THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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40 <strong>THE</strong> DOCTRINE OF MAYAspoken <strong>of</strong>in the hymndo not stand in antithesis(as they do in early Greek philosophy) ; onthecontrary, they are one, though they are two fromour way <strong>of</strong> looking at them. 1 The undevelopedstate, known as kdrandvasthd, isspoken <strong>of</strong> as Non-Beingit does not mean the negation <strong>of</strong> Being ,while the manifested state is called by the name<strong>of</strong>Being.This also explains why Beingis said to be born <strong>of</strong>Non-Being in R.V. x. 72. 2-3, and the root <strong>of</strong> theformer is discovered in the latter (R.V. x. 129. 4).There might appear many such contradictions implied in the use <strong>of</strong> terms, but they are only seemingcontradictions, and vanish as soon as the real reconciliation (vyavastha)is made out.Now, after attaining a consciousness <strong>of</strong> the oneness <strong>of</strong> all things, the next step was naturally a questafter the nature <strong>of</strong> this unity. An attemptis madeto determine it in R.V. x. 121, where, after describing the majesty and wonder <strong>of</strong> the vast network <strong>of</strong>creation, the poet at last names Prajapati as theunknown god, the ultimate unity <strong>of</strong> all creation.&quot;Prajapati,than thou there is no other,Who holds in his embrace the whole creation.&quot;This idea <strong>of</strong> Prajapati is subsequently transformedunder the name <strong>of</strong> Brahman or Atman in the Upani-1On this idea see ankara s <strong>com</strong>mentary on Vedanta-Siitras, i. 4. 15, p. 376, 11. 7-10 (Bibl. Ind. edn.).

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