THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;HISTORY OF <strong>THE</strong> WORD &quot;MAYA&quot;25Here the wordjugglermdydvinoccurs and means a;so too it means in the following2. eva paramesvarah kutastha-nityo vijnanadhaturavidyaya mayaya mayavivad anekadha vibhavyate.&quot; *(On i. 3. 19).mayamayi maha-susuptih.&quot; (On i. 4. 3-) 2Kvacin maya iti sucitam.&quot; (Ibid.) 3Avyakta hi sa maya.&quot;(Ibid.)*<strong>Maya</strong>vi iva mayayah prasaritasya jagatah.&quot; (Onii. i.i.) 5yatha svayam prasaritaya mayay a mayavi trisv apikalesu na samsprsyate avastutvat, evam paramatmapisamsara-mayaya na samsprsyate iti,&quot; etc. (On ii.i.69 )-8.9.10.mayamatram hi etat.&quot; (Ibid.) 7yatha ca mayavi svayam-prasaritam mayam icchayaanayasena eva upasamharati.&quot; (On ii. 1.21.) 8loke pi devadisu mayavi-adisu ca svarupa-anumardenaeva vicitra hasti-asva-adi srstayo drsyante.&quot;(On ii. i. 28).These are the ten passages in Sankara s Bhasyain which the word occurs. It is possible to discovermore passages in the same on a minuter analysis <strong>of</strong>the vast and voluminous <strong>com</strong>mentary, but thatwould not affect our problem in any way. It is1Sankara on 1. 3. 19. Ibid., p. 269, 11. 1-3.2 Ibid., p. 342,I. 9.3 Ibid., p. 342,1. 12.4 Ibid., p. 343,1. i.5 Saiikara on i. 3. 19, Ibid., p. 406,1. 6.6 Ibid., p. 432,11. 8-10. 7 Ibid., p. 432,I. 13.8 Ibid., p. 472,1. 9.9 Ibid., p. 484,1. ii.

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