The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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TermsDefinition47<strong>Flood</strong> hazard assessment<strong>Flood</strong>plain<strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong><strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> Assessment(covers all scales ofassessment)<strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>(FRM)<strong>Flood</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Plans (FRMP)<strong>Flood</strong> storage<strong>Flood</strong> zones<strong>Flood</strong>ing DirectiveFluvial floodingGroundwater floodingAn assessment of the hazards that would arisefrom flooding, e.g. identifying where floodingwould occur, how deep the water would be,how fast it would flow, how rapidly would itrise <strong>and</strong> how long it would remain.A floodplain is any low-lying area of l<strong>and</strong> nextto a river or stream, which is susceptible topartial or complete inundation by water duringa flood event.An expression of the combination of the floodprobability or likelihood <strong>and</strong> the magnitude ofthe potential consequences of the flood event.A study to assess the risk of flooding under bothpresent <strong>and</strong> potential future circumstances ,such as changes in climate, l<strong>and</strong> use,development or flood risk management.FRM combines the function of mitigating <strong>and</strong>monitoring flood risks <strong>and</strong> may include preflood,flood-event or post-flood activities.Plans which are developed in accordance withnational flood policy <strong>and</strong> the EU <strong>Flood</strong>sDirective <strong>and</strong> which provide the strategicdirection for flood risk management decisions ina catchment. <strong>The</strong>se will describe a range oftechniques from traditional river or coastaldefences to non-structural responses such asflood warning <strong>and</strong> resilience measures atproperty level.<strong>The</strong> temporary storage of excess run-off or riverflow in ponds, basins, reservoirs or on the floodplain.A geographic area for which the probability offlooding from rivers, estuaries or the sea iswithin a particular range as defined within theseguidelines.<strong>The</strong> EU Directive 2007/60/EC of 23 October2007 on the assessment <strong>and</strong> management offlood risks which is aimed at integrating theway flood risk is managed throughout theEuropean Union.<strong>Flood</strong>ing from a river or other watercourse.<strong>Flood</strong>ing caused by groundwater escaping fromthe ground when the water table rises to orabove ground level.<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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