The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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• Identifying <strong>and</strong> detailing the likely significant effects of the developmentin terms of flooding;• Considering alternative proposals <strong>and</strong> their impacts on flooding; <strong>and</strong>41• Outlining mitigation <strong>and</strong> monitoring measures for flooding.Decision5.19 <strong>Planning</strong> legislation allows for the framing of conditions to deal with floodrisk <strong>and</strong> the refusal of permission for reasons of flood risk without attractingcompensation. <strong>The</strong> Department’s 2007 Development <strong>Management</strong> Guidelines(DEHLG, 2007) provide guidance on the appropriate nature <strong>and</strong> type ofconditions.5.20 Where flood risk is an issue, the planning authority may consider grantingpermission subject to conditions to ensure that Part 2 of the Justification Testis satisfied. Overall, conditions should deal with any residual risk <strong>and</strong> shouldbe guided by the development management objectives set out in thedevelopment plan.Only in very limited circumstances should conditions which require theprovision of sustainable drainage systems, major alterations, structural workor significant relocation of development be attached to planning permissions.Ideally, all these matters should be adequately dealt with in the pre-application<strong>and</strong> processing stages such that any necessary work(s) are included as anintegral part of the development proposal.In most cases, conditions will be required to amend, clarify or further detailflood mitigation measures. <strong>The</strong>se might include, for example, the removalof barriers or buildings on a water conveyancing route, the requirement forflood resistant street furniture <strong>and</strong> fittings, or, the requirement for detailedflood resistance or flood resilience measures for buildings. Conditions relatingto maintenance may include, for example, the regular inspection, maintenance<strong>and</strong> repair of local or secondary flood defences such as earth bunds or elementsof the sustainable drainage system such as swales, basins or ponds. Conditionsrelating to the ongoing monitoring of flood defences <strong>and</strong> overall flood riskmay also be appropriate.Where the risk to people is significant, an emergency plan should be preparedfor all users of the site, together with the local authority. This should beupdated on a regular basis.5.21 Permission should be refused where flood issues have not been, or cannot be,addressed successfully. <strong>The</strong> presence of unacceptable residual flood risks tothe development, its occupants <strong>and</strong> adjoining property alone should besufficient reason for refusal of permission.<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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