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<strong>Liputan</strong> Laporan <strong>Media</strong> Berkaitan LKAN 2008DRBHicom’s failure had prompted the government to appoint another contractor to complete theremaining 22.4 percent of the project by appointing UEM Construction Sdn Bhd (UEMC) as themain contractor through direct negotiation by awarding a cost-plus contract worth RM772.05mil inJune 2005. Until December 2008, RM5.77bil had been spent to implement the project, RM1.43bil(32.9 percent) higher that the worth of the original contract at RM4.34bil. On the quality of work, theconstruction of rail stations were satisfactory except for the roof of a pedestrian bridge connectingtwo platforms at the Tanjung Malim station which was found to be too high for comfort when it rained.The report said electric coaches were supposed to be used in the train services on the double trackbetween KL Sentral and Ipoh in December 2008. Instead, they were powered by diesel. “A RM240milallocation was sought under the Eight Malaysia Plan (8MP) to buy six electric train sets (ETs) butonly RM20mil was approved. “Only in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP), RM249.6 mil was approved forthe purchase,” it said. On the 10 Automatic Fare Collection System (AFCs) worth RM54.43mil, thereport said only five stations in Serendah, Batang Kali, Rasa, Kuala Kubu Baru and Tanjung Malimwere fixed with the AFCS while the remaining AFCS were stored in Kuala Kubu Baru, Behrang andSlim River. “The weaknesses in planning and the failure in coordinating the AFCS procurement hadactually caused an over purchase of five sets worth RM27.22 mil. If the equipment remains unused,it is a waste,” it said. – Bernama.20 October 2009 (Tuesday)Projek Landasan Berkembar Elektrik Antara Rawang <strong>Dan</strong> Ipoh - <strong>Kementerian</strong> PengangkutanCall To Fine DRB-Hicom RM80.88mKUALA LUMPUR: The auditor-general has recommended that the Transport Ministry fine DRB-HicomBhd RM80.88 million for failing to complete the double-tracking project from Rawang to Ipoh ontime. Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said the company had been fined RM18.43 million for damages incurredbetween Dec 11, 2003 and March 31, 2004, after its contract was terminated by the ministry.There has yet to be a fine for the period between April 1, 2004 and Aug 4 the same year. He saidthe delay in construction resulted in the project cost ballooning by RM1.43 billion to RM5.77 billion.Originally budgeted at RM4.34 billion, the audit found that the number of equipment bought exceededwhat was needed and the procurement of trains was not done according to the development ofinfrastructure.Ambrin said because of this, the project could not be completed on time and it was likely that thegovernment would have to bear part of the losses. He said the ministry should ensure that the appointed<strong>Jabatan</strong> Audit Negara15

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