Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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A-2Appendix A

LIMITED WARRANTYTERMS AND CONDITIONSLimited Twelve (12) Month Warrantyong>Snapong>-on Tools Company LLC WARRANTS THAT UNDER NORMAL USE, CARE AND SERVICE, ORIGINALPARTS AND COMPONENTS OF THE UNIT SHALL BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIPFOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE BY THE ORIGINAL CONSUMER.Analyzer components, not subject to the twelve (12) month warranty include, all external Leads, Cables, Wires, GasAnalyzer Sample Probes and Hoses, Oxygen Cell and NOx Measurement Cell which are warranted for 90 days fromthe date of original purchase.All Filters and Gas Analyzer Filter Bowls and Calibration Gas if provided not warranted. Gas calibration and otherstandard user maintenance requirements are not warranted.Repair and/or replacement qualifying for this Warranty will be performed by the return of the defective unit orcomponent, freight prepaid to the EQUISERV SFGA SERVICE CENTER, 355 EXCHANGE AVE. CONWAY, AR72032 The repaired unit or component will be returned freight prepaid to the shipper of the defective unit orcomponent.Repair or replacement shall be at the election and expense of ong>Snapong>-on Diagnostics. Products must returned to theSFGA SERVICE CENTER for warranty service. Proof of purchase date is required and must be included to make awarranty claim.ong>Snapong>-on Diagnostics OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE LIMITED SOLELY TO THE REPAIR OR, ATSNAP-ON DIAGNOSTICS OPTION, REPLACEMENT OF PARTS OR COMPONENTS WHICH TO SNAP-ONDIAGNOSTICS SATISFACTION ARE DETERMINED TO BE DEFECTIVE AND WHICH ARE NECESSARY, INSNAP-ON DIAGNOSTICS JUDGEMENT, TO RETURN PURCHASER'S EQUIPMENT TO GOOD OPERATINGCONDITION.NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANYIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY ANDALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SNAP-ON DIAGNOSTICS SHALL NOT BELIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL COSTS OR DAMAGES INCURRED BY THEPURCHASER OR OTHERS (including without limitation, lost profits, revenues, anticipated sales, businessopportunities, goodwill or interruption of business and any other injury or damage) Some states do not allow theexclusion limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply toyou.This warranty does not cover (and charges for parts, labor and related expenses shall apply to) any damage to,malfunctioning, in-operability or improper operation of the gas analyzer caused by, resulting from or attributable to (A)abuse, misuse or tampering; (B) alteration, modification or adjustments to the equipment by other than themanufacture, (C) lack of maintenance or maintenance not performed as specified in the operators manual (D)improper or negligent use, application, operation, care, cleaning, storage or handling. (E) Fire, water, wind, lighting orother natural causes; (F) adverse environmental conditions, including without limitation excessive heat, moisture,corrosive elements or dust or other air contaminants; radio frequency interference; electric power failure; power linevoltages beyond those specified for the equipment; unusual physical, electrical or electro-magnetic stress; and/or anyother condition outside of ong>Snapong>-on Diagnostics environmental specifications; (G) use of the analyzer in combinationor connection with other equipment, attachments, supplies or consumables not manufactured, supplied by ong>Snapong>-onDiagnostics or approved by ong>Snapong>-on Diagnostics; or (H) failure to comply with any applicable federal, state or localregulation, requirement or specification governing emission analyzers and related supplies or consumables(including, without limitation, filters, measurement cells and calibration gases).This warranty is your exclusive remedy and is in place of all other rights and remedies. You may have other rights,which vary, from state to state or country.FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE CALL 1-800-225-5786Compaq iPAQ or Other Handheld ComputerIf the unit came with a Compaq iPAQ or other handheld computer, this unit and its accessories are warranted by thecomputer manufacturer. Register your unit and, if service is required, return it to the computer manufacturer followingtheir procedures and requirements.

A-2Appendix A

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