DR. MOHAN SINGH CHAUHAN - Birbal Sahni Institute of ...

DR. MOHAN SINGH CHAUHAN - Birbal Sahni Institute of ... DR. MOHAN SINGH CHAUHAN - Birbal Sahni Institute of ...


pp. 54-124 in: Mitra, A.P. & Sharma, Chhemendra (eds.): Global EnvironmentalChanges in South Asia: A Regional Perspective, Capital Publishing Company,New Delhi.70. Tewari, R., Srivastava, R.K., Singh, K.K., Saraswat, K.S., Singh, I.B., Chauhan,M.S., Pokharia, A.K., Saxena, A., Prasad, V. & Sharma, M. (2006). Secondpreliminary report of the excavations at Lahuradewa, District Sant Kabir Nagar,U.P.: 2002-2003-2004 & 2005-2006. Pragdhara: Journal of Uttar Pradesh StateArchaeology, 16: 35-68.71. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2008). Pollen proxy records of Holocene vegetationand climate change from Mansar Lake, Jammu region, India. Current Science, 95(9): 1347-1354.72. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2009). Holocene vegetation and climate fluctuationsin northwest Himalaya based on pollen evidence from Surinsar Lake, JammuRegion, India. Journal of Geological Society of India, 74 (3): 402-412. (ImpactFactor 0.596)73. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2011). Modern pollen rain-vegetation relationshipstudy in Jalesar, Unnao District Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Palynology, 47: 11-21.74. Trivedi, A., Chauhan, M.S., Sharma, A., Nautiyal, C.M. & Tiwari, D.P. LatePleistocene-Holocene vegetation, climate change and human impact in the CentralGanga Plain: a study based on pollen organic-inorganic carbon distribution fromJalesar Tal, Unnao District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Current Science, 103 (5): 555-562.75. Trivedi, A., Singh, D.S., Chauhan, M.S., Arya, A., Bhardwaj, V. & Awasthi, A.(2011). Vegetation and climate change around Ropanchhapra Tal in DeoriaDistrict, Central Ganga Plain during the last 1350 years. Journal PalaeontologicalSociety of India, 56 (1): 39-43.76. Vishnu-Mittre, Sharma, C., Saxena, A.K., Bhattacharyya, A. & Chauhan, M.S.(1984). Pollen stratigraphy of India. Puratattva, 13&14: 132-139.77. Yadav, D.N., Chauhan, M.S. & Sarin, M.M. (2006). Geochemical and pollen recordsfrom northeastern Madhya Pradesh: An appraisal of Late-Quaternary vegetationand climate change. Journal of Geological Society of India, 68 (1): 95-102.78. Yadav, S., Chauhan, M.S. & Sharma, A. (2007). Characterization of bio-aerosolsduring dust storm period in N-NW India. Atmospheric Environment, 41 (28):6063-6073.8

Paper in press:79. Trivedi, A., Chauhan, M.S. & Malik, M.A. Holocene vegetation and climate changein Jammu region, based on pollen evidence from the lake deposits. Man andEnvironment.80. Wasson, R.J., Chauhan, M.S., Sharma, C., Jaiswal, M., Singhvi, A.K. & Srivastava,P. Erosion of river terraces as a component of large catchment sediment budgets:a pilot study from the Gangetic Plain. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.Papers accepted:81. Quamar, M.F. & Chauhan, M.S. Vegetation and climate oscillations in southwesternMadhya Pradesh during the last 3300 years based on pollen evidence. Journal ofIndian Association of Sedimentologists.82. Murthy, S. & Chauhan, M.S. Fungal remains from Denwa Formation, Satpura Basin,Madhya Pradesh and their palaeoenvironmental implications. Journal of IndianAssociation of Sedimentologists.83. Trivedi, A., Tiwari, D.P., Chauhan, M.S., & Nautiyal, C.M. Preliminary results onthe palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate during Pleistocene-Holocene from JalesarLake, District Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. Excavation of Sachankot, Uttar Pradesh.Papers communicated:84. Chauhan, M.S., Sharma A., Phartiyal, B. & Kamlesh. Vegetation and climate changein southeastern Madhya Pradesh since Early Holocene, based on pollen andgeochemical evidence. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. (Revised)85. Chauhan, M.S., Trivedi, A. & Sharma, A. Pollen analysis of multifloral honeys fromLucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Journal of Environmental Biology.86. Farooqui, A., Swindles, G., Trivedi1, A. & Chauhan, M.S. Distribution of testateamoebae (thecamoebians) in a dessicating lake, India. European Journal ofProtistology.87. Trivedi, A., Chauhan, M.S., Sharma, A., Nautiyal, C.M. & Tiwari, D.P. LatePleistocene-Holocene palaeovegetation and palaeoclimatic records from CentralGanga Plain: a multiproxy study from Jalesar Lake, Unnao District, UttarPradesh, India. Quaternary International. (Revised)9

pp. 54-124 in: Mitra, A.P. & Sharma, Chhemendra (eds.): Global EnvironmentalChanges in South Asia: A Regional Perspective, Capital Publishing Company,New Delhi.70. Tewari, R., Srivastava, R.K., Singh, K.K., Saraswat, K.S., Singh, I.B., Chauhan,M.S., Pokharia, A.K., Saxena, A., Prasad, V. & Sharma, M. (2006). Secondpreliminary report <strong>of</strong> the excavations at Lahuradewa, District Sant Kabir Nagar,U.P.: 2002-2003-2004 & 2005-2006. Pragdhara: Journal <strong>of</strong> Uttar Pradesh StateArchaeology, 16: 35-68.71. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2008). Pollen proxy records <strong>of</strong> Holocene vegetationand climate change from Mansar Lake, Jammu region, India. Current Science, 95(9): 1347-1354.72. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2009). Holocene vegetation and climate fluctuationsin northwest Himalaya based on pollen evidence from Surinsar Lake, JammuRegion, India. Journal <strong>of</strong> Geological Society <strong>of</strong> India, 74 (3): 402-412. (ImpactFactor 0.596)73. Trivedi, A. & Chauhan, M.S. (2011). Modern pollen rain-vegetation relationshipstudy in Jalesar, Unnao District Uttar Pradesh. Journal <strong>of</strong> Palynology, 47: 11-21.74. Trivedi, A., Chauhan, M.S., Sharma, A., Nautiyal, C.M. & Tiwari, D.P. LatePleistocene-Holocene vegetation, climate change and human impact in the CentralGanga Plain: a study based on pollen organic-inorganic carbon distribution fromJalesar Tal, Unnao District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Current Science, 103 (5): 555-562.75. Trivedi, A., Singh, D.S., Chauhan, M.S., Arya, A., Bhardwaj, V. & Awasthi, A.(2011). Vegetation and climate change around Ropanchhapra Tal in DeoriaDistrict, Central Ganga Plain during the last 1350 years. Journal PalaeontologicalSociety <strong>of</strong> India, 56 (1): 39-43.76. Vishnu-Mittre, Sharma, C., Saxena, A.K., Bhattacharyya, A. & Chauhan, M.S.(1984). Pollen stratigraphy <strong>of</strong> India. Puratattva, 13&14: 132-139.77. Yadav, D.N., Chauhan, M.S. & Sarin, M.M. (2006). Geochemical and pollen recordsfrom northeastern Madhya Pradesh: An appraisal <strong>of</strong> Late-Quaternary vegetationand climate change. Journal <strong>of</strong> Geological Society <strong>of</strong> India, 68 (1): 95-102.78. Yadav, S., Chauhan, M.S. & Sharma, A. (2007). Characterization <strong>of</strong> bio-aerosolsduring dust storm period in N-NW India. Atmospheric Environment, 41 (28):6063-6073.8

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