Chapter-III(59-80) - Pollution Control Board, Assam

Chapter-III(59-80) - Pollution Control Board, Assam Chapter-III(59-80) - Pollution Control Board, Assam


EIA & RA STUDY FOR NAPHTHA SPLITTER PROJECT AT NUMALIGARH REFINERY LIMITEDBaseline Environmental StatusA natural ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of nature. It has components, whichexists in harmony and survives by inter dependence. Ecosystems have self-sustainingability and control the numbers of organisms at any level by cybernetic rules. The effects ofthese are that an ecosystem does not become imbalanced. The middle of the 18 th centurysaw the birth of industrialization, which increased in 19 th century and exploded in 20 thcentury. The resources produced over and sustained for thousands of years wereexploited and squandered for the luxuries of a few section of the population. Anunsustainable exploitation of natural resources promoted un-amiable pollution, so was theinevitable result. Thus, a chain of events of exploitation-consumption-pollution-depletionand further exploitation started.The resources depletion drove aborigine and advises out of their forest dwellings. Alongwith this was an assault on the lifestyle and culture, which has adopted by them forthousands of years. A prosperity and civilized life is the root cause of many of theenvironmental problems of today. The chase of this mirage has allured many people toabandon their traditional ways and join the race for richness.The last straw on the imbalanced ecosystem was laid by unchecked growth in humanpopulation, which may deplete the scare resources. The poor countries are rich inpopulation. Everything there becomes problematic and while solving one problem manynew problems are created.3.11.1 ReconnaissanceThe Numaligarh Refinery is located inecologically sensitive area. It is located on a flatterrain near National Highway No-39. Therefinery and its township as well as thesurrounding area is covered with naturalvegetation, tea gardens, paddy fieldsrepresenting a remote rural area look. Total geographicl area of Golaghat district is about3502 Square Kilometre, out of which about 1035 Square Kilometre which works out as32% of total area, is covered by forest including Reserved Forest, Protected Forest andUnclassified Forest.Projects & Development India Limited, Sindri Page 80 of 80

EIA & RA STUDY FOR NAPHTHA SPLITTER PROJECT AT NUMALIGARH REFINERY LIMITEDBaseline Environmental StatusA natural ecosystem is a structural and functional unit of nature. It has components, whichexists in harmony and survives by inter dependence. Ecosystems have self-sustainingability and control the numbers of organisms at any level by cybernetic rules. The effects ofthese are that an ecosystem does not become imbalanced. The middle of the 18 th centurysaw the birth of industrialization, which increased in 19 th century and exploded in 20 thcentury. The resources produced over and sustained for thousands of years wereexploited and squandered for the luxuries of a few section of the population. Anunsustainable exploitation of natural resources promoted un-amiable pollution, so was theinevitable result. Thus, a chain of events of exploitation-consumption-pollution-depletionand further exploitation started.The resources depletion drove aborigine and advises out of their forest dwellings. Alongwith this was an assault on the lifestyle and culture, which has adopted by them forthousands of years. A prosperity and civilized life is the root cause of many of theenvironmental problems of today. The chase of this mirage has allured many people toabandon their traditional ways and join the race for richness.The last straw on the imbalanced ecosystem was laid by unchecked growth in humanpopulation, which may deplete the scare resources. The poor countries are rich inpopulation. Everything there becomes problematic and while solving one problem manynew problems are created.3.11.1 ReconnaissanceThe Numaligarh Refinery is located inecologically sensitive area. It is located on a flatterrain near National Highway No-39. Therefinery and its township as well as thesurrounding area is covered with naturalvegetation, tea gardens, paddy fieldsrepresenting a remote rural area look. Total geographicl area of Golaghat district is about3502 Square Kilometre, out of which about 1035 Square Kilometre which works out as32% of total area, is covered by forest including Reserved Forest, Protected Forest andUnclassified Forest.Projects & Development India Limited, Sindri Page <strong>80</strong> of <strong>80</strong>

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