims to provide students with the knowledgeand skills in developing effective interactivemultimedia content for the web. They will betaught how to use various software tools toproduce the interactive multimedia contentwhich include animation that focus ongame development.ST3237Internet Client DevelopmentCovers techniques and skills required forclient-side web programming. Studentswill learn to use Javascripts for client-sideprogramming, Cascading Style Sheets tomaintain consistencies across web pagesas well as to manipulate the DHTML objectmodel to achieve dynamism in web pages.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 327

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>Students will also be able to create XML/XSLdocuments and use XSLT to transform XMLdocuments into HTML documents.ST3238Introduction to WebGraphic DesignAims to equip students with the techniquesto design interactive web sites for effectivenavigation. Students will acquire practicalunderstanding of how the characteristicsand constraints of the web impact their sitedesign. They will enhance their web siteusability through multimedia design that usesimages and colour effectively to producehigh-quality results. They will be able toproduce efficient web graphics using animaging tool to create and optimise graphicswith animation, work with vector graphics,create image maps and buttons, and addgraphical text to web-based images.ST331ZFinal Year ProjectStudents work in groups of 2 to 4 on a majorpractical or industry project where theyprogress from feasibility study, to design, andthen to realisation of the project.ST3371Web Services DevelopmentTeaches students XML programming andrelevant knowledge and skills required todevelop web services applications.ST3372Web Server ManagementTeaches students how to set up, operate,monitor and manage a Web Server (suchas Microsoft Windows Internet InformationServer or Apache server). Issues coveredinclude server hardware and software,installation of web server software, security,backup and other administration issues.Firewall technology to protect the web serverwill also be covered.ST3373Final Year ProjectWorks in groups of 2 to 4 on a major practicalor industry project where students progressfrom feasibility study, to design, and then torealisation of the project.ST4011Fundamentals of WebDevelopment TechnologyIntroduces the students to the fundamentalsof web development technologies. It providesthe students with the knowledge and skills inusing Web Publishing tool to create effectiveweb pages. Topics covered include Internetand WWW, basic web design principles, webinterface and navigation, HTML, hypertextlinks, fonts, colours, images, tables, framesand forms etc.ST4012Web ProgrammingTeaches techniques and skills required forclient-side web programming. Studentswill learn to use Javascript for client-sideprogramming, Cascading Style Sheets tomaintain consistency across web pages as wellas to manipulate the DHTML object model toachieve dynamism in web pages.ST4013Java ProgrammingTeaches object-oriented programming andproblem-solving using Java ProgrammingLanguage. It begins with introducing thestudents to the concepts of objects in Javaprograms. The intensive practical exercisesof the module will equip the students towrite comprehensive programs for Javaapplications. Topics covered include creatingand communicating with objects, data typesand operators, control structures, arrays andstrings, applets and graphical user interface.ST4021Java Server ProgrammingTeaches the basic features of the serverside programming (servlets and JSP) andits application to Internet. Students will beable to develop a mini Java client/serverproject over the Web. The topics covered inthis module include introduction to Servletsand JavaServer Pages, Servlet Technology,Cookie and Session Objects, JavaServer Pages,integration of Servlets and JSP.ST4022Web SystemDevelopment TechniquesTeaches objected-oriented analysis and designtechniques for web system development. Keytopics will include requirements gathering,analysis and design using UML methodology.This module will adopt a case study approachwhere students model a web applicationusing the object-oriented analysis anddesign methodology.ST4024Database Management SystemsIntroduces the fundamentals of Q relationaldatabase model. Key topics are informationmodelling, normalisation, databasedesign and database implementation.Structured Query Language will be usedto create, manipulate and retrieve datain a relational database.ST5050Graphic Design UsingImaging ToolsThis module aims to provide students with thebasic knowledge of techniques and tools forillustration and image processing in graphicdesign. Students will learn the techniquesin image processing for graphic design. Themodule will cover the techniques of computerbased illustration. In addition, the moduleaims to train the students on the use ofimage processing and illustration tools forgraphic design.ST5051Web PublishingThis module aims to equip the student withthe necessary practical and theoretical skillsto design and build simple but effective andaesthetically pleasing websites. Student willlearn to use a popular web-authoring tool tobuild simple websites and implement basicweb design skills into these websites to makethem usable and approachable for users.ST5052Modelling & Photo-RenderingThis module aims to equip students with thebasic knowledge to create 3D models andphoto realistic images. Students will be taughtthe techniques for modeling and renderingusing 3D animation software. Students willconceptualise and create 3D rendered imageswith an emphasis on individual creativity.ST5053Interactive AuthoringThis module aims to equip students withthe knowledge and skills in integratingdifferent media into an interactive multimediaapplication. Students will be familiarised withindustry standard software and basic scriptingtechniques used to conceptualize an ideato turn it into a “proof of concept” as wellas generate supporting documentation todescribe its interactivity, functionality and aswell as map out its information architecture.Different applications of multimedia anddelivery issues will also be discussed.ST5054Digital AudioThis module aims to provide students withcomprehensive, up-to-date and relevantinformation in the use of digital audio inmultimedia applications. Students will betaught basics skills in producing soundusing digital techniques and tools. No priorknowledge in music/sound is assumed.328 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST5055Design & AestheticsThis module allows students to act asinquiring and thinking visual communicators.It aims to develop a working knowledgeof design scene, aesthetic and conceptualprocesses. Students will apply theirknowledge acquired in Graphics DesignUsing Imaging Tools and translate them intovisuals and metaphors that help illuminate theinteraction between users and its contents.Practical assignments will give individuals theopportunity to express personal creativity andto develop their personal style.It is essential that students taking this modulehave basic knowledge of techniques andtools for illustration and image processingin graphic design, Photoshop, Illustratoror completed the “Graphics Design UsingImaging Tools” module.ST5056Interactive Web DesignThis module takes students from basicweb design to the next step of buildingmore commercially viable websites. Thisinvolves learning to build simple interactivefunctionality with web back-end technologiesand applying in greater depth the designissues in developing websites that havea competitive edge. It is essential thatstudents taking this module have knowledgeof web-authoring tool to build simplewebsites or have or completed the “WebPublishing” module.ST5057Computer AnimationThis module aims to provide students withan overall knowledge of the techniques andtools for creating 3D computer animation.This module also covers the basic principlesof classical animation which deal with theconcepts of motion, transformation andtiming. It is essential that students taking thismodule have basic knowledge of 3D StudioMax or completed the “Modeling and Photo-Rendering” module.ST5058Advanced AuthoringThis module aims to provide students withadvanced scripting knowledge in an authoringtool. They will be taught Action Scriptingfundamentals, followed by usage of built-inobjects and components. They will be taughthow to create an interactive rich mediaapplication, making extensive use of ActionScripting. They will also have knowledge ofimplementing client-server interactivity in themultimedia application area. It is essential thatstudents taking this module have knowledgeof Flash or completed the “InteractiveAuthoring” module.ST5059Digital VideoThis module aims to equip students withknowledge and skills in digital videoproduction. Students will be taught thefundamentals of digital video technology andbe able to use a nonlinear editing system tocreate a video for multimedia application.Students will be required to create a videopresentation based on specifications provided.ST602ZInteractive Design StudioStudents will develop a conceptual andpractical understanding of the integrated useof digital media and the web as a mediumfor design expression. The following topicswill be covered:• New Media Concepts. Students willdevelop a strong conceptualunderstanding of new media as apowerful form of artistic and creativeexpression. Students will learn to definenew media in the context of traditionalforms of media and culture, trace itsemergence, understand its purpose asan expression of illusionism and themutual influences it has with cinema.• Interactive Media Design. Students willunderstand and apply the mechanicsof new media application design anddevelopment. Students will explorethe contrasting approaches of usabilityand experience-oriented product designwith emphasis on the latter.• Interactive Media Development.Students will have hands-on experiencewith authoring new media applicationsfor both rich-media and web platforms.Students will learn how to integratevarious media into a highly interactiveapplication for the CD-ROM platform,the broadband and limited bandwidthweb delivery medium. This will takestudents from authoring aestheticallypleasing front-ends to scriptingreasonably sophisticated back-ends. Bythe end of this module, students wouldhave extended their creative and artistictoolsets to include the digital medium bycreating aesthetically impressiveyet sound and practical solutions tocommunication problemsST6202Media Law & PolicyIntroduces students to the laws, regulationsand ethical concepts that affect the media andcommunication industries. Covers copyrightand plagiarism, privacy, intellectual property,legal features of business organisations,freedom of speech, objectionable materials,and social responsibility.ST6203Video & Audio FundamentalsTeaches the basics of Video and Audio. Invideo, students will learn about the differentvideo formats. They will also be taught basicshooting techniques, how to digitise, edit andexport video. In audio, students will learn thedifference in audio formats. They will also betaught how to record, digitise, edit and exportaudio. For their final assignment, students willbe required to combine both video and audioto produce a video presentation of goodquality. The emphasis for this final assignmentwill be on both creativity and quality.ST6301Video for AdvertisingEquip students with the knowledge and abilityto produce videos for advertising purposes.Students will learn video production and postproduction techniques, lighting and camerawork, as well as scripting for advertising andthe art of producing commercials. Studentsare expected to produce actual commercialsas part of their deliverables.ST6303Entrepreneurship inCreative IndustriesProvides students with the basic knowhowof planning and starting a business.It covers the process of business ideageneration, competitive analysis, businessplan development and ways to launch abusiness. Students will also be introduced tothe roles of various governmental agencies inpromoting entrepreneurship.ST701ZObject-OrientedProgramming for MultimediaAims to teach students object-orientedprogramming and problem solving usingJava Programming Language. It begins withfundamentals of programming in Java suchas primitive data types and control structures.It then introduces the concept of Objectsin Java. The intensive practical exercisesof the module will equip the students inwriting comprehensive programs with Javaapplets. At the end of the module, studentswill be competent in developing both Javaapplications and Java applets.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 329

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST704Z3D FundamentalsAims to equip students with the basicknowledge of 3D computer generatedimageries. Students will learn how toperceive objects in 3D space and be taughtthe techniques for modelling, texturing,lighting and rendering using state-of-theart3D software. Through lectures, tutorialsand practical sessions, students will be ableto apply their creativity and design skills tovisualize and build interesting 3D models.Students will also learn the fundamentalconcepts of computer animation, motiongraphics and visual effects. The modulewill encourage the students to showcasetheir artistic talents in developing quality3D content for product visualization,commercials, music videos and titles.ST705ZDigital Visual DesignStudents will learn to develop andconceptualise visual designs through the useof various media, including digital imagingtechniques. Students will understand howvarious design elements and principlesinfluence design decisions and be able totranslate ideas into functional designs as theyundergo a complete design process. Studentswill also be taught the fundamental skills indigital photography. Emphasis is placed on thelanguage of the photographic medium andthe techniques used to produce good images.At the end of this module, students wouldbe able to create impressive graphic anddigital images for the use in screen and printmedia design.ST711ZInteractive Design & DevelopmentAims to equip students with the skills andknowledge to design and develop interactivemultimedia applications. The moduleserves to give students an overview of thedevelopment process in building multimediaapplications. Students will learn authoringtechniques and gain in-depth knowledge ofuser interface design and usability issues. Thismodule also introduces students to advancedscripting techniques in creating sophisticatedinteractive rich media content.Through the use of case studies, students willdevelop a deep practical understanding of thedevelopment process and appreciation of thedesign issues that impact on usability. At theend of this module, students would be ableto develop an interactive application with theuse of an authoring tool.ST712ZDigital Media ProgrammingAims to introduce the fundamentals ofinteractive computer graphics, the requiredhardware and software environments, andthe related applications. Students will learnto perform geometric transformations andto create interactive computer graphicsapplication using standard 3D graphics API.They will also learn the various representationmodels and storage methods for 3D objectsas well as the techniques and models forrealistic rendering. The module also aims toprovide the students with the fundamentalknowledge and skills of high performancemultimedia programming. Students will learnabout abstract data collection and file I/Oto handle data more efficiently. This modulewill also introduce the basics of mobileprogramming.ST713ZDesign & AestheticsAims to allow students to act as inquiring andthinking visual communicators in the area ofinteractive applications. It aims to developa working knowledge of the design scene,aesthetics and conceptual processes. Studentswill extend their knowledge acquired in DigitalVisual Design and translate them into visualsand metaphors that will help to illuminate theinteraction between users and its contents.Photography, typography, packaging andinteractive advertising will be taught at agreater depth in this module.ST721ZFigure Drawing for AnimationAims to build upon the concept taught inDrawing with further emphasis on figuredrawing. Students will study basic humananatomy and be taught the techniquesfor drawing human figures and capturingposes using methods such as contour andgesture drawings. Drawing for weight, force,emotion, thought and movement are stressed.Character design and development will berealised through descriptive drawing for 3Danimation production.ST722Z3D Modelling, Rigging,Texturing & LightingAims to equip students with fundamentalknowledge in the creation of 3D CGcharacters and character rigs. Students willbe taught modelling, rigging and skinningtechniques commonly used in 3D animationsoftware packages. The module will also aimto equip students with essential lighting andtexturing skills required to complete a 3Dscene. Various lighting and texturing methodswill be covered throughout this module toprovide students with a better understandingof their applications. The module encouragesstudents to showcase their artistic talentsin developing unique 3D CG characters forfilm and video. The module also encouragesstudent to apply their skills acquired fromdrawing and photography classes for thedigital medium.ST723ZVideo Production TechniquesAims to build upon the skills students learntin Video and Audio Fundamentals andStorytelling and Storyboarding in their yearone modules. It aims to train students to becompetent in script writing, video productionand non-linear editing. This module will betaught using a combination of lectures and aseries of interesting practicals. Students willbe able to hone their skills to produce anddirect creative and original short films.ST724ZAnimation StudioAims to prepare the students for managingreal-world animation projects. Students willexecute an animation project from conceptand development to final delivery. Stagesinclude initial concept creation, presentationstoryboard, process book, timing sheets,animation design, character design, stagingdesign and lighting design. The modulewill also include workshops in professionalpractices, presentation and demo packagingto assist students in documenting andorganising their work for further study orjob application.ST731ZCG Filmmaking 1This module aims to train students to becompetent in video production as a basis inCG filmmaking. It will expose them to videoproduction and post-production processesand workflow. Students will be familiarisedwith the techniques and application of videoproduction including cinematography, lightingand sound in relation to CG filmmaking,and the post-production pipeline of editing,incorporation of CG effects and authoring.They will also learn production managementprocesses in non-creative aspects suchas scheduling and budgeting as well asthe creative, practical experience in CGproduction as it relates to the post producerin terms of integration of live action with CGelements in post. A creative and hands-oncourse, students will learn the technical knowhowof digital filmmaking and integrationwith CG elements and be familiar with330 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>production facilities and equipment, includingHigh Definition technology. By the end of thecourse, students will have produced their ownshort film integrating live action and CG. Theproduction management skills acquired in thiscourse will also serve them well in their CGEffects Portfolio modules.ST732Z3D Modelling, Rigging,Texturing & LightingAims to equip students with fundamentalknowledge in the creation of 3D CGcharacters and character rigs. Students willbe taught modelling, rigging and skinningtechniques commonly used in 3D animationsoftware packages. The module will also aimto equip students with essential lighting andtexturing skills required to complete a 3Dscene. Various lighting and texturing methodswill be covered throughout this module toprovide students with a better understandingof their applications. The module encouragesstudents to showcase their artistic talentsin developing unique 3D CG characters forfilm and video. The module also encouragesstudent to apply their acquired skills fromdrawing and photography classes into thisdigital medium.ST733ZVisual Effects 1Introduces various digital visual effectstechniques used in the production of motiongraphics and movies. The module exploresvarious concepts such as compositing,chroma-keying, matte painting andparticle systems.ST7106Web PublishingAims to provide students with the knowledgeand skills in developing effective Web pagesusing HTML and publishing tools. Studentslearn how to use the basic features of theInternet and World Wide Web. Covers topicson planning and design methodologiesin Web pages.ST7108DrawingTeaches students to work with a variety ofdrawing media such as charcoal and pencil todevelop line, shape and tone to arrive at anintegrated image. Through drawing exercisesthat coverareas like texture and volume, spacerelationships, proportion, perspective, humanfigure and composition, students will learnboth analytical and inventive components ofthe drawing process.ST7111Storytelling & StoryboardingAims to get students to create storiesand then to visualise them. Students willbe encouraged to come-up with originalstories, and how to develop and refine them.Students will then learn how to transfertheir stories into a visual representationthrough storyboards. They will be taughthow to pitch a story to a client with theaid of the storyboards they have created.Students will also learn basic scriptwriting andscript formatting.ST7202Design for User InteractionProvides students with the skills andknowledge which can be applied to thedesign of interactive systems.ST7213Music Materials & MIDIAims to give students an understanding of theorganizational principles and sonic materialsused to create music, as well as the use ofcomputer-based recording technology. Theywill be taught the basics of sequencing, andthe use of algorithmic composition tools.ST7214Visual EffectsEquips students with the knowledge of digitalvisual effects and the skills needed to createthem in video productions. In this module,students will be given both theoretical andhands-on training in different areas of digitalvisual post-production. Students are expectedto produce a presentation that showcases theskills they have gained.ST7303Advanced Computer AnimationAims to provide students with an advancedknowledge of the techniques and tools fordeveloping animation. This module coversthe actual animation production processesand allows the students to have hands-onexperience in producing a short clip involving3D characters.ST7304Java Server ProgrammingAims to teach students the basic features ofthe server side programming (servlets and JSP)and its application to Internet. Students willbe able to develop a mini Java client/serverproject over the Web. The topics coveredin this module include Database Access,Introduction to Servlets and JavaServer Pages,Servlet Technology, Cookie and SessionObjects, JavaServer Pages, Integration ofServlets and JSP.ST7602Web Client DevelopmentCovers techniques and skills required forclient-side Web programming. Studentswill learn to use Javascripts for clientsideprogramming, Cascading Style Sheets tomaintain consistencies across web pagesas well as to manipulate the DHTML objectmodel to achieve dynamism in Web pages.Students will also be able to create XML/XSLdocuments and use XSLT to transform XMLdocuments into HTML documents.ST7603Communication SkillsAims to equip students with the writing andoral skills needed for work and business.Students are taught to write, listen and speakeffectively and appropriately to achieve thedesired results with the target audience. Areascovered include the job application, generalbusiness correspondence, and the businessmeeting. Students learn how to conductthemselves at job interviews and meetingsthrough role-playing situations similar to thoseat the workplace.ST7604Streaming Media TechnologyAims to provide students with an in-depthknowledge of streaming media technology,the process of sending audio and video contentover computer networks in real time. Studentswill learn the process of capturing highquality sounds and moving images in digitalform, converting them to files optimised forInternet transmission, and broadcasting them.A broad range of issues and technologieswill be covered, from choosing the streamingmedia server software, the network protocolsthat make it work, the various file formatsfor storage and Internet video standards, todigital rights management.ST7605Project ManagementAims to provide students with the knowledgeand concepts of management processesof project management and how they areapplied in the development life cycle in amultimedia project environment. It providesstudents a framework for managing differenttypes of multimedia projects, from simplepresentations to custom kiosk display, retailCD-ROM titles and World Wide Web sites.It covers management processes in eachstage of the project life cycle from initiationto completion. Students will learn differentmanagement aspects ranging from theproject dimensions, factors and techniques,team management to applying projectmanagement principles in the various types ofmultimedia projects.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 331

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST7606Web Server DevelopmentProvides students with the technicalknowledge to set up a dynamic websiteintegrated with database. Students willlearn about server-side programming andbe able to create database-driven websitesusing a scripting language. The modulealso covers object-oriented features of thescripting language. Students will also learnto incorporate server-side and multi-userinteractivity in their digital media applications.ST7607Culture & MediaIntroduces critical concepts of culture, mediaand their interrelationships, so that studentsare equipped to understand themselvesand the society better. Issues of culturalidentity and representation, interculturalcommunications within the cultural industrieswill be explored, and their effects on thecreation of products of popular culture. At theend of this module, students will be armedwith a sound understanding of media andcultural literacy.ST7608Interactive Applications StudioProvides opportunities for students to work inteams on designing and developing interactiveapplications. The development works aredesigned for students to apply the skills andknowledge they have gained during thecourse. Students will also have opportunitiesto apply project management techniques andto further enhance their communications andinterpersonal skills in this module.ST7701Animation FundamentalsAims to cover the traditional animationprinciples in-depth and adapt them for 3D.Through hands-on practical lessons, studentswill use professional 3D animation softwareto learn techniques for creating convincingmovement and produce entertainingpieces of animation incorporating bothanthropomorphic and humanoid characters.Students will learn to adopt a properorganized approach to animation, andapply it extensively to produce 3D animatedclips. Students will be equipped with thefundamentals of a professional approach tocomputer animation, and will be expected toproduce quality 3D character animated shorts.ST77023D Character AnimationBuilds upon the animation concepts taughtin Animation Fundamentals. This modulewill focus on acting concepts specific to 3Dcharacter animation. Students will be taughtbasic acting principles through a series ofacting classes specifically designed for 3Danimators. They will get into the minds oftheir digital characters by acting in front of avideo camera. They will also learn to observethe recorded motion that conveys emotions.This information will then be translated toproduce performing digital characters thatdisplay emotions involving single and multipleactors. Facial animation and lip-syncing toaudio clips will also be covered in the module.Students are required to make use of their3D character rigs created in 3D Modelling,Rigging, Texturing and Lighting module toanimate their characters.ST7703Acting for AnimationAims to train and nurture students inacting and directing. Students will be ableto understand how to do improvisation,character development and other essentialacting skills. They will be able to putthemselves in the shoes of the actors andhence help in being a better and moreunderstanding producer/director for ashort film.ST7704CinematographyAims to equip students with the aestheticskills of capturing the moving imagethrough the use of camera dynamics, shotcomposition, lighting, editing techniques andcinematic continuity. Students will acquirepractical skills in visual composition and beable to analyse shots from existing movies aswell as conceptualise effective storyboardsfor a video sequence. Students will getto demonstrate their cinematic skills andcreativity through projects.ST7801Digital Matte PaintingThis module aims to train students the basictechniques of digital matte painting forvisual effects in a production environment.Digital matte painting combines elementsof photography, simple 3D models andfreehand painting techniques within AdobePhotoshop to merge the boundaries of realismwith digital painting to create stunningbackdrop elements for use in visual effectsproduction. Students will be familiarised withthe techniques used in matte painting such asexposure, light quality, depth and atmosphere,integration and the painting process.They will also use various types of photomanipulation to hand painting methods.Many challenges are addressed, such asskies, water, architecture, linear perspectiveand atmospheric perspective. By the end ofthe course, students will have acquired skillsto produce their own matte painting forintegration into their live action and CG.ST7802Film StudiesFosters the appreciation of film as an artform. Students will study the developmentand impact of CG in filmmaking. They will beintroduced to film history, auteurist and genrestudies, technique, aesthetics, criticism, andsocial implications of cinema and its evolutionthrough lectures and screenings of a diverserange of films. As the students progress onto moving image production, they will beable to ground their theoretical and criticalinsights in an appreciation of how films areactually made.ST7803Animation FundamentalsAims to cover the traditional animationprinciples in-depth and adapt them for 3D.Through hands-on practical lessons, studentswill use professional 3D animation softwareto learn techniques for creating convincingmovement and produce entertainingpieces of animation incorporating bothanthropomorphic and humanoid characters.Students will learn to adopt a properorganized approach to animation, andapply it extensively to produce 3D animatedclips. Students will be equipped with thefundamentals of a professional approach tocomputer animation, and will be expected toproduce quality 3D character animated shorts.ST7804Production DesignIntroduces the fundamentals of sets,props and graphics. Students will developknowledge of natural forms and proportionsthrough pre-visualization drawings and threedimensional object creations using varioussculpting materials. The module focuses onthe implementation of the scenic elements,such as location, set design and dressing,props and effects, wardrobe as well asmake-up, to establish a unified visual stylefor video production. They will present theirdesign through technical drawings and scaledmodels. Students will be able to actualize theirdesigns in CG film production environment.332 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>ST7805CG Filmmaking 2This module aims to provide students witha strong foundation in cinematography,lighting and match moving of CG filmmaking.Concepts and aesthetics such as the control oflight quality, colour, intensity, camera anglesand framing will be explored. With the skillslearnt, they will apply them extensively in theirfinal portfolio.ST7806Visual Effects 2This module covers intermediate concepts invisual effects such as match moving/trackingand rotoscoping. Students also acquire morecomplex techniques to develop dynamicdigital effects.ST7807CG Effects PortfolioA culmination of everything that they havelearnt throughout the course, students willwork in teams on projects of reasonable sizeand scope. The projects will cover a spectrumof digital film and CG related areas rangingfrom content creation to media applicationand development. This final project isdesigned to provide students some experiencein the task of producing a CG film, applyingthe tools and skills they have learnt duringtheir course.ST7808InternshipStudents will be attached to selectedorganizations to participate in film and TVproduction. It will further develop students’technical skills and knowledge by workingon projects in areas such as films, trailers, TVcommercials, and corporate videos. Studentswill experience and learn from real-lifeworking environment. Students can alsocontribute to the organisations by applyingwhat they have learnt in the course.ST8011IT & E-commerceProvides participants with an understandingof information technology and e-commerce.Topics include Internet and WWW, database,various types of electronic commerceapplications, virtual value chain, businessmodels, electronic payment methods,mobile commerce and processes pertainingto electronic commerce. Participants willbe introduced to the electronic commerceframework and its underlying technologybuilding blocks.ST8012Multimedia Web DesignProvides students with the knowledge andskills in developing effective web pages withmultimedia content. They will be taught howto use various software tools to producemultimedia content for use in web pages,including animation. They will also be taughtvarious principles and guidelines of goodmultimedia web design.ST8014Internet SecurityProvides an understanding of Internet andnetworking security concepts and issues.It focuses on security controls to secure e-commerce web sites and protect electronictransactions. Participants will be able toidentify the risks, threats and vulnerabilitiesof the Internet and learn how to defendagainst security breaches by identifyingeffective countermeasures to be taken againstidentified vulnerabilities.ST8015Electronic Commerce StrategyProvides students with an understandingof critical issues in integrating Internettechnology and characteristics into businessactivities. Students will also learn aboutstrategic frameworks, marketing and channelstrategies, legal, ethical, cultural and socialissues of E-Commerce and the impact of theInternet and the Web on businesses.ST8016Web Applications DevelopmentTeaches techniques and skills required indeveloping web-based applications. Themodule covers techniques such as JavaServerPages, JavaBeans, JavaServer Pages Tag Library(JSTL) and its integration with database.ST8017Web ProgrammingTeaches techniques and skills required forclient-side web programming. Studentswill learn to develop effective Web pagesusing XHTML and publishing tools and touse Javascripts for client-side development.Students will also learn to use CascadingStyle Sheets to maintain consistencies acrossweb pages as well as to manipulate theDHTML object model to achieve dynamism inweb pages.ST8101MathematicsInitiate students into the fundamentalmathematics that is necessary to understandthe physics of sound; as well as itsapplications in the field of audio technology.Topics include logarithmic expressions,differentiation, sine, cosine and tangentgraphs, and Fourier analysis.ST8102Acoustical ScienceIntroduces students to the scientific principlesof acoustics. The module will equip studentswith the fundamental theories and principlesof physics to understand sound and waveforms; and their applications in the fieldof audio technology. Students will learnthe fundamental properties of materials,mechanics, fields, wave motion, and thevarious physical properties of sound waves.ST811ZPerformanceAims to give basic grounding in generic skillsuseful in common musical performancesituations. In addition to introducing astructured approach to learning instrumentaltechnique, the continuum between freeimprovisation and completely notatedperformance situations is explored in bothsolo and group contexts. Students are alsoconfronted with some of the logisticalchallenges of organising a performance.ST815ZDigital VideoProduction TechniquesAims to equip students with knowledgeand skills in digital video production. It willexpose them to the video production process,namely pre-production, production andpost-production. Students will learn basicstoryboarding and do critiques on short filmsand music videos. Students will learn how touse digital video cameras for filming and nonlinearediting software for post-production.Students will develop concepts, storyboardsand produce video projects such as musicvideos at the end of the module.ST816ZMusic Theory 1Equips students with foundational musictheory skills. Topics include the rudimentsof music theory, notation, rhythm, meter,2-part writing, and basic chords constructionand harmonization. Students will be placedaccording to their theoretical background andplacement test result.ST817ZEar TrainingA musical ear is the single most importantskill for any musician. This module trainsthe beginner to distinguish and understand<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 333

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>basic musical elements that he/she hears aswell as to reproduce what has been heard/read. As a good sense of pitch and rhythmare the indispensable foundation stones ofa musician’s training, students will be taughthow to recognise, reproduce and annotate(using voice, instruments and writing):intervals, chords, major and minor scales,rhythmic elements, melodic and rhythmicphrases. Both sight-reading/ singing andlaying/singing by ear will be covered inthis module.ST818ZKeyboard SkillsTrains students in basic keyboard skills. Topicswill include the reading, harmonization,and transposition of music on the keyboard.Students will be assigned to sectionsaccording to their level of competenceand will be based on each student’s pianobackground and placement result.ST819ZMIDI, Synthesis & Composition 1Introduces basic concepts in Music and howit is produced with computers. Fundamentalways of structuring sound to produce musicare explored using a variety of approaches.The basic skills needed to use the computerto realise musical pieces using MIDIsequencers are also covered. In addition,some fundamental synthesis techniquesare explored.ST820ZRecording & Mixing Techniques 1This module will introduce students toconcepts of recording in a studio environment.Students will be taught how to digitiseand manipulate audio using Digital SignalProcessing, such as Reverb, Chorus and EQ.Students will also learn microphone pick-uppatterns and stereo microphone techniques.They will be taught how to use an AudioMixer and how to route a signal through aMixer or Control Surface. Students will betaught multi0track recording techniques aswell as techniques for mixing-down a multitrackrecording in stereo. Students will betaught to use various industry-standard digitalrecording and sequencing software packagessuch as Pro Tools, Cubase and Logic Pro.ST821ZMusic Theory 2Builds on foundational music theory skillslearnt in Music Theory 1. Topics include thestudy of melody, harmony, 4-part writing,and chords construction. Students will acquirean understanding of common harmonicpractices, melodic development, and therelationship between melody and harmony invarious styles.ST822ZMidi, Synthesis and Composition 2Introduces a number of formal proceduresfor music composition and are applied ina number of different musical genres. Inaddition to refining the students’ skills in usinga MIDI sequencer, several advanced synthesistechniques are covered.Students will also be taught how to setupand operate both fold-back and in-earmonitoring systems. Students will also beintroduced to multi channel PA systems andtheir use for both Music and Theatre work.ST824ZThe Business of MusicAims to introduce students to the business,legal and fiscal aspects of the music world andstudents will learn about its organisationalstructure including the different roles, majorplayers and career opportunities therein. Anintroduction to basic contract law and thevarious types of music contracts is included.To equip students with the knowledge toprotect their own works as well as to avoidinfringing on others’ original materials, themodule provides a study of the concept ofcopyright. Accounting and tax considerationsare briefly touched upon and the moduleends by looking at emerging trends in themusic industry.ST8301Processes in Asian MusicAims to introduce students to the music ofAsia, selected topics include the continentand its peoples, function, the musician,instruments, musical structure and the relatedarts. The module provides the vocabulary,concepts and aural skills that allow listenersto hear with greater discernment andappreciation. It will also have a hands-oncomponent, perhaps recording and deconstructinga traditional performance andwill allow students to experience some of theinstruments first-hand.ST831ZPortfolio DevelopmentStudents develop their own personal portfolioof skills and knowledge gained throughoutthe Diploma in Music and Audio Technologycourse. Each student’s portfolio is to bedeveloped in close supervision with thelecturers with regular contact hours in orderto track its development and progress.ST832ZArrangingAims to introduce students to orchestrationand arrangement. Topics include the study ofthe characteristics of instruments, the use andblend of instruments, and analysis of variousworks. Students will explore these differentarranging concepts and techniques and createmusical arrangements in various styles rangingfrom traditional Western European music tocontemporary music.ST833ZSong WritingTrains students in the techniques of writinga song. The various aspects of a song; inparticular - melody, harmony, rhythm andlyrics are identified and further deconstructedinto their various foundational componentsand students will be given ample hands-onopportunities to find out for themselveshow these distinct components function inisolation as well as in relation to each other.The different ways to start the process ofwriting will also be explored and by the endof the module, students should be equippedwith enough knowledge and practice tocompetently write their own songs.ST834ZRecording & Mixing Techniques 3Students will learn how to master their mixes.They will be taught how to apply DigitalSignal Processing to match their mixes interms of loudness and timber as well as togive their CD or DVD a sonic identity thatmatches industry standards. Students willalso be introduced to the different surroundsound formats and be taught surround soundrecording and mixing techniques. The focusfor this module will be the Dolby Digital 5.1standard. Students will mix in Dolby Digital5.1 and create AC 3 files and burn DVD’sthat can be played-back on any DVD player.(AC 3’s: Simply means Dolby Digital. Brokendown, it means Audio Coding version 3. Itis an encode/decode process that allows formultiple channel audio to be sent digitally (bitstream) through a fibre optic cable or coaxialdigital cable.)ST835ZMusic & Sound for Moving ImagesTrains students in the art of composingmusic and adding dialog and sound effectsfor moving images (Film/TV/Animation etc).Students will learn the various genres in films,TV, animation and games, and shown music’srole in helping to tell the story. Students willview different Film and TV shows, payingclose attention to both the music and sound334 <strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009

<strong>SYNOPSES</strong>effects used in these shows. They will beasked to record sound effects for themselvesand be encouraged to create their own soundeffects library. As for composing music formoving images, students will be exposed todifferent compositional styles and they willhave to compose music for a short movingimage medium (such as a video). They willbe taught to use midi and compose usingsequencing software such as Cubase. Theywill also have to play and record both audioand sound effects ‘live’ to footage in ourrecording studios. At the end of this module,students should be able to compose musicand add dialog and sound effects for a shortFilm or TV show, or add music and soundeffects for a short animated clip.ST9002Introduction to WebGraphics DesignAims to equip students with the techniquesfor designing interactive web sites witheffective navigation. Introduces thecharacteristics and constraints of the weband how it will impact students’ web sitedesigns, as well as the concept of enhancingweb site usability through multimedia design,and using images and colour effectively toproduce high-quality results. Covers the use ofan imaging tool to create optimised graphicswith animation, image maps and buttons,work with vector graphics, and add graphicaltext to web-based images.ST91022D Graphic ToolsProvides students with the basic knowledgeof techniques and tools for image processingin graphic design. Students learn thefundamentals of illustration and digitalimaging - image capture and creation,computer illustration, editing, enhancementand effects, and basic multimedia. Elementsof 2-dimensional computer-aided drawing willalso be introduced to allow for studentsto begin familiarize themselves with digitaldrawing methods and to able to make thetranslation from more conventional manualmethods to the digital domain.ST911Z2D Games DevelopmentAims to teach students the process ofdeveloping 2D games using a 2D gameauthoring tool. Students will learnfundamental 2D game techniques such ascollision detection and sprite management aswell as techniques to include media such assound, video and image.ST9203Audio & Music for GamesAims to provide students with comprehensive,up-to-date and relevant information in theuse of digital audio, music and sound indeveloping games. The module will alsoprovide students with a good understandingof the computer-based recording technology.ST921Z3D Modelling & AnimationAims to equip students with the basicknowledge of modelling and animating3D content for games. This module willfocus on 3-dimensional photo-realisticrenderings of environments and characteranimation in optimized low polygon 3Dmodels for usage in games, real-time 3Dvisualization and other emerging forms ofdigital new media. Renderings will includerequisite instruction to enable students toproduce effective, optimized and convincing3- dimensional spatial representations of adesign intention. Animations will orchestratethe characters within space to facilitate theunderstanding of the intent of a specificgameplay, including animation conceptsof motion, timing, anticipation, action andrecovery. Various game specific effects suchas particles, explosions, water and fog willalso be explored.ST922Z3D Level Design & ScriptingAims to equip students with the ability toimplement a playable digital game level.Students will be taught to plan, conceptualise,design, script and develop the game levelusing content creators and game engines.Students will also learn to set up propercharacter rigs and textures for digital contentin the game level.ST9301Games Design for Education& TrainingExplores the concept of game-based learningwhich advocates that learning can bemade more effective through the processof gameplay. Students will be taught whygames can teach and how games can teach.The students will be exposed to case studiesof game-based learning and the differentareas where game-based learning can beapplied. Through this module, they will learnthe psychological factors and fundamentaldesign principles of creating effective andengaging games.ST9302Media Law & PolicyIntroduces students to the laws, regulationsand ethical concepts that affect the media andcommunication industries. Covers copyrightand plagiarism, privacy, intellectual property,legal features of business organisations,freedom of speech, objectionable materials,and social responsibility.<strong>Singapore</strong> <strong>Polytechnic</strong> Prospectus 2008/2009 335

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