Mr WF Gillespie OBE TD MBA JP DL FCIOB - Northern Ireland Fire ...

Mr WF Gillespie OBE TD MBA JP DL FCIOB - Northern Ireland Fire ...

Mr WF Gillespie OBE TD MBA JP DL FCIOB - Northern Ireland Fire ...


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- 3 - 23.5.20064 CHAIRMAN’S BUSINESSAnnual InspectionsThe Chairman reported favourably on his attendances at the AnnualInspections of Antrim, Coleraine, Belleek, Rathfriland and Clogher <strong>Fire</strong>Stations. He expressed his appreciation to those Members who hadaccompanied him to the inspections.Lord Mayor’s ReceptionThe Chairman informed Members that he had attended the Lord Mayor’sreception on 5 May 2006.New LegislationThe Chairman outlined the current position with respect to the new Legislationand progress in relation to the appointment of a new NIFRS Board.<strong>Fire</strong> Authority Meeting – 27 June 2006Referring to the final Authority Meeting scheduled to take place on 27 June,the Chairman informed Members that he proposed to hold the Meeting at11.00 am, followed by lunch and then a final Meeting to ratify the Minutes.The Members endorsed the Chairman’s proposal.Members’ Self-Assessment FormsThe Chairman reminded Members of the need to have their Self-AssessmentForms completed and returned to the Board Administrative Secretary as soonas possible.5 CHIEF FIRE OFFICER’S REPORTThe Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer gave Members a brief overview of his Report which wasnoted. He highlighted that while the Service continued to respond to fires andother emergencies throughout <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> on a regular basis, the recentperiod of dry weather had led to an increase in the number of outdoor fires.The Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer highlighted other incidents of note which included a firein the Yorkgate complex on 30 April and a fire at De La Salle High School on12 May. Referring to CFOA’s campaign to fit sprinkler systems in newschools, the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer explained to Members that he and AssistantChief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer Craig would be meeting with representatives of theDepartment of Education regarding the matter.The Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer answered Members’ questions on various aspects ofthe information presented.

- 4 - 23.5.2006Interagency Co-Operation & Working in Partnership with other OrganisationsThe above document was circulated at the Meeting for the information ofMembers.<strong>Mr</strong>s Black congratulated the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer and his staff on an excellentdocument which was very informative.Building Resilience – New Dimension NewsletterA copy of the New Dimension Newsletter – Building Resilience – wascirculated at the Meeting for the information of Members.6 FINANCIAL MATTERSMonthly Management AccountsMembers noted that, due to the finalising of the year end accounts, normalmanagement accounts would not be available until the next Meeting of theAuthority.In response to a query from the Chairman, the Director of Finance &Performance Management outlined briefly progress to date with respect to theexternal audit. He stated that the timeframe for the preparation of the AnnualAccounts was currently on target.Payment of InvoiceMembers were reminded that the Authority, at its February Meeting, hadreceived a report from the Authority’s Remuneration Committee for the paystructure of the Chief <strong>Fire</strong> Officer. Members were informed that to assist withits deliberations, the Remuneration Committee had engaged the services of<strong>Mr</strong> G Bailey of ATM Consulting. Members noted details of the workundertaken by <strong>Mr</strong> Bailey.The Authority, on the motion of <strong>Mr</strong> Campbell, seconded by <strong>Mr</strong> McKeever,unanimously –Resolved:“to approve the payment of £2,419.56 plus VAT toATM Consulting”.7 HUMAN RESOURCE MATTERSSickness StatisticsMembers noted the Sickness Statistics for the month of April 2006 which hadbeen circulated for information.8 RELEVANT CORRESPONDENCEThere was no relevant correspondence.

- 5 - 23.5.20069 SEALING OF DOCUMENTSThe following document was approved for sealing –<strong>Fire</strong> Authority for <strong>Northern</strong> <strong>Ireland</strong> with –Oasis Travel – Travel Services for the period 1 March to 28 February 2007.10 MEETINGS OF THE AUTHORITY AND ITS COMMITTEES, ETCMembers noted a list of Meetings of the Authority and its Committees for themonth of June 2006._________________________________THIS CONCLUDED THE BUSINESSAND THE MEETING TERMINATEDAT 2.30 PM________________________________ADOPTED _______________________________ CHAIRMAN AT MEETING OFAUTHORITY_______________________________CHIEF FIRE OFFICER/CHIEFEXECUTIVEDATE : 27 JUNE 2006

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