THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;HISTORY OF <strong>THE</strong> WORD&quot;MAYA&quot;15details here. The really philosophical treatises,which are <strong>of</strong> fundamental importance for our purpose, are the final portions <strong>of</strong> the Brahmanas, calledthe Upanisads. But before we take up the Upani-a few references fromsads proper, we may quotethe Brahmanas too in the way <strong>of</strong> Sthdll-pulakanydya.1The2Vajasaneyi-Samhita contains the formsmaya (xi. 69), mayam, 3 mayaya 4 and mayayam, 6and Mahidhara in his <strong>com</strong>mentary gives the wordsprajna and buddhi as synonyms <strong>of</strong> maya.&quot;The Aitareya Brahmana 6 has mayaya (vi. 36),mayam, mayavant, and mayavattarah (viii. 23),where the word clearly means supernatural ormagical The form mayaya also occursskill.&quot;in the Taittiriya Brahmana 7 10.(iii. 8. 2) where,1i.e., the maxim <strong>of</strong> the cooking-pot and the boilingrice.&quot;By finding one grain well-cooked we infer the samewith regard to all the others. So the conditions <strong>of</strong> the classmay be inferred from that <strong>of</strong> a part, if the whole is made up<strong>of</strong> homogeneous and similar parts. Cf. Patanj all s Mahabhasya,i. 4. 23 (Vart. 15). Paryapto hi ekah pulakahsthalya nidarsanaya.&quot;2Weber, The White Yajurveda, part I, The Vajasaneyi-Samhita, in the Madhyandina and the Kanva-Sakha, withthe <strong>com</strong>mentary <strong>of</strong> Mahidhara. Berlin and London, 1852.3Ibid., p. 420. V.S. xiii. 44. Mahidhara adds,jndyate anaya iti maya,&quot;*Ibid., p. 728, V.S. xxiii. 52.5miyateIbid., p. 841, V.S. xxx. 7.8Das Aitareya Brahmana, herausgegeben von TheodorAufrecht, Bonn, 1879. See p. 184 and 230.7The Taittiriya Brahmana <strong>of</strong> the Black Yafurveda,

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