Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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Pocket PC ResultsGraphChartMeters1 2 3Figure 2F-2: Test Results screens: (1) Bar Graph Recording, (2) Strip Chart Recording, and (3) Meters Recording2. Tap the arrow next to the Name box and choose the customer name whosetest results you want to view.— If no customer name was entered when the test was run, results arestored in the default customer (currently Default, ong>Snapong>-on FGA).3. Tap the arrow next to the Time box and choose the time of the test.4. Tap the arrow next to the Test Type box and choose the type of testcutpoints you want applied to the test results.✓ To print test results from the pocket PC, you must have an infraredprinter set up.✓ The scroll bars on the right and bottom of the Results grid on theBar Graph, Strip Chart and Meters screens allow you to seeadditional information. Scrolling down to end of the Time ID listusing the scroll bar at the right displays the average values and amessage.Notice in the Recording Test Results screens, an identifying letterfollows the AM or PM in the Time text box. See Figure 2F-2. Theseletters identify whether the recordings came from Meters, Strip Chartor Bar Graph recordings:M —Meters recordingC —Strip Chart recordingG —Bar Graph recordingThe Test Results screen displays the recorded data as well as genericcutpoint standards for comparison. For TSI and Idle Tests, cutpointstandards display in the Cutpoint column at the right of the screen(see Figure 2F-1); for meters, strip chart or bar graph recordings,cutpoint standards display in the Generic Standards table at thebottom of the screen. See Figure 2F-2.2F-2

Pocket PC ResultsChange StandardsCutpoints are based on vehicle year and standard test types listed inthe Test Type list. When you choose a test from the Test Type list box,you will see the obtained results compared to the cutpoints for the testtype you selected. The Test Type list box allows you to view cutpointsfor the Idle, Two Speed Idle, ASM2525, EPA IM240 and ASM 5015Tests.The Result column for Recordings displays either a P(ass) or F(ail) toindicate that the values at the particular time interval passed or failedthe generic standards for that test type.When viewing results from a TSI/Idle Test, values that display in greentype are passing values (when compared to the cutpoints) and valuesthat display in red type are failing values. These values havecorresponding cutpoints listed in the Cutpoint column.The Change Standards button at the lower end of the Results screensallows you to change the Year and Weight to be used for obtaining thestandards, as well as the Test Type.Pressing the Change Standards button displays the ChangeStandards screen.Figure 2F-3: Change Standards ScreenIn this screen the cutpoints are based on the Two Speed Idle Test,vehicle year 2002, and weight 3000. The TSI Idle and TSI High boxeslist the cutpoints for those settings. Press the Apply button to acceptthese standards and use them as the cutpoints for your test results.2F-3

Pocket PC ResultsGraphChartMeters1 2 3Figure 2F-2: Test Results screens: (1) Bar Graph Recording, (2) Strip Chart Recording, and (3) Meters Recording2. Tap the arrow next to the Name box and choose the customer name whosetest results you want to view.— If no customer name was entered when the test was run, results arestored in the default customer (currently Default, <str<strong>on</strong>g>Snap</str<strong>on</strong>g>-<strong>on</strong> FGA).3. Tap the arrow next to the Time box and choose the time of the test.4. Tap the arrow next to the Test Type box and choose the type of testcutpoints you want applied to the test results.✓ To print test results from the pocket PC, you must have an infraredprinter set up.✓ The scroll bars <strong>on</strong> the right and bottom of the Results grid <strong>on</strong> theBar Graph, Strip Chart and Meters screens allow you to seeadditi<strong>on</strong>al informati<strong>on</strong>. Scrolling down to end of the Time ID listusing the scroll bar at the right displays the average values and amessage.Notice in the Recording Test Results screens, an identifying letterfollows the AM or PM in the Time text box. See Figure 2F-2. Theseletters identify whether the recordings came from Meters, Strip Chartor Bar Graph recordings:M —Meters recordingC —Strip Chart recordingG —Bar Graph recordingThe Test Results screen displays the recorded data as well as genericcutpoint standards for comparis<strong>on</strong>. For TSI and Idle Tests, cutpointstandards display in the Cutpoint column at the right of the screen(see Figure 2F-1); for meters, strip chart or bar graph recordings,cutpoint standards display in the Generic Standards table at thebottom of the screen. See Figure 2F-2.2F-2

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