THE Doctrine of Maya -

THE Doctrine of Maya - THE Doctrine of Maya -
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"""""""""""""22 THE DOCTRINE OF MAYAUpalambhat samacaran mayahasti yathocyate(iv. 44),where the empirical existence of the world isgrantedlike the one granted to an illusive elephant."janma mayopamam tesam sa ca maya na vidyate"(iii. 58),whereall.mayais said to have no real existence atyatha mayamayad vijaj jayate tanmayo nkurahwhere the creation, destruction, etc.,(iv. 59),of the worldlyobjects is described as may a, an appearance, seemingtrue only in the realm of appearance.yatha svapne dvayabhasam cittam calati mayaya,tatha jagrad dvayabhasam cittam calati mayayawhere the seeming duality is spoken(iv. 61),of as merevijndnamaya, and the waking and the dreamingstates are compared in this regard.The same sense is observed in the great epic, theMahabharata. For instancepura vikurute mayam (i. 6,029).Cf. also i.7,631, iii. 2,557, xiii. 7,595,mayam mohimm samupasritah (i. 1,156),apsara devakanya va maya" (iii. 15,580).Jsfow wfi is ther^njTTgJrM^finest gem in our New Testament of the Upanisads,and which contains the essentials of all our philosophy.

""""""""""""HISTORY OF THE WORD "MAYA" 23Here itprakrtim svam adhisthayasambhavamy atmamayayameansHere it meanson God isspokenwill-power. *(iv. 6).Daivi hy esa gunamayimama mdyd duratyaya,mam eva ye prapadyante"mayam etam taranti te (vii. 14).illusion," which being dependentof as "divine."wayayapahrtajnanaasuram bhavam asritah(vii. 15).Here, too,the same sense ofillusion."bhramayan sarvabrmtam"yantrarudhani mayaya(xviii. 61).Here, too, it means the great illusive Power."Now let us turn to the System of the Vedanta,properly so called as one of the six systems or schoolsof Indian philosophy. The Sutras (aphorisms,condensed formulas) which constitute this systemare called the Brahma-Sutras or the Veddnta-Sutras,and are 555 in number. The word mdyd, however,occurs only in one of these (iii. 2. 3), which runsthusMayamatram tu kartsnyena anabhivyaktasvarupatvatwhere, speaking of the nature of a dream, the dreamworld ispronounced to be mere illusion." Max1 Cf. Deussen, Die Sutras des Vedanta, Leipzig, 1887,p. 504 ; Thibaut, Vedanta-Sutras, Part II (vol. xxxviii. ofS.B.E.), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1896, p. 134."J

&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;22 <strong>THE</strong> DOCTRINE OF MAYAUpalambhat samacaran mayahasti yathocyate(iv. 44),where the empirical existence <strong>of</strong> the world isgrantedlike the one granted to an illusive elephant.&quot;janma mayopamam tesam sa ca maya na vidyate&quot;(iii. 58),whereall.mayais said to have no real existence atyatha mayamayad vijaj jayate tanmayo nkurahwhere the creation, destruction, etc.,(iv. 59),<strong>of</strong> the worldlyobjects is described as may a, an appearance, seemingtrue only in the realm <strong>of</strong> appearance.yatha svapne dvayabhasam cittam calati mayaya,tatha jagrad dvayabhasam cittam calati mayayawhere the seeming duality is spoken(iv. 61),<strong>of</strong> as merevijndnamaya, and the waking and the dreamingstates are <strong>com</strong>pared in this regard.The same sense is observed in the great epic, theMahabharata. For instancepura vikurute mayam (i. 6,029).Cf. also i.7,631, iii. 2,557, xiii. 7,595,mayam mohimm samupasritah (i. 1,156),apsara devakanya va maya&quot; (iii. 15,580).Jsfow wfi is ther^njTTgJrM^finest gem in our New Testament <strong>of</strong> the Upanisads,and which contains the essentials <strong>of</strong> all our philosophy.

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