THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;HISTORY OF <strong>THE</strong> WORD &quot;MAYA&quot; 23Here itprakrtim svam adhisthayasambhavamy atmamayayameansHere it meanson God isspokenwill-power. *(iv. 6).Daivi hy esa gunamayimama mdyd duratyaya,mam eva ye prapadyante&quot;mayam etam taranti te (vii. 14).illusion,&quot; which being dependent<strong>of</strong> as &quot;divine.&quot;wayayapahrtajnanaasuram bhavam asritah(vii. 15).Here, too,the same sense <strong>of</strong>illusion.&quot;bhramayan sarvabrmtam&quot;yantrarudhani mayaya(xviii. 61).Here, too, it means the great illusive Power.&quot;Now let us turn to the System <strong>of</strong> the Vedanta,properly so called as one <strong>of</strong> the six systems or schools<strong>of</strong> Indian philosophy. The Sutras (aphorisms,condensed formulas) which constitute this systemare called the Brahma-Sutras or the Veddnta-Sutras,and are 555 in number. The word mdyd, however,occurs only in one <strong>of</strong> these (iii. 2. 3), which runsthus<strong>Maya</strong>matram tu kartsnyena anabhivyaktasvarupatvatwhere, speaking <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> a dream, the dreamworld ispronounced to be mere illusion.&quot; Max1 Cf. Deussen, Die Sutras des Vedanta, Leipzig, 1887,p. 504 ; Thibaut, Vedanta-Sutras, Part II (vol. xxxviii. <strong>of</strong>S.B.E.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1896, p. 134.&quot;J

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