NKII 7842 Newsletter June.fh9 - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

NKII 7842 Newsletter June.fh9 - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated NKII 7842 Newsletter June.fh9 - Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated

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New SportsOfficer ForWairoaWairoa is about to get a new districtKaiwhakahaere through Sport Hawke's Bayand Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated.The part-time officer will focus onencouraging healthy, active lifestyles throughparticipating in sport and recreation in theMaori environment.He or she will also play a strategic role insupporting Sport HB's green prescriptionwork, a partnership with local GPs andpractice nurses aimed at increasing physicalactivity of patients recommended for a"green" prescription through non-threateningways.The programme has been working welloverall for people with diabetes, sufferingobesity, high blood pressure and other weightrelated health issues, but not quite so wellwith Maori patients. It is hoped theappointment of a new Kaiwhakahaere willhelp address this issue.Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated isassisting Sport HB with management of theposition.The person will be based at the WairoaCommunity Centre with the three other SportHB employees working in the district.Young athletes, budding sports administrators and the youngat heart can benefit from some of the Sport and RecreationAgency grants available through Sport Hawke's Bay.Tomua/Tomuri grant (up to $500) This is aimed at youngathletes of Maori descent (tomuri), aged between 15-19, whomay enjoy the assistance of a role model coach and/or mentor(tomua). The tomua must also be of Maori descent, and allowsone tomuri per six months. This is a one-off grant from theagency, which has replaced the Hillary Commission.Note- athletes who have been a regional or national representativein their chosen sport will be accepted first.Administrative cadetships (up to $1000) This is aimed atpromoting Maori leadership roles in sport, fitness and leisure.The grant is to assist in training in sports administration.The nominating club or organisation is expected to makesome contribution to course costs, and priority will be givento those applicants whose clubs or organisations contributeat least half the costs.There is no age limit and it is open to anyone of Maori descent.The club or organisation's job is to nominate someone it thinkshas the ability to become a strong administrator at regionalor national level.The course may be up to a year long, and must be NZQAaccredited. The training institution must have approval statusto provide the course, for example, a polytechnic.An annual report and evaluation will have to be completedand sent to the agency at the completion of the course.Protecting For The FutureWhakaki people are doing their bit tosave their eels, and are hoping theMinistry of Fisheries and Te Ohu KaiMoana will sit up and take notice.Along with the Wairoa District CouncilMaori committee, Whakaki's HereheretauB2L2 Block Trust have written to theministry and TOKM with some ideas abouteel management- a good time to make theirvoices heard given that commercial eellicences are up for review in October.Committee member and trust secretaryWalter Wilson went to a meeting inHamilton recently at which the ministryproposed a quota system - a sustainablesystem? Neither the trust nor the committeethought so, and that's what they've statedin their submissions.The trust is concerned the commercial sectormight be given priority over the rights oftangata whenua and the wellbeing of eelfisheries.Whakaki people have sustainably managedtheir own eel fishery for generations, bannedcommercial fishing, and won awards toboot for their work on restoring the lakeand surrounding environment.The trust has suggested that any sort ofmanagement plan needs to outline habitatand eel life cycle information, adetermination of the best time for harvestto avoid harming breeding, separate lawsto cover eel farming and commercial takingof glass eels for stocking farms, andregulations for customary and recreationaleel fishing.The committee is concerned about theministry's approach to issuing commerciallicences, and believes it needs to do moreconsultation with North Island iwi on eeling,under both lore and law.Help For The SportyIwi grants (up to $1500) Iwi organisations may be eligiblefor this grant to run sport, fitness or leisure programmes fortheir members. Line dancing, whanau/hapu/iwi sports days,rugby league, tennis, squash, touch and surfing tournamentsare some of the events the Hillary Commission supportedwhen it was running this grants programme.To meet the criteria, applicants must be an incorporatedsociety, provide a GST invoice, sign a contract with theagency, and complete an evaluation for the agency when theevent is over. The agency does not support any events whichcondone alcohol or drug use.* For more information contact Sam Christie at Sport HB on(06) 8355470, 021 2650769, or samc@sporthb.net.nz* NOTE- ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILED IN JUNEFOR THE 2002/03 YEAR

New SportsOfficer ForWairoaWairoa is about to get a new districtKaiwhakahaere through Sport Hawke's Bayand Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong>.The part-time officer will focus onencouraging healthy, active lifestyles throughparticipating in sport and recreation in theMaori environment.He or she will also play a strategic role insupporting Sport HB's green prescriptionwork, a partnership with local GPs andpractice nurses aimed at increasing physicalactivity of patients recommended for a"green" prescription through non-threateningways.The programme has been working welloverall for people with diabetes, sufferingobesity, high blood pressure and other weightrelated health issues, but not quite so wellwith Maori patients. It is hoped theappointment of a new Kaiwhakahaere willhelp address this issue.Ngati <strong>Kahungunu</strong> <strong>Iwi</strong> <strong>Incorporated</strong> isassisting Sport HB with management of theposition.The person will be based at the WairoaCommunity Centre with the three other SportHB employees working in the district.Young athletes, budding sports administrators and the youngat heart can benefit from some of the Sport and RecreationAgency grants available through Sport Hawke's Bay.Tomua/Tomuri grant (up to $500) This is aimed at youngathletes of Maori descent (tomuri), aged between 15-19, whomay enjoy the assistance of a role model coach and/or mentor(tomua). The tomua must also be of Maori descent, and allowsone tomuri per six months. This is a one-off grant from theagency, which has replaced the Hillary Commission.Note- athletes who have been a regional or national representativein their chosen sport will be accepted first.Administrative cadetships (up to $1000) This is aimed atpromoting Maori leadership roles in sport, fitness and leisure.The grant is to assist in training in sports administration.The nominating club or organisation is expected to makesome contribution to course costs, and priority will be givento those applicants whose clubs or organisations contributeat least half the costs.There is no age limit and it is open to anyone of Maori descent.The club or organisation's job is to nominate someone it thinkshas the ability to become a strong administrator at regionalor national level.The course may be up to a year long, and must be NZQAaccredited. The training institution must have approval statusto provide the course, for example, a polytechnic.An annual report and evaluation will have to be completedand sent to the agency at the completion of the course.Protecting For The FutureWhakaki people are doing their bit tosave their eels, and are hoping theMinistry of Fisheries and Te Ohu KaiMoana will sit up and take notice.Along with the Wairoa District CouncilMaori committee, Whakaki's HereheretauB2L2 Block Trust have written to theministry and TOKM with some ideas abouteel management- a good time to make theirvoices heard given that commercial eellicences are up for review in October.Committee member and trust secretaryWalter Wilson went to a meeting inHamilton recently at which the ministryproposed a quota system - a sustainablesystem? Neither the trust nor the committeethought so, and that's what they've statedin their submissions.The trust is concerned the commercial sectormight be given priority over the rights oftangata whenua and the wellbeing of eelfisheries.Whakaki people have sustainably managedtheir own eel fishery for generations, bannedcommercial fishing, and won awards toboot for their work on restoring the lakeand surrounding environment.The trust has suggested that any sort ofmanagement plan needs to outline habitatand eel life cycle information, adetermination of the best time for harvestto avoid harming breeding, separate lawsto cover eel farming and commercial takingof glass eels for stocking farms, andregulations for customary and recreationaleel fishing.The committee is concerned about theministry's approach to issuing commerciallicences, and believes it needs to do moreconsultation with North Island iwi on eeling,under both lore and law.Help For The Sporty<strong>Iwi</strong> grants (up to $1500) <strong>Iwi</strong> organisations may be eligiblefor this grant to run sport, fitness or leisure programmes fortheir members. Line dancing, whanau/hapu/iwi sports days,rugby league, tennis, squash, touch and surfing tournamentsare some of the events the Hillary Commission supportedwhen it was running this grants programme.To meet the criteria, applicants must be an incorporatedsociety, provide a GST invoice, sign a contract with theagency, and complete an evaluation for the agency when theevent is over. The agency does not support any events whichcondone alcohol or drug use.* For more information contact Sam Christie at Sport HB on(06) 8355470, 021 2650769, or samc@sporthb.net.nz* NOTE- ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILED IN JUNEFOR THE 2002/03 YEAR

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