ASAC-IFSAM 2000 Conference

ASAC-IFSAM 2000 Conference ASAC-IFSAM 2000 Conference
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Guzzo, Richard & Salas, Eduardo., Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.Harlow, E. & Hearn, Jeff. Cultural constructions: Contrasting theories of organizational culture andgender construction. Gender, work, and organization, 2(4), 180-191, 1995.Harris, Lloyd & Ogbanna, Emmanuel. Employee responses to culture change efforts. HumanResource Management Journal, 8, 78-92, 1998.Hearn, Jeff & Collinson, David. Naming men as men: Implications for work, organization andmanagement. Gender, Work and Organization, 1,(1), 2-22. 1995.Henley, Nancy & LaFrance Marianne Gender as culture: Difference and dominance in nonverbalbehavior. In A. Wolfgang (ed.) Non-Verbal Behavior. (pp 351-371), Hogstede Press. 1984.Hofstede, Geertz. Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values.Beverley Hills: Sage 1988.Humphries, Maria & Grice, Shayne. Equal employment and the management of diversity. In PeterBoxall (ed), The challenge of human resource management: Directions and debates in NewZealand. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1995.Juran, Joseph., Juran on planning for quality. New York: Free Press, 1988.Lincoln, Yvonna & Guba, Egan., Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park: Sage, 1985Loden, Marilyn & Rosener, Judy. Workforce America!: Managing employee diversity as a vitalresource.. Illinois: Business One, 1991Marshall Judi. Women Managers: Travellers in a male world. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,1984.Martin Joanne. Deconstructing organizational taboos: The suppression of gender conflict inorganizations. Organization Science, 4: 339-359, 1990.Martin Joanne. The organization of exclusion: Institutionalization of sex inequality, genderedfaculty jobs and gendered knowledge in organizational theory research. Organization, 1(2):401-431, 1994.Meek, Lynn. Organizational culture: Origins and weaknesses. Organization Studies, 9(4): 453-473,1988.Miles, Matthew. Qualitative data as an attractive nuisance: The problem of analysis, AdministrativeScience Quarterly, 24, 590-601, 1979.Mills, Albert. Organization, gender and culture. Organization Studies, 9(3): 351-370, 1988.Morgan, Gareth. Images of organizations. London: Sage, 1997.Parker, Glenn. Team players and team work: The new competitive business. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.ASAC-IFSAM 2000 Proceedings 12

Pringle, Judith & Scowcroft, Jenny, Managing diversity: Meaning and practice in New Zealandorganisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 34(2): 28-43, 1996.Robbins, Stephen., Waters-Marsh, Terry, Cacioppe, R., & Millett, Bruce. Organisational behaviour:Concepts, controversies and applications. (Australia and New Zealand edition). EnglewoodCliffs: Prentice Hall, 1998.Scott, Joan. Deconstructing equality-versus-difference: or, the uses of poststructuralist theory forfeminism. Feminist Studies, 14(1), 33-50, 1988.Smircich, Linda. Is the concept of corporate culture a paradigm for understanding organizations andourselves? In Frost, Peter, Moore, Louis F., Louis, M. R., Lundberg, C. C. & Martin, Joanne(eds). Organizational culture: The meaning of life in the workplace. (pp. 55-72), NewburyPark: Sage, 1985.Thomas, David & Ely, Robyn. Making difference matter: A new paradigm for managing diversity.Harvard Business Review, Sept-Oct., 79-90, 1996.Weick, Karl. Sensemaking in organizations. London: Sage, 1995.West, Candida. & Zimmerman, Don. Doing gender. In Judith Lorber & Susan Farrell (eds.) Thesocial construction of gender, (pp 13-37). Newbury Park: Sage, 1991.Woodward, Amanda, Multinational masculinities and European bureaucracies. In David Collinson& Jeff Hearn (eds.). Men as managers, managers as men: Critical perspectives on men,masculinities and management. (pp 167-185), London: Sage, 1996.ASAC-IFSAM 2000 Proceedings 13

Guzzo, Richard & Salas, Eduardo., Team effectiveness and decision making in organizations. SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.Harlow, E. & Hearn, Jeff. Cultural constructions: Contrasting theories of organizational culture andgender construction. Gender, work, and organization, 2(4), 180-191, 1995.Harris, Lloyd & Ogbanna, Emmanuel. Employee responses to culture change efforts. HumanResource Management Journal, 8, 78-92, 1998.Hearn, Jeff & Collinson, David. Naming men as men: Implications for work, organization andmanagement. Gender, Work and Organization, 1,(1), 2-22. 1995.Henley, Nancy & LaFrance Marianne Gender as culture: Difference and dominance in nonverbalbehavior. In A. Wolfgang (ed.) Non-Verbal Behavior. (pp 351-371), Hogstede Press. 1984.Hofstede, Geertz. Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values.Beverley Hills: Sage 1988.Humphries, Maria & Grice, Shayne. Equal employment and the management of diversity. In PeterBoxall (ed), The challenge of human resource management: Directions and debates in NewZealand. Auckland: Longman Paul, 1995.Juran, Joseph., Juran on planning for quality. New York: Free Press, 1988.Lincoln, Yvonna & Guba, Egan., Naturalistic inquiry. Newbury Park: Sage, 1985Loden, Marilyn & Rosener, Judy. Workforce America!: Managing employee diversity as a vitalresource.. Illinois: Business One, 1991Marshall Judi. Women Managers: Travellers in a male world. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,1984.Martin Joanne. Deconstructing organizational taboos: The suppression of gender conflict inorganizations. Organization Science, 4: 339-359, 1990.Martin Joanne. The organization of exclusion: Institutionalization of sex inequality, genderedfaculty jobs and gendered knowledge in organizational theory research. Organization, 1(2):401-431, 1994.Meek, Lynn. Organizational culture: Origins and weaknesses. Organization Studies, 9(4): 453-473,1988.Miles, Matthew. Qualitative data as an attractive nuisance: The problem of analysis, AdministrativeScience Quarterly, 24, 590-601, 1979.Mills, Albert. Organization, gender and culture. Organization Studies, 9(3): 351-370, 1988.Morgan, Gareth. Images of organizations. London: Sage, 1997.Parker, Glenn. Team players and team work: The new competitive business. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.<strong>ASAC</strong>-<strong>IFSAM</strong> <strong>2000</strong> Proceedings 12

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