THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com

THE Doctrine of Maya - HolyBooks.com


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OBJECTIONS WITHIN <strong>THE</strong> VEDANTA 121Vallabha was preceded in his line <strong>of</strong> thought byNimbarka and Visnuswami. He attempted to purifythe visistadvaita <strong>of</strong> Ramanuja and others. Hesaid it was a contradiction in terms to suppose withRamanuja that Brahman all cit, intelligenceshould be in inseparable union with acit (non-intelligent matter, jada) Brahman is . sat, cit, and dnanda ;exhausts the possibility <strong>of</strong> all being, and be<strong>com</strong>eswhatever it wills by the evolution (avirbhava) andinvolution (tirobhava) <strong>of</strong> its properties. WhereasSankara explains the phenomena <strong>of</strong> the universe byadhydsa, Ramanuja by qualitative and inherentdifferences in Brahman, Madhva by manifestation<strong>of</strong> Brahman s body, Vallabha does so by the process<strong>of</strong> evolution and involution <strong>of</strong> Brahman.After this very brief summarytrines <strong>of</strong> the schools within the Vedanta, we <strong>com</strong>e<strong>of</strong> the chief docto Ramanuja s criticism <strong>of</strong> the theory <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maya</strong>.This is embodied in his greatest work, The Sribhdsya,a&quot;~cSinmentary on Badarayana s Brahmasutras.His exposition <strong>of</strong> the first Sutra occupies the largestspace in his treatise, and this criticism appears underthe same division. 1Ramanuja brings seven chargesagainst the doctrine <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maya</strong>. We reproduce thegist-<strong>of</strong> each, in order, with a criticism <strong>of</strong> our own.i. The charge <strong>of</strong> Asraydnupapatti.What is the dsraya (seat) <strong>of</strong> <strong>Maya</strong> (or avidya) ?Residing in what does it produce illusion ? Surely1See Srlbhasya, trans. Rangacarya and Varadaraja,Madras, 1899, pp. 156-241

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