fort collins high school orchestras handbook 2009-2010

fort collins high school orchestras handbook 2009-2010

fort collins high school orchestras handbook 2009-2010


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Concert Dress for OrchestrasPart of the fun of performing in an orchestra, whether you admit it or not, is to dress up. These are the requirementsfor concert dress.Symphony Orchestra Concert DressLadiesx Ladies are to wear a standard, music department dress. Information on sizing and ordering these dresses will beavailable soon after <strong>school</strong> starts. Also make sure that you wear black shoes and nude stockings.Gentlemenx Gentlemen are to wear black tuxedos with black dress pants. Bow ties, socks and shoes are to be black as well. Itis also expected that Gentlemen wear a white dress shirt with wing tips.Concert Orchestra Concert Dressx Both ladies and gentlemen are to wear white tops and black bottoms. Black dress shoes and black socks are to beworn as well. All students are to wear gold cummerbunds which need to be purchased at the beginning of the<strong>school</strong> year.Sinfonietta Concert Dressx Both ladies and gentlemen are to wear white tops and black bottoms. Black dress shoes and black socks are to beworn as well. All gentlemen are to wear a dark tie.NOTE: Not to comply with the concert dress code will lead to loss of points for the performance.F C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

Grading Policy for OrchestrasThe final grade for each semester will be determined on a point system. Students will accrue points by accomplishingvarious activities from the following list:x ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION5 points will be earned daily for being on time and prepared. Points will be deducted if the student istardy or unprepared for class. Every absence results in 0 points for the day. A student can only make upexcused absences or tardies.x PERFORMINGPoints will be earned for participating in each concert.x PASSING OFF MUSICPoints will be earned for passing off music assigned by the director.x LISTENINGPoints will be earned for completing the assigned listening activities.x PORTFOLIOPoints will be earned for completing activities in the portfolio.NOTE: Every quarter/semester is different from the other in terms of the number of performances, pass-offs, listeningassignments, etc. It is the student’s responsibility throughout the semester to check their progress and attendance on thePinnacle Internet Viewer (PIV).F C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

PASS-OFF RUBRICStudents are expected to individually “pass-off” their music for the director. Pass-offs are musicalexcerpts taken from the literature or the musical exercises being learned. Students will work onthese in class but they are also expected to spend time on them at home in their personal practice.Each pass-off will be for a grade and that grade will be determined from the following rubric.50 – 46 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at thecorrect tempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with exceptional intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed exceptionally.45 – 41 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at thecorrect tempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with exceptional intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed exceptionally.x One or two bobbles are accepted.40 – 36 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at thecorrect tempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with exceptional intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed exceptionally.x Three or four bobbles are accepted.35 – 31 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at aslower tempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with good intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed well.30 – 26 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at aslower tempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with good intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed well.x One or two bobbles are accepted.25 – 21 pointsx Rhythms – Performed accurately with a metronome at a slowertempo.x Notes – Performed accurately with good intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings are performedwell.x Three or four bobbles are accepted.20 – 16 pointsx Rhythms – Performed inaccurately without a metronome.x Notes – Performed inaccurately and with bad intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings are performedvery little.15 – 11 pointsx Rhythms – Performed inaccurately without a metronome.x Notes – Performed inaccurately and with bad intonation.x Musicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings are performedvery little.x Three or four spots are played well.10 – 6 pointsxRhythms – Performed inaccurately without a metronome.xNotes – Performed inaccurately and with bad intonation.xMusicality – Dynamics, articulations and phrasings areperformed very little.xOne or two spots are played well.5 – 0 pointsx Do not play your exam if you think you could get this score.<strong>2009</strong>-<strong>2010</strong> FCHS MUSIC DEPARTMENT CALENDAR OF EVENTSAUGUST 24 th -25 th Mon-Tues Concert dress sizing and exchange, 3-4 PM. Monday – Girls / Tuesday – Boys.27 th Thursday Music Department Ice Cream Social, all music students and parents are invitedSEPTEMBER 8 th -11 th Tues-Fri String Auditions for All-State Orchestra and Western States Honor Orchestra29 th Tuesday Back to School Concert with Sym Strings, Sym Band and A Cappella Choir, 7:00 PMOCTOBER 2 nd Fri UNC Celebration of the Vocal Arts5 th -9 th Mon-Fri Winds and Percussion Auditions for All-State Orchestra10 th Saturday All State Choir Workshop, 9:00 Am to 12:00 PM13 th Tuesday All Choirs Concert, 7:00 PM9 th -16 th Fri-Fri Sinfonie Orchester der Musikschule Lüchow-Dannenberg visit14 th Wednesday Orchestra Concert with the Sinfonie Orchester der Musikschule Lüchow-DannenbergF C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

and the Symphony Orchestra20 th Tuesday Jazz Concert with all Jazz Choirs and Jazz Bands, 7:00 PM23 rd -24 th Fri-Sat All State Choir Auditions, Loveland High School29 th Thursday Band Concert with all BandsNOVEMBER 5 th -7 th Thurs-Sat UNC Western States Honor Orchestra, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley10 th Tuesday Chamber Concert11 th -13 th Wed-Fri CSU Honor Band Auditions20 th Friday Rocky Mountain Band Festival with Symphonic Band and Concert Band, Time TBA23 rd Monday Orchestra Concert with all Orchestras, 7:00 PMDECEMBER 1 st Tuesday Band Concert with Symphonic, Concert and Intermediate Bands, 7:00 PM1 st -4 th Tues-Fri All-State Band Auditions, Poudre High School, Date and Time TBA7 th -9 th Mon-Wed Musical Auditions, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM8 th Tuesday Holiday Gift for ______ with all Orchestras, Choirs and Jingle Brass. 7:00 PMJANUARY 7 th -9 th Thurs-Sat Northern Colorado Honor Band Festival19 th Tuesday Instrument Tryout Night/Concert, 6:30 PM21 st Thursday Pre-CMEA Concert, 7:00 PM28 th -30 th Thurs-Sat CMEA ConventionFEBRUARY 7 th -9 th Sun-Tues Colorado All-State Choir at Metro and the Colorado Convention Center11 th Thursday Middle School Choir Invitational with all Choirs, 7:00 PM11 th -13 th Thurs-Sat Colorado All-State Orchestra at Colorado State University18 th -20 th Thurs-Sat CSU Honor Band, University Center for the Arts22 nd Monday Pre-contest Band Concert with Symphonic Band and Concert Band, 7:00 PMMARCH 5 th Friday CBA Northern Regional Concert Band Festival, Fossil Ridge High School, Time TBA4 th -6 th Thurs-Sat Musical Performances, “_______________”, 7:00 PM11 th Thursday Orchestra Middle School Festival with all Orchestras, 7:00 PM30 th Tuesday Chamber Music Concert, 7:00 PMAPRIL 3 rd Saturday Rocky Mountain Chamber Music Festival at Rocky Mountain High School, All Day6 th Tuesday Pre-Contest Concert with all Orchestras, Choirs and Intermediate Band, 7:00 PM8 th -10 th Thurs-Sat Colorado All State Band at University of Northern Colorado12 th -16 th Mon-Fri CHSAA State Music Contest with all Orchestras and Choirs, Date & Time TBA16 th -17 th Fri-Sat Viola Day at FCHS19 th -20 th Mon-Tues CBA State Concert Band Festival, Griffin Concert Hall, CSU, Time TBA(This event potentially could be the 27 th -28 th )27 th Tuesday Jazz Concert with Jazz Choirs and Jazz Band, 7:00 PMMAY 11 th Tuesday Senior Recital, 7:00 PM17 th Monday End of the Year Concert with Concert Band, Intermediate Band, Sinfonietta, ConcertOrchestra, Men’s Choir, and Concert Choir, 7:00 PM18 th Tuesday Honor’s Concert with Sym Band, Sym Orch, A Cap, Women’s Choirs, 7:00 PM19 th Wednesday POPS in the Park Concert with all Orchestras, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Concert Choir,Tower Singers, Women’s Jazz and Big Band, 4:00 PM20 th Thursday Baccalaureate with a volunteer Orchestra and Choir, 7:00 PM22 nd Saturday Graduation with Sym Band, Concert Band, Concert Orch, Sym Orch, Men’s Choir, Women’sChoir and A CappellaLetter Points and AwardsOrchestra letters are given only to those students who prove themselves to be hardworking and dedicated to theirplaying/performing. When a student wears an orchestra letter, he/she has achieved an incredible task.Orchestra Letters are awarded through a two step process.STEP ONE - PREREQUISITES:This first step needs to be demonstrated every year. If a student wants to be awarded a letter and/or bars, he/she will:F C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

- Play all of the major scales from memory. Only two octaves are needed.- Demonstrate, from memory, the knowledge of every major key signature.- Submit a tape for All-State Orchestra and UNC Weekend For Strings.STEP TWO - POINT AQUISITION:The second step to acquire a letter/bars is to accumulate points throughout the year. With the first 150 points a letterwill be awarded. Then every additional 75 points a bar will be awarded. Points are awarded by doing the followingitems:- Membership in orchestra and chamber orchestra 10 pts each semester- All State Orchestra 30 pts- UNC Weekend for Strings 30 pts- Submitting an ASO/UNC audition tape but not making either orchestra 10 pts- State Music Contest superior rating 20 pts- State Music Contest excellent rating 15 pts- State Music Contest good rating 10 pts- Performing at the Colorado Music Educators Convention 20 pts- Solo and Ensemble superior rating 20 pts- Solo and Ensemble excellent rating 15 pts- Solo and Ensemble good rating 10 pts(add three points with a piano accompaniment)+ 3 pts- Performing concerts 5 pts each concert- Performing in other public venues 5 pts each concert- Extra-curricular organizations (Civic orch, etc) 15 pts- Concerts attended (with a program as proof) 2 pts each concert- Private lessons 10 pts each semester- Pep band 10 pts- Marching band 10 ptsStudents should keep good records throughout the <strong>school</strong> year. This can be accomplished by keeping up with the lettertally sheets that are in each students’ portfolio. For example, to receive points for attending a concert, students need tohave a copy of the program in their portfolios It is a good idea for students to keep the portfolio up to date throughoutthe year as concerts are performed, attended, etc.Awards and letters will be given out at the honors concert each year. This is a grand time for me to brag about the kindof quality students I have at FCHS. ☺Commitment FormWe have read, discussed and understood all of the FCHS Music/Orchestra’s policies. We arecommitted to follow the contents of this <strong>handbook</strong>. If a problem should arise and we cannot fulfill aresponsibility, then we will discuss the problem with Dr. Spieker or Ms. Elley, in advance if possible,and will accept any action that he/she may need to take.Student’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________Please Print Student’s Name: ________________________________________________F C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________________Please Print Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: ______________________________________Dad’s/Mom’s Home/Cell Phone: __________________ Work Phone: ___________________Dad’s/Mom’s Home/Cell Phone: __________________ Work Phone: ___________________(Circle the appropriate title(s)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOLUNTEERSEvery year there is a great need for parents to help with various activities in the music department.This can be accomplished by volunteering in the BOC Ensemble, a parent organization dedicated toenhancing the musical experience of FCHS students. If you would like to help the orchestra programthrough the BOC Ensemble, then please fill out the following information on this form and return italong with the commitment form. Thanks in advance for your help!Below is a list of some of the activities the BOC Ensemble is involved in. Please check all items thatyou feel you can help with.___ Organizing receptions which are held after some concerts___ Serving at receptions which are held after some concerts___ Chaperoning possible field trips___ Helping girls/boys with concert dressParent’s/Guardian’s Name: _______________________________________Child’s Name: _________________________________________________Home Phone Number ____________________; Work Phone Number ____________________E-mail Address __________________________F C H S O R C H E S T R A S“Where Excellence Is Expected”

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