The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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2.8 <strong>The</strong> impact on people <strong>and</strong> communities as a result of the stress <strong>and</strong> traumaof being flooded, or even of being under the threat of flooding, can be immense.Long-term impacts can arise due to chronic illnesses <strong>and</strong> the stress associatedwith being flooded <strong>and</strong> the lengthy recovery process. <strong>Flood</strong>water contaminatedby sewage or other pollutants (e.g. chemicals stored in garages or commercialproperties) is particularly likely to cause such illnesses, either directly as aresult of contact with the polluted floodwater or indirectly as a result ofsediments left behind. Those most likely to be at risk are those outdoors onfoot or in a vehicle, in a tent or caravan, or in a building, such as a singlestoreybungalow or below ground in a basement.2.9 <strong>The</strong> ability of people to respond <strong>and</strong> recover from a flood can vary. Vulnerablepeople, such as those who are old, disabled or have a long-term illness, areless able to cope with floods than others <strong>and</strong> are more prone to death or seriousinjury. Others may have difficulty in replacing household items damaged ina flood <strong>and</strong> may lack the financial means to recover <strong>and</strong> maintain acceptableliving conditions after a flood. Underst<strong>and</strong>ing the social consequences offlooding is fundamental to the appraisal of risk <strong>and</strong> appropriate mitigationmeasures. As such, there is increasing interest in a more community-centredapproach to flood risk management that recognises the particular circumstancesof community <strong>and</strong> social groups. This type of approach will be crucial to thedevelopment of more socially <strong>and</strong> environmentally responsive <strong>and</strong> sustainableflood management.2.10 Impacts on property <strong>and</strong> the environment - <strong>Flood</strong>ing can cause severe damageto properties. <strong>Flood</strong>water is likely to damage internal finishes, contents <strong>and</strong>electrical <strong>and</strong> other services <strong>and</strong> possibly cause structural damage. <strong>The</strong> physicaleffects can have significant long-term impacts, with re-occupation sometimesnot being possible for over a year. <strong>The</strong> costs of flooding are increasing, partlydue to increasing amounts of electrical <strong>and</strong> other equipment withindevelopments. Sea-water flooding may cause additional damage due tocorrosion.2.11 <strong>The</strong> damage flooding can cause to businesses <strong>and</strong> infrastructure, such astransport or utilities like electricity <strong>and</strong> water supply, can have significantdetrimental impacts on local <strong>and</strong> regional economies. <strong>The</strong> long-term closureof businesses, for example, can lead to job losses <strong>and</strong> other economic impacts.2.12 Impacts on the environment - Significant detrimental environmental effectsof flooding can include soil erosion, bank erosion, l<strong>and</strong> sliding <strong>and</strong> damageto vegetation as well as the impacts on water quality, habitats <strong>and</strong> flora <strong>and</strong>fauna caused by bacteria <strong>and</strong> other pollutants carried by flood water. <strong>Flood</strong>ingcan however play a beneficial role in natural habitats. Many wetl<strong>and</strong> habitatsare dependant on annual flooding for their sustainability <strong>and</strong> can contributeto the storage of flood waters to reduce flood risk elsewhere.9<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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