Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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PC Automatic TestsThe system warns you and the test restarts if:— Low flow is detected,or— Minimum dilution requirements are not metor— RPM values are outside the range for more than two consecutiveseconds (or the time set in Time Allowed Outside RPM Range) or atotal of ten seconds (or the number set in Total Time Allowed OutsideRPM Range).Pass/FailFGA allows a maximum of three restarts (or the number set in MaxRestarts). A fourth restart (or the number in Max Restarts+1) causes theTSI Test to abort.✓ Select the Tachometer button at any time to reconfigure thetachometer. The test then restarts.✓ Press the Abort button at any time to stop the test.When the TSI Test ends, FGA proceeds to test completion, discussed inTest Completed, page 3D-6.Test Completed13. When the TSI Simulation is complete, the Test Completed windowdisplays.Figure 3D-6: Test Completed Screen14. Remove the tachometer lead and sample probe from the vehicle.15. Press OK.3D-6

PC Automatic TestsTSI Results16. The TSI Results screen displays.Figure 3D-7: TSI Test Results ScreenYou may view the results of the current TSI Test as well as previous testslisted in the drop down list box of Available Tests.For information about viewing results from previous tests, see TestResults, page 3F-1.✓ You can specify whether or not to correct CO, HC and NO x using theSetup screen. Most states use corrected CO and HC during theirtests. Corrected values can be higher than actual values ifexcessive dilution exists. See Using Correction Factors (DCF andHCF) for Repair, page 5-4. If you are unsure, turn both off in Setup.✓ The Change Standards button on the lower right side of theTSI Test Results screen allows you to change the state to beused for obtaining the cutpoints. Pressing the ChangeStandards button displays the State Standards screen. SeeStandards, page 3G-14.17. Press the Print button to print the test results being viewed.✓ For information on setting up the TSI Test, see TSI Test Setup,page 3G-11.Special Test SequencesBAR97 requires special TSI test sequences for certain vehicles.1981-1986 Fords and 1984-1985 Honda PreludesAt the end of the standard 180 second preconditioning sequence, you should allowthe vehicle to return to idle and immediately turn the ignition key off. Leave the3D-7

PC Automatic TestsTSI Results16. The TSI Results screen displays.Figure 3D-7: TSI Test Results ScreenYou may view the results of the current TSI Test as well as previous testslisted in the drop down list box of Available Tests.For informati<strong>on</strong> about viewing results from previous tests, see TestResults, page 3F-1.✓ You can specify whether or not to correct CO, HC and NO x using theSetup screen. Most states use corrected CO and HC during theirtests. Corrected values can be higher than actual values ifexcessive diluti<strong>on</strong> exists. See Using Correcti<strong>on</strong> Factors (DCF andHCF) for Repair, page 5-4. If you are unsure, turn both off in Setup.✓ The Change Standards butt<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the lower right side of theTSI Test Results screen allows you to change the state to beused for obtaining the cutpoints. Pressing the ChangeStandards butt<strong>on</strong> displays the State Standards screen. SeeStandards, page 3G-14.17. Press the Print butt<strong>on</strong> to print the test results being viewed.✓ For informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> setting up the TSI Test, see TSI Test Setup,page 3G-11.Special Test SequencesBAR97 requires special TSI test sequences for certain vehicles.1981-1986 Fords and 1984-1985 H<strong>on</strong>da PreludesAt the end of the standard 180 sec<strong>on</strong>d prec<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ing sequence, you should allowthe vehicle to return to idle and immediately turn the igniti<strong>on</strong> key off. Leave the3D-7

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