THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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OBJECTIONS WITHIN <strong>THE</strong> VEDANTA 137purely idealistic sense, and the moment any suchcategory is introduced the Absolute (Brahman) isconceived as Phenomenal (mayopahita).After a careful criticism <strong>of</strong> the atomic theory <strong>of</strong>the Vaisesikas Sankara proceeds to discuss thedoctrine <strong>of</strong> the Buddhists (ii. 2. 18-32). Thatdoctrine, as he observes, ispresented in a variety <strong>of</strong>forms, due either to the difference <strong>of</strong> the views maintainedby Buddha at different times, or else to thedifference <strong>of</strong> capacity on the part <strong>of</strong> the disciples <strong>of</strong>Buddha. Three principal opinions may, however,be distinguished(1) Realists, who maintain the reality <strong>of</strong> everything Sarvdstitvavdda (Sautrdntikas andVaibhdsikas).(2) Idealists, who maintain the reality <strong>of</strong> thoughtonly vijndnavddins ( Yogdcdras] .(3) Nihilists, who maintain that everythingissunya (void, unreal) Sunyavddins (Madhyamikas).The criticism <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> these is set forth with greatperspicacity in Sankara, and it is needless for us togo over the same ground again. All this bears onour subject only indirectly.All the chief objections to <strong>Maya</strong> rest upon a misconception, viz., to take it as a reality. Even thecriticism <strong>of</strong> Thibaut in his introduction to the Vedantasutras(S.B.E., vol. xxxiv.) rests upon the same sort<strong>of</strong> misconception. It is exceedingly difficult to freeone s mind from a theistic bias when approaching

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