SCA-TRIAX Electricity cabinets [final].indd - Wisat

SCA-TRIAX Electricity cabinets [final].indd - Wisat

SCA-TRIAX Electricity cabinets [final].indd - Wisat

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General Sales andDelivery ConditionsRemedy is only made by adjustment, repair or re placement of (parts of) the product or its com po nentsaccording to the seller’s option. Wages paid fordismounting and mounting will not be re fund ed. Ifdismounting and mounting should affect more thanthe product, such work and costs are ir rel e vant tothe seller as well. The buyer has to send the sellera written complaint with details of the defi ciencywithout undue delay. The complaint should be madeimmediately, if there is reason to believe that damagesmight be involved. If the buyer does not advisethe seller of a defi ciency within the time limit stated,the buyer will lose his right to make a claim.Return of repaired parts or return of the prod uct ispaid by the seller who takes over replaced parts,if any. Unless otherwise agreed, the buyer will paysuch additional costs that may arise if the product issituated at another place than the des ti na tion statedin the agreement, or, failing such in for ma tion, theplace of delivery.If the product has been changed or someone elsethan the seller or a repair man appointed by the sellerhas tried to repair the product, or if the prod uct hasbeen subject to damages or used for unfi t purposes,or if installation, operation and main te nanceare not in compliance with the sell er’s stip u la tions,the seller can refuse to remedy the de fi cien cy freeof charge.Defi ciencies caused by conditions for which thebuyer or someone else is responsible, or which arenot announced until after expiration of the rem e dy ingperiod, are not the seller’s business.The seller’s responsibility does not include de fi -cien cies arisen in materials provided by the cus tomer or by a co-producer / supplier ap point ed by thecustomer or in constructions ordered or spec i fied byhim. If the seller does not meet his ob li ga tions withina reasonable time, the buyer can claim a pro por ti o nalreduction of the purchase sum, but not more than15% of the agreed purchase sum. In case of a vitaldefi ciency, the buyer can cancel the ag ree ment bya written notice to the seller, at the same time demandingcompensation for his loss, i.e. max. 15%of the agreed purchase sum.Above conditions are the seller’s maximum ob li -ga tions concerning shortcomings. So the sell er isneither responsible for direct nor indirect loss es,including operational losses, loss of profi t as wellas costs or damages etc.14. LIABILITY FOR CAUSINGDAM AG ES(PROD UCT LIABILITY)The seller is responsible for personal injuries ac cording to the legislation concerning product li a bil i ty.The seller is not responsible for damages to real andpersonal property which occurs while the prod uct isin the buyer’s possession. Nor is the seller responsiblefor damages to products made by the buyeror products comprising such parts. Fur ther more,the seller is only responsible for dam ag es to realand personal property, if it can be proved thatthe damage is caused by mistakes or negligencemade by the seller or others whom the seller isresponsible for.The seller is not responsible for operational loss es,loss of profi t or other indirect losses.If a product liability towards a third party has beenimposed on the seller, the buyer is com mit ted toindemnify the seller to the same degree as theseller’s responsibility stated in the three pre vi ousparagraphs.These limitations of the seller’s responsibility are notvalid, if the seller has shown gross neg li gence.If the third party claims compensation from one ofthe parties in accordance with this point, he shouldadvise the other party immediately.The buyer is bound to let the court or ar bi tra tiontri bu nal bring an action against him which dealswith claims made against the seller for damagesassertedly caused by the product.15. FORCE MAJEUREThe seller’s obligations are suspended and can bedropped when missing fulfi lment is owing to con ditions beyond the seller’s control.16. CONSUMERS’ PURCHASES INDENMARKFor consumers’ purchases in Denmark the stip u -la tions laid down in the Sale of Goods Act takeprecedence over these sales and delivery terms.17. VENUE AND LAWAny dispute arising out of the contract shall beset tled before a Danish court. The venue is „SØ- ogHandelsretten“ in Copenhagen. How ev er, the sell eris entitled to demand arbitration ac cord ing to thegeneral rules of the Danish court. The Court of Ar bi -tra tion is set up in Copenhagen. Set tle ment througharbitration does not exclude the pos si bil i ty of aninjunction or that other preliminary rem e dies can becarried through at the relevant rev e nue.Micro Matic LTVA/SOdense, DK Micro MaticUSA Inc,USAMicro MaticGmbHGermanyMicro MaticLtd.Great BritainRichardMillington & Co.Ltd.Great BritainMicro MaticInternationalS.A.LuxembourgMicro MaticBeijing Co. Ltd.ChinaN.N. HoldingA/SMicro MaticInstrument A/SSøndersø, DKDraft ServiceInc,USAEGAGmbHGermanyMicro MaticLTVSouth AfricaGyrmeto S.A.FranceKeggy DrinkSystems GmbHGermanyOdenseDenmark<strong>TRIAX</strong> A/SHornsyld, DKTriax UK Ltd.Triax SàrlTriax GmbH<strong>TRIAX</strong> KSA<strong>TRIAX</strong> FTZGreat BritainFranceGermanyRiyadhSaudi ArabiaDubaiUAENassau DoorA/SRinge, DKNassau DeurBVIndus BeheerBVNassau DoorNVNassau ToreGmbHNassau DoorØst A/SNetherlandsNetherlandsBelgiumGermanyNorway19The information contained in this catalogue was tothe best of the knowledge of <strong>TRIAX</strong>, correct at thetime of publication.<strong>TRIAX</strong> reserves the right, without prior notice, todiscontinue products or to make design changesas part of its continuous programme of productimprovement.<strong>TRIAX</strong> will not accept responsability for damage,injury, loss or expense resulting from any error oromissions.

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