Information Sheet for Ms

Information Sheet for Ms

Information Sheet for Ms

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431/432 PhysicsMr. EidsonRoom 207Textbook:Physics: Principles and Problems (Glencoe McGraw-Hill 2005); ISBN 978-0078458132Summer Reading Text:Rocket Boys by Homer H. Hickam, Jr.; ISBN 978-0385333214Course Description & Syllabus:Physics is the study of matter and energy. The goal of physics is to gain a better understanding of theuniverse and how it works. Through study, students will learn and apply basic concepts, equations, andassumptions to describe a broad range of phenomena in the physical world. The areas of physics to beinvestigated include the following topics:I. Measurements & Visualization of DataII. MechanicsIII. MaterialsIV. WavesV. Electricity & MagnetismVI. Modern PhysicsClass Rules & Standards1. Arrive to class on time and bring all necessary materials.2. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of the classroom.3. Keep your voice at a level that suits the activity.4. Follow directions the first time they are given.5. Observe all rules and standards in the Student Handbook.Materials & supplies you should bring to class1. Textbook2. Pencil3. 3-ring binder and notebook paper4. Scientific calculator5. Graph paper6. Bound laboratory notebook (composition notebook)Policies <strong>for</strong> graded assignments & make-up work1. Written homework, lab reports, and projects are due at the beginning of the class period.2. Academic dishonesty will be penalized. (Refer to the policy in the student handbook.)3. The Honor Code Pledge must be typed or written on EVERY ASSIGNMENT:"I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on thisassignment."It must be followed by the student’s signature. Failure to include the Honor CodePledge on any assignment will result in a zero (0) grade <strong>for</strong> that assignment.4. If a student is absent, he or she is responsible <strong>for</strong> retrieving make up work from Mr. Eidson and <strong>for</strong>completing make up work in a timely manner.

OLM Grading ScaleNumerical AverageLetter Grade90-100 A80-89 B74-79 C70-73 D69 & below FPhysics Grading SystemCategoryWeightMajor tests 35%Lab reports 20%Quizzes/Projects 15%Homework 10%Final exam 20%Total 100%Extra Help It is recommended that students try to schedule tutoring help early on to ensure completion ofassignments and preparedness <strong>for</strong> tests. Mr. Eidson is available <strong>for</strong> tutoring help or make up work after school until 3:30 p.m. unless he is in ameeting.The teacher reserves the right to change any part of this in<strong>for</strong>mation sheet.I have read and understand the rules and policies of the class._____________________________________(Student signature)_____________________________________(Parent signature)Students: Please keep this sheet in your notebook at all times.Parents: Remember that you can always check Power School <strong>for</strong> updates on your student’s progress.Please write down the following contact in<strong>for</strong>mation in case you ever need to reach me:Voice Mail: 770-461-2202 ext. 442Email: beidson@mercycatholic.orgThank you <strong>for</strong> your help._____________________________________B.T. Eidson

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