The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...

The Planning System and Flood Risk Management - Offaly County ...


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1.12 <strong>The</strong> key messages arising from these documents are that:5• the Government recognises the significance of flood risk <strong>and</strong> the needto integrate flood risk assessment <strong>and</strong> its management into the planningprocess in order to deliver a policy of avoidance or minimisation ofpotential future flood risk, using a combination of approaches comprisinga mix of risk evaluation, planning measures, flood forecasting <strong>and</strong>warning, emergency-response development <strong>and</strong> capital projects of anengineering nature;• the need for proper planning <strong>and</strong> sustainable development may at thesame time require in exceptional circumstances some development inflood risk areas provided that the issue of flood risk is managedappropriately;• the implications for biodiversity should be considered at all stages offlood risk assessment <strong>and</strong> its management;• climate change is a dynamic process that requires a precautionaryapproach of avoidance or a flexible approach to ensure appropriateprovision for, or adaptation to, its potential consequences; <strong>and</strong>• Government investment in flood risk management under the NationalDevelopment Plan needs to be focused on the areas of greatest needthrough a strategically led flood risk management approach.1.13 In addition, current EU Directives recognise the importance of managing thewater environment on a catchment or river basin basis. <strong>The</strong> Water FrameworkDirective (WFD) 1 established the concept of river basin management embodiedin river basin management plans (RBMPs) to enable all rivers <strong>and</strong> coastalwaters to achieve good ecological status by 2015. <strong>The</strong> EU ‘<strong>Flood</strong>s’ Directive 2requires the carrying out of a national preliminary flood risk assessment by2011 <strong>and</strong> the identification of areas where significant flood risk exists or mightbe considered likely to occur. <strong>Flood</strong>-hazard <strong>and</strong> flood risk maps of these areasare required by 2013 to form the basis for flood risk management objectives<strong>and</strong> plans for areas with significant flood risks within each unit of managementby 2015. This Directive recognises the importance of l<strong>and</strong> use management<strong>and</strong> spatial planning as a key factor in flood risk management. <strong>The</strong>implementation of the WFD <strong>and</strong> “<strong>Flood</strong>s” Directive must be co-ordinated toensure integrated river basin management.1.14 <strong>The</strong> need for compliance with the overarching requirements of EU law inparticular appropriate accessment under the Birds <strong>and</strong> Habitats Directives 3must be addressed at all stages in the assessment <strong>and</strong> management of highrisk habitats (see para. 3.19).1 Council Directive 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Communityaction in the field of water policy (“the Water Framework Directive”) Official Journal L197/30-372 Directive 2007/60/EC of the European Parliament <strong>and</strong> of the Council of 23 October 2007 onthe assessment <strong>and</strong> management of flood risk: Official Journal L288/27-34.3 Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 establishing the Birds Directive on theconservation of wild birds <strong>and</strong> Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 establishing theHabitats Directive on the conservation of natural habitats <strong>and</strong> of wild fauna <strong>and</strong> flora<strong>Planning</strong> Guidelines

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