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Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports

Are You suprised ? - Kenya Law Reports


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12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3491GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9401THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE ACT(No. 28 of 2012)THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE TO REVIEW TERMS ANDCONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF THE NATIONALINTELLIGENCE SERVICEEXTENSION OF TERMIT IS notified for general information that the term of theTechnical Committee on Terms and Conditions of Service of theNational Intelligence Service, appointed vide Gazette Notice No. 4961of 12th April, 2013 to complete its work and submit its report isextended to 12th August, 2013.Dated the 12th July, 2013.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9402THE SENATE STANDING ORDERSCALENDAR OF THE SENATEMARGARET KOBIA,Chairperson,Public Service Commission.IT IS notified for general information that pursuant to StandingOrder 28 of the Senate Standing Orders, by a resolution made on 3rdJuly, 2013, the Senate approved the calendar of the Senate (RegularSessions) for 2013 as set out in the Schedule:16th April to 2nd May, 201311th June to 1st August, 20133rd September to 5th December,201324th May to 11th June, 2013SCHEDULEPART I—SITTINGSTuesdays (afternoon), Wednesdays(morning and afternoon) andThursdays (afternoon), (exceptWednesday, 1st May, 2013)Tuesdays (afternoon), Wednesdays(morning and afternoon) andThursdays (afternoon)Tuesdays (afternoon), Wednesdays(morning and afternoon) andThursdays (afternoon)PART II—RECESS2nd August to 2nd September, 20136th December, 2013 to 10th February, 2014Dated the 8th July, 2013.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9403THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE(Cap. 75)CORRIGENDAJ. M. NYEGENYE,Clerk of the Senate.IN Gazette Notice No. 16298 of 2012 delete the followingnames—Kemboi Bartous,George Otieno Anangwe,Rachel Kasichana Ilha,and insert thereof the following names—Kipkemboi Bartuos,George Ochieng Anangwe,Rachel Kasichana Iha,Dated the 3rd July, 2012.JENNIFER NDETO,Parliamentary Counsel,for Attorney-General.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9404THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYANTHE GOVERNMENT ACT(No. 17 of 2012)TRANS NZOIA COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEAPPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by article 179 (2) of theConstitution as read with section 30 (2) (d) and 35 of the CountyGovernment Act, 2012, and upon approval by the County Assembly inits session held on 9th July, 2013 I, Patrick Khaemba, Governor ofTrans Nzoia County, appoint the persons named in the first column ofthe schedule, to the members of the Trans Nzoia Executive Committeeresponsible for the matters respectively specified in the second columnof the schedule.SCHEDULEName of MemberAndrew WanyonyiJohn Lewis NdombiKenneth Sereto AmbayaMaurice Amana LokwaliwaResponsibilitiesFinanceTransport and InfrastructureAgriculture, Livestock, Fisheriesand Co-operative DevelopmentWater, Environment and NaturalResourcesIsaac Kogo Kiyeny (Dr.) Education, Information,Communication and TechnonologyVeronica Muthoni Okoth (Mrs.) Economic Planning, Commerce andIndustryDated the 10th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9405THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYANTHE GOVERNMENT ACT(No. 17 of 2012)PATRICK S. KHAEMBA,Governor, Trans Nzoia County.TAITA TAVETA COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEAPPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by article 179 (2) of theConstitution as read with section 30 (2) (d) and 35 of the CountyGovernment Act, 2012, and upon approval by the County Assembly, I,John M. Mruttu (Eng.), Governor of Taita Taveta County, appoint thepersons named in the first column of the schedule, to the members ofthe Taita Taveta Executive Committee responsible for the mattersrespectively specified in the second column of the schedule.NameLinet Mosa MavuGifton H. MkayaVincent M. Masawi (Dr.)Elijah MwandoeStephen MasamoJoseph M. Mbogho (Eng.)Flora M. MaghangaJemima Kambe TujaDated the 9th July, 2013SCHEDULEExecutive Committee DepartmentAdministration Devolution andCommunity ParticipationHealth ServicesLivestock and FisheriesEnvironment, Natural Resources,Tourism and WildlifeCommunity Affairs, Trade andIndustryWater and IrrigationFinance and PlanningEducationJOHN M. MRUTTU,Governor, Taita Taveta County.

3492THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9406THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYATHE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT(No. 17 of 2012)TRANS NZOIA COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARDAPPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article, 235 (1) of theConstitution as read with sections 57 and 58 of the CountyGovernments Act, 2012, and upon approval by the Trans NzoiaCounty Assembly in its session held on the 9th July, 2013, I, PatrickKhaemba, Governor of Trans Nzoia County, appoint the personsnamed below to be members of the Trans Nzoia County PublicService Board.Wilson Siambi—(Chairman).Claire SifunaWanyama (Ms.)—(Secretary).Rose Sange Sakaja (Ms.).Robert Masinde (Dr.).Grace Nafula Werunga (Ms.).Henry PleyaKirui.<strong>Law</strong>rence A. Masaviru.Dated the 10th July, 2013.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9407PATRICK S. KHAEMBA,Governor, Trans Nzoia County.THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYATHE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT(No. 17 of 2012)HOMA BAY COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE BOARDAPPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 235 ( 1) of theConstitution as read with section 55, 56 (1), 57, 58 (1, 2, 3, 4) of theCounty Governments Act, 2012, and upon approval by the Homa BayCounty Assembly in its plenary proceedings on Monday, 8th July,2013, I, Cyprian Otieno Awiti, Governor of Homa Bay County,appoint the persons named here below to be members of Homa BayCounty Public Service Board.Mathew Ouma Oseko—(Chairperson).Steve Biko Odidi.Joseph Odongo Manyala.Christopher Odero Lesso.Florence A. Ouma .Damaris Atieno Amollo.Agnes Atieno Makdwalo—(Secretary).Dated the 9th July, 2013.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9408THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYACYPRIAN OTIENO AWITI,Governor, Homa Bay County.THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT(No. 17 of 2012)THARAKA NITHI COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEAPPOINTMENTIN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by Article 179 (2) (b) ofthe Constitution as read with sections 30 (2) (d), (e) and 35 of theCounty Governments Act, 2012, and upon approval by the TharakaNithi County Assembly in its session held on the 26th June, 2013, I,Samuel Mbae Ragwa, Governor of Tharaka Nithi County, appoint theperson named in the first column of the schedule, to be members of theTharaka Nithi County Executive Committee responsible for thematters respectively specified in the second column of the Schedule.Name of MemberMutegi M. AronSCHEDULEResponsibilitiesAgriculture, Livestock and WaterServices.The appointment of Murango Cicilio Mwenda via Gazette NoticeNo. 6729 of 2013, is revoked.Dated the 4th July, 2013.SAMUEL MBAE RAGWA,Governor, Tharaka Nithi County.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9409THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT(Cap. 281, section 71)ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATEWHEREAS Embassy of the State of Eritrea, of P.O. Box 38651–00623, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is the registered proprietorlessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 1870/VI/173/1, situatein the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as No.I.R. 26709/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced toshow that the said certificate of title issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836602GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9410THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT(Cap. 281, section 71)ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATEG. M. MUYANGA,Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.WHEREAS Leonida Kwamboka, of P.O. Box 31697–00600,Nairobi, is the registered proprietor lessee of that piece of land knownas L.R. No. 209/12552, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of agrant registered as. I.R. 71179/1, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the said grant issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. M. MUYANGA,MR/2728433Registrar of Titles.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9411THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT(Cap. 281, section 71)ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATEWHEREAS (1) Caroline Muthoni Ikou and (2) Peterson Muteithia,as personal representatives of Major Ikou wa Muteithia (deceased), ofP.O. Box 50140, Nairobi, are the registered proprietors lessees of thatpiece of land known as L.R. No. 8807/4, situate in the east of LakeSolai in Nakuru District, by virtue of a certificate of title registered asI.R. 52169/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced toshow that the said certificate of title issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. M. MUYANGA,MR/2728361Registrar of Titles.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9412THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT(Cap. 281, section 71)ISSUE OF A PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATEWHEREAS Carlisle Court Limited, a Limited Liability Companyincorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>, of P.O. Box 24380, Nairobi in the Republic of<strong>Kenya</strong>, is the registered proprietor of that piece of land known as L.R.No. 1/436, situate in the Nairobi Municipality (Upper Hill Estate), byvirtue of a certificate of title registered as No. I.R. 14822/1, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the saidcertificate of title issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that afterthe expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue aprovisional certificate of title provided that no objection has beenreceived within that period.Dated the 5th July, 2013.MR/2728369G. M. MUYANGA,Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.

3494THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9421THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Edith Nyakiega Kagunda, of P.O Box 112–10400,Nanyuki in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.52hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Nyeri, registered undertitle No. Gakawa/Githima Block 1/Burguret/181, and whereassufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deedissued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728181GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9422THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDI. N. NJIRU,Land Registrar, Nyeri District.WHEREAS Stephen Ndii Mathai, of P.O Box 1–10101, Karatinain the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.112 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Nyeri, registered under title No.Iriaini/Kairia/72, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced toshow that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice isgiven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, Ishall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has beenreceived within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728181GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9423THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDI. N. NJIRU,Land Registrar, Nyeri District.WHEREAS Maulidi Osakulo Wamalwa, is registered as proprietorin absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 5.8hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registeredunder title No. Bunyala/Nambacha/325, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed providedthat no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728178GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9424J. M. FUNDIA,Land Registrar, Kakamega District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Charles Muka Anyanga, of P.O. Box 2831, Kakamegain the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 9 acres orthereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered under titleNo. Butsotso/Esumeyia/792, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection hasbeen received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836556J. M. FUNDIA,Land Registrar, Kakamega District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9425THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Ewingi Matuku Lumbasi, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 7.8hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registeredunder title No. S/Kabras/Lukume/870, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728178GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9426J. M. FUNDIA,Land Registrar, Kakamega District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Victor Otieno Nyaundi, P.O Box 62339–00200,Nairobi, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest ofthat piece of land containing 0.029 hectare or thereabouts, situate inthe district of Machakos, registered under title No. DonyoSabuk/Komarock Block 1/18225, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836554GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9427G. M. NJOROGE,Land Registrar, Machakos District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDSWHEREAS Barngetuny Kenduiywa (ID/1249667), P.O Box 3464,Nairobi, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest ofthose pieces of land containing 34.40 and 0.7010 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under titleNos. Sinyerere/Sitatunga Block 3/Taito/95 and Kitale MunicipalityBlock 15/Koitogos/742, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue new land title deeds provided that no objection hasbeen received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728134GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9428A. KAVEHI,Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia Districts.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Kwanga Maranga, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.065hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Busia, registered undertitle No. Bukhayo/Mundika/1600, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728470G. ONDIGO,Land Registrar, Busia/Teso Districts.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3495GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9429THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Kipngeno arap Ngeny, of P.O. Box 1175, Kericho inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 8.69 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Kericho, registered under title No.Kericho/Kipsitet/Block 1 (Chebirir)/27, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. C. KORIR,MR/2728362Land Registrar, Kericho/Bureti Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9430THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Rebecca Chepkorir Birir, of P.O. Box 6, Kiptugumoin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.4 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Kericho, registered under title No.Kericho/Kiptugumo/866, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. C. KORIR,MR/2728486Land Registrar, Kericho/Bureti Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9431THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS David Kamau Nyambura (ID/275667290), of P.O.Box 1118–20117, Naivasha in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered asproprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of landcontaining 0.054 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district ofNaivasha, registered under title No. Naivasha/Mwichiringiri Block4/6082, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to showthat the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given thatafter the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuea new land title deed provided that no objection has been receivedwithin that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728400GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9432W. N. MUGURO,Land Registrar, Naivasha District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Cherotich Ruto, of P.O. Box 16680–0620, Nairobi inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.2023 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Naivasha, registered under titleNo. Miti Mingi/Mbaruk Block 8/1099/1100, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728157G. O. NYANGWESO,Land Registrar, Naivasha District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9433THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Jamleck Gitahi Kariuki (ID/1360174), of P.O. Box22651–00400, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered asproprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of landcontaining 0.23 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district ofMurang’a, registered under title No. Loc.19/Rwathia/2004, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the landtitle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a newland title deed provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728399GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9434N. N. NJENGA,Land Registrar, Murang’a District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Mary Watiri Mwangi (ID/1191485), of P.O. Box 288,Kangari in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.108hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Murang’a, registeredunder title No. Loc. 2/Kinyona/3787, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728426GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9435M. W. KAMAU,Land Registrar, Murang’a District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDSWHEREAS Jacob Mwangi Kinuthia, of P.O. Box 49, Sabasaba inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of those pieces of land containing 0.0600 hectare orthereabouts each, situate in the district of Murang’a, registered undertitle Nos. Makuyu/Makuyu/Block1/4974 and 4885, and whereassufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deedsissued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expirationof sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new land titledeeds provided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836512GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9436M. W. KAMAU,Land Registrar, Murang’a District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Gerald Mugweru Kahwai, is registered as proprietorin absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.050hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kajiado, registeredunder title No. Kajiado/Kitengela/24956, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728385D. M. KYULE,Land Registrar, Kajiado District.

3496GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9437THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9441THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Mary Keli Kyulu Malia (ID/0914930), is registered asproprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of landcontaining 0.174 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district ofKajiado, registered under title No. Olchoro-Onyore/11481, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the landtitle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a newland title deed provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. W. MUMO,MR/2836513Land Registrar, Kajiado North District.ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Charles Gitonga Muriithi, of P.O. Box 12158, Nyeriin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.190 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No.Mutara/Thome Block 1/790 (Mathira), and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223L. K. WARACHI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9438THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDSWHEREAS (1) James H. Thondu (ID/0087744) and (2) JoyceMary (ID/0580582), both of P.O. Box 30007, Nairobi in the Republicof <strong>Kenya</strong>, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interestof those pieces of land containing 0.1 hectare or thereabouts, situate inthe district of Kajiado, registered under title Nos.Kajiado/Ngong/Ngong/23904 and 23902, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new land title deedsprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.G. W. MUMO,MR/2836214Land Registrar, Kajiado North District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9442THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Cyrus Wambugu Muthoga, of P.O. Box 143,Nyahururu in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 10.934hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia, registeredunder title No. Gituamba/Muhotetu Block 1/164 (Muhotetu), andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the landtitle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a newland title deed provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223L. K. WARACHI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9439THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Stanley Mbobua M’Ikiara, of P.O. Box 56, Mugundain the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.354 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No.Ngobit/Supuko Block 5/7461, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223L. K. WARACHI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9443THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Ephraim Mwai Wachira, of P.O. Box 507, Nanyuki inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.7835 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No.Tigithi Matanya/Block 7/27 (Mahiga), and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223L. K. WARACHI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9440THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Julius Muriithi Wakania, of P.O. Box 213, Karatina inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.190 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No.Mutara/Thome Block 1/1797 (Mathira), and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223J. M. MWINZI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9444THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Francis Kiragu Muriuki (ID/3065246), of P.O. Box277, Kerugoya in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.1hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registeredunder title No. Mwerua/Mukure/1728, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836508C. W. NJAGI,Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3497GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9445THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Kamau Kingangi (ID/3123727), of P.O. Box 30,Kianyaga in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 4.32hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registeredunder title No. Kabare/Kiritine/599, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728186GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9446C. W. NJAGI,Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Robai Nasambu Makhanu, is registered as proprietorin absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.49hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Bungoma, registeredunder title No. Ndivisi/Khalumuli/2948, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.P. K. SIBUCHI,MR/2836253 Land Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9447THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Morice Mang’eni, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.43hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, registeredunder title No. Kimilili/Sikhendu/562, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.P. K. SIBUCHI,MR/2836253 Land Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9448THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Peter Otoli Kitoyo, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.45hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, registeredunder title No. East Bukusu/North Sangalo/3008, and whereassufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deedissued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.P. K. SIBUCHI,MR/2836253 Land Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9449THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Peter Makokha Wanyonyi, is registered as proprietorin absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.05hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, registeredunder title No. East Bukusu/North Kanduyi/1488, and whereassufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deedissued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.P. K. SIBUCHI,MR/2836253 Land Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9450THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Zakayo Baraga Walatu, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.0hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Bungoma, registeredunder title No. South Malakisi/South Kulisiru/64, and whereassufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deedissued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofsixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.P. K. SIBUCHI,MR/2836253 Land Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9451THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Fanuel Nyironge Matunga, of P.O. Box 76, Suna-Migori in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 17.5 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Migori, registered under title No.Suna West/Wasweta II/397, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.N. O. OTIENO,MR/2836573Land Registrar, Migori/Rongo Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9452THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Elly Abade Asino, of P.O. Box 1, Rapogi in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 0.47 hectare or thereabouts,situate in the district of Migori, registered under title No.Kanyamkago/Kawere I/1710, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.N. O. OTIENO,MR/2727448Land Registrar, Migori/Rongo Districts.

3498GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9453THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9457THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Lucas Omondi Lando, of P.O. Box 80, Rongo in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 1.0 hectare or thereabouts,situate in the district of Rongo, registered under title No.Kamagambo/Koluoch/767, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.N. O. OTIENO,MR/2727448Land Registrar, Migori/Rongo Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9454THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Hamisi Mjomba Mwazighe, of P.O. Box 184, Voi inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.37 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Taita/Taveta, registered under titleNo. Ronge/Nyika/1333, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728443GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9455F. K. ORIOKI,Land Registrar, Taita/Taveta District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Hamisi Mjomba Mwazighe, of P.O. Box 184, Voi inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 2.29 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Taita/Taveta, registered under titleNo. Ronge/Nyika/1792, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728443F. K. ORIOKI,Land Registrar, Taita/Taveta District.ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Abas Abubakar Alwi (ID/0160629), of P.O. Box 9,Lamu in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Lamu,registered under title No. Lamu/Block II/109, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836556GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9458THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDB. M. MWANGADA,Land Registrar, Lamu District.WHEREAS Abas Abubakar Alwi (ID/0160629), of P.O. Box 9,Lamu in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Lamu,registered under title No. Lamu/Block I/803, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836556GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9459THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDB. M. MWANGADA,Land Registrar, Lamu District.WHEREAS (1) Abas Abubakar Alwi (ID/0160629) and (2) Saidbin Mohamed Bamasoud, both of P.O. Box 9, Lamu in the Republic of<strong>Kenya</strong>, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest ofthat piece of land containing 14.96 acres or thereabout, situate in thedistrict of Lamu, registered under title No. Lamu/Block II/118, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the landtitle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a newland title deed provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836556B. M. MWANGADA,Land Registrar, Lamu District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9456THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Aisha binti Athman, of P.O. Box 41117–80100,Mombasa in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 5.1hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Lamu, registered undertitle No. Lamu/Block V/66, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836519B. M. MWANGADA,Land Registrar, Lamu District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9460THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Wambua Ithuli, of P.O. Box 89, Kabati, Kitui in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 6.0 hectares or thereabout,situate in the district of Kitui, registered under title No.Matinyani/Kalindilo/955, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836562J. K. MUNDIA,Land Registrar, Kitui District.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3499GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9461THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Woiye Nguu Nzumbi, of P.O. Box 432, Kitui in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 0.6 hectare or thereabouts,situate in the district of Kitui, registered under title No.Matinyani/Kasaini/550, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836562J. K. MUNDIA,Land Registrar, Kitui District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9465THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Joseph Kipyegon Koech (ID/7625788), of P.O. Box92, Kilgoris in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 6.55hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Transmara, registeredunder title No. Transmara/Ololmasani/47, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issuedthereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deedprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728406S. W. GITHINJI,Land Registrar, Transmara District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9462THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Philip Kiplangat Bett, of P.O. Box 337, Bomet in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 0.116 hectare or thereabouts,situate in the district of Bomet, registered under title No.Kericho/Chemagel/2348, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836568GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9463THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDP. K. TONUI,Land Registrar, Bomet District.WHEREAS Michael Awoko Baraza, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.9 hectareor thereabouts, situate in the district of Siaya, registered under title No.Central Alego/Nyalgunga/140, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836576GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9464THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDP. A. OWEYA,Land Registrar, Siaya District.WHEREAS Rosemary Igoji Njeru, of P.O. Box 134, Chogoria inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.03 hectare orthereabouts, situate in the district of Meru South, registered under titleNo. Mwimbi/Murugi/2259, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728160P. N. KARUTI,Land Registrar, Meru South District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9466THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Joseph Olenyenye Naitipap, of P.O. Box 37, Kilgorisin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 15.66 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Transmara, registered under titleNo. Transmara/Moita/297, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836091GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9467S. W. GITHINJI,Land Registrar, Transmara District.THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Patrick Njeru Muriithi (ID/4312091), of P.O. Box110, Siakago in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.82hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mbeere, registeredunder title No. Nthawa/Siakago/1836, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836612GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9468THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDN. K. NYAGA,Land Registrar, Mbeere District.WHEREAS James Nyaga Nderi, of P.O. Box 67, Runyenjes in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 1.13 hectares or thereabout,situate in the district of Embu, registered under title no.Kagaari/Weru/6057, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2519294J. M. MUNGUTI,Land Registrar, Embu District.

3500GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9469THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9473THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS James Kamau Kamuyu (ID/ 7868681), of P. O. Box236, Thika, in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.45hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Thika, registered undertitle no. Ndarugu Karatu/2936, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2519294I. N. KAMAU,Land Registrar, Thika District.ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Kuseyo Ole Koritie (ID/6854300), of P.O. Box 742,Narok in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 11.09 hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Narok, registered under title No.Cismara/Siana/943, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adducedto show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice isgiven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, Ishall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has beenreceived within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728175P. M. MENGI,Land Registrar, Narok District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9470THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Parsaloi Ole Tongoyo (ID/2290026), of P.O. Box 50-20500, Narok in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 40.48hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Narok, registered undertitle No. Cismara/Lemek/855, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728175GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9471THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDT.O. OBAGA,Land Registrar, Narok District.WHEREAS James Ole Lankas (ID/2286017), of P.O. Box33,Ololulunga in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.11hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Narok, registered undertitle No. Cismara/Olololulunga/4123, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728175GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9472THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDT. M. OBAGA,Land Registrar, Narok District.WHEREAS Tipoipo Ole Musanka (ID/11534679), of P.O. Box742, Narok in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 14.41hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Narok, registered undertitle No. Cismara/Siana/697, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728175P. M. MENGI,Land Registrar, Narok District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9474THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDWHEREAS Kitamon Ololoigero, of P.O. Box 451, Narok in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownershipinterest of that piece of land containing 67.89 hectares or thereabout,situate in the district of Narok, registered under title No.Cismara/Olkinyei/385, and whereas sufficient evidence has beenadduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objectionhas been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728175GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9475THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDP. M. MENGI,Land Registrar, Narok District.WHEREAS Faustino Njuki Kaumbuthu (ID/0319223), of P.O.Box 20, Siakago in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietorin absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 1.0hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Mbeere, registeredunder title no. Nthawa/Gitiburi/640, and whereas sufficient evidencehas been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof hasbeen lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 5th July, 2013.MR/2728209GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9476THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEEDN. K. NYAGA,Land Registrar, Mbeere District.WHEREAS Martin Wachira Maina, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.074hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Nyeri, registered undertitle no. Nyeri/Ngarengiro/1256, and whereas sufficient evidence hasbeen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has beenlost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from thedate hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that noobjection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836222I. N. NJIRU,Land Registrar, Nyeri District.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3501GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9477THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT(No. 3 of 2012)RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTERWHEREAS Margaret Murimi, of P.O. Box 5384–00506, Nairobiin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in fee simple ofthat piece of land known as L.R. No. 7380/3 (orig. 7380/1/1), situate inthe city of Nairobi, by virtue of a vesting assent registered in Vol.429,and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed,and whereas efforts made to locate the said land register have failed,notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the datehereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under theprovisions of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection hasbeen received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836639GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9478THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, Section 16)OPENING OF A NEW REGISTERW. M. MUIGAI,Land Registrar, Nairobi.WHEREAS Nkoitete ole Ontetinina, of P.O. Box 78, Ngong Hillsin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor in absoluteownership interest of that piece of land containing 141.21hectares orthereabout, situate in the district of Kajiado North, registered undertitle No. Kajiado/Ewuaso Kedong/1032, and whereas the first editionof the land register showing the aforesaid ownership is lost, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show the saidownership and loss, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty(60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land registerprovided that no objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.R. K. KALAMA,MR/2836139Land Registrar, Kajiado North District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9479THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, Section 16)OPENING OF A NEW REGISTERWHEREAS (1) Washington Mukuna Karanja, (2) Rose WamuhuKibe and (3) Elsie Waruguru Karanja, all of P.O. Box 139, S.Kinangop in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, are registered as proprietors inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the districtof Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Nyairoko/573, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the landregister issued thereof is missing, and whereas all efforts made tolocate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open anotherland register provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.N. G. GATHAIYA,MR/2836598 Land Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Districts.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9480THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, Section 16)OPENING OF A NEW REGISTERWHEREAS Joseph Maina Mwangi (ID/5920583), of P.O. Box139, Maragua in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.0360hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, registeredunder title No. Tigoni/Tigoni Block I/3464, and whereas sufficientevidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereofis missing, and whereas all efforts made to locate the said land registerhave failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) daysfrom the date hereof, I shall open another land register provided thatno objection has been received within that period.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728378GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9481THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 35)OPENING OF A NEW REGISTERJ. K. NDIRANGU,Land Registrar, Kiambu District.WHEREAS Obadiah Njora Mwangi (ID/9209198), of P.O. Box33221, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, is registered as proprietor inabsolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the districtof Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Diani S.S/1934, andwhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the greencard issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after theexpiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a newgreen card provided that no objection has been received within thatperiod.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728463GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9482THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTE. N. MARWANGA,Land Registrar, Kwale District.WHEREAS Kimani Kihuga (deceased), of Turi Farm, is registeredas proprietor of that piece of land known as Dagoretti/Riruta/T.20,situate in the district of Nairobi, and whereas the High Court atNairobi in succession case No. 490 of 2004, has issued grant of lettersof administration and certificate of administration in favour of (1)Daniel Watene Kimani, and (2) James Moses Chege, and whereas thesaid court has executed an application to be registered as proprietor bytransmission RL.19 in respect of the said piece of land, and wheras theland title deede is lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty(30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has beenreceived within that period, I intend to dispense with the production ofthe said title deed and proceed with the registration of the applicationto be registered as proprietor by transmission RL. 19 in favour of (1)Daniel Watene Kimani and (2) James Moses Chege, and upon suchregistration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Kimani Kihuga(deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836633GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9483THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTB. K. LEITICH,Land Registrar, Nairobi.WHEREAS Francisca Gesare (deceased), is registered asproprietor of that piece of land known as Nairobi/Block 74/196, situatein the district of Nairobi, and whereas the High Court at Nairobi insuccession case No. 862 of 2010, has issued grant of letters ofadministration and certificate of confirmation in favour of AlphonseMong’are Obuba, of P.O Box 28589–00100, Nairobi, and whereas thesaid court has executed an application to be registered as proprietor bytransmission RL. 19 in respect of the said piece of land, and whereasthe land title deed is lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection hasbeen received within that period, I intend to dispense with theproduction of the said land title deed and proceed with the registrationof the application to be registered as proprietor by transmission RL. 19in favour of Alphonse Mong’are Obuba, and upon such registration theland title deed issued earlier to the said Francisca Gesare (deceased),shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836530P. M. KIHIU,Land Registrar, Nairobi.

3502THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9484THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTWHEREAS (1) Wairimu Gachogo Kibue (ID/6747121) and (2)Gachogo Kibue (deceased), are registered as proprietors of all thatpiece of land known as Komothai/Kiratina/1252, containing 0.605hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereasthe principle magistrate’s court of <strong>Kenya</strong> in succession cause No.51 of2010 has issued grant letters of administration to Wairimu GachogoKibue, and whereas the said land title deed issued earlier to the said (1)Wairimu Gachogo Kibue and (2) Gachogo kibue (deceased) has beenreported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, I intend to dispense withproduction of the said land title deed and proceed with registration ofthe said instrument of R.L. 19 and RL.7, and upon such registration theland title deed issued earlier to (1) Wairimu Gachogo Kibue and (2)Gachogo Kibue (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of noeffect..Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728434GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9485THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTJ. K. NDIRANGU,Land Registrar, Kiambu District.WHEREAS Stanley Kamwenji Gituto, of P.O. Box 252, Karatina,is registered as proprietor of all that piece of land known as parcel No.Nyeri/Islands Firms/48, situate in the district of Nyeri, and whereas theJudge of the High Court in Nyeri in succession cause No. 363 of 2010has ordered that the said piece of land be transferred to Lucy MuthoniNgatia, of P.O. Box 252, Karatina, and whereas the registeredproprietor has refused to surrender the said title deed issued in respectof the said piece of land, notice is given that after the expiration ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, I intend to dispense withproduction of the said land title deed and issue to the said LucyMuthoni Ngatia, and upon such registration the land title deed issuedearlier to Stanley Kamwenji Gituto shall be deemed to be cancelledand of no effect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836097GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9486THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTI. N. NJIRU,Land Registrar, Nyeri District.WHEREAS (1) Maureen Njeri Mutura and (2) Edwin OtienoOlweny, are registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known asNanyuki/Marura Block 8/419 (Nturukuma), situate in the district ofLaikipia, and whereas sufficient evidence adduced proves that the saidland title deed was fraudulently acquired, and whereas all efforts madeto compel the registered proprietor to surrender the said land title deedfor cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the expiration ofthirty (30) days from the date hereof, I intend to dispense with theproduction of the said land title deed and give a new title deed to therightful owner, Francis Itinga Kamau (ID/1082255), and upon suchpublication, the said title deed shall be deemed to be cancelled and ofno effect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2836575GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9487THE REGISTERED LAND ACTL. K. WARACHI,Land Registrar, Laikipia District.(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTWHEREAS Henry Murira (ID/8877730) (deceased), is the registeredproprietor of that piece of land known as Nyaki/Mulathankari/729,situate in the district of Meru, and whereas the High court has insuccession cause No. 89 of 2011, has issued grant of letters ofadministration and certificate of confirmation of grant in favour ofHenry Murira Paul, and whereas the said court has executed anapplication to be registered as proprietor by transmission RL. 19, andwhereas the title deed in respect of the said piece of land registered inthe name of Henry Murira (deceased) has been reported missing orlost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days fromthe date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received withinthat period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said landtitle deed and proceed with the registration of the instruments of R.L.19 in the name of Henry Murira Paul, and upon such registration theland title deed issued earlier to the said Henry Murira (deceased), shallbe deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.H. S. W. MUSUMIAH,MR/2836223Land Registrar, Meru DistrictGAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9488THE REGISTERED LAND ACT(Cap. 300, section 33)REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTWHEREAS Kamau Karanja (deceased) is registered as proprietorof that piece of land known as Limuru/Kamirithu/197, containing 1.04hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Kiambu, and whereasthe principal magistrate’s court of <strong>Kenya</strong>, in succession cause no. 92of 2013, has issued grant of letters of administration to Peter NjoguKaranja, and whereas the said land title deed issued earlier to the saidKamau Karanja (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice isgiven that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof,provided no valid objection has been received within that period, Iintend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed andproceed with the registration of the instrument of RL.19 and RL.7 andupon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the saidKamau Karanja (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of noeffect.Dated the 12th July, 2013.MR/2728223J. K. NDIRANGU,Land Registrar, Kiambu District.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9489PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISIONOCCUPATIONAL EXAMINATION FOR TELEPHONE OPERATORS—APRIL, 2013RESULTSIT IS notified for general information that the following nine candidates passed the Occupational Examination for Telephone Operators held from22nd to 26th April, 2013.Indexno Name P/F No Ministry/DepartmentTO/00000006 Ndungi Christine Wangari 90117091 Ministry of FinanceTO/00000008 Bernard Musyoki Maitha 2007047150 Special ProgrammesTO/00000011 Cherono Nickson Kemboi 2002000234 <strong>Kenya</strong> National Bureau of Statistics

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3503Indexno Name P/F No Ministry/DepartmentTO/00000017 Haron K. Toroitich 1988101288 Water and IrrigationTO/00000018 Nyamichaba Milka 1989086392 Medical ServicesTO/00000019 Mutua Mary Kaluki 101433 <strong>Kenya</strong> National Examination CouncilTO/00000022 Ng'ang'a Elizabeth Muthoni 176072 HeritageTO/00000024 Richard Marigu Catherine 600423 Teachers Service CommissionTO/00000026 Chelangat Vilevia 1990147614 Medical ServicesThe following five candidates failed to attain a full pass in the examination. They are required to re-sit the paper(s) shown against their names.Index No. Name P/F No. Ministry/Department ReferralsTO/00000002 Carolyne Manu 3536 Ministry of Health R3TO/00000016 Kurgat David 3620 Ministry of Health R4, 6, 7TO/00000020 Malavi Jeniffer Muyungi 82019069 Medical Services R2, 3, 7TO/00000023 Macharia Esther Wambui 600201 Teachers Service Commission R3TO/00000025 Nyakundi Beatrice Kerubo 25107 Judiciary R2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7KEYPaper CodeSubjectR 1 TO101 Telephone Call ManagementR 2 TO102 Telecommunication Technology and OperationsR 3 TO103 Business CalculationsR 4 TO104 Organization and Functions of GovernmentR 5 TO105 Public Relations and Customer CareR 6 TO106 Communication SkillsR 7 TO107 Governance and Civil Service RegulationsALICE A. OTWALA,Secretary Public Service Commission.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9490THE KENYA SCHOOL OF LAWNOTIFICATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION DATESPURSUANT to the <strong>Kenya</strong> School of <strong>Law</strong> Act, 2012, it is notified for general information that the <strong>Kenya</strong> School of <strong>Law</strong> Supplementaryexaminations for the Advocates Training Programme (ATP) shall be held at the <strong>Kenya</strong> School of <strong>Law</strong>, Lang’ata South Road, Karen – Nairobi, from29th July, 2013to 8th August, 2013, both dates inclusive.The examination timetable is as follows:Day Date Time Course Code/TitleMonday 29/07/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 100 – Civil LitigationTuesday 30/07/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 101 – Criminal LitigationWednesday 31/07/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 102 – Probate and AdministrationThursday 1/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 103 – Legal Writing and DraftingFriday 2/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 104 – Trial AdvocacyMonday 5/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 105 – Professional EthicsTuesday 6/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 106 – Legal Practice ManagementWednesday 7/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 107 – ConveyancingThursday 8/08/2013 9.00 a.m. – 12 noon ATP 108 – Commercial TransactionsThe deadline for registration for the examinations is Friday, 19th July 2013.Only candidates who have duly registered for the examinations and have paid the requisite fees shall be allowed in the examination venue.W. KULUNDU-BITONYE,Director/Chief Executive, Secretary, Council of Legal Education.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9491THE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT(Cap. 472)THE CUSTOMS AND EXCISE (DUTY REMISSION) REGULATIONS, 2002(L.N. 129 of 2002)APPROVED MANUFACTURERS AND PRODUCERSPURSUANT to the provisions of Regulations 27 of the Customs and Excise (Duty Remission) Regulations, 2002, the Commissioner of CustomsServices notifies that the following manufacturers/producers are approved for the purposes of importation of packaging or raw-materials for use inthe production of goods for export under these regulations:Company Name Description Tariff No. Quantity Allocated Remarks Final ProductOserian Development Co. Limited Flower food 3824.90.90 200,000kgs Export FlowersKenafric Industries Limited Citric acid 2918.14.00 450,000kgs Export ConfectioneryGumbase liberty 3824.90.90 759,500kgs Export ConfectioneryEster gum 3806.30.00 592,000kgs Export Confectionery

3504THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013Company Name Description Tariff No. Quantity Allocated Remarks Final ProductEuro gum 4002.20.00 373,500kgs Export ConfectioneryAcesulfame 2934.99.00 23,500kgs Export ConfectioneryAspartame 2924.29.00 40,000kgs Export ConfectionerySodium cyclamate 2929.90.00 120,000kgs Export ConfectioneryTalc powder 2526.20.00 1,000,000kgs Export ConfectioneryBlowing agent 3824.90.90 176,000kgs Export Foot wareAssorted pigments 3204.20.00 41,800kgs Export Foot wareStearic acid 3823.11.00 44,000kgs Export Foot wareLibnol 2907.19.00 30,000kgs Export Foot wareEVA Aid 3901.90.00 22,500kgs Export Foot wareE.V.A. 3901.30.00 852,000kgs Export Foot warePanda Flowers Limited Flower food 3824.90.90 26,000kgs Export FlowersStyroplast Limited HDPE 3901.20.00 6,000,000kgs Export Polythene bagsLLDPE 3901.10.00 1,200,000kgs Export Polythene bagsNampak <strong>Kenya</strong> Limited LDPE 3901.10.00 900,000kgs Export Polythene bagsMaster batch 3206.19.00 40,000kgs Export Polythene bagsStrapping 3902.20.00 300,000kgs Export Polythene bagsTinned plate 7210.12.00 6,800,000kgs Export CansDutch Flower Group <strong>Kenya</strong> Flower food 3824.90.90 780,000kgs Export FlowersLimitedUmoja Rubber Products Limited DOP 2917.32.00 1,300MT Export Foot wareBlowing agent 2933.69.00 150MT Export Foot wareMzuri Sweets LimitedPVC Stabilizer 3812.30.00 70MT Export Foot wareChlorinated paraffin 3824.90.90 450MT Export Foot warewaxLDPE 3901.10.00 100MT Export Foot wareEVA 3901.30.00 300MT Export Foot warePVC 3904.10.00 1,300MT Export Foot wareHigh styrene rubber 4002.19.00 450MT Export Foot wareNatural rubber 4001.21.00 150MT Export Foot wareSuprex clay 2507.00.00 1,250MT Export Foot wareStearic acid 3823.11.00 50MT Export Foot wareCalcium carbonate 2836.50.00 800MT Export Foot wareRubber accelerator 2930.30.00 25MT Export Foot wareTitanium oxide 2823.00.00 100MT Export Foot wareReclaimed rubber 4003.00.00 250MT Export Foot wareSulphur powder 2503.00.00 40MT Export Foot wareDCP 99% 2909.60.00 20MT Export Foot wareGum base 3824.49.90 750MT Export ConfectioneryproductsSonic Fresh Limited Citric acid 2918.14.00 50MT Export Mangoes & avocadosCartons 4819.10.00 30,000kgs ExportEbenezer Autospares & Unassembled 8711.20.90 6,000sets Local MotorcyclesMotorcyclesYatian Enterprises LimitedDated the 9th July, 2013.motorcyclesUnassembledmotorcycles8711.20.90 4,000sets Local MotorcyclesKENNETH OCHOLA,for Commissioner of Customs Services.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9492CUSTOMS SERVICES DEPARTMENTGOODS TO BE SOLD AT CUSTOMS WAREHOUSE NAMANGAPURSUANT to the provisions of section 42 of the East African Community Customs Management Act, notice is given that unless the undermentionedgoods are entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse Keeper – Namanga within 30 days of this notice, they willbe sold by public Auction on 27th August, 2013Interested buyers may view the goods at Namanga Customs Warehouse on 23rd and 26th August, 2013 during office hoursLot No. Ship’s Name and Date Marks and Numbers Consignee’s Name andAddress001/NMA/13002/NMA/13003/NMA/13004/NMA/13005/NMA/13By Road C53 No. 034981 Of04–01–07By Road C53 No. 034994 Of23–10–07By Road F89 No.189101 Of 07–02–2012By Road F89 No.189111 Of 24–02–12By Road F89 No.189150 Of 28–04–12Kal 678cKah 565rNilNilNilAgnes WanjikuP.O Box 45 NamangaHaron KangogoP.O Box 2 NamangaGeorge KinyanjuiP.O Box 46933NairobiNet Health LtdP.O Box 47, NamangaDavid InyaniP.O Box 10336NairobiLocation And Description Of GoodsCustoms Warehouse –NmgOne Unit Used Nissan CaravanCustoms Warehouse- NmgOne Unit Used Nissan CaravanCustoms Warehouse –Nmg20 Cartons Of Footballs50pcs X 22 Cartons, 1100pcsCustoms Warehouse –Nmg2 Boxes Of Un-Printed Pp Film, LablesCustoms Warehouse –Nmg8 Boxes Of Printed Pp PackagingSachets

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3505Lot No. Ship’s Name and Date Marks and Numbers Consignee’s Name andAddress006/NMA/13007/NMA/13008/NMA/13009/NMA/13010/NMA/13011/NMA/13012/NMA/13013/NMA/13014/NMA/13015/NMA/13By Road F89 No.194326 Of 14–10–09NilSimba TruckingP.O Box 13456, ArushaLocation And Description Of GoodsCustoms Warehouse-Nmg110 Drums X 250 Ltrs Each Of NeutralSpiritCustoms Warehouse-Nmg, 16bags X 50Kgs Tanzania White SugarCustoms Warehouse – Nmg12bags X 50kgs Tanzania White SugarCustoms Warehouse- Nmg19bga X 50kgs Tanzania White SugarCustoms Warehouse – NmgBy Road C53 No.D034937 Of 19–10–11NilDavid KinotiP.O Box 58, NamangaBy Road C53 No.NilMartin MungaiD48556 Of 30–11–11P.O Box 505-0016, NairobiBy Road C53 No.NilKanchoki Ole LesingoD48568 Of 14–09–12P.O Box 262, NamangaBy Road C53 No.NilJames NjorogeD48570 Of 08–11–12P.O Box 31, Namanga 10 Bags X 50 Kgs Tanzania White SugarBy Road C53 No.NilJoseph MankaCustoms Warehouse – NmgD48574 Of 07–12–12P.O Box 25120 Bags X 50 Kgs Tanzania White SugarKajiadoBy Road C53 No.NilPeter MaiguaCustoms Warehouse- NmgD48575 Of 13–12–12P.O Box 14938 Bags X 50 Kgs Tanzania White Sugar,Namanga2 Bags X 25 Kgs Tanzania White SugarBy Road Unclaimed No. 12 Of Nil Unclaimed Customs Warehouse – Nmg15–11–129 Bags X 25 Kgs Tanzania White SugarBy Road Unclaimed No. 18 Of Nil Unclaimed Customs Warehouse – Nmg17–05–137 Bags X 50 Kgs Brazilian White SugarBy Road Unclaimed No. 19 Of21–05–13Nil Unclaimed Customs Warehouse – Nmg6 Bags X 50 Kgs Brazilian White SugarNote.—Spirit/Ethanol shall only be sold to Excise licensed Manufactures. Sugar shall be sold to those with valid <strong>Kenya</strong> Sugar Board Permits.Dated the 9th July, 2013.ROSE GICHIRA,Deputy Commissioner, Nairobi Customs Stations.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9493IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this courtin:CAUSE NO. 1253 OF 2010By Peris Wangari Mukiria, of P.O. Box 7738–00300, Nairobi in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow, through Messrs. A. M. Mbindyo & Co.,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Richard Mukiria Kuhaka, late of Kahoro, Nyeri, who diedat <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 12th June, 2003.CAUSE NO. 332 OF 2011By (1) Abraham Martin Njoroge and (2) Evan KanyingiMuthungu, both of P.O. Box 44514–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s sons, through Messrs. J. M. Njage & Co., advocates ofNairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofGeorge Muthungu Karanja, late of Kiambu, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>ttaNational Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 8th February, 2001.CAUSE NO. 947 OF 2012By (1) Mary Margaret Wambui Kagori and (2) Judy MugureKagori, both of P.O. Box 16550, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’ssisters, through Messrs. Mangerere J. & Co., advocates of Nairobi, fora grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of SusanNyambura Kagori, late of Nairobi, who died at Nairobi Hospital in<strong>Kenya</strong>, on 3rd December, 2010.CAUSE NO. 1486 OF 2012By Ruth Wanjiru Ngure, of P.O. Box 14216–0100, Nairobi in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Onesmus Ngure Kariuki, late of Nairobi, whodied at Kayole, on 18th August, 2011.CAUSE NO. 2446 OF 2012By (1) Alice Chenangat Changwony and (2) Paul KiptumCheserek, both of P.O. Box 1091–30200, Kitale in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s widow and brother, respectively, through Messrs. Makunja& Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Stephen Changwony Cheserek, late of TransNzoia East, who died at Mater Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 10th January,2012.CAUSE NO. 48 OF 2013By (1) Jackson Muigai Mungai and (2) Edith Muthoni Muigai,both of P.O. Box 79700–00200, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sonand daughter-in-law, respectively, through Messrs. Hayanga & Co.,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Mungai Muigai, late of Kiambu, who died at Githogoro,on 24th March, 1994.CAUSE NO. 49 OF 2013By (1) Sara Constance Ouya and (2) Emmanuel Yakwa Ouya, ofP.O. Box 4952–00506, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s daughter andson, respectively, through Messrs. Hayanga & Co., advocates ofNairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofRhoda Awori Ouya, late of Vihiga, who died at Nairobi Hospital in<strong>Kenya</strong>, on 1st September, 2005.CAUSE NO. 92 OF 2013By (1) Lilian Moikai, (2) Moitanik Moikai Olungui and (3) SimonKashu, all of P.O. Box 27, Namanga, the deceased’s widow and sons,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Moikai ole Mororo Lungui, late of Kajiado, who died at<strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 10th January, 2012.CAUSE NO. 283 OF 2013By (1) Stephen Ndungu Kiiru and (2) Peter Kibunja Kiiru, both ofP.O. Box 63900, Muthaiga, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, fora grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of HannahWathithi Kiiru, late of Kiambu, who died at District Hospital, Kiambuin <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 4th March, 1993.CAUSE NO. 391 OF 2013By (1) Everlyne Gathoni Muragu and (2) Gabriel Kimani, both ofP.O. Box 42, Namanga, the deceased’s daughter and son, respectively,through Messrs. Owang & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Rose AlukoyeMuragu, late of Gatiaini, who died at Gatia-ini, on 31st July, 2012.CAUSE NO. 595 OF 2013By (1) Allan Maina Mwangi and (2) Charles Mutende Peter, bothof P.O. Box 73033-00200, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of EmilyWambui Mwangi, late of Murang’a, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta NationalHospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 14th August, 1982.

3506THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013CAUSE NO. 683 OF 2013By (1) Ziborah Wanjiru Mwaura and (2) Paul Kamau Mwaura,both of P.O. Box 52046–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’swidow and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of James Mwaura Ngari alias Mwaura Ngari, lateof Nairobi, who died at Waithaka, on 12th June, 2010.CAUSE NO. 831 OF 2013By (1) Peter Mooke Kimina and (2) Patrick Kyule Musiemi, bothof P.O. Box 330–00208, Ngong Hills in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons,through Messrs. Ndungu Githuka & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of MathiasMusyimi Kimina alias Musyimi Kimina, late of Kajiado, who died at<strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 1st July, 2004.CAUSE NO. 847 OF 2013By (1) Charles Migui Maranga and (2) Christopher KibuiMaranga, both of P.O. Box 46300–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s widower and son, respectively, through Messrs. P. M.Wamae & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Agnes Wairimu Maranga, lateof Nairobi, who died at Nairobi Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 17th June, 2012.CAUSE NO. 1016 OF 2013By Jason Melchzedek Muriithi, of P.O. Box 6504–00200, Nairobiin <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. G. G. Waithima & Co.,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of John Ndungu Muriithi, late of Nairobi, who died atMeridian Equator Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 2nd April, 2013.CAUSE NO. 1105 OF 2013By Samuel Kimunyi Ngunjiri, of P.O. Box 118–00600, Nairobi in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, through Messrs. Kinoti & Kibe, advocatesof Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estateof Kagwi Kimunyi, late of Mukurweini Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, who diedon 27th January, 2012.CAUSE NO. 1184 OF 2013By Peter Kamau Nderu, of P.O. Box 38, Ruiru in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, through Messrs. G. Kamonde, advocates of Nairobi,for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of GeorgeKamau Macharia alias Kamau Macharia, late of Gatundu, who died atMutati, on 18th October, 2010.CAUSE NO. 1254 OF 2013By (1) Reuben Gathogo Kuria, (2) Robert Macharia Kuria and (3)Joseph Gacheru Kuria, all of P.O. Box 454, Kalimoni, Juja in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s sons, through Messrs. Njue Muriithi & Associates,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Danson Kamau Gathogo alias Kamau Gathogo aliasKamau Gathiongo, late of Thika, who died at District Hospital, Thikain <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 24th August, 2004.CAUSE NO. 1303 OF 2013By Anne Wanjugu Waihuni, of P.O. Box 13255–00200, Nairobi in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s daughter, through Messrs. Ario & Co.,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Beatrice Waihuni Ndirangu, late of Nairobi, who died atDandora Estate, on 12th August, 2001.CAUSE NO. 1307 OF 2013By Nasreen Kauser Abdul Sattar Chandu, of P.O. Box 1072–00621, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the executor named in the deceased’s lastwill, through Messrs. Sheila Mugo & Co., advocates of Nairobi, for agrant of probate of written will of Abdul Nassar alias Abdul Nassar A.Chandu, late of Nairobi, who died at M. P. Shah Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>,on 21st March, 2013.CAUSE NO. 1312 OF 2013By David Ruhiu Gathunga, of P.O. Box 422, Githunguri in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestateto the estate of John Kungu Gathunga, late of Kangemi, who died atMbagathi Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 15th January, 1993.CAUSE NO. 1316 OF 2013By (1) David Ayuel Justin Yaac Arop and (2) Bob Justin YaacArop, both of P.O. Box 6839–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s sons, through Messrs. Kiangoi Mitema & Co., advocates ofNairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofJustin Yaac Arop, late of Juba, who died at Rumbek, on 2nd May,2008.CAUSE NO. 1318 OF 2013By (1) Stephen Wanjau Mwangi, (2) Obadiah Kariuki Mwangi and(3) Damaris Wanjiku Mwangi, all of P.O. Box 57075–00200, Nairobiin <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons and daughter, respectively, throughMessrs. Wanyoike & Macharia, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Moses MwangiWanjau, late of Murang’a, who died at Nairobi Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on9th November, 2012.CAUSE NO. 1319 OF 2013By (1) Juliet Munayi Shikanga and (2) John Amahwa Shikanga,both of P.O. Box 12805–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’swidow and father-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Derick Wanyonyi Tsyamba,late of Nairobi, who died at Chumani, on 4th March, 2013.CAUSE NO. 1321 OF 2013By Grace Kobilo Kipkoech, of P.O. Box 2261, Nakuru in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s mother, through Messrs. Wambola & Associates,advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of John Kipruto Kipkoech alias Kipkoech John, late of SibiloSub-location, who died at Mwangea, on 30th October, 2008.CAUSE NO. 1324 OF 2013By (1) Isabella Nyambura Muita, of P.O. Box 70038–00400,Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong> and (2) Caroline Kirigo Muita, of P.O. Box 70038–00400, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s mother and sister,respectively, through Messrs. Igeria & Ngugi, advocates of Nairobi,for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of FaithMuita alias Faith Wangui Muita, late of Nairobi, who died alongAvenue Park, on 9th February, 2013.CAUSE NO. 1336 OF 2013By (1) Robert Kariuki Muraya, (2) Charity Mukami Muraya, (3)Godfrey Githinji Muraya and (4) Francis Gachanja Muraya, all of P.O.Box 2520–00100, Nairobi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons and daughter,respectively, through Messrs. A. I. Onyango & Co., advocates ofNairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofAlice Wairimu Muraya, late of Nairobi, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta NationalHospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 10th May, 2008.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.Dated the 25th June, 2013.MR/2728402–2728407L. K. MUTAI,Deputy Registrar, Nairobi.Note.—The wills mentioned above have been deposited in and areopen to inspection at the court.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9494IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOSPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this courtin:CAUSE NO. 126 OF 2013By Michael Ndinga, of P.O. Box 638–90131, Tala in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Kanaa Ndinga, late of Kalandini, who died at Kalandini, on12th December, 2001.CAUSE NO. 127 OF 2013By Musyoka Kondo, of P.O. Box 638–90131, Tala in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Syonduva Kondo, late of Kalandini, who died at Kalandini,on 15th December, 2001.CAUSE NO. 128 OF 2013

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3507By Stephen Munyasya Kioko, of P.O. Box 638–90131, Tala in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Rosemary Wayua Kioko, late of Kalandini,who died at Kisukioni, on 3rd July, 1998.CAUSE NO. 129 OF 2013By Pius Mutuku Musyati, of P.O. Box 638–90131, Tala in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Peter Musyati Kyungu, late of Kalandini, who died atKalandini, on 22nd September, 1998.CAUSE NO. 197 OF 2013By (1) Ziporah Ngina and (2) Amos Muli, both of P.O. Box 660,Athi River in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and uncle, respectively,for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of FrolianMwendwa Evan, late of Kauti, who died at Kauti, on 13th September,2012.CAUSE NO. 199 OF 2013By Enock Muoki Nzoka, of P.O. Box 10, Kilala in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s brother, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Josephine Mutave Nzoka, late of Kilala, who died atMbagathi Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 9th April, 2013.CAUSE NO. 200 OF 2013By (1) Francis Manthi Masika and (2) Jonathan Mainga Masika,both of P.O. Box 1380, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of WilliamMasika Mbinda alias John Masika Mbinda, late of Mbooni, who diedat Bishop Kioko Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 30th June, 2005.CAUSE NO. 408 OF 2013By (1) Muia Katiku and (2) Ndunge Katiku, both of P.O. Box 393,Athi River in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and son, respectively, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of KatikuNguyo alias Katuku Nguitha, late of Kinanie, who died at Kalunga, on23rd April, 2001.CAUSE NO. 420 OF 2013By Moses Kyalo Ndini, of P.O. Box 2230, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Rodah Ndini Nzioka, late of Kimutwa Location, who died atKimutwa Sub-location, on 19th April, 2013.CAUSE NO. 429 OF 2013By (1) Musyoka Mwololo, (2) Nzuki Mwololo and (3) DavidMuasya Mwololo, all of P.O. Box 15, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s sons, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Mwololo Mutuse Mukoma, late of Kyaani, who died atKyaani, on 29th June, 2002.CAUSE NO. 431 OF 2013By (1) Alice Anna Jacob, (2) Esther Itumbi Peter, (3) Kaluki JacobMulwa and (4) Loko Ernest Moni, all of P.O. Box 2680, Machakos in<strong>Kenya</strong>, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofJohn Mulwa Nzaui, late of Mumbuni, who died at Machakos Hospitalin <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 27th June, 1983.CAUSE NO. 432 OF 2013By (1) Alice Anna Jacob, (2) Esther Itumbi Peter, (3) Kaluki JacobMulwa and (4) Loko Ernest Moni, all of P.O. Box 2680, Machakos in<strong>Kenya</strong>, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofRael Nthio Mulwa, late of Mumbuni, who died at Upper Kiandani, on3rd June, 2004.CAUSE NO. 443 OF 2013By (1) Naomi Muthoki Wathome and (2) Job Wambua Wathome,both of P.O. Box 11, Tala in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and son,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Joel Wathome Mwilu, late of Machakos, who died at Kingoti,Matungulu, Machakos, on 3rd December, 2004.CAUSE NO. 445 OF 2013By (1) Elizabeth Kamene Kairu and (2) Elijah Kahihu Kairu, bothof P.O. Box 37, Kithimani in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and son,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Samuel Kairu Kahihu, late of Machakos, who died atProvincial General Hospital, Garissa in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 18th April, 2013.CAUSE NO. 454 OF 2013By (1) Patrick Muia Kioko and (2) Francis Mbithi Kioko, both ofP.O. Box 8, Mitaboni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Wilson Kioko Koli,late of Ngelani, Machakos, who died at Machakos Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>,on 24th June, 1983.CAUSE NO. 455 OF 2013By (1) Wambua Kasuki Munyambu and (2) Joseph MaithyaWambua, both of P.O. Box 247, Matuu in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’swidower and son, respectively, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Lucia Nyanyau Wambua, late of Myanyani,Mwala, who died at Gituamba, on 1st July, 2005.CAUSE NO. 456 OF 2013By Isaac Makau Nyamu, of P.O. Box 242, Machakos in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Lesa Syokau Makau, late of Mung’ala, who died at Mung’ala,on 22nd January, 2013.CAUSE NO. 461 OF 2013By (1) Peter Kimuyu and (2) Maria Ngina Kimuyu, both of P.O.Box 99, Nuuguni in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s brother and mother,respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Phyllis Mbeke Kimuyu, late of Kilungu Location, who died atDistrict Hospital, Mbagathi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 28th June, 2002.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.Dated the 28th June, 2013.MR/2728498–2836127GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9495R. N. MAKUNGU,Deputy Registrar, Machakos.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORETPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this courtin:CAUSE NO. 327 OF 2012By Joseph Kipkorir Busienei, through Messrs. E. C. Rotich & Co.,advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estateof Jerugut Tapkigen Yegon, who died on 3rd January, 2000.CAUSE NO. 68 OF 2013By (1) Jeremy Kiptoo Kibogy, (2) Samson Saidul Kibogy and (3)Lily Kibogy, all of P.O. Box 397, Eldoret in <strong>Kenya</strong>, through Messrs.Limo R. K. & Co., advocates of Eldoret, for a grant of letters ofadministration intestate to the estate of Alice Jemaiyo Kibogy, late ofMumbuni, who died at Machakos Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 29th July,2005.CAUSE NO. 97 OF 2013By (1) Peter Mwangi Muiruri and (2) Ann Wanja, both of P.O.Box 2002–30100, Eldoret in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, for a grant ofletters of administration intestate to the estate of Joseph KamauMwangi, late of Eldoret, who died at Machakos Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on25th October, 2012.CAUSE NO. 101 OF 2013By Dina Mmbone Kigon, of P.O. Box 16, Gambogi in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Maritha Hamisi, who died at Kapsengere, on 21stJanuary, 2003.CAUSE NO. 109 OF 2013By (1) Tekrah Chepngetich Sugut and (2) Samson Kiptanui Sugutt,both of P.O. Box 4940, Eldoret in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow andbrother, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Stephen Kipchumba Sugutt, who died at Lainguse.

3508THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013CAUSE NO. 166 OF 2013By Elisha Kimeli Sitienei, through Messrs. E. C. Rotich & Co.,advocates, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estateof Clara Jepkorir Sitienei, who died on 12th March, 1986.CAUSE NO. 169 OF 2013By Henry Waweru, through Messrs. E. C. Rotich & Co., advocates,for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of KamauMungiri, who died on 1st February, 2003.CAUSE NO. 125 OF 2013By James Kibet Sanga, of P.O. Box 117, Mosoriot in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to theestate of Paul Kipsanga arap Kirorio, who died at Mosoriot, on 30thNovember, 1986.CAUSE NO. 170 OF 2013By (1) Abigael Chepkirui and (2) Florence Gregory Chepkogei,both of P.O. Box 3900, Eldoret in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow andsister, respectively, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Ambrose Kibet Chedotum, late of Beta Farm, who died atEldoret on 13th May, 2012.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.MR/2728381–2728397GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9496E. TANUI,Deputy Registrar, Eldoret.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this courtin:CAUSE NO. 572 OF 2012By (1) Peter Gitonga M’Imirongo and (2) Catheline Kailu Kiunga,the deceased’s son and daughter, respectively, through Messrs. B. G.Kariuki & Co., advocate of Meru, for a grant of letters ofadministration intestate to the estate of M’Imirongo M’Ithaki, whodied at Ntunene, on 25th November, 2010.CAUSE NO. 187 OF 2013By Stanley Gutuma Kiunga, of P.O. Box 2660, Meru in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s son, through Messrs. Nyamweya Mosota & Co., advocatesof Meru, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate ofKiunga M’Ngaruni M’Irambu, late of Kiija, who died there on 23rdMay, 2004.CAUSE NO. 211 OF 2013By Jane Kanugu William, of P.O. Box 427, Nkubu in <strong>Kenya</strong>, thedeceased’s daughter, through Messrs. Nyamweya Mosota & Co.,advocates of Meru, for a grant of letters of administration intestate tothe estate of Mbwiria Muguna alias Mbwiiria Muguna, late ofAbogeta, who died at Chogoria Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 20th May, 1979.CAUSE NO. 221 OF 2013By (1) Thomas Guantai Muthuria and (2) Fredrick MuthomiMutua, both of P.O. Box 67, Nkubu in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons,through Messrs. Nyamweya Mosota & Co., advocates of Meru, for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of FrancisMuthuria, late of Ng’onyi, who died at Nkubu Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on22nd June, 1999.CAUSE NO. 279 OF 2013By John Nteere M’Mwarania, the deceased’s son, through Messrs.Joan W. G. Ndorongo & Co., advocates of Meru, for a grant of lettersof administration intestate to the estate of Mukindia Mwirebua, whodied at Meru General Hospital in <strong>Kenya</strong>, on 1st August, 2008.CAUSE NO. 282 OF 2013By (1) Alice Nkirote Kaburu and (2) Caroline Karimi Kaburu, bothof P.O. Box 25, Nkubu in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s widow and daughter,respectively, through Messrs. Ntarangwi & Co., advocates, for a grantof letters of administration intestate to the estate of P. C. KaburuRobert M’Arimi, late of Marimba Sub-location, who died on 8thMarch, 2013.CAUSE NO. 283 OF 2013By Esther Kanono M’Bui, of P.O. Box 1485, Nanyuki in <strong>Kenya</strong>,the deceased’s daughter, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Thura M’Twamwari, late of Magundu, whodied at Magundu, on 5th May, 1996.CAUSE NO. 311 OF 2013By (1) Douglas Kinoti Chabari and (2) Shadrack Gitonga, both ofP.O. Box 38, Timau in <strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s sons, through Messrs.Ntarangwi & Co., advocates, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of M’Safari M’Mwitari, late of KirimaraLocation, who died at Kithithina, on 20th November, 2011.CAUSE NO. 328 OF 2013By David Mwenda Maingi, of P.O. Box 22244–00400, Nairobi in<strong>Kenya</strong>, the deceased’s son, for a grant of letters of administrationintestate to the estate of Joseph Maingi M’Imathiu alias Joseph Maingialias Maingi M’Imathiu, late of Kilenchune Sub-location, who diedthere on 5th May, 2013.The Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown tothe contrary and appearance in this respect entered within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this notice in the <strong>Kenya</strong> Gazette.Dated the 26th June, 2013.MR/2728419–2836549GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9497M. NASIMIYU,Deputy Registrar, Meru.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MONICAWANJIKU KAMAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 218 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Alfarooq Hospital, on 16th March, 2007,has been filed in this registry by Salim Abdalla Kamau, of P.O. Box87304, Mombasa, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th September, 2012.S. K. GACHERU,R/27278466 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9498IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCISRAYMOND RAFIKIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 258 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tudor, on 20th October, 2009, has beenfiled in this registry by Kenneth Thomas Mzungu, of P.O. Box 43424,Mombasa, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/2728435 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3509GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9499IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCISCARAYMOND RAFIKIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 259 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tudor, on 29th May, 2009, has beenfiled in this registry by Kenneth Thomas Mzungu, of P.O. Box 43424,Mombasa, in capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/2728435 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9502IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOHANLALJIVAN MEGHJIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 99 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Diu, India, on 29th January, 2004, hasbeen filed in this registry by Arvind Mohanlal Jivan Meghji, of P.O.Box 82915, Mombasa, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th May, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/27278394 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9500IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANSISCAMASELEKA MWANYALOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 3 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mwakitau, on 9th September, 2010, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Fulgence Mwanyalo Kisomba and (2)Lucas K. M., in their respective capacities as widower and son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th May, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/27278135 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9503IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLESMBUVI KIMWELEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 171 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at High Level Estate, on 29th January,2013, has been filed in this registry by (1) Martha Muthakye Mbuviand (2) Kelvin Mutati Mbuvi, both of P.O. Box 95009, Mombasa, intheir respective capacities as widow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th June, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/2836183 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9501IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MOMBASAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGEMWITHALI KABITHIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 81 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gede, on 21st August, 2010, has beenfiled in this registry by James Kobia Kabithi, of P.O. Box 1491,Malindi, in his capacity as brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th May, 2013.S. K. GACHERU,R/27278394 Deputy Registrar, Mombasa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9504IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THADEUSRAWIYO ODONGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 430 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ambira Sub-location, on 13thSeptember, 1997, has been filed in this registry by (1) MarcelusOdongo and (2) Andrea Onyango, in their capacities as sons of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th April, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728267 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.

3510THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9505IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EPHRAIMOLUOCH OLEWEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 17 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 29th June, 2010, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Rosemary Atieno Marroko and (2) Vitalice OokoOcheyo, in their respective capacities as widow and uncle of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 30th April, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728267 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9508IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSIAHODALO ROMBOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 152 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at East Karateng, on 15th August, 1976,has been filed in this registry by Lameck Agutu Owinga, of P.O. Box6–40117, Daraja Mbili, in his capacity as brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2836569 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9506IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNOULO OYIERPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 40 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 19th March, 2007, has been filed in thisregistry by Edward Gondi Oulo, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st May, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2836569 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9509IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SPROSATHADAYO ODONGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 281 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 19th December, 2010, has been filed inthis registry by (1) George Sigu Thadayo, (2) Francis Sigu and (3)Gordon Opiyo Sigu, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st May, 2012.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728260 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9507IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMIAHOTIENDE OBURAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 140 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 24th October, 1997, has been filed inthis registry by Pamela Akach Ogalo, in her capacity as widow of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st May, 2012.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728267 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9510IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWINOTEINO ODUORPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 284 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kakum, Kombewa Sub-location, on 29thJanuary, 2013, has been filed in this registry by (1) Celestine SabinaAuma and (2) Kelvin Onyango Otieno, in their respective capacities aswidow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728372 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3511GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9511IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUELOCHIENG EDGAR ODANGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 343 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Jalaram Hospital, on 5th October, 2012,has been filed in this registry by (1) Nancy Ochieng Odanga and (2)Tom Davis Odhiambo Orondo, both of P.O. Box 529, Kisumu, in theirrespective capacities as widow and cousin of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728395 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9514IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJOROGEWAINOGA PETERPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 572 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Lanet, on 26th June, 2011, has been filedin this registry by (1) Mary Wangoi Njoroge Wainoga and (2) StephenKinuthia Njoroge, in their respective capacities as widow and son ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th August, 2012.G. M. MUTISO,R/2836544 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9512IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGESTEPHEN AN’GADI OWUORPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 363 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Usenge Sub-location, on 6th November,2001, has been filed in this registry by Winnie Auma Owuor, of P.O.Box 2439 Kisumu, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.P. L. SHINYADA,R/2728449 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9516IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVIDNGUGI MWANGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 725 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nakuru, on2nd July, 2011, has been filed in this registry by (1) Susan NyamburaNgugi and (2) Veronica Wanjugu Mwangi, in their respectivecapacities as widow and mother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2727252 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.Gazette Notice No. 8394 is revoked.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9513IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HANAHWANGAYA ASASIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 377 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 19th January, 1990, has been filed inthis registry by Naftali Obadha Ouko, in his capacity as grandson ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.E. AWINO,R/2728087 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9517IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHMUGUKU MUNYUAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 870 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Free <strong>Are</strong>a, on 23rd June, 2009, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Mary Wanjiru Muguku and (2) SimonMaina Muguku, in their respective capacities as widow and son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836541 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.

3512THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9518IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KOIMAKIMAGEIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 97 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Lengenet Sub-location, on 8th May,2001, has been filed in this registry by Joseph Kipruto Koima, in hiscapacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th April, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2836591 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9521IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUELWANYOIKE NGIGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 313 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Githurai, Nairobi, on 10th June, 2007,has been filed in this registry by (1) Pauline Nyawira Wanyoike and(2) Harrison Gitari Karubiu, in their respective capacities as widowand brother-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th May, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2836581 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9519IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNNJOROGE KAGWEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 84 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Eburu Scheme, on 9th August, 1995, hasbeen filed in this registry by Hannah Nyokabi Njoroge, in her capacityas widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th March, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836632 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9520IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIBEREKIUMBEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 136 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Wanyororo Farm “A”, on 28th October,1979, has been filed in this registry by Paul Ndungu Kibebe, in hiscapacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th March, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836621 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9522IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHENGIKONYO GITHIKAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 333 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Baraka Nursing Home, on 28thSeptember, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Mary NjokiWarui and (2) Nelius Watiri Gikonyo, in their respective capacities aswidow and daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2728238 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9523IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMWELKAHURA MWANGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 338 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mediheal Hospital, Nakuru, on 13thJuly, 2012, has been filed in this registry by Damaris Waithira Kahura,in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836544 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3513GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9524IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICEKAHAKI NJOKAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 347 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nairobi, on 25th August, 1983, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Johnson Kibunja Njoka and (2) ChristineNyagitha Njoka, in their respective capacities as son and daughter ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th June, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2836559 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9527IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWANGIKANYORI MUCHIRIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 353 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kirima Village, Milangine, on 1stDecember, 1987, has been filed in this registry by (1) Ngigi MwangiKagui and (2) Josphine Wanjiku Macharia, in their respectivecapacities as son and daughter-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836558 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9525IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHKIMANI KARANJAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 349 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Oljabet Medical Centre, on 1stNovember, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Jacinta WangariGatitu and (2) Anne Waithira Gatitu, in their capacities as widows ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836589 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9528IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WARUIMURIITHI ALIAS WAROI S/O MURESEALIAS WARUI MUREITHIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 354 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kahutha, on 1st June, 2012, has beenfiled in this registry by Isaias Muthami Warui, in his capacity as son ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836590 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9526IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TAPRADICHCHEPKOSKEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 352 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kaptembwa, on 6th September, 1995,has been filed in this registry by (1) Maritim A. Koech and (2) DavidCheruiyot, in their respective capacities as son and grandson of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836559 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9529IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPNGOKROTICHPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 360 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mumbai, India, on 24th September,2007, has been filed in this registry by (1) Bernard Kiplagat Rotichand (2) Micah Cheserem Rotich, in their capacities as sons of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2728243 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.

3514THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9530IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAULMBURU MINJAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 375 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Maina, on 27th March, 2012, has beenfiled in this registry by Hannah Gathoni Mburu, in her capacity aswidow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2836558 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9531IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHENNJOROGE GICHARUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 400 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kikapu, on 6th June, 1992, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Loice Njeri Njoroge and (2) TeresiaWamuhu, in their respective capacities as daughter and daughter-inlawof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th June, 2013.R. AGANYO,R/2727075 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9533IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILEMONKIPKIRUI NGERECHIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 425 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tenwek Hospital, on 21st May, 20122,has been filed in this registry by (1) Pauline Chepkemoi Milgo and (2)Joel Cheruiyot Ngerechi, in their respective capacities as widow andbrother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 1st July, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2727075 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9534IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARIUKIKANYAGO ALIAS MUCHIRI S/O KANYANGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 8 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Londiani, on 19th October, 1980, hasbeen filed in this registry by Samuel Kihara Githaiga, of P.O. Box 107,Othaya in his capacities as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th June, 2013.V.O. NYAKUNDI,R/2727181 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9532IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILSONCOLLINS OBORA OCHIENGPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 424 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Jubbat, Londiani, on 19th April, 2003,has been filed in this registry by Maggie Ochieng Apiyo, in hercapacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd July, 2013.R. AMWAYI,R/2727075 Deputy Registrar, Nakuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9535IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GERALDMWANGI KANYUKU ALIAS MWANGI KANYUTUALIAS MWANGI KANYUKUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 167 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital, on 7th July,2003, has been filed in this registry by John Waweru Mwangi, of P.O.Box 35515–00200, Nairobi, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th April, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2728376 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3515GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9536IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GATHAGUMUTHUKIA ALIAS GATHAGU S/O MUTHUKIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 226 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital, on 29thMarch, 1972, has been filed in this registry by Baptista NgariMuthukia, of P.O. Box 238–101306, Kagio, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2836531 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9539IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOTHAMGICHUKI RUHARAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 307 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Karatina Hospital, on 26th July, 1991,has been filed in this registry by (1) Margaret Gathigia Gichuki and (2)Samuel Muriuki Gichuki, both of P.O. Box 809, Karatina, in theirrespective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2728421 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9537IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KANUMBIGATUMUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 229 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Karaba, on 26th September, 2009, hasbeen filed in this registry by Charles Maina Kanumbi, of P.O. Box343, Mukurwe-ini, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/1717193 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9540IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHGERALD WACHIRA ALIAS GERALD J. WACHIRAALIAS J. G. WACHIRAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 325 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Consolata Hospital, on 24th April, 2012,has been filed in this registry by Lydia Muthoni Wachira, of P.O. Box1371, Nyeri, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2728423 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9538IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GITONGAMATHENGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 267 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Nyeri, on6th August, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) John MainaGitonga and (2) Simon Munge Gitonga, both of P.O. Box 75, Nyeri, intheir rcapacities as administrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2728421 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9541IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJAUINIGITAHIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 333 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mutundu Sub-location, in 1960, has beenfiled in this registry by Sicilia Mugure J. Murimi, of P.O. Box 112–10103, Mukurweini, in her capacity as an administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2836531 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.

3516THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9542IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNMURIMI NJAUINIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 334 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mutundu Sub-location, on 22ndNovember, 2011, has been filed in this registry by Sicilia Mugure J.Murimi, of P.O. Box 112–10103, Mukurweini, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2836531 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9545IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GABRIELKHAVELELI BUKHUMBALEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 57 OF 2009LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shinyalu Sub-location, on 22nd May,1992, has been filed in this registry by Adriano Asutsi Khabeleli, ofP.O. Box 127, Khayega, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9543IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUOHEKURIRIA ALIAS MWOHE S/O KURIRIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 335 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mutundu Location, Lower Muhito, on24th June, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Joseph NjorogeMwohe, of P.O. Box 259–10103, Mukurweini, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2836531 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9546IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUHATIAMUSHENYA ALIAS MUHATIA MUSENYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 560 OF 2010LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Museno Sub-location, on 30th July,1993, has been filed in this registry by Philomena Atenya Bulinda, ofP.O. Box 242, Khayega, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9544IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NYERIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GAITHOS/O MUGWERUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 368 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Turi Location, Nyeri, in 1960, has beenfiled in this registry by Francis Wanjohi Mathenge, of P.O. Box 326,Karatina, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.V. O. NYAKUNDI,R/2728480 Deputy Registrar, Nyeri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9547IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARONOPUYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 282 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shibeye Sub-location, on 30th May,1967, has been filed in this registry by (1) Milika Akasala Opuya and(2) Peter Omurunga Opuya, both of P.O. Box 323, Kakamega, in theirrespective capacities as daughter and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 22nd May, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3517GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9548IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREWWITIUKHA ISABWA ALIAS ANDREA IDUKHA ESAMBWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 489 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Makhokho, on 19th October, 1998, hasbeen filed in this registry Josphine Mpaka, of P.O. Box 353,Kakamega, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9551IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWANGALEMUTUNGU POLINGA ALIAS MWANGALA POLINGAALIAS MWANGALA POLINGA MUTUNGUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 88 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Sidikho, on 13th October, 2011, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) John Bolinga Mwangala and (2)Sainapu Nakhanu Mwangala, both of P.O. Box 66, Nambacha, in theirrespective capacities as son and administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9549IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLESMATIASI OPAKAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 1298 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Eldoret Hospital, on 13th February,2010, has been filed in this registry by Atanas Sotsi Gaitano, of P.O.Box 47, Turbo, in his capacity as brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9550IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUKHONOCHIBOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 15 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shiasaba Sub-location, on 23rdFebruary, 1972, has been filed in this registry by James LibahaMukhono, of P.O. Box 193, Shinyalu, in their capacitiwes as sons ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9552IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PIUSAMAHWA LWOYELOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 93 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, Kakamega,on 23rd May, 2010, has been filed in this registry by (1) EsinasShihumbe Amahwa, (2) Rose Masitsa Amahwa, (3) ClementinaMbaka Amahwa, all of P.O. Box 23, Kambiri, in their capacities aswidows of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th May, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9553IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALPHONCEIGONA MMASI ALIAS ALPHONSE IGONA MMASIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 256 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shirulu, on 19th July, 2008, has beenfiled in this registry by Tabitha Ayuma Ikoha, of P.O. Box 147,Khayega, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

3518THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9554IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNG’ANYIMAPESA ALIAS MUNGANYI MAPESAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 268 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Chevoso Sub-location, on 9th February,2006, has been filed in this registry by (1) Samweli S. Mung’anyi and(2) Jacob M. Mung’anyi, both of P.O. Box 1183, Kakamega, in theircapacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9555IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREWOSUNDWA BUSHURUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 279 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Olkalou, on 24th June,2011, has been filed in this registry by (1) Redemuta ShieundaOsundwa and (2) Lucy Okulula Osundwa, both of P.O. Box 1996,Kakamega, in their respective capacities as widow and daughter of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9557IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SULEMANILUSAMAMBA ALUBOKHO ALIASOLUSAMBA ALUBOKHOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 289 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Esumeyia, on 5th May, 1981, has beenfiled in this registry by Fatuma Makokha Orato, of P.O. Box 1284.Kakamega, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th May, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9558IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNMEJI MEYWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 299 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Friends Hospsital, Kaimosi, on 18thSeptember, 1986, has been filed in this registry by Chrispinus MeywaMechi, of P.O. Box 849, Kakamega, in his capacity as son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728313 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9556IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUMAMALUBI OWADE ALIAS JUMA MALUBIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 283 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shiatsala Sub-location, on 12th October,1990, has been filed in this registry by (1) Mohammed Oduor Jumaand (2) Pius Omari Malubi, both of P.O. Box 5, Sidindi, in theircapacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 31st May, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728428 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9559IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMWELAHULI ALUBISIA ALIAS AHULI ALUVISIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 310 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shibuye Location, on 9th May, 2008, hasbeen filed in this registry by Renson Lung’ayia Bulunya, of P.O. Box604, Khayega, in his capacity as citor of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3519GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9560IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ZAKARIAODERO IMBUYEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 311 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Provincial General Hospital, on 14thOctober, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Elizabeth Odera,(2) Agnetta Odera and (3) Lina Salamo Makokha, all of P.O. Box 30,Kakunga, in their capacities as widows of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9563IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AUGUSTINOWAMUKOYA WAKUNGWIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 318 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Khaunga, on 7th May, 2000, has beenfiled in this registry by Dayana Nalianya Wamukoya, of P.O. Box 828,Mumias, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728236 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9561IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAKENZIHOLOLO MUDONDO ALIAS KHOLOLO MUTONDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 314 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Shamakhokho Sub-location, on 21stMarch, 1984, has been filed in this registry by Jane Muhonja Hololo,of P.O. Box 174, Kiritu, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9564IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF YOSWALUKOBA ALIAS YOSWA LUKHOBAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 327 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ingangalasia, on 15th February, 1979,has been filed in this registry by John Omondi Suthe, of P.O. Box 36,Mumias, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9562IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ESAUESHITAKAYA MAINAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 316 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Lunza, on 2nd August, 2010, has beenfiled in this registry by Francis Oluyayi Amabia, of P.O. Box 161,Butere, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728258 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9565IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MESHACKANDAHWA BUSULA ALIAS MESHARCK ANDAHWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 332 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mugomari, on 4th September, 1976, hasbeen filed in this registry by Joel Andahwa Mukanzi, of P.O. Box 43,Khayega, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

3520THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9566IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACOBIMBUSI MAOMBOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 333 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Chepsaita Sub-location, on 23rd March,2010, has been filed in this registry by (1) Julia Nanzala and (2)Karakacha Lucheli, both of P.O. Box 72, Webuye, in their respectivecapacities as widow and purchaser of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9569IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OKOBEOBALA ALIAS DANIEL OK’KOMBEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 342 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mwikalikha, on 16th September, 1989,has been filed in this registry by (1) Hellenah Mukoma Omwomi and(2) Moses Reboam Daniel, both of P.O. Box 48, Khwisero, in theirrespective capacities as widow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9570GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9567IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IBRAHIMMATSESHE ALIAS IBRAHIM MAKOKHA AKIDAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 335 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kholera, on 13th December, 1983, hasbeen filed in this registry by Saina Achieng Matseshe, of P.O. Box 50,Mumias, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728313 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BELITAKHASOHA NGAIRA ALIAS BERITA NGAIRAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 344 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Aga Khan Hospital. Kisumu, on 10thJuly, 2001, has been filed in this registry by (1) Edah Shiyenze Ngaira,(2) Jane Mudeidzi, (3) Eliud Ambani Ngaira and (4 Enid MugumiraNgaira, all of P.O. Box 750634–00200, Nairobi, in their respectivecapacities as sons and daughters of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9571GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9568IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISANTUSOMBITO CHEKAYIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 341 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Khaimba, on 7th February, 2013, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Rodah A. Chekayi and (2) EmmaNandwa Ochami, in their capacities as widows of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HACHIOTENYO KUBEREPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 345 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Butere, on 7thSeptember, 2010, has been filed in this registry by (1) Amina OtenyoAuma and (2) Mohammed Mwanza Kubele, both of P.O. Box 142,Butere, in their respective capacities as widow and brother of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 23rd May, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3521GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9572IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUWANIINDIMULI ALIAS MWANI INDIMURIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 348 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ikoli, on 17th January, 2004, has beenfiled in this registry by Jotham Nanjendo Muwani, of P.O. Box 32,Kambiri, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728313 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9575IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIPOTOTA ALUKWE ALIAS PHILIP OWITI ALUKWEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 353 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Emasatsi Sub-location, on 24thDecember, 1998, has been filed in this registry by Priska OngocheAlukwe, of P.O. Box 10, Kilingili, in her capacity as widow of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836561 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9573IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREAMMBOLO SHIMANYULA ALIAS ANDREA SHIMANYULAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 351 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mukongolo, on 21st November, 1990,has been filed in this registry by Nicholus Katee M’Mbolo, of P.O.Box 25955, Nairobi, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728313 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9576IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRYMATALANGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 383 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mombasa Hospital, on 20th October,2008, has been filed in this registry by (1) Isaac Willis Matalanga, (2)Hellen Atieno Matalanga, (3) Edward Nashitsakha Matalanga and (4)John Kamau Matalanga, all of P.O. Box 435, Mumias, in theircapacities as beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9574IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHBUTICH ASEMBO ALIAS JOSEPH BUTICHIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 352 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kitale, on 18thDecember, 2002, has been filed in this registry by <strong>Law</strong>rence ShimoliButichi, of P.O. Box 256, Kitale, in his capacity as son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9577IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DORCASAMUKHUMA OLANDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 398 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Butere, on 22ndOctober, 2010, has been filed in this registry by (1) Joseph AmabiaOlando and (2) Everlyne Lonnah Keya, both of P.O. Box 105,Shianda, in their respective capacities as father and mother of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

3522THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9578IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMSONSIMIYU CHAKALIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 420 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Thika Nursing Home, on 9th February2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Edinah K. Nyandawa and(2) Teresia O. Mokeira, both of P.O. Box 286, Kakamega, in theirrespective capacities as widow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836565 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9581IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHERSIMIYU WASILWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 452 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mawe Tatu Sub-location, on 15thMarch, 1996, has been filed in this registry by Eunice NanjalaWasilwa, of P.O. Box 62000, Nairobi, in her capacity as daughter ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 1st July, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9579IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HERBERTKATIBI WANGOKAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 429 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nala Community Hospital, on 30thApril, 2010, has been filed in this registry by Janet Floice Ambundo,of P.O. Box 572, Kakamega, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.C. KENDAGOR,R/2836003 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9582IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMESANZESE AMWOMAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 462 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mayoni Sub-location, on 24th April,2006, has been filed in this registry by Philgona Achieng Anzetse, ofP.O. Box 277, Mumias, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd July, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728137 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9580IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCECHIYULIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 442 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ikolomani, on 24th January, 1996, hasbeen filed in this registry by Lonida Shioso Shisundi, of P.O. Box 731,Kakamega, in her capacity as daughter-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728226 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9583IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SIUNDU MUCHUMAALIAS SHIUNDU S/O MUCHUMA MUMASIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 456 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mabuye, on 26th September, 1997, hasbeen filed in this registry by Hudson Shiundu Juma, of P.O. Box 10,Lwandeti, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.C. KENDAGOR,R/2728266 Deputy Registrar, Kakamega.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3523GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9584IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NGOSHIMWONORIA ALIAS KIVINDO MWONORIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 119 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mbeere District, on 20th November,1992, has been filed in this registry by Wilson Muturi Muchandi, ofP.O. Box 50, Ishiara, in his capacity as uncle of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 29th May, 2013.P. C. BIWOTT,R/2836511 Deputy Registrar, Embu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9587IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WENSTONEMWITA NYASUGUTAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 165 OF 2011LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 28th June, 2007, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Christina Magoiga Mwita and (2) George Mwita, intheir respective capacities as son and widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th March, 2011.G. H. ODUOR,R/2836634 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9585IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUGOKAMUNYIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 165 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Embu District, on 24th February, 1977,has been filed in this registry by Kamunyi Mbuari, of P.O. Box 115,Ishiara, in his capacity as father of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.P. BIWOTTR/2728465 Deputy Registrar, Embu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9588IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SILVANUSNYAOGA MONYONCHOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 214 OF 2011LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mwongori, on 30th December, 2002 hasbeen filed in this registry by Josephine Nyambeki Nyaoga, of P.O. Box169, Sotik, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 29th June, 2013.G. H. ODUOR,R/2836634 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9586IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT EMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJIRUCHIURIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 122 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Embu, on 3rd September, 1998, has beenfiled in this registry by Richard Muriithi Misheck, in his capacity asson of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 12th June, 2013.P. C. BIWOTT,R/2836640 Deputy Registrar, Embu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9589IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCISNYAGECHANGA ONGATIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 514 OF 2011LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 13th April, 2004, has been filed in thisregistry by Safina Nyaera Kemoni, in her capacity as mother of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th November, 2011.G. H. ODUOR,R/2836634 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

3524THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9590IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUAKIRUTARI SHANGILPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 196 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 4th March, 2007, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Lemashon B. Joshua and Delvine Senteyian Joshua, intheir respective capacities as son and daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836634 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9591IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETERNYAMBATI NYAMBATIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 197 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 7th July, 1997, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Kennedy Omwoyo Nyambati and (2) Alfred NyaberaNyambati, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836636 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9593IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SILVANUSONSONGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 287 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 21st August, 2006, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Kennedy A. Makori Onsongo and (2) Violet MagomaOnsongo, in their respective capacities as son and daughter of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836636 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9594IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOGUNDEOICHOEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 309 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Emesa, on 28th April, 1980, has beenfiled in this registry by Harrison Marege Mogunde, in his capacity asson of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836636 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9592IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ONGOREOMACHEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 260 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 5th September, 1993, has been filed inthis registry by Samwel Mokua Ongore, of P.O. Box 184, Kisii, in hiscapacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 31st May, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836028 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9595IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NYACHIRO OMBASAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 315 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Misesi Location, on 5th October, 1991,has been filed in this registry by Monica Nyansarora Elijah, of P.O.Box 1925-40200, Kisii, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836114 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3525GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9596IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARDNYAANGA NYASOREPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 316 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Christa Marriane Mission Hospital, on13th July, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Mark L. NyantikaNyaanga and (2) Mark Momanyi Nyaanga, both of P.O. Box 2649-40200, Kisii, in their capacities as the eldest brothers of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836114 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9597IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISIIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ONTUNE ONGORIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 319 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Bogichoncho, on 22nd June, 1996, hasbeen filed in this registry by Malachi Ontune, of P.O. Box 10,Nyamarambe, in his capacity as the eldest brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.L. KAITTANY,R/2836114 Deputy Registrar, Kisii.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9598IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NICKWAFULA JAPHETH MUKHEBIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 188 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, hasbeen filed in this registry by Edward Wekesa Mukhebi, of P.O. Box19182–00501, Nairobi, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.B. ATIANG,R/2728206 Deputy Registrar, Bungoma.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9599IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ERNESTONYANGO OLANDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 214 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Bungoma, on 16th April, 2001, has beenfiled in this registry by Josphine Okonji Onyango, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.B. ATIANG,R/2728204 Deputy Registrar, Bungoma.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9600IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHERODHIAMBO OLOO ALIAS CAISTOPHER OJIAMBOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 74 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Wakhungu Sub-location, on 15th March,1984, has been filed in this registry by (1) Halisi Nawire Ojiambo and(2) Getrude A. Ouma, both of P.O. Box 147, Wakhungu, in theirrespective capacities as widow and daughter-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st March, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9601IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OMONDIMUTUMA RAKWARIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 82 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on at Elukongo, Busia, 23rd May, 1990,has been filed in this registry by Gabriel Okweno Omondi, of P.O.Box 55, Buhuyi, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 22nd March, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).

3526THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9602IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AINEAHMASINDE MACHABEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 215 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Moi Referral Hospital, on 12th April,2002, has been filed in this registry by David Machabe Masinde, in hiscapacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.B. ATIANG,R/2836640 Deputy Registrar, Bungoma.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9605IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OTIENOOTUOLPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 131 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Busia, on 4th July, 1991, has been filedin this registry by George William Aketch, of P.O. Box 2, Bumala, inhis capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th May, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9603IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMSONAMUHI NYANGWESOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 110 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Malanga, Busia, on 10th August, 2011,has been filed in this registry by George Onyango Ouma, of P.O. Box58, Nambale, in his capacity as stepson of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th April, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9604IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KARANIOTSUONIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 130 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ikonzo, Bujuma, on 10th March, 2009,has been filed in this registry by Christopher Ouma Odongo, of P.O.Box 2, Bumala, in his capacity as nephew of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th May, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9606IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAELTELEWA OSOBOLOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 151 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Esibembe Sub-location, on 3rd May,2007, has been filed in this registry by (1) Magdalena Adipo Olusi and(2) Gaudensia Awino Telewa, both of P.O. Box 181, Butula, in theirrespective capacities as widow and daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728490 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9607IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ZABLONODILA SADIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 152 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Milimani Hospital, on 27th August,2008, has been filed in this registry by Juliana Etyang S. Odila, of P.O.Box 87, Busiia, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3527GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9608IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SIMEYODIBONDO WANGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 154 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Bujumba, on 6th July, 1984, has beenfiled in this registry by John Wanga Dibondo, of P.O. Box 14, Bumala,in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9611IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF YOSAMOKELLO CHITAYIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 167 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Elukongo, on 31st December, 1988, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Patrick Kubasu Okello, (2) JacobOdutsa Okello and (3) Allan Madoyi Okello, all of P.O. Box 181,Butula, in their capacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728490 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9609IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BWAKUOPILO TABAYESPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 159 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nasira Sub-location, on 24th March,1995, has been filed in this registry by Ramlus Ouma Bwaka, of P.O.Box 271, Nambale, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 29th May, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9612IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SILVANUSOKUME MUNGALAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 176 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Bumula “B” Sub-location, has been filedin this registry by Elizabeth Auma Okume, of P.O. Box 181, Butula, inher capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2728490 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9610IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANJIRUOKOTSIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 160 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Elukongo Sub-location, on 21st October,1968, has been filed in this registry by Sebastian Wesonga Okoth, ofP.O. Box 92, Buhuyi, in his capacity as grandson of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.I. T.MAISIBA,R/2728222 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9613IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSELIDAKIMINDA MARYALEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 180 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Busia, on 5th April,2006, has been filed in this registry by (1) Rashid Ali Mabiale and (2)Fredrick Mwima Soita, both of P.O. Box 350, Busia, in theirrespective capacities as widower and brother-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2836517 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).

3528THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9614IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUSIAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGEJUMA WAFULAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 198 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Murende Sub-location, on 3rd December2008, has been filed in this registry by Jackline Achieng Wafula, ofP.O. Box 218, Bumala, in his capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.M. MUNYEKENYE,R/2836517 Deputy Registrar, Busia (K).GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9617IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FREDRICKJEBERIT NGENYWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 241 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Cherangany Nursing Home, on 21stJuly, 1997, has been filed in this registry by Isaac Ngeywo, of P.O.Box 307, Kitale, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.P. KULECHO,R/2836564 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9615IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPKEMOI ARAPLANGAT ALIAS LANGAT KIPKEMOI A ALIAS KIPKEMOI ALANGAT ALIAS LANGAT KIPKEMOI ARAPPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 117 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Sitotwet Sub-location, on 6th July, 2012,has been filed in this registry by Sarah Chelangat Langat, of P.O. Box343, Kericho, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th November, 2012.J. NDURURI,R/2728266 Deputy Registrar, Kericho.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9616IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHWAFULA KWANUSUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 229 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kibuga, on 1st December, 2008, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Selina C. Wafula and (2) LinosWanyonyi Wafula, in their capacities as administrators of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th February, 2013.J. M. NANG’EA,R/2836564 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9618IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALICENAMAKANDA NYONGESAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 126 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Cherangani Nursing Home, on 7thOctober, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Joshua WekesaBilasio and (2) Edward Telewa Wekesa, both of P.O. Box 446, Kitale,in their capacities as administrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 22nd May, 2013.W. OKETCH,R/2727478 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9619IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SOPHYWASWA MALISIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 134 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Webuye, on 11thAugust, 2010, has been filed in this registry by (1) StanslousWanyama Juma and (2) Phnslaus Nanjala Juma, both of P.O. Box4196–30200, Kitale, in their capacities as administrators of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th June, 2013.J. M. NANG’EA,R/2836557 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3529GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9620IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVIDCHEROR KADENGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 145 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mubere Location, on 24th August, 2011,has been filed in this registry by (1) Irine Chemutai Simatwa and (2)Michael Kariuki Naibei, both of P.O. Box 2955, Kitale, in theirrespective capacities as an administratrix and administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. K. NGETICH,R/2836557 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9623IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWANGICHEGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 158 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kapenguria, on 3rdJanuary, 2003, has been filed in this registry by (1) Jane KaburaMacharia and (2) Hilda Wamboi, both of P.O. Box 4411, Kitale, intheir capacities as administratrices of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.P.KULECHO,R/2836520 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9621IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHIKEGU THUKUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 151 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kitale, on 15th May,2013, has been filed in this registry by Moses Thuku Mwangi, of P.O.Box 1868, Kitale, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.P. KULECHO,R/2836518 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9624IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GITAHIMARTINPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 162 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Bondeni, on 24th March, 2013, has beenfiled in this registry by Charles Wachira Kariuki of P.O. Box 59,Njoro, in his capacity as administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.P.KULECHO,R/2836520 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9622IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARETNALIAKA WEPUKHULUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 157 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kapenguria, on 6thOctober, 2009, has been filed in this registry by Benard WanyamaKeresendi, of P.O. Box 1867–30200, Kitale, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd July, 2013.P. KULECHO,R/2836181 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9625IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KITALEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOABMWENGE TOMMY WALELA MABONGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 165 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kwanza Location, on 27th May, 1989,has been filed in this registry by (1) Peter Wechuli and (2) IsaacWalela, in their capacities as administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.P.KULECHO,R/2836520 Deputy Registrar, Kitale.

3530THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9626IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MURANG’AIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCISITHAGU MWANGI ALIAS ITHAGU MUTHANDAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 138 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital. Murang’a, on 4thOctober, 2002, has been filed in this registry by Jacinta WambuiWaithagu, of P.O. Box 523, Kahuro, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th June, 2013.B. N. KITUYI,R/2728477 Deputy Registrar, Murang’a.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9629IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MURANG’AIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHENMWANGI NJOGO ALIAS MWANGI NJOGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 638 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gatunguru Sub-location, on 18th July,1997, has been filed in this registry by Kennedy Martin WaituikaKihara, of P.O. Box 12, Gikoe, in his capacity as an administrator ofthe deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th June, 2013.B. N. KITUYI,R/2728424 Deputy Registrar, Murang’a.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9627IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MURANG’AIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GLADYSNJERI MUCHOKIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 521 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 25th January, 2012, has been filed inthis registry by Willie Macharia Nduru, of P.O. Box 841, Murang’a, inhis capacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 24th June, 2013.B. N. KITUYI,R/2728467 Deputy Registrar, Murang’a.GETTE NOTICE NO. 9628IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MURANG’AIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUCHIRIKIHARAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 637 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gatunguru, on 1st June, 1999, has beenfiled in this registry by Hannah Wabai Kihara, of P.O. Box 12, Gikoe,in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th June, 2013.B. N. KITUYI,R/2728424 Deputy Registrar, Murang’a.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9630IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MURUBIUTHIKA MWANGI MUTUAMBIU THIKA ALIAS M’RUMBIUTHIKAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 32 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nyangati, has been filed in this registryby Cicily Muthoni Mutuarubiu, of P.O. Box 8, Kagio, in her capacityas an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 16th January, 2013.K. K. CHERUIYOT,R/2519301 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9631IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MIGWINYAGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 574 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kariko, on 6th November, 2012, hasbeen filed in this registry by Margaret Wamarua Kigundu, in hercapacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th May, 2013.T. NGUGI,R/2836645 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3531GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9632IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIUDMUTHIKE DOUGLASPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 582 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at K. D. H., on 29th December, 1988, hasbeen filed in this registry by Jane Wanjiru Warui, of P.O. Box 70,Baricho, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.T. NGUGI,R/2519301 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9635IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CYRUSMIGWI ALIAS MIGWI NGIRIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 673 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mikakrara, on 2nd January, 2004, hasbeen filed in this registry by Rhoda Njoki Cyrus, of P.O. Box 61,Kianyaga, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.S. NGUNGI,R/2519301 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9633IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWAICHAI ALIAS MWAI CHAI NYAMUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 605 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tumutumu Hospital, on 11th May, 2000,has been filed in this registry by Wangigi Mwai, of P.O. Box 39,Wang’uru, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.T. NGUGIR/2836226 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9636IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AGNESMUTHONI MAGANJO ALIAS AGNES MUTHONI MANGINJOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 675 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tumutumu Hospital, on 27th September,2008, has been filed in this registry by Janet Wangari Gitari, in hercapacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.T. NGUGI,R/2519194 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9634IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHRISCAWANJIRU KIBOKO ALIAS PRISCA WANJIRU KIBOKOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 606 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Embu Hospital, on 16th April, 1997, hasbeen filed in this registry by Esther Wanjiku Gakono, of P.O. Box 7,Wang’uru, in her capacity as daughter-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.T. NGUGI,R/2836227 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9637IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FAITHMABUTI MURIUKI ALIAS MABUTI MURIUKIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 677 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gachigi, on 16th July, 1998, has beenfiled in this registry by George Karimi Wanjohi, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.T. NGUGI,R/2836645 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.

3532THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9638IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHENMUTUANYINGI ALIAS STEPHEN MUTUANYINGI NJUEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 708 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kathiga, Kirinyaga, on 15th January,2000, has been filed in this registry by Lydiah Wambui Stephen, ofP.O. Box 8, Kagio, in her capacity as an administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.S. N. NGUNGI,R/2519194 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9639IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLESNYAGA NJOGUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 713 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at K. D. H., on 27th February, 2002, hasbeen filed in this registry by Elizabeth Wanjiru Nyaga, of P.O. Box 58,Kianyaga, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.S. N. NGUNGI,R/2519235 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9641IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KAGUTA MWOBEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 727 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kerugoya Hospital, on 23rd August,1984, has been filed in this registry by (1) Francis Wanjohi Kaguta and(2) Faith Muthoni Macuka, both of P.O. Box 8, Kagio, in theirrespective capacities as administratrices of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.S. N. NGUNGI,R/2519235 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9642IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHMUNYIRI KIBAYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 10 OF 2007LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 22nd January, 2006, has been filed inthis registry by (1) David Ngugi Munyiri, (2) Peter Wagatira Munyiriand (3) Dominic Kibaya Munyiri, in their capacities as administratorsof the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 10th January, 2007.L. M. WACHIRA,R/2836647 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9640IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERUGOYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETERMATHAIYA KAMAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 714 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kimbimbi, S. D. H., on 20th December,2006, has been filed in this registry by Edith Wamiru Mathaiya, ofP.O. Box 15, Wanguru, in her capacity as an administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th June, 2013.S. N. NGUNGI,R/2519235 Deputy Registrar, Kerugoya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9643IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LUKASMWENGA WAIREGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 159 OF 2011LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Karuri Sub-location, on 9th April, 2009,has been filed in this registry by (1) Alice Muthoni Karugu and (2)Peter Kamau Mwenga, both of P.O. Box 121, Thika, in their respectivecapacities as an administratrix and administrator of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th April, 2011.B. A. OWINO,R/2728500 District Registrar, Thika.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3533GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9644IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANDIAKIMBOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 224 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Muguga Gatitu, on 26th September,2003, has been filed in this registry by (1) Eunice Wachera Murokiand (2) Tabitha Wambui Munuka, both of P.O. Box 473, Kalimoni, intheir capacities as administratrices of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.J. W. ONCHURU,R/2728482 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9647IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIBENDEGWAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 379 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nairobi, on 8th July, 1969, has been filedin this registry by Benson Mugiri Kibe, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 1st July, 2013.J. W. ONCHURU,R/2836647 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9645IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALLANNJENGA NJUGUNAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 225 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Thika, on 6thFebruary, 2001, has been filed in this registry by Edith WairimuNjenga, of P.O. Box 1210, Thika, in her capacity as an administratrixof the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th June, 2013.J. W. ONCHURU,R/2728484 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9646IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GITUKABURUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 345 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Thika, on 3rd April1985, has been filed in this registry by Philip Waweru Gitu, in hiscapacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 29th May, 2013.S. N. TELEWA ,R/2728370 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9648IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KAMAUMUCHERU ALIAS MUCHERU KAMAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 392 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 1st July, 1998, has been filed in thisregistry by Francis Njoroge Kamau, in his capacity as an administratorof the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2013.J. W. ONCHURU,R/2836647 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9649IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF AGNESWAITHIRA NJOROGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 384 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kigio Sub-location, on 14th December,1999, has been filed in this registry by Roman Mwaura Njoroge, ofP.O. Box 490, Thika, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.S. N. TEIEWA,R/2728429 District Registrar, Thika.

3534THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9650IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LEAHWANJIRU NJOROGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 413 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Thika Nursing Home, on 8th April,2012, has been filed in this registry by Peter Mwangi Njoroge, of P.O.Box 1551, Thika, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 24th June, 2013.A. N. OGONDA,R/2519134 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9653IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EZAKIAHKARANJA GITUNDUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 420 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mundoro, on 12th July, 1989, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Stephen Njuguna Karanja and (2) MargaretWangari Fabian, in their respective capacities as an administrator andadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.A. N. OGONDA,R/2836565 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9651IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJONJOKIGERAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 417 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nguna Sub-location, on 4th February,2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Martha Ngendo Njonjo and(2) Sarah Wambui Kuria, both of P.O. Box 1551, Thika, in theircapacities as administratrices of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.S. N. TELEWA,R/2519134 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9654IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAULGATHURA KARUGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 425 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kianwe, on 4th April, 2013, has beenfiled in this registry by Ruth Wanjiru Gathura, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 27th June, 2013.S. N. TELEWA,R/2836565 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9652IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NAFTALIWARIKIRI MUNG’ORAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 419 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gatanga, Thika, on 17th January, 2008,has been filed in this registry by John Ndungu Mwaura, in his capacityas an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. N. TELEWA,R/2836565 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9655IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DANIELKINYANJUI GITAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 430 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ruiru, on 13th September, 2003, hasbeen filed in this registry by Moses Kiguongo Kinyanjui, in hiscapacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.S. N. TELEWA,R/2836566 District Registrar, Thika.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3535GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9656IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NGANGAKIBOIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 431 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kikuyu N. Home, has been filed in thisregistry by Ngethe Nganga, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.S. N. TELEWA,R/2836566 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9659IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NATHANKURIA DANIELPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 114 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ndumberi, on 2nd August, 2011, hasbeen filed in this registry by Peninah Wanjiru Kuria, of P.O. Box61614, Nairobi, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.S. K. AROME,R/2728474 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9657IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATES COURT AT THIKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LUCYWATHUKU MBUGUAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 432 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mugumo-in-ini Sub-location, on 9thSeptember, 2003, has been filed in this registry by (1) Jane WambuiKamande and (2) Julius Waithaka Mbugua, both of P.O. Box 2016,Thika, in their respective capacities as an administratrix andadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.A. N. OGONDA,R/2728482 District Registrar, Thika.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9660IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WINNIENYAMBURA ALIAS WINNE NYAMBURA NJOROGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 117 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Lusigetti, Kiambu, on 4th October, 1999,has been filed in this registry by (1) Ann Njoki Njoroge and (2) JoanWambui Njoroge, both of P.O. Box 280–00902, Kikuyu, in theircapacities as daughters of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. K. AROME,R/2728392 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9658IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RACHELWAMBUI NJOROGE ALIAS RACHAEL WAMBUI NJOROGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 104 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kiambu, on 25th July,2007, has been filed in this registry by (1) Daniel Chege Njoroge and(2) Thomas Kimani Njoroge, both of P.O. Box 590, Kiambu, in theircapacities as sons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 11th June, 2013.S. K. AROMER/2836616 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9661IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNICHAMUGO MURUGU ALIAS ICHAMUGO MUGURUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 119 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nazareth Hospital, , on 29th April, 2011,has been filed in this registry by Stephen Njuguna Khamugo, of P.O.Box 177–00900, Kiambu, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. K. AROME,R/2728380 District Registrar, Kiambu.

3536THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9662IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVIDKANINI MWAMBURAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 125 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kiamumbi, on 10th October, 2011, hasbeen filed in this registry by Margaret Njeri Kanini, of P.O. Box65736, Nairobi, in her capacity as an widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.L.D. OGOMBE,R/27285452 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9665IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUKURIA MUNGATHARAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 132 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kiongwe, on 12th March, 2013, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Lucy Mungari Mukuria (2) John MwauraMukuria, both of P.O. Box 2345, Village Market, in their capacities asson and daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.L. D. OGOMBE,R/2836120 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9663IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JECINTAWANJIKU KAMAU ALIAS JECINTER WANJIKU KAMAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 128 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Our Ladys Hospice, Thigio, on 9thApril, 2011, has been filed in this registry by Jane Wanjiru Kamau, inher capacity as daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.L. D. OGOMBE,R/2836566 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9664IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIONGICHIRU KUNGU ALIAS MARION GICHIRUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 129 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Riabai, on 27th September, 1998, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Annebell Gacinji Kungu and (2) PaulNganga Kungu, in their respective capacities as daughter and son ofthe deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.L. D. OGOMBE,R/2836566 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9666IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KIAMBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DORAHNYAMBURA MWANGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 135 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kanyariri, on 31st October, 2012, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Meshack Appollos Mwangi, (2) HilamMunah Appollos and (3) Jacqueline Wanjiru Manji, in their respectivecapacities as sons and daughter of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 9th July, 2013.L. D. OGOMBE,R/2836616 District Registrar, Kiambu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9667IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNNJAGI NGAINEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 79 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Murugi Sub-location, has been filed inthis registry by Beatrice Ciambii John, of P.O. Box 240, Chogoria, inher capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 30th April, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2728160 District Registrar, Chuka.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3537GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9668IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M’RECHE MUGUONGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 87 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mugumango, on 15th June, 2005, hasbeen filed in this registry by Assenath Nkinga M’Reche, of P.O. Box38, Chogoria, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 9th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9671IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M’MUNGANIARUTEREPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 104 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kathareni, Iruma, on 14th June, 1994,has been filed in this registry by Wilfred Kathenya Mungania, of P.O.Box 3, Chogoria, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836560 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9669IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M’MWIRIGA M’MUTIRAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 91 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Rubate Sub-location, on 7th December,1999, has been filed in this registry by Njeru Wiliam Mwiriga, of P.O.Box 80, Chuka, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 9th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9670IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LAURENTKAMUNDI KIRAITHEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 103 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Chogoria Hospital, on 17th July, 1982,has been filed in this registry by Emilio Nyaga Kamundi and (2)Margaret Njeri Kamundi, both of P.O. Box 33055–00600, Nairobi, intheir respective capacities as an administrator and administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2728160 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9672IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M’NTHIGAIM’MWARAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 106 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gitareni Sub-location, on 16th February,2005, has been filed in this registry by Daniel Karani M’Nthigai, ofP.O. Box 7, Chuka, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836560 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9673IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JULIUSMUTEGI GITARIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 107 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mutino Location, on 23rd September,2011, has been filed in this registry by Florence Karauki, of P.O. Box30177, Nairobi, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.

3538THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9674IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWOGAITUMOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 111 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Thigaa Sub-location, on 10th June, 1984,has been filed in this registry by Fredrick Mutwiri Murungi, of P.O.Box 46, Matuguni, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9675IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SILASNKWARE MBUNGUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 112 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Chuka, has been filedin this registry by Eurita Ciagitari Mbungu, of P.O. Box 217, Chuka,in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9676IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF M’MUGAMUTAGUNIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 113 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Chuka, has been filedin this registry by Enesia Kaburi Muga, of P.O. Box 24, Chuka, in hiscapacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9677IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT CHUKAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAULMWANGI MUHINDIIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 114 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gatua Sub-location, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) <strong>Law</strong>i Mwangi and (2) Jospeter Gitonga Mwangi, bothof P.O. Box 91, Chuka, in their capacities as an administrators of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th July, 2013.S. R. ROTICH,R/2836222 District Registrar, Chuka.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9678IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUELGITHU WAIHENYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 44 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital, on 16thJune, 2011, has been filed in this registry by Duncan Karanja Githu, ofP.O. Box 1229, Nyahururu, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.P. O. MUHOLI,R/2728386 District Registrar, Nyahururu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9679IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNWILLIE GATHU MUKURIA ALIAS JOHN WILLY GATHUMUKURIA ALIAS MUKURIA JOHN W. GATHU ALIASMUKURIA JOHN WILLY GATHU ALIAS GATHU JOHN WILLIEGATHU ALIAS JOHN W. GATHU MUKURIA ALIAS MUKURIAJOHN W. GATHU ALIAS JOHN WILLIE GATHUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 74 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital, on 9th May,2011, has been filed in this registry by Peter Crispus Mukuria Gathu,of P.O. Box 46, Nyahururu, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.P. O. MUHOLI,R/2836588 District Registrar, Nyahururu.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3539GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9680IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WAGURAKARUGO WAWERU ALIAS WILSON WAGURA KAGUROPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 83 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Olkalou Hospital, on 20th May, 1999,has been filed in this registry by Samuel Nyutu Wagura, of P.O. Box159, Subukia in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2013.P. O. MUHOLI,R/2836587 District Registrar, Nyahururu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9683IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUTUAMBULAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 97 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kitui, on 21st July,2009, has been filed in this registry by Kavinya Munyoki, in hercapacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9681IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT NYAHURURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAINANDUNGU MACHARIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 96 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Outspan Hospital, on 25th January,2013, has been filed in this registry by (1) Veronica Wangari Maina,(2) Teresia Wangechi and (3) Patrick Ndungu Maina Njuguna, all ofP.O. Box 2170, Nyahururu, in their respective capacities asadministratrices and administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th June, 2013.W. K. CHEPSEBA,R/2836620 District Registrar, Nyahururu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9682IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT SIAYAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RICHARDODUOR MUNGOMA ALIAS LENANDUS WANYANDEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 63 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Komenya, on 16th May, 1996, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Morell Achieng Oduor and (2) AirolllOtieno Oduor, in their respective capacities as daughter and son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 24th June, 2013.B. M. OCHOI,R/2728481 District Registrar, Siaya.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9684IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIVINDYOMWANGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 103 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kitui, on 4th July,1987, has been filed in this registry by (1) Janet Mukai Kivindyo and(2) Maso Kivindyo, both of P.O. Box 145, Kitui, in their respectivecapacities as widow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, KituiGAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9685IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNYASYAMALOMBEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 107 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at <strong>Kenya</strong>tta National Hospital, on 22ndDecember, 2000, has been filed in this registry by Charles WambuaMunyasya, of P.O. Box 1154, Kitui, in his capacity as son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.

3540THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9686IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT VOIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ASUMANIMWASAMBI NYAIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 4 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nyolo Sub-location, on 14th November,1993, has been filed in this registry by Rosina Asiman Mwasambi, ofP.O. Box 329, Buira, Taita, in her capacity as an administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th May, 2013.S. M. WAHOME,R/2728174 District Registrar, Voi.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9689IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT BOMETIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHEPKWONYARAP MAIGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 3 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Itembe, has been filed in this registry bySamwel Kipruto Sang, of P.O. Box 140, Bomet, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.J. KWENA,R/2728363 District Registrar, Bomet.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9687IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT VOIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MBOTINGIMA KATUNYO ALIAS MBOTI NGIMAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 8 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Magogoni Sub-location, on 23rd May,2007, has been filed in this registry by Sabina Chao Mboti, of P.O.Box 1, Ng’ambwa, in her capacity as an administratrix of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 6th May, 2013.S. M. WAHOME,R/2728174 District Registrar, Voi.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9690IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT NKUBUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIRIMANIAMUNGANIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 65 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Makutano Nursing Home, on 14th June,1997, has been filed in this registry by Fredrick Muriuki M’Kirimania,of P.O. Box 6, Meru, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 24th June, 2013.C. N. NDUBI,R/2728318 District Registrar, Nkubu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9688IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT VOIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHOEBESAMBA MAGHANGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 9 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Moi Hospital, Voi, on 17th October,2012, has been filed in this registry by Robert MwasighwaMwakichwa, of P.O. Box 1137, Wundanyi, in his capacity as anadministrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th May, 2013.S. M. WAHOMER/2728174 District Registrar, Voi.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9691IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARYWANJIKU NGUGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 52 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kiambu, on 28th January, 2005, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Samuel Kihara Ngugi, (2) John KiarieNgugi and (3) Florence Wairimu Gichanga, in their respectivecapacities as sons and daughter-in-law of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th May, 2013.E.MICHIEKA,R/2727112 District Registrar, Kikuyu.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3541GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9692IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NELSONKIMANI KINYAGAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 54 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nyathuna, Kiambu, on 26th November,2005, has been filed in this registry by (1) Josphat Matheri Kimani and(2) Monica Gathoni Kimani, both of P.O. Box 120, Ngecha, in theirrespective capacities as widow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2728473 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9695IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TERESHIAHMUMBI KARANJAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 60 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at St. Mary Hospital, on 31st May, 2010,has been filed in this registry by Francis Mbugua Karanja, of P. O.Box 51–00902, Kikuyu, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2836215 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9693IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THAKURUITHAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 56 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gikambura, on 24th June, 1998, hasbeen filed in this registry by Francis Peter Ngige Ruitha, of P. O. Box51–00902, Kikuyu, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2836094 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9696IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOFFATKIHIU GITAUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 61 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gikambura, on 7th June, 2007, has beenfiled in this registry by Ruth Wanjiru Kihiu, of P. O. Box 51–00902,Kikuyu, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2836094 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9694IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOEWILLIAM MUIRURI KINUTHIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 58 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Our Lady Hopice, Thigio, on 17th May,2012, has been filed in this registry by James Kinuthia, of P. O. Box51–00902, Kikuyu, in his capacity as brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2836215 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9697IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BAIYAWARUKIRAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 67 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kikuyu, on 26th March, 1990, has beenfiled in this registry by Hezekiah Watitu Baiya, in his capacity as sonof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2727150 District Registrar, Kikuyu.

3542THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9698IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KIKUYUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ESTHERNYATUGA WAMUIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 70 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ngecha, on 21st November, 2010, hasbeen filed in this registry by David Wamoa Kamau, in his capacity asson of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.E. MICHIEKA,R/2728583 District Registrar, Kikuyu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9701IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT NYAMIRAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICKOKIAMBE ACHIRIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 8 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Boisangai, on 8th October, 1991, hasbeen filed in this registry by Daniel Makori Okiambe, of P.O. Box285, Nyamira, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th April, 2013.J. NJOROGE,R/2836567 District Registrar, Nyamira.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9699IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT WEBUYEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANTONINANABANGALA NGOYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 3 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Marinda, on 6th October, 2011, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) <strong>Law</strong>rence S. Ngoya and (2) Jackson K.Kilong’i, both of P.O. Box 70, Webuye, in their capacities asadministrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th February, 2013.B. OMBEWA,R/2836571 District Registrar, Webuye.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9700IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT ELDAMA RAVINEIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JACOBKIPTOO ARAP SOWEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 18 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mumberes, on 19th November, 2009,has been filed in this registry by Clara Sawe, in her capacity as widowof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 30th May, 2013.M. KASERA,R/2728142 District Registrar, Eldama Ravine.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9702IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT KARATINAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEOFFREYMWARIRI MIRERAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 33 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nairobi, on 22nd June, 1994, has beenfiled in this registry by Elizabeth Muthoni Mwangi, of P.O. Box 1958,Karatina, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 15th August, 2012.D. N. MUSYOKA,R/2836578 District Registrar, Karatina.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9703IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT ITENIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNMUKUU SICHEI ALIAS JOHN MUKUU SICHEYIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 10 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Chepkuyi Farm, Kinyoro Sub-location,on 13th October, 1995, has been filed in this registry by SusanahChemaswa Muguu, of P.O. Box 280, Kitale, in her capacity as anadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 17th June, 2012.R. M. NDOMBI,R/2836570 District Registrar, Iten.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3543GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9704IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHBOLLO AWACHPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 98 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kobala Sub-location, on 27th December,2001, has been filed in this registry by Roselyne Agolla Bollo, in hercapacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 26th June, 2013.S.N. MAKILA,R/2728028 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9707IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSHUAAKINYI OBONDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 134 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at North Kachien Sub-location, on 4thJune, 2013, has been filed in this registry by Joseph OdhiamboObondo, in his capacity as brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.G.M.A. ONG’ONDO,R/2728028 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9705IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHBOLO OKIRIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 69 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at North Kachien, on 11th May, 1993, hasbeen filed in this registry by Naman Ogembo Bolo, in his capacity sonof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 23rd April, 2013.L.K. MWENDWA,R/2728028 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9708IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ORWARUNGOYAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 135 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kokal Sub-location, on 11th August,1997, has been filed in this registry by Walter Ngoya Orwaru, in hiscapacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.S.N. MAKILA,R/2728028 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9706IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILSONMIRERI ONDIEKPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 132 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kokal Sub-location, on 24th July, 1976,has been filed in this registry by Walter Otieno Mireri, in his capacityas son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.S.N. MAKILA,R/2728028 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9709IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDITHAMOLO RAGOTPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 136 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kanyango Sub-location, on 7th May,2008, has been filed in this registry by Hannington Aloo, in hiscapacity as widower of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.S.N. MAKILA,R/2728284 District Registrar, Oyugis.

3544THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9710IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT OYUGISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ODUOLABONYOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 137 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kadel Kamidigo, on 10th April, 1980,has been filed in this registry by Samson Ochieng Okkwanyo, in hiscapacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 28th June, 2013.S.N. MAKILA,R/2728284 District Registrar, Oyugis.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9711IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT LIMURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THUO KIHOTOALIAS THUO KIHATOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 163 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Thigio Location, on 3rd December,1984, has been filed in this registry by (1) Hannah Njoki Thuo and(2) Elizabeth Njeri Kiibe, both of P.O. Box 7460-00300, Nairobi, intheir capacities as administratrices of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.G. H. ODUOR,R/2836085 District Registrar, Limuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9713IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT LIMURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL MUIGAI GICHUKIALIAS MUIGAI GICHUKIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 110 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at on 13th December, 2012, has been filedin this registry by Margaret Wanjiru Gichuki, of P.O. Box 5-00217,Limuru, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th July, 2013.T. OLE TANCHU,R/2836085 District Registrar, Limuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9714IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KAVALAIKUIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 79 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kauwi, on 14th March, 1992, has beenfiled in this registry by Kilonzi Kivala, of P.O. Box 10, Kabati, in hiscapacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 13th June, 2013.B. M. KIMEMIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9712IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT LIMURUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NENE KINYANJUIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 86 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kijabe Hospital, on 5th September,2012, has been filed in this registry by Regina Wanjiku Nene, ofP.O. Box 54-00221, Matathia, in her capacity as an administratrix ofthe deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.G. H. ODUOR,R/2836085 District Registrar, Limuru.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9715IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KAVYUMUTEMAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 85 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kyondoni, on 3rd April, 2002, has beenfiled in this registry by Benjamin Mwalimu Kavyu, of P.O. Box 88,Kitui, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 31st May, 2013.A. G. KIBIRU,R/2728212 District Registrar, Kitui.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3545GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9716IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAVINDYAMBITI ITULIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 86 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Usiani Sub-location, on 26th July, 2009,has been filed in this registry by Justus Tito Mavindya, of P.O. Box204, Kitui, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9717IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUTUNGANGUTI SYOVOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 91 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Kitui, on 4thDecember, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Munanie Mutunga,of P.O. Box 44769, Nairobi, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 13th June, 2013.B. M. KIMEMIAR/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9719IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHNMULI KATUNYOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 98 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Makindu, on 9thNovember, 2008, has been filed in this registry by Agnes KalumuJohn, of P.O. Box 1145, Kitui, in her capacity as widow of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9720IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAPSABETIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PAULOMAGHI KAPTINGEIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 13 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 27th December, 1997, has been filed inthis registry by Anthony Kipkosgei Tingei, of P.O. Box 369–30300,Kapsabet, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.B. MOSIRIA,R/2728229 District Registrar, Kapsabet.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9718IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KITUIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIUDMWANZIA MULUUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 95 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mulundi Sub-location, on 18th February,2001, has been filed in this registry by Vengi Mwanzia Muluu, of P.O.Box 1490–90200, Kitui, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 7th June, 2013.A. S. LESOOTIA,R/2836559 District Registrar, Kitui.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9721IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAPSABETIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHEPKWONYARAP SIMOTWOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 23 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 4th February, 1988, has been filed inthis registry by Martina Jeptum Simatwo, of P.O. Box 27, Kapsabet, inher capacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd April, 2013.B. MOSIRIA,R/2728229 District Registrar, Kapsabet.

3546THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9722IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KAPSABETIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KICHWENKESIORPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 30 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 1st August 1984, has been filed in thisregistry by Paul Kipyego Kichwen, of P.O. Box 37–30300, Kapsabet,in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 15th May, 2013.B. MOSIRIA,R/2728229 District Registrar, Kapsabet.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9725IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KARATINAIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANDURUKAHANDO ALIAS WANDURO S/O KAHANDOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 16 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died in 1960, has been filed in this registry by(1) Peter Mbaiku Kamweti and (2) Geoffrey Maina Gatu, in theirrespective capacities as administrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 16th April, 2013.D. N. MUSYOKA,R/2836504 District Registrar, Karatina.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9723IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GITHUNGURIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALLACEGITERE NJOROGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 15 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ikinu, on 25th March, 2011, has beenfiled in this registry by (1) Esther Nyambura Gitere and (2) GeorgeNjoroge Gitere, in their respective capacities as widow and son of thedeceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 5th April, 2012.B.M. NZAKYO,R/2728345 District Registrar, Githunguri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9726IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MOURICEALUOCH KIDENGEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 169 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kakmasia West Sub-location, on 11thSeptember, 2002, has been filed in this registry by Joseph GagaOgemo, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st June, 2013.Z. J. NYAKUNDI,R/2836511 District Registrar, Rongo.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9724IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GITHUNGURIIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHNDUNG’U NJUGUNAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 141 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Avenue Hospital, on 3rd April, 2012, hasbeen filed in this registry by Janet Wambui Ndungu, of P.O. Box 101,Githunguri, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd July, 2013.E.O. WAMBO,R/2728345 District Registrar, Githunguri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9727IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF VITALISOYOO OWUORPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 187 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kalanya Kanyango Sub-location, on 8thSeptember, 2001, has been filed in this registry by Night Akoth Oyoo,in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.Z.J. NYAKUNDI,R/2728352 District Registrar, Rongo.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3547GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9728IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALTEROKUMU ANDAGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 188 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at K. Kanyango Sub-location, on 21st July,1988, has been filed in this registry by Zilpa Mikwa Okumu, in hercapacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such order as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.Z.J. NYAKUNDI,R/2728352 District Registrar, Rongo.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9731IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHANANJUE MUTUAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 83 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Ishiara, on 19th May, 1997, has beenfiled in this registry by Agness Kasembi Njue, her capacity as widowof the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 20th May, 2013.M. OBIERO,R/2727044 District Registrar, Runyenjes.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9729IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF (1) OMOLOAWINO AND (2) AGUSTINO ONDIEK AKARIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 189 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kakrao Lower Sub-location, on 20thAugust, 1982 and 28th August, 1997, respectively, has been filed inthis registry by (1) Lorna Akeyo Omolo and (2) Tobias OnyangoAkaka, both of P. O. Box 95, Suna, in their respective capacities aswidow and son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July 2013.Z. J. NYAKUNDI,R/2836188 District Registrar, Rongo.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9730IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RONGOIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OMOLOAWINOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 190 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kakrao Lower Sub-location, on 20thAugust, 1982, has been filed in this registry by Lorna Akeyo Omolo,of P. O. Box 95, Suna, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 3rd July 2013.Z. J. NYAKUNDI,R/2728207 District Registrar, Rongo.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9732IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJAGI M’NGUNGIPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 87 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Nduuri Sub-location, on 1st September,1975, has been filed in this registry by Seria Igandu Mirera, in hercapacity as sister of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 14th May, 2013.J. P. NANDI,R/2727045 District Registrar, Runyenjes.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9733IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVIDMURITHI NJUE ALIAS DAVID MURIITHI NJUEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 90 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gichiche Sub-location, on 11thNovember, 2012, has been filed in this registry by (1) Mercy GaceriMurithi and (2) Felix Jackson Mbaabu, in their respective capacities aswidow and friend of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 21st May, 2013.J. P. NANDI,R/2727043 District Registrar, Runyenjes.

3548THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9734IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJOGUKARUGANOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 106 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mbuvori Sub-location, on 27th February,2010, has been filed in this registry by Teresia Wangai John, in hercapacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 19th June, 2013.J. P. NANDI,R/2727043 District Registrar, Runyenjes.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9737IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIKIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPLANGATARAP LELGOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 36 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Tenwek Hospital, on 28th October,2008, has been filed in this registry by Leah Chepkorir Lelgo, in hercapacity as an administratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 30th October, 2012.M. O. OKUTCHE,R/2836513 District Registrar, Sotik.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9735IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUCHIRI M’RIRIAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 111 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Kangaru Clinic, on 7th May, 1986, hasbeen filed in this registry by Gitare Abednego Kiguangu, of P.O.Box 647, Chuka, in his capacity as son of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th May, 2013.J. P. NANDI,R/2836630 District Registrar, Runyenjes.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9736IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT RUNYENJESIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARTIN MWITIWILLIAMPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 112 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at P.C.E.A. Chogoria Hospital, on 14thFebruary, 2013, has been filed in this registry by (1) DorothyMuthoni Kathuni and (2) Lucy Karimi Kathuni, of P.O. Box 83,Chuka, in their capacities as widows of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th July, 2013.J. P. NANDI,R/2836085 District Registrar, Runyenjes.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9738IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIKIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BENJAMINKIPTALAM BIEGONPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 40 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 22nd February, 2009, has been filed inthis registry by (1) Davis Kibet Talam, (2) Samwel Chepkwony Ronoand (3) Joel Kiprotich Korir, in their capacities as administrators of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 8th November, 2012.M. O. OKUTCHE,R/2836513 District Registrar, Sotik.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9739IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIKIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPKOECHARAP CHUMOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 50 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 1st January, 1993, has been filed in thisregistry by Joseph K. A. Cheruiyot, in his capacity as an administratorof the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 25th March, 2013.M. O. OKUTCHE,R/2836513 District Registrar, Sotik.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3549GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9740IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIKIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPSOIARAP CHEBATUK ALIAS KIPSOI A. CHEBUTUKPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 9 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 22nd April, 1983, has been filed in thisregistry by (1) Philip Kiplangat Soi and (2) Joel Kiprono Soi, in theircapacities as administrators of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 31st January, 2013.M. O. OKUTCHE,R/2836519 District Registrar, Sotik.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9741IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT SOTIKIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TAPGIGENCHERUIYOT BOIYON ALIAS TAPKIGEN W/O BOIYONPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 28 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died on 14th April, 1985, has been filed in thisregistry by Kipkemoi Chumo, in his capacity as an administrator of thedeceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 9th May, 2013.M. O. OKUTCHE,R/2836519 District Registrar, Sotik.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9742IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT KILGORISIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMESLEDAMA SIOKINOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 4 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Turkwel, on 28th November, 2011, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Paranai Pauline Kangano and (2)David Leshan, both of P.O. Box 79, Kilgoris, in their respectivecapacities as widow and brother of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 2nd July, 2013.A. K. MOKOROSS,R/2728482 District Registrar, Kilgoris.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9743IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURTAT GATUNDUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MWANIKINJORA ALIAS MWANIKI NJOORAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 27 OF 2012LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Karinga, on 25th January, 1999, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) John Njoora Mwaniki and (2) MaryNduta Maingi, in their respective capacities as an administrator andadministratrix of the deceased’s estate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 29th November, 2013.D. M. NDUNGI,R/2707043 District Registrar, Gatundu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9744IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GATUNDUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNG’ARABABUPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 35 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Mang Building, on 6th June, 2002, hasbeen filed in this registry by Eunice Wanjiru Mungara, of P. O. Box186, Thika, in her capacity as widow of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 4th June, 2013.D. M. NDUNGI,R/1966436 District Registrar, Gatundu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9745IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GATUNDUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOISEMUGURE KARANJAPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 42 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at District Hospital, Gatundu, on 13thApril, 2013, has been filed in this registry by Karanja Muiruri, in hiscapacity as widower of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 18th July, 2013.D. M. NDUNGI,R/2707043 District Registrar, Gatundu.

3550GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9746THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9747IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GATUNDUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WATARIGACHEKEPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 43 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gakoe Sub-location, on 9th September,2011, has been filed in this registry by Joseph Njoroge Watari, of P. O.Box 25, Kanjuku, in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased’sestate.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged inthis registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 1st July, 2013.D. M. NDUNGI,R/1966436 District Registrar, Gatundu.IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT GATUNDUIN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GIKONYO KIGOTHOPROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONSUCCESSION CAUSE NO. 45 OF 2013LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for agrant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abovenameddeceased, who died at Gatundu on 15th September, 1986, hasbeen filed in this registry by (1) Peter Kiarie Munika and (2) HilaryGitau Kari, in their capacities as grandsons of the deceased.And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tothe making of the grant are invited and must be lodged in this registrywithin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice.And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in thisregistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date ofpublication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant asprayed or to make such orders as it thinks fit.Dated the 9th July, 2013.D. M. NDUNGI,R/2707043 District Registrar, Gatundu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9748PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the HighCourt at Kakamega for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the schedule hereto, who died on the datesrespectively set forth against their names.And further take notice that all persons having any claims against or interests in the estates of the said deceased persons are required to provesuch claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which date the claims and interests so proved will bepaid and satisfied and the several estates distributed according to law.SCHEDULEPT/Cause No. Deceased’s Name Address Date of Death Testate/Intestate442/2011 Aggrey Munavo Lovoni P.O. Box 23292–00200, Nairobi 2–1–2009 Intestate24/2002 Austine Ondu Okore P.O. Box 58, Mumias 18–7–2008 Intestate35/2012 Belling Luhazo Barasa P.O. Box 2150, Wondaga 25–8–2009 Intestate23/2012 Benard Wanyonyi Simiyu P.O. Box 223–30209, Kiminini 11–3–2009 Intestate33/2012 Ben Soita P.O. Box 108, Sirisia via Bungoma 20–11–2003 Intestate20/2012 Boaz Chesoni Wanaswa P.O. Box 35, Sirisia 13–8–2008 Intestate60/2012 Bonventure Onyach Olele P.O. Box 131, Amukura 22–3–2011 Intestate523/2011 Charles Khayumbi Alumela P.O. Box 210, Kakamega 11–8–2011 Intestate49/2012 Christine Pamela Osiya P.O. Box 1, Amagoro 12–4–2010 Intestate19/2012 Charles Shibia Olando P.O. Box 17, Amagoro, Lunza via Kakamega 27–8–2005 Intestate61/2012 Concephta Akellow Erambo P.O. Box 46–50306, Khumusalaba 31–3–2010 Intestate17/2012 Didymus Wanjala Wanyama P.O. Box 1191, Bungoma 21–8–2006 Intestate2/2012 David Angachi P.O. Box 267, Butere 8–9–2009 Intestate1/2012 Desterio Juma Barabara P.O. Box 300, Busia 30–3–2008 Intestate69/2012 David Mugala Isagi P.O. Box 88–30209, Kiminini 30–8–2007 Intestate21/2012 Emmanuel Wangila Juma P.O. Box 4, Bokoli 25–5–2011 Intestate5/2012 Everlyn Wakasa P.O. Box 200, Webuye 16–12–2006 Intestate435/2011 Erastus Allan Kahi Musera P.O. Box 24, Kiruti 2–10–2010 Intestate71/2012 Emily Namuyonga Murunga P.O. Box 1508–50200, Bungoma 26–12–2000 Intestate238/2010 Francis Okanga Lanya P.O. Box 731, Kakamega 5–12–2008 Intestate44/2012 Fred Ningala Ingolo P.O. Box 810, Kakamega 20–9–2003 Intestate58/2012 Fanuel Mukoya Keya P.O. Box 31, Mumias 31–1–1997 Intestate59/2012 Gerishom Shieunda Okech P.O. Box 31–50101, Butere 27–7–2008 Intestate11/2012 Henry Maina Eyatunyi P.O. Box 112, Yala 26–5–2011 Intestate282/2011 Harbart Kisia Oduu P.O. Box 33, Mahanga, Maragoli 10–4–2011 Intestate454/2011 Jackvan Wafula Wamalwa P.O. Box 115, Matunda 28–12–2010 Intestate27/2012 Jackson Makoha Wepukhulu P.O. Box 264, Chwele 17–7–2006 Intestate18/2012 Jane Atsango Mabunde P.O. Box 2256–50200, Bungoma 2–1–2007 Intestate6/2012 John Wegulo Wevukha P.O. Box 2301, Bungoma 15–8–2010 Intestate4/2012 Joshua Baraka P.O. Box 38, Busia 6–4–2009 Intestate3/2012 Jackton Onjoma Humphreys P.O. Box 246, Nambale 14–6–2009 Intestate270/2011 John Alumasi Muchanga P.O. Box 118, Vihiga 27–7–2010 Intestate46/2012 Justus Wabomba Mangeni P.O. Box 4, Webuye 6–12–2009 Intestate42/2012 Joseph Wesonga Wanzetse P.O. Box 37, Mumias 4–8–2009 Intestate248/2012 John Busuru Makhisa P.O. Box 531, Kakamega 7–7–2008 Intestate63/2012 Joseph Lumumba Khaemba P.O. Box 22, Bokoli 22–11–2000 Intestate66/2012 James Muyavila Welangai P.O. Box 82–50103, Malava 2–7–2009 Intestate70/2012 Josephat Simiyu Fwamba P.O. Box 261, Chwele 31–8–2009 Intestate

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3551PT/Cause No. Deceased’s Name Address Date of Death Testate/Intestate55/2012 John Mutsotso Likalamua P.O. Box 170, Kakamega 8–9–2007 Intestate8/2012 Kassim Karakacha P.O. Box 24, Malava 6–11–2010 Intestate67/2012 Kevin Wafula Odwoni – 23–5–2011 Intestate72/2012 Loice Nyeri Waihumbu P.O. Box 547, Bungoma 5–3–2007 Intestate15/2012 Masika Nambafu Mabwi P.O. Box 2705, Kitale 26–10–1996 Intestate14/2012 Margaret Ogalo Opiyo P.O. Box 87–50426, Murumba 10–10–2009 Intestate26/2012 Meshack Kipleting Songok P.O. Box 137, Kaimosi 8–9–2004 Intestate50/2012 Mildred Namalwa Wanyonyi P.O. Box 972, Bungoma 19–9–2009 Intestate56/2012 Michael Omondi Ogola P.O. Box 11, Busia 5–11–2003 Intestate51/2012 Nancy Ajwang Alandwe P.O. Box 106–50314, Emuhaya 3–11–2010 Intestate48/2012 Naftaly Mutunde Inima P.O. Box 46, Vihiga 24–10–2009 Intestate47/2012 Nehemia Nyakware Nyakaba P.O. Box 1226, Kakamega 7–11–2011 Intestate418/2011 Okumu Paul Barasa – 25–10–2008 Intestate30/2012 Omina Linet Wangwe P.O. Box 1060, Kakamega 31–5–2010 Intestate22/2012 Peter Wasilwa Makalaya P.O. Box 86, Bokoli 21–7–2001 Intestate43/2012 Pascal Oyala Okallo P.O. Box 315, Funyula 4–5–1995 Intestate32/2012 Patrick Sande Wanyama P.O. Box 16, Funyula 30–8–2009 Intestate64/2007 Pius Wafula Barasa P.O. Box 195, Kakamega 20–6–2008 Intestate25/2012 Richard Kiang’ arap Cherock P.O. Box 550, Bungoma 2–4–1992 Intestate9/2012 Richard M’Moi Khangatsi P.O. Box 1305–50100, Kakamega 6–6–2010 Intestate62/2012 Robert Angaya Onzere – – Intestate57/2012 Resi Nicanony P.O. Box 156, Bungoma 21–12–2010 Intestate16/2012 Solomon Binzu Kidiavai alias P.O. Box 356, Marachi 31–8–2002 IntestateKadianai34/2012 Sammy Waswa Chesoni P.O. Box 21, Bokolo 28–5–2002 Intestate28/2012 Samson Ochola Ambee P.O. Box 50305, Kamaisa 27–6–2003 Intestate65/2012 Sam Mukamani Masinjila P.O. Box 201, Bukura 15–12–2010 Intestate456/2011 Vincent Peter Ouda P.O. Box 98, Busia 12–8–2009 Intestate45/2012 Vincent Kah Muzembi P.O. Box 61, Wodanga 11–1–2001 Intestate441/2011 Vincen Ndeda Omodia P.O. Box 48, Amukura 29–1–2010 Intestate12/2012 Walter Isavwa Kayaywa P.O. Box 470, Busia 7–8–2005 Intestate29/2012 Winston Mugonyi P.O. Box 198, Kakamega 4–4–2007 Intestate144/2011 William B. Keberenge P.O. Box 90, Chwele 27–8–2008 IntestateJanuary/ February, 2012.MR/2728390M. B. NABUYUMBU,Assistant Administrator-General, Kakamega.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9749PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIONTAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, and unless cause be shown to the contrary, I intend to apply to the HighCourt at Kakamega for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the schedule hereto, who died on the datesrespectively set forth against their names.And further take notice that all persons having any claims against or interests in the estates of the said deceased persons are required to provesuch claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the date of this Gazette, after which date the claims and interests so proved will bepaid and satisfied and the several estates distributed according to law.SCHEDULEPT/Cause No. Deceased’s Name Address Date of Death Testate/Intestate126/2013 Joadim Okumu Omoding P.O. Box 3, Amukura 25–1–2012 Intestate123/2013 Jane Odhiambo Orapa P.O. Box 71, Kamurai 30–8–2000 Intestate115/2013 Job Musini P.O. Box 27, Kambiri 18–6–2001 Intestate108/2013 Jonathan Musundi Muhunzu P.O. Box 42, Shinyalu 25–3–2011 Intestate86/2013 John Khalayi Akwenda P.O. Box 3, Koyonzo 10–2–2007 Intestate99/2013 Joan Bahati Oningo P.O. Box 849, Kuiru 23–4–2012 Intestate477/2012 Japheth Saina Mukote P.O. Box 1347, Maragoli 5–8–2005 Intestate109/2013 Jonah Oluoch Oyanda P.O. Box 35, Vihiga 17–1–2006 Intestate472/2008 John Mabwa Odhiambo – 22–2–1994 Intestate15/2013 Joseph Mukuba Mukire P.O. Box 514, Kimilili 25–2–2006 Intestate180/2013 Johnson Mukhwana Munyangoli P.O. Box 178, Webuye 8–4–2011 Intestate184/2013 Joseph Harison Kisaka P.O. Box 20, Webuye 28–10–2008 Intestate174/2013 Kennedy Makanda P.O. Box 785, Bungoma 30–12–2007 Intestate120/2013 Livingstone Kambrose Mukunda P.O. Box 242, Bukura 12–2–2011 Intestate457/2012 Lime Edward Mungasia P.O. Box 372, Tiriki 20–12–2010 Intestate48/2013 Mark Kwoma Kakai P.O. Box 167, Malava 9–3–2012 Intestate128/2013 Margaret Liavuli P.O. Box 144, Mago 6–2–2001 Intestate116/2013 Mark Murumbi Lusweti P.O. Box 246, Kimilili 17–12–2010 Intestate113/2013 Melzedeck Njite Akanga P.O. Box 115, Kipkaren River 24–12–2011 Intestate106/2013 Margaret Lumbete Khamasi P.O. Box 50107, Shinyalu 3–5–2011 Intestate98/2013 Monica Asitiba P.O. Box 552–30507, Luanda 15–8–2010 Intestate89/2013 Manson Musonye Imbugwa P.O. Box 367, Turbo 25–11–2002 Intestate74/2013 Michael Owino Ingwe P.O. Box 23, Sirimba, Hakati 3–5–2008 Intestate51/2013 Musa Abdalla Wesamba P.O. Box 74, Mumias 29–10–2011 Intestate15/2012 Masika Nambafu Mabwi P.O. Box 2705, Kitale 26–10–1996 Intestate96/2013 Maina Nyongesa Ofwanda P.O. Box 323, Kakamega 19–1–2013 Intestate

3552THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 201356/2013 Moses Wandera Uluma P.O. Box 35, Nambacha 16–6–2010 Intestate124/2013 Naomi Munde Sumbwa P.O. Box 105–50506, Funyula 12–1–2011 Intestate121/2013 Nicholas Charles Maganga P.O. Box 2837–50100, Kakamega 9–11–2011 Intestate94/2013 Nyongesa Mary Anyango P.O. Box 1186–50102, Mumias 2–8–2012 Intestate97/2013 Nic Omolo Okubasu P.O. Box 795–50200, Bungoma 9–9–2012 Intestate109/2012 Peter Simiyu Masibo P.O. Box 183, Bungoma 16–6–2011 Intestate44/2013 Peter Karani Imbaye P.O. Box 670, Kakamega 22–1–1997 Intestate41/2013 Paul Imbuka Likhanga P.O. Box 20, Shinyalu 31–7–2001 Intestate– Peter Oronda Chisaka P.O. Box 650–50204, Kimilili 10–10–2010 Intestate119/2013 Peter Francis Nakinai Tanimwet P.O. Box 243, Cheptais 3–5–2011 Intestate163/2013 Pius Simiyu Wanyonyi P.O. Box 183, Bungoma 18–8–2011 Intestate156/2013 Peter Otambo Shilenje P.O. Box 2619, Kakamega 16–12–2010 Intestate146/2013 Peter Kakai Masinde P.O. Box 1073, Kitale 17–2–2005 Intestate145/2013 Philip Omondi P.O. Box 190–50100, Kakamega 21–8–2012 Intestate82/2013 Perusi Charles Inzini P.O. Box 2, Bunyore 22–11–2011 Intestate80/2013 Patrick Wanyonyi Wafula P.O. Box 2–50209, Malakisi 9–1–2011 Intestate79/2013 Peter Ndura Kabatha P.O. Box 615–50205, Webuye 5–10–2011 Intestate73/2013 Philip Okiya Silunya P.O. Box 20, Shianda 18–8–2010 Intestate58/2013 Penina Muteshe Odanga P.O. Box 525, Busia 31–3–2009 Intestate316/2012 Paul Anyeo Kwendo P.O. Box 49, Emuhaya 26–4–2012 Intestate43/2013 Ruth Akongo Onyango P.O. Box 719, Kakamega 10–9–1998 Intestate40/2013 Robert Wanjala Nayere P.O. Box 3610–30200, Kitale 21–11–2011 Intestate195/2012 Richard Mugovero Lusiola P.O. Box 1405, Maragoli 2–9–2006 Intestate460/2012 Robert Musungu P.O. Box 221, Yala 4–3–2012 Intestate90/2013 Romanus Masoni Khachenje P.O. Box 218–50409, Nambale 14–4–2011 Intestate143/2013 Richard Kennedy Nyongesa Simiyu P.O. Box 585, Webuye 13–4–2012 Intestate165/2013 Rose Akinyi Otinda – 9–12–2012 Intestate57/2013 Richard Anzaya Sumba – 17–6–2012 Intestate61/2013 Rodgers Oloo Okumbi P.O. Box 112, Yala 13–8–2009 Intestate181/2013 Reuben Jared Mwanje P.O. Box 1403, Kakamega 2–2–2012 Intestate190/2012 Rose Anyango James P.O. Box 291–50211, Naitiri, Bungoma 17–4–2011 Intestate478/2012 Simon Kipchumba Sang P.O. Box 293, Turbo 16–6–2012 Intestate55/2013 Simeon Ochieng Otieno P.O. Box 25, Butere 6–4–1993 Intestate158/2013 Shem Jidei Mudijire P.O. Box 15–50100, Kakamega 31–12–1998 Intestate112/2013 Sophy Waswa Malisia P.O. Box 150, Ndalu 11–8–2010 Intestate93/2013 Samuel Namakwa P.O. Box 256, Bukura 3–11–2007 Intestate111/2013 Sylvester Luhombo Mwilitsa P.O. Box 43, Khayega 22–11–2011 Intestate110/2013 Tom Maleya Sabwa P.O. Box 115, Vihiga 8–3–2009 Intestate205/2012 Victor Gerald Kalimi P.O. Box 20, Shianda 5–10–2008 Intestate168/2013 Victor Aggrey Owiti P.O. Box 3, Kakunga 3–2–1997 IntestateMarch, 2013.MR/2728391GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9750THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYATHE ELECTIONS ACT(No. 24 of 2011)THE ELECTIONS (PARLIAMENTARY AND COUNTYELECTIONS) PETITION RULES, 2013IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATE’S COURT AT MIGORIIN THE MATTER OF COUNTY ASSEMBLY ELECTION OFNORTH KADEM WARD FOR 2013ELECTION PETITION NO. 1 OF 2013BETWEENMICHAEL ODOYO NYAKWAKA– PetitionerVERSUSBOAZ OWITI OKOTH – (1st Respondent)THE RETURNING OFFICER, NYATIKE CONSTITUTENCY –(2nd Respondent)THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL BOUNDARIESCOMMISSION – (3rd Respondent)WITHDRAWAL OF AN ELECTION PETITIONIN THE election petition for North Kadem Ward, in which oneMichael Odoyo Nyakwaka is the petitioner and Boaz Owiti Okoth, theReturning Officer, Nyatike Constitutency and the IndependentElectoral Boundaries Commission, the respondents.NOTICE is hereby given that the above Petitioner did on the 28thJune, 2013, lodge in the Chief Magistrate’s Court at Migori anapplication for leave to withdraw the election petition. A copy of theapplication can be obtained from Chief Magistrate’s Court Registry atMigori or from the Petitioner’s Advocates’ Offices on Pan Africa LifeHouse, 4th Floor, <strong>Kenya</strong>tta Avenue, P.O. Box 13008 – 00100, Nairobi.M. B. NABUYUMBU,Assistant Administrator-General, Kakamega.And take further notice that under the Elections (Parliamentary andCounty Elections) Petition Rules any person who might have been apetitioner in respect of the said election may, within seven days afterthe date of publication of this notice, give notice in writing to the ChiefMagistrate’s Court at Migori of the intention on the hearing of theapplication to be substituted as a petitioner.Dated the 9th July, 2013.MR/2836239GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9751THE WATER ACT(No. 8 of 2002)AMUGA & COMPANY,Advocates for Petitioner.THE NEW WATER TARIFF FOR NYANDARUA WATER ANDSANITATION COMPANY LIMITED (NYANDAWASS)ADDENDUMPURSUANT to Gazette Notice No. 16219 of 2012, issued by theRift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB), the Water ServicesRegulatory Board (WASREB) has amended and approved newRegular Water Tariff adjustment for NYANDAWASS. It is notifiedthat the minimum charge for water consumption (0–6m 3 ) forNYANDAWASS is a fixed charge of KSh. 480 for both domestic andcommercial consumers.Dated the 28th May, 2013.MR/2836111JAPHETH MUTAI,Chief Executive Officer,Rift Valley Water Services Board.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3553GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9752THE WATER ACT(No. 8 of 2002)THE NEW WATER TARIFF FOR ITEN–TAMBACH WATER ANDSANITATION COMPANY LIMITED (ITWASCO)ADDENDUMPURSUANT to Gazette Notice No. 16220 of 2012, issued by theRift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB), the Water ServicesRegulatory Board (WASREB) has amended and approved newRegular Water Tariff adjustment for ITWASCO. It is notified that theminimum charge for water consumption (0–6m 3 ) for ITWASCO is afixed charge of KSh. 420 for both domestic and commercialconsumers.Dated the 28th May, 2013.MR/2836111GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9753JAPHETH MUTAI,Chief Executive Officer,Rift Valley Water Services Board.THE PHYSICAL PLANNING ACT(Cap. 286)COMPLETION OF DEVELOPMENT PLAN(PDP No. 347/2013/01 for Proposed Site for Nkubu <strong>Law</strong> Courts)NOTICE is given that the above-mentioned development plan hasbeen completed.The part development plan relates to land situated within MeruCounty, Imenti South District.Copies of the part development plan has been deposited for publicinspection at the offices of the District Physical Planning Officer,Meru and the administrator, Meru County.The copies so deposited are available for inspection free of chargeby all persons interested at offices of District Physical PlanningOfficer, Meru and the administrator, Meru County, between the hoursof 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.Any interested person who wishes to make any representation inconnection with or objection to the above-named part developmentplan may send such representations or objections in writing to bereceived by the District Physical Planning Officer, P.O. Box 1354,Meru, within sixty (60) days from the date of publication of this noticeand such representation or objection shall state the grounds on which itis made.Dated the 20th June, 2013.MR/2728430GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9373JEFERSON M. PAUL,for Director of Physical Planning.THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED ECOTOURISM CAMPSITE &HEADQUARTERS FOR NARUPA COMMUNITY WILDLIFECONSERVANCY, ISIOLO COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Narupa Community Wildlife Conservancy) isproposing to put up the Headquarters and a Campsite within a 10 acreplot located within Narasha and Rumate areas of the conservancy. TheHeadquarters will comprise of a meeting hall with two offices on thesides, reception/radio room, sanitation and water storage tanks, andparking area; while the Camp will include tourism accommodationfacilities, a dining room, staff quarters, a parking lot and othersupporting amenities such as a sanitation system. Water supply for thecampsite and company headquarters will be supplied from outside thesites using water boozers and stored in water tanks to be installed atthe sites.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Environmental ImpactHydrology and drainage Mitigation MeasuresAll new vehicle tracks should haveprovision for side drains, mitre drainsand culverts.The drains must lead to the safest pointof discharge and maintained regularly.Soil Erosion Minimal bush clearing should beundertaken in designated sites.Excavations to be confined within theconstruction sites.Excavated earth should be held awayfrom locations susceptible to surfacerunoff of storm water.Re-vegetate exposed areas to mitigatefurther erosion of soil.Water resources Rainwater harvesting should beundertaken during wet seasons.Recycle of water and sensitize visitorsand staff on minimizing water usage.Use water conservation signs at thewashrooms and install waterconservation taps.Noise and vibrations Contractors to use the best operatingequipment to minimise noise duringconstruction.Guests must be advised to keep noiselevels down, especially when watchinggame. Playing radios, ghetto-blasters andvehicle hooting must be prohibited.Driver guides should adhere to <strong>Kenya</strong>Association of Tour Operators codes ofethics during game drives.During construction, workers should beprovided with noise protectiveequipment.The back-up power generator if requiredshould be installed in acousticallydesigned structures.Air quality Any stockpiles of earth should beenclosed/covered/watered to reduce dustemissions.Construction trucks delivering cementduring construction should be coveredduring transportation.Sprinkle the construction area withwater to keep dust levels down.Provide personal protective equipment(PPE) to all personnel duringconstruction.Maintain all machinery and equipmentto minimize emissions of carbonmonoxide, NO X, and SO X.Use low sulphur fuels for the back-uppower generatorsNo burning of waste materials should bedone during construction and operation.All refrigerators and freezers in theCampsite should use coolants that arefree of ozone depleting substances.Solid waste Follow NEMA regulations on solid

3554THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013wastes management.Ensure contracted garbage handlers areregistered with NEMA.All construction debris and solid wastegenerated by the workforce must betaken out of the ConservancyThe “3Rs” philosophy of reuse, recycleand reduce should be adopted in solidwaste management at the sitesInstall solid waste bins at the sites whichshould be covered to minimize wildlifeattractionsStaff should be trained as to what typesof waste should be put into solid wastebins.Hazardous and non-hazardous wastesshould be stored separately.A specific and secure area should beallocated for the segregation and storageof garbage before disposal.Liquid waste The drains from kitchens should havesumps to prevent grease from enteringthe environment.Construction and borrow materialsFoul water should be disposed ofthrough via a “roto” plastic septic tank.The sludge should be frequently treatedwith bio-augmentation products tofacilitate the breakdown.The reservoir water tanks should bedesigned and built according torecognised industry standards.Use of corrosion protection in watertanks and piping system.The water tanks should undergo periodicinspection for corrosion and structuralintegrity.LPG cylinders should be stored erect inbays, and secured at all times.No hardwood should be used in theCampsite for construction or forfurniture.No hazardous materials such as leadedpaint should be usedWorkers’ health, safety Workers should be provided withand awarenesssuitable personal protective gear duringconstruction.A fully equipped first aid kit should beprovided at the site.Sensitize resident communities/workerson environmental management.Workers and staff should be sensitizedon occupational health and safety andfirst aid administration.The Proponent should ensure adequatesecurity to construction workers duringthe construction period.Wildlife/fauna Care must be taken during clearingactivities not to disturb any nesting sites,burrows or dens. Limit numbers of tourists/vehiclesentering specific areas, as per theconservancy Management Plan.Vegetation/flora Minimize vegetation clearing and onlytarget the construction areas within thesites.Under no circumstances should trees befelled.Campsite Management must ensure thatEnergy/waterconservationvehicles do not go off the roads andtracks during game watching.No non-exotic plant species should beplanted at the sites.If firewood is to be used, then it must beensured that the source of wood issustainable.Good site practices can serve tominimize energy consumption, forexample, turning off lights and electricalequipment when leaving tents, usingLED bulbs.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Isiolo County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.ROBERT ORINA,for Director-General,MR/2836525 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9374THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF A LIQUEFIEDPETROLEUM GAS (LPG) STORAGE AND FILLING PLANT ONPLOT L.R. NO. MGUMOPATSA/MAZERAS/1125, IN MAZERAS,KILIFI COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Midland Energy Limited) is proposing to developan LPG plant.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Environmental ImpactChanges inhydrology/impendeddrainageMitigation Measures Proper Installation of drainagestructures.Install cascades to break the impact ofwater flowing in the drains.Ensure efficiency of drainage structurestrough proper design and maintenance. Provide gratings to the drainagechannels.Regular checks on any sludge alongdrainage channels.Visual checks of oil interceptors anddrainage channel for any leaks.Soil erosion Control any earthworks.Control removal of trees and vegetation–uproot trees only where necessary.Rehabilitate degraded environment to

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3555Air pollution throughdust and gaseousemissionsavoid siltation and wash offs.Compact loose soils.Landscaping. Ensure management of excavationactivities.Control activities especially during rainyconditions. Provide soil erosion control andconservation structures where necessary.Proper disposal of excavated loose soil(sandy loamy soils).Prohibit idling of vehicles.Water should be sprayed during theconstruction phase of excavated areas.Regular maintenance of constructionplant and equipment.Engage sensitive construction workers.Proper use of PPEs.Noise pollution Maintain plant equipment (ifpresent/used).Construction activities to be restricted todaytime.Workers in the vicinity of or involved inhigh-level noise to wear respectivesafety & protective gear i.e. earplugs &earmuffs.Appropriate selection of machinery.Oil pollution Proper storage, handling and disposal ofnew oil and used oil and related wastesMaintain plant and equipment to avoidleaksProvide oil interceptors along the drainsleading from LPG filling areaWater resource Management of water usage.Contractors lay downareaRecycling of water at the constructionphase where possible.Use of water conservation signs at thewashrooms and install water conservingtaps.Special attention should be paid to thesanitary facilities on site especiallydisposal of human waste.Garbage should be disposed off inaccordance with the County Council ofKilifi requirements.Road safety Enforce speed limits for constructionvehicles especially along road linksleading to the site.Public health andoccupational safetyProvide bill boards at the site/entrance tonotify motorists/pedestrians about thedevelopment.Ensure proper solid waste disposal andcollection facilities Ensure effective wastewatermanagement.Design of sewerage system should be asprovided in the plans.Provide First Aid kits on the site. Sensitize residents/workers onenvironmental managementEnsure there is no ponding to eliminatebreading of mosquitoes duringconstruction. Workers should be trained onoccupational health & safety and firstAid administration.Train staff on LPG handling.Sensitise workers on HIV and AIDS.Vegetation Landscaping and planting all disturbedareas.Fire Safety Training/Emergency responseprocedures (ERPS)Planting flowers / grassing should bedone just before the rains or irrigated ondry spells. Construct firewalls where safetydistances have been compromised. To enhance health and safetypreparedness among stakeholders.Ensure equipment is in good workingcondition.Put up emergency response contacts.Put up ERP notification instructions.Put up simple instructions on how tohandle fires, product spills, LPGincidents, armed robbery and productcontaminations.Record keeping Collection and analysis of relevantenvironmental data at the site.Data of maintenance of firefightingequipment.Monthly product reconciliation (stockloss control).Staff Training records.Incidents and accidents registers.Weekly inspection records of oil waterinterceptor and drainage systems.Internal audits Monitoring will involve measurements,observations, evaluations, assessment ofchanges in water quality, wastemanagement, Noise levels, contractorsafety etcFire outbreak Install an underground tank of 100,000litres capacity.Water quality/wastemanagement Install fire-fighting equipment asprovided by local authority’s firedepartment.Install an automated fire fighting system.Sensitize the residents on fire risks i.e.conduct regular fire drills.Adopt effective emergency responseplans.Provide emergency numbers at strategicpoints. Follow NEMA regulations. Ensureregistration of contracted garbagehandlers with NEMA for compliancewith the prevailing regulations.Security Provide security guards and facilitiesduring construction period.Security men should always be availableto alleviate cases of robbery.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Kilifi County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the

3556THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.Z. O. OUMA,for Director-General,MR/2728441 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9375THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF A PETROL FILLINGSTATION ON PLOT NO. 7387/84/CHAKA TOWNSHIP, NYERIMUNICIPALITY, NYERI COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Dr Thuo Mathenge intends to install threeunderground storage tanks of the capacity of 40,000litres, 20,000litresand 10,000 for Unleaded Super, Diesel and Kerosene respectively, afully automated filling system, loading and offloading area, Officeblock and fire fighting system and other associated civil and electricalworks. There will also be dispensing pumps, car wash, tyre centre,shops and stores, an ablution block, acceleration and deceleration lanesand other associated civil and electrical works.The following is a summary of the anticipated impacts and theproposed mitigation measures:Possible ImpactsLoss of Biodiversity andsoil erosionProposed Mitigation MeasuresMinimize disturbance to the adjacentareasApply soil erosion control measures andcarryout landscapingAir and noise pollution Ensure that noisy machineries areinsulated/temporary fenced.Ensure strict enforcement of on-sitespeed limitsAvoid excavation works in dry weatherand sprinkle water to reduce dust.Restrict construction activities to daytime only.Waste Management Contract a licensed waste collection anddisposal company Segregate, separate and re-useconstruction wastes.Connect to a proper septic system andinternal sewer networkProvide an efficient drainage system andoil interceptorFit hoses with improved nozzle tominimize fuel spillsTraffic Provide acceleration and decelerationlanesProvide proper warning signsFire safety Install proper fire fighting equipmentsand sensitize workers on fire safety.Occupational health andsafety, securityAvoid storage of flammable materialsnear possible fire sourceHazardous areas should be secured andall workers should be provided withPPEs and their use enforced;All workers should be trained in fireresponse and basic first aid procedures;Provide first-aid facilities;Hazardous areas should be well secured.Ensure that all workers have insurancecovers. All lifting equipments should beinspected and well maintained.Use stable and safe ladders/scaffolds &display safety signs on site.Water & energy use Harvest rain water & reuse water wherepossible.DecommissioningimpactsInstall water conserving taps and energyconserving lighting system.Raise awareness on water and energyconservationsAll building, equipments, structures andpartitions that will not be used for otherpurposes must be removed andrecycled/reused as far as possible.All foundations must be removed andrecycled, reused or disposed of at alicensed disposal site. Where recycling/reuse of theequipments, implements, structures,partitions and other demolition waste isnot possible; the materials should takento a licensed waste disposal site.Donate reusable demolition waste tocharitable organizations, individuals andinstitutionsThe full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Nyeri County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.B. M. LANGWEN,for Director-General,MR/2728410 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9754THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED PETROL SERVICE STATION AT PLOTNO.ELGEYO MARAKWET/ITEN TOWNSHIP/53, ITENTOWNSHIP ALONG D329 ITEN–KAPSOWAR ROAD, KEIYODISTRICT, ELGEYO MARAKWET COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed petrol service station at plot No. ElgeyoMarakwet/Iten Township/53, Iten township along D329 Iten–Kapsowar road, Keiyo District, Elgeyo Marakwet County.The Proponent (Edward Peter Kipyator) of the proposed project isproposing to construct a petrol service station on plot No. 53 in Iten

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3557Township. The service station will consist of four units i) the fuelpumps units; ii) a unit for the manager’s office, a store and auto sparesshop; and iii) a service bay unit; iv) a unit that will house a hardware, asupermarket and office units.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Possible ImpactMaintain the occupational health of theconstruction workers Mitigation measuresProvide toilets for the workers whichshould be kept clean at all times.Provide clean water at the constructionsite for use by the workers.Hire only licensed construction workerson the siteWorkers to undergo medical check –ups.Reduce dust pollution Provide dust masks and noise mufflersto workers in the course of their dailyconstruction activities with prioritybeing given to those most exposed toloud noise levels.Solid waste management Reduce nuisance such asnoise and dust toneighbouring publicsand passersby andtraffic obstructionReduce possibleresident/constructionmembers conflictReduce accidents amongconstruction workersComplete all construction work as approvedSprinkle water when the surfaces are dryand likely to be blown by wind.Install litter bins as per design.Hiring licensed solid waste collector todispose waste collected to designateddumpsites.Erect temporary hoarding of a height ofnot less than 6 metres all around the sitein accordance with the Council by laws.Erect on entrance gate and have itmanned all the time.Sprinkle water on loose soil to prevent itfrom being blown away.Use heavy excavation machinery afterworking hours.Do not leave construction materialsduring off peak hours.Make provision for site lunches andsnacks to workers to avoid loiteringaround the project area.Contracting qualified and experiencedbuilders.Providing written instructions on how torespond during accidents.Provide a list of contact persons andhospitals to be contacted duringaccidents.All works is to be done as shown in thearchitectural plans and civil/engineeringdrawings. Certifications of compliance andoccupation to be issued as defined by thelaw.Fire risk and control Avoid naked fires (post visible notices toprohibit smoking within the station).Install fire control appliances (portablefire extinguisher; both CO 2 and watertype, and sand buckets) and employeesbe adequately instructed in the use of thevarious fire appliances.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Elgeyo Marakwet County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.Z. O. OUMA,for Director-General,MR/2728293 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9755THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ON PLOT L.R. NOMN/1/12934 SITUATED IN MKOMANI, MOMBASA COUNTYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Sea Palace Limited) is proposing to establishapartments in two (2) blocks comprising of eight floors, each proposedblock will accommodate sixteen (16) three-bedroom ensuits, a total ofthirty-two (32) residential units.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Environmental ImpactDestruction ofbiodiversityMitigation Measures Construction activities should becontrolled to minimize the damage.Use friendly technology both in theconstruction and operational phases ofthe project.Revegetation and landscaping.Support conservation efforts of theremaining natural vegetation (Mangroveforest) in the upper Tudor Creek area.Damage to soil texture Ensure that all scooped areas arelandscaped to take the flow of previousnatural land form.Contamination of waterresourcesDamage to the accessnetworkOccupational health andsafetyProper waste management tools to beemployed during construction andoperational phases of the project.Raw materials transport lorries to usedesignated access roads when going tocollect the materials to the sites.Access road maintenance shall be anongoing concern.Post warning signs near loading points.Contactor to wear personal protectiveequipment like nose masks and goggleswhere appropriate.Workers who are exposed to noiseshould work in shifts of 6 hours each tolimit duration of exposure.A well equipped first aid kit must bekept at loading site with a designatedFirst Aid trained person.The area should be guarded, fenced andwarning signs erected.Noise pollution All Lorries transporting materials shallswitch off engines while at the site.Hours of transporting material to site isshall be 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.Material transport vehicles shall be wellmaintained so as not to emit excessivenoise.

3558THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013Increased wastegenerationAll construction works to be carried outduring the day.Recycle and reuse waste includingwater.Exercising appropriate waste handlingand good housekeeping practices andprocedures.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Mombasa County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.Z. O. OUMA,for Director-General,MR/2836119 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9756THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED UPGRADING OF GARSEN - WITU- LAMU- KIUNGA ROAD PROJECT (C112/D568/E865)INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed upgrading of Garsen - Witu- Lamu - Kiunga Roadproject (C112/D568/E865).The Proponent (<strong>Kenya</strong> National Highways Authority) is proposingto upgrade to Bitumen standard the Garsen - Witu- Lamu - KiungaRoad project (C112/D568/E865).The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Possible ImpactVegetation, ecosystemintegrity and wildlifemanagementAir, noise and vibrationsmanagementMitigation measuresComply with all directives and rules toprotect flora, fauna and habitats.Develop baseline flora and fauna index. Replant any scarred areas withvegetation which closely resemble thetype in the area unless special provisionspermit otherwise. Eliminate by appropriate andenvironmentally friendly means anyinvasive species.Encourage the development of helpfulnatural habitats; andEncourage the use of cleaner fuels atcamps instead of charcoal and woodfuel.All construction activities to be limitedto between 7am to 6pm.All equipment used to be maintained tomanufacturers specifications to ensureefficient operation.Use of personnel protective equipment(PPE) by operations staff.Aquatic resources andwater qualityLand contamination,erosion and materialsmanagementUse environmentally friendly fuels.Minimise the period for machineryidling.Pursue good practices in energy useduring operations and sensitise staff. Dampen using water work areasmaterials heaps and mulch bare groundto minimise dust emissions. Provide appropriate and adequatedrainage infrastructure where required.Ensure machinery is regularly servicedto avoid leakages and / or spillages. Provide clean, neat and sanitizedaccommodation for labour. Dispose of all waste and refusefollowing laid down rules.Oils, fuels and other materials to bestored in accordance with themanufacturers’ safety data sheets(MSDS).Train staff on spill response. andImplement erosion and sedimentationcontrols.Proper handling of liquid waste.Develop an erosion and sediment controlplan prior to commencement of works.Provide for proper storage facilities incamps, workshops and other work areasand follow proper procedures forchemical handling and dispensing.Provide for run-off and tidal overflowdiversions as appropriate.Maintain as much vegetation as may bepractical at work sites and cover exposedareas with mulch to minimise erosion.Mark out stock pile areas and providefor appropriate measures.Commence landscaping as soon aspractical. Closely manage materials loading,transportation and offloading. andMinimise dust emissions at crush plantsand related facilities.Waste management All wastes shall be contained on siteprior to disposal using appropriatestorage containers.Consider recycling as an option in wastemanagement hence always testalternative uses.All wastes shall be regularly clearedfrom the site and disposed of inapproved manner.Disclose to the community the designand what it aspires to achieve. Provide for traffic control andconstruction signs.Provide for restrictions signs, fencesaround materials sites and installtemporary traffic control devices.Provide appropriate personnel protectiveequipment (PPE) to workers and anyvisitors. HIV/AIDS campaigns to sensitisepeople about the scourge. andDevelop and implement a detailed sitespecific Emergency Response Plans.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3559Archaeology Liaise with the Department of CoastalArchaeology (National Museum of<strong>Kenya</strong>) to establish site ofarchaeological significance.Liaise with the local communities toestablish areas of cultural and religioussignificances (including shrines, gravesand established villages).Map out all areas of archaeological andcultural importance and realign the roadoff these locations. Engage the communities and theDepartment Coastal Archaeology inconsultations. andIn the event that a find is struck, liaisewith the Coastal Archaeology toestablish its status.Fire management Locate camps, workshops and garagefacilities in areas less prone to fires.Provide fire breaks at camps, workshopsand where equipment are temporarilyparked.Liaise with the local communities in fireincidence management and abatement.Carry out rehabilitation to avoid longterm resultant damage including erosion.Routinely remove materials that couldfeed fires along the Road Project. andUpgrade fire preparedness and plan atfuel and chemical storage areas.Air and water quality Encourage the use of cleaner fuels andphase out of leaded fuels.Surveillance anddevelopment controlInstitutionalstrengthening andtrainingEncourage proper maintenance of motorvehicles and provision of legal clauses topunish offenders.Monitoring of air quality along the RoadProject and key centres. Carry out regular surface andgroundwater monitoring and analysis.Make physical checks on water sourcesduring scouting and note physicalindicative parameters. andMaintain the road drainage system toensure that the intrusion of storm waterin community water pans and rivers iseliminated.Maintain road reserve markings.Clear road reserves of vegetation andtemporary structures.Maintain road reserves by regularlandscape provisions. Educate the residents and localadministration on laws and regulationsgoverning road reserves. andIn liaison with Physical Planner updateall physical plans and maps accordingly.Training courses & audiovisual aids.Campaigns to sensitise communities onkey issues such as road safety, jobannouncement, routes closure andHIV/AIDS awareness.Promote equal opportunities for allgroups and beneficiaries.Input of long term technical assistance &training experts in the fields of roadmanagement, ii road maintenance.Supervision and guidance of the Projectby a joint supervision team.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Lamu County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.SALOME MACHUA,for Director-General,MR/2728192 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9757THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED UPGRADING OF OYUGIS – RODIKOPANY - KARUNGU (C 18) ROAD TO BITUMENSTANDARDSINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed upgrading of Oyugis – Rodi Kopany - Karungu (C 18)road to bitumen standards.The Proponent (<strong>Kenya</strong> National Highways Authority) of theproposed project is proposing to upgrade Oyugis – Rodi Kopany -Karungu (C 18) road to bitumen standards.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Possible ImpactMitigation measuresPublic anxiety Free flow of information has beenachieved through public barazas toinform public about project.Fire hazards associatedwith fuel storagePossible proliferation ofsocial vicesTrampling, dust and noise disturbance alongtransit routeDamage to existingbitumen roads due tohigh axle load weightLand degradation throughcreation of quarryspoilsOH Hazards e.g.drowning, attack bywildlife etc.Possible accumulation ofsolid waste Deploy qualified supervisors, goodwarehousing practices, install firewarning signs, fire prevention measuresbacked by fire fighting equipment anddrilled personnel.Local recruitment where possible.Enhanced sensitisation programmesProgrammed activity to reduce pressureDelivery trucks should stick to specifiedaxle load weightsRehabilitation of all quarry spoilsAll blasting to adhere to requirements ofCap 115 and its Legal Notices (Blasting, Explosives Rules)Occupational Safety and Health Act,2007 to be applied and supervised.Contractor to install safety devicesespecially for river crossing duringconstruction. All workers to be coveredunder the Workman’s CompensationAct.All solid waste generated to be correctedand disposed appropriately. No wastes tobe discarded locally.All waste spares and oils to be storedand disposed as per LN. 121 of EMCA

3560THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013Displacement ofsettlements throughLand acquisition forroad constructionPotential for increasedcrime given ability toquickly cross over theriverErosion along cut and fillareas(September 2006).All PAPs to be adequately compensatedbefore ground breaking.The same roads will improve servicedelivery including crime prevention andcontrol.Installation and use of relevant roadsafety signs, construction of road bumps,and road safety awareness program.Use alternative materials that will detertheft of signage Quality control in design andconstruction works. RoutinemaintenanceStabilisation of all Cut and Fill areaswith grass cured toThe full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Homa Bay County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.B. M. LANGWEN,for Director-General,MR/2728193 National Environment Management Authority.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9758THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ANDCO-ORDINATION ACT(No. 8 of 1999)THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORTFOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF A PETROLSTATION ON PLOT L.R. NO. MN/1/9647 SHANZU, OFFMOMBASA- MALINDI HIGHWAYINVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTSPURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Managementand Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) hasreceived an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for theabove proposed project.The Proponent (Gulf Energy Limited) intends to construct a petrolstation with underground fuel tanks, three pump isles with electronicfuel dispensers, a steel canopy, a kerosene shade, a shop, a restaurant,two stores, a kitchen, sanitary facilities, oil water interceptor tank andstabilizing tank, associated civil and piping works.The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigationmeasures:Environmental ImpactsMitigation MeasuresNoise Barricading the area (erecting aboundary wall).Construction activities to be conductedduring the day. Provision of appropriate PersonalProtective equipment to protect workersfrom occupational noise.Regular maintenance of plant andequipment.Shutting down of engines of vehicleswhen not in useConducting noise mapping within andoutside the workplace to establish noiselevels and instituting appropriatemitigation measures.Air pollution Use of dump method to mitigate on dustby sprinkling water on areas to beexcavated.Pressure on existingInfrastructure (roads,power, water etc.)Increased wastes (liquidand solid)Contamination of thegroundSoil compaction.Erection of warning and informativesigns i.e. notices and billboards at thesite during the construction phase andtraffic control along the connecting road.Proper designing of drainage channelsand regular maintenance of the same.Maintenance should be carried out atdesignated service bays to avoidcontamination of environment byresultant oil and greases.Oil leaks and spills Regular inspection of underground tanksfor leakages.Destruction of soilstructureSoil and ground watercontaminationConstruction of a three pit oil interceptortanks to separate oil from sludge.Double-walling of underground tanks toguard against leaks.Protecting the underground tanks withcorrosion prevention materials.Prioritizing the upgrade of equipmentand installation of existing facilities of anetwork after a defined age.Careful citing of the project to ensurethat it lies in an environment that is farfrom environmental receptors includingsewers, tunnels, vaults, surface waterreservoirs etc.Ensure use of manual labor and handtools where appropriate.Ensure the contractor takes the shortesttime possible.Regular hydraulic pressure testing of theunderground tanks.Non destructive testing, for example,ultrasound testing.Fire/explosion The facility shall be kept clean and freefrom fire hazards and litter.Avoid naked fires (prohibit smokingwithin the station).Electrical installations shall be carriedout by competent and licensedelectricians. Install firefighting equipment (fireextinguisher; CO2, dry powder andwater type, and sand buckets etc. Employees shall be adequatelyinstructed periodically in the use of thevarious firefighting equipment andtechniques.Conduct regular drills at least once ayear.Institute a repair and maintenanceprogram for all equipment.Install leakage detection mechanisms.LPG gas cylinders (if any) shall be keptin an open area (not inside a building).Conduct daily leakage checks.

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3561Observe safety measures e.g. use ofmobile phones, lighting etc. Full compliance with Fire RiskReduction Rules, 2007.Dated the 1st July, 2013.T. G. TSAKIRIS (RULI),MR/2836603for Directors.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9761OSERIAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCLOSURE OF PRIVATE ROADS AND FOOTPATHSContaminated wastewater and storm waterMinimization of volume of storm watergenerated from vehicle fueling stationsand AST containment areas throughinstallation of roofs or other types ofcovers. Implementation of secondarycontainment procedures that avoidaccidental or intentional releases ofcontaminated containment fluids.Segregation of clean drainage andpotentially contaminated drainage,treating the latter through oil/waterseparators.Oil water separators may include baffletype or coalescing plate type. Oil separators shall be properlydesigned, operated, and maintained toachieve the desired water treatmentresults.The full report of the proposed project is available for inspectionduring working hours at:(a) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,P.O. Box 67839–00200, Nairobi.(b) Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and MineralResources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521,Nairobi.(c) County Director of Environment, Mombasa County.The National Environment Management Authority invitesmembers of the public to submit oral or written comments withinthirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to theDirector-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decisionmaking process of the plan.B. M. LANGWEN,for Director-General,MR/2728293 National Environment Management Authority.TAKE NOTICE that Oserian Development Company Limitedintends to close all private roads and footpaths running its estate onL.R. 10999 and L.R. 7425/8 on Friday, 26th July, 2013, between 12.00a.m. and 11.59 and during this period all vehicles and pedestrians willbe prohibited from using this private roads and footpaths.Dated the 1st July, 2013.MR/2836603GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9762T. G. TSAKIRIS (RULI),Director and Head of Administration.DT DOBIE & COMPANY (K) LIMITEDDISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODSNOTICE is issued in pursuance to the provisions of section 5 ofthe Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) to the owners of themotor vehicles mentioned below to take delivery of the said vehiclesfrom DT Dobie & Company (K) Limited, Lusaka Road, Nairobi,within ninety (90) days from the date of publication of this notice uponpayment of all accrued bills plus storage charges up to the date oftaking delivery and costs of advertising.Name Make Reg. NoSea SubmarineNissan Navara KBM 891UCommunicationsBosman Security Limited Nissan B140 KAZ 691SMaryln W. HenryMercedes Benz KAY 254SC200KDoric Industries Limited Nissan 1400 pick-up KAT 251NKephis Mombasa Nissan Terrano KAN 275UFailure to comply with the obligation to take delivery as stipulatedabove DT Dobie & Company (K) Limited, will sell the said motorvehicles (without further reference to the owners) either by publicauction or by private treaty. The proceeds of the sale shall be defrayedagainst all the accrued charges. The balance if, any shall remain to theowners credit, but should there be a shortfall the owners shall be liable.Dated the 27th April, 2013.MR/2836535WILSON MUSYOKA,Credit Manager.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9759OSERIAN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITEDCLOSURE OF PRIVATE AIRSTRIPTAKE NOTICE that Oserian Development Company Limitedintends to close airstrip known as Oseriangoni Airstrip located on L.R.No. 10999 between 26th July, 2013 to 2nd August, 2013 to facilitatemaintenance. During this period all aircraft will be prohibited fromusing this private airstrip except in cases of emergency.Dated the 1st July, 2013.MR/2836603GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9760T. G. TSAKIRIS (RULI),Director and Head of Administration.LAPIEVE LIMITEDCLOSURE OF PRIVATE ROADS AND FOOTPATHSTAKE NOTICE that La Pieve Limited intends to close all privateroads and footpaths running its estate on L.R. 7426/4/R, 7426/5 and7426 on Friday 26th July, 2013, between 12.00 a.m. and 11.59 andduring this period all vehicles and pedestrians will be prohibited fromusing this private roads and footpaths.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9763MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 300–00900, KiambuISSUE OF SHARE CERTIFICATEShare Certificate No. 6649 in the name of Solomon Mbugua Mbuuri.WHEREAS Solomon Mbugua Mbuuri is registered proprietor ofshare certificate No. 6649 Mboi-i-Kamiti Farmers Company Limited,and whereas sufficient evidence has been has been adduced to showthat the share certificate issued thereof has been lost, notice is giventhat after the expiry of thirty (30) days from the date hereof thecompany will issue a new share certificate shall be issued by the saidcompany to Solomon Mbugua Mbuuri.Dated the 10th July, 2013.VUSHA & ONSEMBEMR/2836201Advocates for Solomon Mbugua Mbuuri.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9764MADISON INSURANCE

3562THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013LOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. SMI456451 in the name of Kiunzu Japheth Chahanga, ofP.O. Box 95009, Mombasa.NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the abovepolicy documents has been submitted to the company and any personin possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interesttherein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registeredpost with the company, failing any such communication certifiedcopies of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contractswill be issued.Dated the 28th June, 2013.M. G. SABALA,MR/2728468 Head of Underwriting and Claims, Life Business.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9765MADISON INSURANCELOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. SMI454627 in the name of Karanja Christian CharlesKama, of P.O. Box 1000, Eldoret.NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the abovepolicy documents has been submitted to the company and any personin possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interesttherein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registeredpost with the company, failing any such communication certifiedcopies of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contractswill be issued.Dated the 28th June, 2013.M. G. SABALA,MR/2728468 Head of Underwriting and Claims, Life Business.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9766MADISON INSURANCELOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. LS3237537 in the name of Nzyuko Solomon Masaku, ofP.O. Box 30125, Nairobi.NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the abovepolicy documents has been submitted to the company and any personin possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interesttherein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registeredpost with the company, failing any such communication certifiedcopies of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contractswill be issued.M. G. SABALA,MR/2728275 Head of Underwriting and Claims, Life Business.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9767MADISON INSURANCELOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. LS3237800 in the name of Neema Subira, of P.O. Box30231–00100, Nairobi.NOTICE is given that evidence of loss or destruction of the abovepolicy documents has been submitted to the company and any personin possession of the policy documents or claiming to have interesttherein should be communicated within thirty days (30) by registeredpost with the company, failing any such communication certifiedcopies of the policies which shall be the sole evidence of the contractswill be issued.M. G. SABALA,MR/2728275 Head of Underwriting and Claims, Life Business.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9768THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30376–00100, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 171669 in the name of Anastasia Kanini Mutisya.REQUEST has been made to this company for the issue ofduplicate of the above-numbered policy, the original having beenreported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection islodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30)days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, whichwill be the sole evidence of the contract.Dated the 21st June, 2013.MR/2836539GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9769ALEX MWANGI,Life Department.THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30376–00100, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 194786 in the name of Christopher Kyalo Maundu.REQUEST has been made to this company for the issue ofduplicate of the above-numbered policy, the original having beenreported as lost or misplaced. Notice is given that unless objection islodged to the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30)days from the date of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, whichwill be the sole evidence of the contract.Dated the 18th June, 2013.MR/2836539GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9770ALEX MWANGI,Life Department.BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30375, NairobiLOSS OF POLICYPolicy No. 161–14223 in the name and on the life of Nancy Nguru.REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of theabove numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgedto the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shallbe used as the only valid documents by the company for all futuretransactions.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.MR/2836646GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9771J. K. MITEI,Underwriting Manager, LifeBRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED(Incorporated in <strong>Kenya</strong>)Head Office: P.O. Box 30375, NairobiLOSS OF POLICIESPolicy No. 161–22956 and 161–8348 in the name and on the life ofIsrael Nyamboga Omboga.REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of theabove numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodgedto the contrary at the office of the company within thirty (30) daysfrom the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shallbe used as the only valid documents by the company for all futuretransactions.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.MR/2836646GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9772CHANGE OF NAMEJ. K. MITEI,Underwriting Manager, LifeNOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 2nd July 2012, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 187, in Volume DI Folio 123/2421, File No.MMXIII, by me, Sofia Muthoni Swalehe, of P.O. Box 69541–00607,Kamiti in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Lucy Muthoni

12th July, 2013 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3563Josiah, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofmy former name Lucy Muthoni Josiah, and in lieu thereof assumedand adopted the name Sofia Muthoni Swalehe, for all purposes andauthorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describe andaddress me by my assumed name Sofia Muthoni Swalehe only.MR/1477955GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9773SOFIA MUTHONI SWALEHE,formerly known as Lucy Muthoni Josiah.CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 10th June, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa asPresentation No. 273, in Volume B-13, Folio 1023/5979, File No.1637, by our client, Ali Abubakar Mohamed, of P.O. Box 88824–80100, Mombasa in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as AliBakari Mohamed, formally and absolutely renounced and abandonedthe use of his former name Ali Bakari Mohamed, and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Ali Abubakar Mohamed, for allpurposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times todesignate, describe and address him by his assumed name AliAbubakar Mohamed only.MR/2728404GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9774MUTURI GAKUO & KIBARA,Advocates for Ali Abubakar Mohamed,formerly known as Ali Bakari Mohamed.CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 25th April, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 1873, in Volume D1 Folio 113/2181, File No.MMXIII, by our client, Njegu Alex Kinyua, of P.O. Box 64, Kagio inthe Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Alex Kinyua Wambui,formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hisformer name Alex Kinyua Wambui, and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted the name Njegu Alex Kinyua, for all purposes and authorizeand request all persons at all times to designate, describe and addresshim by his assumed name Njegu Alex Kinyua only.Dated the 1st July, 2013.MAGEE WA MAGEE & COMPANY,Advocates for Njegu Alex Kinyua,MR/2836042formerly known as Alex Kinyua Wambui.Diana Gathoni Kimani, formally and absolutely renounced andabandoned the use of her former name Diana Gathoni Kimani, and inlieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Diana Gathoni KimaniMucheru, for all purposes and authorize and request all persons at alltimes to designate, describe and address her by her assumed nameDiana Gathoni Kimani Mucheru only.Dated the 3rd July, 2013.KINYUA MURIITHI & COMPANY,Advocates for Diana Gathoni Kimani Mucheru,MR/2836029formerly known as Diana Gathoni Kimani.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9777CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 21st November, 2012,duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobias Presentation No. 1548, in Volume DI, Folio 15/336, File No.MMXIII, by me, Mohamed Hussein Mohammed, of P.O. Box 27370–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as HusseinNdagara Mohammed, formally and absolutely renounced andabandoned the use of my former name Hussein Ndagara Mohammed,and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Mohamed HusseinMohammed, for all purposes and authorize and request all persons atall times to designate, describe and address me by my assumed nameMohamed Hussein Mohammed only.MR/2836507GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9778MOHAMED HUSSEIN MOHAMMED,formerly known as Hussein Ndagara Mohammed.CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th February, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 722, in Volume DI, Folio 76/1627, File No. MMXIII,by my client, Moses Juma Allan, of P.O. Box 4908, Eldoret in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Musa Wanjala Wekesa,formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hisformer name Musa Wanjala Wekesa, and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted the name Moses Juma Allan, for all purposes and authorizeand request all persons at all times to designate, describe and addresshim by his assumed name Moses Juma Allan only.MR/2728492DENNIS NGAIRA OCHIENO,Advocate for Moses Juma Allan,formerly known as Musa Wanjala Wekesa.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9775CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 18th April, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 739, in Volume D1 Folio 77/1632, File No. MMXIII,by our client, Ida Chepkemoi Ramadhan Suleiman, of P.O. Box52228–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known asIda Chepkemoi Ruto, formally and absolutely renounced andabandoned the use of her former name Ida Chepkemoi Ruto, and inlieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Ida Chepkemoi RamadhanSuleiman, for all purposes and authorize and request all persons at alltimes to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name IdaChepkemoi Ramadhan Suleiman only.Dated the 27th June, 2013.NJUGI B. G. & COMPANY,Advocates for Ida Chepkemoi Ramadhan Suleiman,MR/27288371formerly known as Ida Chepkemoi Ruto.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9776CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th May, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 1688, in Volume D1 Folio 113/2183, File No.MMXIII, by our client, Diana Gathoni Kimani Mucheru, of P.O. Box18120–00100, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known asGAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9779CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 2nd May, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 3096, in Volume DI, Folio 99/1928, File No.MMXIII, by our client, Kiruri Wahome, of P.O. Box 105, Nyeri in theRepublic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Elijah Kiruri Wahome,formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hisformer name Elijah Kiruri Wahome, and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted the name Kiruri Wahome, for all purposes and authorize andrequest all persons at all times to designate, describe and address himby his assumed name Kiruri Wahome only.MR/2836617GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9780S. K. OPIYO & COMPANY,Advocates for Kiruri Wahome,formerly known as Elijah Kiruri Wahome.CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th February, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 1205, in Volume DI Folio 109/2107, File No.MMXIII, by our client, Joyce Maurine Njoki Mbugua, of P.O. Box6002–00300, Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as

3564THE KENYA GAZETTE 12th July, 2013Joyce Njoki Mbugua, formally and absolutely renounced andabandoned the use of her former name Joyce Njoki Mbugua, and inlieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Joyce Maurine NjokiMbugua, for all purposes and authorize and request all persons at alltimes to designate, describe and address her by her assumed nameJoyce Maurine Njoki Mbugua only.Dated the 26th June, 2013.GICHACHI & COMPANY,Advocates for Joyce Maurine Njoki Mbugua,MR/2836514formerly known as Joyce Njoki Mbugua.Marsabit in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Hussein AdiBulbule, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofhis former name Hussein Adi Bulbule, and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted the name Hussein Abdulahi Sugule, for all purposes andauthorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describeand address him by his assumed name Hussein Abdulahi Sugule only.Dated the 4th June, 2013.OGOLA OKELLO & COMPANY,Advocates for Hussein Abdulahi Sugule,R/2736017 formely known as Hussein Adi Bulbule.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9781CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th May, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 71, in Volume DI, Folio 122/2417, File No. MMXIII,by me, Bernard Muraya Wangetha, of P.O. Box 6932–00300, Nairobiin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Bernard KahuriaMathagu, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofmy former name Bernard Kahuria Mathagu, and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Bernard Muraya Wangetha, for allpurposes and authorize and request all persons at all times todesignate, describe and address me by my assumed name BernardMuraya Wangetha only.Dated the 4th July, 2013.MR/2836013BERNARD MURAYA WANGETHA,formerly known as Bernard Kahuria Mathagu.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9785CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 12th June, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 2192, in Volume D1 Folio 118/2347, File No.MMXIII, by our client, Catherine Njeri Chege, of P.O. Box 100856,Nairobi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Catherine NjeriNgugi, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofher former names Catherine Njeri Ngugi and in lieu thereof assumedand adopted the name Catherine Njeri Chege, for all purposes andauthorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describe andaddress her by her assumed name Catherine Njeri Chege only.Dated the 10th July, 2013.GICHUKI & MUCHOKI,Advocates for Catherine Njeri Chege,MR/2836226formerly known as Catherine Njeri Ngugi.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9782CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 29th March, 2012, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 2920, in Volume D1 Folio 104/2022, File No.MMXIII, by me, Julius Rading Outa, of P.O. Box 389–00200, Nairobiin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Mohammed OmarRading, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofmy former name Mohammed Omar Rading, and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Julius Rading Outa, for all purposesand authorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describeand address me by my assumed name Julius Rading Outa only.Dated the 29th May, 2013.JULIUS RADING OUTA,MR/2728212 formerly known as Mohammed Omar Rading.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9786CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th March, 2011, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 551, in Volume D1 Folio 117/2340, File No. MMXII,by our client, Naum Mokeira Sanganyi, of P.O. Box 36-40201, Gesusuin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Zita Naom Osoro,formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of herformer names Zita Naom Osoro, and in lieu thereof assumed andadopted the name Naum Mokeira Sanganyi, for all purposes andauthorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describeand address her by her assumed name Naum Mokeira Sanganyi only.MR/2728445OSORO OMWOYO & COMPANY,Advocates for Naum Mokeira Sanganyi,formerly known as Zita Naom Osoro.GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9783CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 18th April, 2013,duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobias Presentation No. 1459, in Volume D1, Folio 114/2189, File No.MMXIII, by our client Asma Rashid Hamed Al-Nadabi, of P.O. Box5955-80200, Malindi in the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known asAsma Rashid Mohamed, formally and absolutely renounced andabandoned the use of her former name Asma Rashid Mohamed, and inlieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Asma Rashid Hamed Al-Nadabi, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at alltimes to designate, describe and address her by her assumed nameAsma Rashid Hamed Al-Nadabi only.Dated the 15th April, 2013.J. JOROGE & COMPANY,Advocates for Asma Rashid Hamed Al-Nadabi,R/2836007 formely known as Asma Rashid MohamedGAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9784CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 20th May, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 123, in Volume D1, Folio 100/1945, File No.MMXIII, by our client Hussein Abdulahi Sugule, of P.O. Box 277,GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 9787CHANGE OF NAMENOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 30th April, 2013, dulyexecuted and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi asPresentation No. 2623, in Volume D1 Folio 2401, File No. MMXIII,by our client, Felix Gitau Kanyua, of P.O. Box 52920-00200, Nairobiin the Republic of <strong>Kenya</strong>, formerly known as Felix Gitau KanyuaRasugu, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use ofhis former names Felix Gitau Kanyua Rasugu and in lieu thereofassumed and adopted the name Felix Gitau Kanyua, for all purposesand authorize and request all persons at all times to designate, describeand address him by his assumed name Felix Gitau Kanyua only.Dated the 1st July, 2013.D.K. GITHINJI & COMPANY.,Advocates for Felix Gitau Kanyua,MR/2728495 formerly known as Felix Gitau Kanyua Rasugu.NOW ON SALETHE NATIONAL POVERTYERADICATION PLAN

Number Description Date Additonal detailsY-1838 Train Pipe Details (Sheet 2), 1-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1839 Train Pipe Details (Sheet 3), 2-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1840 Arrangement of Vacuum Train Pipe and Train Heating 2-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Pipe,Y-1841 Pipe Bracket, External Air Supply, 2-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1842 Train Pipe Details (Sheet 4) No date E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1843 Unions and Adaptors for Westinghouse fitted Engines, 4-1953 5; 4-6-0Y-1844 Brake Sanding and Control Schematic, 3-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1845 Bracket for Blower Valve, 7-1953 E.O. One Engine to be fitted thus for Trial; K-3; K-5;Engines fitted with Mark IV Steam Brake ValveY-1846 Brackets and Clips for Westinghouse fitted Engines, 4-1953 5; 4-6-0Y-1847 Connections for Brake, Sanding and Control Pipes, 4-1953 E.O. Gorton; E.M.2; 1950Y-1848 Alteration to Vacuum Pipe and Brackets, 7-1953 B-1; 4-6-0 Superseded by drawings Y-1937 and Y-1697 dated 22-11-57Y-1849 Additional Reservoirs, Westinghouse fitted Engines, 8-1953 5, 4-6-0Y-1850 Alteration to Steam Brake Exhaust Pipe, 8-1953 A-1; 4-6-2Y-1851 Train Pipe Details, 8-1953 5; 4-6-0Y-1855 Piston Rods, 11-1953 "F" 22" and 24" dia Vacuum Cylinder "C" and "F" 21"dia Vacuum CylinderY-1855 Piston Rods, 21", 22", 24", 27" and 30" dia Vacuum 1-1954 "F"Cylinders,Y-1856 Mark IV Steam Brake Valve, 12-1953Y-1857 General Arrangement of Vacuum Automatic Brake 12-1953 Engine and Tender with Mark V Steam Brake Valvewith Steam Brake,Y-1858 Steam Brake Valve Bracket, 1-1954 A-1, A-1/1, A-2, A-2/1, A-2/2, A-2/3; J-39; V-2 withSteam Brake; Q-7; 4-6-2; 0-6-0; 2-6-2; 0-8-0Y-1859 Steam Brake Connection Support, 2-1954 5; 4-6-0; Class 4,; 2-6-0Y-1868 Arrangement of Double Brake Block and Hanger, 9-1954 EM-1 This arrangement cancelled 29-5-56Y-1869 Platform Support and Brake Hanger Pins, 1-1955 Q-6; 0-8-0 Replaces drawing number 5068DY-1872 Arrangement and Details of Rubber between Engine 10-1955 A-4; 4-6-2and Tender (Non Corridor),Y-1876 Steam Brake Connection Bracket, 4-1955 4; 2-6-0Y-1877 Vacuum Control Pipe to Steam Brake Valve, 4-1955 B-1; 4-6-0Y-1878 Proposed Arrangement of Release Valve fitted to an 4-195518" Slipping Band Vacuum Cylinder (B.Rlys),Y-1879 Steam Brake Connection Support Bracket, 6-1955 5; 4-6-0 Supersedes drawing number Y-1859 forengines equipped with safety linksY-1879 Alteration to Blower Arrangement, 2-1955 A-3Y-1880 Alteration to Vacuum Train Pipe, 5-1955 D-49; 4-4-0Y-1881 Alteration to Trip Cock Gear, 6-1955 J-15, J-68, J-69; F-5; 0-6-0; 2-4-2TDoncaster Locomotive Works Drawing Office Records Last printed 23/11/09 Section Y-77



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