THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;OBJECTIONS WITHIN <strong>THE</strong> VEDANTA 133andBy what shall we? jectobject vanishes.know knower (the subject the <strong>of</strong> all knowledge)&quot;as was so forcibly asked by Yajnavalkya.These are in brief the seven difficulties whichRamanuja perceived in the doctrine <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maya</strong>. Aswill appear from what we have said above, Ramanujas criticism rests on the whole on a misunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the genuine Advaita standpoint. Allthrough he has been treating <strong>Maya</strong> as if it were aconcrete reality, even perhaps existing in space, etc.We do not accuse him even because he attempted toreject Sankara s premises. But we fail to see hisconsistency, when even on his own premises hefalls short <strong>of</strong> furnishing a really adequate explanation <strong>of</strong> the relation between God and the Universe.His doctrine <strong>of</strong> divine grace, devotion, etc., isaptto appeal strongly to many Christian theologians,who will therefore naturally prefer his philosophyto that <strong>of</strong> Sankara. Be as itmay, to us it seems evident that Sankara s analysis <strong>of</strong> Reality went muchfurther than Ramanuja s. The impersonal conception <strong>of</strong> the Absolute, we hold, isthere isany real meaning intruly personal, ifpersonality.&quot;Thisis how we will meet those who cannot hold any suchdoctrine to be the ultimate if it destroys the idea <strong>of</strong>the divine personality.Now, <strong>com</strong>ing to the objections <strong>of</strong> the Purnaprajfiaswho hold the absolute separateness <strong>of</strong> theindividual soul and Brahman it is obvious that thegeneral drift <strong>of</strong> their attacks must be directed against

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