The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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<strong>Flood</strong> risk <strong>and</strong> objectives for zoning of l<strong>and</strong> for development4.24 <strong>The</strong> zoning of l<strong>and</strong> for development is the critical stage for planning authoritiesto address the issue of flooding. As emphasised above, information on thescreening <strong>and</strong> flood risk assessment should be ready <strong>and</strong> available to theelected members to assist them in arriving at decisions about where developmentwill be located <strong>and</strong> how it will be constructed <strong>and</strong> used over its life-time.<strong>The</strong>se guidelines require planning authorities to establish a clear evidencebase in showing how the sequential <strong>and</strong> hierarchical approach to avoidance,substitution <strong>and</strong> mitigation of development in flood risk areas has been appliedin the decision-making stages of plan preparation <strong>and</strong> adoption.What to do with existing undeveloped, zoned areas at risk offlooding4.25 Information about flooding <strong>and</strong> flood risk is improving <strong>and</strong> will improvefurther as a result of national exercises undertaken by OPW <strong>and</strong> others, <strong>and</strong>implementation of these guidelines. Future flood risk assessments requiredto support the development plan process may highlight existing, undevelopedareas which, on their own merits, were zoned for development in previousdevelopment plans but which new information indicates may now, or in thefuture, be at risk of flooding.4.26 In such cases as set out above, planning authorities should reconsider thezoning objective for any such l<strong>and</strong>s where flood risk is assessed to be potentiallysignificant <strong>and</strong> likely to increase in the future. This should be done as part ofthe overall plan preparation <strong>and</strong> on the basis of the proper planning <strong>and</strong>sustainable development of the area, giving appropriate weight to flood riskconsiderations. Following this reconsideration, local authorities may decideto:• remove the existing zoning for all types of development on the basis ofthe unacceptable high level of flood risk;• replace the existing zoning with a zoning or a specific objective for lessvulnerable uses;• require preparation of a detailed local area plan, informed by a moredetailed flood risk assessment to address zoning <strong>and</strong> development issuesin more detail <strong>and</strong> prior to any development;• reduce the zoned area <strong>and</strong> change or add zoning categories to reflectthe flood risk; <strong>and</strong>/or• specify, in exceptional circumstances <strong>and</strong> where the criteria of theJustification Test have been met, design of structural or non-structuralflood risk management measures as pre-requisites to development in33<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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