The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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1.4 Scales Used For <strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> AssessmentFRAs are required at different scales by different organisations for manydifferent purposes. A hierarchy of assessments is necessary to ensure aproportionate response to the needs of organisations by avoiding the need fordetailed <strong>and</strong> costly assessments prior to making strategic decisions. Thishierarchy is summarised in Table A1.Table A1: Hierarchy of <strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> AssessmentFRA Code Purpose ResponsibilityRegionalflood riskappraisalStrategicflood riskassessmentSite-specificflood riskassessmenRFRASFRAFRARFRAs provide a broadoverview of the source <strong>and</strong>significance of all types offlood risk across a region<strong>and</strong> also highlighting areaswhere further moredetailed study will berequired. At this levelthey are an appraisal <strong>and</strong>not an assessment.To provide a broad (areawide) assessment of alltypes of flood risk toinform strategic l<strong>and</strong>-useplanning decisions.SFRAs enable the LA toundertake the sequentialapproach, including theJustification Test, allocateappropriate sites fordevelopment <strong>and</strong> identifyhow flood risk can bereduced as part of theDevelopment Plan processTo assess all types of floodrisk for a newdevelopment. FRAsidentify the sources offlood risk, the effects ofclimate change on this, theimpact of thedevelopment, theeffectiveness of floodmitigation <strong>and</strong>management measures<strong>and</strong> the residual risks thatremain after thosemeasures are put in place.Regional planningbodies inconsultation with theOPW, <strong>and</strong> LAs.CFRAMs will be animportant <strong>and</strong> primeinput to theappraisal.LAs in consultationwith the OPW, <strong>and</strong>emergency services.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Flood</strong> riskmanagement planarising from theCFRAM programmewill be used heavilyto inform the SFRA.In its absence localauthorities may needto commissionextensive flood riskassessments, albeit ata strategic level.OPW will provideadvice on thespecifications thatshould be applied.Those proposing thedevelopment inconsultation with theLA <strong>and</strong> emergencyplanners.57<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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