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©UK MOD Crown Copyright 2011l Provide a means of transmitting high-bandwidth data (multiplevideo streams, messaging, etc.)l Include ad hoc support for specialized missions (e.g., sniper andreconnaissance applications)The <strong>Harris</strong> Infantry Mission System, a fully integrated C4ISRsystem, addresses all of these needs while providing the basics:reliable, secure, all-informed communications between dismountedelements and their mobile commanders and land-basedheadquarters. In delivering these capabilities, our pre-engineered,packaged system solution supports improved mission planningand execution.The system provides unique benefits <strong>to</strong> dismounted forcesengaged in full military operations or those working against illegalimmigration, drug smuggling, piracy, or terrorism. This costeffectivesystem solution can be used across the breadth of tacticaloperations where real-time situational awareness and enhancedcommand and control are crucial <strong>to</strong> successful and safe missionexecution.The <strong>Harris</strong> Infantry Mission System providescommanders:l Real-Time Intelligence — Real-time situational awarenessallows mobile and headquarters commanders <strong>to</strong> make betterdecisionsl Enhanced Command and Control• Secure personal radios using wideband data links supportconferenced, secure voice communications between squadmembers• Secure combat net radios for inter-echelon communicationscan be au<strong>to</strong>matically connected in<strong>to</strong> long-distance commandlinks for common operational picture updates andintelligence disseminationl Enhanced Capability <strong>to</strong> Identify Threats — Enables expertsat the headquarters with a real-time <strong>view</strong> of the activitiesand the benefit of additional intelligence <strong>to</strong> identify threats <strong>to</strong>dismounted forcesl Imagery Dissemination — Imagery from ISTAR assets can bedistributed via Infantry Mission System componentsl Support for Interfaces — The system supports standard datatransmission systems as well as target acquistion systems (e.g.,laser rangefinders)3

PLAN:l Mission Planning module includes a <strong>Harris</strong>battle management system for the dismountedinfantry that provides au<strong>to</strong>mated, real-timesituational awareness and the commonoperational picture.l <strong>Communications</strong> InformationManagement module is an easy-<strong>to</strong>-usesoftware package that provides planningand programming capability for <strong>Harris</strong>radios and networks.EXECUTE:l Pla<strong>to</strong>on Command & Control, SquadCommand & Control, and Squad Packmodules each include a well-plannedcomplement of <strong>Harris</strong> radios, along with highlyspecialized software and other ancillariesrequired for IP-based command and control.l Sniper and Recce Patrol subsystemsprovide specialized equipment, software,ancillaries, and accessories specific <strong>to</strong> missionrequirements; an optional HUMINT (HumanIntelligence) Mission Support module is alsoavailable.SUSTAIN:l Power Management module provides forthe efficient management of Infantry MissionSystem component-level batteries.5

system descriptionThe Infantry Mission System <strong>to</strong>olbox of capabilitiesmeets complex and changing mission needsThe Infantry Mission System is an integrated set of capabilities,providing field commanders and their soldiers with theadvanced C4ISR capabilities essential for mission support.<strong>RF</strong>-7600P-SU301 INFANTRY MISSION SYSTEM EQUIPMENTSTANDARD CONFIGURATIONThe standard and optional components are listed and brieflydescribed below.Mission Planningl <strong>RF</strong>-5410FCFalconCommand TM<strong>Communications</strong>Planning Application(CPA)l <strong>RF</strong>-6650Pla<strong>to</strong>on Commandand Controll <strong>RF</strong>-7800V VHFCombat Net Radiol <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Leader Radiol Audio & BatterySquad Commandand Control (Qty: 3)l <strong>RF</strong>-7800V VHFCombat Net Radiol <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Leader Radiol Audio & BatterySquad Pack (Qty: 3)l <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Team Radios(Qty: 10)l Ancillaries includingheadsets and powerpacksS(llRllPLANEXECUTEBASIC C2 SUPPORTMMission Planning KitThe <strong>RF</strong>-5410FC FalconCommand battle management systemprovides real-time SA and an au<strong>to</strong>mated common operationalpicture. It is available in two platforms—PC version for the tacticaloperations center and a field version (PDA or equivalent) geared<strong>to</strong>ward the individual soldier.<strong>Communications</strong> Information Management KitThe <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Communications</strong> Planning Application (CPA) runs ona PC and provides an intuitive, graphical user interface for thedesign and deployment of complex radio network <strong>to</strong>pologies. Theopera<strong>to</strong>r uses drag-and-drop techniques <strong>to</strong> place radios and otherelements in<strong>to</strong> the mission plan.Pla<strong>to</strong>on Command & Control KitThis module includes an <strong>RF</strong>-7800V Falcon III ® VHF Combat NetRadio, an <strong>RF</strong>-7800S-LR <strong>Harris</strong> Falcon III Leader Radio with display,FalconCommand and TacChat IP software, with audio, cableand power kits.Squad Command & Control KitThe Squad C2 subsystem includes the same hardware andsoftware in the Pla<strong>to</strong>on C2 module described above.Squad PackTailorable <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mer requirements and squad size, this moduleincludes enough <strong>RF</strong>-7800S <strong>Harris</strong> Falcon III SPR Team radios andancillaries <strong>to</strong> equip a squad of ten. This pack also contains thestandard headset and mission power packs.Sniper Mission KitThis module includes an <strong>RF</strong>-3052-PT004 Pressel (remote push<strong>to</strong>-talkswitch) and a gooseneck antenna for the Falcon III SecurePersonal Radio. This enables a vertical antenna position when theuser is in the prone position, and provides an appropriate presselsolution so the user’s aim will not be disturbed.

OPTIONAL CAPABILITIESniper Mission KitQty: 3)<strong>RF</strong>-3502-PT004 Pressel(remote PTT switch)Gooseneck antennafor <strong>RF</strong>-7800Secce Patrol Kit<strong>RF</strong>-3161-AT001extended range antennaBatteriesPowerManagement Kitl <strong>RF</strong>-5902-CH008charges theVHF handheldradio batteriesl <strong>RF</strong>-5955-CH008charges theSPR handheldradio batteriesl <strong>RF</strong>-5903-CH001is a solar mat incamouflage forcharging batteriesHUMINT Kitl <strong>RF</strong>-7400E TVPlLap<strong>to</strong>p plus <strong>RF</strong>-7400E-CV001C2View Video ManagementApplicationl Camera and MicrophoneSituational AwarenessVideo Receiver (SAVR)l <strong>RF</strong>-7800TKey ManagementSysteml To generate andmanage TEKsBattery Options/ChargerKitsISSION SUPPORTSUSTAINRecce Patrol KitDesigned for reconnaissance missions, the kit has an<strong>RF</strong>-3161-AT001 extended range antenna for the Falcon III VHFCombat Net Radio and radio batteries scaled for 24-hour missionlife. An optional tactical video processor is available for livetransmission (or recording) of video imagery.Power Management KitTwo eight-bay tactical battery chargers are included, one each forthe <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Secure Personal Radio and the <strong>RF</strong>-7800V CombatNet Radio handhelds. The module also includes a camouflagedsolar-powered battery charger.HUMINT Mission KitThis module supports Human Intelligence (HUMINT) gatheringmissions and includes a lap<strong>to</strong>p, discreetly mounted camera,microphone, and the <strong>RF</strong>-7400E Tactical Video Processor (TVP).Live video can be streamed via the Secure Personal Radio, andwhen stations move out of range, up <strong>to</strong> eight hours of video canbe recorded by the TVP for transfer in<strong>to</strong> the intelligence network.<strong>RF</strong>-7800T Situational Awareness Video ReceiverThe lightweight, multiband <strong>RF</strong>-7800T Situational AwarenessVideo Receiver (SAVR) provides ISR video feeds directly <strong>to</strong> groundforces, enabling them <strong>to</strong> see what an aircraft or Unmanned AerialSystem (UAS) is observing in real time.Key Management System (KMS) KitThe KMS generates Transmission Encryption Keys (TEK) andmanages the security and delivery of these keys.Battery OptionsOptions depend upon cus<strong>to</strong>mer preference for power supply andrecharging of batteries in-theatre.9

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIESAdvanced wideband tactical radios providesimultaneous voice, video, and situational awarenessAt the heart of the Pla<strong>to</strong>on Command & Control Kit lies the <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Leader Radio. It displays real-time positional tracking of team members’movements via FalconCommand software, as well as tactical messaging. The <strong>RF</strong>-7800V Combat Net Radio provides superior range, speed, and voicequality—and up <strong>to</strong> twelve times the bandwidth of other VHF handhelds or manpacks.Secure Personal RadioSoldiers using the <strong>RF</strong>-7800S Secure Personal Radio (SPR) will takeadvantage of the most advanced personal team radio in the world.The SPR Team Radio is designed specifically <strong>to</strong> provide secure,conferenced voice; wideband data; and situational awarenesscommunications at the soldier level. Much more than a standardpush-<strong>to</strong>-talk voice radio, the <strong>RF</strong>-7800S provides key benefits ina package that weighs only 300 grams. Its small size and lightweight allow the commando <strong>to</strong> focus on the mission, not hisequipment load.The Leader Radio augments the powerful Team Radiocapabilities with the addition of a purpose-designed embeddedprocessing module, enabling dedicated command applicationfunctionality in a lightweight, soldier-friendly package. Atypical example of a command application is the <strong>Harris</strong>FalconCommand application described below.VHF Combat Net RadioThe <strong>RF</strong>-7800V is the latest in the family of <strong>Harris</strong> VHF combatnet radios, designed <strong>to</strong> enhance traditional sure voice and datacommunications as well as integrate in<strong>to</strong> the latest BMS andC4ISR systems. The <strong>RF</strong>-7800V covers the 30 <strong>to</strong> 108 MHz frequencyband and incorporates the Citadel II ® and AES encryption engines.The <strong>RF</strong>-7800V transceiver’s flexible architecture allows it <strong>to</strong> beused in many configurations, including battery-powered handheld,clip-in vehicular, and high-power vehicular. It is designed <strong>to</strong> meetMIL-STD-810F environmental specifications.FalconCommand ApplicationFalconCommand allows leaders <strong>to</strong> share vital battlefieldintelligence with their soldiers during mission planning and asthe mission unfolds. By equipping each member of the infantrycommand staff with up-<strong>to</strong>-date intelligence, plans, and situationalawareness, leaders gain information superiority over the enemy,significantly increasing the chance of mission success.Compatible with military or civilian GPS, the system providesdynamically updated navigational information via radiocommunications. Real-time troop position updates for both friendlyand enemy forces—along with sensor data and status—provide auser-defined common operational picture of the battlefield.Under the team leader’s control, soldiers au<strong>to</strong>matically receivetarget acquisition, identification, and target hand-off functions.Audible alerts can be generated <strong>to</strong> warn when key points or “No-Go” zones are approached. FalconCommand also au<strong>to</strong>maticallytransmits No-Fire or danger zones and “Man Down” alerts <strong>to</strong> helpaccount for every soldier.

FalconCommand is a Windows and WindowsCE based application that enables optimalplanning of infantry missions and maintainsa common operational picture for all infantrycommand staffFEATURESBENEFITSSecure Personal Radio (SPR) Team Radio <strong>RF</strong>-7800S-TREmbedded GPS Receiver256 kbps High-SpeedDigital WaveformEnhances soldier safety by au<strong>to</strong>matically transmitting encrypted information. Team Leader can observethe team member locations using FalconCommand. Video can be accurately geo-referenced for laterretrieval and analysis.Provides the necessary bandwidth for transmitting real-time video <strong>to</strong> the next level. Allows secure,conferenced voice for up <strong>to</strong> three simultaneous users, and simultaneous voice, data and position data forup <strong>to</strong> six nets on any one frequency.Secure Personal Radio (SPR) Leader Radio <strong>RF</strong>-7800S-LRSeamless Voice and DataIntegration withUpper-Echelon NetworksSituational Awarenessat the Point of CommandOpen, standardized TCP/IP based connectivity in<strong>to</strong> existing networks. An audio/data retransmissioncapability <strong>to</strong>gether with a common user interface for multiple radios in the Leader’s network.The Leader Radio comes with a wrist-mounted display that makes full use of the embedded processingcapability, providing access <strong>to</strong> the powerful functionality offered by the FalconCommand C3 application,as well as other mission software packages as they become available.VHF Combat Net Radio (CNR) <strong>RF</strong>-7800VHigh-Speed Data Transfer(Up <strong>to</strong> 192 kbps)10W Power OutputDelivers the fastest data transfers available over VHF Combat Net Radios, for quicker response and moredetailed imagery.Provides longer range and greater link reliability in a lightweight, 1.1 kg unit.Citadel ® II and AESEncryptionProvides military-grade security for voice and data transmissions, with cus<strong>to</strong>mer-unique encryptionoptions available.FalconCommand <strong>RF</strong>-5410FCSharing ofVisual InformationSupport forDifferent Mission TypesMission PlanningTerrain & MobilityAnalysisAbility <strong>to</strong> display graphics on the screen locally and share graphics across the network. Compatible withFalcon II/III radios, third party radios, and many other BMS systems.Reconfigurable design allows tailoring for the unique requirements of Special Operations Forces (SOF),military tactical units, emergency management agencies, and other groups.Creation of a tactical plan that is not simply a drawing; the plan retains all object attributes and reasoningbehind the plan.Provides point, area, and linear analysis; line-of-sight overlays; mobility corridors;intervisibility diagrams; route planning; and key terrain identification.11

service offeringAfter-sales service supportsmission-critical systems worldwide<strong>Harris</strong> has earned a worldwide reputation as the low-riskvendor of choice for tactical radios and systems, with 99percent of our international program cus<strong>to</strong>mers reportingthat <strong>Harris</strong> meets or exceeds their expectations. Our responsiveprogram management team and cus<strong>to</strong>mer service organizationwill deliver and support a highly capable C4ISR system.An agile manufacturing process enables <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>to</strong> modifyproduction <strong>to</strong> meet cus<strong>to</strong>mer demands. With one of the highestvolumedefense communications manufacturing facilities in theworld, we have the commitment and capability <strong>to</strong> deliver onour promises.Unlike many other companies, <strong>Harris</strong> has “boots on the ground”experience, supporting our products from initial fielding <strong>to</strong>obsolescence. In fact, we are currently servicing systems that havebeen deployed for more than 20 years, underscoring our absolutecommitment <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mer satisfaction. Our cus<strong>to</strong>mers rate <strong>Harris</strong>an average of two times higher than our nearest competi<strong>to</strong>r.As a proven provider of advanced radio, sensor, and integratedsystems <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mers in over 120 countries, <strong>Harris</strong> has extensiveexperience in providing logistics and sustainment supportthroughout the world. We have developed highly successfulprocesses for fielding, maintaining, supporting, repairing, andupgrading our equipment, no matter where it is deployed.Many of our product and technical service representatives haveprior military experience, and establish a close, personal bond withour cus<strong>to</strong>mers. Our comprehensive service offering includes classictelephone and email support as well as web-based services.<strong>Harris</strong>’s Premier website (https://premier.harris.com/) providescus<strong>to</strong>mized access <strong>to</strong>:l Computer-based training courses and manualsl Frequently asked questionsl Application notesl Purchase of accessories and ancillariesCus<strong>to</strong>mers also can use the website <strong>to</strong>:l Download and track software upgradesl Receive warranty and maintenance support, including RMAnumbers and returned goods statusSystem training is another important consideration. <strong>Harris</strong> trainsapproximately 5,000 students per year on the installation,operation, and maintenance of its equipment and systems. Thisprocess occurs in <strong>Harris</strong>’s classrooms, at cus<strong>to</strong>mer locations, andin the field. Our students (our cus<strong>to</strong>mers) consistently rate thetraining they receive as meeting or exceeding their expectations.

The <strong>Harris</strong> Infantry Mission Systemprovides economic benefits throughoutits entire life cycle:Low Risk – Our cus<strong>to</strong>mer knowledge, program management,technical expertise, and world-class cus<strong>to</strong>mer support serve <strong>to</strong>reduce fielding risk.High Performance – The open architecture design capitalizeson technology refresh of components, maximizing the value ofcus<strong>to</strong>mers’ investments over an extended time period.System Sustainment and Supportability – Sustainment issuesare reduced by the use of rugged military equipment (with existingtraining and ILS packages) and the availability of <strong>Harris</strong> fieldservice representatives.Life-cycle costs are reduced by:l Use of common equipment and software applicationsl 24/7 support capabilitiesl Available in-country training and training materiall Common equipment interfaces and programmingl Availability of installation and maintenance by in-countrypartnersl Availability of extended warranties beyond the standard12 monthsl Low-cost upgrade paths13

proven performance<strong>Harris</strong> supplies tactical and public safety radioproducts in over 120 countries worldwideMillions of people and hundreds of government agenciesthroughout the world rely on assured communications ®solutions from <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>to</strong> deliver critical information <strong>to</strong> theright place at the right time. They know there is <strong>to</strong>o much ridingon the outcome <strong>to</strong> risk anything less. What sets <strong>Harris</strong> apart is ourdepth of expertise, breadth of experience, and focus on providingthe most advanced products, systems, and services that meet orexceed the requirements of our cus<strong>to</strong>mers.<strong>Harris</strong> is one of the only companies in the world specializing inadvanced technology for capturing, aggregating, distributing,and analyzing the full breadth of wireless communicationsincluding voice, data, video, and imaging. We use this uniquecapability <strong>to</strong> provide systems and networks for cus<strong>to</strong>mers indefense, intelligence, government, public safety, healthcare,and energy markets.<strong>Harris</strong> <strong>RF</strong> <strong>Communications</strong> Division (<strong>RF</strong>CD) is the leading supplierof tactical, secure voice and data communications products,systems, and networks <strong>to</strong> military, government, and commercialorganizations worldwide. Over 50 years of internationalexperience is leveraged in<strong>to</strong> the design and deployment of<strong>Harris</strong> <strong>RF</strong>CD’s packaged C4ISR system solutions.The Infantry Mission System is one more example of <strong>Harris</strong>responding <strong>to</strong> the needs of its cus<strong>to</strong>mers.<strong>Harris</strong> has internationallyacclaimed products whichhave left everyone else inthe dust. l International Cus<strong>to</strong>merI firmly believe that <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>RF</strong><strong>Communications</strong> really listens<strong>to</strong> their cus<strong>to</strong>mer base and livesby the creed: the cus<strong>to</strong>mer isking. I truly feel that sense ofpartnership with <strong>Harris</strong>, andI’ve been dealing with <strong>Harris</strong>for years now. l NATO Staff Member

Always connected. Never alone.Corporate Headquarters<strong>RF</strong>CD Headquarters and Manufacturing<strong>RF</strong>CD Hubs<strong>RF</strong>CD Offices<strong>RF</strong>CD PartnersTactical Cus<strong>to</strong>mersPublic Safety Cus<strong>to</strong>mersTactical and Public Safety Cus<strong>to</strong>mersOur proven solutions provide:l Voice, data, and video where it’s needed, when it’s neededl Cost effectiveness over the life cycle of the system• No long, costly development cycle• Unsurpassed in-country support during and after deliveryl Scalability and growth optionsl Configurable solution setsl On-time delivery of quality systems15

the harris differenceAs your partner, <strong>Harris</strong> is committed <strong>to</strong> your success<strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> welcomes the opportunity <strong>to</strong> discuss theInfantry Mission System in more detail, and how it can beapplied <strong>to</strong> your missions and applications.We believe that our packaged systems provide a significant value<strong>to</strong> you, our cus<strong>to</strong>mer, in the following ways:l The systems are available now, eliminating long and expensivedevelopment and procurement cycles.l The use of the latest wideband Falcon III ® tactical radiossupports new operational capabilities, such as live video andsituational awareness, that have not previously been possible.l Falcon III Software-defined radio technology uses openarchitectures and standard interfaces, allowing the system<strong>to</strong> incorporate new capabilities and stave off obsolescence.l Pre-engineered system designs emphasize commonality ofequipment and resources <strong>to</strong> reduce life-cycle sustainment costssuch as training, sparing, and maintenance.l <strong>Harris</strong> systems engineers and in-country partners can readilycus<strong>to</strong>mize the solution, as required.l The systems are supported by our world-class cus<strong>to</strong>mer serviceorganization that operates in every part of the world and issecond <strong>to</strong> none.<strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> is a $5 billion (USD) internationalcommunications systems company serving government andcommercial markets worldwide. We are confident that ourpackaged C4ISR system solutions represent the best value withthe lowest schedule, cost, and technical risks for meeting yourcomplex operational challenges.Our solutions leverage:l Falcon III ® wideband radio technologyl <strong>Harris</strong>’s video processing and management technologyl Open standards and interfacesl Focused program teamsl Over 50 years experience providing state-of-the-art militarysystemsl Product service teams that deploy <strong>to</strong> our cus<strong>to</strong>merl Over 7,000 engineers and scientists throughout the corporation

©UK MOD Crown Copyright 2011Always connected, never alonewith infantry mission support from <strong>Harris</strong>17

<strong>RF</strong> <strong>Communications</strong> Division | 1680 University Avenue | Rochester, NY USA 14610www.harris.com | 1-800-4-HARRIS | Telephone 585-244-5830Special thanks <strong>to</strong> the UK Ministry of Defence for providing some of the images used in this <strong>brochure</strong>.This information was approved for publishing per the ITAR as “Basic Marketing Information of Defense Articles” or per the EAR as “Advertising Printed Matter.”Specifications are subject <strong>to</strong> change without notice. © 2013 <strong>Harris</strong> <strong>Corporation</strong> 1/13 ES-106B

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