THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;OBJECTIONS WITHIN <strong>THE</strong> VEDANTA 1317. The Charge <strong>of</strong> Nivrttyanupapatti.The removal <strong>of</strong> the Advaitin s hypotheticalignoranceis quite impossible. The individualsoul s bondage <strong>of</strong> ignoranceis determined byKarma and is a concrete reality. It cannot therefore be removed by any abstract knowledge butonly by divine worship and grace. Moreover,according to the Advaitins the differentiation between the knower, knowledge, and the known isunreal ;and even that knowledge, which is capable<strong>of</strong> removing avidya has to be unreal and has tostand in need <strong>of</strong> another real removing knowledge.Criticism. Our struggle with Karma is undoubtedly real so longas our consciousness <strong>of</strong> the truenature <strong>of</strong> Brahman has not arisen. Karma, itsdeterminations, and with iteverything else, issupposed to be real, but only so far. We have alreadyquoted passages from Sankara where he clearly andunequivocally makes this concession, vydvahdricallyfrom the (i.e., practical or empiric point <strong>of</strong>view), as he calls it. It may therefore be called abut with the explicit understandconcrete reality,&quot;ing that such a reality is after all phenomenal.&quot;We do not hold the efficacy <strong>of</strong> Karma in the case <strong>of</strong>one who has attained the knowledge <strong>of</strong> Brahman ;such a man, being free from all desires and motives,all springs <strong>of</strong> action, is pari passu beyond the control <strong>of</strong> Karma in so far as he is not creating any freshand new Karma for himself. The laws <strong>of</strong> Karmaare valid within the phenomenal, but in no way do

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