The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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50TermsDefinition<strong>Planning</strong> GuidelinesOvertopping of defencesPathwaysPluvial floodingPrecautionary approachRiver basin managementplanRegional <strong>Planning</strong>Guidelines (RPG)Failure of a flood defence or exceedancemechanism, when flood water reaches levelsthat are higher than the flood defence level <strong>and</strong>flows over the top of the structure. While thestructure may remain stable, however, erosion ofthe l<strong>and</strong>ward face of the defence could cause thedefence to collapse.<strong>The</strong>se provide the connection between aparticular source (e.g. high river or tide level)<strong>and</strong> the receptor that may be harmed (e.g.property). In flood risk management, pathwaysare often ‘blocked’ by barriers, such as flooddefence structures, or otherwise modified toreduce the incidence of flooding.Usually associated with convective summerthunderstorms or high intensity rainfall cellswithin longer duration events, pluvial floodingis a result of rainfall-generated overl<strong>and</strong> flowswhich arise before run-off enters anywatercourse or sewer. <strong>The</strong> intensity of rainfallcan be such that the run-off totally overwhelmssurface water <strong>and</strong> underground drainagesystems.<strong>The</strong> approach to be used in the assessment offlood risk which requires that lack of fullscientific certainty, shall not be used to assumeflood hazard or risk does not exist, or as areason for postponing cost-effective measures toavoid or manage flood risk.As required by the EU Water FrameworkDirective (2000/60/EC), these plans willestablish a strategic plan for the long-termmanagement of the River Basin District, set outobjectives for waterbodies, <strong>and</strong> in broad termsidentify what measures are planned to meetthese objectives, <strong>and</strong> act as the main reportingmechanism to the European Commission.<strong>The</strong>se provide the regional context <strong>and</strong> prioritiesfor applying national planning strategy to eachNUTS III region <strong>and</strong> encourage greater coordinationof planning policies at the city /county level. RPGs are an important part of theflood policy hierarchy as they can assist in coordinatingflood risk management policies at theregional level.

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