THE Doctrine of Maya -

THE Doctrine of Maya - THE Doctrine of Maya -
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40 THE DOCTRINE OF MAYAspoken ofin the hymndo not stand in antithesis(as they do in early Greek philosophy) ; onthecontrary, they are one, though they are two fromour way of looking at them. 1 The undevelopedstate, known as kdrandvasthd, isspoken of as Non-Beingit does not mean the negation of Being ,while the manifested state is called by the nameofBeing.This also explains why Beingis said to be born ofNon-Being in R.V. x. 72. 2-3, and the root of theformer is discovered in the latter (R.V. x. 129. 4).There might appear many such contradictions implied in the use of terms, but they are only seemingcontradictions, and vanish as soon as the real reconciliation (vyavastha)is made out.Now, after attaining a consciousness of the oneness of all things, the next step was naturally a questafter the nature of this unity. An attemptis madeto determine it in R.V. x. 121, where, after describing the majesty and wonder of the vast network ofcreation, the poet at last names Prajapati as theunknown god, the ultimate unity of all creation."Prajapati,than thou there is no other,Who holds in his embrace the whole creation."This idea of Prajapati is subsequently transformedunder the name of Brahman or Atman in the Upani-1On this idea see ankara s commentary on Vedanta-Siitras, i. 4. 15, p. 376, 11. 7-10 (Bibl. Ind. edn.).

"""""""DEVELOPMENT OF ITS CONCEPTION 41sads. However, in another Vedic hymn (R.V. x.90) we see the same power attributed to Purma(who, we believe, is one with Prajapati in generalconception), and in R.V. x. 81 and 82 to Visvakarman.In R.V. x. 72 the same functions arereferred to BrahmanaspatiBrahmanaspati likea smithTogether forged this universe ;When gods existed not as yet,Then Being from Non-Being didarise."Later on, Prajapatiis identified with the creatingword 1 (the Greek Logos in R.V. x.") 125, andwith the sacrifice and the year as principles of1 On the relation between the Indian conception of Vacand the Greek conception of Aoyo?,see Weber s IndischeStudien, vol. ix. Cf. also Max Heinze, Die Lehre vomLogos in der Griechischen Philosophie, Oldenberg, 1872. Innumerous passages Vac also appears as the consort of Prajapati, the creator.R.V. x. 90, has been translated by Max Miiller, AncientSk. Lit. (1859), p. 569 ; Muir, O.S.T., iv. 16 ; Ludwig, No.948 ; Grassmann, ii. 398 ; Max Miiller, Hibbert Lectures(1882), p. 301 ; Henry W. Wallis, Cosmology of the R.V.,p. 50 ;Max Miiller, Vedic Hymns, S.B.E., xxxii. i ; Deussen,Geschichte, i. i. 132.With some variants, this hymn is found in A.V. iv. 2,which has been translated by Weber, xviii. 8 ; Oldenberg,Die Hymnen des R.V., i. 314 f., Bloomfield, JAOS, xv. 184.V.S. xxxi. 18 (=Svetas. Up. iii. 8 : Muir v. p. 373) referto Purusa :I know this great Purusha, resplendent as the sun,above the darkness. It isby knowing him that a man

&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;DEVELOPMENT OF ITS CONCEPTION 41sads. However, in another Vedic hymn (R.V. x.90) we see the same power attributed to Purma(who, we believe, is one with Prajapati in generalconception), and in R.V. x. 81 and 82 to Visvakarman.In R.V. x. 72 the same functions arereferred to BrahmanaspatiBrahmanaspati likea smithTogether forged this universe ;When gods existed not as yet,Then Being from Non-Being didarise.&quot;Later on, Prajapatiis identified with the creatingword 1 (the Greek Logos in R.V. x.&quot;) 125, andwith the sacrifice and the year as principles <strong>of</strong>1 On the relation between the Indian conception <strong>of</strong> Vacand the Greek conception <strong>of</strong> Aoyo?,see Weber s IndischeStudien, vol. ix. Cf. also Max Heinze, Die Lehre vomLogos in der Griechischen Philosophie, Oldenberg, 1872. Innumerous passages Vac also appears as the consort <strong>of</strong> Prajapati, the creator.R.V. x. 90, has been translated by Max Miiller, AncientSk. Lit. (1859), p. 569 ; Muir, O.S.T., iv. 16 ; Ludwig, No.948 ; Grassmann, ii. 398 ; Max Miiller, Hibbert Lectures(1882), p. 301 ; Henry W. Wallis, Cosmology <strong>of</strong> the R.V.,p. 50 ;Max Miiller, Vedic Hymns, S.B.E., xxxii. i ; Deussen,Geschichte, i. i. 132.With some variants, this hymn is found in A.V. iv. 2,which has been translated by Weber, xviii. 8 ; Oldenberg,Die Hymnen des R.V., i. 314 f., Bloomfield, JAOS, xv. 184.V.S. xxxi. 18 (=Svetas. Up. iii. 8 : Muir v. p. 373) referto Purusa :I know this great Purusha, resplendent as the sun,above the darkness. It isby knowing him that a man

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