The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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425.22 Where development proposals include the construction or amendment ofbridges, culverts or similar structures the applicant should have regard to therequirements of S.50 of the Arterial Drainage Act, 1945.<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines5.23 It is recognised that flood map data sets, predictive models of flood risk <strong>and</strong>a strategic assessment of the flood risks across a county or city area may nothave been undertaken at the time that a planning decision is required. Thisdoes not mean that the sequential approach should not be applied or that aJustification Test need not be undertaken. A precautionary approach shouldbe applied, <strong>and</strong> either the application should be refused on grounds ofprematurity or a flood risk assessment should be undertaken, <strong>and</strong> theJustification Test applied. A number of scenarios are considered below.Major proposals in areas of flood risk currently zoned fordevelopment without use of the sequential approach5.24 In these circumstances, planning authorities should ensure that an appropriateflood risk assessment is submitted by the applicant <strong>and</strong> should consider theapplication in the light of these guidelines as though the l<strong>and</strong> was not zonedfor development. This will allow application of the sequential approach <strong>and</strong>proper consideration of strategic issues. With the current presumption ofdevelopment through the zoning of the area, a strategic flood risk assessmentof the general environs to the development site should be undertaken <strong>and</strong> theJustification Test carried out. <strong>The</strong> planning justification would draw uponthe rationale set out in the Guidelines. Where the information is not sufficientto fully assess the issues involved, it should be considered as premature priorto a review of flood risk in the current development plan for the area.Major proposals in areas of flood risk not currently zoned forsuch development5.25 <strong>Flood</strong> risk may arise as a significant issue for proposals for a comprehensive,large-scale regeneration or consolidation which was not considered or foreseenin the preparation or adoption of the development plan. Where a majordevelopment such as, for example, a town centre expansion or re-developmentof a dockl<strong>and</strong> area is proposed which also presents significant flood risk issues,it should be considered as premature prior to undertaking a review of floodrisk in the current development plan for the area. This will allow applicationof the sequential approach <strong>and</strong> proper consideration of strategic issues in awider context to para 5.23 above <strong>and</strong> alternatives at the appropriate planmakingstage.Minor proposals in areas of flood risk5.26 Applications for minor development, such as small extensions to houses, <strong>and</strong>most changes of use of existing buildings, are unlikely to raise significantflooding issues, unless they introduce a significant additional number ofpeople into flood risk areas or obstruct important flow paths. Since these

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