THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;46 <strong>THE</strong> DOCTRINE OF MAYAKnowing the soul, free from desire, wise, immortal,self-existent, satisfied with the essence, not deficient inany respect, one is not afraid <strong>of</strong> death.&quot; x A.V. x. 8. 44.They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni ;likewise heis the heavenly-winged eagle ;what is one the sages namevariously they call him Agni, Yama, Matarisvan.&quot; 2;A.V. ix. 10. 28.These typical passages point to a continuation <strong>of</strong>the same idea in the A.V. The Brahmanas, theexegetical treatises on the Samhitas, being mainlyguided by the Sruti, 3 and starting with the object<strong>of</strong> making explicit what is implicitly implied in themantras, may naturally be supposed not to swervefrom the general spirit <strong>of</strong> the latter. What is already explicit in the mantras is sometimes onlyemphasized in these treatises. The transition fromthe earlier thought <strong>of</strong> the Samhita to that <strong>of</strong> theBrahmanas may be noticed, for instance, in R.V.x. 81, where the questionis askedLudwig, p. 395 ; Deussen, Geschichte, i. I. 318 ; Grifnth,ii.34.1Compare what Deussen remarks on this passage :die erste und alteste Stelle,die wir kennen, in der ruckhaltlosder Atman als Weltprincip proklamiert wird, A.V.x. 8. 44,&quot; (Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. i., p. 334).2 See Whitney s A.V., p. 561.3The Brahmanas in regard to their subject-matter aresupposed by some to be uditanuvadah i.e., they explain in detail what is already given in the Veda. (Cf.Yaska, Nirukta, i. 16. Roth s ed., p. 37, uditanuvadahsa ^bhavati.&quot;)

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